a-gnosis · 7 months
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8: Ares Gynaecothoenas
"In Homer, Ares is both an abstract noun denoting "war" and the deity, blood-stained and bellowing, who personifies the grim and horrific aspects of war. Not surprisingly, Ares enjoyed only a limited worship, concentrated in the Peloponnese and central Greece. Yet he was father to numerous ancestral heroes, and played an important role in the legendary origins of Thebes."
"Cults of Ares were often connected to battle lore, and as the ancestor of the Amazons, Ares was associated with stories of women warriors. In Argos and Tegea, legends told how the women of the city took up arms to battle invading Spartans, and having achieved victory, established cults of Ares from which men were excluded."
Ancient Greek Cults: A Guide by Jennifer Larson.
Gynaecothoenas, "the god feasted by women", was a surname of Ares at Tegea.
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dionysianfreak · 1 year
Could you explain all that’s on your alter and what it means? I’m trying to redo and get mine together
i have many different permanent shrines in my house, all eclectic and unique to the God(s) whom it's dedicated to. this came right after I posted a temporary shrine so I'll include that too in case that sparked your ask :)
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i like to set up temporary shrines in my home and in my travels so I can honor specific epithets or moments in life. i always take items off the individual main shrines of the Gods in order to build the small ones. this one started as honoring Dionysos and welcoming the month of Dionysia but grew as I felt Apollon and Hermès wanted to join as well. this is the first honoring space I've had with just these three since the very beginning of my practice.
starting on the left, this is where Apollon is. He only has a few items, but I'll be brief this post isn't 8 years long
the glass contains white wine. my mom is a wine fanatic and gave me a bunch because she had accumulated it from gifts and dislikes white. so i give it to the Theoi as an offering occasionally.
the candle holder in the back is the only one I could find to hold the yellow candle i wanted to use lol
I got the brass incense burner at a local Christian second hand store. i believe i found it at the same time i found my Artemis statue. i got it because i thought it was adorable and it has a handle
i believe the stone is a yellow banded agate. I got it at Goodwill in a pack and it's been His ever since
the statue is of the roman Romulus and Remus, which I got at an underground antique shop with my closest friend. though I've always seen Artemis and Apollon instead, and Leto as their protective wolf-mother
Dionysos takes up a majority of this space, but He also has the most votives on His shrine to add
Dionysos's statue has a jewelry draped on it; a bracelet I made at my first festival, a rosary my grandmother gave to me with the crucifix replaced with a charm of the Hanged Man, and a leopard necklace i bought from a woman with a pop up booth. i always drape my totums in decor like jewelry or ribbons, I don't know when I started but I like to give special attention and adornment to the images of the Theoi
in the center sits a red fox skull, it was gifted to me by a friend. only second to the leopard, the red fox is an animal i closely associate with Dionysos and feel very connected to personally
I put two phalluses, a candle and a tiger's eye carving, on this shrine for protection and abundance. i use the phallus as a protective votive often, especially if Dionysos is involved
below the skull, I have a pyrite and a banded amethyst. I've always closely associated the two with Dionysos, but this amethyst in particular has been there for me through a lot
there's a little za 🍃 on there for Them all, but mainly Dionysos
there's a small totum of a leopard, it's there because i wanted it to be. leopards are extremely sacred to Dio in my worship, along with any other feline, but especially them
the silver champagne glass is full of red wine. the stem has grapevines and ivy growing up it, it was perfect for Him. I generally keep it full of wine 24/7
in the bottom left corner, there's a red book called Toasts and Tributes. it's a book of toasts and poems from 1904 that i use as a prayer book for Dionysos. i like to blindly flip through the pages and let the right one fall open, and use the first one I see as a prayer. a few name Him directly, as you can't have a toast without naming the God of wine !
