cutxstrings · 8 years
Send me a face for a headcanon about my muse!
(`・ω・´) : What does your muse completely gush over?
_| ̄|○ : What situation would your muse give up in?
(`-´)> : Who does your muse honor the most?
(´;ω;`): What brings your muse into a state of
ヽ(´ー`)ノ : What calms your muse down?
ヽ(`Д´)ノ : What irritates your muse the most?
(#゚Д゚) : What does your muse do if they're angry?
( ´Д`) : Is your muse loud in bed?
( ゚Д゚) : What does your muse do when surprised?
┐('~`;)┌ : When your muse can't answer something, what
do they do?
(´∀`) : What could your muse care less about?
( ´_ゝ`) : Who or what is your muse most indifferent
Σ(゜д゜;) : Is your muse easily scared?
( ゚ヮ゚) : When is your muse happiest?
キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!! : What does your muse do when
very excited?
⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ : Does your muse like to cuddle?
( ´Д`)ノ(´・ω・`) ナデナデ: Does your muse pat others on the
head? If not, do they get pat on their head?
(((( ;゚Д゚))): What is your muse terrified of?
Σ(゚Д゚): What would your muse be most shocked to obtain?
( ゚д゚): What amazes your muse?
(´ー`)y-~~ : Does your muse do any drugs? Smoke?
( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) : How often does your muse drink?
ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´)ノ: How friendly is your muse around new people?
('A`) : What does your muse do when they're alone?
(´-`).。oO( ... ) : What does your muse think about a lot?
(゚Д゚;≡;゚Д゚): Is your muse impatient?
( ´д)ヒソ(´Д`)ヒソ(Д` ): Does your muse enjoy gossiping?
(・∀・)つ⑩ : Does your muse enjoy saving or spending money? Or are they indifferent?
(゚д゚): When your muse didn't expect something, what do they do?
(゚⊿゚) : Is your muse in denial a lot?
(・∀・) : Does your muse like to tease people?
(・A・) : What does your muse consider to be bad?
(゚∀゚) : If your muse was a drug, what kind would they be?
( つ Д `) : When your muse is sad, what do they do?
♪┏(・o・)┛♪ : Can your muse dance well?
d(*⌒▽⌒*)b : What makes your muse the happiest they could ever be?
(╬ ಠ益ಠ): What infuriates your muse to the point they may kill whatever it is?
(≧ロ≦): Is your muse a screamer in bed?
(ΘεΘ;): How much of a tsundere is your muse?
(‐^▽^‐): What does your muse's laugh sound like?
┌(;`~,)┐ : What discombobulates your muse?
ε=ε=ε=┌(;*´Д`)ノ : How does your muse run?
ヽ(´▽`)/ : What does your muse look like when happy?
ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ : Is your muse violent when angry?
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cutxstrings · 8 years
Cuddle buddy application
Name: Age: Gender: Big/little spoon: Favorite movie: Favorite band: Is it okay if I fall asleep: Are kisses allowed: Are pants required: When are you available for cuddles: My place or yours: Will you play with my hair:
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cutxstrings · 8 years
“As long as you give me a reason to stick around then maybe I will.” He said to her. This, he hoped, would make her want to not do anything to him that day. Maybe. But of course, he couldn’t tell what she was going to do, or what she wanted.
He leaned a little closer to her, hand on his jaw as he looked straight into her eyes. He was wondering if she would look away, or if she would attempt to do anything while he was looking at her.
The idea was entertaining, at least.  Of all the times she’d pulled this little scheme of hers, she’d never actually done a proper duet.  Not that she tended to sing anything that allowed a duet, or that her scheme really made room for it either.
Unless he wanted in on it? Sing an enticing duet and then split up to con two people out of their wallets. Tempting, and brilliant if they could get it to work, but something made Nikki think that’s not where he was going with it.  “Y’ might have a good idea there.  Maybe I’ll let y’ sing with me tomorrow night, if I decide to stick around.”
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cutxstrings · 8 years
“Well I was just in the area, looking around. I felt something was here that wasn’t quite...human.” He said, looking at the girl. “I’m guessing that’s you, but you aren’t really a demon...so you must be something else, like me.” He said to her. If she was a form of a supernatural being than what was the point of lying about himself being a one as well. “But anyway, I was just coming to check it out and decided to rest, it’s a nice forest.”
