palaceofpassion · 2 years
Oof that ending really is the countdown to the end of his joy. I wonder if Spike feels the end is coming.
The crack of lightning, a glowing bloom descending from the heavens themselves struck before the ponies, splitting the tree of which they were standing under just seconds before.
Everyone whiplashed, expecting a horrific scene before them, their eyes glued as the dust and embers began to rise and clear. Eventually nothing, there was not a single thing before them. They didn't move, not knowing what to expect. They knew, that the world was dangerous, and after dealing with Nightmare Moon the one time, who knew what was going to happen.
"Oh oh oh~ What are we waiting for?"
The irregularity of the voice was all but heard through his? Her? Their tone. They couldn't tell, it was different every syllable. Fear ran through them, the strange fear of the unknown suddenly gripping their hearts through an icey chill.
The first to act was Rainbow, a quick twirl of her body she sent a leg aimed behind her, only to hit nothing but air. "Now now~ No need to be afraid." The voice came from behind her, and in front of the others, or did it come from in front of her and behind the others?
No one knew, and it was getting frustratingly worse.
"So you all are the elements of harmony now are you? What a cute little ensemble we have here! I would have thought you'd be scarier♥"
His tone changed to a flirty one, but it didn't sound at all flirty.
When the girls tried to find him, they still found nothing.
"Above above!"
Everyone looked up, finally coming to eye contact with the creature before them. It looked like a man, but it was anything but. His right hand was a talon, he had a tail of a dragon and... there was just something off about him they couldn't describe.
"Wh...who are you!?"
"Oh! Cute little shy one... or tall shy one I suppose. I'm Discord, the god of Chaos♥ Maybe you've heard of me."
"That can't be!" Twilight interjected, "Discord was sealed away by the Princess and the elements of harmony thousands of years ago!"
"Princess? Oh! Do you mean these two?"
With a snap of his fingers, a spout of chocolate milk began to seep from the broken tree, geyesring into the air above. At the top, fluttering on the chocolate fluids, bounced two stone statues, one of each Princess.
"Princess Celestia, Luna!"
Their voices called out, but none more so than one, little voice, that turned into a howling scream.
Twilight wasn't sure who said it, or who was the most surprised. Because her concentration was all on Spike, and Spike along.
She could feel the burning flames whisk against her skin, the heat from the green embers that flickered at his lips, his tongue gnashing against his teeth with a loud clack.
AJ's voice pierced through the loud boom of roaring flames which launched from the young drake's mouth.
None of the girls could say anything as they silently watched as the young Spike dashed forward, wreathed in a shell of green flames, the shape of a lizard, tail lashing behind, overtaking him.
"HE WAS A DRAGON!" Fluttershy cried out, terror seeping in her heart as she understood why she was so afraid of him, why they all were!
There was very little known about Dragons, in fact most pony's weren't even aware that they could take on a shape mimicking their own. But they were creatures of violence and destruction, leaving nothing but chars behind them.
"No no no no." Rainbow was freaking out, like Fluttershy she always had an inkling of horror. Pegasi were the most sensitive to dangers, so they kenw instinctively.
The other girls couldn't say anything.
Pinkie Pie, Rarity, they watched, horrified. The young man who'd stolen their hearts lashed outwards violence promised in the way he moved on all fours.
They... they wanted to believe, but the terror they felt landed on them tenfold. Their bodies recoiling in horror as he lunged into the air, his hind legs pushing him off the ground like a flaming missile.
Twilight ran forward, her magic charged, but everytime she took a step she was suddenly flipped over.
"No no no~" A voice whispered into her head.
Before the group Spike, losing his reason, lunged at Discord. The green sparked claws chose to strike, singing the air, and roasting the ozone. The smell of burning sulfur caused the girls to wretch.
Yet despite the strike, Discord simply toyed with the boy, putting one finger out, and simply flinging him over himself without a touch.
"Now now little Drake, you'll have to try harder than that~ PHysical strength amounts to nothing before me♥"
Spike's chest expanded and his lips pursed together. A single concentrated beam of flames pierced forward accompanied by the sound that could only be said to come from a banshee like an air raid siren echoing through the sounds.
He missed again, Discord swiveling around the focused beam, laughing as he toyed with the young drake. The floor beneath them split in two as Spike's breath melted through the rock and dirt with ease.
The girls blinked, more than a little horrified.
In the end, they could tell that Spike was dangerous, each and every one of them. Even Twilight... she'd never seen Spike so furious before, but she had to stop it before it got worse.
"No no no~"
Again she couldn't move, but... as she followed the trail of flames, she noticed the forest beyond igniting with a spark. "No! Spike stop!"
Her voice couldn't reach her little brother, entrapped with anger and fury.
He tried again, lunging forward once more, this time Discord didn't dodge. He let the claw make contact with him, only for the flames to sputter out.
"Oh little dragon, wee little drake. You who haven't even reached the starting point of your species, you wish to fight me?" He laughed, mocking Spike.
The horror dawned on everyone present, Spike was a mere child compared to other dragon's. He was nothing but a hatchling.
"Twi! What's the meaning of this! You... you brought a monter here!"
"Spike isn't a monster!"
She tried to argue against Rainbow, but no one came to her defense.
The girls stared at her in horror. Except fluttershy, who was looking down, away, cowed... she was shivering, horrified, terrified, absolutely wretched.
"Grls please! We have to help him!"
She tried to get them to help, tried to spur them on.
But even Pinkie and Rarity couldn't, wouldn't, were unable to move.
It was obvious how terrified they were... they...
"He... no... no no... that's not..."
"Please go away, please go away!"
The chilling fear that ran over all of them was too much.
And... Twilight, damned if she hadn't been so blind. Only just noticed the projection in the sky.
