thesparkduo · 2 months
so I assume you two would thrive in an environment where everything is fireproof or in some sort of volcanic environment made of fire withstanding rocks and such unfortunately, I do not think that exists yet
"huh.. well, I doubt it exists yet either. We haven't run into a place like that since we've started traveling the multiverse.", Spark sighed, a frown on his face.
He blinked when he felt his brother bap his face, him looking up at the younger in confusion. Flame smiled cheerfully,{Cool Volcanny!}
He grinned," Yeah, Volcanos are cool. Think it would be awesome to live in one?"
Flame nodded quickly, bapping his brother's head with both of his hands excitedly. The smaller's smile had brightened.
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thesparkduo · 2 months
They are still walking, but Flame was now sitting on his brother's shoulders. Flame's arms were hugging the older's head, although the younger was careful with the fuse that was attached to Spark.
Spark was holding onto Flame's ankles, to keep his brother from falling. As they walked, Flame was pointing at the different bugs and animals they were seeing and excitedly talking about them.
Spark listened with a fond warm smile, his gaze brought to the creatures and such his brother was pointing at.
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thesparkduo · 3 months
just how long have you been walking, poor guy must need a rest by now. ugh seriously idk how you've gone on without me. has flame been eating properly? @>:<
Spark huffed, glaring at them. He recognizes who the voice is. More of the red color is slowly appearing in his hair. It's not a lot but still. "We haven't been walking for long. Infact we just got here. And we ate not too long ago!"
Flame nods with his brother's words , but he is smiling and very happy to hear from the other.
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thesparkduo · 3 months
{He my brobro! Bro bro come say hi hi!}, Flame grabbed Spark's hand and pulled him over.
Spark waved awkwardly,"er... Hi? I'm Spark.. Nice to meet you.."
[AWWW hello little me] -boops- ~ @stubbornchildishdeity
Flame jumped at the unexpected booping before he erupted into giggles once. He smiled at the other and replied,{Hi hi!}
Spark's watching this and fondly shakes his head.
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thesparkduo · 3 months
{'m Flame. You?} His head is tilted and he's on his tip toes as he looks up at the other.
[AWWW hello little me] -boops- ~ @stubbornchildishdeity
Flame jumped at the unexpected booping before he erupted into giggles once. He smiled at the other and replied,{Hi hi!}
Spark's watching this and fondly shakes his head.
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thesparkduo · 3 months
[AWWW hello little me] -boops- ~ @stubbornchildishdeity
Flame jumped at the unexpected booping before he erupted into giggles once. He smiled at the other and replied,{Hi hi!}
Spark's watching this and fondly shakes his head.
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thesparkduo · 3 months
chews you chews you chews you nomnomnom
Blueberry flavor with a fiery smokey taste
"WHAT THE-" The Wally, or Spark as he's currently called, yelps as a fluffy being appears, them chewing on his hair. His arms are held outwards, his head ducked slightly.
Home, or Flame as he is currently called, is now giggling, their hands covering their mouth to hide their laughter.
Spark narrows his eyes at his brother, and huffs," you think this is real funny don't you?"
The little puppet nods quickly, and their giggles increase tenfold.
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thesparkduo · 3 months
The scene appears in a forest with a dirt path, colorful flowers lining the path. Walking on it is two very distinct puppets.
One is older, and he's holding the younger one's hand as they walk. The two are talking, the younger excitedly telling a story to his brother.
The older puppet listens with a fond smile on his face. His hair at the moment is blue with a faint red color in the middle of his pompadour that looks a little like an explosion.
As they walk, a small screen appears above them. They don't take notice and are continuing to walk.
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thesparkduo · 3 months
Ello, and Welcome to the blog!
This blog is for two brothers. A multiverse traveling Wally variant and a Home variant. They're from an au where everyone had a curse, and based on their personalities the curses affect everyone differently.
Wally had gotten a curse that makes him explode like a bomb. And he has a massive temper. Home on the other hand has a fire curse. His hair bursts into flames and he got his chimney from it.
Their refs: both for their usual selves and when their curses are completely active.
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Now, to the rules of the blog: ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW ASKS THERE IS A CHILD CHARACTER. And no being mean. If you do either of those things, you will be blocked.
That's about it. Have fun and have a wonderful day! 😊
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