#gonna go read my downloaded fics ig
thehotinphotosynthesis · 11 months
ive just woken up from my sleep (its now early morning)
goodbye world.
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
is ff.n finally dying? god. that was my first intro to fanfiction and oh boy the fandom i was in was a terrible/idk dead ig? community. tbf i didn't write pairings so (still have this problem) my stuff just gets filtered out bc there's no slash and people don't read it, maybe that's why i never spoke to anyone. Still, I read and wrote so much transformers angst way after the movies were out of immediate popularity and got very little interaction. years later dipped my toes into pokémon and immediately got someone yelling at me about the capitalization of species names.
On AO3 now writing & just as brutal angsty shit and it's much better there! but ya know. weird feeling thinking FF is gonna be like Gone gone.
I have no idea if it's actually going to go down, but I do not like the domain issues they've been having, so I'm backing up anything I can think to, juuuust in case :/
but also! I'm a bit upset right now, because I've been using the FanFictionDownloader to archive stuff, but looking at my files just now, chapters are missing? which means that any multi-chapter fics are probably ruined, meaning I have to go back and re-download a large amount of the 573 fics I downloaded yesterday. T_T
I tried fichub and it seemed to download fine, but I am still Upset about having to redo this much work
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sadiecoocoo · 6 months
Sooo I’ve heard some ppl say that fear no mort is gonna be abt them facing their greatest fears or something, and I’ve seen some ppl theorize on what said fears will be. And id like to give my two cents on the matter :)
Rick’s fears
I think that Rick would honestly be terrified of seeing Diane or prime again. Like imagine if Diane’s ghost just showed up and was rlly nice to him and jsut not like herself at all (cuz we know her personality is the same as the ship and garage AI, so she isn’t the nicest person in the world, which like slay). I think her just being nice to Rick and saying how it wasn’t his fault would freak him tf out, cuz let’s remember that he made a ghost AI of her that was programmed to berate him and be mean to him, so he didn’t want comfort or to be told that it wasn’t his fault.
Now, if Rick saw Prime again, one of two things would happen; he would either break down fully, or just be rlly fucking mad and try to kill prime again (personally this is what I want to see the most, but I’ll explain that in a bit)
Another fear could be that the rest of the family (mainly Morty) dies or is fatally injured to the point of no return. Because we’ve seen Rick bring Morty bad from fatal injuries, and death from the last episode multiple times, but how would Rick react if he couldn’t do anything?
Another fear for Rick (this guy is gonna be going thru it) would be that he sees more of prime in Morty. I’ve read multiple fics where Rick is scared of Morty turning out like prime, so what would happen to Rick if that rlly started happening?
Now, another fear, this one I think would be the most intense for Rick, would be pirates. No more to add to that, we all know why :)
Morty’s fears
I think Morty would have more basic fears, things more that a teenager would be afraid of (along with all the other crazy shit that Rick has exposed him to). For starters, he may just be terrified of rejection, which would be an interesting thing to see. Like imagine if Rick was having a full on break down, and then Morty’s just dealing with minor stuff like being told no in a mean way.
A more in depth fear could be abandonment issues. He was definitely rlly upset with the two crows, and very worried abt the Jerrick stuff. Imagine Morty’s stuck in a dark room, completely alone, and then when he does see “Rick” again, he’s just being rude to Morty and telling him how worthless he is (but in a harsher way than he used to, in a way that makes it seem serious). What if Morty got a vision of Rick replacing him with another Morty, like holy shit that would mentally scar him so badly! Or what if a fake Rick started taunting Morty with the free Morty coupon?
I also think that Morty has a buried fear of ending up like prime. Like he’s already sort of on his way to becoming like any Rick, what with him being desensitized to violence and being seen as a national threat. I think that both him and Rick would be absolutely terrified if that happening to Morty, if he someday snaps and Rick can’t do anything abt it.
Edit: just thought abt this but, uh- king jellybean… not much needs to be said for that one…
In conclusion,
I’m seriously excited abt the next episode, I wanna see what theories (from anybody) were correct and I wanna see if the finale is gonna be as mentally scarring as the others have been!
Back to what I said abt Rick seeing prime, you all know abt the theory of prime downloading a bit of himself into Rick’s head right? What if Rick sees Prime’s “ghost” in whatever haunted house they go to, and he fully thinks that it’s just fake and stuff after the initial shock. But when they get back home, what if Rick sees prime again? What if he continues to see prime on a daily basis? What if that escalates to prime always being there, always tormenting him, always telling him how worthless he is, until Rick can’t take it anymore?