Hermès has few items both here and on His main shrine. this is mostly because most of His stuff is in my car, including His little statue
the orange vase has an image of Hermès on the front. i picked it up from a lovely antiques dealer in my town. the other side has an image of Psyke, but it's almost always turned to show Hermès
within the vase i have rodent bones I picked up from the side of the road, and a chicken feather from my flock. my worship doesn't involve my chickens much, but i like to ask Him to watch over them occasionally
the candle in the back is there simply because I like candles to show my worship is "active" and the shrine is being used in a sacred way. when I blow them out, it's a time of rest for the space
on the far right, there's a golden candle holder with wings. I got it around when Hermès and i first began our relationship
on it, I have a ring with wings on it. i wear it when i travel or when I wish to Honor him in my day to day life
my permanent shrines are simply the shrines for the Gods whose shrines have grown disproportionately over a long time. in the case of Dionysos and Aphrodite, Their shrines are simply too big to put anywhere else. i am very votive-centric in my worship, and I have a crow brain, so They all have too many trinkets I've found an collected throughout my life
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there's waaaay too much to go over everything, so I'll go over what's most important to me and why i have it :)
i have enough seashells to build a temple for Her. i seriously have so many that I've collected and found at Goodwill, it's a problem. i view the beach as the juxtaposition of Aphrodite—where the sky and the sea clash passionately. about half of these I have collected whenever I got the chance to be on an ocean beach
images of Aphrodite are very common for me to stumble upon,l so I've collected quite a few items. because of this quite a few sub-shrines have emerged within this shrine. epithets are distinct in nature yet part of the whole, in my opinion, so i rarely worship epithets without worshipping the root Deity as well
Fragrance is sacred and common as hell in my worship of Aphrodite so you can see multiple fragrant items littered around. perfumes, incense, dried roses, oil diffusers, and more. fragrance is easy, fast, and sensory friendly for me and was common in antiquity as well. it's a win-win
dressing up or devoting outfits to Aphrodite is something I do frequently, so jewelry is littered everywhere. all of it is gifted and thrifted <3 Aphrodite is extremely generous
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this is Aphrodite Areia's epithet shrine, the print in the back honoring Ares Gynaecothoenas
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and this is my little shrine to Hestia :3 I sometimes use the matches to light my fireplace. i bought the small statue on a whim when I found it at a local shop. She seems to prefer it simple and minimal
I'm gonna end it here because this is getting long. if you have a specific Deity in mind, few Gods i worship have been private about Their shrines. i hope this helps inspire you. add things for fun or just because you want to and give things that just feel like they should go. eventually, you'll have a haven of memories and of personal sacredness. trust and They will guide you well
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undeadmagick · 25 days
i don’t worship ares but i have soooo much respect for him as a protector of women, proud supporter of his amazonian daughters and an affectionate lover to aphrodite
ares gynaecothoenas you will always be famous ♥️
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ares-the-godofwar · 3 months
so much for the "best father amongst the gods" and the "gynaecothoenas"...
...fuck you.
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Did I meme right?
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hermeneutas · 2 years
Deuses e seus epítetos - Ares
Finalizando nossa primeira parte de posts acerca dos epítetos dos Deuses, trazemos hoje o poderoso Ares - Deus da guerra, violência, coragem, proteção civil e conflito. Dentre os Olimpianos, Ares é um dos mais injustiçados pela mídia popular atual, sempre posto como vilanesco por sua natureza voraz de deidade guerreira, frequentemente antagonizando a heroica Atena.
Um dos filhos de Zeus e Hera, Ares era principalmente cultuado em tempos de guerra no período clássico, com relativamente poucos templos e santuários. Ele era mais cultuado na região da Trácia, Tesprótia, Lacedemônia (região de Esparta) e Tessália. Representado frequentemente nu ou em ornamentos de batalha, Ares é presente nas artes como um jovem vigoroso ou um homem maduro, acompanhado dos Deuses e filhos que teve com a Deusa Afrodite: Fobos (Medo) e Deimos (Pânico), além da Deusa Éris (Discórdia), além de vários outros daimones (espíritos) relativos a seu domínio.
Famoso por sua potência sanguinolenta e por seu favor àqueles que viviam de batalhas, Ares figura como um Deus de potência inegável com importantes aspectos a serem discutidos aqui.
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Com um domínio bem estabelecido no âmbito da guerra, Ares tem um considerável número de aspectos que representam seu poderio bélico. Seus epítetos de culto que temos acesso são relativamente poucos quando comparados aos poéticos, ou seja, os utilizados como descritores na literatura.
Enyalios - "O guerreiro"/"Beligerante", é utilizado como nome substituo para Ares ao longo da Ilíada. Em um período mais tardio, é visto como uma deidade diferenciada, filho de Ênio (O conflito) e Ares.
