bethanythebogwitch · 4 months
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digimoninteractions · 20 days
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Anomalocarimon (02x41)
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
Can you review Crabmon, Coelamon and Anomalocarimon?
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Crabmon is definitely drawn in an usual style for Pokemon, probably due to new artists being brought on as Sugimori moves his attention elsewhere. Regardless, it's a fine looking crab Pokemon, with some neat shapes and segmenting around the eyes and legs.
If there's one issue I have with this Pokemon, it's that it feels a bit generic. We've had other crab Pokemon before (like, shocker, Krabby), and this one doesn't have much to make it stand out. It does have blades on its oversized fiddler crab-style claw, which is pretty neat, but they're so tiny as to barely be noticeable.
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Crabmon evolves into Coelamon—not a crab at all at this point but instead a fish-like creature. Ostensibly it's supposed to be a coelecanth, though it looks more like a dunkleosteus to me due to the head shape and segmented metallic plating.
Regardless, it fixes the main problem with Crabmon, going from being a fairly standard crab monster to a bipedal fish-like creature with exposed flesh, clawed mammal-like feet, and ripped, tattered fins. It's a really cool design, and one that's much more memorable.
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The only problem with this design is that it's a bit too busy—I had to look up some other images of it just to fully grasp what was going on with it. Things like the amount of wrinkles in the skin, the arm-fins, and the "ribs" on the underside all could've been cut down on a bit. I also wish it kept the blade theme from Crabmon, as the only real connective bit here thematically is the seemingly metallic plating. Still, it's a much improved design as a whole.
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Anomalocarimon (apparently called Scorpiomon in English) is honestly fantastic. Continuing on with the prehistoric feeling of Coelamon, it's not a crab or a fish but this time an anomalocaris, i.e., one of these guys:
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And what a beautiful anomalocaris it is! It brings back the blade theme from Crabmon, but actually fully fleshes it out this time, making the blades much more obvious and giving it a sick scorpion-style tail to match. These blades and the matching spines on top give it a sense of repetition that makes the design easy to read despite the high amount of detail present.
I also love that it has two pairs of eyes—the striking blue eyes from Coelamon and a second pair of compound eyes for good measure. It also has a few markings on its body, which are carefully placed and really make things pop.
The only critiques I have are color nitpicks—I don't think the black at the ends of the "arms" in front was needed, the tan could've been a little lighter to give more contrast to the red areas, and the blue spikes could've easily been gray. Other than that, I really like this guy.
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Overall, this line is pretty decent. While Crabmon is a bit simplistic for its own good, Coelamon is a much better (if not slightly too busy) monster design, and Anomalocarimon is nearly perfect in both concept and execution. I'll certainly be looking forward to Gen 10 if all of the Pokemon are this interesting!
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kideternity · 11 days
BTW whenever I say “Yay” this is what I look like / what you should imagine in your head
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raspberry-sam · 1 year
Digifriends. Look below, and behold...
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smols. :3
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otakween · 9 months
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Digimon Tamers: Battle of Adventurers
Eh...gotta be honest, I found this pretty underwhelming. It had its moments, don't get me wrong, but the plot felt pretty generic and the ending was rushed. Still had fun, but the emotional investment was lacking.
Reddit told me to watch this after episode 18, so I got the timing a little off, but I felt like it'd be good to watch prior to the digiworld episodes. The only timeline wonkiness is that this takes place before Culumon's kidnapping, which I've already seen, but that's fine.
In another moment of ~fate~ the movie begins with Guilmon dying of heat (not literally lol) and it was "feels like 101" where I am today so...can relate.
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I was a pretty sheltered kid, so IDK how I would react to my parents making me travel by myself at 10...not that I'm against that, I just know 10 year old me woulda been a big crybaby about it.
Kinda weird that they gave us 2 title screens for this, one of which was just ripped from the TV show. The whole vibe was kind of a mixed bag in this, sometimes the animation felt pretty much the same quality as the show and sometimes it felt like they were stepping it up, not super consistent.
"Battle of Adventurers" is a pretty uninspired title. I feel like they could have either put something about Okinawa or the v-pet virus in the title instead so it would stand out a bit more...
