#hanninbal mcfist
evilspiritweek · 1 month
rc9gn driving headcanons
Randy - Not like,, old enough to get a license during the run of the show, but I do believe he thought Mario Kart translated to actual driving. Gets tickets a lot, but surprisingly never gets into an accident
Howard - On the same level as Randy, I imagine. Really sees it more as a status symbol than actually uses it. In turn though, when he gets his own, he does become a better driver. I firmly believe his personal car would have those fuzzy dice hanging on the mirror
Heidi - I initially thought she'd be a bit reckless, but in actuality, I think she'd be one of the safest drives bc she's low-key on edge the whole time. This is partially due to the fact that it's her parent's car at first, but his anxiety carries over into her personal one tenfold. Again, it's a status symbol. Howard is not allowed anywhere near her car, but if her dad forces her to take him somewhere, he's sentenced tot he back and can't even sit shotgun
Viceroy - Dreads driving. Not necessarily a bad driver, but he hates having to drive with the rest of the public. Thankfully, his job means he doesn't really have to do it much.
McFist - He would get chauffeured around a lot more than actually drive, which is good because he kinda sucks. Definitely no accidents, but he's too impatient, so he'd have bad road rage if he needs to get somewhere. That begin said, if he was just cruising, I think he'd stay in his own lane and actually be chill. Goes to those antique car shows.
Bash Johnson - Technically has his own car, but it'd be under his dad's insurance. Always going at least fifteen above the speed limit. Would ride your ass until he could pass you, flip you off, and then sit at the red light in the lane parallel to you because he didn't realize it was going to change.
Marci - Similar to her husband, doesn't need to drive, and that's probably for the best. She doesn't drive bad, but her parking is the worst- takes up two spots every single time. But at the same time, what are you gonna do about it? That's McFist's wife bro?? (I think she'd actually be really nice about it tho- she can totally adjust if you asked)
Mr. and Mrs. Driscoll - Their licenses have expired.
Principal Slimovitz - I think he'd be a good driver, but with how many times his car's been totaled, he'd also have really bad road rage. If you see him trying to merge, just let him in. His car's been totaled three times that month already, he totally ready to make it a fourth.
Morgan - shes fine overall, but ooooh my god, does she tailgate like it's her fuckign job. Only one in the Dancing Fish with a car, so expect to see all of them squashed in their after practice.
Rachel - Abysmal. doesn't know the first thing about cars. It starts making a funny noise and she's just like "oh! that's a new one ^.^" until her car stops working all together. She knows she's supposed to change the oil, she just doesn't know how frequently or why.
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evilspiritweek · 7 months
The public perception of McFist is sooo funny to me. They hype him up like he's a Steve Jobs/Mr. Beast hybrid, but he's littlerally like. Elon.
The downfall of Twitter we saw over the course of this year is almost beat-for-beat the actions McFist would do
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evilspiritweek · 2 years
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Marci has a total drama waist and I think that's pretty great
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