#had to like professionalize my discord for them (thankfully could just do in their server) bUT MAN CMON DISCORD IS NOT CONDUSIVE FOR PROFESS
hollisofficial · 10 months
professional discord for my lab job wasnt enough. i hope they all move and we can talk over tumblr dms next. i hope we just get worse.
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fullmetalscullyy · 3 years
gotta get down on friday
we have fun in the royai support group discord server
the challenge was to write a fic based on/including lyrics from rebecca black's "friday" so here u go. i wrote the most important fic i will ever write in my life and did it for the meme 🤙
rated: t | words: 2058 | tags: alcohol, night out, team bonding, fluff, pre-canon, fluff, drunkeness
read on ao3
“Are you free on Friday night, Lieutenant?”
“I can be, sir.” Riza lifted her head from her paperwork and looked towards the Colonel’s desk. He was turned to face the window in his chair, gazing out of it thoughtfully as he tapped his pen on his lips. “What do you need?”
“Nothing,” he shook his head, turning to face her. “Just you.”
That threw her completely. What would he possibly need her for on her night off –? Unless it was for more unfinished paperwork. Her stomach dropped, but it was quickly halted. Thankfully.
“I’m thinking of getting the team together for a night out.”
A night out? This was unexpected.
“Is that what you’ve been contemplating, staring out of that window, instead of work?”
Her challenge was conveniently ignored.
“We can go to the pub, have a few drinks, shoot some pool. It’ll be great!” Roy already looked so excited by the prospect.
It would be a good team building exercise, she supposed. They knew each other in a professional capacity, but not in a personal one. And while Riza wasn’t particularly fond of the idea of bearing herself to the strangers on her team – aside from Havoc – she could see the benefits. It had the potential to form tighter bonds with her new teammates, who’d she’d only known for a few short weeks.
“So, can I count you in?” Roy’s expression told her that he sincerely hoped she’d say yes as he eagerly awaited her answer.
It would be nice to get out of her apartment on her night off and enjoy herself. They hadn’t had much of a chance since being assigned in East City because they were still trying to get settled into a new routine.
“Gotta get down on Friday,” he joked with a playful smirk, trying to entice her further.
Riza snorted and shook her head fondly at his antics. “Okay, sir. I can be available on Friday evening,” she confirmed.
“Excellent,” Roy grinned. “Okay, I’ll go and wrangle the rest of the team!” He eagerly rose from his chair, rounding his desk. “Although I don’t think they’ll need too much convincing.”
“Havoc will definitely be up for it,” she reassured. “He always was a fan of a night out with friends in the Academy.”
Roy paused, absorbing this new information. “Did you happen to partake in those nights out too, Lieutenant?” He turned to face her expectantly.
His question was innocent enough but still Riza pursed her lips. This man knew her better than anyone – and was already aware that she, Havoc, and Rebecca had all been through training together – but still, her drunken embarrassment was best kept to herself. Well, what she remembered of it anyway.
“I did,” she replied carefully and offered him no more than that.
Both of Roy’s eyebrows lifted with intrigue. He hadn’t expected her to say yes, but what was she supposed to do with Rebecca Catalina and Jean Havoc as her friends through her Academy years? Plus, she wasn’t afraid of letting her hair down. Far from it, especially when in good company. Glancing over at her commanding officer, ignoring all titles and positions at the moment, she knew Roy would be the best company. She’d feel safe with him by her side. Havoc too. And if this was something Roy wanted to do for his team then Riza would support him.
It would be fun.
Roy approached her desk with a smirk, dragging Riza out of her thoughts. “You’ve never told me of any drunken stories, Hawkeye,” he commented, coming to a stop before her, hands slotting into his pockets. She didn’t know why he suddenly had an interest in her possible drunken antics. Or why.
She shrugged. “You’ve never asked.”
“Am I allowed to ask about said drunken antics?” He was treading carefully with his question but there was a hint of amusement on his face.
“No,” was Riza’s firm reply.
His laugh brightened up his entire expression. “I didn’t think so. Still, can’t fault me for trying,” he added, lifting his hands in surrender.
Riza hummed noncommittally.
“One day I might worm it out of you,” he murmured lowly, expression turning thoughtful. The office was empty so there was no risk of being overheard. Still, she appreciated his effort to maintain the secrecy of their past, as she’d requested. “Oh!” Roy exclaimed suddenly, as if he’d though of an extremely brilliant idea. “Or I can go and ask Havoc about them?”
“You wouldn’t dare,” she threatened as she snorted at his hilarious suggestion.
“Maybe I would,” he grinned, unafraid.
“Havoc knows better than to tell anyway.”
Roy pouted. Actually pouted. “You’re no fun.”
“Maybe,” she replied with light scorn, turning her attention back to her work.
After writing for a few moments she noticed he still hadn’t moved. Electing to ignore it, Riza ploughed on ahead with her work, but then he still didn’t move from his spot. Riza glanced at him and geared up to ask what he needed but his soft smile made her pause and her writing trailed off. He was looking at her like… Well. Like he shouldn’t be.
Like he was completely enamoured by her.
“What?” Riza prompted him out of his thoughts. Despite her heart fluttering within her chest and her stomach flipping pleasantly with the way Roy was looking at her, they couldn’t be risking moments like this anymore. Not while they were in the positions they were now. They couldn’t afford it if they wanted to succeed.
Roy snapped out of whatever thoughts he’d found himself trapped in and grinned. He shook his head. “Nothing. Nothing’s wrong. I can’t wait for Friday.”
Without another word he hurried out of the office and turned in the direction of the cafeteria. Riza was left staring after him, wondering what had just happened.
*          *          *           *          *           *          *
There was a chorus of happy cheers as everyone on the team greeted one another in the pub Roy had arranged for them to meet at. Riza hung back and let them get it out of their system before she entered the fray. Roy noticed her distance from the group – of course he did – and diverted his attention from the conversation before him. He shot her a smile and there was a slightly puzzled look on his face. He was wondering if there was anything wrong. She shook her head to placate him but that wasn’t enough. He excused himself from an already tipsy Havoc and walked over.
“You made it,” he breathed excitedly.
“I did. I didn’t want to let the team down, sir.”
“You could never, Riza.” His smile matched his tone and expression. It was soft as he reassured her. The excitement was clear on his face and he looked truly overjoyed. Riza’s stomach fluttered.
“I didn’t want to miss it,” she revealed quietly, leaning in slightly so she could be heard over the team’s laughter.
She’d had a glass of wine while getting ready for the night. It had helped settle her nerves about meeting everyone outside of work for the first time. Although Havoc and Roy were going to be there, she still didn’t know Breda, Falman, or Fuery very well. She’d wanted to but there hadn’t been an appropriate opportunity yet. It was their first “team night out” and she’d been excited at the prospect of being a part of it. Riza wanted to be a part of something good, for a change. She’d have kicked herself in regret if she couldn’t make tonight.