"Little dragon, so weak and frail, look, look at the terror you've brought!" Discord giggled, he laughed, mocked and played as he grabbed Spike by the head with ease.
The young dragon stared, confused and then... he calmed down... he watched as the girls looked at him, not discord, with fear. They... they...
"Look at it! Ponies are such spooked creatures you know? Just the slightest difference and Boom they don't want you anymore."
"Why don't we ask their true feelings?"
Discord snapped his fingers.
"I knew he was a monster! I knew it! We need to get rid of him and discord, we have to!"
"Gosh darn, that... he was so close to AB those times he went over! I can't let him close!"
"Goawaygoawaygoawaygoaway!Pleaseplease please I don't want to die!"
"No... I... he's... Spike... Spike's a monster... but... he can't no... please... dream, this a dream..."
"He's... everything's destroyed! That's not joy! No! Spike please don't do this!"
He couldn't hear Twilight's thoughts, she was the only one still actively trying to reach him...
"Look look~"
Spike's head was turned around by both his hands, "The flames!"
Spike felt his heart stop, a fire scorched the plains, quickly making it's way to ponyville.
"Listen, listen~"
Spike could hear them, terrified screams, horrified, monster, demon, devil, dragon! They called him things, he could hear the jumbled cries, the voices in his head, there was so many. Who was who? WHat he could he do?!?
"I bet Celestia would be disappointed in you, now wouldn't she? Little son of hers~"
He let Spike go, who fell to the ground on all flours, rain of pink milk splattered downwards. Thunderous clashes of trumpets and other sounds echoed instead of thunder and lightning.
"Spike! Spike!"
He couldn't hear Twilight as she called out to him. He looked up, he looked around.
Unified in his head.
Discord laughed, he mocked them. A fair game they should all have, he wouldn't let things end so quickly. "Come come, if you wish to fight me, to relinquish everything. I'll be waiting for you at Canterlot~ With the elements, oh weakened destined of Harmony."
And thus he left, leaving them to handle the horrors that they now had to deal with.
The girls left in denial.
♫This pent up Rage that's building up~♫
♫You know you can't fight the urge♫
♫We're burning higher, warming up♫
♫Let it all out~♫
"Oh be true to yourself little Drake, you were never meant to find a place amongst the prey."
The girls would eventually beat Discord, but the fear, the horror in the denizens within Ponyville, it would forever be planted.
That day, Spike the Dragon vanished from Ponyville. Only Twilight panicked, two worried but felt horrified, and thought perhaps it was for the best. The others, relished the scarce safety they had. And a Queen on high, cursed her inability to stop the inevitable.
Stepping into the Grassy Plain, a young woman with creamy colored skin, blue hair which appeared to spike and drop into a long ponytail, and horns fashioned on her side, made her first step out of the Dragonlands. Her tail cracking the earth beneath her, and her wings spreading out. The call of her kin reached her, and she must find them.
♪OUr longest hopes` connecting together.♪
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supahstarrr · 8 months
ponies i think the cast likes
teruko: she loves cute n feminine stuff, id say shed like fluttershy cuz duh shes cute. she LOVES some other designs like rariety and pinkiepie but will likely not like them for their personality. she finds all of the ponies cute, she has a soft spot for all of them but she def got some preferences.
xander: he loves applejack, pinkie pie and rainbowdash. he loves pinkie cuz shes fun and he loves applejack for her honesty + coolness, and he loves rainbowdahs bc shes cool. he thinks fluttershy's super cute though. hes alright with all of the ponies but hes annoyed with twilight and rarity the most
charles: obviously twilight. like come on shes purple and smart just like him. he'll most likely not like rainbow dash and pinkie pie because of personality reasons. but also he has such a soft spot for fluttershy for her empathy and trusting self, fluttershy's HIS baby. id say he also likes apple jack to some extent because shes pretty grounded.
whit: rarity because she the boss bitch!! i think he likes discord too bc i mean come on they're both fun
david: okay so its complicated with him. when he first watch mlp he'll be neutral or hate all of the ponies because for the most part he focuses on how annoying all of them can be. hell have to rewatch mlp to actually find out which ponies he prefers. but no matter what, hes loves all of them but hates all of them at the same time. but he hates pinkie and rariety and rainbowdash the most. he likes starlight shimmer and discord the most. perhaps he'll like fluttershy bc he likes yellow and shes yellow. he has a toxic relationship with pinkie pie he hates her but somewhat wants to be her hes so jealous of her he just wants to squeeze h.
min: likes twilight the most but i think shed actually like applejack too when it comes to personality
eden: pinkie pie her fav. fluttershy's a close second. she considers all of the characters having such noticble good personalities that she just cant bring herself to hate them. perhaps even dislike them. they're just all so CUTE!!!
rose: she liks all of the ponies they're nice and iconic and their colors go togeter they're all her ponies my little pony friendsss. (but she slightly prefers grounded characters, characters that wont talk much like fluttershy, applejack and twilight)
hu: i think shed love twilight due to her need to be helpful. she somewhat likes rariety due to her being elegant
levi: OBVIOUSLY rariety bc babygirl got styleeeeeee honey
nico: OBVIOUSLY fluttershy i mean come on. shes cute, shes "feminine" , she loves animals and shes quieter than the rest of the cast. she is them and they are she. do yu. understand . also they dont like pinkie pie and rainbowdash too much. mainly bc of hyperness but they dont like rainbowdash for her attitude sometimes.
ace: most likely wont admit it but he likes applejack. he wants to feel safe and secure and apple jack's prolly the one that'll do the perfect job doing that. despite apple jack reminding him of horses the most...
arturu: he dont like all of them theyre foolls ALL fools he says FOOLS . but he like RESPECTS rarity the most out of all of those peasants . Fluttershy gives him the most somber., bittersweet feelings because she reminds him of his sister, and possibly his former life as well.