Thereitas - "Feroz"/Relativo a "Thero" (a nutriz do Deus). Pausânias relaciona esse epíteto com a brutalidade e truculência característica do Deus. Supõe-se também que seja uma relação à ninfa Thero, que o amamentou.
Stratos - "Guerreiro/da Guerra", epíteto relativo a seu domínio da guerra. Também é um epíteto de Zeus, segundo Estrabão.
Hippios - "Dos cavalos", é um epíteto comum de várias deidades relacionadas ao domínio equestre. Bigas e quadrigas com cavalos eram comuns instrumentos de guerra.
Aphneios - "Abundante", Pausânias nos descreve o mito de origem deste epíteto onde um filho de Ares recém-nascido corria risco de morrer de fome, pois sua mãe havia falecido no parto. Entretanto, o Deus faz o seio dela dar o alimento necessário para o sustento da criança, salvando-o.
Gynaecothoenas - "Deus festejado pelas mulheres", é um epíteto curioso que descreve como as mulheres de Tégea emboscaram o exército inimigo em um ato decisivo contra o rei Carílio da Lacedemônia. As mulheres então celebraram com sacrifícios a Ares, excluindo homens da cerimônia.
Os epítetos poéticos de Ares o descrevem em aparência, portando suas armas e vestido como um guerreiro. O Deus aparece em mitos homéricos como a Ilíada e em vários outros.
Khalkeos/Khalkokorustes - "Brônzeo/Armado com bronze"
Teikhesiplêtês/Aatos Polemoio - "Destruidor de Cidades"/"Insaciável na Guerra"
Obrimos/Thouros/Dinos - "Poderoso"/"Violento"/"Terrível"
Enkhespalos/Rhinotoros/Oxis - "Armado com a lança/Perfurador da Carne/Afiado"
Polemistes Talaurinos- "Aquele que luta sob o escudo"
Um Deus viril de inegável potência, Ares é descrito nos Hinos Homéricos como pai da Vitória (Nike), salvador de cidades e aliado de Têmis, a Deusa dos costumes sagrados e leis divinas. Seus hinos suplicam que Ele guie o coração dos homens para a paz antes que provem da violenta guerra.
Nos mitos, ele é conhecido também por ser amante da Deusa Afrodite, tendo sido apanhado por Hefesto durante o adultério. Outro mito também conta de como Ele foi julgado pelos Deuses por seu assassinato a um dos filhos de Poseidon, que havia violado uma de suas filhas, Alcipe. Ares era frequentemente cultuado por tribos guerreiras, e as ferozes Amazonas tinham especial devoção a Ele.
Há relativamente pouco ou nada sobre festivais específicos a Ares, mas era comum a feitura de sacrifícios para o Deus antes de uma batalha.
Poderoso e vigoroso, que Ares lhes seja propício ofertando força para vitórias e conselho nas derrotas! Encerremos com seu hino homérico, traduzido por Alexandra Nikaios, fundadora do site politeísta Helenos.
Ares, de força extraordinária, condutor da biga, de elmo dourado, valente de coração, portador do escudo, salvador das cidades, de brônzea armadura, braço forte infatigável, poderoso com a lança. Ó defensor do Olimpo, pai da Vitória bélica, aliado de Têmis, severo governante dos rebeldes, líder dos homens justos, Rei com o cetro da virilidade, que gira sua feroz esfera entre os planetas em seus sétuplos cursos através do éter, no qual seu corcel flamejante sempre te leva acima do firmamento do céu; ouça-me, auxiliar dos homens, doador da destemida juventude! Verta um gentil raio de cima sobre a minha vida, e a força de guerra, que eu possa ser capaz de afugentar a amarga covardia de minha cabeça e de esmagar o doloso engano em minha alma. Retenha também a afiada fúria de meu coração, a qual me provoca a trilhar os caminhos da disputa de pavoroso sangue. Antes, ó abençoado, dê-me coragem para perseverar dentro das inofensivas leis da paz, evitando a contenda e o ódio e o violento espírito maligno da morte.