Roy’s grin was infectious. “I told you it would be fun,” he winked.
“Gotta get down on Friday, right?”
As she quoted his own words back at her Roy’s jaw went slack as he stared at her in surprise before he broke out in laughter. “We do. And I can’t wait to spend it with you.”
“Now you’re talking dangerously,” she urged quietly.
Roy just shrugged. “Maybe. But it’s still the truth.”
Riza frowned at him. “Anyway,” she urged, trying to steer the conversation towards safer territory, “on top of that, I know how to handle Havoc when he’s drunk. I couldn’t subject you all to that on your own.”
Her expression turned confused as Roy wrapped his arm around her shoulder and guided her forwards towards the team. Both his hands came to rest upon her shoulders as they walked, and he gave them a gentle squeeze.
“Every day you become more of an enigma, Riza Hawkeye,” he spoke lowly into her ear. His breath caressed her skin gently and it made her stomach flutter again. His hands increased their pressure as he squeezed her shoulders while steering her over to the team. “I love that about you,” he whispered, “on top of everything else.”
Before she could reply or properly react he walked ahead and left her, asking who wanted a drink. The first round was on him. Havoc and Breda cheered loudly and quickly placed their order. Falman and Fuery were next, leaving Riza for last. They greeted her warmly once they noticed her presence, however her replies were slightly dazed as she was still reeling from what Roy had said.
“Hawkeye?” The culprit looked expectantly at her for her order, ignoring the fact he’d just announced that he loved her in a very public place. It hadn’t been loud but… But… But he still did it! He should know better –!
“Hawkeye.” Roy commanded her attention easily, his voice soft and welcoming. Her breath caught in her throat.
Glancing around she saw that no one was paying them any attention. The rest of the team had wandered over to their table to talk as they awaited their drinks. The bar was empty still, aside from them.
“What would you like to drink?”
Her eyes met his. His expression was open and unabashed, as if what he’d said had been no big deal.
Voicing it publicly was a problem. However there was no one around. Still, it couldn’t become a habit. Riza would make sure of that. It was dangerous. Their feelings had always been there though and had been for years. Riza’s had never changed. One night, underneath the desert sky, he’d confirmed it was the same for him. It was a comfort to know, Riza thought, and it was always nice to hear.
But still, she huffed in thought.
Riza placed her order after shooting him a warning look and he smirked, promising he wouldn’t be long.
After taking a seat at the table Havoc threw his arm heartily around her shoulders and left it there until their drinks arrived. Although almost being thrown off balance by his enthusiasm Riza didn’t mind it too much, because it was Havoc. Aside from Roy, he was one of her oldest friends. The heavy weight of his arm was a comfort and helped remind her that she was in the company of friends and teammates. Plus, it had been a while since she’d sat and had a drink with Havoc and that had always been a good time back in the Academy. She was excited.
For all the emphasis Roy had put on the importance of “Friday night” and how excited he’d been to go out with them all, Riza had to admit; it had made her look forward to the weekend ahead. She decided that “partyin’”, as Roy – and then everyone else – kept drunkenly calling it throughout the night, with this group was a good time. They’d chant “partyin’, partyin’, yeah!” as more drinks were brought to the table and it made her laugh. Riza knew once tonight was over she’d be looking forward to the next one.
It was early days, and their friendships were brand new for Riza, but they’d all accepted one another so easily and had eagerly welcomed Riza into their circle. She’d been almost afraid that after being so hard on them all at work initially they’d be put off by spending time with her outside of it. However, her fears were completely alleviated after tonight.
They were a good bunch of guys. They would be an amazing team all together, Riza was sure of it.
As Roy, Havoc, and Breda had drunkenly sung off key towards the end of the night, the evening had definitely been “fun, fun, fun, fun.”
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vs-redemption · 3 years
From Cindy: This was written for a Secret Santa event on a Discord Server I’m in. ( @konoblog-simps ) I got permission from the giftee to post this, so I wanted to share it with all of you Bokuto lovers!!!
Perfect Day (Bokuto x Fem!Reader)
If there was anything better than a balmy summer day at the beach, it would be spending that perfect day with your best friend, Kotaro Bokuto. The enthusiastic, lovable guy had been close with you ever since your first year in High School when you’d volunteered to tutor him in a few of his weaker subjects. You could still remember the day you’d overheard your teacher telling him that he’d be forced to take some time away from playing volleyball for the school team if he couldn’t get his grades back up. At first, the thought of helping him never even crossed your mind. He was just a random classmate that you’d never spoken to before, so you didn’t have any personal feelings invested.
There was no way for you to ignore his struggle over the next few days though. You’d never realized how much life and energy he’d brought to your class until the pressure of his grades transformed him into a sad looking puppy dog, slumped over his desk as he tried his best to write down and understand whatever your teacher was lecturing about. His moping was really killing the overall mood of the class. You also noticed that he started staying after school to get help from his volleyball teammates, who were quite hard on him at times. You got the distinct impression that he was an extremely valuable member of the club, and a part of you started to take pity on him. If it were you in that situation, you’d be just as upset if the school was threatening to ban you from participating in club activities.
“So, what subjects do you need help on?” You approach him after school one day after his friends left him to go to practice. You set your school bag down and pull an extra chair up to his desk. Bokuto was a pretty tall and muscular guy, but the way he perked up with his big golden eyes all wide in disbelief was extremely adorable.
“Thanks for offering,” he gives you an appreciative smile, “But I’d feel bad taking up your time. I know you’re on the swim team.” Bokuto had seemed to have a one track mind for volleyball, so it was a bit surprising that he knew which club you were in.
“We don’t practice as much as the volleyball team,” you tell him before pointing to the stack of books on his desk. “Which subject do you want to start with?”
You learned right away that Bokuto was a pretty emotional person, which made keeping him focused and motivated a whole job in itself. He got discouraged easily over difficult problems, but bounced back just as fast once something clicked and he managed to answer a question correctly. With your help, his grades improved just enough to be passable. But more importantly, you and Bokuto inevitably grew to be friends after spending so much time together. Since you had invested so much time in his success, Bokuto began to invite you to his games and would even show up to attend your swim meets sometimes to cheer you on. Over time, you started hanging out on weekends to do stuff outside of school activities, and eventually he just became a regular and important part of your life.
After graduating high school, you both managed to stay close despite having very different life and college schedules. Bokuto had been recruited by a fairly prestigious volleyball college team and moved out of town while you pursued a more academic route for your future. You both stayed in contact though and visited each other whenever there was time. You lived for the days he would video call you after his volleyball games to brag about all the awesome points he’d scored. Those calls always ended with you holding back giggles as his teammates poked their heads in to correct his exaggerations. In quieter times, you’d spend hours on the phone telling him about your teachers and coursework. He hardly ever had any helpful feedback or advice, but he still loved hearing your voice and was happy to know you were doing well. Of course, you wished you could see him more, but you made sure to make the most of the times you could spend with him, especially during long holiday breaks.
