#happy earth day and eclipse month lol
hi my little sprout, you did such a good job today! you always make buba so so proud! i cherish you dewdrop and will always be here, rain or shine to care for and look after you!
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fnaffersblog · 10 months
Eyyyy Spoilers for 'Moon Says GOODBYE in VRCHAT'
Trigger Warnings Below Cut for: Cursing
(This is a bit old at this point, but eh. Curse of loving a show that airs daily, yeah?)
Also, beep beep, ty to everyone for your nice comments and stuff in the tags, I see them and I appreciate them. I love that everyone loves this show. It's fun to do these little deep dive reaction posts. :)
This was kind of what I was talking about in the last post. Sun does not have the confidence to ask for what he NEEDS. He knows what he needs. He needs Moon to STAY right now. He's pulling every excuse out in the book. He's trying to frame it as 'Maybe Moon doesn't really want to go.' which isn't going to work because yes Moon does. He's trying to frame it as 'Maybe Eclipse isn't really a problem' which isn't true. He's talking about the length of time. Framing it as being "A month of not being in your life."
Sun kind of DOES touch on the issue, mentioning that he'll be alone, which had to be INCREDIBLY difficult, just that one word, you know? Because even one word opens up the possibility of the question 'Are you okay?' and then the horses are out, you know?
He's desperate at this point to get Moon to stay here, dropping every explanation he can to try and convince Moon to stay but the only thing that's going to get Moon to stay is him saying, 'Moon I Need You To Stay Right Now'
At this point I don't think Moon COULD put off going and getting the stuff for the satellite. He's right too. They don't know what Eclipse is up too and his disappearance is MUCH more concerning than if he was around being a nuisance. They also probably run the risk of being found out if they wait too long. They also now have Jigsaw locked up in the arcade (which, aren't there like, customers? How... why... there's... anyways)
But I'm sure if Sun SAID something, Moon would take a moment and re think it, maybe try and plan a way, bring him with or set up a method of communication. Time dilation or otherwise.
It does sounds a little bit like Moon is using this as a break which is something I did touch upon before, that Moon and Earth can't be constantly holding Sun up or they're going to get exhausted themselves. Something that may inadvertently affect Sun if they take said exhaustion out on him. Which happened last episode so that's a very likely possibility.
I am glad he's taking a break. They need it. This is just really BAD timing. It's nobody's fault. It just sucks.
"Gregory is a kid" OnLy WHen It'S coNveNieNT
"That the computer doesn't have ANY input on." "Damn it."
"Maybe FLUFFY dinosaurs?" That's not any better! Lol
There was a very fun, long ass section here about Moon and Sun that devolved into several pages of discussion melding and expanding upon stuff people have said to me and stuff I’ve said already.
So I took it out. I’m hammering away at it slowly for it’s own post. Ppppphhhbt.
Ah 4-5 days NOT 45 days. I was confused at first I thought Moon's VA was taking a month off not a week.
Nope. Never mind. Moon hasn't changed at all. Still a dick. Reset didn't change anything. /j
He's such a gremlin. It would be funnier if Sun didn't sound on the verge of crying.
"I'm about to beat you to death with this thing. I'm actually happy you're leaving now." Lol. Siblings.
Cool. That's good. So Sun will still be able to contact Moon if he needs.
"Shall I read you your last rights?" "I hate you." Ahhh, AI1. ALWAYS a pleasure.
"He'll be fine for a week." Are you sure? Again. He's just... sitting in a public space in a giant arcade room in a pizzaplex made to entertain families. I think, if he were to threaten to tear a child's limbs out slowly, there'd be problems.
Good Eclipse! Good to see him!
Damn Eclipse, you keep ur daycare like this? Barrels all over the place? Clean up not a thing in this dimension? (lol)
I never actually watched the episodes with the british gator. Is this Lord Monty?
Oh no he's as bad
Oh no
Folks I have found a character on the Sun and Moon show I dislike
Eclipses IMMEDIATE regret at the accent My brother in SaMs YOU DO THE GATORS VOICE
I love this it's so funny im crying
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hearthandheathenry · 19 days
so I’m not sure if this is a sort of ask you’d be able to help with.
I’m very much a believer in mundane before magic. Things like do I have a headache from the lights or is the energy bad in a room? yknow
Anyway- in my head I know it’s silly, and that it’s just my hormones from being on my period- but a part of me thinks that’s it a bit of an interesting coincidence that the peak of my period was on the solar eclipse. This month I’m a few weeks off than regular and it sucked wayyy worse than usual. I was running hot all day and the eclipse was awesome but at night I had a bad fever. I was feeling my emotions worse than normal.
And- again here’s the part that I doubt the most/ think it’s probably just my brain making it up- I cannot for the life of me stop dreaming and daydreaming and thinking about this person I’ve not seen before. Now I’m no stranger to dabbling in more casual manifestation and attraction of friends and good opportunities. I’ve prayed to different gods or left offerings while asking for a friend or someone who could be a partner. The god I’ve been recently making offerings for and researching is a lesser known one from antiquity. Very much fertility and weather- I wonder if now my periods will just be worse since starting my worship lol.
In the back of my head I sorta wanted to do something on the eclipse anyway. It’s not a specific person, but I can’t stop thinking about this gorgeous person. It started when my period started but it’s continued after it. Again this is where I doubt the most since duh I just keep thinking about my ideal guy etc, but, I also had some weird dreams, a lot of imagery of Set from kemetism and birds and this person all jumbled together. Plus while out and about I saw a lot more Egyptian imagery and birds and romantic symbols and shit. It’s just in the very back of my head that I’m thinking maybe my past manifesting/spell work efforts are gonna pay off. Or maybe even someone is doing something and attracting an energy and I happen to be more sensitive to it. Idk just weird coincidences that have been irking me.
Sorry if this ended up being a weird ramble but I really wanted to write out how I was feeling and thought fuck it might as well send in an ask since I never really have much to say.
feel free to not respond if u don’t wanna 👍
also props to ur blog it’s very informative much luv :)
I didn't realize I received an ask, so sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience! I'm always happy to chat or give my 2 cents about anything!
First, I absolutely believe the eclipse can affect your period, so no worries there and it's not crazy or anything. Our menstrual cycles are based on the lunar calendar, every 28 days or so (some are just slightly longer or shorter, but the average is 28 days) and if the moon can affect the tides so completely, it absolutely can affect us humans who are 1 made up of a bunch of water ourselves and 2 are also energetic beings that can be sensitive to magnetic changes like any other being. There's some really cool research videos from NASA showing the magnetic fields around earth moving with the eclipse, feel free to check them out! Everything around us, especially large things with massive energy like the sun or moon, can absolutely affect our bodies! I'm not sure if you were in the path of the eclipse at all, but I'm in northern Illinois and we were at about 93% totality by me and even with that, you could absolutely feel it whether you were inside or not. My husband, child, and I all got huge bursts of energy and it was very overwhelming. My husband described it as an anxious feeling as he's not yet super in touch with his bodily feelings and energy and didn't enjoy the experience, but I could tell for me it felt very neutral but overwhelming, so I leaned into it and used to get excited and get things done. It was again though, very overwhelming, which is why a lot of people don't enjoy eclipses or claim they're chaotic energy. A huge burst of energy will always feel weird! Everyone around us and anyone who we spoke to absolutely felt the same. SO, in conclusion, absolutely could your menstrual cycle be affected.
