#halovian au
yuesya · 12 days
The darkened screen lights up with a new incoming message.
Sunday immediately lunges for his cell phone, ignoring the scattered sheets of promptly-abandoned paperwork that go flying everywhere as they are knocked over in his haste.
Robin: I found her! Thank you for your help in narrowing down the facilities, brother.
An exhale of relief escapes his lips, and Sunday finds himself slumping down slightly in his seat. The heavy, constricting feeling on his chest finally lightens at the knowledge that his youngest little sister is safe.
Even though he knows that Lyra can take care of herself when it comes to physical confrontations, that does not mean Sunday is happy when his sister –either one of his beloved little sisters– is in danger. Especially not when she does so deliberately.
It also does not help that Lyra knowingly allowed herself to be kidnapped by slavers, because it reminds him of a certain time in their childhood.
A bloodstained warehouse. Dismembered corpses littering the ground. Lyra, blank-eyed and unaffected, standing in the center of it all –and oh, how Sunday’s heart ached for his dear little sister. How fiercely glad he’d been, to find her still alive and well amid the carnage.
Sunday closes his eyes for a brief moment to compose himself, then responds to Robin’s message.
I’m glad I was able to help, he tells his sweet sister. Is everything alright over there?
He sets his phone down to the side of his desk, and goes about the room regathering his paperwork. Given the tone of Robin’s words, the situation was most likely under control. And… all the way in Penacony whilst his sisters were elsewhere among the stars, there was only so much that Sunday could do.
Not for the first time, a sudden jittery, uneasy sensation flutters in his chest. Separation anxiety, was what others had jokingly named this feeling when Sunday described it to them, but–
His phone screen lights up again. Sunday hurries back to his desk, setting down the papers and picking up his pen on autopilot even as his eyes are drawn to his phone.
Robin: All good! Lyra finished things by the time I got here.
Robin: There’s actually very little collateral damage this time, too.
Robin: She also found all of the missing children!
Robin: Everyone is accounted for. [Smiley face]
Robin: [New Attachment: Image file]
Sunday pauses.
… The picture that Robin sent him is clearly one that she’d just taken on her phone. In the frame, there are several children curled up against each other in a small pile, some of whom are asleep, while others hold markers in their hands with mischievous expressions. But more importantly, beside the children–
Soft, silvery hair, and feathery wings. Lyra’s appearance is not elegant or enchanting the way Robin’s is, but no one –not even the other Halovians who incessantly wagged those tongues that they did not deserve to keep– would deny that she was lovely in her own right. His little sister’s beauty is one that’s precious and darling, which has its own charm.
There is a blond-haired young man leaning quite closely over Lyra’s shoulder, his arm reaching over her body to point at something that she’s holding.
Sunday’s eyes narrow at the ostentatious peacock–
Who is he, he means to type to Robin. But as he lifts his hand, Sunday suddenly realizes that he’s dripping ink on the table.
Slowly, he unfurls his fingers. Fingers that he does not recall tightening into a fist in the first place.
Pieces of a broken pen fall one by one onto the polished desk with a clattering sound, ink seeping deep into the wooden grains as dark droplets continue to dribble down from Sunday’s hand.
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nagidonburi · 8 days
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Halovian lovebirds
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kiwakiol · 16 days
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Halovian Aventurine
I love Halovians they are so pretty 🦚♠️
Art belongs to me do not repost without credit
If you like my art consider following, liking and Re-Blogs
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i wanna make a full au for halovian diluc.... i need to design his halo too hhhrg
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moonsaver · 1 month
I feel like although an arranged marriage au with sunday has so much devastating potential angst due to the whole "halovians are distant with people in general" thing but also? Imagine.. he's sincerely (albeit, a bit pathetically,) trying. Hes nice to you and tells you all the benefits there are after your "union", telling you in a professional voice that due to how "geometrically different" you both are, your offspring shall be stable and strong and handsome??
Or hes not ~exactly~ sure what you would like, considering he cant just take any human's data and just assume you can go by it too – so he just.. teeters awkwardly and gauges the kinds of things you like. Tells you facts about quality of sourdough, the sounds of rocks hitting the lake's surface, how to unlock any door with a pen or a hairpin.. idk hes so scrimbly.
Also he feels like although hes trying to make you comfortable, he just does things that unfortunately unsettle you. Whenever you two dine together he insists you start eating and watches you, unblinkingly. You swore something was off but he denied it until you realised you hadn't seen his eyes closed at all. He tries blinking more often now to comfort you.
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ceruark · 17 days
liquid courage
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synopsis: aventurine leaves your drunk boss on your doorstep. notes: ceo! sunday x gn! personal assistant! reader. modern au (he's still an angel though, don't ask me how or why. the wings are important to me). fluff. cw: none! (implied aventurine/ratio, but nothing major) words: 3,147 inspiration: every kdrama ever
It was, for the first time in several months, a relaxing night.