veronika: she likes rainbowdash bc. maybe bc rainbowdash hyper and wont bore her too much. pinkie pie's an obvious close second. all the ponies have her heart but she prefers some over others, either because they're fun to watch or because their brain interests her. thing is that most of the cast arent really good for studying them. she'll most likely focus on discord, trixie, starlight shimmer , LUNA, and some other former/present antagonists to study. her least favorite is apple jack, bc shes a normie. her soft spot and other fav is LUNA. bc LUNA.
am i missing ipeople
arei: she definitely LOVES RARITY COME ON. shes a pretty pony!!!! though id also say that she kind of likes fluttershy, but has mixed emotions when it comes to fluttershy, because she thinks that fluttershy is a fucking pushover, too damn nice and detached from the reality that the world is a bITCH... but fluttershy is so pretty. but then again arei ALSO likes the fact that fluttershy is so sweet and nice and caring. and yes arei feels as if rarity can be too nice sometimes, she likes that rarity doesnt seem like a pushover as much as fluttershy is. arei also likes apple jack and rainbowdash to an extent, and slightly lean towards not liking pinkie pie
J: she DEFINITELY prefers apple jack. i mean shes one of the """"masculine""" ponies, shes humble, and to be quite honest she ALSO loves that apple jack is grounded, and that she loves her family so much. she wishes her family was as grounded as applejack's family. you'd think she'd probably like rainbowdash because shes also pretty ""masculine"" as well and that J relates to rainbowdash attempting to avoid "girly" stuff, but NAH. J hates how rainbowdash can have a big ass ego, and plus, she sees rainbowdash as "out of touch." J also wouldnt like rarity due to her believing that shes out of touch, but alos because rarity reminds her of her mother
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luci-luck · 2 years
The mlp redesign community in a nutshell/ lh
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Flutter Why:
- dirty gurl
- built like a super model
- tall so she can see others judge her from a mile away
- tiny wing
- scars becuz nature doesn’t always hug back
- “not like the other girls”
- gender envy
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Rainbow Death:
- short because *feisty goblin noises*
- huge wings to go f a s t e r
- eye scars and piercings
- does not care what happens to her legs
- “Hey kid! Wanna see something cool?”
- gender envy
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- big strong draft horse because ponies r small and noodle soup
- scars because farm is sharp :(
- bucks all day
- yee haw cowgirl
- workaholic mom friend
- gender envy
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Winkie Pie:
- a literal piece of dessert
- fur vitiligo
- different color eye and hooves
- short and c h u n k y
- entire aesthetic based on candy
- lil wings
- bipolar because her happiness is unnatural?
- you drew spongebob
- gender envy
I didn’t color them in because for the most part, the way people choose colors is very diverse.
That being said there are some patterns:
Some people like to give Fluttershy muted colors (brown hair) so she doesn’t stand out. Unfortunately, in a world of pastel ponies, this only makes her stand out more.
People like giving Pinkie vitiligo patterns, often with human skin tones. This is also strange for the world of pastel ponies but it’s Pinkie so she gets a pass.
Rainbowdash is often colored very dark and gray. This is cool as the more vibrant hues of her mane pop out
This post is made only to point out and poke fun at common trends :)
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The Ponyville Chainsaw Massacre
 tw// gore, cannibalism, general violence
Applejack tugged her hat down to ward off the vicious sun. The heat felt like the fires of hell were beating down on her and the massive bag of tree fertilizer on her back didn't help one bit. It was a slow day in Ponyville, at least for everypony other than her. Shade glanced up at the sky. The sun was terrible. It was too bright, too hot, and burned away so many rain clouds the orchard hardly got a drink of water. 
From the bright blue sky came an ever brighter pony. Sweet Rainbow Dash. Hell, she was lovely but Applejack couldn't stand to stop for a chat right now. 
“Heya, Dash. Good ta see ya,” she responded gruffly.
The pegasus stopped herself midair and landed next to her. 
“How are ya Applejack?” she smiled at her. It was a sweet smile, but it didn’t seem to bring any warmth to her heart. 
She huffed “Good. Hell, it's just been rough at the farm,”
Rainbowdash’s grin faltered “I’m sorry ‘bout that, I’d get some clouds out to you but… ya know,' ' she gave her another soft smile.
“I know, Dash. It’s not your fault there’s a shortage,”
Rainbow Dash nuzzled Applejack's neck, which managed to comfort her a little bit.
“Well, I guess I should get back to work, hun. Them apples won’t grow themselves,”
She gave Rainbow Dash a weak smile that dropped as she flew off. Applejack stretched her sore back, it felt like she could buckle at any moment. 
She continued on her path out of Ponyville and to the sprawling countryside. Her mind began to wander, anywhere would be better than where she was now. Anything would be better than worrying about her family. She was yanked out of her wandering thoughts by cheerful voices. Two bright and spry fillies appeared in front of her.
“Applejack!” the two exclaimed, “are ya going to the farm?”
Sweetiebell hopped with excitement, “can we come with?”
“Girls,” Applejack sighed, “ya know Applebloom is in trouble after what happened. She isn’t allowed to leave the farm.”
The fillies frowned at her kurt response.
“Are you sure, Applejack?” Scootaloo piped up.
“Yes,” Applejack couldn’t help her blunt tone, “after what she did to those two poor fillies I- well I just wouldn’t feel right letting her around other ponies.”
The pair hung their heads as they parted ways. Applejack spent the rest of the trip with her eyes fixated on the ground under her hooves until the path gave way to the grounds of her family’s farm. She pulled her head up. It was deadly silent on the farm aside from some birds and crickets chirping. The orchard was even worse. When Applebloom was running around the farm she never liked to venture into the orchard. Big Mac preferred to tend to the animals, though he would reluctantly help her pull the carts on occasion. 
