bethanythebogwitch · 8 months
Today I'l finishing up presenting and giving my thoughts on all aquatic Digimon. For previous parts of this series see all fish, all mermaids, all aquatics part 1, and all aquatics part 2. Today I'll be covering the remaining ultimate/perfect and mega/ultimate level Digimon.
The first one of the ultimate/perfect is Anomalocarimon. Anomalocaris is one of my favorite extinct animals and I'm absolutely delighted that both Digimon and Pokemon based a monster off of it. It also definitely takes after a sea scorpion with it's scorpion-like tail. It was even born from scientific data about extinct species. I think this is a great Digimon that deserved more attention. Anomalocarimon caused a bit of a translation kerfuffle when it was given the English name Scorpiomon (because American kids are too dumb to know what an Anomalocaris is I guess). Well there's also another unrelated Digimon called Scorpiomon so the English dub was forced to change its name to SkullScorpiomon. Yes, this has caused confusion before. Anomalocarimon also has an x-antibody form that looks like it was standing next to a bunch of exploding spray paint cans.
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Anomalocarimon X
Next is Dagomon, who was given the English name Dragomon. It's a minor change but kind of dumb because Dagomon comes from the Cthulhu mythos character Father Dagon and has nothing to do with dragons. Despite being named after Father Dagon, Dagomon is clearly Cthulhu as a Digimon. It's also treated as such in the animes. in Digimon Adventure 02 it rules over deep ones in an extradimensional spaces called the Dark Ocean and is implied to be more of a Lovecraftian horror than a Digimon. In Digimon Ghost Game it starts turning people into deep ones and is powerful enough to overwhelm a higher-level Digimon. I know it also shows up in Xros Wars, but I didn't watch that. It wears Buddhist prayer beads. In a heavily Buddhist country like Japan, a monster dressed like a Buddhist is probably the equivalent of historically-Catholic countries having vampire priests. I dig this one and while I say that a lot of Digimon could use more attention, I think Dagomon only showing up a little bit and being overwhelmingly powerful and mysterious is very appropriate for a Lovecraftian Digimon.
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Related to Dagomon is Hangyomon, called Divermon in English. It's very much based on sea monsters like th Creature from the Black Lagoon, but with scuba gear. I think it's a neat Digimon. Notably, Hangyomon's most prominent appearance in the anime wasn't actually them. It was in the same episode as Dagomon and the Dark Ocean where at the end it's revealed that the creatures that presented themselves as Hangyomon were actually disguised deep ones serving Dagomon.
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Next is Gusokumon and listen, I'm a simple nerd, I see a giant shrimp that shoots fish-shaped torpedos and I like it. It's also based on real-life biological phenomena relates to the deep ocean. Like many real deep-sea animals it lives life on show mode, being able to live an extremely long time while not getting to eat very often. It feeds on injured Digimon that sink to the bottom of the ocean, which sounds a lot like deep-sea scavengers and whale falls (Whamon falls?)
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Next is MarineChimairamon, an aquatic chimera. Yes, it's spelles chimaira instead of chimera. When I looked it to to find out if that's an alternate translation from the original Greek I found out that "chimaira" is the name of a heavy metal band from Ohio. So congrats guys, you accidentally have a Digimon named after you. Two actually, because there is also a Chimairamon (English: Kimeramon) and the two are very similar concepts. They're artificial Digimon made out of a combination of body parts of multiple other Digimon. OC, do not steal. I actually like MarineChimairamon more that the original. I can see Coelamon's helmet, Ikkakumon's head and tusks, Octomon's horns, One arm from Ebidramon and the other from Hangyomon, and tentacles from Gesomon.