“Hey hey hey!!!!” Bokuto thrusts his fists into the air after slamming the volleyball into the sand on the other side of the net with unnecessary force. The group of college kids who had invited you both to join in their game looked to be regretting that decision now, even the ones playing on your team.
“Okay Mister ‘Best ace in the country.’ You don’t have to show off that much.” You tell him with a laugh, “This isn’t a professional game. Nobody’s going to want to play with you again if they’re scared of you.” Bokuto wasn’t worried about the random people standing on the other side of the net though. He was still celebrating the point he’d just earned with that last spike.
“You weren’t kidding when you said he was good,” one of your opponents picks up the ball and tosses it back over the net. “It’s match point now.”
“Your serve!” Bokuto flashes a wide grin and gives you a thumbs up, “don’t forget to hit the ball the way I showed you earlier.”
“Just don’t judge me if it doesn’t go over,” you shake your head while holding the ball out in front of you and toss it in the air. Thankfully, the ball clears the net and a girl on the other side manages to keep it in the air and pass it to one of her teammates.
“It’s coming back over!” One of the people on your side calls out and gets ready to receive the ball.
“Send it over here!” Bokuto calls for the shot once again. The people you were playing with didn’t have the skills he was used to though and the aim was way off. The ball comes straight to you and you put your hands over your head, hoping you’d have better luck sending it to your friend who had that crazy, hungry look in his eyes. He was always so passionate about volleyball, even in a casual setting like this.
The ball touches your hands and you bump it back up into a smooth arc right towards Bokuto who had his tongue sticking out of the side of his mouth adorably. He runs and jumps at the ball before slamming it down on the other side, where a few people even flinched away. Bokuto doesn’t even wait for anyone to call the match before throwing his fists up in victory again.
“Yeah!” He turns and practically charges at you with his hands up above his head.
“Whoa! Wait!” You put your hands up and close your eyes, hoping he wouldn’t use too much force. He surprises you though by just opening his arms and wrapping them around you in a tight hug. The college kids thank you for playing, but look slightly relieved when you suggest to Bokuto that you both cool off by going for a swim.
Being in the water meant it was your time to shine, and you couldn’t help but laugh at Bokuto who insisted on wearing blow up floaties on his arms. After you were both tired out, you head back onto the beach to spread out the blanket you’d brought and pull the food out of the cooler which you’d prepared beforehand.
“Ah!” Bokuto sighs and flops back on the blanket once he finishes eating. “I don’t want today to end.” You smile at his words and lay down next to him to look up at the clouds drifting by overhead.
“Liar,” you reply with a teasing tone in your voice. “You can hardly wait to return to school and get back to practicing for that upcoming tournament you’ve barely shut up about this whole vacation.”
“Yeah,” Bokuto turns his head to look at you with a frown. “But it’d be better if I could take you back with me. I always feel so sad when we say goodbye.”
“I know,” you reach over and pat his hand, feeling amused that after all this time he still wore his heart on his sleeve. “I don’t like having my best friend so far away either, but I’m proud of you for working so hard and doing what makes you happy every day.” The praise gives Bokuto a little bit of his spunk back and he looks back up with a grin on his face.
“Once we’re both done with school, we’ll never spend so much time apart,” he declares suddenly.
“I’m pretty sure you’ll have even less time then,” you point out, the more logical part of your brain kept you from joining in the fantasy. “You’ll join a professional team and travel around the country playing against other strong teams.”
“Then I’ll bring you with me,” he says as if that were obvious. “It won’t be any fun otherwise.”
“That’s sweet,” you can’t help but feel a little emotional knowing that you meant so much to him and his happiness. You had no idea how serious he was or if it would even be possible since you’d have a career of your own, but it was a nice thought nonetheless. “I’m looking forward to it.”
Once the sun started to set, you and Bokuto knew it was time to start packing up your things and head home. It was a bittersweet feeling knowing that your summer break was almost over and that Bokuto would be leaving soon. You’d had so much fun together, and you couldn’t help but wonder what the future had in store for the two of you. There was one thing you did know for certain though, and it was that you’d be more than content spending perfect days like this one with Bokuto for the rest of your life.
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timmyteehill · 3 years
Discord Thread || Antoni&Tee-01
Discord text thread featuring: Tee & @antonirenaldi
When: 2nd April 2021
Mentions: N/A​
Description: Tee and Tony meet up in person for the first time before the other starts working at his therapy clinic. Tony tells him about his divorce.
Trigger Warnings: talk of divorce
The last time Antoni had spoken with Timothy Hill, he'd been a happily married man en route to a bigger city for a bigger life. Now, as he nursed a whiskey and waited for his boss to arrive, he felt like a completely different person, needing to remind himself that he was just as capable of doing his job now as he had been a few weeks before. It wasn't as though he'd been hired for his home-life, he assured himself, swallowing the last of his self-doubt with a sip of his drink. And if this doesn't work out, you'll just go back home - whatever that means. Spotting a familiar face approaching his table, Antoni stood, forcing a smile and extending a hand. "There he is. How are things?" 
Tee couldn’t be prouder of the way his clinic was going. The number of clients were increasing and they all had great things to say about the service offered. It was going well enough that he needed to hire more people to help him out although maybe that wasn’t that surprising considering the drama and issues everyone living in Kingsboro seemed to have. Antoni was the perfect candidate and he did amazingly in their online interview so it was no hardship for Tee to offer him a job at Wellbeing Therapeutics. Although they chatted during their online interview and over the phone a few times, he was still excited to actually meet him in person. Tee saw the other sitting at one of the tables as soon as he walked in and he made his over. Antoni looked friendly enough but something seemed different than when he interviewed him, although Tee couldn’t put his finger on what. “It’s great to finally meet you in person”, he smiled, shaking his hand before taking a seat. “Things are pretty great, everything’s in full swing to welcome you on board.” 
“Definitely,” he agreed, sitting when Tee did. He liked the man’s demeanor, a refreshing change from the vastly older, borderline stodgy men he’d worked under in the past. He’d been a little surprised at just how young his new boss was, but everything had pointed to it being a positive thing; they’d developed an easy banter, and Antoni didn’t feel a constant need to assert or prove himself. “That’s great. I’ve looked into all the files, and I feel prepped for the new clients.” Everything was perfect, except for the small fact that - A server came by for Tee’s drink order, interrupting Tony’s line of thinking. When she left, he added, “The menu here looks great. You like this place?”
