#gonna make a jojo tag so people can mute it
Intro Post I Guess
Hey, you can call Meg/Megu. This is pretty much my sideblog to ramble about ship and BL stuff. Mainly just made this so I could have somewhere to post my threads, and not spam friends and others with my ship stuff. Gonna use this pinned as an easy link to threads or whatnot that I write.
23 yr old cis bisexual dude, pronouns are he/him. Mainly focused in JJBA/JJK rn and NitroChiral. Please be 18+ if following, I may discuss, write, or post NSFW and I don’t want minors following. If I see you’re a minor, I’ll block.
More info below + links
I may post my main in this, but for rn here’s my Ao3
Jujutsu Kaisen
Togainu no Chi AU
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure
Their Moment
More Info
Even though a lot of this will be BL and MLM pairings, I also do like Het and GL and WLW parings so just expect those as well.
TWs will be used on posts that deal with potentially dark content.
If you have ideas that I could write for threads, feel free to say em I may write them or not, I like writing. Just no lolishota related, that’s makes me greatly uncomfortable.
Tbh I probably won’t be posting about Bara/Furry stuff on here, more likely I’ll make a different side blog for that stuff esp. since that would mostly be NSFW.
Feel free to mute tags or block me if you dislike a ship or whatnot.
I honestly don’t care about Top/Bottom dynamics, as long as it’s about my pair I don’t care either way. Yeah I may have some preferences like liking KakJota more than JotaKak but it’s not an end all be all for me. If you’re someone who’s a stickler for that type of the stuff you’ll probably get annoyed lol. I will try at least to mark 
I don’t really have a DNI, just don’t be a fucking MAP or bigot or some shit. 
To be blunt, I honestly don’t give two shits about Pro/Anti related stuff. It’s annoying and just grates on my nerves, esp. coming from Twitter where some fandoms were infested with nonstop fighting. I mainly mention this in case people ask “Oh are you pro or anti affiliated”, dude I just want to ramble about my ships like some weeaboo, not have this blog become discourse focused. Again if you genuinely dislike a ship I post you can mute the tags or block me, no hard feelings will be felt.
If I’m talking about a ship I dislike, I will censor the ship name so not to shit up the fans of it’s tags/search
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waka-chan-out · 2 years
hi Meg! So I recently got somewhat sucked into Jojo hell and I was wondering who your favorite characters and what your favorite parts were?
i’m so fucking happy holy shit. i am.........so sorry for how long i ranted about each of these points. but as this is one of my favorite shows ever and people are getting into it, i’m allowing myself to geek out.
okay !! i recently ranked my favorite everything for my jojo side blog ( @locobeetown if you’re interested. i’m awful about actually posting things there but there’s some bombass fanart) but they’ve kinda changed since then. my thoughts shift a lot but here’s how i’d put things as of right now !!
(keep in mind that though i’ve watched parts 1-5, i haven’t gotten to watch all of what there is of part 6 yet so i’m gonna leave it off the lists. i’m also reading part 7 right now, so though i won’t rank it as a part, i might throw in a character lmao.)
favorite characters:
1. jean pierre polnareff (part 3) !! you cannot take this perfect himbo away from me. the fact that he has so many episodes centering around him makes me so happy. he’s absolutely giant, and a delight to watch whether you watch in japanese or english. he’s just the perfect balance of silly and sweet and stupid and emotional and it makes me happy. i also kin him so hush bsksbd.
2. koichi hirose (part 4). the first time i watched part 4, i constantly raged about this idiot. i mean fuck, isn’t the jojo of the part supposed to be the main character??? who is this tiny miscreant with the most ridiculous pose out of everyone??? he’s just so weird and i spent so long wanting to punch him in the face. it wasn’t until towards the end of the part when i really thought about it that i realized my aggression was actually really intense affection. i adore him. he’s one of the most interesting lil lads in a really weird way and i’m grateful that he’s basically the de facto main character of the part. josuke n okuyasu are too busy flirting to be the leads lmaoo.
this is where it gets hard. though my top two are always solid, my other favorites shift around a lot.