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Finally at this level is MarineDevimon. Just like how MarineChimairamon is the aquatic version of Chimairamon, there is a land-based Devimon. While Devimon is an evil genius, MarineDevimon is consumed by hate and can destroy its enemies with raw power. I think it's a great design for an evil aquatic Digimon
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The apex of Digimon evolution is the mega/ultimate level and there are indeed megas lurking in the depths of the Net Ocean. One of the many horrors down there is Cthyllamon. This very new Digimon is an evil version of MarineAngemon. It's just as tiny and like MarineAngemon, it preferes to not fight. While MarineAngemon uses the power of live to drain its foes of their fighting spirit, Cthyllamon terrifies enemies into diving up and brainwashes lower-level Digimon into serving it. Cthylla is a less-well known member of the Cthulhu mythos, a daughter of Cthulhu who looks like a winged octopus and serves as a back up body for big C if he is ever killed. Cthyllamon doesn't really have anything to do with that. I think it's a great counterpart to MarineAngemon and a delightful little villain
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KingWhamon is a bigger version of Whamon and that's about all we know about it. Generally the measure for whetehr or not a Digimon is official is if it has an entry in the Digimon Reference Book and KingWhamon doesn't. The Reference Book is where you get the lore of what that Digimon is and does, so we don't have that for KingWhamon. Despite not appearing in the Reference Book, KingWhamon has an anime appearance in Xros Wars and a card in the card game, which sounds pretty official to me. It's a gigantic whale with an island growing on its head. Te idea of a sea creature so vast that it can be mistaken for an island is common in the legends of seafaring cultures around the world. It's a fine Digimon, I just wish we had more to go off of.
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Next is Xiangpengmon and while it looks like a bird dragon, it is aquatic. It's based on the peng, a Chinese legendary creature that can turn from a bird to a fish. This is seen in its evolutionary line, starting as the bird Xiquemon, evolving to the fish Huankunmon, and finally ending as a dragon. Chinese dragons were often depicted as living in the sea and being capable of flight. I think Xiangpengmon is a great Digimon. It is one of 6 species that debuted in the China-exclusive mobile game Digimon New Century and all of them are amazing.
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If there can be said to be an aquatic Digimon that's the most powerful, it would have to be Leviamon. Named after the mythical leviathan, Leviamon is not only a big red crocodile, it's one of the Seven Great Demon Lords. They are the epitome of evil in the Digital World and some of the most powerful Digimon ever. Each Demon Lord bears the power of one of the seven deadly sins and Leviamon holds the power of envy. Despite being ungodly powerful, Leviamon envies those it sees as better than itself and lashes out against them. How big is Leviamon? It's big enough that it could swallow the Digital World in one gulp. It's definitely for the better that it spends most of its time asleep in the depths of the sea. The lore says that the limits of Digimon power are being decoded and Leviamon has none. Its existence is also the foundation of evil in the Digital World. So it's a being with no limits that is the origin of all evil. Sounds less like a Digimon and more like some unfathomable embodiment of evil that happens to be masquerading as a Digimon. I think that's super cool and while Leviamon is definitely the least visually interesting of the Demon Lords, it's still one of the coolest. Leviamon also has an x-antibody variant and oh boy. The aquatic Digimon have actually lucked out when it comes to having decent x-antibody variants and you may wonder why I call x-antibodies as a whole overdesigned and ugly. This, THIS, is what I mean when I say x-antibody variants are overdesigned. There are so many lines on this thing that it can be hard to tell what I'm looking at. And it's not even the worst x-antibody form, not even close. The seal of envy hovering over it like a halo is cool, but all the Demon Lords get their seals incorporated into the x-antibody designs so it's not even a unique idea. There is just no salvaging this x-antibody design.
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Leviamon X
That wraps up the aquatic Digimon and I had a lot of fun doing this. Since Halloween is up maybe I'll showcase some of my favorite spooky Digimon or the other Demon Lords. I may also do an intro to Digimon post because I have gotten comments from people saying they like the Digimon but don't know much about the franchise and how to approach it.
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arcthebreeder · 8 months
DMO: Digimon Military Operatives_34.TXT
Tobiumon is EATING the Sealsdramon.
The Sealsdramon don't appear to be complaining about it, they may be used to this, or maybe they just accept that they're dispensable, whatever the case is, Tobiumon is now changing, all of this data eating was destined to be used as a way to make Tobiumon evolved, it has turned into Gusokumon.
The Gusokumon is firing its Colony Torpedo, biological weapons that are shot from its back and explode with a high radius at bare contact, Canoweissmon and GulusGammamon can easily evade them by flying around for a bit, but Loogamon has trouble, Gulus and Canoweissmon have some time here and there to pick him up, but they can't keep it forever either... This may need some help.
