#happy minghao day!
savventeen · 2 years
you glow pink in the night
pairing: non-idol!the8 x fem!reader rating: G wc: 1.7k prompt: none, i just wanted to post something for minghao's bday <3 summary: you and minghao are in a long-distance relationship, and minghao returns to his apartment after meeting you in person for the first time. he finds a surprise you left for him in his luggage warnings: none tags: fluff, just pure romantic fluff, long-distance relationship, Yearning™️, talks about kissing, they are so in love it's insane, love letters a/n: i wanted to break my angst streak and post something soft for minghao day. also, while it's not explicitly stated, i wrote this as the reader being a transwoman! if that bothers you in any way, please do not interact, thank you 💜 (this was originally a sapphic minjoon threadfic that i'd posted on twitter) a/n pt. 2: there are two theme songs for this fic — can't help falling in love cover by ingrid michaelson and pink in the night by mitski
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The apartment is quiet as Minghao enters.
First, there are the soft thumps of his sneakers when he toes them off in the entryway. Then, the jingle of keys as he drops them onto the countertop, the acrylic frog keychain you had gifted him clinking softly against the tile, followed by the low whirring of wheels across the wood floor as he drags his suitcase behind him to the bedroom.
The springs squeak as he flops face down onto his mattress with an exhausted grunt, and then — silence.
He's never been a huge fan of silence. Don't get him wrong, he loves the quiet — soft moments in nature or normally bustling parks.
But silence, pure silence, the kind that feels like it compounds in on itself until it feels like you're completely ensnared in it — it always leaves a little too much room for unwanted thoughts to flutter to the forefront of his consciousness, swirling and uncatchable like dust motes in the afternoon sunlight.
This particular silence echoes a little louder than usual, though. The absence is felt a little more keenly — the yearning leaning a little bit more towards unbearable than not.
He really should have expected this — a crash, one that would inevitably come after such an incredible high.
And oh, what a high it had been.
He had saved and managed and planned and saved some more until finally, finally, the stars had aligned, and he'd been able to take time off of work and school and book a flight to New York — to where the other half of his heart lives.
To you, his long-distance girlfriend of two years and the woman he planned to marry someday.
For an entire week, you'd gotten to live in each other’s pockets, gotten to never be more than an arm’s length away instead of thousands of miles. Gotten to be face-to-face, heart-to-heart, (lips-to-lips), instead of screen-to-screen.
It had been heaven.
And like all things, the good and the bad and everything in between, it had come to an end.
So here he lay, a fourteen-hour flight and an hour-and-a-half bus ride later, in a space devoid of the warmth of soft skin and high-pitched giggles that he'd just had the privilege of getting to hold in the palms of his hands.
His surroundings had so swiftly gone from hallowed to hollow, and he releases a shaky sigh into his pillow.
He doesn't want to sink any further into that line of thinking, so he rolls over and pulls his phone out of the pocket of his oversized hoodie, turning on his playlist full of swooping orchestral music and blasting it at full volume.
He tosses it beside him and goes to get up and start unpacking before realizing he almost forgot to do something important.
Snatching his phone back up, he holds it up above him as he's lying on the bed and turns on the front-facing camera.
Before he can overthink how tired he looks, hair falling all over the place and bags under his puffy eyes, he snaps a quick photo and sends it to you. He follows it up with a few quick texts letting you know he made it home.
to: y/n ❤️✨🌻
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made it back to my place in one piece (but just a little emptier) (my heart is still with you, my love)
The melancholic yearning starts to creep up his spine once more, and before the vines can root themselves too deeply, he flings himself up from the bedspread and starts making a mental checklist of all the things he needs to get done before he goes to sleep.
First on the list: unpack his suitcase.
He looks to where his mint green hardshell luggage sits innocently at the end of the bed and stares down one of the anthropomorphic bonsai stickers that cover it.
Pointing a faux-threatening finger at it, he states, "You're up, bubs."