Now, in regards to the imagery you've been experiencing and you looking into kemetism, I did a little digging myself since I'm not super familiar with kemetism and I found some pretty interesting things! I started off researching the God Set(Seth) since you mentioned him, and noticed the egyptianmuseum.org had mentionrd him being associated with eclipses, not just storms and such, but even more than that he had a long-standing tiff with the God Horus the Younger who ultimately bested him and took over his late-fathers throne. Horus the Younger was represented by a falcon and associated with healing, protection, the sun, and the sky. I'm not sure if this is the God you were making offerings to, but perhaps he is the one answering your calling and you are getting glimpses into a little about him and his journey to steer you towards recognizing who is answering you. They do say that if we focus on something we want, we begin to see it everywhere, even if we don't want to, but also many spiritual people who reach out to their Gods and Goddesses report seeing representstions and messages from them before they realize who is trying to communicate with them. So, perhaps Horus the Younger is the one trying to make contact with you. Or, if you've been manifesting a good partner for yourself, perhaps the man you've been seeing is closely tied with Horus or perhaps follows him spiritually. Or maybe he even just embodies the good characteristics of the God and your brain is choosing to represent him in this imagery. There's a lot of "what ifs" from an outside perspective, and only you will know what rings true to you and your situation. Hopefully some of my ideas and such will spark some clarity on your situation and you will figure out what messages you're receiving from the universe to continue on the path you want to lead. I definitely implore you to open your heart to the messages and synchronicities that appear to you in your life, as our guides are always walking along side us in our journey and the universe whole heartedly supports you in every decision you make. Not everything is a sign, but if it feels like it is, then it probably is. Learn to trust your gut and lead with instinct and be open to the energy around you, and just use your brain to keep you in check from becoming too far gone so that you can still be safe within your reality, instead of held back by anxiety or worry about simply being weird.
On another side note, just with the period and everything, I personally implore you to also maybe use this as a sign to learn more about your menstrual cycle if you've been working with fertility gods and your cycle was suddenly changed by the eclipse! There is so much us women aren't taught and we usually find out ourselves as adults doing research. Understanding the phases of our cycle, what's going on in our body and with our hormones, etc are all things that can lead us to better health, better periods, and a better understanding of ourselves biologically AND spiritually (you'd be amazed at how much power a woman holds thanks to her cycle). There's also so many cool unexplainable things that happen in regards to a woman's body and our ability to create! Did you know at the moment of conception when a sperm meets an egg that there's a flash of light scientists can't explain? Did you know that breastmilk is so complex and tailored to each baby and feeding that we can't reproduce it in a lab? Did you know that your energy levels directly follow your menstrual cycle and affect everything you do from weightlifting or exercise to needing to eat more or less to needing more or less sleep? Theres so much knowledge we've lost that women are now reclaiming and teaching and I love every part of it. I think every woman (and man tbh) should go on a journey of learning about their own fertility cycles and such.
Hopefully this was at least a little bit helpful for you! Best of luck on your journey!
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blacksunscorpio · 3 years
November Astro Forecast
Happy Scorpio Season, Stargazers!
The Sun is now living in Plutonic domain and very soon, All Hallows Eve will be upon us, ushering in November- our very own eclipse season. Needless to say, this will likely be a sort of “quantum leap” for us here on earth. Eclipses are always “turning point” periods. Periods where your higher consciousness gets a spartan kick from the universe. 
So here’s a glimpse at what we can expect coming our way this month:
November 1st&2nd- Venus Crosses the Galactic Center. 
The center of our universe sits between the constellations of Sagittarius and Scorpius, where the Milky Way appears brightest. 27 degrees Sagittarius to be exact. With Venus, planet of love crossing this part of our galaxy, It’s energy will be activated.  What you might notice a new sense of boldness in love. New love might come your way or your sense of worth might be rejuvenated. Heart Chakra might open up and heal or a bold declaration of love might soften even the coldest of us signs [You know who you are].
November 2nd- Mercury exits Shadow Period
It’s safe. You can come out now, your ex has probably gotten their wits about them and won’t message you anymore... at least until the next retrograde, lol. That and communication/electronics/travel etc. will likely be working on all cylinders. Mental faculties will be at 100 again which means any miscommunications or misunderstandings you might’ve been dealing with during the Rx period will be resolved.
November 4th- Super New Moon in Scorpio
Self-care. Sleep. Meditation. New moons are always a period of time where we have a clean slate. It’s time to set your intentions. Start manifesting. And with this moon being in the enigmatic sign of Scorpio, you’ll be getting a double whammy of intense Plutonic energy. It’s time for complete transformation. You’ll likely be feeling like you want to protect your energy. Do some introspection. Pay attention to your dreams as it’s not just Neptune that rules this area. Pluto also deals with the subconscious and the Moon [unconscious/sleep/hidden] being in this sign, you might get some important messages coming through. Prophetic ones.
November 5th- Venus Enters Capricorn
Venus slides into the earthy and distinguished sign of Capricorn. However, unlike Venus’ typical 20 days stint in a sign, it will actually remain in Capricorn for an uncommonly strange amount of time. This is due to it’s upcoming retrograde on the 19th of December. Now, whenever a celestial body remains in a sign for an elongated amount of time, it is the Universe’s not so chill way of letting us know that it’s an imperative time to work on the sign’s energy individually and collectively. The issues unearthed will be relating to our personal relationships, money, and love. In addition, since Saturn’s energy is on this hot planet, on a global level, we’ll see issues surrounding government, banks, and health. Responsibility will also be a key theme. We’ll be forced to reckon with how much we are or are not taking in the aforementioned areas. Others may also be forced to reckon with how much responsibility they are taking with you. Stay alert between now and December 19 to what you experience, because once Venus enters retrograde these are the lessons/issues you’ll be commissioned by the universe to sort out.
November 11th- Jupiter Moon Conjunction
On 11/11 a portal will open. If any of you subscribe to numerology, you all know 1111 is a very powerful number. It’s all about alignment. Good humor/moods will abound. Great time to host a party. With the Moon in Aquarius making a 4 degree applying conjunction to Jupiter, luck is also intensified here. Abundance and windfalls can be expected as well. Some of you might find some fortune regarding travel, your studies, unexpected [Aqua] lucky events may occur for you here or perhaps a wish you asked for last 11/11 might come to fruition on this day. Anything is possible with Uranus and Jupiter touching. 