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maswartz · 1 year
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For kicks and giggles I gave the Adventure kids new partners. Tai- Coronamon---> Firamon ---> Flaremon----> Apollomon Matt- Blucomon----> Paledramon ---->  Crys Paledramon ---->  Hexeblaumon Sora- Morphomon ---->  Hudiemon ---->  Shutumon ----> Jet Silphymon Izzy-  Kokuwamon ----> Blade Kuwagamon ----> Metallife Kuwagamon ---->  Tyrant Kabuterimon Mimi- Mushmon ----> Shurimon ----> Ajatarmon ----> BloomLordmon Joe- Crabmon ----> Ebidramon ----> Gusokumon ----> Regalecusmon TK- Labramon ----> Siesamon ----> Caturamon ----> Anubimon Kari- Lunamon ----> Lekismon ----> Crecemon ----> Dianamon
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jthedrake · 11 months
Digimon adventure swap au
Since I did one for tamers I should do one for adventure as well.
Tai and Biyomon, This is mostly so he can have a parrotmon to swap with the movie, now Greymon is the enemy Digimon and Tai and Kari make friends with parrotmon. Cool huh,
Evolution line- Nyokimon -> Yokomon -> Biyomon -> Diatrymon -> Velgrmon (Skullgreymon equivalent)/Parrotmon -> Crossmon
Matt and Gomamon, This is to be opposite of Tai in a sense, opposite of Air and High is Sea and Low. Also gomamon’s chillax attitude could go well with Matt’s lonely nature.
Evolution line- Pitchmon -> Bukamon -> Gomamon -> Ebidramon -> Gusokumon -> Plesiomon
Sora and Patamon, This is so She can still have a flying creature, neat huh.
Evolution line- Poyomon -> Tokomon -> Patamon -> Unimon -> Tylinmon -> Mitamamon
Izzy and Palmon, No reason just out of options and thought us would look cool, biology reference maybe.
Evolution line- Yumamon -> Tanemon -> Palmon -> Woodmon -> Blossomon -> Bloomlordmon
Mimi and Salamon, So Sora got one of the holy duo so it makes sense for Mimi to get the other. No other reason. Also their lines go similar ways going from creature to pretty lady.
Evolution line- Yukimibotamon -> Nyaromon -> Salamon -> Mikemon -> Bastemon -> Lovelyangemon
Joe and Tentomon, Yeah they kinda were just the last ones remaining but it kinda works I guess.
Evolution line- Pabumon -> Motimon -> Tentomon -> Kuwagamon -> Jewelbeemon -> Grandiskuwagamon (yes I know that Kuwagamon was the enemy in the first episode but this is a swap au so just swap Kabuterimon with Kuwagamon)
Tk and Agumon, Kari and Gabumon, I love this idea, whenever people do swap au’s they should do this more often. Also they both get royal knights because of course they do.
Evolution lines
Botamon -> Koromon -> Agumon -> Coredramon blue -> Wingdramon -> Dynasmon
Punimon -> Tsunomon -> Gabumon -> Dogmon -> Knightmon -> Lordknightmon
Now before anyone points out that these guys already appeared in frontier, so did seraphimon and Ophanimon so shush. I’ll do the 02 crew later on I promise.
Now your probably wondering, but who will be our Omnimon equivalent Crossmon and Plesiomon don’t fuse into anything. And that is true, but don’t worry I got the solution.
It’s already a Plesiomon and Seadramon fusion, But Crossmon can work, Both are Cyborg, Both are golden, and it’s a combination between the Sky (Biyomon) and Sea (Gomamon)
So Crossmon + Plesiomon -> Aegisdramon
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
Y'know i will write down my headcanons for lines for the characters i like. Some might come from games, some just me imagining possible ideas not featured anywhere before. Bear with Ni.
