coinoperatedbird · 9 years
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cutxstrings · 9 years
The Hunter and The Angel // closed rp with gunsnguinness
A small amount of blood was stained on the angel’s white jacket. He was walking quietly into a warehouse, where he guessed was an artifact that his friend Ezekiel wanted. Angel decided he would take the time to get it for him since he really didn’t have anything better to do. He just wanted to pass time and sickeningly enough, killing demons and stealing shit was his go to right now.
The blood on his jacket was not his. His own blood was a silver, with sparkles of gold in it. There was a bit of that on his lip. As his chest rose and fell he stopped, hearing a noise behind him. The angel lifted himself off the ground and hid on one of the shelves that contained a lot of items for him to hide behind. Quietly, the man waited for what was following him in.
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                                        Send in a ‘💋 ’  & I will answer with a gif of what                                         (I think) our muses would kiss like. (Accepting)
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nosterxnostri · 9 years
aeternitasintricatae  gunsnguinness  shatteredsavior  offeathersandguns
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  “What?”  Elinor’s brows furrow in confusion, unsure as to what the other had meant exactly. It didn’t make sense. It didn’t make sense at all. How did they survive like this? How did the people here manage all of these years this way?
   “What do you mean, ‘some people don’t have kettles’? That’s absurd!     How on earth would they make their TEA then--? ”
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"Happy however-many-feckin-centuries birthday, Countess."
"The correct way to congratulate me on my day of birth is not to use crude and foul language. Repeat your comment.”
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coinoperatedbird · 9 years
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accuratezza-blog · 9 years
☮ (sends this back to you because yas)
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binaryoverload · 9 years
“I’ve agreed t'be yer roommate, not yer booty call.”
Sentence Meme: Send one for my muse’s reaction NSFW
Glowering deeply at the hunter from underneath the blankets, Trent felt a pang of hurt constrict around his chest at their harsh words. Did they seriously think that’s all they were to him? The knowledge didn’t deter him in the least though, it just made him all that more determined. When it came to being stubborn, Trent was the fucking king of it. Actually, most of his kind were infamous for the particular trait. Ever since they’d moved in with each other, the wereleopard had purposely abandoned all of his pajama’s and decided to sleep naked from then on out. After all, he damn well knew what it did to Aedan despite how much he bitched about it. The nose never lied, and when the hunter would see him sprawled out on the bed stark naked even they couldn’t hide the blatant desire and arousal that filled the air at the sight before his destined one could squelch it. Needless to say, Trent didn’t play fair when it came to something he wanted…ever. “Says the one always stealing glances at my booty?” There it was again, the spicy scent of arousal wafting off of them for the briefest of moments before they turned red with anger at the seductive and knowing curl of Trent’s lips when they’d spotted it. When they turned around ready to storm off whilst grumbling incoherently, the young gamer’s voice had morphed into that of a low and seductive purr. “Baby.” Yup, that word certainly gotten their attention. Watching them stiffen with surprise at the word, Trent’s smile turned downright wicked. “The only view I like better than the one I get to see when you stand in front of me is the one I get when you walk away.” Watching as they turned around with confusion, Trent had wiggled his eyebrows as his gaze had darted back and forth between their face and ass. Letting out a chuckle at the slamming door that came next, the young man had rested his head on his hand and stared longingly at the now empty space. What was he going to do with him? His beast only sent back seven words.
                              “Love him. Feed him. Never leave him.”                                   Sounded like a excellent plan to Trent. 
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sanguineus-archive2 · 9 years
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     Two weeks after their contract had been signed, a package arrived for Aedan. It was sign upon receipt from a private courier service. The package was small and the return address was a post office box. Inside, sitting on top of a mound of crimson tissue paper, was a folded note sealed in wax. The insignia imprinted had the initials BDL underneath an eagle. 
                                             Wear it with honor, archangelus.                                                                                         --B
      It was written by hand in messy cursive and signed with a flourish. Wrapped in the tissue paper underneath was a golden lapel pin, a flaming sword in a circle. Beside it was a small vial of what looked like blood tied to a leather cord with a a tag that read, emergency only. 
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keshephmoved-blog · 9 years
¡ ✯
¡ Pet Peeves
coffee snobs and foodies. (on the flip side, people who refuse to try anything new, food-wise.) when people are “gluten-free” for lifestyle reasons and not because of a medical condition. fad diets in general. unleashed dogs. being asked "what are you?" cis people offering well-intentioned but ignorant and unhelpful advice. wasting food. television commercials. the word "schizo" being used as shorthand for weird or unpredictable. whining about pluto. people who confuse cgi pictures of space with the process of discovery that is actual science. voices that won't shut the fuck up and keep up a constant running commentary, especially when it's loud nonsense. how certain grocery stores pour bleach over food they throw out so homeless people can't use it. people who pass out bible tracts instead of sweets on halloween. (come on, even a toothbrush is better.) christmas and easter. how impossible it is to get a day off for important holidays like yom kippur. people who take their musical tastes too seriously. (come on, everyone likes tommy tutone and britney spears.) when people think it's funny to try to embarrass them with sex talk. being called "young man." the word "moist." the fact that multivitamins are like goddamn horse pills and are impossible to swallow. antisemitic microaggressions. snow.
✯ Perfect day
donuts and coffee for breakfast. sunny, 90 degrees, no humidity, at the beach, surfing. chopped tex-mex salad for lunch, lots of peppers, as spicy as possible. more surfing, maybe a quick 1x1 basketball game. shopping for records and clothes along the boardwalk, indulging in silly tourist things. shakshuka and tabbouleh for dinner in a small cafe while the sun sets. drinking beers on the beach at night from a very high height, making up stories about tourists down below. watching cartoons and playing drinking games until 4 in the morning, then going out for another donut run. sleeping 24 hours straight the next day.
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demonicallyinclined · 9 years
Freeze! You are under arrest for being so nice and cute. Copy this message to 10 other blogs who you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the GAME going and make others feel beautiful ❤
Pshhh, are you lost? I’m such trash. lol. Thank you for loving and putting up with me hon.
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