#got kinda experimental with this one but i defs had a lot of fun with the fire
keymintt · 9 months
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the dog- self-denying in its devotion, knowing no other way
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sammydem0n64 · 9 months
Hmmm GNC Trio fun facts?
Yessss yesss keep these coming I love waffling about randos
-I know I said the reason he's chill with Cheon being a mafia boss is because he thinks it's attractive... and yeah good for them, I ALSO think it kinda goes deeper. Like he's not 100% ok with it he's not justifying the crimes, it's moreso he understands this is a revenge thing and he wants Cheon to succeed in avenging his parents, with the added bonus of getting rid of dangerous people in the city! Obtuse ways to make Nabisca a safer place! I also just think he's p desensitized to it all, so there's that
-He paints whatever comes to mind; a lot of his pieces are very experimental and are just him throwing whatever colors come to mind at the board! These naturally don't get sold for profit, but he likes having them around since it shows his creative process
-He doesn't use models for his work. If Tisa's vain ass ever asks he will politely say no BUT he'll also decline the second the words leave her mouth so-
-I do think he's aware that Medge is a drug dealer, he just doesn't say anything since it's clear Medge doesn't want him to know. Like Cheon's mafia stuff, Garmella sympathizes with Medge's occupation because he KNOWS he had to turn to it when they were younger to keep food on the table. He doesn't agree with it morally and he does want him to one day get a different job, but rn he'll play dumb and hand over the bail money so Medge doesn't feel bad <3
-Likewise (on the topic of Medge), he and Keyla had a very awkward stare down when she moved in with him. Just total silence without blinking. Fun times!
-He likes playing dumb if you couldn't tell from the fact he's super knowledgeable on like, everything in this family but no one knows that he does. He's done this ever since he was a kid because it keeps altercations low, gets people to not see him as a threat and in general, it's fun to collect gossip when people think you're just a dumb blond sweetheart!
-He and Medge's surname (maiden name in Garmella's case) is Gooye, pronounced "Gooey"
-He and Whipe were inseparable as kids, they're both as equally protective of each other!
-He's def a college dropout. No shade tho that's just how it is!
-The other detectives are vaguely aware of him since Hopper and Midge have brought him up, but none of them go to him for information like Hopper does. If they did, unless it was Mallow, he'd probably just make a snide comment and tell them to mind their business. He likes being his boyfriend's informant! (Mallow gets respect for being one of Hopper's closest friends)
-You gotta be very strong and flexible to be a stripper, so he def has a lot of strength that people don't realize. He can lift Midge up with ease, same for any other kids her age (or multiple!). He likes seeing people lose their shit when he shows off this strength
-His original concept was that he was gonna 100% be a very soft, shy guy who was only a stripper for the money. Fuck that he loves working as a gay stripper. First iteration Stripe would probably die seeing the current him-
-He kinda has suspicions on the Oreona family and the mafia ties... mostly Gleo since he has interacted with her (his sister's boss' gf) but he only makes jokes about it. He doesn't want Hopper investigating some random woman because he thinks she's sus- (even tho he's RIGHT)
-Thinks Wreme's dad is patheic and laughed when he got word that he got divorced. Yeah Wreme's parents are divorced lol their dad is fighting for his life over it
-He was a scene kid in high school.
-He's also a metalhead. Loves his metal music.
-I keep his family vague bc 1) I don't know the whole deal with his family lol FGHJK and 2) you really don't need to know the full picture. All I'll say is that he's not an only child, and certain matters will definitely paint his homelife as a bad one. Whether his parents contributed to it (or were even there, he may be an orphan) isn't stated but. well. you notice I've been giving him scars, yeah?
-He actually graduated university with a really good degree, something in marketing I think. He just doesn't have a good corporate job bc it's not his style AND you think he can become a business man like Gregory? In this economy? He doesn't think so!
-He. He doesn't have friends. Like yeah he gets along with people in town that he gossips with and has small talk with, but he genuinely didn't have friends until Colton and the rest of GNC trio came into his life. Damn Holt!!
-A lot of his appearance is a lie. I don't just mean he uses a shit ton of makeup on his face. Dude yassifies himself in the morning every day and I will not elaborate rn
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What are your overall thoughts on Kamp Koral and the Patrick Star show?
In my opinion,
Kamp Koral has cute kid designs but, the animation is just.... eh.... not great like even the animation from Jimmy Neutron looks better than that and that came out decades before this.
Patrick Star show looks promising but, I've heard it's good so, I might give it a chance since it looks better than Kamp Koral. I dunno, what do you think? Please, respond whenever you can!
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I've already talked about Kamp Koral in my previous post so I'll leave this to talk about The Patrick Star Show.
I actually like it!!! I think we all know since everytime there's a new Patrick Star Show episode I'm usually the first to post on it. Mainly because of S L A P P Y but I genuinely like the show and get excited when there's a new episode. Even if my boy doesn't show up 👀
I definitely have to say the first 2 episodes was kinda lackluster. I feel kinda sad how quick cartoon reviewers judged the show based on the first 2 episodes which is technically one episode since SB episodes air in pairs. They were so eager to talk about how it's an unholy abomination and that your stupid for liking the show. Even though it's natural for shows to have a rocky start before it finds its footing. It was clear the first episode especially that they were still figuring out the show and it didn't deserved to be so hated.