November 19th- Full Moon in Taurus and Full Partial Lunar Eclipse
Huge day in the astrosphere, folks. Fated day. Though partial lunar eclipses aren’t as powerful as total lunar eclipses, the energy is still formidable. Eclipses always represent transformations and turning points. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars will all be in either a water or earth sign so there’s a need for balance but this is also a time of healing.
Water nourishes earth and earth stabilizes water.
Think back to this past April when the Full Moon was in Scorpio.
Remember what I told you about things being triggered during that time and how you’d have to face them/reevaluate them now?
 Well ante up. Time to bring closure to some situations. Time to make space for the new. Mars will also be forming a square to Saturn that day so discipline is something to take note of. Taurean energy is also stubborn and with the Sun in Scorpio, there’ll be this Marshawn Lynch Beast-mode push-pull until you’re forced to make room for whatever the universe wants to air drop into your life now. It might have to do with your possessions, your self-worth, your values. In fact, the last time we were dealing with a Taurus eclipse lunar cycle was in 2013-2014. Can you remember what was going on from May to November during that time? It might be helpful to evaluate as you’ll be building on whatever lessons you learned during that time. Themes may even resurface. How you approach them will be very telling regarding your person evolution.
November 23rd- Sun Enters Sagittarius
Jupiter takes the Sun’s reigns and we go from intense, sultry and introspective to expansive and optimistic. Moving from a water to fire season is a lot like entering a sauna. Fire and Water make steam-so the switch always brings this  sense of renewal. Like this funny anon mentioned , Sag season, being ruled by Jupiter can bring lots of luck — you might randomly find 20 bucks on the street or find yourself getting out of a speeding ticket with just a warning. Whatever happens in these next 30 or so days, you can take what you’ve learned from Scorpio season and apply it. You might be feeling more adventurous and expansive anyway, and as Jupiter is ruler of the 9th house of higher learning and philosophy, it might be time share what you learned. Get that good karma up.
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I wish you would write a fic where Aang is just flustered and is amassed at katara while she’s just doing nothing ❤️maybe after the balcony kiss (btw your my favorite fic writer 💕)
*smacks table* *kicks a chair over* *screams into the void*
(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) NO YOU’RE MY FAVORITE, ANON😤❤💕💖
Ngl tho, this prompt and one other have been haunting me for so long oml I just for the longest time drew complete blanks like...just nothing came to me. Nada. I even tried getting a legit 12 straight hours of sleep to turn my brain off and back on again but nOpE. I really wanted to keep it related to after the balcony kiss since I wanted the challenge, but gosh did it fight me. My brain go poof I hope you’re happy for making me question everything, Anon lol
Anywho, I love and cherish you, Anon, you bean, you godsend, you magnificent angel, you🥰~ I hope you enjoy the fic!!!
Words: 1,785
Aang kneaded his right thumb into his left palm. The scars there were small and white and hardly noticeable unless he held his hand right to his face.
It was peculiar, to say the least. Only the hand that received Ozai’s lightning bore a shadow of his opponent’s cold fire. The belly of his palm was a memory of death barely avoided, but he tried (...tried…tried very, very hard...) to imagine the milky pattern on pale skin as looking like a leaf’s veins when held up to the sunlight.
Aang rolled his lip between his teeth. He was going to tear something if he crouched for much longer. The scars burned without burning, and he wasn’t sure which fate was worse. Was it even considered a scar if it was never open? It was just there after the battle like it was a maker’s mark on a finished piece.
Katara would know—there was little that she didn’t know—, but she had been far too exhausted for him to even consider asking—
Aang’s face burned like the fire she lit in his cheeks was eternal.
If he was perfectly honest, he didn’t remember feeling the kiss.
He only remembered how the kiss felt.
Because remembering the moment when Katara redefined what happiness felt like was a moment Aang would never forget.
His shoulders rose to his ears; his face smoldered as giddy magma crawled up his neck. He teetered to one side when thoughts of her shifted gravity. Maybe it was a good thing that he was crouching, after all.
...But then he looked at his estranged left palm and the new maker’s mark that it bore.
...And his heart crisped and flaked into ashes piling in the pit of his chest.
The scarring changed nothing but uprooted everything. It was a cancer, black and numb on his hand, like it was suffering from frostbite and needed to be removed.
The estranged left palm that saved his life was the same hand Katara held—all those months ago—when they kissed that day in the dark, trapped and alone, in an inky-black Earth Kingdom cave.
The kiss was a gentle waltz turning into a speedy tango, but her hand on his was the tug to lift him out of his chair. It was the strike of flint and steel that burned away the cobwebs in his heart and brushed aside all dust to welcome something new.
Sokka had interrupted before Aang could ask her to be his girlfriend. Time was an illusion, but time was precious. Memories framed in moments were the beginnings of beautiful new somethings.
What they were, though...
He really hoped Katara knew better than him. Of course, she would—there was little that she didn’t know.
Did the kiss make it—them—official? They said more in words unspoken than words said aloud ever could, but they hadn’t had a moment of peace since then. Surely, he had to ask her. He really, really wanted to, too. It didn’t feel right to celebrate an anniversary without a proper date—Spirits, he and Katara were gonna have an anniversary, oh Spirits—
Aang’s palm stared back at him. Embarrassment hit him like a skybison at full-speed.
Katara had nearly killed him during the meeting that morning.
Holding his hand—that hand—under the table was toying with whatever gave his heart reason to beat.
Aang had hugged her times a-plenty, but he had never held her hand in that way for that long. It eclipsed their kiss and left him powerless like a suddenly doused fire.
...It had felt like he was poisoning her—like he was touching her with an open wound. 
Aang slumped a little more in the corner of the balcony and stared at his callouses like they could tell him what to do.
The sunset was a smirk mocking his plight, but the moonrise was a gentle grin trying (...trying…trying very, very hard...) to heal his hurts.
Katara hated holding his hand. He felt that she did. She muted the room for him when she touched him; it brought her every reaction into stark relief. He had briefly wondered if that was what Toph felt like when she sensed when someone was lying.
Katara had stiffened. She even shifted like she couldn’t get comfortable. The breath that left her was fast at first like she was just told bad news. Her exhales after that were deep and almost seething.
...The worst part was when she wouldn’t look at him. She only glared about and around them.
Aang slumped from his crouch until his rear hit the ground. His right thumb stayed married to his left palm, and the white lightning stung tender like something freshly burned. He only partially wished that he had the top of his robes on when the thought of her regretting him cut the strings that held him together; he was a puppet collapsing against the balcony wall and sliding down gritty concrete. His scar—another reminder of her—stung him like smacks to the face and melted him into something made of noodles.
The moon was a bit higher, now, but its grin wasn’t any more reassuring than before. The bugs and small critters must have become annoyed with his melting because there was silence like Hei Bai’s forest when Aang made himself smaller than his shadow and dragged his kneading hand even closer to his face.