Speaking of the V-Pet, I thought it was super charming with its crappy CGI lol. I totally would have fell for it in 2001. Kinda hard to believe that literally everyone downloaded it though (doctors, pilots, etc.) Or was it more like that one U2 album that was automatically distributed to everyone?
Guilmon begging to get out of the suitcase was stressful! How did he not suffocate? D: (do digimon even need to breathe?)
They really did the movie-only character (Minami) dirty this time. She had to be re-traumatized about her dead dog so many times! Just felt cruel...
All of the Okinawa cultural stuff was fun, especially the Okinawa-inspired digimon. If Digimon Go was a thing, you know they'd be region specific.
When Ruki's mom was like "oh, it's so comfortable flying on the plane!" I was like "okay, rich." That's the only explanation because flying economy is always a bad time.
Although a lot of the character animation was kinda meh, the battle animation is where this movie really shined. It was like little pockets of hype and there was a really good variety of enemy digimon. I was especially excited to see Anomalocarimon cuz it's been a minute and there was a lot of attention to detail with his bit.
Siesamon's design was really pretty, but I don't like his resting angry face. I wish they would have made his face more emotive because it kind of diminished some emotional moments...
There was one scene where it showed some buildings blowing up (because of the virus) and one of them suspiciously looked like a power plant...hopefully I'm wrong cuz oof...
Loved Mephismon's design, but with Gulfmon they did that thing that they did with VenomVamdemon where he has a second face by his crotch area...don't like that (although he is a centaur, so not technically his crotch)
There were some legit scary moments in this! The car crash scene was pretty violent and Minami screaming as she ran from the lasers also felt pretty intense for a kid's movie. (I haven't peeked at the dub yet, wondering if anything was cut)
I thought the final battle was weak as heck. Phase 1 took like 2 seconds and then phase 2 just felt kinda arbitrary like we were going through the motions. We did get a new attack though (trinity something or other). It felt kind of weird for them to just show that without any acknowledgement, but oh well. I'm sure it'll come back at some point. I was a little disappointed tbh because I thought they were doing some sort of 3-way jogress fusion
The shot with 3D MegaloGrowmon and 2D Rapidmon and Taomon was a glorious 2000s moment
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IDK why but it gave me Power Rangers vibes
Yeah so this felt pretty disposable, they tried to kind of tie things to Digimon Adventure with Omegamon and Apocalymon, but the connection was pretty vague and forced. I rather Tamers just be separate without the callbacks
While I'm a big fan of short runtimes, I do wonder if this one could have benefitted from being a little longer, just to let things breath more
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ratstuckinamarble · 8 months
It is in fact not a Shrimp, but an Anomalocaris, whose name hilariously means "Abnormal Shrimp". It's a prehistoric aquatic arthropod.
There's also a Digimon named Anomalocarimon...
Noo the shrimpy man is a mere fake (⁠‘⁠◉⁠⌓⁠◉⁠’⁠) !
He is still appreciated, so I shall put him here so I may gaze upon him whenever I please.
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Abnormal shrimp... I love him. You can see the universe in those eyes.
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blackpearlblast · 9 months
what's ur ideal syakomon digivolution path?
oh this is a fun one!! i think my ideal adult would have to be morishellmon but there's a couple directions i can think of for perfect
sticking with the water theme we can go anomalocarimon (x-antibody) to cthyllamon
OR taking advantage of the "mori" in morishellmon, we can pivot to a more plant-based line to blossomon which i think has to be my favorite perfect stage in the whole series like seriously that thing RULES. hydramon would be a great ultimate to finish that off.
OR digitamamon since it says it's an evolution of morishellmon on wikimon (LOVE that there is an independent wiki for digimon) and i love funny egg mon. i'm not actually sure what i would have it turn into though, i'm just glad it's an option.
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jthedrake2 · 4 months
One day I was scrolling tumblr and I stumbled across an idea by cloudypinkblink and I wanted to take my own crack at it.
Essentially it’s a swap au where Marcus, Thomas, and Yoshino swap roles with Kouki, Nanami and Ivan. So in this universe The bio hybrids get Digimon partners and our DATS trio become Biohybrids and work for Kurata.