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mephistos-stuff · 2 years
Hail Ares
Great armored one , fierce war loving
Your divine warrior's helm that clad you, your weapons never far from your grasp, your tunic simplistic yet battle ready you spring into battle Eve with no clothes upon your back only your helm and your trusted shield  you   cut armys downs with a ferocity befitting your title
And you rip apart your foes diligent and most honoured warrior you bathe in the blood and viscera of your adversaries
For who are they to challenge you
Oh terrifyingly inspiring God of war
The battlefield  shakes and rumbles as your war cries envelope the air, unstoppable, unshakable
Great Prince of the Gods
Son of great thunderous Zeus and mighty Hera
Powerful and ample youth
Great and striking Mars.
Oh savagely destructive one
You delight in the din and roar of battles   oh fiery one bold force and strength personified     God of destruction, confusion and horrors of war
You delight in the madness of it all
Feared by Gods and mortals alike
But also respected, ever victorious and overwhelming ,lover of contests and he who empowers hearts l, great motivator, most handsome and courageous  father of victory defender of Olympus
Giver of dauntless youth shield bearer protector of cities harnessed in bronze leader of rebellions and the righteous
To fight in good faith Great Mars oh my lovely and fierce king please inspire my spirit and help me trample the weakness of cowardice I seek your aide in controlling the fury that feeds my strife
Give me the strength to overcome my hardships and struggles
And to abide by peaceful laws and maintain peace to honour you in everyway I can please give me the boldness to avoid meaningless conflict, malice and blood shed
Great Gynaecothoenas
Kind and caring Aphneios
Provider of plenty we thank you we adore you
Oh miaephonus
Blood stained and beautiful
We praise you
IO Ares
Written by mephisto 😊
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hellenismosonline · 3 years
Olympian Deities: Ares
This is an overview of Ares.
Relam: War, battle lust, courage, civil order
Parents: Zeus and Hera
By Aphrodite: Deimos, Phobos, Harmonia, Eros, Anteros
By Enyo: Enyalios
Symbols: Helm, sword, spear, shield
Colors: Red, black
Offerings: Olive oil, hot sauce, anything with cayenne, raspberries, jalapeno peppers, fitness drinks, alcohol, cinnamon, beef jerky, black coffee, safety pins, caramel, broken glass, storm water, dark chocolate, flowers, tobacco
Sacred Animals: Serpent, vultures, woodpeckers, eagle owls, barn owls, dogs, horses
Sacred Plants: Garlic, violet, ash tree, oak tree, tobacco
Element: Fire
Metal/Stones: Iron, ruby, red agate, bloodstone
Number: 5
Time: Eve of battle, Tuesdays
Tarot Cards: Death, The Tower
Altar Ideas: Wine, hard liquor, miniature weapons, flowers, images of horses and chariots, strong red wines, military/battle objects, faux blood, black coffee, peppers, tobacco, cigarettes, etc.
Aphneius: the giver of food or plenty
Enya'lius: the warlike
Gynaecothoenas: the God feasted by women
Hi'ppius/Hi'ppia: he to whom horses are sacred
Stra'tius: the warlike
Thero: the fierce
Theritas: the beastly, brutish
Hippios: of the horses
Aphneios: abundant
Miaephonus: blood-stained, bloody
Laossous: he who rallies men
Brotoloegus: man-slaughtering
Andreiphontes: manslaying, destroyer of men
Chalceus: brazen, of the bronze
Chalcocorustes: armed with bronze
Teichesipletes: stormer of cities, breaker of walls
Aatus polemoeo: insatiate of fighting, insatiate of war
Enchespalus: spear-brandishing
Rhinotorus: shield-piercing, flesh-piercing
Oxys: sharp, piercing
Polemistes talaurinus: he who fights under the shield's guard
Thoos: swift, fleet
Thurus: violent, furious
Obrimus: strong, mighty
Dinus: terrible, fearsome
Chrysopelex: of the golden helm
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ofbloodandfaith · 5 years
Offerings to the Gods based off their Epithets 2/6
Don’t act in a beastly or brutish manner (unless needed): Theritas
Look after horses, feed wild horses, draw horses etc: Hippius
Give thanks for the abundance of good things in your life, make sure people you love have the necessities in abundance: Aphneius
Have women centred festivities/meals dedicated to him: Gynaecothoenas
Donate blood, donate sanitary products in his honour: Miaephonus
Protest, give speeches, inspire people to action: Laossous
Bronze icons, bronze make-up etc: Calceus