Their kiss—she had kissed him—barbed him with a sting like thorns on a rose bush except laced with poison and fiberglass. It was decaying from the start of something new into the empty longing for a once in a lifetime occurrence. 
Something shot him in the leg and crippled what made him Aang.
His right thumb kneading his left palm slipped and dug a fingernail into a callous.
He was goo freezing over—a body consumed by jennamite.
Aang breathed out, about to take the inhale to fuel the first hiccup dancing on his shaking lip—
—but then Katara stepped onto the balcony and leaned up against the bars.
Being an airbender had its perks, and his lungs not popping from the force and fullness of his panicked inhale was definitely one of them. He was a statue—a deformed gargoyle that looked more horrific to behold than to cross—, and the glimpse of Katara’s soft grin became a braided noose refusing to let him exhale.
None of the lights were lit.
Spirits, did he love his moonrise and the weakness that she gave him.
Katara was staring into something that didn’t exist on this plane and smiling at something he couldn’t see. She was a stilled lake normally raging and powerful and beautiful to behold. He wouldn’t dare disturb her. She was as calm as a reflection.
Sudden exposure reminded him of stepping into a forbidden part of the Southern Air Temple, and his presence became a violation of something precious. Katara was remembering moments of beautiful new somethings if the way she absentmindedly bent a stream of water about one wrist—her bending her joy unhindered—was anything to go by.
Aang blushed a shade of red that Aunt Wu could have mistaken as the intended location for eruption from the Symbol of Volcanic Doom. He closed his eyes, covered his ears, and dared to shimmy into the shadow of the corner. Katara was a warrior unmatched and without equal. That’s why she was Master Katara. He could no sooner escape her than escape the earthshaking hammer-blows that the hint of her smile drove into his chest. 
He sat on a tightrope whose cables were snapping and unwinding.
It was only when he felt weaker in a way that made him stronger that he peaked an eye open.
Katara was crouched and more concerned than bemused. “Aang?” She touched the knee that had curled to his chest and was threatening to buckle into his sternum. “Are you okay?”
…’Okay’ was a subjective and circumstantial term.
His voice was the sound of rubber sliding water off of wet glass. “M-hm.”
“What are you doing out here alone and...in the corner?”
“Well, I was just...Well, y’know…” His right thumb stuck to his left palm like they were nailed together. He tried (...tried...tried very, very hard...) to hide his wound from her. “Moon ‘s nice ‘n…’n stuff.”
Katara mulled over his words, said and unsaid. Her stare was an examination checking his vitals—his heart, his soul, and his happiness. She hummed a thoughtful sound that bookmarked her place in the pages of him.
It all happened in under the time it took her to breathe. Aang nearly stopped breathing altogether when she tapped her finger on his knee.
“You’re hiding on the balcony because ‘Moon ‘n stuff’?”
She spared his ‘hidden’ fiddling hands a half-lidded glance. “Aang...”
Katara flicked his arrow. Then, she waited.
Aang didn’t crack. He melted. 
“I was just—I thought…” He deflated. “I needed somewhere to think.”
Something about his words or the way that he said them made every bit of her soft. Her concern riddled him with holes, and, when she settled on the ground before him and propped her head on her arms on his knees, there was barely any of him left to keep him together.
“You wanna talk about it? It’s okay if you don’t. I just haven’t seen that look on your face since...Well, I can’t remember since when.”
One part of Aang threatened to grab the other part of him and throw him into a volcano.
He was making her worry. He should never make her worry, especially over something so silly—
He opened his mouth but hesitated. He didn't want to say no.
“Not—Not now.”
His honesty tamed her like she could feel it as easily as a temperature change. “It’s not something hurting you, right?”
Katara frowned with her eyes.
Then, she stood.
(Spirits, Aang loved his moonrise.)
“Take my hand.”
Aang’s heart took a trip to the tiny star just to the right of the moon.
She looked at him, and he felt hot cinders flake from his face and into his twisting belly. It sparked a fire so hot that it turned his sea of chi into an ocean of molten ore.
He was suddenly empty of something and filled to the brim with something else.
Katara’s hand was an invitation without equal, and the instinct to grab hold and never let go was a god’s hand trying to push him forward. 
He almost did.
But then his right thumb paused on his left palm, and white lightning struck him down.
Katara flinched like she felt it.
Aang curled into a knot like he could still hide it. 
Kneeling, Katara unraveled him without touching him. Her eyes found his and held him in place not like in a trap but like in a hug. Too soon his right thumb was hushed away from his left palm and his estranged hand was held close to her face. 
Aang couldn’t remember hearing her words, but he felt what she was saying.
Her sorrow nearly tore him apart.
Luckily, her smile kept his shredded heart together. 
And the kiss to his white lightning and the three points of his hand’s arrow put air back into his lungs. He dove into the cool-blue look she gave him and drowned himself in all that she was. 
He was filled with clouds so puffy that they threatened to let loose their rain, but his eyes became only wet and never misty. He smiled beyond the limits of what anatomy allowed when her face turn as red as his felt.
She said something that put his pieces back together, and she looked at him with something that gave him the strength. Cherry-red metal poured from a kiln and wept up her neck and into her cheeks.
Katara rolled her eyes to something that wasn’t there, disappeared inside, and returned with a mass of blankets.
“What are all the blankets for?”
“Moon ‘n stuff,” Katara said as she finished her nest of comforters and fortified quilt walls. 
Then she offered her hand again—she slipped it loosely into his own and waited for him to hold her first. 
“Sit with me.”
Aang shouldn’t have been as giddy as he was, and Katara pursed her smile like she was struggling not to enjoy his happiness too much when she tugged him up from the ground and laid with him against cushioned concrete. 
Moon ‘n Stuff was laughing and pointing out funny bits in constellations of their own designs. It was gossiping all the good rumors and their hopes about which of them might be true.
Katara crowned him King of their Chateau of Comforters with the softest blanket she had. It was blue and smelled like mornings when he could sleep in and like the small joys of finding warm things in cold places.
Katara accepted his invitation into his Blanket Castle within their Comforter Chateau. The blanket was plenty big for both of them and tied them together in a fuzzy cocoon.
She relaxed against him like she was sinking into warm water. The air that left her was fast at first like she just saw something she dearly missed. Every exhale after that was slow and satisfied—drunk on the indescribable and bewitched by the unimaginable. Aang felt her every movement so clearly that he wasn’t sure whether to give thanks or repent for the precious moment she was creating with him.
But then she shifted like she couldn’t get comfortable enough.
And she dragged an eye open to glare at any critter’s sound breaking their peace.
That was when Aang understood.
That was also when Aang lost it.
The urge to laugh was so overwhelming that it didn’t process into the bodily function, instead filling him from toe to brim with small giggles and soft feelings.
Katara didn’t want to share.
Of course, she didn’t.
Their moments were their moments, and he was hers and hers alone.
Master Katara was a being without equal, but Aang knew that which even she didn’t know.