He expects unpacking to take no longer than ten minutes — all he needs to do is fling his clothes into the dirty laundry pile in the corner of his room, tuck his accessories away in their respective places on the dresser and in the bathroom, and then carefully put the few books he took with him back on the bookshelf.
Easy peasy. Except, when he kneels on the floor and opens the suitcase, he's not sure how much time he loses just staring at the sight before him.
Instead of the chaotic pile he'd carelessly tossed in the night before his flight back, everything he'd brought with him sits folded and rolled neatly, perfectly in place.
What catches the breath in his lungs and causes his heart to tremble, though, is the large envelope that sits atop everything, addressed to him in an elegant, curling script and sealed with a kiss the exact shade of coral he knows is your favorite.
"Oh, y/n..."
And he could probably blame the way his eyes are already watering with tears on the exhaustion from travel, but he knows that's only part of it.
The real reason is that even now, after two years of loving and being loved by you, he still isn't used to how you're able to fill his heart more and more each day.
With a slightly trembling hand, he picks up the envelope and brings it up to his nose, catching a whiff of vanilla and something sugary sweet — your perfume — before clutching it to his chest for a moment.
"Jagi, you're too precious, please," he pleads to the air, not sure what to do with the affection swelling up inside his chest like a helium balloon.
For a few moments, he lets himself bask in the glow of the feeling blossoming between his ribs — one that's always blossoming when it comes to you, over and over with new and more beautiful blooms.
He takes a deep breath in and releases it, slow.
Minghao tries to open the envelope as carefully as he can, but he has to stop and run to the kitchen for a pair of scissors so he can open it without tearing anything.
But soon enough, he's back in front of his suitcase with a beautifully hand-written letter in his grasp, and he dives head-over-heels into the elegant script.
My dearest Minghao, My love, my hope, my heart — this last week has been one of the happiest of my entire life. Never before have I felt so wholly myself, and never have I ever felt so wholly loved. Minghao, my beautiful moon, I feel so blessed that I got to bask in your light — that I got to see those wonderful little craters you call dimples up close and personal, that I got to press kiss after kiss onto them in the hopes that one day I might come close to filling them. Hopefully, someday soon, I can try again. Ever since I got to know you, you've been such an inspiration to me, in so many wonderful ways. One of the best (and sometimes worst) things I've learned from you is how to be present in each moment — how to let myself feel every joy and every pain, and to hold on to the things that matter. Not by force, but by faith — faith that the good things will keep coming back, and that they are worth putting into things other than just our memories. And so that's what I tried to do this last wonderful, unforgettable week: capture the memories in something besides my full-to-bursting heart. And because all I have will always be yours, these little pieces of me — of us — are yours as well. I hope they bring a little bit of relief to what I know will be a hard separation for both of us. Just know that someday we will get to hold each other again, and the next time I have you in my arms, I'm never letting go. I love you, Xu Minghao. More than any words could ever express. But since words are all I have, I will never cease to give them to you. I love you. As surely as the waves kiss the shore, I love you, I love you, I love you. Yours, always and forever, y/n
It takes Minghao a while to get to the end of the letter, only because he has to keep stopping to wipe the tears from his eyes.
And then he has to put off unpacking for another fifteen minutes because his heart is just so full — the blooms in his chest threatening to burst out past his ribcage, growing and growing and making him feel like you captured the sun and tucked it away just behind his sternum.
And the feeling only grows as he starts to unpack and finds dozens of slips of paper tucked into and between all his belongings — scrap paper and napkins and even the backs of a few receipts all falling victim to your elegant hand.
I can't believe you're here. We held hands for the first time today, and I can't stop thinking about how your fingers tangled so perfectly with mine.
You smile at me, and I feel like my heart has melted and pooled in the center of my chest.
The barista made a teddy bear in your latte, and it made you so happy I wanted to lasso the universe if only to give you the stars.