3. yoshikage kira (part 4). if i could put all of the villains here i would, but kira wins. holy shit. he is one of the best villains of all time. i’m completely serious. he’s so well written and integrated perfectly into the show. the little glimpses of him you see throughout moriah are fantastic, and even better on rewatch. his stand is cool as hell and i love his hair changes. he’s perfect. holy shit. but also, i would like to say that this spot is reserved for the villains in general. dio/DIO and diavolo are so fucking good it’s insane. holy shit.
4. gyro zeppeli (part 7). i know what you’re thinking. ‘didn’t she say she’s only starting to read this part now?’ fuck it, i don’t care. gyro lights my brain on fire. i got an insane adrenaline rush the first time i saw him in the manga. that one manga panel that goes “tell him to eat shit johnny,” “tell him yourself,” “eat shit asshole! fall off your horse!” is one of my favorites literally ever. he’s unhinged n dirty n i am so obsessed with him and attracted to him that it makes me a little insane. i feel like i don’t have quite enough information to put him in this spot currently, but i know he’s likely not leaving the top five.
5. part 4 jotaro kujo. i know you’re probably wondering why i specify which part, but he’s in four of them and part 4 is the best itteration of him bby FAR. animation-wise, he’s perfect. he looks his age, i love the fit, and he keeps a lot of his muscle from part 3 without looking super out of place. and his personality? oh lord his personality
honerable mentions to bruno’s gang from part 5 and josuke from part 4. they’re so cute i just adore them.
favorite parts:
1. part 4: diamond is unbreakable. this part is an absolute joy. it’s definitely the most rewatchable in my opinion and arguably the only one with a truly happy ending. actually, not even arguably. the end of this part, every single time i watch it, makes me SOB. every time i think about it i get that one quote from “the empty child” episode of doctor who where he’s yelling and emotional going “just this once, everybody lives!” the characters are great. obviously. two of my favorite characters of all time are in this part. koichi is a fucking joy. the show is relentlessly wonderful in japanese and english. fuck the sub vs. dub debate because this part is beyond perfect in both. YOU ALSO GET THREEE JOJOs IN THIS PART. THREE. josuke is the main one and he’s easily the most fun jojo, although he definitely gets the smallest role of all the previous “protagonists.” but the side characters make up for it. and as previously stated, the villain is a fucking masterpiece. I can’t believe it. and when you get to the episodes “July 15th (Thurs)” you are in for an absolute treat. i could rant about the music for 30 years here, but i’m just gonna say “holy mother of fucking god” and leave it at that. if i were to rank all the music in this show a huge number of the top slots would be taken by this season. i think “great days” might be one of the best openings ever. just sayin. god. what a good season of television.
2. part 3: stardust crusaders. what can i say about this part that hasn’t been said already. this is where series really picked up in quality and insanity with the introduction of stands and everything, so obviously it’s great. jotaro is a joy (though, just like josuke, as a main character he’s kinda overshadowed by the other characters, specifically polnareff). it’s super long so some people says it drags, but it’s kinda like the chimera ant arc to me. take a break between the big journey and the actual arc when they’re in egypt and push through the episodes you’re not a fan of and you’ll have a great time. and some of the enemy stand users you meet are so great you’ll never forget them. death 13, dan of steel, and the d’arby brothers (especially d’arby the gamer) are fantastic. OH MY GOD. AND HOL HORSE. I ALMOST FORGOT HOL HORSE. possibly the most iconic enemy of all time, mostly because he was originally intended to join the crew. ARAKI YOU COWARD. GIVE US CRUSADER HOL HORSE.
3. part 5: golden wind / il vento doro. i mean, there’s a reason this is the one people talk about the most. it’s not my favorite, but it is by far the best written. like, it shocks me how well written it is. this is the first time i think you really get into the nitty gritty of each character, and it’s kinda awful how attached you get to them. like, watching this part hurts me. another one with iconic music. traitor’s requiem, modern crusaders, giorno’s theme, and the fUCKING TORTURE DANCE are unelievable. i love them. god. also everyone should watch the dub at least once because you get to hear jonah scott call a kid “jailbait” and fugo’s voice actor is unhinged. i love it.