I really think The Patrick Star Show is better than Kamp Koral because it feels like it's own thing and it's done a good job to do that (unlike KK)
Anyways they said PSS was inspired by shows from the 60s-80s and yeah I see it. I got BIG PeeWee's Playhouse vibes if you ever seen that show. Especially from how his house is designed and how it functions.
One of my favorite things about it is the frequent art style changes. It's so experimental and does something new with the animation in each episode. People were going crazy over the stop motion short for the halloween episode. But they always had stop motion shorts. Every so often it changes its art style.
The Captain Doug Quasar shorts are the UPA style (the art style that was frequently used during the 50s and 60s cartoons). Or Bunny the Barbarian which kinda reminds me of 1980s barbarian games/movies. I made a post about the art style changes.
Also it has fake commercials in between which kinda reminds me of Ren and Stimpy which I think is neat.
But more I have to mention is that I kinda love how absurdist this show is. I know a loooot of people hate that nowadays because everything has to be meaningful™ and deep™ and real™ but I've always found the unusual and obscure appealing. Probably the reason why I also liked PeeWee's playhouse and shows adjacent to that so much xD
After all, Spongebob was always intended to be absurdist too. He's a sea sponge living in a pineapple under the sea, in a 1950s bubble of a town of sentient fish underneath a real life nuclear testing site. Having it be obscure isn't a crime. Sometimes it's easier to let go and have fun and that's why I like it.
The show def has some weak points. A lot of the characters aren't fleshed out enough. When super random obscure stuff isn't happening, it tends to fall a bit flat. Or have weird gaps that just don't work. There's definitely potential to develop it further but I don't think they'll do it?
Idk it just needs more planning on how characters interact with each other and why they do the things they do and having more to them then the surface level set up the show's already got. It helps for plot ideas and pushing it further while also makes things interesting.
There's also the issue of it being too fast paced. I loooove the episode Pat-a-thon but first time watching it had be absolutely confused. It's too much yet nothing much? It's so unusual. I love the episode because Slappy content™ but aside from that it's near insanity. I guess they just wanted a bit of a fanservicey episode showing SB and other familiar characters. Also confirms this show is a tie in with Kamp Koral.
But aside from that. Ehhh.. Its frustrating that the telethon goes no where and how incompetent Patrick is in his own show. He is stupid but when he's the lead, you have to give him more then that in order for the show to stand on it's own.
Every random thing feels like buzzing flies all over you. Sometimes it's fun. But here it feels like it's filling in for nothingness. Nothing is happening. And I def relate to slappy's glare as he gets frustrated with Patrick. It's annoying.
If Slappy wasn't there/ dr plankenstein short wasn't there then I'd absolutely despise this episode😭
Anyways Slappy! They brought back my boy! He's cuter than ever!! I know people haaaate him xD some even refusing showing his picture in reviews of the episode because he's that bad? He's a creepy little lad but that's the charm!! My reason for living *sniffle* jk jk but he's so cuuute. And he fits right in considering how often Peter Lorre is parodied. Especially riiiight after death (1964) which fits riiiight in with what era of television the show is inspired by.
I wouldn't be surprised if Slappy says a random quote like "RICK!! YOU'VE GOT TO HIDE MEE!!" or something akin to that.
Oh also the background art! I like it. It has nice texture and looks spongebob while also looks distinct enough to be it's own thing. Makes sense since it was designed by the same background artist who was working on the show since BEFORE the show was even picked up by executives. This guy knows his stuff. The warmer color palette reminds me of vintage cartoons. Also I like how it's has a distinct water color painted background.
OG SB looked very messily painted. Probably oil painted? But you could see the brush strokes in the background. In the patrick star show you can see the colors bleeding and all how water color works. Its such eye candy to me. Idk high textured backgrounds are *chefs kiss* good.
There's also characterization. Say what you will about Patrick having a sister but it gives him some kind of responsibility and a side to his character he usually wouldn't have. He's a stupid older sibling (like me lol) but he cares about his sister and wouldn't stand for anyone making her upset. He can also be stubborn and finicky but never going too far as to being mean spirited.
Spongebob himself has the most improvement. He's a lot quieter and more timid. It's sooo cute. I was expecting him to be my favorite part of the show but that went to slappy. SB makes a few episode appearances but the show's focus is on Patrick hence why sponge feels toned down. But I don't mind. He kinda reminds me of his first season counterpart. Not quite but there's something very charming about this young adult version spongebob and does a lot more than kamp koral to make their versions of SB different from the OG.
And uhh yeah! I should mention the shows strengths but I'm not suited. My thoughts boil down to "more slappy!" But really I think episodes where they have multiple characters instead of 1 or 2 is better because at the moment the main characters aren't developed enough to carry an episode unless they have careful planning (or you utilize a lot of Patrick's lost characterization/add more development to him) lost in couch is a good example of Patrick carrying an episode by himself but it's a rare case.