Fight for yours and your neighbours’ rights, give thanks and donate to armed forces: Aatus Polemoeo
Running, speed, training to build up speed: Thoos
Accept your anger, work out why you are angry, write down ways you can solve the problem: Thurus
Explore your strengths, become the best version of yourself: Obrimus
Look after wild animals, eat less meat, donate to animal charities: Pheraea, Elphaea, Lycaea, Leucophryne
Protect the environment, recycle, go litter picking, donate to environmental charities, consider renewable energy sources: Daphnaea, Cedreatis, Caryae, Limnaea, Heleia, Eurynome
Protect young children and young girls, donate to children’s charities: Paedotrophus, Philomeirax
candles, moon/sunlight: Selasphorus
Take a counselling course, be emotionally available for loved ones, sooth strangers who are struggling: Hemerasia
Create hymns, sing hymns: Hymnia
Dance alone and/or with people, join a choir or sing in as much as possible: Hegemone
Be the best you can be, excel in every area (as much as possible) of your life: Ariste
Keep a good reputation, be kind/good to everyone regardless of their reputation: Eucleia
Keep your ancestors in your mind, keep and record family records/photographs, keep an ancestral shrine: Patroea
Ares Epithets: https://www.theoi.com/Cult/AresCult.html#Cult
Artemis’ Epithets: https://www.theoi.com/Cult/ArtemisTitles.html
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antlering · 6 years
Hey! I saw your tags about Ares not being evil and if you're willing, I would very much enjoy hearing your opinions on the matter. Specifically, I've long kept Ares at arm's length due to past experiences with his domain (war/violence), and I have trouble seeing him as anything other than Lord of gruesome things. So I'd be interested in hearing the flipside, if you'd like to talk about it :)
Oh of course! So actually my tags are mainly about this idea that used to be really prevalent online that Ares is some kind of asshole misogynist. That is absolutely against his character and he can definitely be thought of as a champion of women (which I’ll discuss further down). I know you personally probably know everything I’m about to say, so I’m taking this as an opportunity to give my Ares rant :D
I totally get being uncomfortable with Ares’ domains. I don’t think he’s a god to be approached lightly - of course I want people to worship Ares, but we should be cognizant of the fact that he is a violent and powerful god.
I believe that there is an ancient Hellenic interpretation of Ares and then…Ares as a whole. It is probable that Ares was originally a Thracian god, and indeed Thrace was the center of his worship. The Spartans, of course, loved Ares and worshiped him heavily. 
In Hellas, though, Ares became something of a counterpoint. He is rarely victorious in myth. The Hellenes, who we know hated all of their “barbarian” neighbors, seemed to use Ares as an example of the kind of bloodthirsty battling they thought they were better than. So Ares, beloved in Thrace and Sparta, was feared in Hellas as an extreme of behaviour. Instead, the Hellenes preferred Athena, who is a figure of moderation and sophisticated strategy. In a way, instead of having an Apollonian-Dionysian balance, we have an Athenian-Aresian balance.
One thing I think is important to mention is that Ares is violent and cruel towards combatants. There aren’t myths of Ares randomly showing up in peacetime Athens and killing people on the street. His violence has an order to it: 1. he kills soldiers and sometimes commits friendly fire, which is what the Hellenes really hated about him, and 2. he kills those who attack his devotees, even if it disrupts the divine order. He isn’t a murderer of peaceful bystanders - he is a reflection of the mistakes that soldiers make in the heat of battle. In his war/violence domain, he is what the Hellenes tried to strategize themselves out of doing. In a way, he is the most obviously imperfect - or non-Apollonian besides Dionysos - of the gods, and the Hellenes struggled with that.    
As a pacifist I don’t enjoy Ares’ violent domains. However, he is more than the Athenian/ancient Hellenic idea of bloodthirstiness. He is a steadfast protector and a champion of his devotees: 
[TW: rape mention]
1. When a son of Poseidon attempted to rape Ares’ daughter, he slew the son. The gods had to create the first court to try Ares for murder, and Ares was acquitted. This is a god who loves his daughters so much he will risk being sent to Tartaros to protect them.