She huffed as she let the bags fall to the ground and allowed her to finally breathe. Judging by the sun, it must’ve been about dinner time.
“Dammit.” she cursed under her breath. The trip shouldn’t have taken her so long, she’d hardly have time to fix dinner. As she stepped inside the house, the eerie silence hung heavy. It made her neck prickle. She rushed back outside and to the barn to find Applebloom before she managed to burn the whole farm down.
“Apple Bloom!” she threw open the barn door to find the little filly propping up a limp raccoon on a hay bale. “What the hay are ya doing?!”
“I’m just playin’ sis!” she whinnied.
Applejack marched up to her and snatched the raccoon off the hay bale. 
“Not with some poor dead thing you're not!” she turned her eye on the small furry thing. “Now don’t tell me ya killed the damn thing.” 
The mare’s cold, harsh voice stirred a mixture of fear and anger in Applebloom,
“Ah didn’t! Ah, just found it like that!”
Applejack shook her head and dragged the little thing outside. She pawed away some dirt and set it gently in the hole while Applebloom stood shamefully behind her. Applejack pushed the dirt back over it, took her hat off, and stood in silence for a second to show her respects. 
“Now I hope you didn’t drag that inside,” she set her hat back on her head.
“Ah didn’t…” Her response was quiet.
“Good.” she nudged Applebloom, urging her back into the house. The filly huffed but obeyed her sister’s command. Inside the house was dingy and dark. There was little that filled the stale air other than the animalistic snorting from down the hallway. The sounds subsided when Applejack kicked the front door shut after herself; in their place came a large, crimson stallion's head around the corner. 
The Big Mac was odd. He was large enough to take down an ox, but he was timid and easy to spook. On top of that, he had a rough leather hood that he clumsily fitted to his face. The stitching was sloppy and Applejack often had to take the hood from him to fix, all the while Big Mac would rub his face into a quilt to soothe himself. Despite this, she had to admit he was a sweetheart and a hard worker. Not to mention he stayed out of trouble, unlike her little sister. 
“Ready for dinner, Big Mac?”
“Eyup,” he was a stallion of few words, considering he’d only ever learned a few.
“Go git granny down here, A’right?” 
The stallion nodded and headed up the creaking stairs. Applejack sat and waited by the stairs just as she always had, making sure nothing happened to them. Big Mac brought an old green mare down and set her in a decrepit wooden rocking chair. Granny Smith was old, a little over 100. She took a soft blanket and pulled it over her lap. She may as well have been a corpse, her skin was shriveled and shrunken to her bones. Her voice was too weak to talk and her joints too weak to walk. She was great in her day, Applejack was sure of it.
She trotted off towards the kitchen. It seemed even duller and emptier than the other rooms of the house. She pulled open a cabinet, empty. Another one, a couple of pots, but nothing else. Another, just some spices. She heaved a sigh. She stared blankly out the window, trying to hold herself together.
Her eyes fell on the upturned plot of dirt next to the barn. Her ears twitched, and her stomach groaned. Maybe she could… at least it would be food. 
She glanced behind her. No one else was around. She walked across the wooden floor with soft hoofsteps. She pushed her away quietly out of the kitchen door and trotted over to the patch of soil. She gave her surroundings another anxious glance before she started working the soil with her hoof. The dry soil crumbled away until it unveiled the gray lump of fur. She’d make it quick, give the poor thing some scrap of respect.
“I’m sorry, little thing. I’ll make this quick,” she mumbled before she grabbed the pelt in between her teeth. 
She made it quick, just as promised. She tossed the good meat onto the counter and took everything else back to the little hole. In the dusk, she found a little dandelion that she picked and gingerly set on the makeshift grave. Back in the kitchen, she prepared her clever and started chopping the meat into bits. It was still rather bloody and had a few good chunks missing. She didn’t have the steel nerves of a butcher.
She tossed the meat into the pot that was set on the stove. Finally, she allowed herself to sit back and take a slow breath. She reached up and flipped on the kitchen lights. The lights and the smell of food soothed her. There was some security in cooking. It meant there would be something on the table that night. Maybe there would be enough to fill her belly.
She didn’t allow herself to sit for long. She moved back to the hot stove and stirred the food, tossed in a few extra ingredients, and stirred again. She tossed in some spices and before long she had a delicious pot of chili sitting in front of her. For once, she smiled. 
“Dinner’s ready everypony!” she exclaimed. The unusual warmth in her voice elicited some curiosity from her siblings. Applebloom hopped into the kitchen. A wide smile spread across her face when she smelled the chili on the stove.
“Wow! Dinner smells great, Jackie!” 
“Ya two like chili?” Applejack proudly pushed two bowls across the table for them.
“I’m glad to hear that from ya two. Why I fancy that pot could last us the next 3 days!” she puffed her chest out with pride as she fixed a bowl for herself. The three gleefully filled their bellies up with the delicious food, Applejack stopping now and then to lift a spoonful to Granny’s mouth. 
After cleaning the dishes and sending her family off to sleep in their rooms, Applejack finally returned to her dark bedroom. She was more than happy to collapse onto the old blankets and quilts that covered her bed. Her fur felt warm, her belly was full for the first time in what felt like years. As her eyes closed any thought of the little raccoon quietly slipped from her memory and into the quiet night.
In the morning, the cold air and orange sun swept over Applejack. She shuddered under the chill but pushed on with her chores. Celestia knows the day would only get hotter by the minute. With her energy restored, she moved about her work quickly. Even the hefty bags of fertilizer seemed lighter as she dragged them about the orchard. Come high noon, the sun was beating down on her but at least she had finished her work. 
She filled up with more chili inside the house before preparing to head back into town for more supplies. She trotted along the dirt path to Ponyville with her head held high. The sun shone against her flank and warmed her old bones. The brim of her hat sat just so on her head to keep the light out of her eyes. 