Ig all I have left to say abt all this is, what if?
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daisyjisung · 6 years
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lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
*cracks knuckles* alright let’s get this started so imagine this toga begs shigaraki to go to the beach but we all know shigaraki will say no but little shiggy here has a HUGE crush on u plus he might get to see u in a swimsuit so he says yes ( not toga trying to hug shigaraki, RIP toga 😔) anyways let’s say you usually wear sweat pants and sweaters like baggy stuff, so shigaraki is excited to see what’s under ur clothes ( pervert shigaraki again 😀) when y’all arrive there shigaraki was basically shaking from excitement he was always interested in u but he was too insecure and was afraid you’ll reject him and find him ugly, and plus u were intimidating as hell your always saying what’s on ur mind even if it destroys someone’s self-esteem anyways shigaraki was wearing some shorts and his sweater ( our baby here is insecure don’t worry we’re gonna fix that😏) as shigaraki was sitting he was disappointed since he didn’t see u yet, *turns on the moto moto song* ur coming out of the water like a sea goddess ur hair is wet u were wearing a Bikini( it can be any swimsuit u do u boo) let’s say shigaraki’s jaw dropped he was drooling as u were coming out u noticed ur boss and ran to him ( do u know those moments were the hot chick runs in slow motion that’s how shigaraki saw u) long story short shigaraki was a stuttering mess and was red as a tomato my dude was starring on ur tits the whole time u were talking ( you had a little crush on ur boss ngl u knew shigaraki liked u back so u were the one who told toga about the beach thing u were planning something 👀) shigaraki accidentally pops a boner home boy wanted to cry from embarrassment of course u noticed it and dragged him a a private place where let’s just fuck his brains out until he’s crying from how good it feels as u were dragging shigaraki was thinking ur going to beat him up or something he was terrified until u pushed him against a wall whispered to him what ur gonna do shigaraki almost fainted, as u trying to take off his sweater he started ti cry he thought u might think he’s ugly and make fun of him ( u were lowkey shocked like 😃what now??) So u decided to kiss every part of his body and tell him how beautiful he and eventually he lets u take it off. I’ll let u take the led now loll
( for kinks now I’ll say a lot of body worship kink and a lot of praise kink, I would say the reader is a super soft dom, shigaraki is a super shy and cute sub maybe the reader gives shigaraki a boob job idk do whatever ur comfortable with babe, btw it’s super fluffy)
My Pleasure
My masterlist got a little longer since I updated everything so you can go check it out if you want ig...
If you want to use interactive fics, it's easy and makes reading fics SO much better. First, you download the Google Chrome extension. You'll see it in the top right corner of your screen. Next, you enter your name in the first box. If you want to change something other than y/n, please click on the text that says “want to change something other than y/n?” here, you can change any word you want to a different word. When I talk about your quirk I will use y/q
Master List
Warnings: Boob job, cunnilingus (oooh fancy word), Shiggy is insecure but dw we fix that, praise kink, use of the nickname “puppy, ” Shigarakis a pervert (not news to us), nipple play ig, body worship, soft dom y/n, sub Shigaraki, he cries :(, I hc that Shigaraki has sh scars on his thighs and they are mentioned
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“Beach!” Toga yelled, “we’re going to the beach!”
She ran up to you and hugged you.
“Y/n we’re going to the beach!” she said, grinning up at you.
“We are, ” you nodded, ruffling her hair.
She ran over to Shigaraki, “come to the beach with us, Shiggy, ”
“No, ” he said, looking back at his game.
“Please, everyone is going, ” she pouted, “even y/n is coming, ”
A vision of you in a bathing suit flashed in front of his eyes. He imagined you putting on sunscreen and laying on your stomach on the beach, accidentally spilling water on your chest and your nipples perking up because of how cold you were out of the water.
“Fine, ” he said.
Toga squealed and hugged him.
“Oh- hey, what the hell?” he said, pushing her off, “don’t do that toga,”
She moved on to her next victim, “Dabi, go to the beach with us!”
“Who’s coming?” he asked, lighting a cigarette.
“I got everyone to go, ” she bragged.
“Wow, kid, everyone? Even y/n?” he asked.
Toga nodded frantically, proud of her achievement.