Daisuke: V-mon → XV-mon → Wingdramon → UlforceV-dramon
I got this from CSHM actually. Seems a good match. Alternative idea was XV-mon → Grademon → Magnamon, but i don't like it much now… (also i love Ulforce V-dramon a lot…)
Ken: Wormmon → Stingmon → JewelBeemon → BanchoStingmon
This is the line i like the most. Alternative from CSHM: Stingmon → Okuwamon → GranKuwagamon
Miyako: Hawkmon → Aquilamon → Hippogriffomon → Valdurmon
Another possible in CSHM. I like this one, I adopted it from a friend!
Iori: Armadimon → Ankylomon → Groundramon → Cannondramon
This line is not possible in games, but i think it is in tcg but i don't remember now.
Wallace: Terriermon → Gargomon → Rapidmon (perfect) → SaintGalgomon Lopmon → Turuiemon → Antylamon (deva) → Cherubimon (virtue)
I admit i ran out of options for Wallace, so i kept it simple.
Menoa: Morphomon → Hudiemon
I'm imagining a scenario where Menoa could get her back and naturally she becomes Hudiemon. Now for Perfect and Ultimate i have no idea.
Maki: Bakumon → Monochromon → Megadramon → Chaosdramon
I'm stealing it from a friend. Also I suspect Shinkai Sara (from ReArise) was mirroring Maki in terms of role and partner. But I'm changing it to Chaosdramon to make it different from hers.
Daigo: Bearmon → Grizzmon → LoaderLiomon → Baihumon
Another line i'm stealing from ReArise, actually this is one of the ones i suspect was tied with ▽ pt4.
Meiko: Meicoomon → Meicrackmon (normal) → Rasielmon
Idk why but i have the impression this was in the plans but they rewrote the plot so many times it became scrapped. Okay, i'd have liked to see this instead of… that
Michael: Betamon → Seadramon → MegaSeadramon → Plesiomon/GigaSeadramon
Plesiomon one is possible on CSHM game actually. GigaSeadramon idea came from a friend. But i'm putting both because i'm not sure which one to pick.
Catherine: Floramon → Kiwimon → Lilamon → Lotusmon
An alternative route is Kiwimon → Sirenmon, but i'm not sure if i could go with Lotusmon in this one too?
Derek (Dingo): Ganimon → Coelamon → Gusokumon → Neptunemon
idk, i just had a feeling this would work.
Rosa (The little girl from Mexico): Gottsumon → Monochromon → Gogmamon → Blastmon
I like to keep the mineral vibe...
Jun (Daisuke's sister who i love since i was a kid): Pulsemon → Runnermon → Tempomon → LovelyAngemon
Idk i'm sold of the idea of giving Pulsemon to her. Like, if he were a V-mon "cousin" or something lol
[rest of the list is a wip]
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digimonvd · 2 years
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Can evolve from: -> KabuTurretmon -> AtlurBallistamon -> Gusokumon -> MetalKabuterimon -> Okuwamon
art/design/characters/Digimon VD by me, @strikeyoko         Digimon Franchise by © Bandai/Toei    
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tylerbolical · 1 year
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Digimon partner evolution line:
Poyomon -> Tsumemon -> Crabmon -> Ebidramon -> Gusokumon -> Regalecusmon
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cwgames · 3 years
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More trouble under the sea
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pokemoninaction · 3 years
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.. What? Ebidramon is digivolving!
Ebidramon digivolved into Gusokumon!
~ Digimon 2020 Ep. 35
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lar27 · 3 years
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fernikart57 · 4 years
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New Digimons Announced! YEAH!
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bogleech · 3 years
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arcthebreeder · 8 months
DMO: Digimon Military Operatives_35.TXT
Something interesting about Loogamon's powers is that they are mostly magic-based, not literal magic, but a highly advanced programming language that not everyone can replicate, that's what is considered "magic" in the Digital World, Loogamon's flames ignite for a long time and are basically unable to be exhausted for anyone who is less powerful than Loogamon, now here's the cool part, CANOWEISSMON PICKED UP LOOGAMON SO IT CAN FIRE ITS HOWLING FIRE TO GUSOKUMON'S COLONY TORPEDOES.
Here's the thing, Gusokumon's torpedoes are unlimited, but it's stamina isn't, once it gets tired, the program will start running slower and slower and we'll be able to attack directly.