It def boils down to work on the characters more. Squidina and Bunny have potentional of being better if you just worm away from their bases. I can see Bunny having a secret past where she was apart of a biker gang or something (she's got all those tattoos and defeated a barbarian and other monsters) but they lean waaaaaay too heavy on her just being a mom™ who likes doing mom™ things.
Squidina is great! I like her. But give her more motivations and interests outside of the patrick show. I'd def want to know more about her.
Grandpa star is actually a great character. There's nothing really to improve on him surprisingly.
But Cecil needs the most work. As dry as cardboard. You can give his lines to Patrick and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. He needs the most development because at the moment he's just a clone of Patrick with a more dad™ demeanor.
And yeah! Those are my thoughts! Hope ya like 👍
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Achievements Analyzing for the Sake of Characterization
((Because what is my liiiife-
Anyways, after bringing up the Oracle Turret as a means of pointing to a softer side of Chell, I decided to look into the other achievements in both of the Portal games [including the Still Alive port] and Mel’s mod for my interpretation of Chell and Mel’s characters [ignoring the ones that are either achievable outside of the main storylines or through deaths, the former I don’t consider canon to them because, you know, not in their stories, and the latter because them dying is def not canon.] because I find that taking certain actions being rewarded is a tad interesting. 
Now, these are probably me reaching, buuuuut since Chell and Mel are blank slates, I don’t have too much to go off of, so I’m grasping at as many straws as I can for them.
Anyways! Let’s get started!
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Not really much to say with these ones. You get all of these by advancing the game. Though I would like to point out two of them;
One, the Fratricide Achievement. By definition, fratricide is the act of either killing your sibling or your ally. This is the achievement you get for euthanizing your Companion Cube. Both the name of the achievement and its description catches my attention. The title reinforces, at least to me, that Chell felt some connection to her cube in some compacity. However, the description the extent Chell is willing to go to survive. We all no that she is stubborn and never gives up, but this instance demonstrates that Chell, if she absolutely has to, is willing to sacrifice an ally or even a loved one to stay alive. Really, Wheatley’s not too far off when he called her selfish, which, oof-
And the second one is the SaBOTour Achievement, the one you get for following after Wheatley during your little jailbreak. Not much given, just like the little icon, depicting a stick figure [the player] running while holding a core [Wheately]. idk I think it kinda implies Chell’s intention of not just using him for her escape, but genuinely wanting to escape with him. And I think it’s sweet. Maybe I’m reaching here, but god dammit lemme have this-
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Chell’s skills(tm). This shows the extent of her reflexes and speed as well as how well she can solve tests. Not only is she good at avoiding getting shot and can solve at least one test without ever even touching the block needed for it [I know you can get this achievement automatically by solving Wheatley’s first test, but you can actually earn it earlier if you’re clever enough in the sixth chamber] but she’s such a pro that she can manipulate a rocket turret to shoot its own rocket, catch a wildly bouncing box before it even touches the ground, and can even complete at least one test in a little over a minute. 
What I’m saying is that she’s practically got super humanly fast thinking and reaction and is overall abnormally efficient. Like, jesus, Chell relax-
Though, to be fair about the last one, the test chamber 10 in question is in Portal 2 Chapter 2, and she’s basically seen it all at this point, so it’s not like she’s naturally this fast.
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Chell’s portaling habits. The first two seem to imply Chell testing out the capabilities of the portal gun. Though I am also inclined to believe that along with the Saw That One Coming, Drop Box, and Overclocker Achievements that the first one could also imply that she’s a bit of a show off, or at least that she likes to make personal challenges for herself.
As for the Out of the Blue, this could imply the order in which she puts down the portals.
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These are achievements that are rewarded to you for being thorough [I’ll explain the the Scanned Alone Achievement in a sec-] enough to find them. I believe these can point to her being a rather curious and observant person with an experimental “try everything that won’t definitely kill you” sort of thinking. 
And the Scanned Alone Achievement can even further that “Try everything” way of thinking, and also demonstrates that not all her ideas work, but hey, at least she knows. 
Also it’s funny as fuck to think that this was an idea she had before grabbing a defective turret, and I’m disappointed that Wheatley did not comment on it-
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Chell’s relationships with the [rather few] sentient beings she’s encountered, not counting the antagonists. The short answer? She loves Companion Cubes and fucking hates Turrets. To the point where she goes out of her way to destroy them once they deactivate.
Though, the No Hard Feelings Achievement demonstrate that she’s not so blinded by hate that she isn’t willing to make exceptions or recognize that not everything is out to hurt her, and even show some compassion every once in a while. Or at the very least mercy.
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Oh look, instances of Chell being a defiant lil’ shit. What a surprise-
For real, though, Chell absolutely goes out of her way to be a nuisance to her antagonists in any way she can. Just give her half a god damn chance to do so-
Although the name of the first depicted achievement, Camera Shy, also implies that she doesn’t very much like to be watched, fuuuurther reinforced by her smashing Wheatley’s monitors when solving his tests. Though that could also be her demonstrating just how pissed with him she is-
Unlike with Chell, I’m skipping Mel’s story related achievements because I don’t have anything to say about them.