Minghao, light of my life, you are so brilliant. Buy my god, you can be stupid. (I love it though. And you. So much. Don't ever change.)
I watched you bite your lip, and I have never been so desperate to kiss someone. To be kissed by someone. To be kissed by you. Kiss me, Minghao. Kiss me, and don't ever stop kissing me. Kiss me until the world has ended and we've returned to stardust. Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me.
And like a river flows, surely to the sea, Minghao knows with every fiber of his being, that some things — the moon, the stars, you and him, together — some things are meant to be.
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haoboutyou · 7 months
11:55pm | xu minghao
fluff | 300-ish words | no warnings
an: hbd hao <3
the light sound of giggles hang around the living room. it’s chillier now, with late autumn breeze gradually making way for crisp winter air. glasses of wine half filled in one hand, your other intertwined with each other’s as your head falls back in laughter.
the floor is uncomfortable, sure, but you wouldn’t change this position for the world. you’re both squeezed in the space between the coffee table and the sofa. wrappers scattered across the floor, a small cake sitting prettily on the coffee table barely touched. minghao’s grip on yours tightens as he pulls you closer. he mumbles something about the weather turning colder, how you should start layering more, as he pulls you into his lap.
your cheeks flush as red as the strawberries on the cake in front of you, but you’re still sober enough to chide him on how he forgot to wear his scarf out earlier today. your laughter dies down after a while, enveloping you in comfortable silence. you rest your head on minghao’s chest, letting his steady heartbeat guide your own.
he flashes you a gentle smile when you look back up at him. your eyes form crescent moons, brimming with affection as you place a tender kiss on his chest, right over his heart.
“happy birthday, hao.”
he chuckles right as the clock chimes midnight. tilting your head back towards him, minghao presses a chaste kiss on your lips. you can still taste the sweet frosting on his tongue.
“happy birthday to you too, my love.”
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mangocustard16 · 7 months
Happy Birthday Xu Minghao 生日快乐 徐明浩
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kyeomstars · 1 year
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Junhao on the 8 of jun
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little-svt · 1 year
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Wc: 1.5k+
Taglist: @pastel-princess-please @kiki-woo @fishsquishh
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My I
“Come, Bāobèi.”, Minghao held out his hand this time, patiently (with all of his willpower) waiting for you to get tired of petting some poor woman’s fluff of a dog so the two of you could continue the task at hand.
The two of you were on your way to the bakery, taking a more scenic route through the neighborhood to admire the beauty of such a perfect day. Minghao was on the fence about his decision, but he had to admit your tendency to get distracted by anything small, cute or fluffy was beautiful in itself.
What was at the bakery? Something special for a very special day. It took forever for you and Minghao to agree on the perfect cake for Wen Junhui. Nothing would ever be good enough for you when it came to your Daddy. It was just a few days earlier when you were there last, bickering with your Bàba about flavors and colors.
“I’m very sorry.”, Minghao had said as he bowed to the employees who would soon be victim to a little outburst if the two of you didn’t find a compromise soon.
“Why can’t it be pink, like me??”
“Bāobèi, you’re not pink. And Jun Ge doesn’t like pink as much as you do, does he?”
Choosing a color was somehow much harder than choosing the flavor, the both of you immediately agreeing on lemon for your lemon-loving-catboy (at least that’s how Minghao would tell it). Jun had never been very adamant about his favorite color. Colors were swell and all, but usually, he just stuck with black and white. But while Minghao thought the combination was classy, artistic, maybe perfect, you wouldn’t stand for the lack of color.
“That’s true…”, you frowned, crossing your arms in front of you.
“How about we have a snack, hmm? Everything looks really tasty, doesn’t it?”
It had been thirty minutes easily, and Hao was worried the two of you would never get out of there. And even worse, he was worried you would get overwhelmed and have a tantrum right there.
“Look Bàba!! The pudding is a kitty just like Daddy!!”, you turned to the glass, pointing at the cute little dessert with shiny brown eyes and creamy looking texture.