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shihalyfie · 2 years
What would be the perfect level of the 02 cast if they didn’t had Jogres evolution
AeroV-dramon, Jewelbeemon, Hippogriffomon, and...how about the new Gusokumon? (Oh, goodness, this franchise really gives me so little to work with.) Again, this is more "in theory" than with the actual 02 kids' partners themselves.
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thenixkat · 2 years
Finished Chosen & Partners list for Digimon crossover
Previous Gen
Taishiro Toyomitsu /Fatgum- Tsume the Keramon (Crest: Kindness)
Normal: Kuramon > Tsumemon > Keramon > Chrysalimon > Infermon > Armagemon / Belzebumon (biomerge)
Kendo Rappa-  Fujin the Falcomon (Crest: Love)
Normal: Puwamon > Pinamon > Falcomon > Diatrymon > Parrotmon > Ornismon / Shroudmon  (biomerge)
Inko Midoriya- Kuroko the Black Guilmon (Crest: Courage)
Normal: Mokumon > Gigimon > Black Guilmon > Greymon Blue > MetalGreymon Virus > Megidramon /Dark Victorygreymon (biomerge)
Monika Kaniyashiki /Kaniko- Hasami the Crabmon (Crest: Reliability)
Normal: Poyomon > Moonmon > Crabmon > Ebidramon > Gusokumon > Marin Angemon / Regalecusmon (biomerge)
Kagero Okuta /Giran- En the Kudamon (Crest: Knowledge)
Normal: Pafumon > Kyaromon > Kudamon > Reppamon >Tyilinmon > Anubimon
Oboro Shirakumo /Kurogiri- Dango the Bakumon (Crest: Sincerity)
Normal: Tsubumon > Tokomon > Bakumon > Sheepmon > Pajiramon > Gulfmon
Current Gen
Izuku Midoriya /Dekiru-  Hana the Funbeemon (Crest: Knowledge)
Normal: Pupumon > Puroromon > Funbeemon > Flymon > Archnemon > TyrantKabuterimon / BanchoStingmon (biomerge)
Eri- Nayro the Plotmon (Crest: Hope)
Normal: Botamon > Nyaromon > Plotmon > Gargoylemon > Manticoremon > Qinglongmon
Tomura Shigaraki- Monmon/Mon-chan the Renamon (Crest: Friendship)
Normal: Relemon > Pokomon > Renamon > Youkomon > Doumon > Mitamamon / Mercurymon (biomerge)
Tamaki Amajiki /Suneater- Tsuki the Dorumon (Crest: Courage)
Normal: Dodomon > Dorimon > Dorumon > Mimicmon > Marin Chimairamon > Metamormon
Melissa Shield- Alex the Hagurumon (Crest: Light)
Normal: MetalKoromon > Kapurimon > Hagurumon > Mechanorimon > Gigadramon > Machinedramon/ Bancho Mamemon (biomerge)
Natsuo Todoroki- Maki the Penmon (Crest: Reliability)
Normal: Yukimi Botamon > Hiyarimon > Penmon > Seadramon > Daipenmon > Fros Velgrmon
Himiko Toga- Radu the Dracumon (Crest: Love)
Normal: Puyomon > Puyoyomon > Dracumon > Sangloupmon > Matadrmon > Grand Dracumon
Eijiro Kirishima /Red Riot- Akane the Floramon (Crest: Sincerity)
Normal: Yuramon > Budmon > Floramon > Sunflowmon > Petaldramon > Jyagamon / Bloom Lordmon (biomerge)
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aviculor · 3 years
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Dokugumon was always the digimon that I would hypothetically have as a partner, but the old Kodokugumon just wasn’t up to snuff so I always settled on Wormmon or Kunemon for a Child stage. And this just....completely blows all of them out of the water. This is it. This is *my* partner digimon. And it’s funny because the way they made its forelimbs into hands with big claws and its jaws into a mouthpiece on its mask and gave it spikes down its back....looking at this design, having Gusokumon as a Perfect stage wouldn’t be completely out of left field. I could really unite my favorite Adult and my favorite Perfect thanks to this, my new favorite Child. All that’s missing....is an Ultimate. An Ultimate-level invertebrate that does not yet exist.
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