Tee knew that it wasn’t common to find someone his age already with his own therapy clinic but it was one of the perks of having rich parents who supported his dreams and endeavors. It wasn’t uncommon for others in his sector to look down on him for his age though. Like that guy he interviewed before Antoni who pursed his lips in judgement when he saw Tee was the one interviewing him and tried to pass him off as a joke. That was probably one of the reasons him and Antoni hit it off so well from the get go. If the other was uncomfortable over his age, he never showed it. “That’s great. The clinic keeps growing every day with more people calling for appointments so me and another psychologist aren’t really enough to keep it going on our own. I was thinking of eventually hiring other professionals like speech and occupational therapists but one thing at a time”, he joked, knowing it was best not to get too ahead of himself. Tee ordered himself a drink when the server came by, and was grateful when they didn’t make a big deal in front of Antoni. Most of the people working at Urban Cajun were like a family to him and treated him as such but they also knew when he was at a professional dinner and kept their boundaries. “I love the menu here, I’m a huge seafood lover. I feel like I kind of have to say that I love it, even if I hated it though or my mum would have my head.” It was best to get it out there instead of having the other find out on his own. “My parents kind of own this place.” 
“Oh, hey, that’s great. My son actually sees a speech therapist, and it’s been really beneficial. They were thinking he maybe didn’t have strong enough muscles in his cheeks to form certain words? They had us give him ice water with lemon to get him to learn how to pucker his lips, and now he’s pretty much at his 24-month milestones. It’s great, all the techniques they have.” Antoni took up a menu, although he’d already perused it while he’d waited for Tee, listening as the man spoke. He looked up at the new information, dark brows raised in appreciation. “Really? That must be awesome, how long have they had it? I’m huge on seafood too, there’s this place on the coast we go every summer ...” His voice trailed off and the bright expression on his face fell a bit. “Actually, speaking of families, I should probably give you an update.” 
Tee had some basic knowledge when it came to speech impediments but definitely not enough to be able to offer solutions and techniques so he always ended up referring his clients to a speech therapist friend of his. It would be so much better to have one working at the clinic so that all of the services could be offered under one roof but this sort of thing took time and planning. He wanted to see for himself that Antoni was settling in nicely before he would even consider recruiting anyone else. "You're right, and you know what they say. This sort of sector is multidisciplinary and we all have to work together in order to reach the final goal." Tee nodded, smiling a little shyly. Not everyone took the news that his parents were successful business owners very well, especially when they figured out that was the reason why he could afford to open his own clinic at such a young age. "I think they've had this place for close to twenty-one years at this point. They started off with this one in Kingsboro then gradually started opening up in more places." Tee noticed the way Antoni's expression shut down and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Okay...what's up?"
“Well, it’s - nothing that will affect my job performance, I can assure you,” except for the lack of sleep and the noticeable increase in my drinking habits a darker part of his mind amended, but Antoni pushed on. “My wi- uh, Gabrielle ... didn’t make the move with me. We’re separated, and we’ve begun divorce proceedings.” The words sounded foreign in his mouth, and he washed down the taste of them with another swig of whiskey. “She’s in Boston, with Luca. I’ll need to leave on Friday afternoons to either spend the weekends there or bring him back with me, and then returning on Sundays. I’m fine with front loading my appointments towards the beginning of the week to make up for the later half of Friday, if that’s alright with you.” He hated the way his circumstances painted him. He felt like a failure, and realized he hadn’t been meeting the man’s eyes. 
Tee could tell that their conversation had taken on a serious note but he wasn't sure what he was expecting. Especially when Antoni said it wasn't something that was going to affect the way he carried out his job. Whatever it was, he definitely wasn't expecting the other to tell him that he and his wife were getting divorced. It's not like Tee knew much about his private life; their interview was meant to discuss work-related issues and Tee was never really the kind of person to pry but Antonu had mentioned being happily married and having a son. He even mentioned how the whole family was excited to make the move to Kingsboro after Tee contacted him to let him know he got the job. So to be told that from the last time they talked to now things had gotten so bad that the couple had already begun divorce proceedings...it shocked him. "Shit." It was the first thing that came to mind and he couldn't hold back the curse. This wasn't something that Tee could relate to. While he's had his fair share of relationships ending badly, he was never married but he could imagine that if he was going through something like that, he wouldn't appreciate others making a big deal out of it. "Don't worry about appointments. If you want to take on less clients to give you more liberty to come and go...we'll figure something out." 
"Oh, no," Antoni countered, waving a hand in the air as if to brush away the smoke from the bomb he'd just dropped into Tee's lap. "Less clients doesn't seem necessary. Work will probably be a welcome distraction." He tried to smile, but it was thin and tight. "I'd like to do what I came here to do, if that's still alright with you." Thankfully, a waitress appeared tableside to see if they'd decided on dinner, and Tony felt the tension in his shoulders lessen a bit. "I'll have whatever he's having," he quipped, handing over his menu. "I have a feeling he knows what's good here."  
Tee wasn't sure if the other was actually being honest or if this was his way of trying to make a good impression on his new employer. Giving him fewer clients wouldn't be a problem. Tee might never have been married but he knew first hand how much a breakup could hurt, especially if it came out of the blue. Pushing Antoni wouldn't be a good idea, especially about something which was probably a very sensitive subject so he just nodded and dropped it. "Whatever you want." Handing over the menu which he hadn't even opened, Tee smiled at their server. "I'll have the soup of the day to start with and the spaghetti seafood." 
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mattsfanfics · 3 years
Oc drabble(?) thing I did on discord
Just something I wrote about my ocs on discord whilst simping:
Narra stood on the balcony of the atrium, looking down at all the old, long forgotten Atlas tech. "Do you think this'll work? 'Cause even if it does, Rhys AND Zer0 will have our asses, most likely." She warned, looking over at her daughter and friend. "Trust me, I wouldn't have sniffed out the coordinates for this place if I didn't." Ashi's tone was assuring, though she looked pre-occupied from typing away at a terminal to bust the security open. "Ashi's right, Narra, besides I don't think they care about this place anymore, it looks like it's been abandoned longer than the rest of the warehouses. If you can use this to track that facility I found in the files, we could be sitting on a gold mine." Of course, this was Octavia's thoughts on a best case scenario. "Look, I get you all want to make the big man proud and give us large amounts of money, but firstly, we don't know how much this could scramble my head, my cybernetics are only for importing and exporting data, not navigating mainframes and what not. I think the best job I could've gotten in Atlas, that's legal, would've been the CEO's personal mechanic and/or physician." "Ohhh, the 'CEO', you said his name like two minutes ago." Ashi pointed out after she finished typing. Octavia made her way to Narra and hooked the cables and wires up. "Everything looks all fuzzy... Agh..." Narra rubbed her eyes before regaining her vision, "Alright, here goes nothing, I guess..." "Wait! I have one last question before I send you in." Narra huffed, "What is it Ash?" she asked, looking at her offspring. "You mentioned wanting to be Rhys' personal mechanic or physician, does this mean you like him?" The teenager asked, smirking at her mother. "That's not funny, I just think one of those jobs would be pretty high paying, you know I'm not interested in anyone, especially after what happened with your father." "Your mother's right, Ashi, she prefers to remain professional." "Just send me in before I go over and slap that smug expression off your face." Narra jokingly threatened. "Oh I'm so scared." Ashi laughed for a second before powering the machine on, oh this will drain power from the main building, surely someone will notice. "Good luck." Octavia said, looking at her friend before going somewhere safe. Electrical currents shot through Narra, had she'd not gotten surge protection installed, she would've surely fried right there. Oh this was interesting, the buzzing was more intense than she'd been experiencing before. 'Thank god that twink of a CEO isn't connected to the mainframe right now, oh that'd be a heart attack and a half.' she thought to herself, navigating any and all files she could. She was grateful Ashi could gain her Rhys' security clearance. Of course, that relief was short lived, as she got a message saying that someone was trying to access the account, great, she now had to remotely crash Rhys' computer, yay. Oh I sure hope he hasn't already set a tracker on this place. Thankfully the system was crashed and she could go back to poking around, until-- "AGH!!" The cable connecting her to the servers had been yanked out. "Narra we have to go! I don't want them finding this place!" Narra nodded, trying to regain balance, oh, this is bad, she used the walls and rails to lean on while she made her way to the elevator.