Also, Portal Stories: Mel has a lot of achievements that involve you dying [Though I have an interpretation on that that involves one of the few achievements that don’t involve dying], so as a result, I don’t have nearly as much to work with. But I will try-
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These all demonstrate both curiosity, sharp eyes, and just absolute stubbornness.
Though unlike Chell, she seems to have less of a want to experiment and more of a want to explore or in the case of the Determined Achievement, to not leave things unfinished. And often times goes against Virgil’s advising against it. Probably OCD as fuck-
Also she recognizes that Companion Cube is shaped like a friend and is sad that she can’t take it with her-
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An example of Mel’s bitchitude. This combined with her refusing to take Virgil’s advice at the start of their partnership is that she didn’t particularly like him. Aaaaand now that she met him in person, she can get back at him by making him as frustrated as he made her.
And to be fair, Virgil painted himself as untrustworthy from the moment he woke her up and was overall kind of a jack ass, so yeah, it’s fair to think their relationship is rocky at first. Although overtime they did end up growing on each other, so.
Also a pretty fun reference to when Wheatley tried to bust Chell out-
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The only achievement where you can be hurt without fucking dying. And here’s my interpretation on this.
Unlike Chell, not only is she very much inexperienced with the Aperture brand bullshit, but she’s also not quick enough to avoid getting hurt. 
And that could go back to how the experiment she signed up for affected her health. Remember what Virgil said? The chemicals that Mel was pumped full of could cause heart attacks from the mere exposure to them. Not to mention the instances where she was having trouble physically exerting herself.
Rocks falling everywhere? All she could do was walk up the stairs [if she didn’t take the elevator]. Heavy door Virgil directed her to? She couldn’t open it, no matter how hard she tried, so they were forced to go a different route.
And keep in mind, she used to be an Olympic Athlete. A track runner to be more precise. Competed in the 1936 Nuremberg games. And after the cryogenic sleep test, she’s been brought so out of shape that she can’t even run like she used to [probably from atrophy combined with her heart attack prone... heart...]. And then having to navigate so many dangers? It’s not a surprise she’s gotten hurt throughout the journey. Hell, it’s a wonder she survived holy shit-
Aaaaanyways, I think that’s all of the achievements I could find. I would do one for Gel, but I couldn’t find any achievements for Aperture Tag. So. Fack-
Either way, hope this was a fun, or at least legible blabber of sorts.
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nightincider · 7 years
A Somewhat Skewed Guide to Listening to Taylor Swift
I wrote this for a friend a year ago who was interested in getting into Taylor Swift and had no idea where to start - this is by no means a formal review, but a casual personal overview on Taylor Swift that I thought would be amusing to post here. 
Warning: unfiltered, unedited rambling :’D 
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Disclaimer: I confess I’m not familiar with 100% of her discography (I usually don’t listen to the bonus tracks/know all of her standalones)
Note: I will be going in chronological order of her discography even though that’s not how my journey through her stuff went
Taylor Swift (2006)
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don’t listen to this if you actually hate country music bc this is defs more on the country side of her country-pop crossover (mandolins, banjos, thankfully no annoying vocal twang)
this album is a great insight to her roots as a songwriter but it’s best enjoyed if you already like her, it’s like peeking into the old diary of someone you admire
Picture to Burn - hilarious breakup song trash talking an ex about how his pickup truck is stupid (you think I’m kidding but I’m not), video is awesome and shows her band trashing his house. I once sang this at karaoke and my friend fucking died and she didn’t believe the lyrics were actually a T Swift song
Mary’s Song (Oh My My My) - a really pretty, sappy gem about a long term love
everything else I could take or leave tbh
Fearless (2008)
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tbh I still don’t “get” this album bc it’s a bit immature for my tastes but I’m sure young teen me would have loved it if it came out then. But overall I feel like this album only disappoints me bc her later work is so much better. Otherwise it’s actually pretty great
Fearless - the title song for good reason, appropriate way to begin the album and starts off with the attitude of facing love with a, you guessed it, fearless outlook
Love Story - ok the Romeo & Juliet ref and the sappy lyrics are kinda cringeworthy but overlooking that it is probably one of her most well-written pop songs to date in terms of the melody, arrangement, catchiness etc and I will always have a soft spot in my heart for this
Breathe (feat. Colbie Caillat) - understated soft, sad pretty track
Forever and Always - I really love the melody in this one and the mentions of rain. This feels like the precursor to Mine (off Speak Now), except the relationship in the song didn’t actually work out
Change - notably NOT about relationships but about looking forward to positive changes and winning in life whatnot. It’s uplifting and I see it as the prequel to Long Live (from Speak Now)
everything else is not bad but doesn’t quite make my favs like this list. shoot me but I find Fifteen and You Belong With Me way overrated
 Speak Now (2010)
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supposedly before writing this album Swift wanted to go with the concept “Enchanted” (which is one of the songs as well) but her label told her she needed to show she was maturing and not make an album that was basically Fearless 2.0 so she opted for the idea of “Speak Now”, which is total (sometimes brutal) honesty
This album does indeed speak her mind, in the sad, happy, and even embarrassing ways (coughs the title track is about her fantasizing about crashing her ex’s wedding and stealing him away and makes comments about how the bride’s gown looks like a pastry)
Before Red, Swift released a lot of singles w/ multiple versions, usually a US (read: more country) and international (read: more pop/rock) one.