He looked around, taking in the forest a little more. He liked the area, it was pretty and relaxing. The girl seemed very protecting and what not, maybe this was a special place to her. He wasn’t quite sure about it but he might learn that, if she decides to trust him.
An Angel in the Woods//Closed rp with fidelisxspiritus
“Or y’know, you’ve already panicked, ‘nd are restin’.  You wouldn’t be the first person I found lost here that decided they were just gonna give up.”  Stupid humans, her woods weren’t even that big.  Barely large enough to hold her and her pack without hunting the forest until it was barren.  It helped that there was a town a few miles south.  She could order her wolves to stop hunting, pick up raw meat from the market for them instead until the population replenished.
Her glare and defiant stance didn’t lessen even as his new position made their size difference that much more noticeable.  He didn’t seem like a threat, and she’d taken down bigger. If it came down to a fight – and her gut was telling her he was telling the truth about leaving, so – she wasn’t too worried.  “Apology accepted.  Mind tellin’ me what you’re doin’ here, Angel?” Excuse or no, she wanted to know why a stranger was roaming around in her territory.
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cutxstrings · 8 years
Angel stood up and floated into the air a bit playfully, relaxing as if he were in a Lazy Boy. He tossed the gun up and down a little bite before sitting up and looking at the guy, grabbing the gun by the barrel and holding it out slowly. He looked at him with eyes that weren’t fully trustful. The guy could just pull the trigger on him, but what would that really do?
“I pointed my gun at you because I wasn’t sure what you were until you told me. I put my gun down, knowing you weren’t an enemy, so why make me question that? If you’re a hunter and I’m an angel, why wouldn’t we be on the same side?” He asked. “I don’t care about how well you know angel’s, I was just saying it’s not a good idea to piss one off, and most angels won’t tolerate a gun pointed at their head. So keep that in mind next time you think about stuffing a barrel in someone’s face.”
The Hunter and The Angel // closed rp with gunsnguinness
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cutxstrings · 8 years
He copied as she did, facing his body to her, though he did not rest his arms on the counter. Not a lot of singing? Maybe they were too busy checking the girl out to actually focus on the words.
“Well. Maybe if you sing a song I know then I’ll do a lot of singing for you.” He said to her. “It can’t be that hard to get pulled up and sing along if it’s a song you know and love, am I right?” He asked her.
She had to resist the urge to quirk her brow at the slight spark in his eyes.  The shifter wondered for a moment if he’d caught onto her game, but if he had, so what?  It didn’t make it impossible, and she loved a challenge.
“Thanks, hun.”  She rested her arm on the counter, leaned against it so she was facing him.  Body language could be just as key as her carefully chosen words.  “I might, if you picked the right song.  ‘ve pulled guys onto the stage before, but they didn’t do a whole lot of singin’.”
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cutxstrings · 9 years
Angel growled and pushed the rifle against his head harder. He wasn’t sure what to do, was it really that easy? He went into a relaxed state, accepting his fate at this point. But at the same time, Angel wasn’t even sure why they wanted this man dead.
“Why do the gods want you dead? What is it that you’ve done or will do that make them want you to die so badly?” He asked him, finger on the trigger now, just in case he really did need to pull it the moment this guy told him the reasoning. If he was so bad, why didn’t the gods kill him themselves? What prevented them?
Okay, above … of course it’d be from above. Ezekiel bared his teeth at the angel, a sudden disgust in his expression. The monster himself was a cheap, dirty, underhanded thug and thief but fuck this guy had tricks. He thought his blink was annoying, but this guys power was on a whole different level on the ‘pain in my FUCKING ass’ scale.
Cold metal pressed his forehead, the barrel of a massive rifle aimed right at him. The cast was in his grasp but he knew if he kept warping like he was he’d end up just killing himself from exhaustion. The wounded god stared the angelic assassin down, waiting … for nothing. Confusion and hope sparked to life in the boy’s eyes like a strange entangled flame. He forced his grimace into the devil’s smirk. But a moment, was all he needed. “Okay then … not gonna do it?” He chirped, raising a brow. “I mean … you have the upper hand, but I stand here with my head still attached.” Slowly, he hid his weapons back into his jacket, before folding his hands behind his back politely. “Or is there more you want? You got a ‘where’s the girl’ up your sleeve? What about ‘tell me about the treasure’? Anything along those lines? If so … I’m a bit inclined to be honest at the moment. A sudden spell of charity, I’d call it.” He taunted as he fingers slowly drew symbols in the air behind him. But a moment.
