#gremlin dd
rainbowsky · 5 months
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More backstage at the Hunan TV NYE gala with DDU director Wang Zirui. 😅
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gwarp · 26 days
Wang Yibo - FPU promotion
That tiny smirk.. he knows he's good😏
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wraithsoutlaws · 8 months
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before there was royce and dum dum there was simon and [redacted]
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ajaxbell · 15 days
The Truth S2, this show is just chaos gremlins from beginning to end, and I love every minute of it. But really Dilraba torturing Zhang Linghe when they are all in the dark is for sure one of the high points.
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aivy-saur · 4 months
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Bro went in the room to nap
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Headcanons on how the monsters of Dark deception would react to a witch y/n helping Bierce, but who is really nice to the monsters?
I can give it a try
Does not care: Murder Monkeys, Dread Duckies, Reaper Nurses, Joy Joy Gang
Okay, lets be real, like, neither of them are keen on your kindness. They have an order - protect ring piece, kill intruders. No matter how nice you are, at best they will kill you quicker then most. At worst. Well, they dont care. Tho argument can be made that Monkeys and Duckies do it simply out of fear of Malak, but its just how their orders are. Tho Penny the Chicken is probably the nicest to you.
Are more friendly to you: Agatha, Golden Watchers, Clown Gremlins
Being a witch and being nice surely plays well with these. In case of Agatha and Gremlins - its your witch tricks that get them excited, tho Agatha is more likely to throw a tantrum when you collect all shards. Golden Watchers will get giddy over you compliments and attitude instead.
That aint gonna work chief: Mama Bear
Okay, but like she is the most loyal monster to Malak, second is Joy Joy Gang, but the animatronics at the very least find it fun that you treat them with respect and thus can go abit easier on you. Mama Bear? Nah bruh. She was told to kill, she will do it. No magic tricks and nice attitudes are gonna save you from it
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horrorgalore12 · 1 year
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dutchie-dd · 2 years
Just so everyone that's been following me is aware, I have switched my user from tigerd-draws to dutchie-dd!
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rainbowsky · 6 months
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Everyone is collectively holding their breath waiting to see him for the GQ MOTY event, and DD makes a cryptic Weibo post with his B&W Leica. Such a gremlin! 😅
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dawnleaf37 · 2 years
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anijay · 2 years
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*hands u this :3*
Hope I got everything right :'D
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roipecheur · 2 years
Someone remind me that I don’t have the time right now to rewrite the Star Wars prequels 💀💀💀
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littlestuffstohide · 2 months
I can imagine the convo going somewhere "I have a friend who's a red demon!"
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capnsaltsquid · 6 months
I don't know why, but it's very endearing how V has always been a ceiling gremlin ever since the pilot.
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It just seems to be her natural habitat.
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Even if there's no real tactical advantage, she's always just crawling around up there...
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... and then dropping in to say hi.
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She's just happier on the roof, I guess.
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Even as a DD prototype, it apparently just came naturally.
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It's definitely her go-to when she's frightened or unsure of her surroundings. And when the sentinels attack them in the corridor, what does she do?
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elbdot · 1 month
Hi, first of all I love your art and am a huge fan of EAA.
Secondly, I don't know if you play DnD at all but I saw "Field Guide to Floral Dragons" on kickstarter and it reminded me of your art so just wanted to let you know because I thought it was cool.
Again, love your art and am looking forward to future chapters of EAA!
Thank you so much!!! :DD
YES I've seen the Field Guide Kickstarter, at this point it gets shown to me on Instagram EVERY DAY, the algorithm sure knows my interests 😂 It looks like an awesome book and I both LOVE that it's being so well received and at the same time hate that I have such bittersweet feelings about it, because it is exactly what I've been dreaming to publish myself for years and it's just. Frustrating that I'm still exactly where I left off 2 years ago. I'm happy the Kickstarter is such a huge success, it gives me hope people could get just as excited once my Gardendragons get republished again, hopefully in a big way! But a little insecure gremlin-voice inside my head makes me also afraid people will think of me as a copycat, even though my book has been written and illustrated LONG before in 2016 already 😂
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Technically I know nothing is truly original, the concept of flower-based dragons is not unique. And I know my Guidebook will be VERY DIFFERENT, especially since my book would not be tied to DnD, it's more about connecting science with fantasy, a gardening book that teaches about insects and flowers THROUGH dragons. All my flower dragons are the size of flowers or smaller and are supposed to live in the real world, with the intention of teaching kids and adults about our native flora and importance of wild bees, as they live in a symbiosis with the dragons. And at the final chapter you get to learn what to plant in your garden to create a habitat for both dragons and bees!
I shouldn't be disencouraged, I shouldn't be envious or sad, just because I haven't found a new publisher or book agent yet, but I just want my Gardendragon books to be translated and republished SO BADLY but haven't made any new contacts yet that could help me reach my goal 😂
I should REALLY work on more illustrations or even animations to at least make my little dragons a bit more known on the internet. I'd love to see them flourish again ;w;
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premamelody · 1 month
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i plan on redesigning these 3 a this point so imma just post these ones here
basically almost like a bunch of months ago i made a happy future au where drones, worker and disassembly pretty much live in a society (no way incredible) and lineage of most of the main become influential families or smth
if you're wondering no these 3 arent directly nuzi children they're just in that lineage that last name was kinda kept but changed to dooress bc someone down the line found doorman cringe idk
important detail about hybrids: in short, bodies are separate from the system. systems can mix wd and dd coding but bodies have to be created to appeal to hybrid systems which in this not too long from its creation society (about like uhhhhh 200 years did I settle on? thats like a bunch of gens. enough for 2nd gen nuzi line to not be there i think.) hasn't been made yet. oh yeah dds look different all of them do to separate from the solver.
vera is a dd dominant wd hybrid. her system was incompatible with a wd body but with her dd body she cannot access certain functions. she is leading the drone defense force one of those dooress aimed positions. she doesn't really express herself much,,,really because of family pressure as she's the eldest current generation child in the family so a lot of expectations. i remember having a plot point where she couldn't hang out with a wd she had a crush on bc his family wasn't rich enough.
rocky is a regular dd. on the doc it says he leads a weapon manufacturing unit but i guess the day i drew this i was on construction. mmmmmmmm we'll see. hes stressed ah but plays it off with :D and a charming attitude (please help him). likes to pick on older sister, vera and rocky i think play fought a lot. his #1 argument is "you're short" ofc jokingly. yes i named him after rocky, whose va is kovach, the va of n. funny reference.
then theres my favorite, mina. she's a sort of therapist or counselor for solver drones and manages records on Mother Heir's (explaining later) to ensure they're doing fine, especially the Cyn ones. she's kinda n but would not take hate for an answer. she doesn't appear to be hurt by much and sometimes has a sort of aggressive happiness. like uhh you scream at her and she'll scream back in revenge or smth. lil gremlin.
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