IMO, the singles on Speak Now (Mine, Back to December, Story of Us) sound way, way better on the international edition. So please try to find those versions!
Mine - please check out the international version it’s miles better than the US version (more driving rhythm/urgency, better guitar riff, the US version is too laid back IMO)
Sparks Fly - a song about undeniable chemistry, the chorus is one of my favs
Back to December - slow, sad, and beautiful.  I almost cried over this. I prefer this to Dear John bc it’s not as brutal and more accessible (Dear John is great too but really hard to listen to that often). Again international version is better bc the mandolin part in the US version is annoying.
Mean - kind of childish but that’s why I love it, it’s the pop song equivalent of a kid sticking their tongue out at their bullies on the playground
The Story of Us - not as emotionally wrenching as a lot of the other breakup songs but probably the catchiest and I love the beat
Enchanted - love at first sight type song. I really like the song structure (especially how it builds up) and instrumentation, and the bridge stanza is my favorite
Better Than Revenge - T Swift doing Paramore 
Innocent - T Swift doing Evanescence, also I think that song was a jab back at Kanye West lmfao
Long Live - song about taking on the world, proving ppl wrong, having great adventures, I wish I could someday feel worthy of singing this song
the one dud IMO is Never Grow Up (it’s kinda boring plus I think she was too young to write well from the perspective of a parent).
Red (2012)
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This was THE album that converted me to the cult of Swift and I hope it converts you too
I confess I only really noticed the beauty of Speak Now bc I went back and listened to it properly after I got tired of spinning Red during my commute
Fun fact: I only bothered to give this album a try after my white hipster bestie (whom I had a huge gross crush on at the time) rec’d it and I was like wtf at first but he was like no really give it a shot, so I did.
Red is every bit as honest as Speak Now but it’s not as bitter or playful it’s more sad and resigned and more nostalgic, wistful, you get it...
It’s painful for me to rec my favs from it bc I’d say the ENTIRE FUCKING ALBUM but I’ll. try. /grits teeth
State of Grace - those drums! that guitar! that whole “we’re on a journey and it’s beginning” feel…  this is her strongest album opening track to date (1989 totally bombed in that aspect, fuck Welcome to New York)
Red - I don’t know how a song has literally 2 unique melody lines but still manages to be so amazing. Unfair.
Treacherous - the whole excitement of falling in love with someone that you probably shouldn’t but presented in an unexpectedly tender way
All Too Well - by this point Swift has a trend of making song #5 the sad slow ballad (it’s a thing her fans have noticed). This song hits me hard on a personal level bc it reminds me of my 2.5 year relationship that ended and it’s incredibly well-written, from the lyrics reminiscing on the past to taking you back into that moment during the choruses, also the bridge just breaks me. This is probably the pinnacle of sad breakup songs and you cannot convince me otherwise
I Almost Do - All Too Well’s more timid but no less heartbreaking cousin
Holy Ground - this is kind of the banner song of the album despite not being the title track. While Red is meant to set the backdrop for this album’s themes, this song embodies the core of the album best IMO. And it has a danceable beat to boot.
Sad Beautiful Tragic - I used to skip this a lot after Holy Ground bc it’s a bit of a downer but it has an understated beauty
Starlight - want to see Swift write fanfiction? well here’s your chance. This song is about Ethel and Bobby Kennedy as teenagers. also embarrassing confession: I want to sing this at my own wedding if I ever get married someday. Best part is the piano line that evokes twinkling stars
I’m rather indifferent to the big pop singles in this album (I Knew You Were Trouble, 22, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. They’re good but, ultimately the best stuff is the album tracks)
1989 (2014)
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the album that converted a lot of pop lovers to the cult of Swift
shows a lot of growth and experimentation since Red, but Red is still personally my favorite, this one’s a close second tho
Swift has said in interviews that Red was a devastating album to write but 1989 is more about moving on from that and focusing on herself and it’s overall both more optimistic (regarding life in general) and calculated and cynical (regarding romance)
1989 is the year Swift was born, btw. Coincidentally the album has 13 tracks not counting the bonus ones and 13 is Swift’s favorite number (she was also born on Dec 13)
I have this whole conspiracy theory level of analysis going on about how this is a sequel to Red and how those two albums are linked in a way that the others aren’t
let’s get it out of the way, Welcome to New York is the obvious dud. sorry to our mutual friends who love NY but the song kind of sucks in itself oops. Like it’s very uninspired and generic
for an actual good song about NY check out Vienna Teng’s Goodnight New York
Blank Space - overplayed but I love the idea of Swift parodying what her critics think of her
Out of the Woods - it’s a song about uncertainty in a relationship and the ending is left up to interpretation and I love the repetitive chorus bc it illustrates the feeling of being trapped in the woods and seeing trees flash by you. The bridge has a personal anecdote (the brakes/stitches mentioned are from a minor snowmobile accident).