After weeks of traveling between worlds and meeting with various business partners, you finally landed back in the place you called home: a rather luxurious unit in Golden Hour's finest apartment complex. It was far too big for one person and beyond what you dreamed of affording growing up, but it was necessary.
Not only were Golden Hour's Platinum Terraces a fifteen minute drive away from Dewlight Pavilion, but they also had the best security Penacony could offer. As the personal assistant of Halovian Corporation's esteemed CEO, you had a rather large target on your back. So, despite your initial hesitations, you'd agreed to live in the flashiest building in Golden Hour.
It wasn't like your wallet was suffering because of it. The astronomical cost of rent hardly put a dent in what the Oak Family deposited into your account every other week.
You sighed and stretched out leisurely on your couch, flipping through the channels until you settled on a showing of one of your favorite movies. You let it play in the background while you responded to messages from friends you hadn't had the chance to get back to during the trip. In between enthusiastic conversations and pictures of the fancy meals and hotels you'd stayed at, you scrolled through your social media accounts, grimacing at your feed when it recommended a picture taken of you without your knowledge.
It shouldn't have surprised you that being around Sunday constantly would put you under the same spotlight he grew up in. Heir to the Oak Family's fortune and beloved by Penacony's citizens, the only person on the planet who could complain about having more cameras shoved in their face on a daily basis was his darling sister. As his assistant, you showed up in almost every photo his fans snapped of him. Over the past four years, his fanbase picked apart everything about you: your appearance, your upbringing, your interests, and your lifestyle habits. You weren't quite sure what spurred them on— sheer jealousy at your proximity to him, or their infatuation for him extending to you— but they had all reached the same conclusion: you were rather unremarkable.
You were raised by your parents in a suburb about 30 miles out from Golden Hour. You performed well enough in university, graduating in the top percent of your class, but not as valedictorian. You managed to get hired at Halovian Corp out of college, and you'd been consistently promoted each year since then, moving from secretary to administrative secretary to personal assistant of a high-ranking director, until eventually, you ended up at Sunday's side.
Though your career was impressive, your life lacked intrigue that news outlets and Sunday's fans vied for. You didn't come from money, you weren't dating anyone famous, and therefore, you weren't worth thinking about. You preferred things that way, but it still didn't make seeing pictures of yourself floating around online any easier.
(Especially when people began overanalyzing how Sunday spoke to you in this video, or looked at you in that photo. Their theories had substance to back them up, and you didn't like to think about it. It took damn near two years to perfect the professional front you kept up with your gorgeous boss, thank you very much, and it had only been about a year since he started actually acting himself around you— you couldn't afford to start slipping up now.)
As you scrolled past a fancam of Robin, a message notification popped up at the top of your screen. You tapped on it, and raised an eyebrow at the sender.
Aventurine: hey. you in?
The IPC director was an unlikely friend, but after dealing with Sunday for years and becoming the unofficial point of contact between the IPC and Halovian Corp, you'd started seeing him often enough that you agreed to go to a bar with him one night when you were off the clock. He was good company, and the two of you kept in touch.
One day, after finding out you'd been talking with Aventurine outside of business ventures, Sunday was oddly insistent that he join you two on that night's excursion. You were hesitant to agree, given that Sunday and Aventurine were civil at best and downright antagonistic at worst. But, Aventurine had readily agreed to letting Sunday attend, so you said yes as well. The night had gone better than expected, and after a few more impromptu meetings, Sunday had started talking to Aventurine regularly as well.
You were glad to see your overly cautious boss make a friend, even if he would never admit that they were.
You: yeah, what's up?
His response was instantaneous.
Aventurine: great. let me in, will you?
Your eyebrows drew together. You'd mentioned you lived in the Platinum Terraces, but you'd never brought Aventurine back to your apartment. How did he know where you live?
You leaned off the couch and toward the coffee table to pick up one of the screens hooked up to the alarm system. You tapped a few buttons on the screen until the feed from the camera facing the hallway came up.
Aventurine stood in front of your door, talking animatedly to your boss, who was propped up against him. You couldn't see his face, but you didn't need to to know he was inebriated. He probably wouldn't be so close to the blonde otherwise.
"What the hell?" You muttered, rushing over to the door. Sunday hardly ever drank, and if he did, it was never enough to get him past the point of tipsy. You quickly undid the bolts and threw it open.
Aventurine and Sunday looked up at you. Amusement danced in the former’s eyes, and for whatever reason, he seemed to be very pleased with himself.
Sunday blinked slowly, adjusting his vision to the sudden disappearance of the door. His eyes scanned your face for a moment before his features lit up with recognition. His wings twitched a bit as he tilted his head to the side. The slightest of smiles pulled at his mouth, and your name fell from his lips in the form of a whispered question.
You flushed red. You suddenly felt very self-conscious of your Hanu themed pajama pants.
Your gaze snapped back to Aventurine, who smirked back at you. You ignored it. "What happened?"
"We went out drinking and someone—" He turned to Sunday, whose gaze still hadn't left you. "—got a little carried away."