“God job, I’ll go, ” he smirked, “plus i’ll get to see y/n in a bathing suit, ”
You walked by and flicked his forehead, “eyes to yourself, bacon bits, ”
“God, babe, I love your little pet names for me, ” he teased.
Shigaraki glared at him, but you were already halfway up the stairs.
“Don’t look at me like that, ” he said, looking at Shigaraki, “we’re both going for the same reason, ”
“No, ” he denied, “I’m going because it's summer, and when it’s summer, you go to the beach, ”
Dabi rolled his eyes, “whatever you say, boss, ”
“Shiggy!” Toga yelled, “go get ready. We’re leaving, ”
He stood in his room staring at his swim shorts. He knew he’d have to wear them, and he could just put a shirt on too. He didn’t have to swim. He could just leave the shirt on. It would be fine. He really didn’t have a chance with you, but if you saw him without a shirt, you’d be disgusted. He felt disgusting.
You pulled out a bikini Toga forced you to buy and flopped down on the bed. Shigaraki was coming, which meant you were gonna get to see him without a shirt. You blushed and giggled, already daydreaming about him. Even though it was wrong, even though he was your boss, you just couldn't help it. You were one-hundred percent certain you were going to melt when you saw him. Toga had always said he had a crush on you. Maybe he would finally make a move. That was the plan anyways. The whole reason Toga had bugged everyone to go was by your request.
With your bag packed and swimsuit on under your clothes, you were ready to go. Shigaraki wanted to cry when he looked in the mirror. Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe he shouldn't go. He heard a knock on his door.
“Hey, we’re about to leave. Are you ready?” You asked, “if not, I'll wait with you, so you dont have to go down by yourself. I hate being the last person ready. I don't want you to go through that pain, ” you laughed.
“No, I'm ready, ” he said, opening the door. No turning back now.
“Alright, let's go, ” you said, already walking downstairs.
He tried to calm himself as he walked down, trying to stop the grin that wanted to spread across his face. Finally, he thought, what was y/n hiding all this time? He was last to go through the warp gate, upset that you had already runoff. He waited around, nearly sweating to death until he heard Dabi yell.
“C’mon y/n, give us a little spin, ” he yelled.
He saw you blast him with sand using your quirk. He chuckled at Dabi’s predicament. You screamed as Dabi jumped in, splashing you with water. He picked you up in his arms only to throw you back in the water. You came up for air and splashed him again. Your splash war continued for some time, providing Tomura with entertainment until, ultimately, you called it a draw. He watched you and Toga play mermaids for a while before he grew bored and continued with his game, that was until Dabi wolf-whistled and he saw you begin to walk out of the water. You used your quirk again, sending a small tidal wave towards him.
“Youre so mean to me y/n, ” he complained.
“Shut it, patchwork, ” you said.
“Stop you're giving me butterflies, ” he smirked, getting splashed again.
You started walking again, the water slowly getting shallower and revealing more of your body. You were glistening, the sun reflecting off the water on your skin. Your cheeks were red from the sun, and he realized you had put sunscreen on in your room. Damn it. You brushed some wet hair out of your face, and your chest was now entirely on display.
“Fuck, ” he whispered.
He tried to be discrete, and the sun shining directly in your eyes certainly helped him. He stared at your stomach, the next part of your body to reveal itself. All he could think about is tracing little designs on it, laying his head on it, and putting a baby in it. Your thighs were an absolute show stopper. He wanted to suffocate between them. He averted his eyes when he realized you were walking over to him.
“Hey, can I sit here?” you asked, wringing out your hair.
“S-sure, ” he said, trying to focus on your face, which was definitely beautiful but...boobs lol.
“Thanks, ” you said, “I’d rather sit with you than all of them. I love Toga, but she’s a handful, and everyone else is staring at me. Bunch of creeps, ”
“Sorry about them, ” he said, unable to stop his wandering eyes.
“It’s ok. Nothing you can do, Shiggy, ” you said, “oh my god, you’re bright red. Did you forget sunscreen? It’s ok. I've got some, but you’re on the paler side, so you've gotta be careful, Shig, or you’ll burn up, ”
The redness on his face was because you were sitting next to him, nearly naked, but he wasn't going to admit that, especially when he saw you bend over to get sunscreen. He was trying desperately to control himself, but part of him had a mind of its own. He nearly died when you leaned in and put sunscreen on his face, laughing as you put a glob on his nose. He let out a genuine laugh that warmed your heart. You started talking, but honestly, he couldn't listen. You were very expressive when you spoke, and all the movement caused your tits to bounce, mesmerizing him.