Partner lines
Kouki: Commandramon -> Sealsdramon -> Tankdramon -> Darkdramon
I imagine Kouki in this universe to be ranging from a delinquent or even a small low tier criminal. He’s just the type of guy to constantly get in trouble with the police. Here he is much more willing to help others and he meets his partner Commandramon after saving him from a more intimidating Digimon. However he is still hotheaded and very arrogant, but has high amount of determination. After he evolves Commandramon into Sealsdramon, he gets arrested by DATS members and is allowed to be free if he works for DATS from now on.
Commandramon in this is essentially a goofy but loyal soldier. Similar to how Agumon calls Marcus boss or Aniki, Commandramon would constantly call him Sir or Kouki sir as he views Kouki as his general. At first Kouki wants to use Commandramon to help him but does bond with the military dragon.
Nanami: Floramon -> Woodmon -> Ajatarmon -> Lotusmon
Nanami takes the role of Thomas here. In this universe I imagine her coming from nothing rather then being rich like Thomas is. She’s very hard working and highly values perfection above all else. This pressure of being perfect also extends to her partner with her sometimes being too harsh on her for any errors. She doesn’t get along well with Kouki at first, in fact they are worst then Marcus and Thomas in terms of rivalry at first. But help one another when they bond, With Kouki learning to think before he leaps and Nanami learning to be less hard on herself and others.
Floramon is an extremely shy but very sweet Digimon. She is also very clumsy but tries her best to hide that fact from Nanami. Eventually she will become more confident as the series goes on and Nanami will treat her better. They basically have a Shuji and Lopmon thing going on except it’s a bit less bad, not by much tho, Could be good dark digivolution potential.
Ivan: Gizamon -> Ebidramon -> Anomalocarimon -> Spinomon
Ivan here is the Dad friend of the trio and is honestly the only thing that keeps Nanami and Kouki from killing each other in the beginning, I also like to think whenever they argue Ivan would jokingly refer to them as a “Lovers spat” to which they stop arguing and turn their anger at him. Like in canon, He is very much a family man. He joined DATS as a way to support his family but eventually starts to love the job. He is also the one to meet Kouki like how Yoshino meets Marcus in canon. He’s smarter then in canon, tho he still isn’t that bright. He doesn’t say stuff out loud unless he’s extremely nervous.
Gizamon would be a bit more cynical then his partner. He’s the brain to Ivan’s brawn in this case. While not outwardly friendly to most, he still capable of doing good and hopes to help Ivan with his family matters. His siblings like to play with him a lot and he enjoys it to, but he’ll never admit that tho.
For the lines I decided to lean into the mega sand ignore the armors as I really wanted to use Commandramon. But if you want to include the armors here is some alternative lines involving them.
Kouki: Hawkmon -> Thunderbirmon -> Megadramon -> Darkdramon
Nanami: Wormmon -> Coatlmon -> Arukenimon -> Lotusmon
Ivan: Armadillomon -> Stegomon -> Triceramon -> Spinomon
As for Marcus, Thomas, and Yoshino, They are now working for Kurata. I could see Thomas being Kurata’s second in command and being the first to join. Yoshino would be second to join him and perhaps we could have her try to manipulate Ivan tho I don’t see what purpose that could serve, maybe to cause others not to trust him perhaps. Still working on it.
Marcus would be the third to join, We could have him involved in the story with Kouki as an old friend of the Daimons with Marcus and Kouki having a brotherly bond. After the whole Garudamon debacle, Marcus nearly dies with Kouki saving him by digivolving into Tankdramon. Marcus would find out about his dad and want to go to the digital world to find him but Sarah adamantly refuses due to Marcus nearly dying and not having a Digimon partner. It would then escalate into a much more heated version of the scene with Sarah and Marcus talking about Marcus going into the digital world.
Marcus would then storm out the house and ask Kouki to take him to the digital world. Kouki would refuse out of not wanting to see Marcus getting hurt. This would then have Kurata come to Marcus and manipulate him into becoming a bio hybrid.
As for their bio hybrid forms following the theme of Armor and Mega
Marcus: BioFlamedramon and Biodorbickmon
Thomas: BioKangurumon and BioAnubimon
Yoshino: BioKabukimon and BioCeresmon
I also have other ideas to further this swap concept to make this universe sound more interesting then canon.