"And you didn't think to take him back to Dewlight Pavilion?"
"I think you and I both know there would be consequences if he returned there in this state."
You grimaced. He was right. Undoubtedly, there would be paparazzi camped outside of the Oak Family's estate. There always was.
"Okay, you didn't think to take him back to your place?"
Aventurine moved his free hand to his chest in mock offense. "Bringing a drunken man home to my brilliant boyfriend who's already waiting for me in bed? You must be praying on my downfall."
You glowered at him, but before you could respond, the rustling of feathers caught your attention. You turned, watching your boss sway on his feet. He watched you with a frown, appearing more upset than you'd ever seen him.
"You don't want me here?" He pouted, and his wings fluttered dejectedly.
Your stomach flipped over, and you reached out to grab his other arm as he stumbled away from Aventurine.
"No, no, that's not it." He moved away from the blonde completely as you reassured him, leaning into your touch. You grunted as you struggled to keep him upright. "I'm just worried about you being somewhere you don't feel comfortable."
He hummed, leaning forward and nuzzling his face in your hair. "I'm far more comfortable with you than the gambler."
Aventurine watched the two of you, smugness rolling off him in waves. "Yeah," he laughed, "we can see that."
You were going to kill Aventurine. You were going to tuck Sunday into your bed, leave a glass of water and an Advil on the nightstand, and then you were going to hit the blonde with your car.
You shot him another glare before turning back to Sunday. You pulled one of his arms around your shoulders and wrapped one of yours around his waist to steady him. He turned bright red suddenly and you opened your mouth to ask him if he felt sick, but his wings started flapping again. This close, a few feathers smacked into your mouth, and you sputtered.
Aventurine's unrestrained laughter brought your attention back to him. You snapped at him. "Can you make yourself useful and get the doors for me?"
It took everything you had left in you to get Sunday into your bedroom and withstand Aventurine's teasing, but eventually, you managed to get there. You eased Sunday down on the bed, keeping a hand on his back to ensure he stayed sitting upright.
"Are you feeling sick?" You asked.
Sunday shook his head. He leaned over and rested his head on your shoulder. Fighting down another blush (you refused to give Aventurine more ammunition), you tried to pull yourself away from him, but he wrapped his arms around yours and held on.
"Sunday," you said, "I need to go get you water. Can you let go of me, please?"
His voice was muffled by your shirt. "Aventurine can get it."
Said man huffed, but he was too entertained to be truly annoyed, or to decline. "Sure I can," he agreed, before addressing you. "Where are your cups?"
"Top right cabinet," you answered, and he set off.
Sunday's head lolled to the side, rolling off your shoulder. His pout was still there, and it set your face aflame. "It's too hot," he complained.
And then he started to take his coat off.
Well, he tried to. His clumsy movements caused it to get tangled in his arms.
"Here, let me help you," you offered against your better judgment. You stood and reached behind him, carefully guiding his arms out of the sleeves. You turned around and walked over to your closet, hanging the coat on a nearby hook.
When you faced him again, he already had his shirt halfway off.
Xipe, give me strength, you thought to yourself, tearing your gaze away from his bare skin. Your gaze lingered on the wings sprouting from his lower back, which sat curled around his abdomen. When he managed to get the shirt over his head and onto the floor, he unfurled the second set of wings. They spanned the entire length of your bed and were much darker than the ones by his hair. He gave a few languid flaps before settling down, causing them to droop. You closed your eyes and pressed your palms against them. So much for keeping up your professional front. You had no idea how you were going to face him when he sobered up.
A choked gasp prompted you to drop your hands from your face. Aventurine almost dropped the glass in shock when he returned. 
"Well," he said as he placed the glass down on the nightstand. "Seems like it's time for me to leave."
You sent him one last scathing glare. "I can't believe you."
Faux innocence crept onto his face. "Whatever do you mean? I haven't done anything."
You crossed the room and shoved at him. "Out." You pushed him back down the hall and to the open front door. "Get out of my house."
"Wow. Eager aren't we?" He winked at you.
"Eager to get my revenge. Veritas will love the video I have of you drunk and blubbering about how much you miss him," you said. Then you slammed the door in his face.
As soon as the door shut, Sunday called for you from the bedroom. You'd heard him use a sickly sweet tone with clients before, but this one lacked the venom that usually accompanied it. It was like he was singing each syllable of your name, savoring the way each sound rolled off his tongue.
"I need to type up my resignation," you muttered to yourself. You could handle Sunday in the beginning when he was standoffish and paranoid, but there was no way you were making it through this.
You walked back to the room, willfully overlooking the way his hanging wings straightened up when you reappeared in the doorway. You stopped a few feet in front of him, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt.
"Hey," you said softly. "Let's get you to bed, alright?"
Sunday blinked at you, then looked down at the comforter under his fingers. "I am at the bed."
You snorted. "Well, we should get you under the covers."
His nose scrunched in displeasure. "No. It's too warm for that."