“Oh, hello miss apples!” Dammit. That Celestia-forsaken, sing-song voice rang like a gunshot in her ears.
“Film. Flam.” she glared at the stallions before her, “it’s, ah… real shocking to see you here.”
She stepped forward and tried to shove her way past the brothers. A bright hoof hit her square in the chest. 
“Miss jack! We’re here to talk to you,” the stallion gave a grin that was too wide.
“You’re a farmer,”
“Real accomplished!”
“And ya got that big ‘ol orchard all to yourself!”
Applejack snorted and tried to push past them again, only to be stopped when one of the unicorns slung an arm around her.
“Working all that land by yourself! Yeesh, we’re impressed!”
She shoved the unicorn off her, “Well that’s great to hear, but you two are holdin’ up ma work.”
The pair only slunk closer.
“How’s about you give us some of that land and let us work it for ya-”
The stallion was quickly silenced with a swift and hard blow to the jaw from Applejack’s hind legs. He could feel his teeth slice through his tongue. The crunch of his bones cracking reverberated through the quiet countryside. 
“You- you little rats!” Applejack turned to yell at the stallion that she had kicked. Her rage blinded her to the sight of the blood spewing from the stunned unicorn’s nose and mouth. She got closer to him and shoved him into the dirt, her heart swelling with white-hot rage.
The other finally came to his senses and let out a blood-curdling scream. The piercing sound shot through the air like a shotgun. Applejack flattened her ears. The sound brought her somewhat back to reality, just enough to realize her mistake. In a panic, she reared back, her eyes wild, and delivered another swift buck to the stallion.
She was just far enough away that she couldn’t crack him in the jaw as she did his brother. The strike hit him hard in the nose. The shock rang through his nerves and froze him completely as he fell to the ground. With one stallion paralyzed in shock, Applejack hopped back to the other brother and stomped his head in with her strong hoof. His brains spewed out of his cracked skull. It was an act of mercy. He was dead as a doornail in seconds.
His brother wasn’t so lucky; he writhed on the ground, covering his yellow coat in dirt and blood. Applejack turned back to him, the stench of blood was all too strong. She stepped aside and hurled her lunch into the tall grass just off the path. During this brief break, the stallion tried to crawl backward and away from the blood stained mare. But he never could have moved fast enough to evade her. 
He was just a few steps away. Just a few bloody hoofbeats and she was looming over him again. She reared up, her front hooves hanging heavy over the stallion’s head.
Down came her hooves. His skull was caved in just like his brother's. His brain was mashed into chunks. His face was torn apart. If it weren’t for the body he wouldn’t be recognizable; not even a dental record would be able to identify him. She gagged again, the sight and smell were torture to her senses. 
She grabbed the two bodies and threw them over her back. All hell would break loose on her if anyone saw the massacre. She started to walk, then she started to gallop. The world spun and the sky melted into the red blood on her face. The fields swayed like they were dizzy and weak. The red coated everything, the only other color in her vision were the black patches dancing in the corners of her eyes. The red of the barn blended too perfectly into the crimson blood it blended in so well that she nearly rammed into the barn wall headfirst. 
Her shaking legs were the only things that managed to stop her before the barn marked her head with a fat bruise. She collapsed under the weight of the bodies and they fell pathetically to her side. A large dark shadow came over her as she lay on the ground, heaving for air.
“Jack?” a deep voice prodded gently.
“Ah’m fine, Big mac,” Applejack forced herself to her hooves to reassure her brother. She’d die before she made her siblings worry about her. 
“Rough, uh, day is all,” she shook her coat. Big Mac wasn’t standing in front of her anymore, instead, he investigated the bloody corpses with innocent curiosity. Something about the comfort of the farm cleared her head. She had an idea.  
“Ya like my chili, don’t ya Big Mac?”
Big Mac’s eyes lit up, “E’yup!”
“Well,” she sighed and smiled at him. “How’s about you butcher these little… animals for me and I’ll make us a big chili dinner tonight!”
Big Mac stopped his hooves with delight at the idea. Applejack was the best damn cook he knew! He grabbed the two ponies and dragged them off to the back of the barn to be butchered.
Applejack sighed with relief after Big Mac disappeared behind the barn. Her heavy limbs dragged her into the house and to the bathroom to wash her coat in the bath. She ran a warm bath and swirled her hoof in it. The water purified her orange coat. The blood and dirt came off her fur in swirls, spiraling away into the expanse of water. The warm water was like heaven, like liquid sunshine swallowing her whole. The water was tainted with brown and red when she stood up, no longer pure as it was. But her orange coat was restored to its former beauty. She shook the excess from her coat and drained the bath. Her guilt washed out with the water. 
When she stepped out she caught a glimpse of Applebloom trotting about the house. She walked over to her.
“Hey, Applebloom,” 
“Yeah, sis?”
Applejack nudged her, “How would ya like to learn to skin an animal?”
Applebloom gasped, “Ya really mean it?!” she jumped with excitement.
“Yeah,” Applejack nudged her to the front door. “Big Mac is out behind the barn butcherin’ some critters, I bet he’d love to teach ya hold to skin.”
Applejack smiled as her sister bounded off behind the barn, she sat back on her haunches. She sighed. The afternoon air felt good. It was crisp, real, more real than anything that transpired that day. Her stomach snarled. She held her abdomen; it had been a while since she felt the pang of hunger. 
There would be food that night. She could puke just thinking about that meat. No, not raw meat she reminded herself it was just chili, ingredients for chili. That soothed her. She forced the thought of raw meat and blood out of her mind, replacing it with the thought of warm chili. 