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cinnamaldeide · 5 years
#Hannigraham Meet-Cute Challenge
Breathing in the tantalizing sea breeze on this wonderful merMay, we’re certainly enjoying the slow arrival of summer. There has been a lot of rain, so we spent our time in front of a computer, writing about the improbable ways in which our favourite characters would be meeting to share an umbrella, to find shelter from the ugly weather in a nice café, or simply staring at the dark sky and finding someone with whom to share its beauty. Hoping for the storm to actually provide some inspiration to you, let us present some very interesting prompts that could be combined with these menacing clouds and grey days 🌧
#1: B works at a bookstore and offers assistance to an embarrassed A, a customer carrying a large stack of self-help books.
#3: A walks into the kitchen, half-asleep, and mistakes B for her roommate. B knows the roommate and stayed overnight; makes breakfast for A. Need more details? Click on the post.
#22: A is having a quiet night at home – that is, until A’s apartment neighbour begins blasting music. Frustration levels rising, A goes to knock on the neighbour’s door to ask them to keep it down… at the same time B, the resident on the other side, is about to. Need more detail? Click on the post.
#32: A checks into a cozy inn while on a cross-country road trip, beyond tired and ready to collapse. When A gets to the assigned room, he or she is in for a surprise! Someone else, B, is already in the room. Uh-oh.
#50: A is at his/her cousin’s wedding. At the reception, A wanders over to B, a stranger, and in the spirit of the romance and happiness in the air, asks if they’re here for the groom or the bride. B’s answer is both simple and, ultimately, confusing: “Neither.”
#116: Although A normally goes to the cafe on Thursday evenings, A’s sibling had called in tears, and s/he had been forced to miss it. So instead A goes the next evening, sitting down at a table with a fresh cup of tea, and then abruptly realized that Friday night was Speed Dating night as B slides into the chair opposite and says, “They say you and I only have five minutes, but I can tell we’re going to need longer.”
#117: A is a professional assassin hired to take out a client’s cheating husband. But the client also spoke to B, a close friend, who has made it his/her’s own mission to also kill the husband. Unfortunately, both A and B have chosen the same night to do so, and it just so happens that B is a bit clumsy… and keeps getting in A’s way.
#143: A’s blind date just left, mumbling some sort of excuse about leaving the stove on. Confused and feeling rejected, A sits orders another beer at the bar, wondering where s/he went wrong. B, who had witnessed the situation, goes over and says sympathetically, “I think I know what went wrong… there’s something in your teeth.”
#162: A is interviewing potential roommates and is having very little luck. When it comes to B, A says, “I’m so sorry, I don’t think this is going to work. I can’t live with someone that I’d like to ask out.”
#166: A is at a coffee shop and sits down at a table, only to find a book on the chair. Intrigued, A starts flipping through it, and realizes it’s actually someone’s journal that had been left behind! And it’s fascinating. Unfortunately, B, the journal’s author, rushes back to retrieve it… and is horrified to see A reading it. But A, having gotten a feel for this person through his/her writing, asks if they want to go out sometime.
#176: A works at a pet store and is utterly surprised when B bursts through the door in a hurry and walks up to the cash without looking around. Out of breath, A says, “Please don’t ask why, but what do capybaras eat?”
#180: There has been a series of recent break-ins in A’s neighbourhood. B, a cop, knocks on A’s door to recommend safety measures and to ask if A has noticed anything peculiar — A hasn’t really seen anything, but invites the cop and his/her charming smile inside for coffee and a bit of false information so s/he might stay a while.
#186: A is walking through the park at night and notices B following close behind. With every step A is getting more and more paranoid until finally, as B goes to pass A, A swivels on his/her heel and punches B in the face! Turns out, B really was just trying to quicken his/her pace to make it home in time for the hockey game.
#207: A meets B and falls immediately for them, but B clearly doesn’t feel the same. After being rejected, A calls on Anteros, the avenger of unrequited love, to exact vengeance on B.
#210: A is a writer struggling to find inspiration for their next book. The publishers are breathing down their neck and the pressure is almost more than A can take. When A comes across an old Greek book in a thrift store, A brings it home and flips through the pages…. only to come across an old chant that was supposed to bring inspiration to those who read it out loud. A gives it a shot and… oh dear. Oh, oh dear. Somehow that summoned B, one of the Muses, to A’s living room.
#215: A is brought in to the police station for questioning about a crime they know nothing about and is put in an interrogation room… with B, who is another suspect in this particular case.
#239: A is sitting in a cafe trying to casually read their book, but is distracted by B’s loud phone conversation at the table over. B tells a joke over the phone, which makes A crack up unexpectedly – B looks over at A, annoyed that they were eavesdropping, but also appreciative that at least someone liked their joke! B hangs up and offers to tell A another.
#246: A was fatally wounded in an accident and suddenly finds themself looking down at their own lifeless body in confusion. B is a reaper and offers A guidance… but A doesn’t want to do the whole follow the light bullshit. A wants to flirt with the cute reaper.
#248: A is a barista and has come to recognize the regulars and their orders. One day, B walks in and A greets them, starting to prepare their order, when B stops A with a sigh: “I’m not who you think I am.” After receiving a blank stare from A who has no idea how to respond to that, B continues, “I have a twin. I’m the other one.”
#252: A is in the public library and notices a strange book that looks like it doesn’t belong in this section. A moves along to another genre, but it seems that this book is in every section… almost like it’s following A. How peculiar! When A finally picks it up to see what exactly it is, B appears out of thin air, and simply says, “I’ve been waiting fifty years for you.”