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cutxstrings · 9 years
Angel noticed the gun come out and he ducked before seeing he was shooting all around. The guardian quickly jumped into the air and was floating above the target. He was resulting to insults after his shooting? That only made him smile.
“Well. If you insist on calling me a bitch in that way, than maybe I am.” He said, falling down in front of him, a high powered sniper rifle aimed directly at the guys forehead. “But I would like to say...weapon of the gods.” He smirked, his finger on the trigger, part of him hesitated, and he wasn’t sure why, but he didn’t really want to put a bullet in this man’s head.
Ezekiel felt cold steel press to his skin. A long sigh poured from between his lips as he rolled his eyes up towards the night sky. He had never been so quick to overwhelming irritation before in his life … or at least that week, he dealt with a lot of punks like this holy assassin.
“Omnilocation is fucking cheating~!” The monster hunter growled in a strangely sing song way. Another snap of his fingers and he was out of the hitman’s grasp. He quickly straightened his jacket, before slinging his pistol up and aiming at the other’s current location. A loud pop as he fired, then he quick span in a circle, firing rounds off in almost any direction the other could come at him from. Can’t attack one spot, attack them all … though he knew none would land. “So you’re a bitch of the gods, huh?” He called out, swift to replace his gun’s clip and draw his dagger in his free hand. “A cheating bitch who likes to steal other people’s threats none the less … makes sense. Someone so holy simply lacks the ability to be funny.”
0 notes
cutxstrings · 9 years
Angel noticed the gun being pulled out and moved himself to a different area before he started wildly shooting everywhere. Acceding quickly into the air, Angel was able to dodge all the bullets. The boy was smart to shoot in any spot he could, but at the same time, he was dumb for not expecting an air strike from an angel.
“Resulting to insults then?” He breathed to himself, his hands becoming normal again as he summoned his own weapon. “You could call it being a bitch of the gods. But I think I would prefer...” He said, landing down in front of the boy. He put his high powered sniper rifle to the target’s forehead. “...A weapon of the gods.” He finished.
Part of the guardian hesitated to pull the trigger. He should have after his stupid little sentence but he simply put his finger on the trigger. Maybe he was feeling he wanted to fight more, that he hadn’t seen what this guy was really capable of, but that was only a guess.
Ezekiel felt cold steel press to his skin. A long sigh poured from between his lips as he rolled his eyes up towards the night sky. He had never been so quick to overwhelming irritation before in his life … or at least that week, he dealt with a lot of punks like this holy assassin.
“Omnilocation is fucking cheating~!” The monster hunter growled in a strangely sing song way. Another snap of his fingers and he was out of the hitman’s grasp. He quickly straightened his jacket, before slinging his pistol up and aiming at the other’s current location. A loud pop as he fired, then he quick span in a circle, firing rounds off in almost any direction the other could come at him from. Can’t attack one spot, attack them all … though he knew none would land. “So you’re a bitch of the gods, huh?” He called out, swift to replace his gun’s clip and draw his dagger in his free hand. “A cheating bitch who likes to steal other people’s threats none the less … makes sense. Someone so holy simply lacks the ability to be funny.”
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cutxstrings · 9 years
Angel stared at the gun in front of him. His smile not leaving his face. Well obviously this guy didn’t want to play nice...right now. Angel’s face soon went dark as the gun did not lower. The tightening of his hand on the weapon showed a sign of stress, or so it seemed. Maybe he would play with the guy a little bit, just to get him to understand Angel didn’t like to be fucked with.
In an instant, Angel stood behind the man, his back leaning onto the hunters. He had a hold of the mans gun, not really pointing it, but letting his arm hang at his side, almost taunting him with the fact that he had his gun. Angel stayed leaning against the man, rolling his neck and looking up at the ceiling.
“You know...a lot of angels were made by the big man upstairs. But then again. I was made as a weapon. So I’m more destructive than you could ever imagine.” Angel said, his voice lower and smoother. “Ares...the god of war decided to make me to kill Ezekiel. I won’t bore you with too many of the details but your deciding to point a gun at a guardian, who is also a weapon, that has a personal vendetta with the god of war. You’re not too bright are you...” He finished.