That’s all it was. By sundown, Big Mac and Applebloom had skinned and butchered the bodies. They were stored in the freezer, no longer ponies, just meat and nothing more. Applejack threw some meat in the pot and got to work. Toss in some ingredients. Mix. Fill up the bowls. Feed the family. 
The ponies sat around the table, radiant with joy, even Applejack. The killing of the day no longer weighed on her mind; her full warm belly outweighed her worries.
The bodies sat in that freezer for months. They stayed fresh. They were never missed, no loving mother came searching for them, nor any family or friends worried for them. 
Months, it was months, and still, the apple farm hadn’t seen a single drop of rain. By now there was only one body in the freezer, and a stack of bones strewn about the orchard. That second body wouldn't be left alone for long, however. 
Applejack knew Big Mac was not dumb, nor violent. But she knew he had his flaws. He was easy to spook and stronger than he knew. 
The grass was covered with that bright red and that stench hung heavy in the air. Applejack fought the urge to puke or scream at Big Mac, instead, she grabbed the adolescent filly by the tail and dragged her body behind the barn. Big Mac and Applebloom took to their work quickly. Drain the blood, skin, and gut, clean the hide, clean the meat, and throw it in the freezer. Just another dinner on their plates. Applejack couldn't take any pleasure in killing. Her siblings probably didn’t take pleasure in it, but at least they could handle the butchering.
The filly’s face was better intact than Flim and Flam. it was twisted and malformed by terror, coated in rank blood and gore. The skin was removed from her mangled skull and then cleaned and tanned like any other leather. 
“She’s all done for ya, Big Mac,” Applejack set aside her thick thread and needle and handed off the leather mask to her brother. He had sat excitedly by her side, waiting for the soft leather mask to be finished for him. He rubbed his hooves and muzzle into the soft flesh with a face of beaming joy. The lavender fur contrasted with his dark red. That filly made for some fine leather and delicious meat. The meat was delicious, not too lean, not too fat. It fed the Apple family well. 
Applejack grinned, “Damn good chili, ain’t it?” 
“E’yup!” The horror of the grotesque face plastered over Big Mac’s was lost on Applejack, the lavender fur looked natural on him. 
Red meat and blood kept them alive in the drought. And it was delicious. Their blunt teeth ripped the meat into chunks. The hides warmed them all night. Blood, sweet blood, stained the farm. Every tree was nourished by blood and organs that the ponies didn’t eat. The farm itself was kept alive on a meal of meat and bones of dead ponies. God how it thrived.
Meat is meat, whether it had a name or family, everypony was livestock. Everypony needs to feed, after all. 
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ramivic · 2 years
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My superawesomeamazing brother just found these at H-Mart in downtown Chicago!!! Translates to Soufflé Cheese Chips. #TwilightSparkle #rainbowdash @mlp_merch @hmartofficial Thank you Jaime!!! @Brony_RT #mylittlepony #mlpfim (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiyL_BCO1vV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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toonhlvrai · 4 years
rainbowdash give us your wisdom in this trying time..., -microwave
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The constant influx of information can, at times, make the world a difficult place to begin to process. At it’s worst, succumbing to the information highway we face on a day to day basis can seem like the only natural thing to do. But during these pressing times, it’s important that we keep our heads held high, even when it feels like an impossible feat. Being passionate about the things that truly, deeply matter to you is the best way to make the world brighter. You shouldn’t be pressured to change the world, because singlehandedly, no one can. Instead, you should take joy in the fact that you can at least make it better for those around you, and when times are as tough as this, being kind is the greatest strength of all.
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mikeseagull · 2 years
I honestly think the whole prospect of lab grown meat is overblown. People don't even eat GMO vegetables how do you think you're gonna see lab grown meat at the grocery store in the next fifty years. Well I guess it is California. Oh anyway the parking lot should be up here.
Alright thanks for the ride G-Ma drive safe.
Now god-damned where did I put my keys. Oh there they are.
Hey, I'm h-
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omigooness · 4 years
I’ve already described the gods, somewhat. Here’s some more cues:
Hephaestus: Summer, Rick and Morty / AppleJack, Friendship is Magic / Samwise Gamgee, LOTR / Bubbles, Powerpuff Girls
Athena: TwilightSparkle, Friendship is Magic / Princess Bubblegum, Adventure Time / Alice, Disney’s Alice in Wonderland / Sangwoo, Killing Stalking
Deimos: PuppyCat, Bee and PuppyCat
Poseidon: Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter / L, Death Note / Patrick Jane, The Mentalist / Squidward, Spongebob Squarepants / Ray, TPN / Joel Glicker, Adams Family Values
Virgo: Fluttershy, Friendship is Magic / Anne, Anne with an E / Helga, Hey Arnold / Shiemi, Blue Exorcist / Anri Sonohana, Durarara / Japan, Hetalia / Akane Tsunemori, Psycho Pass / Beth, Queen’s Gambit / Himawari, xxxholic / maka, SoulEater / Wednesday Addams, Addams Family Values / Hermione Granger, HP / the last unicorn / Breakfast Princess, Adventure Time