One of these was not in @fhimechan’s last post, which @mowgliscode, @diemetzgermeisterin, @hannibalsimago, @a-beautiful-day-to-be-arrested, @tigsmulii, @zigzag-wanderer, @h4nnibalism, @hhannahdarling, @fragile-teacup and @jenacar thankfully reblogged. We’re always so grateful for your help, you know we wouldn’t go anywhere on own our :/ Thank you so much!
Someone we really have to thank this month is also @niceven-silace, who decided to accept our challenge and gift us an amazing work! The night shift customer, the fic we’re talking about, is also the first to break our Hannibal Extended Universe wall, introducing Nigel! While the main pairing is still Hannigraham, we’re slowly broading our palate, officially accepting whatever HEU version of our lovely murder husbands.
Speaking of Extended Universe, Space Dogs, Basic Chicken, DogDogs, Royal Instincs and whatever other pairing crosses your mind, there’s an amazing HEU discord server if you’d like to deepen your knowledge ( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆) and speaking of Discord channels, Hannigram HQ has run a lovely initiative this week and some wonderful Different First Meetings has been mentioned, so sink your teeth in these beautiful stories ✧・゚:*
@nera-solani recc’ed @fhimechan’s The hair of the dog @ishxallxgood recc’ed @anomalousy​’s Twisted Fates. @ethicsbecomeaesthetics​ recc’ed ache_for_him’s before you and after you @annabelle-hopkins​ recc’ed @darkmoonsigel​’s Hear My Soul Speak @jainas-art​ recc’ed @emungere​’s Something Warmer @cinnamaldeide​ recc’ed @geneticallydead​’s Clothes Make The Man (serie)
I cannot but rec all of our amazing contributions as well, all the delicious stories we managed to collect so far in these last five months!
#29: Welcome to Widdershins Close by @zigzag-wanderer #110: Fancy meeting you by @mazephoenix #74: Going My Way by @fragile-teacup #55: A Face Like Yours by @hannibalsimago #13: Admirable Deceit by @cinnamaldeide
We’re so proud of our Ao3 collection, where you can find them all, and we’d like to continue adding magic stories to it! While we wait for you to find a prompt that really really inspires you, take a look at all the others on @meetcuteprompts and our Pillowfort community. As you know, you get to choose the next prompt after you fill one of the list above, so we hope there’s always something new to propose. Cute meetings might involve some more blood than other fandoms would comfortably allow, but we’re fannibals, what’s a little bleeding between friends  (ꈍᴗꈍ)
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ograndebatata · 5 years
Belated contribution to Elena of Avalor Ship appreciation week - Day 2 - Alonso/Carmen -Adventures in Love - Chapter 001
Well... this was meant to be a contribution to the Elena of Avalor ship week on the Discord server, but it came out far later than I expected due to how much it started growing out of my control.
I even decided to post it in parts eventually because it was just getting so big. I hope you enjoy this first one. The pairing is Alonso x Carmen, and it was meant to be on the ‘Adventure’ day, with the crackship theme.
The usual disclaimers about me not owning anything in the series apply. 
Chapter 1 - Customer Importance
A bit over a week before Avalor's third Navidad after Princess Elena's exit from the Amulet of Avalor...
A growling stomach would usually not be described as something to be proud of, but as Alonso followed Avalor's new magister of trade into Café Angelica, he knew none of his body parts had ever spoken up at a better time.
Yes, Julio Guzman meant well, and it was remarkable he tried so hard to be good at his job, and it was good he had become more confident in his position since they first met at the last Feast of Friendship, and it was true Alonso was still trying to better himself. But there were limits for everything, and while Alonso had learned to be polite enough to not outright say so to the man, he was sick of hearing heaps of proposals that traders, whether Avaloran or not, had regarding partnerships with Cordoba.
Thankfully, his stomach's growl had served as an effective stopper to those, for the time being anyway, and Julio had suggested a meal on the house before he left for Cordoba to spend Navidad with his family.
At first, Alonso had accepted just to have some way of escaping this conversation, but as he smelled the divine whiffs coming from the kitchen even before he entered the place, he knew it had been a good idea for more reasons than one.
As he walked in, he couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort at the soft glow of the lights, the warm golden-orange on the walls, and the blue tables and chairs set about in an organized but not geometric fashion, each of them simple but well-crafted and sturdy.
It all seemed to give a feeling of being part of the family, like he heard Elena said she wanted her guests to feel, although this café looked far too old to have been set up by her.
"Here, Prince Alonso," the man instructed, pointing at a table for two right in front of the door. Alonso circled it so he could face the door and sat down as he removed his messenger bag from his shoulder. "Do you have anything in mind, or would you like to read the menu?"
Alonso picked up the list before him. "I think I'll read the menu. I don't know enough about Avaloran cuisine to ask for anything beforehand."
Julio nodded, standing at attention by his table like a soldier, his hands behind his back.
Trying to keep a calm expression, Alonso said, "Relax, will you? I won't terminate the alliance with Avalor if you just sit down for a bit."
The magister of trade did not sit down, but at least did stand in a more relaxed fashion, his arms now falling alongside his body.
Not as far as Alonso had suggested, but maybe it was better not to be too pushy, he decided as he started looking at the menu.
He recognized some dishes in it, like locro and guacamole and paella and enchiladas and tacos, but there were others which he had never heard of, like morisqueta and aguachile and puntas and milanesa and chicharron.
It might be interesting to try some of those out, but given it would be quite some time before he could eat again, and he might end up being accidentally rude by conveying through his expression that any given dish would be bad, perhaps he should go for something a bit more familiar.
Sounds like you're not trying all that hard to be better, after all. A reproachful voice pointed out at him.
Alonso suppressed a frown. He had been trying hard. The fact he still remembered all the proposals Julio Guzman had conveyed to him proved it, he thought.
But maybe he could try even harder. After all, his father went through even worse ordeals during his rule. If Alonso couldn't even be trusted to show gratitude for food he didn't like, he could hardly hope to be the kind of king who'd be a good ruler.
Not that he could hope that anyway, but he could still try his best.
Just pick something! Alonso told himself as he willed his eyes to pick something out from the list.
They landed on a dish at random, and he voiced his request to Julio.
"I'd like some rissoles with arroz rojo," he said. "Please." he added at the very last minute as he remembered his manners.
"I'll ask my sister to make some right away," Julio replied.
Saying so, he jogged someplace behind him, probably the kitchen to tell his sister. Interesting. Alonso would have thought the man would have called out the order rather than leave his guest alone, but perhaps he also felt the talk of trade matters had run its course and didn't feel comfortable around Alonso without it.
Shrugging to himself, Alonso settled more comfortably into his chair. He wouldn't say that to the man's face either, but he could do with some peace and quiet for a bit.
Sitting at the kitchen table, Carmen looked up as she heard the kitchen's double doors creaking open. Normally she barely blinked at the noise, but something about it was different enough this time that she raised her eyes from the new recipe she was outlining on paper before trying out for real.
Indeed, Julio had a rather strange halted skip to his step as he approached, his eyes glowing with eagerness and yet the rest of his posture strangely tense.