All You Had to Do Was Stay - about a dream Swift had where all she could do is say “stay” in a high pitched voice to an ex and it embarrassed her lol. Typical pining song but something about those “stays” sound way more painful than comical in practice.
Shake It Off - a good pick-me-up for the slow days and the only big single of hers I haven’t gotten utterly sick of
I Wish You Would - reminds me a lot of HAIM, and it’s oddly one song that I almost never skip when it comes up on my commute shuffle despite having heard every song on this album too many times. understated but solid.
Wildest Dreams - Swift doing Lana Del Rey better than Lana Del Rey
How You Get the Girl - cute but all I can think of is her cat in the Diet Coke commercial that used this song
This Love - I feel like this is the song tying the album together, it’s the most vulnerable track and the one flame of hope amidst all the jadedness that pervades the album regarding romance. It’s kind of meta in some way like it describes not only T Swift the character in the album but also possibly T Swift the person? This song is very important to me.
I Know Places - kind of a darker sound (for her)
Clean - a song about moving on from a relationship, I’m already biased towards this bc Imogen Heap worked on it but it’s really beautiful, and I love when Heap’s harmonies come in.
New Romantics - the freakin song of our generation, the lyrics are so fucking real I can’t even
Safe and Sound (feat. the Civil Wars) - from the Hunger Games OST, it’s pure folk goodness
Sweeter than Fiction - the happy ending we all want. has a bit of a beach-rock vibe to it with a very 80s production
Ronan - written for a child who died from cancer, it’s beautiful and sad
Thank you for reading if you’ve even made it this far and I hope I didn’t overwhelm you, happy listening! :D
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self-written-god · 7 years
Can you do a Remus x Sirius fic that centers around the concept of bodyswapping? Like a spell goes wrong or something and they end up in each other's bodies. It's a little trope-y but I think it would be adorable tbh, and it's been on my mind a lot, yet I don't have time to write anymore. It would be normal Marauders' era, not AU, but definitely an unexplored concept in the series. Possibly some experimental spellwork of Sirius's that goes wrong. James is def allowed to be a cheeky shit. Thanks!
A/N: So it went kinda out of hand but I couldn’t stop the idea once it entered my mind. It’s not exactly what you asked for so I can write another one if you don’t like it c’: But I hope you do anyway Wordcount: 2535
Anything you’re willing to give
„Sirius, what have you done.”
„Don’t look at me, you’re supposed to be looking atSirius!”
James let out an exasperated sigh.
„You may have swapped bodies, but you still have your drama queenvoice, Padfoot.”
Remus gasped.
„James! How can you say so about Padfoot! He can be serious aboutthings when he needs to be. But clearly, this is no such situation.”He lifted his hands, shrugging with an innocent smile. James wastrying to level him with a stern gaze but soon the corners of hismouth started to twitch and a smile appeared on his face. He burstinto hysteric laughter when Remus wiggled his eyebrows.
„I can’t,” he wheezed, clutching at his stomach. „It’shilarious when you say it with Moony’s face. It’s too much!” Heshook with laughter and Remus joined him, sounding a bit like abarking dog.
Pete was snickering behind them, confused at first and slowly gettingwhat was happening. But when he saw the concerned frown plastered onSirius’s face, usually worn by Lupin, he couldn’t contain hislaughter anymore and he joined his friends clutching at each otherand trying to catch their breaths.
„Who’s going with me to the bathroom to make some weird faceswith Moony’s face?” asked Sirius after a while when he got someoxygen back to Remus’s well maintained brain.
„Me!” James’s hand shot up into the air.
„Me too!” Peter jumped up and they all stormed into the bathroom,snickering. Remus rolled his eyes, a bit concerned what they will dowith his body but ultimately trusting his friends they won’t put atattoo on him or anything similar.
He lifted Sirius’s hand, moving it, flexing the fingers. It was hisfor a while and it felt weird. To move his friend’s body as hewished, to occupy it. His fingers seemed less bony than Remus’s anddidn’t have so many callouses and scars on them.
He looked back to the half opened bathroom door and then shifted abit, feeling the muscles of Sirius’s arm. They were much more tonedthan his scrawny, bony ones. He wasn’t a sporty type, though heliked to play when it was with his friends. He just didn’t put somuch attention to his body and didn’t want to attract it from otherpeople.
That reminded him of what was currently happening and instantly madehim very self conscious. Suddenly not so sure about his friends’good intentions and their awareness that he might not want to have apermanent tattoo on his arse he raised from his bed and approachedthe door.
“I hope you’re not doing anything humiliating to my body!”
Meanwhile, in the nearby bathroom, Sirius was pulling funny faces andposes with Remus’s body he was currently in. The two boysaccompanying him were giving him suggestions and snickering next tohim. James leaned on the wall, steadying his breath and trying tostop his laughter for a second before Moony decides to storm in andcheck up on his body.