Persephone: Luna, Sailor Moon / BlueStar, Warriors
Zeus: James I, Harry Potter / Kinji, Hidan no Aria / Indiana Jones
Pan: Rin, Blue Exorcist / Spike, Friendship is Magic(Pan loves Aria)
Themis: Harley Quin, Suicide Squad / Ayanami Rei, NGE
Pisces: Eva Silva, Warrior Nun / Serena Tsukino, Sailor Moon / Mob, Mob Psycho 100 / Wormtail, Harry Potter / Shinji, NGE / Sherlock(BBC) / Yuki Machida, Namaikizakari / Danaerys, Game of Thrones / Byron Bunch, Light in August / Yoon Bum, Killing Stalking / Soul, SoulEater / Rick, Rick and Morty / the black widow, Adams Family Values / Dustfinger, Inkheart / Jamal Malik, Slumdog Millionaire / Draco Malloy, HP / Pinkiepie, Friendship is Magic / buttercup, Powerpuff girls / Wendy Darling, Peter Pan
Sauron: LILO, LILO and Stitch
Apollo: The HULK / The Doctor, Doctor Who / Freddie, icarly
Artemis: Paige, World After / Meg, Inkheart / Kohane, xxxholic / The Intended, Heart of Darkness / Coraline / Nunnaly, Codde Geass / Nezuko Kamado, Demon Slayer
Nemesis: Azula, Avatar the last airbender / Rarity, Friendship is Magic / Haruhi Suzumiya / Maxine, Ginny and Georgia
Kaitlyn isn’t really a god but I found her: Shinoa Kuragi, Awari no Seraph, and Anahga: Yoichi, AnS, and Kayleigh: Haruhi, Ouran HSHC, and Adil, Kyouya, Ouran HSHC, and Sarah H.: Flame Princess, Adventure Time, and Joel, Eren, Attack on Titan, and Evan: Yukio, Blue Exorcist, and Paul Wolf: Mr Incredible, the incredibles, and Charlotte Kim: RainbowDash, Friendship is Magic, and Yoko: Morticia Addams, and Emma: Hermione Granger and Sophia: Latika, Slumdog Millionaire, Maheema: Wild Berry Princes, Ms Rago: Rag Doll Princess
Marcus Posey: Max, Paranatural / Naota Nandaba, FLCL
Hades: Greece, Hetalia / Clancy, Midnight Gospel / Pepito, Madeline / HOWL, HOWL’s Moving Castle
Ares: Kanba Takakura, Mawaru Penguindrum / Ares, WonderWoman / Mike Teevee, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory(nu) / Izaya Orihara, Durarara / Prussia, Hetalia / Jacuzzi Splot, Baccano
Ouranos: Kimihiro Watanuki, xxxholic / Harry Potter / Reynard, The Mysterious Benedict Society / Shouma Takakura, Mawaru Penguindrum / Hotaru Imai, Gakuen Alice / Ignatious Percival, Horns / Morty, Rick and Morty / Death the kid, SoulEater
Gaia: Jake the dog, Adventure Time / Scout, To Kill A Mockingbird / Frankenstein’s monster / Walter White, Breaking Bad / Mikoto Katsuragi, NGE / Isabella, TPN / Beth, Rick and Morty / Elle Woods, Legally Blonde
Angelo(sadness): Sherlock Holmes, Robert Downey Junior
Hecate: Makoto Kusanagi, Ghost in the Shell anime
Erebus: Snape, Captain Hook
Prometheus: Zuko, Avatar the last airbender
Epimetheus: Fin the Human, Adventure Time
Hermès: the Flash / Rex Walls, Glass Castle / TeaCake, Their Eyes Were Watching God / Stein, SoulEater / Jerry, Rick and Morty / Boo Radley, To Kill a Mockingbird / Patrick Baitman, American Psycho
Petunia(confusion):Petunia Elkwood, Todd Allison and the Petunia Violet / Janie Crawford, Their Eyes Were Watching God
Sylvia(perseverance): Esther Greenwood, The Bell Jar / Arya Stark, Game of Thrones
Liam(secrecy): Aang, The Last Airbender / Casper the friendly ghost / Arthur, The Sword in the Stone
Hera: Madeye Moody, HP / Bird Lady, Home Alone 2
Miranda(confidence): Constance Contraire, (the Mysterious Benedict Society) / Toph, Avatar the last airbender
Thanatos: Holden Caulfield, Catcher in the Rye
Demeter: Mabel, Gravity Falls / Buttercup, The Princess Bride
Charles Wallace: August Pullman, Wonder
Kronos: Ren Tsuruga, Skip Beat
Helios: Crookshanks, HP
Nike: Asuka Langley Sohryu, NGE
Nickolas: Bean, Ender’s Game
Shinji: Shinji Ikari, NGE
Peter Pan: Peter Wiggin, Ender’s Game
Demeter: Felicity Fox, Fantastic Mr Fox
Isabella from the family: Katara, Avatar the last Airbender / Isabel, Paranatural
(If I don’t include you, I might not have forgotten you. I just can’t find your match.)
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tetraremade · 5 years
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@starjewel im answering like this so it doesnt end up in any tags 
I really don’t like h-xtian for the whole mlp doll set thing he did. The rainbowdash thing of how he basically went “Rainbowdash is a sporty girl! so im gonna make her a transman because thats what transmen are- sporty kinda masculine girls.” and it pissed me off biiig time. he literally took down the video and reuploaded it with an apology at the start of it where he claimed he wasnt being bad because “The LGBT community are his people” and it made me so mad bc to my knowledge hes Cis! so like him trying to be like “I can say this about transmen because I am lgbt...” when hes not trans is h. 
on top of that he made a james charles fan doll, so ya kno!
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Can we get one of all six girls getting together and they are supposed to talk about any boys or girls they have been with. However the problem is Twilight had to deal with all five of them talking about how good her little brother is. I want to see how she reacts to this situation. Human AU although Pony AU is fine
This isn't going to be part of anything. Since, as far as those AU's go, I don't plan to have all the girls be part of it.
"Ooh darling~ And the way he uses his tongue~ It reaches all the way in, and you can feel it flicker in all the right spots, it's so divine!"
Rarity shivered, the hairs on her arms standing on end, the chillnig effect of her lovers touch against her skin is just so effective, that she can remember it even now.
"Tell me about it!" RD nearly leapt forward, a wide slasher grin on her face. "I didn't htink I'd be into Stallions, turns out I didn't need them to begin with. Just needed a drake!" She slapped her knee, the thick fat of her thighs jiggling.