4. part 2: battle tendency. what this part lacks in me forgetting half the plotpoints because i haven’t seen it in so long, it makes up for in the fucking opening, the pillar men, and JOSEPH FUCKING JOESTAR. god. what a gem of a little idiot. also lisa lisa is hot. look her up. she muzzles joseph at some point. queen shit.
5. part 1: phantom blood. LOOK. IT MAY BE AT THE BOTTOM OF MY LIST BUT I AM AN AGGRESSIVE DEFENDER OF PART 1. NOBODY FUCKING APPRECIATES THIS PART. i am of the personal opinion that all part skippers and people who suggest skipping parts should be shot. how are you gonna go watch part 3-5 without knowing who the fuck dio is??????? 🤨 dumb. dumb dumb idiots. anyway johnathan joestar is the only straight man in the world. absolute fucking gentleman. and dio???? god damn. you can’t skip this if you want to appreicate him fully. and the goddamn. fucking. memes. in this stupid part. i know people play the “kono dio da” thing to death but watching “goodbye jojo” happen for the first time is like being blessed with a thousand dollars in cash. it’s so funny. this is when the men are BIG BIG BIG and it makes for a fun time. finally, johnathan’s theme is the most distinct theme for any of the protagonists and i can’t believe how perfect it is. they pulled out the full orchestra for this absolute king. god. what a good fucking boy.
well. if you read this far i commend you. here’s a coffee and a piece of candy for your time. i’m very willing to rank the other things that can be ranked (like main characters, openings, themes, endings, etc.) but i will only do that upon request because this is a fucking monstrocity.
i hope you’re enjoying jojo darling. it’s a great show. will forever be one of my favorites and it’s so refreshing to see people getting into and enjoying it. feel free to message me or send me asks on my jojo blog if you wanna talk about more specific things. and thank you for indulging me !! this is one of my favorite things to talk about maybe ever.
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Heroes on Fire...
Binge watched Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Season 2 today and y’all it was sooooo good!!
I was gonna do a cut off but... I can’t be bothered getting my laptop sooo...
LONG POST TOO!!! Plus I have enough spoiler tags I think...
First of all... Scarlemagne = Mojo-jojo but with actual redemption arc potential???
They really set homie up as the biggest bad and then the twist mystery that Lio and Scarlemagne are connected at the end of S1... but then every much like The Storm from ATLA, we just DEEP-DIVED into Scarlemagne aka HUGO’s backstory and you’re like “well shit, no fucking wonder he got so damn twisted and hating on humans”
And yknow what even with his convoluted thinking and the terrible things he’s done, I’m really really glad they didn’t go down the whole “I blame Kipo bc I’m jealous she took Lio and Song’s attention away from me and that’s why they left me behind” story line... it’s absolutely fascinating that at no point does Scarlemagne blame Kipo, and even looks at her as a sister... like his line “you’re not the one who rejected me” was so powerful, bc he recognises she was just an innocent baby and sees the same confused child in her that he was when he was left alone on the surface... and twisted though his attempts of making her happy were, he was really reaching out for someone who genuinely cares about him again, and it helps that she’s also the daughter of the two people he once viewed as parental figures... and also Kipo’s just naturally empathetic and sees the good in people...
Then she was willing to sacrifice her humanity for a stadium full of mutes and Lio pulled him out of danger... so I’m reaaaallly hoping they keep this potential redemption going... bc really Hugo and Kipo are perfect mirrors of each other... very Zuko/Aang reminiscent... Hugo the animal experiment that was given human hopes and dreams and abilities, only to be thrust into a confusing and scary place with strange powers, and seemingly betrayed by the people he loves most... Kipo, the human experiment, with typical hopes and dreams but is forced into a confusing and scary place with strange powers, and finds out her whole birth and life has been a lie...
