#has both a mini rivalry with marlene
missryorinechan · 2 years
I feel so disconnected from everything right now, buuuuut I’ve been tagged by @thegreatobsesso and @northernrosewritings for some incorrect quotes! Fun, since my creations only live in my head rent free at the moment. Open tag for anyone who stumbles across this! Here’s the link to the generator I used!
zoomorphic wip!
Spyro: So are you two friends?
Lyra: Yes.
Reince: No.
Spyro, rushing into the room: It’s terrible, just terrible! I am so upset!
Lyra: Spyro, honey, sit down. Sweetheart, tell us all about it. Reince, would you get Spyro some water?
Reince: What is he gonna do with water? Has water ever made you feel better when you were upset? Have you ever heard anyone say, “Thank goodness for water!”?
Perpetua: looks at Spyro
Perpetua: Baby boy. Baby.
Perpetua: looks at Paprika
Perpetua: Evil.
Perpetua: Uh, I think I got your lunch. holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, Spyro’
Paprika: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. *holds up a note that reads: ‘Be good. For the love of all things holy. Please be good.
contemporary couples + their siblings
Marlene: Ah, hello again. We really need to stop meeting like this.
Tailor: Maybe we would, if you’d sTOP BREAKING INTO MY HOUSE!!!
Tailor: Marlene, is that my mug you’re drinking out of?
Marlene: No, it’s mine.
Tailor: It… looks just like the one I have…
Marlene: You don’t have one like this anymore.
Tabitha: Dacre, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason.
Dacre, wearing a hoodie 5 times bigger than his size: Spooky.
Dacre: You have an impressive pain tolerance.
Tabitha: Thanks, it’s the trauma.
Chiara: sharpens knife We’ve got ways of making people talk.
Chiara: cuts a piece of cake
Alistair: …Can I have some?
Chiara: Cake is for talkers.
Alistair: What’s that?
Chiara: Chocolate.
Alistair: What’s chocolate?
Chiara: Candy. Do they not have candy where you’re from?
Alistair: Yeah. Grapes, nuts.
Chiara: No wonder you’re so bitter.
Roscoe: on the phone Hey Valerie, do you know my blood type
Valerie: Of course, it’s B—
Roscoe: Oh, I guessed wrong. Excuse me, nurse—!
Roscoe: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it.
Roscoe: And I started thinking.
Roscoe: Like, it was just trying to get food.
Roscoe: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck?
Valerie: Are you okay?
Alistair: What’s up with Roscoe? He’s been laying on the floor for like…an hour now?
Bianca: He’s just a little overwhelmed.
Alistair: Why?
Bianca: Valerie smiled at him.
Alistair: Alright, which one of us is gonna check outside?
Roscoe: Not it!
Bianca: Not it!
Alistair: …Neither one if you are as dumb as you lead on to be.
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle.
Marlene, with Tailor and Chiara behind her: Wait. What do you mean THREE?!
Police: Yes…three.
Marlene: Oh my—what the hell?!
Police: Wha—
Marlene: Alistair FELL OFF!!
Marlene: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I weak or strong?
Tailor: Strong.
Chiara: Weak.
Alistair: An idiot, is what you are.
Dacre: falls down the stairs
Roscoe: Are you okay?
Tabitha: Stop falling down the stairs!
Valerie: How’d the ground taste?
Roscoe: Is stabbing someone immoral?
Valerie: Not if they consent to it.
Tabitha: Depends on who you’re stabbing.
Dacre: YES??!!?
Vivienne: agressively throws water bottles
Bianca: Uh…what’s up with her?
Soren: She’s trying to yell mental health and wellbeing into us.
Raymond, crying: It’s working.
Bianca: Soren, we’re hungry!
Raymond: Soren! What’s for dinner?
Vivienne: We’re hungry, Soren!
Soren, frying a bottle of ketchup over the stove: screams
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