“Is that the thing you have mentioned earlier?”
Sirius turned to him, Remus’s nose lifted with his finger to looklike a piggy. He raised his eyebrows looking at him as if he had noidea what he was talking about. James took a glance in the directionof the doors.
“When we were discussing gifts for Remus. When you said you alreadyknow what you’re getting for him. Remember?” he cocked hiseyebrow and Sirius shrugged, turning back to the mirror and lookingat the reflection showing his friend’s face. “I don’t know whatyou’re planning, but I get the feeling you’re the one who justgot the best gift,” James continued, smiling knowingly.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” said Sirius,smiling fondly at the mirror.
“Sure you don’t,” nodded James.
“Okay, so have you ever wondered how good would Moony look with atattoo?” Sirius beamed suddenly at his own idea, breaking thesilence.
“Let’s do this!” shouted Sirius, excited even though hisfriends did not seem to share his enthusiasm. “Wrist? Back?Collarbone? How do you think?”
“It’s your fetish, Pads,” sighed James. Sirius gasped at theaccusation and that was when Remus stormed into the bathroom.
“No tattoos on my body!”
“Aw, you know me so well, Moony,” cooed Sirius at his friend’s,or rather his own, furious face. Remus seemed to compose himself ashe took a thorough look at his body, noticing there was no visibleharm done to it.
But before he could voice out any warnings or don’ts, Siriusdragged him out of the bathroom and into the common room, where Remusdecided to keep his mouth shut. They got to the Great Hall, where thedinner was just getting started, and settled on their usual seats.Remus felt uneasy being exposed like this. He felt as if everybodyknew and everybody were staring although no one should be able toknow.
He stabbed James with his fork when he made a comment about how funnyit looked to watch Sirius “eat his veggies”. Then startedlaughing at the sight of himself ravaging a huge steak. Sirius lookedup from it and grinned, taking a huge bite. The muscles of hisshoulders relaxed when Remus finally eased into the situation and lethimself have fun.
But the friendly banter, messing around and tricking people couldn’tlast forever. The evening came, and with it the time to take ashower. Remus tried to remind himself that he was okay with it, thatthey were both blokes and best friends and that was fine, but he wasso not okay with it.
Sirius would touch his body and look at it naked from up close,discovering all the things he wasn’t supposed to. Looking andtouching wasn’t supposed to happen, at least not like this andprobably never anyway in Remus’s life. It made him feel even worsethat deep down he couldn’t wait to look at his friend naked behindthe closet door of the bathroom.
And then Sirius was looking at him and saying his name, cocking hishead.
“We should bathe together, Moony. So I’m sure you’re not doingany fishy businesses with my body.”
Remus snorted.
“You’re one to talk.”
But he couldn’t say no. You don’t say “no” in the face ofsuch opportunity. Opportunity to keep you conscience clear andthoughts decent.
And this way they turned up in the same bathroom, undressing and notknowing where to turn their eyes. At their friend in their body or attheir bodies of their friends. Even thinking about this made Remus’shead spin from overheating. He sighed audibly and straightened hisback, looking at his body standing beside him, only few inches tallerthan Sirius’s.
“Sirius, this is ridiculous.”
“You’re ridiculous, Moony. Now go to the tub so I can wash myhair properly,” he ushered him with his hands and some of thetension disappeared from the air. Remus could easier slip into hisrole of a Marauder messing around with one of his mates. But why thebloody hell had it to be Sirius?
Nevertheless he went to the bathtub, rolling his eyes at his friend’sconcern about his hair. Though he loved them too and wasn’t againstcherishing them in any way. But this is something Sirius Black nevercould know as his ego would raise the roof of their dorm or even thewhole Gryffindor Tower.
And then there are fingers in his hair, Sirius’s hair, he has toremind himself, but he closes his eyes and lets himself drown in thesole feeling of Sirius massaging his scalp.
“Do you wash them like this for yourself too?” he nearly purredout, when Sirius hands started moving in slow, circular motions. Hisfriend barked out a lough.
“No, but it’s kinda nice to do it for someone else. Does it feelnice?”
Remus hummed in approval, moving his hand through bubbly water.
“So,” he spoke up eventually, when the silence became unbearable.“When does the spell wear off?”
“Wears off?” he heard an amused voice from above him.
“Okay, when will you tell me the counter spell then?”
There was a prolonged silence around them. Sirius rinsed his hair andRemus risked to open one eye when he felt the water moving aroundhim. His cheeks grew warm when he saw his own naked body entering theother side of enormous bathtub. Sirius settled in, resting his armson the sides and throwing back his head. Their calves were touching.
“Not before the full moon,” he answered quietly.
Remus gaped at him.
Sirius looked at him, smiling lopsidedly.
“Happy early Birthday, Moony. A moon without a wolf for my preciousfriend. Do I have to sing a song too? You know I’m not good atthis.”
“Sirius!” Remus felt the dread seeping into his lungs. His bodywas shaking. He haven’t even thought about it. He totally forgot,too occupied with admiring the body of his crush, about the wolf thatwas engulfing Sirius now and about the upcoming full moon. “Youhave to get out of there! Now!” he gritted out, leaning to hisfriend. He didn’t even notice when he broke the safe space betweenthem. The water he splashed was everywhere.