He could only half listen, nodding and ‘mhm’ing when appropriate. You noticed quickly and gave him a few minutes to redeem himself but he failed. You grabbed his chin and made his eyes meet yours.
“Tomura Shigaraki, we're you staring at my boobs?” you said, feigning disappointment.
“N-no, I wasn't, ” he said.
You sighed, “lying about it only makes it worse, ”
“I'm sorry, ” he whispered, “I know I shouldn't have. I just...”
You let go of his chin and looked down at his lap.
“Really?” you asked, pointing out his obvious boner.
“Shit, I'm sorry y/n I'm so sorry. I know I'm gross and awful, and I'm just so sorry, ” he said, trying to cover it.
You grabbed his arm and dragged him away to the deserted changing rooms. Originally this beach was supposed to be a hot spot for tourists, but the water park a few miles closer to the city shut it down, leaving the beach in good condition. He braced himself for a slap, a punch, a kick, but he never could've prepared himself for a kiss on the cheek.
“I've been thinking about this for a while, Shigaraki, ” you whispered, “thinking about all the things I'd do to you, all the ways I'd make you feel good. Did you know I can block skin-to-skin quirks? You can touch me, baby, ”
“Y-you're not mad?” he whispered.
“No, I'm not mad, ” you shook your head, “I've always had a little crush on you Shiggy, ”
“Tomura, ” he corrected, “call me Tomura, ”
“Tomura, ” you whispered, “I can't wait to touch you. Fuck, I'm gonna kiss you all over. I can't wait to get between your thighs, baby. We've got all day, ”
He kissed you softly, enjoying your lips. They were sweet and soft in contrast to his dry, chapped ones. He felt so lacking, but the way you were kissing him made him feel like he was floating. You pushed him further against the wall, running your hands through his hair. Your arms hung around his neck, and he wrapped his arms tight around your waist. You kissed each other for a while, no teeth or tongue, just your lips pressed together. Eventually, things began to heat up. You let your tongue try and find its way between his lips and into his mouth. He groaned into your mouth. You tugged his hair, trying to get even closer. Your hands traveled up and down his chest, reaching for the bottom of his shirt.
He grabbed your hands and pulled away.
“No, ” he whispered.
You nodded, “that's ok, you don't have to, Tomura. Did I do something wrong?”
He shook his head, “you’ll make fun of me, ”
“Why would I make fun of you?” you asked, stroking his cheek.
“Because I'm not, ” his voice broke, “I don't- I'm ugly y/n. My body is disgusting you-you won't like me anymore, ”
Your eyes widened, “what?”
“You heard me, ” Tomura said, wiping away tears, “I hate myself, and you would too, ”
“That's bullshit, ” you said, “I think you're beautiful, ”
He scoffed, “you've never even seen me in shorts before now. How would you even know?”
“Because I’ll think you're beautiful no matter what, Tomura Shigaraki, ” you said, “and nothing could ever change that, ”
He shook his head and turned to walk away, but you took his hips and pushed him against the wall. You grabbed his face and kissed him harshly. You kissed his forehead next, the scar on his eye, both of his eyelids, his cheeks, the scar on his lips, and the mole under them.
“You have such a pretty face. You have gorgeous eyes, Tomura. I love kissing you, ” you whispered between kisses.
You kissed away a few stray tears that fell and pressed your forehead to his as he cried.
“Please don't look at me, ” he whispered, pressing his face into your neck.
Seeing him like this broke your heart. You held him as tight as you could, kissing the side of his head. You were going to kill whoever did this to him. You lifted his head and kissed him softly this time. You rubbed your hands up and down his sides. You sunk to your knees and kissed his thighs. Every scar was kissed and stroked lovingly even though your heart broke for him. You moved up his body to his stomach, lifting his shirt even though he tried to pull it down again. You kissed his stomach, soft, light kisses.
He started to relax a bit more, petting your hair instead of trying to pull down his shirt. You moved to his hands next, standing once again. You took his right hand and kissed his knuckles, then the top of his hand, and lastly, his palm. You repeated this on his other hand. You started kissing the scars on his neck, sucking softly. He moaned.