“We’ll take one of those and if you have any cake samples.”, he nodded to the bakery clerk with a tight smile before breathing out in a silent sigh.
Between spoonfuls of custardy pudding, Minghao fed you nibbles of the cake sample platter, still trying to keep at the task at hand.
“What did you think of that one, Bāobèi?? I think Jun Ge would like the chocolate.”
“Bàba would like the chocolate.”, with a giggle, you shook your head and rolled your eyes playfully before reaching for a pretty slice of thin, yellow cake.
Sitting back in his seat, Minghao let you feed yourself, glancing over at the display cakes. Neither of you had really settled on a design either.
“Bàba! It’s lemon!!”, you squeal, kicking your feet happily. You didn’t love lemon. But your Daddy did. He was infamous for his lemon jellies and eating lemons as a party trick.
“It’s good, huh? Should I try some?”
“Yes, yes. It’s perfect for Daddy!”, you insist, lifting your spoon to his lips with a nicely sized scooped piece of lemon cake.
Letting it melt in his mouth slowly in thought, he pressed his lips together firmly after swallowing, having made up his mind.
“Jun Ge would like the chocolate better.”
“No, Bàba like the chocolate better!”, you huffed, standing and walking around the table so you could dig through Minghao’s bag, grumbling under your breath.
“What are you up to now, kiddo.”, he smiled, propping his chin on his hand.
“Calling Daddy.”
Hopping back up on your chair, you tapped on your Daddy’s photo, a call screen soon popping up.
“Should we be bothering Daddy while he’s at work?”, Minghao raised his eyebrow, but his competitive streak kept him still, allowing you to make the call.
“Hello, what is it?”, Jun answered the phone seeming a little surprised to receive a call from Minghao while he was on set.
“Daddy, Bàba is being silly again. What’s your favorite candy??”, you narrowed your eyes and the man smirking at you confidently across the table.
“Yep, I’m silly.”, Minghao grinned to himself, imagining Jun’s response in his head.
“Hmm… what a question. Easy. Lemon Jellies. How is he being silly, baby?”, Jun chuckled, only interrupting your call for a moment to tell someone on the other end that he would be only another few minutes.
“HAH!! Told you, Bàba! Daddy, tell Bàba.”, you beamed triumphantly, handing the phone across the table, and grabbing your spoon to finish off your dessert.
That settled it. It was Hao’s turn to be grumpy. Though, he wasn’t too bummed. The best part was teasing you, after all. The colors seemed to follow quickly after you’d decided on the flavor. White with a lemony yellow trim and “It’s Jun Day” lettering along with green leaf accents went perfectly with the lemon flavor.
It was finally the big day and no one at the bakery could say they were disappointed to see you go, not having to deal with the two of you again until your next celebration. You held onto the cake for dear life, insisting you take responsibility for it, afraid your Bàba would drop it as if you weren’t the clutz of the two of you.
“Are you sure, Bāobèi?”, Minghao winced, reluctantly releasing the box into your arms. But there was no saying ‘no’ to his little one. Unfortunately, both he and Jun spoiled you a little too much to turn back now.
“I got it! I wanna keep it safe for Daddy…”, you pointed, your puppy dog eyes always doing the trick.
Sighing out his nose, he opened the door for you, eyes shifting rapidly between your arms and feet, ready to support both you and the cake at any second if he had to. Despite his paranoia, the three of you (cake included) made it home safely, Minghao scoping the scene to make sure Jun hadn’t made it home yet.
After setting the cake on the counter, he turned to you and kissed your forehead with his upturned lips, “Well done, sweet pea. Are you ready to decorate? Junnie will be home soon.”
“Can I hab another kissie??”, you stood up on your toes, just to make it a little easier for him to press his lips to your head again with an airy giggle.