Sirius snorted.
“There? It’s your body Remus, don’t talk about it as ifit was a thing. A dangerous thing.”
“But it is! It’s a werewolf. Of course it’s dangerous and youshould get out of there!”
“Remus, calm down.”
“No, Sirius!” he hissed out and it took all of his willpower toprevent himself from punching his friend. “Why the hell have youdone it?!”
“It’s your seventeenth birthday! I wanted to make it special foryou!” at some point Sirius raised his voice too, so he could beheard over Remus’s yells. He tried to sound composed but there wasan audible tint of trembling in his voice. “Why can’t youappreciate it?”
“I do appreciate it!” Remus yelled for the last time. And thenhis body slumped down because he really liked what Sirius did forhim. He just couldn’t accept it. “But I won’t be able to bethere for you. I’m not an animagus. And you’re always there withme.”
“We weren’t before Hogwarts,” Sirius reminded him, squeezinghis arm. “One night is nothing compared to all these years. I knowwhat I am doing and I really want to do it for you,” he said in astern voice and something in Remus’ s throat thickened when he sawthe look in his eyes. Unsure but set on fighting for the cause hebelieved in. Whatever cause would it be. And then, before he couldmake up his mind properly, Sirius snorted and the sound was followedby a hysterical laugh. Only then, with his friend’s body shakingwith laughter did he notice that he was practically leaning on him,supporting himself on his knee. He tried to move away, but Sirius’shand still grasping his shoulder slid down to his arm and he almostfell on his friend, who in turn started laughing even more, chokingon air.
“Merlin, I definitely didn’t think this through!” he wheezedout. “This is so awkward!”
“You say,” murmured Remus, trying to gather himself up. Siriuslet him, though he grabbed his wrist before he could move anyfurther.
“I mean, I want to kiss you so badly, but it’s so weird when youhave my face,” he blurted out, snickering. Remus felt his face heatup when the meaning of the words caught up with his mind.
“Sirius, don’t joke like that.” Remus frowned, looking at hisfriend. He felt their fingers being laced together and Sirius’sthumb moving in circular motion on the back of his hand.
“I’m not,” he said softly and then leaned in to peck his lips.Remus was too shocked to move or stop him. Sirius chuckled under hisbreath. “See? This is the weirdest thing I’ve done and I’vealmost jacked off Prongs when we got drunk once.”
“Sirius, you’re so stupid,” deadpanned Remus, lookingincredulously at his friend.
“I know, right?” Sirius laughed back, apparently too amused bythe situation to stop.
“Just take off the spell, dumbass!”
Sirius took a gasp of air, his body still shaking.
“You’re not getting out of this so easily, Moony, I haven’tbought another gift,” he said, clutching his stomach.
“You can swap our bodies again later, I just need my body back for,let’s say, fifteen minutes, so I can punch you properly.”
Sirius blinked at him, suddenly done with laughing. The blush waswell visible on his own face he was looking at.
“Just go get your wand.”
Without a word Sirius stood up, not caring about the nudity, and wentto their discarded robes where in one of the pockets he found hiswand. When he turned around Remus was already out of the bathtub.
“Cover your ears,” Sirius said and when Remus looked as if he wasgoing to protest, he added “I don’t want you to know thecounterspell before the full moon.”
Remus rolled his eyes and covered his ears as he was asked.
When they blinked again, Sirius saw Remus and Remus saw Sirius infront of himself. He took a step forward. Sirius looked unsure if heshould step back and run or stay and just stood there, looking atRemus and waiting. He shifted back a bit when Remus approached him,but Moony’s long fingers appeared on his damp neck and cheek andpulled him closer. He looked up to meet his lips halfway and whatstarted as little pecks quickly gained in pace and Remus seemed seton ravaging his mouth.
“You’re so bloody stupid,” he mumbled between kisses, smiling.Sirius kissed back, circling at his hipbones with his thumbs.
“That’s why I need you,” he panted, and Remus used theopportunity to slid his tongue between his parted lips. Sirius sighedinto his mouth, grasping at his hips to give himself some leverage ashis lips were bitten and sucked on by a hungry werewolf.
They heard banging on the door.
“Please tell me you’re making out already! I made a bet with Lilythat I’d rather not lose!”
They both jumped in surprise, Remus nearly biting on Sirius’s lip.They looked at each other and snickered, trying to hide theirembarrassment.
“Don’t you have anything better to do, Prongs?” Sirius shoutedback.
“Better than stalking my two best mates getting together? No, Idon’t think so!”
“Go away so I can go back to kissing Sirius!”
Sirius felt his face heat up when Remus shouted in the direction ofthe door. There was a possessive hand at the small of his back,pushing him closer already.
“Okay. Thanks, Moony!” James shouted and immediately Remus wasback to sucking oxygen out of Sirius’s lungs, to devouring hislips, to accepting his gift and much more. Anything Sirius waswilling to give, he would accept it with gratefulness.
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