Don’t worry about them. It’s just you and me right now.
Aang’s confidence limped back to him and convinced his estranged left hand to sidle towards hers. He touched the back of it with two fingers—an almost mute invitation, an almost silent knock on the door.
Katara laced her fingers with his like it was the most natural thing in the world. She handled it not like it was something wounded but like it was something precious, and she kissed all of his knuckles before cooling his white lightning with the gentle touches of her snowy-soft palm.
The hands were the most sacred part of a bender. They were the outlets from which their soul leaked. They were the culmination of all of their senses to interact with the world.
Aang’s world shyly smiled and fiddled with her hair. She shifted like she couldn’t decide on which spot against him or which way to hold him would bring them as close as she wanted. 
She wouldn’t even look at him for fear of changing color and state of matter from beautiful young woman to gorgeous little puddle.
She blushed like something beautiful coming into bloom.
Then, she said something.
Her words bypassed all feeling and branded themselves onto his heart
“...want to be my boyfriend? O-Only if you want to...because I want to, so...um...”
She inhaled on the word like she was telling good news and hoping for the universe to talk back to her.
Aang’s current incarnation threatened to be kicked out from under him and reborn into the Water Tribes.
His head nodded like it was trying to make a break for it.
Katara laughed like it was the only language she knew.
They shared each others’ smiles in a shy kiss that felt like a brushing of souls—like the gentle zap of lightning between earth and sky that brought beauty and shook all that they knew but brought with it no scars or destruction.
She squeezed his hand.
He kissed her again just because he could.
White lightning and snowy-soft touches connected what made them each other.
Aang wilted like soggy grass, full of that which gave him life and drunk on all that she gave him.
His hand didn’t hurt anymore. His heart was starting to ache, though. It was going to burst if he looked at her for much longer.
His night got darker when Katara closed her eyes, but he welcomed the weakness his rising full moon gave him.
She fell asleep against his side, and even when Aang no longer felt his arm, he didn’t dare move.
The balcony was empty except for them, and his heart was full of only her.
Katara mumbled once, shifted twice, and adjusted her grip to hug the whole of his arm.
She was hardly doing anything, but her doing nothing did everything to him.
Aang’s courage found him just as Katara found her new favorite spot.
He kissed her cheek, but, if he was being honest, he didn’t remember feeling the kiss.
“...I love you.”
He only remembered how her smile felt.
I hope you enjoyed, Anon! I know this isn’t Katara doing “nothing”, per se, but this is what my mush-brain put down when I sat and wrote😅  (I did, however, tuck that little ”doing nothing” idea away for different ficlet👀)
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musashi · 3 years
what's your favorite (few) islands in wind waker? as a fellow link kin, the great fairy's island has always felt like home to me <3
as a similar question, are there any surface locations in skyward sword that you're particularly fond of?
i know you aren't super fond of twilight princess as a game, which is fully understandable, but what parts of it have you either found yourself liking or at least enjoyed watching your friend play?
do you have any fond memories of either meeting your loftwing or any sweet moments you had with them? i always love hearing about other people's memories, and you always speak so fondly of yours! ~🍄
thank you for these asks they are all so good and make me so happy. i love when people ask about kin stuff and you just touched all the sweetest spots of my heart. it really means a lot to me.
what's your favorite (few) islands in wind waker? as a fellow link kin, the great fairy's island has always felt like home to me <3
if u can believe it i actually answered this one recently hehe! tl;dr: samesies
as a similar question, are there any surface locations in skyward sword that you're particularly fond of?
like all of faron but lake floria & the floria waterfall specifically! i feel like its unfair to compare any part of faron to eldin & lanayru because faron is... much less inhabitable than the other two, but i truly loved it there. lots of picnics in the isolated little spot outside the cistern with zel =w=
i know you aren't super fond of twilight princess as a game, which is fully understandable, but what parts of it have you either found yourself liking or at least enjoyed watching your friend play?
also the entire forgotten village or whatever its called. the atmosphere sucks because its twilight princess but the idea of it and the MUSIC!!!!!!!!! KITTIES!!!!!!
uhhh i like that lanayru is a snake, i like snakes. i really like agitha and illia and malo. morpheel is just as stupid and edgy as everything else in tp but i have debilitating thalassophobia so i kinda love how horrifying it is because i’m already scared of fairly lighthearted sea monsters
the city in the sky was an experience. i dont know if i like it yet but i like the experience of it. my twi kinnie friend is the one playing and she was just collecting runes like ‘kinda cool how i’m just discovering ur culture’ and then we got there and i was like ‘uhhhh. wheres all my shit?’ and she just kept wandering around while i screamed ‘WHERE IS MY HOUSE???’
it was funny. anyways when did the birds take my house
do you have any fond memories of either meeting your loftwing or any sweet moments you had with them? i always love hearing about other people's memories, and you always speak so fondly of yours!
YEAH. my loftwing had a name but it’s a name that a fanfic author got right so i always feel weird saying it online because i’m always worried abt internet creators finding me and not having a good reception to kinnies lol. 
i met him when i was 10 and he was the last bird of everyone my age to come. i had always been the weird kid and my only friend was zelda and my self-worth was kind of abysmal because of it. i only really remember flashes of that day, i slept in and she pulled me out of my house with my unbrushed bedhead, yelling all the way about me sleeping in on the day i was supposed to get my wings. its a big milestone obviously so she was pretty mad lol.
me being last was like being picked last for kickball but in a kickball game that decides the course of ur entire life. i was pretty dissociated in all the pain i was feeling but zelda was a hair away from angry crying and cursing the goddess’s name in my stead. when my loftwing came he eclipsed the sun, though, looking black until he touched down, and i still remember every adult on the isle in complete uproar about the colour of his feathers. everything was white noise outside where our eyes met.
loftwings talk to you, in a headspace you share, but there’s a language barrier. from what i have heard, it’s all just feelings and impulses and body language in the beginning, but after time you start to hear their voice. it transitions into broken sentences, ‘feeling’ words your bird might send you like hungry or danger, before eventually you hear them as they are, crystal clear. the thing is, he spoke in complete sentences to me from day one. the first thing i heard when i looked at him was a voice that said i’ve waited so long to meet you.
the other thing is.......... you’re not supposed to fly right away. it is normalized but it is still an incredibly dangerous activity, even with the knights patrolling. it takes months of dedicated, supervised flying before you’re allowed to fly on your own. but when i saw my bird, it was like nothing existed but him and i. my life, my memories, my friends, my family, my identity, it all just melted away and all that mattered in that moment was the oneness with him i felt in my heart. like i existed to do nothing else but be a single entity with him, like the idea of not being one this long was absurd.
so i leapt on his back and we tore off into the skies. and i was terrified and alive. he took me far above skyloft, so far i was sure we were going to the sun itself. it felt like i was put on earth for that moment and that moment alone, to leave everything behind and run away with him.
and then we landed after about 5 minutes and zelda was crying and threatened me w violence. i think groose was probably gonna pass out from rage, jealousy, disbelief, maybe a combo of all. it earned me a reputation as a wildcard for the rest of my life, no one could really pin me down after that so they all stopped trying, except groose who was still very convinced i was just a ditzy weirdo who got lucky. 
my dad grounded me for a week. literally grounded me. grounded. cause, cause i wasn’t--anyways.
general memories, i have some here and there. he was rowdy and reckless, brave to a fault. he loved the rare thunderstorm, always begged me to fly with him in them, which was a very tempting offer (until i had a Bad Experience, and it become significantly less funny to entertain)
we liked to find an empty island in the sun and curl up there for naps. not one in particular just, whatever we saw first. i don’t remember having a favourite colour before i met him but afterwards it was easily red. 