You sighed. There was no point in arguing with him in this state. "Alright, then. Lay down, and make sure to stay on your side. If you feel sick, there's a trash can right here by the bed. If you need anything else, I'll be down the hall."
You turned to leave, but his hand caught your wrist with surprising speed. He stared up at you with wide eyes. "Where are you going?"
You tilted your head at him. "Um, to bed?"
His brow furrowed slightly, the way it usually did when he was in deep thought. "But this is your bed."
"Yes, it is." You slipped your wrist out of his grasp, but he caught you again by the fingers. "I'm going to sleep on the couch. I won't be far."
The hold he had on your fingers was tighter than you thought. You pulled away, expecting to be freed, but tripped a bit when the rest of your body didn't follow your legs. He pulled you toward him and tumbled forward, falling onto the bed. He moved over and drew you closer to him, draping one of his wings across your waist and legs.
You didn't know if your heart had stopped, or was just beating so fast you couldn't feel it.
"Um, Sunday," you said, the rest of your words coming out as a babbled mess. You tried to untangle yourself from him, but he just clung on to you, refusing to let go.
"Please don't leave me," he mumbled.
You finally managed to put enough distance between you two that you could look him in the eye. "Sunday," you said, "you're drunk. You're going to regret this in the morning."
He frowned. "I will not regret something I've dreamed of doing for months."
In the end, it was neither. You were certain your heart was beating so hard it burst, and now you were dead. When you tried pulling away again, he placed a hand on your cheek, freezing you in place.
"Please," he whispered. "Just give me five minutes."
The desperation in his voice whittled away at the rest of your resistance. You settled down on the mattress, allowing him to hold you but not getting close enough for it to be considered cuddling. Staring at the ceiling in silence, you mulled over his words.
He was dreaming about cuddling, or intimate touch of some sort. It shouldn't be surprising that a twenty-seven year old man longed for that kind of companionship, but whenever other members of The Family had brought up him not having found a partner yet, he always shrugged them off. You figured it was because he generally wasn't interested in finding someone, but maybe it was just that he didn't want the rest of The Family involved in something as personal as his love life.
"I can talk to Robin about suggesting eligible suitors for you, if you want," you said. "We can even outsource their background checks to the IPC. Aventurine will be annoying about it, but I'm sure he'll agree to do it."
There was a long stretch of silence. Sunday finally spoke just as you'd begun to regret your words. "Why would you do that?"
You looked at him, confused. "You said you've dreamed of this."
"Yes," he said, "I did say that."
Was he really going to make you spell it out for him? Well, it had to be more embarrassing for him than it was for you. "If you desire... intimacy, it's only natural we start looking for potential suitors for you."
His eyes darkened, and a slight scowl pulled at his lips. At least this face was familiar: disappointment.
"I just told you I've dreamed of this," he muttered.
You nodded in agreement. "You've dreamed of holding someone."
"I've dreamed of holding you."
Oh. That complicated things.
You swallowed back a fit of nervous laughter. Your face felt like it was going to melt off. "I'm sorry." Your voice came out as hardly more than a croak. "I wasn't aware that's what you meant."
He leaned forward, eyes earnest. "Do you still want to look for other suitors for me?"
You considered your words carefully. "Not if it's something you don't want."
He hummed, then laid his head against the pillow. His breath fanned over your face as he spoke. It smelled like mint and whiskey. "Do you want to be my suitor?"
You pulled your gaze away from his lips and to his eyes. You didn't even know how your eyes got there. "I think you should ask me again when you're sober."
He studied your face for a long moment, then let his eyes flutter shut. "Fair enough," he said.
You laid there for a moment, allowing your heart rate to come back down and letting yourself take him in. His lips were slightly parted, even breaths slipping through them as sleep claimed him. His face wings twitched ever so often, usually followed by a twitch of the larger wing still wrapped around you.
You weren't certain how long you stayed there, just studying him, but at some point your blinks had grown heavier and you were fighting to keep your eyes open. You gave one last shove against Sunday's arm and wing to try and free yourself, but even unconsciously, his resolve could not be shaken. He huffed at the disturbance and buried his face further into the pillow. His wing tightened around you as he tried to curl in on himself, dragging you closer to him.
You sighed and rested your head on the pillow again. It was going to be impossible to get away from him now that his limbs were heavy with sleep. Knowing it was futile to try again, you let your eyes slip shut. You shifted into a more comfortable position, moving one of your arms to rest on top of the wing.
Five minutes, you lied to yourself. I'll try again in five minutes.
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gierosajie-art · 3 months
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Doodle of Kairos and a younger Venti that is not canon to The Nameless AU but it is A Thought™, in which the two are Halovians instead
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sfznyxio · 11 hours
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. following the success of the recruitment process and their first concert, this odd combination of a band becomes busy these days. thus, they hired a manager to keep track of their schedules. and to an extent, deal with their shenanigans that may or may not feature on the news.