Keenan is not becoming a bio hybrid so maybe here we can have Kristy and Keenan swap partners here with Keenan getting Biyomon and Kristy getting Falcomon.
Maybe even swap roles with Kristy becoming a jungle girl further hammering in Sarah’s protection of Marcus. Probably will only swap partners but it could be fun.
Kristy: Pinamon -> Falcomon -> Saberdramon -> Vulturemon
Keenan: Biyomon -> Aquilamon -> Garudamon -> Valkryimon (Maybe have Valdurmon as a burst mode?)
Another reverse idea is how the royal knights are a big thing in data squad and we also have Merukimon who is a member of the Olympus 12. So maybe we could have Sleipmon and Merukimon swap around and have the main final threat be the Olympus 12 rather then the royal knights.
Richard Sampson: Kudamon -> Reppamon -> Kyukimon -> Merukimon
We would also have Homeros over Yggdrasil as Homeros is the creator of the Olympus 12.
Maybe even have Kurata become Titamon perhaps as Belphemon is more of an enemy to the royal knights and him becoming Titamon, the enemy of the Olympus 12 would further cement him being a threat and enemy to the digital world.
And with Yoshino becoming BioCeresmon it could make for some good lore potential, Maybe you could have Ceresmon in the role of Frigimon and kill her off, then have Kurata use her data alongside Yoshino. This could be a pretty interesting and dark.
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shihalyfie · 2 years
1 pattern I noticed with Mimi is she seems to dodge a lot of the weirder fates that befall her teammates (Monzaemon brainwashing, getting turned to stone and baked in the sun, suffocated by Anomalocarimon, getting turned into a keychain, etc).
Funnily enough, most of those really weird episodes are the Urasawa-penned ones -- he's by far the Adventure and 02 writer with the most off-kilter humor (he would later give us "can you at least wash your hands?" in 02). He also did Mimi's first major episode...and she also escaped said weird fate there. Perhaps Mimi's dislike of willingly throwing herself into uncomfortable situations helped her sense of self-preservation a lot.
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dacsheyes · 1 year
So I was rewatching the World Tour episodes of 02, and noticed something really funny - Tailmon and Tentomon have absolutely no reason to evolve into Perfect. Look at everyone else:
Lilimon - There was a rampaging Jyureimon, a Perfect level
Zudomon - An Anomalocarimon appeared to fight, a Perfect level
HolyAngemon and MetalGreymon - fighting four Perfect levels
WereGarurumon - Defending a heritage site, and also fighting Minotarumon, who might’ve been a Perfect level
Garudamon - An army of Flymon, and later Mammon
There’s either a Perfect level opponent or a reason the extra power of a Perfect level would be desirable.
But Angewomon and AtlurKabuterimon? They turn up just to transport Hikari and Koshiro. And they do it twice, they revert back to Tailmon and Tentomon and evolve back to Perfect to fly to another place they don’t expect to fight other Digimon immediately. You could swap them out for Nefertimon and Kabuterimon and literally nothing would change.
Which is funny to me on it’s own, but it’s got to be more comfortable for Nefertimon to fly Hikari around, for both Tailmon and Hikari. They made the active choice, twice, to use a much more taxing evolution instead of using a much less taxing evolution for a more comfortable flight because...
Well, out of universe it’s because the purpose of those episodes was to show the Perfect forms alongside the 02 guys, not having Angewomon and AtlurKabuterimon appear goes against why the episodes were made.
But there’s an in universe reason too. And that just amuses me, whatever I decide the reason is.
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bethanythebogwitch · 8 months
Today I'l finishing up presenting and giving my thoughts on all aquatic Digimon. For previous parts of this series see all fish, all mermaids, all aquatics part 1, and all aquatics part 2. Today I'll be covering the remaining ultimate/perfect and mega/ultimate level Digimon.