Quickly, the two of you got to work, digging out your hidden party supplies and gifts. A banner here, some ribbon there and a well written card from the two of you were set out with the cake and Minghao got to work on Dinner which could cook on its own in the oven until after Jun arrived.
“Bāobèi, it’s time.”
You had to hold your breath and keep yourself from bouncing around excitedly and squealing when the door handle turned. And even more so when the door opened, the man of the day shutting it behind him as he came inside.
“Wahh….”, Jun grinned, popping off his shoes at the door and stepping toward the colorful display set out for him, “I thought you guys might be planning something.”
As he got closer, you and Minghao began singing happy birthday, setting the pleasant scene for him with all of your love. With shining eyes, he admired the decorations, easily picking out which ones were chosen by you. Your tastes were sweeter, cuter, while Minghao liked things simple or abstract, artistic, organized chaos was all that was allowed.
“Yayyy! Happy Birthday! You’re old now, Daddy!!”, you giggled, crashing into his arms. Warm arms squeezed tightly around you as he exhaled, giving you all of his appreciation in return. He’d had what felt like a million parties in his life but none of them would ever compare to something sweet and simple, planned by the two people he loved the most.
Minghao snorted quietly at the comment, putting his arms around the both of you and squeezing as tight as his recovering collar bone would let him.
“Thank you, guys. Is this my lemon cake?”, Jun peeked over your head.
“Hey!! How’d you know??”, you frowned, blinking up at him with pouty eyes.
“Daddies always know.”, he whispered, pressing his finger to his lips while glancing with smiling eyes toward Minghao.
It wasn’t as if you’d been cryptic when you called him, arguing with your Bàba over Jun’s favorite flavors.
“What’s that smell??”, Jun’s eyebrows suddenly shot straight up, his mouth watering as he sniffed the savory scent filling the air.
“Something I think you’ll like.”, Minghao snickered, pulling himself from you two with one last kiss to Jun’s cheek, then to your temple.
“You two spoil me.”, he smiled softly, resting his head against yours as you turned around in his arms to face the kitchen.
It wasn’t much. But quiet, simple and sweet was the perfect combination of three flavors and three loves.
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🧸Endnote: Guys I know I’ve been talking about Seungkwan and I promise I have been working on it when I have the time and energy but you know I had to whip something up for my special boy (and my other special boy) JunHao 🥹 and idc if you like it because I wrote it for me okay ㅠ ㅠ there really aren’t enough words in the dictionary to describe how I feel about Wen Junhui. He my husband, my parasocial support boy idc ㅠ ㅠ no one will ever replace him in my heart I would die for this man. Okay anyways… I’ll shut up now. For your sake because I could talk about him to no end 🥹💖💖 Happy Birthday my love ~ 🐶🐰🍓
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mo-notmoe · 1 year
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Happy Happy Carat day!! So glad i slipped into the diamond life!!
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cheollie-cherry · 4 months
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bitterlywoo · 7 months
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I missed Hao's birthday, but there's two November bbs, so here's a two in one lmao
Happy birthday to (what I like to call) the artistic duo: god of art and god of music woooooo **\(^_^)/**
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yenluv · 2 years
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happy minghao day !!
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woozi · 2 years
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@xuseokgyu​, my wife who i never want to lose, happy birthday. 💛💙🧡
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chogiwapadada · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Minghao
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junkissed · 2 months
guys do i post too much am i annoying 🤒
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imperfectbutterfly26 · 4 months
Dear SEVENTEEN, you're the piece of happiness I look forward to everyday. 💗
Being a CARAT made my world a lot brighter & made me discover new colors that makes life so beautiful 💗💙
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kyeomstars · 7 months
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Happy birthday minghao!!
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shytofu · 7 months
𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦8 𝘥𝘢𝘺!!
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𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘩𝘢𝘰, 𝘸𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶!!
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wonusshi · 2 years
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  🐸  귀여운 개구리 HAPPY THE8 DAY ʾʾ  ۫  ♥︎
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