The Hunter and The Angel // closed rp with gunsnguinness
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cutxstrings · 9 years
His forest green eyes opened as he looked over at her, a spark in his eye. He had a happy look about him. Maybe he could try to play her like she was doing. Make her feel guilty for trying to take a happy guys money. He still wasn’t sure on how to go about this.
“Oh no. No of course not you were amazing. You have a lovely voice.” He said to her. He smiled at her. “Though I would love to see how you would change it up. Maybe you’d let some random guy like me go up and sing with you.” He said laughing a little bit. “But I doubt that.”
There were a few distractions on her way to him.  A hand on her wrist or side to draw her attention from her target and towards those that wished to speak with her.  She would oblige, of course, whatever it took to keep the suckers coming back for more.  Nikki knew how to play this game, and she seemed to ooze confidence with that gleaming smirk of hers.  
She made sure to keep glancing in his direction, make eye contact once her twice.  It was both to make sure he was still there, and to make him think she was interested. And she was, just not for the reasons she planned on making him believe.  When she finally made her way to him, there was the slightest of frowns as she saw his closed eyes.  “Was I that boring?” she chuckled as she sat next to him.  “Guess I’ll have to change up my next show.”
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cutxstrings · 9 years
As his target vanished Angel quickly turned around. He followed the scent of the boy and locked his sights on the handgun that the guy had produced. Quickly, Angel morphed his left arm into a revolver. He sat quietly, listening to the other talk for a while.
“You talk too much bud. I’m sure you know Ares and Zeus. They don’t want you around and I’m here to take you out.” He said, quickly appearing behind the other with his teleporting ability. He had his sword to His targets neck. A small smirk was on his face.
“You can only blink, where as I can be anywhere I want at any given time. I’m not letting you leave here, but you might lose a couple limbs anyway.” He said to him.
Not a word was spoken, not an ounce of emotion was expression, nor was there anything resembling of a reaction. The young man simply kept walking towards the stranger, as he drew his hand from his pocket. He stood only a few feet in front of his ‘assailant’ before snapping his fingers, and vanishing.
“That … had to be the worst attempt anyone has ever made on my life.” Ezekiel huffed, standing a couple of yards behind the other. The marked boy quickly produced a handgun from his coat, pulled back the slide, and aimed it at the angel. “You come out armed, you come out spitting threats, and … you jumped out of a fucking bush? Like, who actually does that? My life is weird but is it a cartoon all of a sudden?” The wanderer laughed, giving a slight shake of his head.
“Who sent you? Tell me that and I’ll let you walk away with most of your limbs.” Ezekiel growled, letting a wicked little grin, decorated with sharp fangs, run across his lips.
0 notes
cutxstrings · 9 years
Send my muse anons about questions you’ve always been curious about
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cutxstrings · 9 years
Angel noticed the tip jar fill and he smiled. She got herself a lot of money with that one. Impressive. He took another drink and leaned back, sitting quietly. Maybe she would come over here and he would test his luck singing up on stage, see what he could do. Maybe try and reverse it on her and see if he could get her to melt in his hands the way she wanted him to for her.
He closed his eyes and kept them that way, letting out a small sigh. He wasn’t sure if she would actually come over to him. She seemed like she wanted to get something out of him but he didn’t have money to give her anyway. He could get some if he sang like she did, but he didn’t move, figuring talking to her would be more interesting, for the time being.
Her gaze scanned the crowd as she continued to sing.  Had to keep an eye out for her prey, right?  See if anyone’s taken a bite of her bait yet as she ran a hand through messy brown locks.  Eyes darted down in time to see a blond man drop a five into her tip jar, and without skipping a beat she thanked him with a wink.
Still, she had the feeling that’s all she was gonna get from him.  Too bad, he was cute, but not her target tonight.  A dark headed male in the back caught her eye, not her typical type, but that wasn’t really the point, now was it?  Nikki made sure she made eye contact as she continued on, “Got my mind on your body, ‘nd your body on my mind.”  Target acquired.