"You'll never guess who agreed to come to the café!" he whispered at her like an excited kid who'd gotten a toy he'd been wanting for months.
Carmen set down her pencil. "Hello to you too."
Julio stopped as if trying not to stumble on a sudden obstacle.
"Yes, yes, hello." he conceded. "Did you have a good day?"
"It was quiet. Enough people came here to turn in profit, but not enough to overwhelm the staff." She could see from the way he was tensing up that he was just dying to keep talking about his topic, so she added "I'm guessing you had a pretty great one. Who came here with you?"
"One of the best guests we could have!" Julio leaned forward and 'loud whispered'. "Prince Alonso of Cordoba!"
Carmen could actually feel her eyes widening.
"You mean he stayed with you all day long to listen to everything you wanted to tell him?"
Even without knowing him, she was impressed. Julio had had quite a lot of proposals to share, even though he had spent the better part of two days discarding lots of suggestions whether because they were repeated, too impractical to implement, or, in some rare cases, so asinine that they didn't deserve to be taken into consideration.
"I was impressed as well," Julio remarked. "Especially after Princess Elena's warnings about him."
Carmen shrugged. "Maybe he's trying to change?"
Julio nodded. "Maybe, but from how he acted with me, he either really changed a lot or wasn't that bad to begin with." Before Carmen could reply, her brother made a gesture as if pushing a heavy burden to the side. "Point is, he's here! And he's going to eat your food!" In a more normal tone, he finished. "He asked for rissoles with arroz rojo. Let's get them done."
Carmen narrowed her eyes. "We're almost closed. I'm not sure I can have those ready before then. Can't you ask him to order anything simpler?"
"We could close a bit later, can't we? This is an important customer, after all." He looked like he was ready to throw his arms up from the grandeur of his following statement. "And if he likes it, maybe word will spread to Cordoba, and other visitors from there will come here, and we'll get more money!"
Carmen tried not to frown.
"I think we're good on the money front for a while."
Julio folded his arms. "That's why we need to have enough to save up in case we ever end up on the wrong side of poverty again."
Carmen held back her remarks. She could see where Julio was coming from. Even with the café's success, it had taken over a year to pay off all the bills and debts that had built up during the dark period in their lives. Still, she didn't exactly like Julio's excessive concerns with money. They were well off by now, at least enough that she didn't see the need to seek for a source of profit everywhere.
"I'll help you." Julio added, opening his eyes wider and pouting like a puppy.
Carmen sighed. "I think you're overdoing it." She took a deep breath to gather herself. "But let's make the rissoles with arroz rojo."
Julio broke into a relieved smile. "Thank you, Carmen."
Despite herself, Carmen spared him a smile of her own before she put away her pencil and the book she had been writing on.
Here's to hoping he can appreciate good food. She thought as she picked up a piece of bread to be turned into crumbs. She knew some royals could be really picky about what they ate. Granted, that might be undeserved reputation in some cases. She didn't have motives to complain about any of those she had actually met, and no one had ever disliked any of her abuela's dishes.
Carmen closed her eyes, a jolt of pain cutting through her heart. Even years later, she could get bouts of sadness when thinking about abuelita. And she had been getting a lot of those lately with the approaching Navidad.
She willed the thought to leave her brain as she set the bread down on the table and went to get the onion. Her point was, Prince Alonso sounded like he would be the first royal she served who was a picky eater. Though Julio's words had hinted he was trying to be better, it was hard to say if he had become good enough to be polite about food he didn't like. Doña Paloma had spoken of his comments on single lettuce leaves after all.
Well, let him think whatever he thought. Carmen would do the dish he had requested, and would do her best job, like her professional and personal pride always compelled her to.
And if Prince Alonso didn't like it, all the worse for him.
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itkmoonknight · 5 years
ITK Newsletter, no. XCII: No Show??? + FCL for June, Week 1!!
Welcome Dear Loonies!
Well, my golly golly gosh! What a week it has been!
As some of you are well aware, we released our 100th episode on ITK and revealed all our little surprises for all our listeners.
I'll be taking a break from recording this week, to rejuvenate after such an epic episode, but I'll be using that time wisely - I'm hoping to write more on our newly featured serial, and I may be dropping a line to some friends of the show to see if we can tee up an appearance on a LUNAR-PICK, ISLA RA or SPOTLIGHT in the phases of the Moon to come!
In my absence, the other two High Priests Connorshu and Rebecca MAY drop something for this week, so I can't tell you what it will be on, but whatever it is, I'm sure it will be entertaining!
(As heard on our previous episode - the fact that Khonshu has lost his Sceptre, has interefered with our show's scheduling and format...so anything goes!)
So there could well be an episode this weekend - or there could well not...please just keep an eye out on your podcatcher for any updates to your ITK subscription!
Anyhoo!! -
I thought I'd take this opportunity as well to reflect a bit on our 100th episode and give you a bit more insight into how it all got put together. Needless to say, I'm as proud as can be in the 100th episode - it's certainly the most ambitious one yet and it's length also reflects the desire we had to try and give you as memorable episode as we possibly could!
First and foremost, want to say how much of an honour it was to be able to chat to Doug Moench, Greg Smallwood and JM DeMatteis!
I can't believe that the expectations we set ourselves for the 100th episode was not only met but exceeded! I had thrown a wide net out there to many of the Moon Knight Alumni, and am forever grateful that Doug, Greg and JM were so gracious as to respond and give their time for our humble little show.
The interview with JM was the last one we conducted and I again was blessed to have had Anthony from Capes on the Couch join me in chatting with JM. Anthony (as previously mentioned is an Omega Level Loony) is a HUGE JM fam and his favourite run of Moon Knight is the Scarlet Redemption. Having missed out on our review of the arc, I thought it only fair that he join me in chatting with Mr. DeMatteis and we all had a really good time!
I seriously could have chatted with JM and Anthony for another hour or so, but you can most likely hear in the background, my own little Loony, Finn, crying...! Both JM and Anthony were very accommodating with this and they professionally carried on, which I totally admire. If you've heard the interview, I strongly recommend picking up JM DeMatteis' 'Moonshadow - Definitive Edition'...it looks bloody good! Also, if you are in the area, consider JM DeMatteis' writing workshop or consultation from Imagination 101 or Creative point...
The interview with Greg Smallwood was the first interview I got on tape, and it was actually during the move we made from one apartment to another in the same building. I recorded it in the empty living room of our old apartment (you can kinda hear the echo) and as a little behind-the-scenes, both Greg and I had MASSIVE gremlins in our Skype! The interview itself is made up of at least 4-5 separate recordings, and a fair bit of editing, as we'd have to stop the chat, and pick up again once Skype reconnected..thankfully I'm glad it didn't effect the final result and the chat was very relaxed and so much fun to do. Greg is most certainly a night owl, so this time it was the wee hours of the night for him and around mid-morning for me....