One of them just came out of it better...
Secondly... Kipo’s inner Mega-Jaguar scene = Naruto and the Nine-Tails Fox???
Like slowly learning to control the little bits of power that sneak through... being able to change between forms at will provided there is something anchoring her human half... that whole water/mirror/internal Jaguar sequence?!?!... USING THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP TO GET A GRIP ON HER HUMANITY?!?!
Yo if that ain’t Naruto idk what is...
Next we have Mom the Monkey...
Wasn’t too hard of a leap to figure out... I probably clocked into it maybe mid ep 1?? Idk what triggered it but yeah don’t think that was meant to be a difficult leap to make... that aside, I like that they didn’t have Song immediately change back or have her wits about her when Mulholland helped free her from the pheromones... she’s been a monkey for 13 years, under the control of Dr Emilia, she hasn’t spoken and she didn’t have little moments to control her powers like Kipo... so figuring out how to change her back is a good ongoing mission to have I think... it also makes the fact that Kipo was the one to get through to her in the first place even more powerful and that’s SO dope...
Lio... yknow what when grown ups in these types of stories have regrets and the children are dealing with their consequences it can be very frustrating... but I like that Lio is more than willing to reflect on his past mistakes (valid tho it was that he had no choice but to grab Kipo and run before Emilia could get to her) and is also willing to ACT ON IT...he gives Kipo’s ideas a chance and its even shown for real when Scarlemagne forced him to tell the truth... Hugo was a child he raised and he doesn’t want to leave him behind anymore... even if he’s done so much bad... I’m also glad they showed Kipo expressing disappointment in her fathers actions, empathy for Hugo’s pain, but that didn’t mean she was suddenly disillusioned to her father and what kind of person he is... that can also be a very frustrating aspect of these types of plot lines...
Benson and his darling potentially mutual crush, Troy? What else can i say but beautiful first awkward teen crush PERFECTION! Both of them blushing when Benson ended up on top of Troy after tackling Troy out of the way of a rampaging Pierre? Troy kissing him on the cheek? Troy helping Benson out of the pit and the same falling in love music playing while Benson gazed up at Troy?? TROY AND BENSON HOLDING HANDS WHILE SCARED AND CLINGING TO EACH OTHER?!?!?
Sidenote: a good chunk of the music is like... “rap” music and they always hit during fight scenes and it’s great...
Also: the Kipo title sequence? A bop we must never forget...
SPEAKING OF BOPS WE MUST NEVER FORGET: Heroes on Fire... a karaoke classic I must learn... used with the Power of Friendship can turn a mega mute back to human...
Also also my love and life Jamack??? Continuing to help Kipo out even if he’s a total tsundere about it?!?! LITERALLY CANNOT STOP HIMSELF FROM HELPING HER?!?! I love him... and I want him to join the gang... so bad...
ALSO. The whole second episode was basically about cheese.
Feta. Gouda. Chevre. Fromage.
Idk about that whole... Soothsayer meets the Grey Sisters (Greek mythology? Three sisters, one eye, one tooth? Is that what they’re called?) business with the cheese but whatever it was fun... they were just straight up tossing knives at Kipo to get her latent powers to activate and that was hilarious... also Mr Miyagi moment I guess XD but it means Kipo’s created a whole brain pathway between Herbs in/Herbs out and how she controls her powers and she even mentions that...
Also mega bummed about Ratland burning down...
I also wanna know what was up with the sentient Fun Gus and why it had the mind of a child...
FINALLY: our new big bad - Dr Emilia...
We’re really leaning into the one race supremacy theme here huh? But also the reckless and callous treatment of animals and the earth by humans... without regard for how they feel... and after mutating and having and being able to communicate their thoughts and feelings and dreams, Emilia still thinks it would be better to remove that and return them to just animals...
Fascinated to see where they go from here...anyway... go watch Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts so we can get a season 3 babeyyyyy
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