She stood mostly still, but there was still a slight sway of her hips as she sang, fingers delicate as they ran along the stand of the mic.  “Tell me if I won.  If I did, what’s my prize?  I just wanna play with you, too.”  By the time she’d finished her performance, her tip jar was nearly three quarters full.  Quite the haul for the night, but she wanted to test her luck.  See if she could score a little more cash.  Another wink and a flew strategically blown kisses to ensure some of them would be back tomorrow, and she stuffed her cash in her pockets and headed off stage and towards the poor sap she planned on conning tonight.
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cutxstrings · 9 years
Angel nodded. “Well. I’m probably gonna head off soon. I don’t know if you have any grudges against the gods, but if you do I’ll totally help you. On my way there and you know that.” He said with a smirk. He was warming up to this old man. Part of him really liked him, but the angel in him didn’t. Often he ignored that angel side. It never led him the right way. Well not never, but not a lot of the time.
"Well aren't you a handsome fellow." Came a sudden voice above the other. There perched in a high tree was a man in black, with minty green orbs staring down at the other in amusement, a faint smirk hidden behind his popped color. "I know that scent anywhere. It's been a long time since I've seen one of you around these parts."
Angel’s ears twitched at the sound of a voice above him. His right arm quickly changed into a blade and he looked up, green eyes staring into his own pair of forest colored eyes. Great. He was close to vampire territory and one had managed to catch him out before he even got there. If this one survived, raiding the place would be harder. They would be prepared for him. The guardian said nothing in reply, waiting for the man to act.
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cutxstrings · 9 years
“I won’t pity them either when they don’t have any limbs and they’re begging for their life. I was created as a weapon. I wasn’t supposed to be just an angel.” He said to the man. “Plus, I need to warm up if I want to fight a god, why not start here. I can leave your nest alone if you want. I respect you enough to leave your family alone.”
"Well aren't you a handsome fellow." Came a sudden voice above the other. There perched in a high tree was a man in black, with minty green orbs staring down at the other in amusement, a faint smirk hidden behind his popped color. "I know that scent anywhere. It's been a long time since I've seen one of you around these parts."
Angel’s ears twitched at the sound of a voice above him. His right arm quickly changed into a blade and he looked up, green eyes staring into his own pair of forest colored eyes. Great. He was close to vampire territory and one had managed to catch him out before he even got there. If this one survived, raiding the place would be harder. They would be prepared for him. The guardian said nothing in reply, waiting for the man to act.
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cutxstrings · 9 years
Angel sat quietly in a bar, eyes closed as he took another drink from his mug. One of his eyes opened as he heard a voice start to sing. She had a nice voice, and her face was pretty. He looked up at her. She wanted something from this. He figured he might play along so he leaned forward to listen to her, wondering if she would catch his eyes.
Her outfit was made out to make her look attractive obviously. She was showing off, maybe trying to get someone to sleep with her, or tip her for her body. Either way she was getting money. He didn’t want to use his angel abilities to try and read her mind, but he decided to let it happen for a second. She was out for a wallet. It was good he didn’t have one, so she would probably be upset if she didn’t get one. Oh well, catch her in the act.
He wouldn’t be upset if she tried. People are people and do what they need to survive. If she wanted he would be willing to help her. He wasn’t pure anymore so why not give in a little more, for her sake.
Her tip jar sat at the edge of the stage. If people performed on the streets and got tips, why couldn’t she do the same at the bar?  It’s not like the owner was paying her.  She was in a new town – a must, since her little scam had gone wrong a few towns back.  The shifter had to lay low until she got far enough away to risk her routine again.
This time, she was going for a subtler act.  No dress, no heels.  Her boots, a well-fitting v-neck and a pair of skin tight jeans were casual.  Her performance could use some subtlety in the way she moved when the lyrics of this particular cover were less than so.
“Tell me what you want, what you like.  It’s okay.  ‘m a little curious, too.”  As she sang, her hands naturally slid along the mic stand until the rested on the mic.  Lips brushed against it as her eyes shut for just a moment.  Dark blue hues snapped back open to scan the crowd as she continued. “Tell me if it’s wrong, if it’s right. I don’t care.  I can keep a secret, can you?”
It was her typical type of song for her scheme.  Sex sells, and she just needed to entrance someone so she could close enough to snag her wallet.  Not an honest day’s work, but hey, she’s gonna use what talents she’s got.
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