2. Ares loved his devotees/daughters the Amazonians, and would aid them in battle. 
3. Ares has a very special epithet: gynaecothoenas, feasted by women. He gained this title by coming to the aid of the women of Tegea, who ambushed their enemies and defeated them without their husbands’ help. The women excluded their men from this worship of Ares.
4. Ares was a defender of cities and often had his shrines outside of city gates. He was also a protector of Olympos itself, although he wasn’t always successful.
5. While perhaps morbid sounding, a mortal lover of Ares died giving birth (which is of course a mythic theme). In order to save the baby, Ares performed a miracle that allowed the baby to feed from his dead mother. This miracle gained Ares the attribute of a “giver of plenty,” like Hermes.
6. Perhaps more than any other Olympian, and like the chthonic gods, Ares understands human miasma. He deals with peaceful and violent death, and has seen firsthand every gross, “impure” thing a human body and mind does. He understands our nature and spends much of his time within human miasma that other gods avoid. We may not call him “friend of man,” but he certainly gets us.
So my final thoughts: Ares is no more gruesome than the other gods - the other gods also kill combatants and noncombatants alike. Ares and Apollo are both bringers of plague, for instance. Ares is a not a starter of war - he is a participator, just like Athena and most of the other gods. And Ares goes above and beyond in his role as a defender, forcing the Hellenes to invent the court of law because of his protective activities. Outside of Hellas, Ares was a bringer of victory and embodied the character of the nation.
I can’t say that Ares isn’t violent or potentially cruel, but I do believe he is an excellent god to turn to for those needing protection and strength. He would also be a god for people in dangerous professions, people in the medical industry who deal with a lot of miasmic gross human stuff, and for protesters (as a god of riots). All gods are violent - Ares just became symbolic of violence, and he is just as good and deserving of our respect as his family!
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dionysianfreak · 2 years
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Arês Gynaecothoenas
patron of the brave women of Tegea; He who is feasted by women, valiant Ares
"There is also an image of Ares in the marketplace of Tegea [in Arkadia]. Carved in relief on a slab it is called Gynaikothoinas. At the time of the [historical] Lakonian war, when Kharillos king of Lakedaemon made the first invasion, the women armed themselves and lay in ambush under the hill they call today Phylaktris. When the armies met and the men on either side were performing many remarkable exploits, the women, they say, came on the scene and put the Lakedaemonians to flight. Marpessa, surnamed Khoira, surpassed, they say, the other women in daring . . . The story goes on to say . . . that the women offered to Ares a sacrifice of victory on their own account without the men, and gave to the men no share in the meat of the victim. For this reason Ares got his surname."
— Pausanias, Description of Greece 8. 48. 4
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thecarvingwitch · 5 years
A companion’s prayer for protection
Ares Andreiphontês, I pray that you give me strength to slay those who would be my enemy Gynaecothoenas, I lift my cup to give you libation and pray you may protect me as you would a daughter
Aphrodite Apotrophia, protect me from lustful eyes and hands I cannot stand Areia, warlike, let me follow in your armored footsteps and bring blood against those who would take advantage of me
Hermes Akakêsios, allow me to pass away from harming hands Zeus Alastôr, avenge me should I fall Artemis Aristobulê, warn my heart should there be danger Hermes silver tongued, give me the right words to flatter and cajole Hermes, god of coins, allow me to collect many and with your blessing Hades Ploutôn open to me riches for reward of my work
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halcybean · 5 years
30 Days of Ares 📃 Day 6
Find the original 30 Days of Aphrodite prompt here!
6) List your favorite epithets and why
Δεινος - deinos - dinus : beautiful, tranquil ;; Being the God-of-Love Worshipper that I am, I turned this epithet around to be defined by its antonyms. Originally “terrible, fearsome”, I spun this epithet to fit my worship and read it as “terrifying beauty, daunting peace”. Love and acceptance are battles, too.
Favorite non-violent epithets:
Χαλκεος - Khalkeos - Chalceus : brazen, of the bronze
Χρυσοπελεξ - Khrysopêlêx - Chrysopelex : of the golden helm
Honorable mention:
Γυναικοθιονας - Gynaikothoinas - Gynaecothoenas : feasted by women ;; Dionysos probably calls him this one tbh.
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