The first one of the ultimate/perfect is Anomalocarimon. Anomalocaris is one of my favorite extinct animals and I'm absolutely delighted that both Digimon and Pokemon based a monster off of it. It also definitely takes after a sea scorpion with it's scorpion-like tail. It was even born from scientific data about extinct species. I think this is a great Digimon that deserved more attention. Anomalocarimon caused a bit of a translation kerfuffle when it was given the English name Scorpiomon (because American kids are too dumb to know what an Anomalocaris is I guess). Well there's also another unrelated Digimon called Scorpiomon so the English dub was forced to change its name to SkullScorpiomon. Yes, this has caused confusion before. Anomalocarimon also has an x-antibody form that looks like it was standing next to a bunch of exploding spray paint cans.
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Anomalocarimon X
Next is Dagomon, who was given the English name Dragomon. It's a minor change but kind of dumb because Dagomon comes from the Cthulhu mythos character Father Dagon and has nothing to do with dragons. Despite being named after Father Dagon, Dagomon is clearly Cthulhu as a Digimon. It's also treated as such in the animes. in Digimon Adventure 02 it rules over deep ones in an extradimensional spaces called the Dark Ocean and is implied to be more of a Lovecraftian horror than a Digimon. In Digimon Ghost Game it starts turning people into deep ones and is powerful enough to overwhelm a higher-level Digimon. I know it also shows up in Xros Wars, but I didn't watch that. It wears Buddhist prayer beads. In a heavily Buddhist country like Japan, a monster dressed like a Buddhist is probably the equivalent of historically-Catholic countries having vampire priests. I dig this one and while I say that a lot of Digimon could use more attention, I think Dagomon only showing up a little bit and being overwhelmingly powerful and mysterious is very appropriate for a Lovecraftian Digimon.
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Related to Dagomon is Hangyomon, called Divermon in English. It's very much based on sea monsters like th Creature from the Black Lagoon, but with scuba gear. I think it's a neat Digimon. Notably, Hangyomon's most prominent appearance in the anime wasn't actually them. It was in the same episode as Dagomon and the Dark Ocean where at the end it's revealed that the creatures that presented themselves as Hangyomon were actually disguised deep ones serving Dagomon.
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Next is Gusokumon and listen, I'm a simple nerd, I see a giant shrimp that shoots fish-shaped torpedos and I like it. It's also based on real-life biological phenomena relates to the deep ocean. Like many real deep-sea animals it lives life on show mode, being able to live an extremely long time while not getting to eat very often. It feeds on injured Digimon that sink to the bottom of the ocean, which sounds a lot like deep-sea scavengers and whale falls (Whamon falls?)
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Next is MarineChimairamon, an aquatic chimera. Yes, it's spelles chimaira instead of chimera. When I looked it to to find out if that's an alternate translation from the original Greek I found out that "chimaira" is the name of a heavy metal band from Ohio. So congrats guys, you accidentally have a Digimon named after you. Two actually, because there is also a Chimairamon (English: Kimeramon) and the two are very similar concepts. They're artificial Digimon made out of a combination of body parts of multiple other Digimon. OC, do not steal. I actually like MarineChimairamon more that the original. I can see Coelamon's helmet, Ikkakumon's head and tusks, Octomon's horns, One arm from Ebidramon and the other from Hangyomon, and tentacles from Gesomon.
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Finally at this level is MarineDevimon. Just like how MarineChimairamon is the aquatic version of Chimairamon, there is a land-based Devimon. While Devimon is an evil genius, MarineDevimon is consumed by hate and can destroy its enemies with raw power. I think it's a great design for an evil aquatic Digimon
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The apex of Digimon evolution is the mega/ultimate level and there are indeed megas lurking in the depths of the Net Ocean. One of the many horrors down there is Cthyllamon. This very new Digimon is an evil version of MarineAngemon. It's just as tiny and like MarineAngemon, it preferes to not fight. While MarineAngemon uses the power of live to drain its foes of their fighting spirit, Cthyllamon terrifies enemies into diving up and brainwashes lower-level Digimon into serving it. Cthylla is a less-well known member of the Cthulhu mythos, a daughter of Cthulhu who looks like a winged octopus and serves as a back up body for big C if he is ever killed. Cthyllamon doesn't really have anything to do with that. I think it's a great counterpart to MarineAngemon and a delightful little villain
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KingWhamon is a bigger version of Whamon and that's about all we know about it. Generally the measure for whetehr or not a Digimon is official is if it has an entry in the Digimon Reference Book and KingWhamon doesn't. The Reference Book is where you get the lore of what that Digimon is and does, so we don't have that for KingWhamon. Despite not appearing in the Reference Book, KingWhamon has an anime appearance in Xros Wars and a card in the card game, which sounds pretty official to me. It's a gigantic whale with an island growing on its head. Te idea of a sea creature so vast that it can be mistaken for an island is common in the legends of seafaring cultures around the world. It's a fine Digimon, I just wish we had more to go off of.