"Yep yep yep! He makes my head go zowie wowie all the time! Little pops of lightning sparking off all the right fireworks ! And he's nice and thick, big and fat! He can get me even from behind, I love it!" Pinkie Pie bounced, her jiggly body wobbled, those big fat breasts of hers, and round ass rippling with pleasure.
Fluttershy nodded, "And... and he'll pick you up, and carry you, treat you like a queen... oooh, when he pins me to a wall I can feel it all the way in." THe silent, tall girl pushed her hands against her womb, gently rubbing where she could still feel him.
"Nothin better than a good ol hard fuck fest when done with a hard's day of work. Refreshing and relaxin at the best of times." AJ smirked, flexing her muscles as she thought about the last time, today, that they did it.
"I need another drink..." Twilight grabbed another wine glass, "Screw it..." She grabbed the entire bottle.
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superdarkmoon666 · 7 years
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Magic makes it all complete!!!!! (Don't normally post photos of myself but I felt like it)
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nambyhamby · 7 years
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Lily told Rapunzel we saw Pascal running around our hotel, and she was S H O C K E D because she hadn't seen him all day. #rapunzel #tangled #pascal #disneyprincess #meetandgreet #lizard #rainbowdash #magickingdom #mickeymouse
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
(Human MLP AU) Rainbow Dash is in the middle of her workout regime with Twilight there because she was invited by Rainbow while Spike is there because he was invited by Twilight. When she needs someone to spot her Twilight suggests Spike do it since she isn't a sports person. Rainbow questions if a little guy like him can spot her but Spike goes along with it. She decides to increase the weight she usually lifts and does well but she is soon losing strength. She is surprise when Spike easily lifts the weight up and puts it back without breaking a sweat.
"I don't think the lil dude can handle it."
Rainbow Dash didn't like Spike... she didn't like him at all. She'd noted that everyone tended to ignore his presence, though she figured it was that they actually hadn't noticed him. Whereas she did, and she chose to ignore him. There was something about him that made her skin crawl, a twisted feeling she didn't like. He was bad news, and the sooner he was gone, the better.
Of course, she wouldn't tell Twilight that, they were siblings, so they said. Despite both of them being purple, she wasn't so sure about that. Either way, still not a fan of him.
So why Twilight had brought him? She couldn't possibly fathom... but... well... she put on a few more weights, she was sure he'd end up struggling helping her. Not like she'd need him anyways.
SHe could feel that creepy presence behind her, the sensation that something was wrong. Her hairs stood on end, and the back of her neck was covered in bumps. Still she continued to lift, more and more, faster, and harder. All she could do to ignore him, all she could do to try to imagine he wasn't there.
But... eventually her strength waned... she wa slosing her grip!
"Damn it!"
Her eyes shut tight, it was going to smash into her.
But... nothing happened.
Spike's arms had out stretched, holding firm against the heavy weight. She could see him shaking a little, but not enough to make a big deal of. Her eyes opened wide as he pulled them up and safely harnessed them back.
She was left stupified.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
For the human mane 6 more a question for between yourselves who do you think is the outright sexiest amongst you
"It's me of course!" Rainbow put her hand to her chest, pride swelling.
"Ah don't really care..." Aj kept calm.
"Now now darling, you're quite gorgeous yourself, but I'm definitely the most sexy of the six of us." Rarity did a small hip sway, which caught the attention of several of the girls.
"Bullshit!" Except RD.
"Girls girls, it's fine. You're all pretty." Twilight didn't honestly care, it didn't matter to her.
Fluttershy of course shied away, not feeling that her body was desirable in the slightest.
"Ooh oh! We're all sexy aren't we!? I think all of us are super duper hot!" To prove her point Pinkie grabbed all the girls, who weren't fast enough to respond.
"Hey wait Pinkie stop that!"
"Darling please don't tak- eep!"
"Now look here sugar-c!!!"
"Pinkie, stop... ugh!"
All six girls, stood within the middle of the library, stripped bare of their clothing.
"Twi I got..." Spike felt a sudden chill run down his spine. A sense of self preservation running over him before he'd made it all the way down the steps.
"Spike!" He made the smart move, as several feminine voices called out, screaming at the pitch of their lungs.
"Yep1 Not going down, dont' know what's happening, but I've got enough life preservation to not. Leaving your snacks on the stairs, come get them if you want."
Thankfully most of the girls felt a sense of relief as Spike suddenly turned around, without having seen them.
"Phew~ Wouldn't want the runt seeing all this, probably die of all the bloodloss."
Well almost all of them~
"Boo! He would have totally called me the hottest had he gotten down here!"
Pinkie's real thoughts so happened to come out.
"Excuse me? I disagree." Rarity wasn't letting her win that argument.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
The bottle lands on Rainbow Dash. When she picks dare she will regret it since she is dared to streak from the castle (or building depending on where Twilight and Spike lives) to the bakery across town and back. (Time to have some of the other ponies do stuff)
"Ha I dou-"
Before AJ could finish her response, Rainbow's clothes were left fluttering in the wind. Spike himself was instantly blushing, though he hadn't seen anything, and instead chose to look down, on the floor just in case.
"And back!"
With that siad, he didn't even have enough time to really do that! Not before catching Rainbow's bare feet. Thankfully that didn't do anything for him.
"Well hot damn, you're getting slower. Prolly those thighs of yours."
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
How does the exhibition go from the beginning?
The expedition?
The group that had gathered consisted of a few Guards, both Princesses, though they were requested to stay in Canterlot, both declined. And the elements of Harmony.
Each had their own jobs, from Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash doing Recon, to the other girls making sure that logistics went smoothly.
Twilight herself had even developed a magic that could help them locate Spike so long as they got close to him. So... everyone was hoping for the best!
And hopefully, things went smoothly.
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