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒. argenti, aventurine, jingliu, kafka, robin
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓. gn!reader. celebrity au, musician au, modern au. comedy, fluff. 1.1k words. inspired by the concert animated commercial: “before the show begins”. canon elements (jingliu - powers; aventurine - cake cats; robin - halovian features). reader’s the straight man in this chaos. cameos from yanqing (argenti, jingliu), stelle (argenti, jingliu, kafka) and caelus (aventurine, robin). brief mentions of ruan mei (aventurine) and sunday (robin). word vomit for the most part.
𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐀. happy pride month, bitches. what a good way to start off the month watching the haikyuu movie, seeing volleyball boys stare at each other intensely and metaphorically stab their friends in the neck. all i can say is that the animation was insane. speaking of insane, the hsr concert was released to celebrate the game’s first anniversary. “sway to the cosmos” is my favorite out of the setlist, and i even made it as my train jam. imagine seeing it live though… i die. i had to look up what instrument jingliu plays and i strongly believe it’s an erhu based on how it looks. i kinda don’t like this; i have no idea what i wrote. it’s my worst attempt at being funny lol.
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< drummer argenti preaches ‘scripture of beauty’ to fans >
“hey! what’s the ‘scripture’ supposed to be? actually, who is idrila? look, you can’t spout names like that and not expect a scandal to not happen.” argenti seems to be in the zone while dancing with his fans at the park, so he most likely didn’t hear what you just said. you glance at stelle and yanqing to get him to snap out of it, but they’re completely drained, on the floor from being dragged into the spotlight earlier.
“my lovely manager! since you’re here, you must be interested in being a follower?” not at the very slightest, but the name argenti throws out and about drives news outlets and his fans up on the walls. that may put the drummer at risk of being a subject of misunderstandings and fanwars, which is why you’re here in the first place. you can feel the stares of his audience burning into your skull, so you extend your hand to “express” your interest.
“wonderful. now, let us dance under the name of beauty!” throughout it all, everything blurs out. not even five minutes in, you’re exhausted out of your mind, unsure if argenti has given you useful information about his charade. in the end, you gather more questions than answers, and practically leave the drummer to handle the potential messy aftermath. he’s an enigma; anyone can tell you he’s the eighth wonder of the world, and you’ll believe it.
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< guitarist aventurine adopts scientist’s ‘sweet’ creations >
“rise and shine. your cats won’t stop bothering me until you wake up, by the way.” all the feline pastry lifeforms on your head, shoulder, and feet mew in agreement. caelus somehow has collaborated with the scientist who created them, making some that resemble his friends, one of which is aventurine. the guitarist adopts his lookalike for fun at first, and now his house is their haven, which makes his issue of organization worse.
“hey, pretty boy! you better wake up, or i’ll sit on your face and suffocate you!” the synesthesia beacon in your phone picks up a translation from under aventurine’s arms. there’s a cake cat that resembles you, but do you actually sound like that when you’re upset? never mind that; the most important question here is why does he have a cake cat version of you here? well, he’s already behind schedule, so out of curiosity, you try out its suggestion. 
“okay, okay. i’m up.” the cat cake version of yourself huffs at him taking forever to get ready, but seems proud of making its threat happen with your help. aventurine sees five pairs of eyes staring at him, with one in particular full of disappointment for being inconsiderate. he promises to keep track next time, but you aren’t sure he’ll truly follow through if he’s convinced to expand his cake cat kingdom.
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< erhu player jingliu unleashes ice blades at passersby >
“for the last time, the people who watched you perform gave you strales because they appreciate your talent. this is the fourth time this week of scaring them with your sword.” you note a careful distance between the passerby and jingliu, who resumes playing her erhu like it’s none of her business. stelle has learned it the hard way so luckily she has you to deal with the erhu player. the first victim of her powers slips out from a tree to wish you luck with a thumbs up.
“ah, has that young man come yet? i would like to have a spar with him.” jingliu’s referring to yanqing, another swordsman. he loves competition, so this entire street, or the entire city even, is screwed into becoming an icy wonderland. telling her that he’s not here, she returns to performing. you notice a brilliant idea coming into fruition as soon as she stops her bow halfway, and it already doesn’t sound good.
“manager, why don’t you spar with me? let’s see who will fall first.” you immediately refuse without a second thought. jingliu would win anyway as she’s more skilled with the sword and you have no powers, so it isn’t a fair fight to begin with. you’re just relieved that she didn’t unleash her icy blades for the fifth time, and that you make it alive throughout the confrontation.
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< violinist kafka sends many clothes stores bankrupt >
“listen… i get that you look great in everything and all, but do you think this is way too much?” you gesture to the cart overflowing with concert outfits. kafka hums in contemplation as she examines her next purchase in the mirror, then nods in approval which seals the deal.
“oh, you think so too? alright then, i’ll have stelle handle all payments as usual.” stelle averts her gaze away to avoid your temper, pretending as if she didn’t enable the violinist’s unlimited shopping spree. you can sense the employees fearing for their livelihoods that are at stake, and you can feel like yours will be at the state soon if this keeps up. scolding kafka to unload everything in the cart, the wave of relief in the staff washes away when she reveals a special trick up her sleeve.