In stark contrast, the chat I had with Doug had me in all sorts! Although Doug was very apologetic for the time I had to wake up for the chat (4am!), I reassured him that it was only a small bit of effort to be able to get to chat with such a huge creator, so in reality it was no problem at all. To add to that, I also had a vicious cold and was coming off a week of being beaten down with a virus, so it is a very scratchy voice you can hear during the chat, but again after warming up to it, it was such an entertaining talk with THE guy that created THE character that we all know and love. I guess I didn't really know what to expect with Doug Moench. I didn't know what type of person he was and I'd listened to some of his interviews on other podcasts and read some articles in which he featured, but I got to say the only word I can describe Doug is, 'funky'. He has such a vibrant personality it's hard not to be affected by it, and so when he started telling me about his early days in the Marvel office, and his early jobs where he got to write at the dead of night...or when we got to hang around with The Who and Jimi Hendrix....well, ...that stuff is just gold!
Another MAJOR factor that made this show so special was the selfless contribution made by good mate, Wayne Hunt. Wayne isn't only one of the coolest and kindest blokes I know, but he's also generous to a fault. It's because of Wayne that we managed to not only elevate our 50th episode, by giving us great art (who can forget Conquer Lord giving Moon Knight a suplex??), but we also managed to make our 100th episode extra special by providing not one, but two original artworks! Wayne messaged me and said he felt inspired to creat something for our episode, ...and who am I to stop him? :)
It wasn't long before he sent over the drafts and I was just in awe at the beauty (the first artwork) and the pop comedic aspects (the second one) of his work - 
So a huge thank you Wayne for being our 'face' of the episode!
Not only that, but Wayne also messaged me with a surprise that rivalled his artwork - he said that he bought some comics that could be used a prize giveaways for the show! Again, I was gob-smacked by this and it just seemed that all the pieces for the show were coming together...we'd never conducted a giveaway before, and so we had heaps of fun thinking of ways to make it a competition and to figure out whether it should be announced on the 100th, or whether the winners be announced on the 100th.
As a little side note, you'll kinda hear that in our ITK Serial - 'The Hunt for Khonshu's Golden Sceptre' - there are 'clues' dropped in the serial. The idea was to have them as clues for Loonies to pick up on, when the competition was ANNOUNCED on the 100th episode. In the end, I couldn't wait any longer, so decided to announce the competition beforehand, and have the WINNERS announced on the 100th...small detail, but yeah...just in case anyone picked that up...!:P
Segue-ing straight into the ITK Serial....
Ahem...yes, this is something we thought we'd test on the show and see what sort of a response we'd get. From our end, I'm speaking on behalf of everyone involved, but I thought we all had a blast doing it! It's all tongue in cheek, and I believe most of us are fans of that Wolverine 'Long Night' serial, so why not try our own?
I'm pretty excited to try and write this thing, but as mentioned on the show, it's also an open invitation to get more Loonies involved - do you write as well? Would you be keen to take 'The Hunt for Khonshu's Golden Sceptre' further? Or do you like to have a go at acting? Either way, it would be great to drop us a line and let us know what you would be keen to do...we can either write you into an episode, or discuss what you'd want to write for the serial, and where you want to take it...it's a huge sandbox, Loonies - and we want everyone (who's keen to) to play!
So a huge thank you to the High Priests Connor and Rebecca, The Power of Chad, Dustin 'Cold Case' Kurtz, Josh 'Geronimo' Johnson and Tommy 'The Man on the Streets' for indulging this madcap Loony to bring the serial to life...!
Let us know what you thought of the episode and the interviews, serial, competition, Dear Khonshus etc...if you liked them, or would like to see something else on the show...we're more than happy to respond! You can catch us on any of these platforms - 
Podcast Page: http://intotheknight.libsyn.com
Facebook Page: Into the Knight - A Moon Knight Podcast
Facebook Group: Into the Knight - A Moon Knight Fan Base
Twitter: @ITKmoonknight
Discord ITK Server: ITK Server
#ITKMoonKnight 2019 Fantasy Comic League - June, Week 1
The current season of #FantasyComicLeague continues on in the month of June, Loonies, and we've got an update on the new drafts that your team members (Connorshu, Dustin, Chad, Tommy and Rey) have chosen for the new month.
The first week has already come and gone, and the points have been scored for each of the characters. Below you can see the current scorecards for each of the team members. Still early days yet, and anything can happen again during the month - 
Tommy made a late charge and came in at second place, followed by me (Rey), 'Cold Case' Kurtz, and The Power of Chad rounding off the group - 
High Priest of Khonshu, Reynaldo Gesmundo
Due to the results in May, I've been allowed to retain two of my previous players and so I've chosen to stick with Deadpool and Captain America. Those guys seem to be rather consistent - I just hope I chose the right powers for them. I've gone for two other big names in Iron Man and the Hulk. They don't necessarily translate into big points, but after perusing this month's comics, they're in with a chance...
Dustin 'Cold Case' Kurtz
Dustin was allowed to retain up to three of his players, and he's made full use of that option by retaining the supernatural/mystical titans of Blade, Doctor Strange and Ghost Rider. Dustin's also picked up a MASSIVE draw with Wolverine this time - an opportunity which arose due to last month's winner, Connorshu, not allowed to retain any of his players...
Tommy 'The Man on the Streets' Kawel
Tommy starts off solid again with a pretty decent pack of characters. Retaining only Venom, Tommy has managed to pick up Punisher and Daredevil, both of whom performed very well last month. Let's see how they go this month, but expect Tommy to shoot up the ladder!
High Priest of Khonshu, Connorshu Stephens
Poor Connorshu has had it tough for the month following May - he's had to relinquish ALL his players (due to being top of the table last month), and a busy schedule has seen him miss out on the drafting deadline...giving him two auto-drafts in Silver Surfer and Doctor Voodoo! Still, I imagine Captain Marvel will give him many points, but the new Silver Surfer title (and the Guardians of the Galaxy) may give Connorshu the boost he needs to return to the top!
'The Power of' Chad Jernigan
Our maverick, Chad had the opportunity to change his whole team, but sticking with his favourite characters has confirmed an identical team to last month. You never know with this sort of thing - although Chad rounded off the ladder last month, this month his players may yield even more points - it only really depends on how they are written for the books this month...so there's the very possibility that Chad may surprise all the others and climb up that ladder!
Well, that about wraps it, Loonies for this newsletter - a bit of a long one, but a great chance to reflect on our milestone just past...as well as give you an update on our Fantasy Comic League progress!
Thanks once again for reading this newsletter and listening to our podcast! Spread the word of Khonshu and Moon Knight if you can...would be great to interact and hear from new fans (and old ones who've only just recently come across our community!)
Keep watching that night sky, and keep tuning in!!
May Khonshu Watch Over the Denizens of the (K)Night,
Proud Member of The Collective
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