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Fifty-One: Turtle ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Healing Waters and Scorching Flames ] [ AO3 Link ]
She’ll admit...it’s a little strange coming back here now. Hinata’s first visit to the capital of the Fire Nation had been during the Day of Black Sun - the solar eclipse that had been the allies’ hope to finally bring an end to the Hundred Year War. A day when, without the sun, the firebenders were to be completely powerless. But the plan went horribly awry thanks to leaked information...and the Avatar’s group was forced to flee and leave the rest of the invasion behind.
The only successes had been the freedom of Omashu, and the final straw in the change of heart within Sasuke.
Her second (and until now, final) visit to the city had been during the passing of Madara’s Comet. While Naruto faced the Fire Lord, Sasuke went to try and finally bring reason to his older brother. Though there had been the beginnings of a duel, Sasuke’s own revelation had been enough to overcome the last shreds of Itachi’s doubt...and they’d reached a peaceful resolution. With Naruto’s defeat of Fugaku, there had been an end to the war at last.
And from there? Years and years of diplomatic reparations, finding balance, and keeping every member of Team Avatar busy enough that visits between them have been few and far between.
Hinata herself has been using the time since the end of the war attempting to undo the damage done by the Fire Nation against the Southern Water tribes. The scattered remnants had been united, and the stolen waterbenders returned to the south. Reuniting them with family hadn’t been easy...and comforting both sides had taken its toll. Both prisoners and those who remained had to face losses: captives that had died during the war, and vice versa. Many no longer had homes to return to once it was all over.
The port where the prior prisoners were released turned into a makeshift refugee camp in their own territory. Shelters were built, resources stockpiled, and displaced tribesmen kept until new paths could be made. At first unintended, it turned into a hub that eventually grew into a city. Though many tribes, once steady, returned to their various homes...some, especially those without family or homes to return to, remained and helped the new city thrive.
Only now that things have begun to settle has Hinata found any time to leave the south. Given her connections with the Avatar, and the personal growth she obtained during her months fighting, it was she without question who was looked to - and is still looked to - for guidance in the south. But...she’s earned a much-deserved break, and has agreed to meet a few of the others in the Fire Nation to just...see one another.
Kiba decides to remain to handle the mantle in her place. The one nonbender of the group, he now leads the Southern Water tribe army. There’s no one else Hinata would entrust their progress to in her absence. He’ll be missed during their get-together, but he insists she deserves the break more than he. Hinata had been unable to argue otherwise, and so, rides on a ship to the island country alone.
Passing the gates that guard the bay, Hinata can’t help but look to them somberly. Much has changed these past few years...herself among them. And given how little she’s seen of her friends since the war’s end, she can only assume their metamorphoses will be just as apparent.
As the ship docks and she makes her way topside to disembark, Hinata can’t help a pause. Rather than a small escort to take her to the palace, the second prince is here himself to greet her.
Sasuke, flanked only by two guards, looks so...different.
Having been previously weighed by his father’s expectations, his own duality, and the struggles he faced, he now looks so much...lighter. Gone is the constant furrow to his brow, or the shadows in his eyes. True, some linger under them from exhaustion, but none of them are afforded much time to rest, even now. He just seems...more relaxed. Calm.
In fact, he affords her a genuine - albeit tired - smile as she makes her way down to the dock. “Hinata,” he greets with a small bow. “It’s good to see you. Were the seas calm for your voyage…?”
Still a bit taken aback, Hinata blinks before smiling in turn. “They were. It was a pleasant trip. But I’m glad to be back on land for the time being.”
“And here I thought a waterbender could never tire of water.”
That earns a light laugh. “Water, no...bobbing and dipping in a ship, maybe. Has anyone else arrived yet…?”
“No, not yet. And Kiba isn’t with you, right?”
“No, he’s keeping an eye on things while I’m gone. Developments in the south are still very...ongoing.”
Sasuke nods, expression tingeing a bit gravely for a moment. “I understand...I’ve heard bits and pieces about what’s been going on down there. You’re doing amazing work.”
Her head ducks, humble at the praise. “It’s what needs to be done. And I’m happy to do it. Seeing my people come back from the hardships they suffered gives me hope. We’ve always been a tough people, but this has been our g-greatest test.”
For a moment, something passes over Sasuke’s face. But before she can question it, he gestures. “Well, for now, I suppose we’ll make our way up to the palace. You haven’t seen it since the repairs, have you?”
“No...this is my first trip back since the end of the war, and Itachi’s coronation.”
Surprise pulls at his features. “...has it really been that long?”
“It has,” she replies with a weary smile. “Time sure has flown, hasn’t it?”
“...yeah. Guess being so caught up will do that to you. One moment you’re just starting a new month...the next, you turn around and three have passed. There’s hardly been a dull moment since the war ended.”
A nod. “All I can hope is that it slows a bit soon. It would be nice to enjoy the labor we’ve been giving for so long. Just for a bit.”
“It would.” With her agreement, Sasuke leads Hinata toward the palace. “I can’t wait to see everyone...Naruto’s efforts in the Earth Kingdom were the last time I saw him, trying to sort out the Fire Nation occupants.”
“Was that ever resolved…?”
“Yes...and we’re working on plans to make it even better. But we can talk about that when he’s here to chime in. I think he’s got a better handle on it than I do, honestly. I’ve been more focused on aiding Itachi here as of late.”
Light small talk fills the air during their trek to the central building, and Hinata can’t help but wonder at the sheer size of it. It and the Earth Palace always make her feel so small. Nothing has ever compared to her little southern village.
“We can wait in the gardens for a while - I’ll have some tea brought out.”
Snapped from her reverie as Sasuke speaks, Hinata reflexively smiles. “That sounds great. I haven’t seen the gardens yet.”
“It’s honestly my favorite part of the entire palace. My mother and I spent a lot of time here before she...left.”
The pause earns a glance, but Hinata doesn’t press the subject.
They pass through only a few hallways before making their way into the gardens...and Hinata can’t help but stare. It’s...beautiful! Green, lush, and filled with ponds and fountains. After a lifetime in the snow and ice, plantlife and even grass still fill her with excitement. “They’re amazing…!”