“what about your wardrobe? surely you can’t wear the same exact thing everyday, don’t you think?” kafka jabs into one of your weaknesses: the lack of variety in your closet. it’s important to appear presentable as the band manager, but your uniformity gives you not a lot of room to try out different combinations. the only hope of this store is gone, and so is the store itself as soon as the credit card is swiped.
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< singer robin disappears once again from photoshoot >
“when your brother finds out you snuck out again, he will kill me in the most painful way possible.” whenever you bring that man up, always in the worst case scenario, robin responds with a smile as reassurance that he won’t hurt you when she’s around. but it’s more like she won’t get in trouble, leaving you to shoulder the blame.
“don’t worry! caelus will take care of everything. ah, i hope i wasn’t too late.” the self-proclaimed master of stalling strikes again. knowing that man, robin’s confidence in caelus is astounding. because sooner or later, he’ll find out that she’s at a toy store with you to buy the limited edition of a clockie figurine. the singer will be happy, and you’ll end up dead in a ditch probably.
“oh no, photographers are here. can you cover for me?” robin tucks her wings beside her face so they can fit under her mask. while she browses through the aisles, you direct the photoshoot team outside, hopefully far enough from the store to remain off radar from her brother’s watch. you pray that caelus comes back in one piece as well as yourself. the cost of making a halovian’s day brighter, especially if she’s a famous singer and has a control freak of a sibling, is quite risky.
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walpu · 4 months
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𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑ Hi! It's Walp's writing blog, please send your requests~
⋆.˚ fandoms: honkai star rail
⋆.˚ requests: closed (for a short time, I just want to finish with the current ones, feel free to send me your thoughts and ideas tho I love reading them 🥹)
⋆.˚ my main blog in case you're curious
⋆.˚ my UID in case someone wants to be friends in the game: 701814808 (Europe server)
➷ general rules:
I only take request for adult characters, so no Yanqing, Pela etc;
Feel free to send both SFW and NSFW requests (preferably something with a dom!reader);
I write for both male and female characters but I can decline some specific character requests cause I don't feel like I know them well enough;
I only write for gn!reader. I will include specific body parts if you want but no pronounce.
Won't write about triggering topics such as pedo, SA, heavy abuse and incest.
But generally don't mind other dark stuff.
❀°。anon list
please don't hesitate to contact me if I didn't add you I have terrible memory
- kitty anon 🐈
𓆩♡𓆪 masterlist:
pre-relationship stage with them - Gepard, Aventurine
Aventurine x The Nameless!reader
being in a relationship with Aventurine
taking care of cat!Aventurine
nsfw headcanons w/Aventurine
giving Aventurine Ruan Mei's cat creations that resemble the two of you
Aventurine trying (and failing) to be a dom
nsfw headcanons w/Sparkle
sickness headcanons with Aventurine
kissing Aventurine's body
Aventurine x Halovian!reader
bodyguard/assassin!reader x Aventurine
performing a lap dance to them - Aventurine, Ratio
Aventurine x soft!dom reader
you being used against Aventurine as his weak spot during the 2.1 trailblaze quest
spy mission with Aven goes wrong
being roommates with Aventurine
being their therapist - Topaz, Ratio, Aventurine
Aventurine struggling to accept your gifts
bodyguard!reader "dying" in the dreamscape to protect Aventurine
HnK au /w Aventurine
poly with Aventurine and Ratio /nsfw
Aventurine helping you when you have period cramps
Self aware!Gepard being jealous of Aventurine
Happy birthday Aven
cuddling with tired Ratio
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eternity-death · 3 months
The new LC has opened the possibility to Arranged Marriage and Childhood Friends AU’s…
I’m not super crazy into the Arranged Marriage trope, but there is some potential here…
I kind of wanna explore a Childhood Friend’s AU but I need to know more about Sunday’s upbringing first. Did Sunday and Robin have parents? Are Halovians raised via congregate care? Etc.
I would need to know that info for an Arranged Marriage AU as well… I’d also need to know how Family Leaders are chosen…
And then I could also merge the two tropes together. Childhood Friends —> Promised to each other by families—> Arranged Marriage?
Much to think about.
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fshbonemercatus · 16 days
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Thoughts of nikolai if he was honkai star rail my very self indulgent au where he's a halovian ! Prehaps eventually I'll make him a proper outfit too
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yuesya · 28 days
“Where is she?”
The injured man stirs faintly and coughs, but does not respond.
Sunday bares his teeth in a vicious snarl, seizing the bastard’s collar in his hands –oh, how he wishes to wring this animal’s neck instead, and he would in a heartbeat if he didn’t still need him to talk. To speak, and reveal his youngest little sister’s location to him.
Halovians are widely adored throughout the universe. Their kind are blessed with beautiful appearances and lovely voices, and many are those who find themselves charmed by such attributes. This knowledge is nothing new.