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Next is Xiangpengmon and while it looks like a bird dragon, it is aquatic. It's based on the peng, a Chinese legendary creature that can turn from a bird to a fish. This is seen in its evolutionary line, starting as the bird Xiquemon, evolving to the fish Huankunmon, and finally ending as a dragon. Chinese dragons were often depicted as living in the sea and being capable of flight. I think Xiangpengmon is a great Digimon. It is one of 6 species that debuted in the China-exclusive mobile game Digimon New Century and all of them are amazing.
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If there can be said to be an aquatic Digimon that's the most powerful, it would have to be Leviamon. Named after the mythical leviathan, Leviamon is not only a big red crocodile, it's one of the Seven Great Demon Lords. They are the epitome of evil in the Digital World and some of the most powerful Digimon ever. Each Demon Lord bears the power of one of the seven deadly sins and Leviamon holds the power of envy. Despite being ungodly powerful, Leviamon envies those it sees as better than itself and lashes out against them. How big is Leviamon? It's big enough that it could swallow the Digital World in one gulp. It's definitely for the better that it spends most of its time asleep in the depths of the sea. The lore says that the limits of Digimon power are being decoded and Leviamon has none. Its existence is also the foundation of evil in the Digital World. So it's a being with no limits that is the origin of all evil. Sounds less like a Digimon and more like some unfathomable embodiment of evil that happens to be masquerading as a Digimon. I think that's super cool and while Leviamon is definitely the least visually interesting of the Demon Lords, it's still one of the coolest. Leviamon also has an x-antibody variant and oh boy. The aquatic Digimon have actually lucked out when it comes to having decent x-antibody variants and you may wonder why I call x-antibodies as a whole overdesigned and ugly. This, THIS, is what I mean when I say x-antibody variants are overdesigned. There are so many lines on this thing that it can be hard to tell what I'm looking at. And it's not even the worst x-antibody form, not even close. The seal of envy hovering over it like a halo is cool, but all the Demon Lords get their seals incorporated into the x-antibody designs so it's not even a unique idea. There is just no salvaging this x-antibody design.
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Leviamon X
That wraps up the aquatic Digimon and I had a lot of fun doing this. Since Halloween is up maybe I'll showcase some of my favorite spooky Digimon or the other Demon Lords. I may also do an intro to Digimon post because I have gotten comments from people saying they like the Digimon but don't know much about the franchise and how to approach it.
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
Camper Digimon Partners
Did anyone ask? No (unfortunately) Did I have all of them planned out? Not right away. Am I doing this anyways for fun? Yes!