“Let me show you the best part.” Approaching a pond, Sasuke takes a knee, seeming to...look for something.
Unsure what his intent is, Hinata does the same.
“...there!” Pointing, he gestures to a patch of reeds along the other end. From them...emerge several little creatures Hinata has never seen before.
Her eyes go wide. “They’re so cute…! What are they?”
“Ducks. See, they have a shell, like the great lion turtles,” Sasuke explains. “Just...a lot smaller, and a lot fluffier.”
“I love them already…” Hinata murmurs, watching as they swim their way a bit closer, quacking softly. A few turtleducklings make their way to the bank, and she gently brushes a finger over one’s head.
Beside her, watching from the corner of his eye, Sasuke can’t help a hint of a smile.
“I wish we had these back home...but I think it’s likely far too cold.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. But I guess that gives you a reason to visit, huh?”
Looking up, Hinata simply replies, “I already have a reason.”
Sasuke can’t help a blink of surprise, the bridge of his nose alighting a soft pink just as a courier steps into garden with a bow.
“Prince Sasuke, the Avatar and the earthbender will be here soon - word has been sent ahead with a...lemur of sorts.”
Moment broken, the pair glance up. “Thank you,” the Uchiha replies. “We’ll get ready to meet them.”
“Well, there goes the peace and quiet,” Hinata observes with a light laugh behind a hand.
“True...but it’ll be good to see them.”
“Mhm. But...maybe we’ll avoid showing them the turtleducks. I’m not sure the little things will appreciate the noise.”
Sasuke can’t help a humorous scoff. “...you have a point. We’ll visit them again later, when the others are busy.”
Just the two of us.
     Hi so this is technically yesterday's entry...I'm sorry it's late but I was gone LITERALLY all day and was pooped when I got home real late, so...this is me finally getting it done ;w; Sorry about the wait, loves~      But anyway! Back to the AtLA crossover...which I'm still not 100% satisfied with. Sasuke just makes so much more sense to fit Azula's role, but...I want him to be Zuko. And Itachi just does NOT fit her role AT ALL, so...hence me not being 100% sure what to do with the epic sibling battle. Whoops, lol - but that's not the focus! Turtleducks are by far (imo) the cutest AtLA fusion animal. Just...I love them. And now Hinata does too.      Anywho, I still need to do today's prompt - that'll be later! For now I've gotta run and get other stuff done, but thanks for reading!
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britishchick09 · 3 years
sailor moon eternal part 2 livewatch
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happy birthday usagi and chibiusa! it’s time to see them advance into their eternal forms and discover their true dreams in the thrilling part 2 of ‘eternal’! i already know it’s gonna be amazing!!! :D
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what a pretty house! :D
omg this guy is fangirling so hard over michiru!
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same! :D
AWW michiru bought roses for 6 months!!!! :D
girl” that must be her super hot lover!” lol haruka HAWT
poor setsuna hotaru’s crashing everything!
aww hotaru! :D
the outers fam is RICH!!!
poor michiru and her plates!
haruka: “every day is like a dream!” awww!!! :D
michiru straightening hotaru’s dress! ♥♥♥
woah cool lemur transition! :o
scientist: “the solar eclipse ended with no problems!” NO PROBLEMS YOU SAY???
aww setsuna stroking hotaru’s hair!!! ♥♥♥
ooh violin practice! :D
the pegasus ghost! :o
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what a happy fam! :D
hotaru: “bye bye!” aww! :D
aww the adult outers kiss their rings!
the solar system is so pretty! ♥
hotaru has a space simulation!
woah michiru was in germany and haruka was in africa? :o
OMG lightning! :o
it’s sailor saturn!
i can’t wait to se how they make her taller!
woah inners montage!
yay they’ll newly awaken! :D
hotaru: “now it’s my turn to guide you!” aww!! :D
their crystals! :D
a cgi holy grail!
oh no poor usagi! :(
rei: “neptune, uranus, pluto, saturn...” just say outers!
chibiusa’s solo transformation! :D
diana said ‘small lady’ for the hundredth time!
poor usamo :(
the amazon quartet with their powers reminds me of pokemon! (it’s that background!)
everyone being devoured by nightmares sounds scary af! :o
sailor moon and tuxedo mask are back! :D
why did chibs only acknowledge usa and not mamo? :/
now they spell n-bish’s name right!
tux’s mask fell off! :o
helios’ feathers are so pretty! :D
aww saturn wants to fight alongside chibs! :)
woah did jun jun just breathe fire? :o
the nightmares are getting in chibs’ head! :(
YAAS protect her saturn!
hotaru knows the truth!
omg jun jun reached out to saturn
she put hotaru and chibs in the mirror!!! :o
usa and mamo are kids! :D
mamo: “i’ll make you an omelet!” *makes french toast* BOI
aww mamo’s so nice! :)
he wants to make all her dreams come true!!! ♥♥♥
aw that ended fast :/
i love how helios tells her to ‘shh’ and she claps her hand over her mouth :D
elysion is so sad! :/
the shrine priestesses look just like queen serenity!
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nice crystal s1/2 callback! :D
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OMG IT”S SO FLIPPING PRETTY!!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
the golden crystal is mamo’s crystal AND THUS SAILOR EARTH! :D
OMG adult small lady!
BOI the princess you saw had PINK hair helios USA HAS BLONDE!
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her eye are so sparkly! ♥
mamo: “although i always cause you trouble?” NO MAMO YOU CAUSE LOVE!!!
oh no helios is in his cage! :(
n-bish: ‘those rats got in!” boi this isn’t dan!
woah helios’ forehead gem is powerful!
how long have the senshi been standing there?
i love how ‘mina’ is the word for ‘everyone’! :D
aww mamo and usa transform together! :D
is the zombie moment coming up? that’ll be so gross!
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helios was responsible for the black rocks in tangled the series!
no helios!!! :o
omg i just realized n-bish has a gold line in her eye just like the mirror shard in sailor stars!
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...is that the zombie part? lame!
ami: “we’re in a nightmare!” duh you’re at the dead moon circus!
the zombie part is just stone LAME!!
aww poor diana! :/
mamo: “have a strong heart!” just like kirsten! :D
the outers are ready to protect! :D
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mina and rei working together! ♥♥
OMG zicornia slid tho! :o
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you’re in room 101 usa!