Slave trafficking is, unfortunately, also nothing new.
… This isn’t Penacony, where the Oak Family’s power stands unshakable. Where protection is extended even to the undesirables of their lineage. But away from the watchful eyes of the other families, this was–!
Sunday shouldn’t have let his guard down.
He knows that people talk. He knows about the rumors circulating about his youngest little sister –how she’s nothing like him, or like Robin; how she doesn’t even act Halovian at all. The halos of Halovians allow them to communicate emotions with each other through telepathic means, but no one has ever discerned any emotions emanating from the youngest child at all.
Broken, defective, a shame to her lineage and to her siblings–
Sunday should have ripped out their tongues for daring to say such things, and damn the consequences for such an act. Maybe then, no one would’ve dared to even consider the sacrilegious act of selling one of the family’s children–
“Talk,” Sunday demands, with all the authority that’s been drilled into him from his training. “My patience runs thin. Where is my little sister?”
The slaver has the audacity to laugh. “Ha! You think you can threaten me, little boy? Aside from you, no one will miss a Halovian like that, so you might as well let us make some value out of–”
Sunday punches the man in the face.
It’s uncontrolled, messy rage that guides his actions. Something stings on the back of his knuckles, and Sunday is vaguely aware of blood trickling down his fingertips, but there is something that’s almost euphorically satisfying about the startled cry of pain and flicker of fear that flashes across the slaver’s face.
Sunday raises a fist again.
Please let her be alright. Please don’t let it be too late–
By the time that Sunday is finally able to force the slaver’s compliance and rushes to the warehouse on the docks where his youngest little sister was taken, it has already taken far too long for his liking. The smaller strides of a young child are no match for those of grown adults, but it does not stop Sunday from running all the same, praying to Xipe that it’s not too late–
Of the multiple warehouses, only one of them has blood seeping out beneath its cracks. Enough to form a veritable lake, and–
Sunday’s mind goes blank, and he immediately throws the door open.
A large hand suddenly reaches out, seizing Sunday by the arms with a death grip. It belongs to a rugged-looking man, who stares at Sunday with wide, bloodshot eyes.
“R… run…”
The man falls, heavy like a mountain. There is a knife embedded in his back –all the way up to the hilt.
Sunday ignores the blood staining his sleeves, and looks into the room.
It… looks less like a warehouse for storage, and more like a slaughterhouse. Blood splatters the walls, covers the ground, and everything is red. Dismembered body parts are littered all over in a mess, like some macabre work of art.
And at the very epicenter of it all, stands his little sister.
… There is another bloody knife in her hands.
Her hair… her blue-white hair is no longer pristine, and neither is the matching dress with Robin that she’d been dressed in this morning. Her clothes are tattered, and she’s drenched in blood just like the rest of her surroundings. There’s no question of what happened here, of what she’d done to keep herself safe.
Yet there’s nothing about her that seems disturbed, or tormented. His little sister looks at him calmly, and… even now, Sunday cannot sense any change in his little sister’s emotions.
But even so, all Sunday can feel is relief.
He instantly crosses the room, uncaring of the blood that he steps through to reach her, and engulfs the girl in a tight hug. The feathery wings behind her ears flutter lightly; the only outward indication of any surprise.
“Thank goodness you’re safe,” Sunday tells her, glad. “I’m sorry that I’m here so late.”
His youngest little sister does not say anything. But after a beat, she slowly raises a hand, mimicking his motions in a clumsy hug of her own, and Sunday feels a corner of his heart melt.
“… You’re not late,” she finally says.
Sunday tightens his hold on his unknowing little sister.
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gojoidyll · 8 months
Honkai Star Rail Masterlist
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Drabble | Jing Yuan x Reader
Oneshot | Just a Little Crush, Gepard x Reader
Headcanons | Dating Headcanons, Gepard x Male ! Doctor ! Reader
Oneshot | We Meet Again and Again, Caelus (male mc) x Reincarnated ! Xiao ! Male ! Reader
The Day To Day Life Of An Angel And The Oblivious Believer He's Fallen For!
Angel ! Sunday x Oblivious ! Reader
Summary | In which I write short drabbles here and there about Sunday struggling to try and get y/n to take a hint.
First Dates and The Friendzone
I Love You, But...
The Cliché Beach Episode
Imagine | Unknown ! Yandere x Reader
Imagine | Aventurine x Casino Dealer ! Reader
Drabble | Dan Feng/Dan Heng x Reader
Drabble | Aventurine x Vidyadhara ! Reader
Drabble | Blade x Reader
Imagine | Wrong Name, Right Name, and I Love You, Sunday x Reader
Imagine | Worry, Sunday x Reader
Imagine | Long Gone, Sparkle x Reader
Fic | There is No Law that Emperors Must be Fair
Emperor ! Jing Yuan x Princess ! Reader
Summary | You are set to marry the Emperor, Jing Yuan. In order to break the engagement, you stage an accident and fake having amnesia. But now, your own cruel, cold, and distant fiancé, who seemed to not want anything to do with you, is now acting all lovey dovey!