Dogen Boole: Popomon -> Frimon -> Patamon -> Prairiemon -> Andiramon -> Hououmon
Benny "The Nose" Fideleo: Dodomon -> Dorimon -> Shamamon -> Sukamon -> Megadramon -> Deathmon
Bobby Zilch: Jyarimon -> Gigimon -> Goblimon -> Ogremon -> Minotarumon -> Callismon
Chloe Barge: Kuramon -> Tsumemon -> Tsukaimon -> Bakemon -> Vademon -> EBEmon
Clem Foote: Keemon -> Yarmon -> Impmon -> Numemon -> Black King Numemon -> PrinceMamemon
Crystal Flowers Snagrash: Popomon -> Wanyamon -> Chewmon -> Raremon -> Garbagemon -> Rosemon
Chops Sweetwind: YukimiBotamon -> Hiyarimon -> Blucomon -> Moosemon -> Panjyamon -> Regulumon
J.T. Hoofburger: Punimon -> Tsunomon -> Psychemon -> Deputymon -> WereGarurumon -> BanchoLeomon
Elka Doom: Pabumon -> Nyaromon -> Biyomon -> Airdramon -> Angewomon -> GranDracmon
Nils Lutefisk: Mokumon -> Sunmon -> Salamon -> Witchmon -> Bastemon -> Lilithmon
Elton Fir: Yuramon -> Tanemon -> Betamon -> Coelamon -> Anomalocarimon -> Plesiomon
Milka Phage: Yuramon -> Budmon -> Dokunemon -> Kokatorimon -> Digitamamon -> Devitamamon
Vernon Tripe: Petitmon -> Babydmon -> Agumon Hakase -> Gawappamon -> Karatenmon -> Anubimon
Franke Athens: Relemon -> Pokomon -> Renamon -> Harpymon -> LadyDevimon -> Kuzuhamon
Kitty Bubai: Pyonmon -> Bosamon -> Auroramon -> Aquilamon -> Garudamon -> Ornismon
Maloof Canola: MetalKoromon -> Caprimon -> ToyAgumon -> Clockmon -> Mamemon -> Giromon
Mikhail Bulgakov: Bommon -> Missimon -> Commandramon -> Sealsdramon -> Tankdramon -> Gundramon
Pheobe Love: Pupumon -> Puroromon -> Dorumon -> Meramon -> Skull Meramon -> Volcanicdramon
Quentin Hedgemouse: Botamon -> Tokomon -> Shoutmon -> Ballistamon -> Jewelbeemon -> HerculesKabuterimon
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hailtotheskull · 1 month
i've always had an interesting dichotomy w/ digimon dub terms like a lot of the mon name changes are kind of dumb (anomalocarimon > scorpiomon??) though i like some more (gatomon is better than tailmon sorry) and i think the name changes are just not great (god forbid the american children like characters called Taichi and Yamato) but i will always argue that digivolve is better than evolve. it's cool, it's distinct! i like it
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kideternity · 11 days
DUDEEE the way they tried to kill off Anomalocarimon was so needlessly brutal?????? Why did those kids grab anomalocarimon who was already defeated at that point and had them get almost burned alive by their own boss 😭😭😭 thats the meanest those kids have ever been in the show so far that was so unnecessary
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure 02 (Blind Watch) - Episode 41
They...they really named the Australian kid "Dingo."
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Honestly, I had trouble focusing after that, but I still think this was a fun episode. Seeing a bunch of digimon I've only seen in Digimon World 1 was fun and there were so many great scenery shots of Australia and Paris (lol funny how some places are identified by city and some by country).
Digimon introduced: Crabmon, Ebidramon, Coelamon, BigMamemon, MetalMamemon, Mamemon, Giromon
-Why did they act like Australians are a bunch of dumb beach bums who are totally unaware of the world's problems? Australians have TV too! Surely they would know about the "monsters" (aside from the chosen kids I mean).
-The focus on the Great Barrier Reef made me kinda sad since it's uh...not doing too hot these days (oh the innocence of the early 2000s)
-I liked the themed digimon in this episode with the water digis in Australia and the uh...spherical digis in France. There's something satisfying about seeing them all together (although the seafood mix gag was a little overdone).
-They did that thing again where the digimon suddenly start talking like pokemon (like, only saying their names over and over). Is it an intelligence thing? Are some digimon just less sentient than others? This was especially noticeable with Anomalocarimon (who has the biggest tongue twister name ever).
-Anomalocarimon has this really weird, feminine sounding voice in the sub. It doesn't fit at all lol
-There were a lot fewer named international digi-destined in this episode. We only really got Dingo/Derek and Catherine and then the other kids were just nameless. Curses! My tendency to obsessively know all the lore will not be fulfilled this time...
-Sick of anime perpetuating the French = blonde stereotype. Almost every French person I've ever met has been brunette. I mean, sure, some of the background kids weren't blonde, so I guess they get points there. But still! France isn't FInland/Sweden.
-Very nice to see Greymon/MetalGreymon for once :') weirdly nostalgic
-The boys kissing Catherine on the cheek was v cute. Seems kinda bold of them, but I guess that's technically a greeting in France so maybe they felt more comfortable lol.
-More of the bad guys creeping on kids. Interested to see where they're going with that...More weaponizing kids like they did with Ken? (Actually, why didn't they think of that sooner? lol)
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