OMG the captions went back to the old way of spelling n-bish’s name!
her echoey laugh tho :/
usa’s smile is bigger when she talks to chibs instead of saturn!
ami and mako broke the mirror! :D
hotaru saved the quartet balls! :D
the dead moon circus is gone! :D
...but the moon is still dead! :/
all the senshi are taking a field trip to elysion! :D
poor chibs and helios! :/
her twinkle yell bell has such an echo!
neptune said ‘a weird air’... you mean aura?
even though she’s a bish, n-bish’s name being spelled wrong is so >:(
get ready for the sleeping beauty story!
why did ‘i’ll punish you’ sound different?
usa’s little ‘ah!’ when the attack hits them! ♥
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pretty! :D
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little inners! :D
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and here comes n-bish with her maleficent vibes!
rei: “the moon at that time was a bright planet full of light!” ...whoops
n-bish: “if you could lend me a hand...” NOT WHEN YOU’RE HAND LOOKS SO OLD BOI
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aww serenity is crying! :(
the cgi mirror shards are so pretty!
oh yeah the blood exists!
n-bish’s laugh is literally ha ha ha!
aww haruka is holding usa!
mamo: “give me the power usa!” the power of love! :D
omg this rock music though! :D
omg the transformation moment is coming YAAAS!!! :D
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PRINCESSESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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OMG!!!!! :D
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i paused this parfectly! :D
oh hey it’s the mini senshi!
i like how mini saturn explains everything just like hotaru earlier! :D
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squad goals! :D
omg the powers!!!!!
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her!!!!!!! :D
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they took it straight from the manga! :D
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this is why it took 5 years to make this movie- THEY WERE MAKING THE CRYSTALS PRETTY AF!!!!! ♥♥♥♥
it’s happening
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n-bish: “i am forever the beautiful queen!” suuuure you are...
why do all the villians lust after mamo tho
n-bish’s was so last minute AND IDC ABOUT HER BYE BISH!!!
rapunzel should’ve called the eternal sailor senshi to take care of the black rocks!
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he finally figured it out! :D
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this is truly sailor moon crystal! ;)
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indeed it was helios! ♥
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how beautiful! ♥
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royalty has arrived! :D
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woah that looks so real!!!! :o
the senshi are back to being princesses! :D
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them!!! :D
omg what if you put sailor vesta on windows vista lol :D
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aww :)
helios has a horse lol :D
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a rainbow lens flare! ♥
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♫ and i know we’ll meet again some sunny day! ♫ :D
chibs: “i need to work hart even though i’m still little!” aww!!! :D
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straight from tha manga! :D
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watashi tachi ni naritakute in the end credits is so nice! :D
and thus the eternal movies are done! the animation in these is the best and most detailed 2d animation i’ve seen and it was so stunning to look at! the story was awesome and i can see why it wasn’t a tv show. it’s perfect for a movie! this was definitely worth the 5 year wait! :D
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disableddisaster · 7 years
Do all of them ! Blease !!! I Stan u so hard I need the insider deets!!!!!
now THATS what i like to hear :))
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
asfgsfdg im only listening to after laughter rn
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
@gaysun but thats happening so idk. come to alberta tristan
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
theres not a single book in this room and im not leaving to go look for one
4: What do you think about most?
sfgafdgasfg idk myself, probably
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
”he drank ur orange juice the fuck” - you
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
just my underwear
7: What’s your strangest talent?
im gay
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
girls are good boys are bad (noah fence i love u)
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
yes actually :’)
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
man idk
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
i dont think so? kleenex?
13: What’s your religion?
man idk !!!!
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
walking to work or looking for dogs
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
in front im a vain bxtch
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
17: What was the last lie you told?
i know i lied to my mom the other day but i told the truth five minutes later and i dont know what i lied abt
18: Do you believe in karma?
no lol
19: What does your URL mean?
bella swan is a big ass lesbian
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
dude i dont fucking KNOW who am i!!!!!!
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
kristen stewart.. . hayley williams..... shrugs
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
no i dont want any BUGS crawlin around in there.there was an episode of greys anatomy when that happened
23: How do you vent your anger?
i yell to my mom tbh
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
video chatting is so fun
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
sound i hate: paper towels 
sound i love: rain i guess
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
what IF I fail at life completely wow
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
right, my computer. left, my cup!
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
man idk AIR??????
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
high school
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
CANADIAN west coast
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
hmmmm bad question\
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
AUGHFGKDF not to be dramatic but there isnt one
36: Define Art.
dude i dont know. why is this so fake deep
37: Do you believe in luck?
NO !!!!!
38: What’s the weather like right now?
its dark out  and im inside!!! i dont know!! i think its warm
39: What time is it?
12:25am :O
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
yes! and no
41: What was the last book you read?
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
..............................who does......
43: Do you have any nicknames?
44: What was the last film you saw?
dgsfsdfg new moon!!!!!!
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
i dont know!!!!!!!!! i injure myself a lot im clumsy
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
no!!!!!!!!!!! let them be free.
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
twilight, dragon quest 8, paramores new album,.
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
50: Do you believe in magic?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
52: What is your astrological sign?
im a libra :^)
53: Do you save money or spend it?
i cant fuckign save money for shit
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
a grande coconut cold brew coffee with extra coconut milk :O
55: Love or lust?
what dpes this mean.
56: In a relationship?
57: How many relationships have you had?
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
fun fact i have a really really short tongue
59: Where were you yesterday?
went to the bank in the city and the MALL and ate a sandwich
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
no :(:(:(
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
62: What’s your favourite animal?
CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and sheep and giraffes. mostly cats
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
fgkdfgosfkg u think i have a secret weapon???????? bxtch i dont even like me!!!!
64: Where is your best friend?
i texted her and asked her one sec. ok she replied “im in my bed!!!!!”
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
@gaysun @gaysun @hurricance @hurricance @popcornlesbians :)
66: What is your heritage?
idk! im ukrainian and french
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
playing dragon quest and listening to @quidditchlesbian s wild stories
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
this is so werid asgafdgadsf
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
i mean probably. im kind of annoying tho
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
sfgadfgadsf save the dog im not HEARTLESS my job gives me no hours anyways lol
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) probably bc i overshare b) probably just pet my cats c) sort of?
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
trust and communication also i think attraction is important tbh
77: How can I win your heart?
be a cute girl and be nice to me. maybe have a cute animal or smth
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
80: What size shoes do you wear?
5? 6?
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
”gay bxtch”
82: What is your favourite word?
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
i wish i was on my phone id add the yellow heart emoji
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
”wow id die for u”
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
earlier i was listening to live in chicago
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
yellow adn PINK
87: What is your current desktop picture?
its a pic of bella swan
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
theoretically like donald trump but probably my abuser :)
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
bxtch u could ask me literally anything and id tell u. literally aything
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
go back to sleep. plot twist im actually just having a sleep paralysis episode
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
the vegetables are mushrooms and ALSO iwanna teleport or fly
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
the other morning i had a really relaxing breakfast at tim hortons i just listened to music and ate my bagel. it was nice
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
JSDFKJSFG u think i can choose? ur FUNNY!! 
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
oh,,.. .my fucign god. tjis is such a loaded question,. HAYLEY WILLIAMS
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
JENNA (or nyc but shes not there rn so probably just wherever she is!)
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
i think my bio dad was in jail once. maybe
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
no ew throwing up is a huge fear of mine
98: Ever been on a plane?
yep i love planes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
“im gay”
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