Drabble | A Bad Day, Jing Yuan x Reader
Headcanons | Yandere ! Sunday
Drabble | Boothill x Insecure ! Reader
Drabble | Boothill x Reader
Drabble | Sunday x Reader
Imagine | Blade x Reader
aventurine icon ♡
Teaching Aventurine how to dance
Drabble | Aventurine x Reader
Topaz x Reader x Aventurine Poly Relationship Headcanons + Part 2
Aventurine's Fem ! Significant Other getting Misgendered
You and Numby Talk, and Topaz Catches You
Drabble | Dan Heng x Reader, Caelus x Reader(?) + Pt. 2
Headcanons | Yandere ! Black Swan x gn ! Reader x Yandere ! Acheron
Oneshot | Topaz x Worried ! Reader
Fortune Teller ! Reader x Aventurine
Longing | Aventurine x Reader
Longing Pt. 2
Longing Pt. 3
Topaz x gn ! Reader Headcanons
Imagine | Slight Yandere ! Aventurine x Reader
Headcanons | Yandere ! Aventurine x Reader
Drabble | Aventurine x Sick ! s/o
Yandere ! Topaz x Princess ! Reader Headcanons
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
More Topaz <3 or When You Ask for Something Way too Expensive
Fic | Yandere ! Aventurine x Female ! Reader
Summary | All it takes is putting all the pieces together. Though, it won't do you any good if someone is deliberately destroying the pieces before you can find them.
Headcanons | Topaz x Reader (who works at a hedgehog café)
Imagine | modern high school au ! aventurine x reader
Drabble | Topaz x Injured!Fem!Reader
Frankenstein Monster Topaz
Aventurine x Reader x Topaz Angst + Fluff
Aventurine x Reader x Topaz
Dr Ratio
Drabble | Yandere ! Robin x Reader
Imagine | Aeon!Sunday x Reader au
Smut | Sunday x Female!Reader
Smut | Boothill x Reader
Story Teaser | Boothill x Reader
Fu Xuan x Male ! Reader
Lady Fu always looks for reasons to talk to you
Imagine | Boothill x Child ! Reader [PLATONIC]
Drabble | Boothill x Ghost ! Reader
Drabble | Various (Astral Express Crew) x Aeon ! Reader
Boothill x Halovian ! Reader
How you met
Drabble | Boothill x Reader
Drabble | Boothill x Reader
Drabble | Boothill x Reader
Smut | Jing Yuan x Fem!Reader
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enden-k · 18 days
Fun fact! Birds don't like being rubbed or pet, because their feathers have a coating that protects them from water. Petting removes the coating, and it's a pain to get back on.
But some smaller species of owls, parrots and corvids enjoy light scratches. It helps them get rid of empty feather cases of their skin.
Of course it varies a bit, depending on their personality, but it's usually like that.
Do whatever you want with this info.
our pet bird used to love head rubs and afaik its fine petting your birds head as long as youre not petting its back or full body since its sexually stimulating to them and can lead to them seeing you as their mate and growing hostile and jealous towards others? (stuff i might use for the au huh-) ofc im not a birb professional etcetc
(ofc this differs from bird to bird and the bond they have w you since not every human likes touches and cuddles either (like me!) so same goes for birbs too )
thats why in the au it takes a while for sunday to let gallagher touch him and i keep gallagher on teasing the fine bone; i also make up some stuff for the au since its not a real species and im mixing it with halovian stuff into smth more different. thanks for the info? facts? tho, this gave me stuff to research and think abt hehe
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trendywaifus · 11 days
Hey if you’re planning to add to the Spiderverse AU again(PLEASE DO I NEED MORE) what if Robin sang on stage as spider woman and her secret identity wasn’t just to hide from villains but fans too, and maybe in terms of movement she glides and uses the webs to pull herself higher when she’s starting to get too low(I feel like a bitch suggesting ideas for something you probably already have planned out but I just thought of these out of nowhere and thought I’d share, you don’t have to respond to this just consider them)
ill respond to this anyway to acknowledge that ive read your ask 💚
but yeah i def will be releasing the next spiderverse fic soon. (hopefully before this month is over cus college is starting early next month.) but this is a cool idea! it would make sense for robin to glide and only use her webs if she needs to pull herself back up! she’s an angel after all!! i honestly want her to still be a halovian than a human. but i think I have sum in mind! we’ll see!
and no, you’re okay! i love to hear some ideas I could input in my fics! everyone is free to share their ideas. i’m still figuring out the plot for the stelle and robin fic so any ideas helps my brain juices work!
ty for this non non rahhh
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*Throws Alien Stage x Honkai Star Rail AU concept/character design sketches at you and leaves* 🚪🏃‍♀️💨
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Oh! Luka is a Halovian and Till's a Sigoni in this AU cause....cause why not? (Totally not in relation to anything no sire) Anyways,
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