“That feels good y/n, ” he said, moving his hands to your hair.
“I'm gonna make you feel good, baby, don’t worry, ” you mumbled against his skin.
You bit the skin at the juncture of his neck, he groaned and whispered, “yes.” You kissed down to his collar bones, hearing his breathing get faster. This time you practically yanked off his shirt before he had time to stop you.
“So fucking beautiful, ” you said, standing back to admire him.
This time he didn't turn away from you but blushed and shut his eyes. You ran your hands up and down his chest and stomach. Shigaraki whimpered when you tweaked his nipple.
“Good boy, ” you whispered.
He nodded, “I wanna be your good boy. Please, ”
You smiled and brought his lips to yours again. You kissed his cheek and bit his ear softly.
“You're doing all the work, ” he said, “that's not fair. Besides shouldn't I be in charge? That's what it's like in...” he trailed off, embarrassed.
“No, ” you said, “I want to do this for you. I want to be in charge. I want to take care of you, baby. You deserve to relax, ”
He kissed you again, holding you tight to his chest.
“Tomura, ” you said, taking his hands in yours, “I have a question for you, ”
He nodded.
You leaned in and whispered, “how would you like to fuck my tits. You were staring at them all day so why don't you have a little fun with them, ”
He nodded frantically.
“Use your words, puppy, ” you said, scratching his head.
He groaned softly, “yes, please y/n, ”
You guided his hands to your still-clothed chest. He squeezed gently, cheeks growing bright red. You giggled and undid the back of your bikini, letting him see your tits without the thin material over them. He was practically drooling over you, wrapping his lips around your nipple. He sucked and licked them, causing you to moan. Every sound you made was a symphony to his ears, the most beautiful thing he’d ever heard, and he was desperate for more. He moved upwards to litter your neck with hickeys and coax more moans from your beautiful lips.
His long fingers found their way to the strings on the sides of your bikini bottoms. With one tug at the strings, they were around your ankles. It was your turn to blush at the exposure of your body while Tomura’s eyes gleamed. He was on his knees in mere seconds, admiring your sex. You felt self-conscious as he stared at your most intimate area.
“Please, ” he said, looking up at you, “can I taste?”
“Let me do something for you first, ok?” you said, “sit on the bench, ”
He nodded and did as he was told. You kneeled in front of Tomura and took off his pants before pushing your tits together around his cock. His eyes were as wide as saucers as he watched you. You looked up at him as you bounced, moving him between your breasts. He let out a strangled groan and threw his head back.
“That's my good boy, ” you praised, “that's my baby, feels good, yeah?”
He nodded.
“Use your words, puppy, ” you reminded him.
He bit his lip and blushed, still silent, except for his little noises.
“Aww, is someone feeling shy?” you asked.
He nodded and hid his face in his hands though it did little to hide the shy smile on his lips.
“If you want me to keep going, you're going to have to be a good pet for me, Tomura. Be a good boy and speak up, ” you said, pulling his hands away from his face.
“Feels good, ” he whispered.
You decided that was good enough and continued moving him between your boobs. You watched the head of his dick throb and pulse. He began whimpering as his thighs shook. He got louder, whining and moaning desperately.
“I know, baby, I know, ” you said in response to his beautiful noises.
He cried out whimpering.
“Y/n, ” he cried, “I need to cum, ”
“Hold just a little bit longer for me baby, ” you said.
“Can't, ” he cried out, “can't hold it y/n please lemme cum, ”
“Just a little longer, ” you promised, “be my good boy, ”
He whimpered and tensed up in concentration, trying his hardest. He struggled for a while longer begging and crying to cum.
“Go ahead, cum for me, Tomura, ” you said.
He came hard, splattering your chest with his cum. Tomura was left panting and shaking while drool dripped down his chin. His dick twitched a few times more as you let it free from between your boobs. He whined pathetically. You cleaned the sticky mess up as best you could.
“Shh sweetie, I know, I know, ” you said, sitting next to him and pushing hair out of his face.
You pulled him to your chest, watching and listening to him breathe.
“Now, can I taste?” Tomura whispered.
You kissed his forehead, “of course, puppy. Go ahead, ”
He sunk to his knees, spreading your thighs. He groaned when he saw your sloppy cunt drooling for his mouth. He licked a long stripe up your entire cunt, licking over and over. Focused on taste rather than pleasure, finally indulging himself in the delicious juices of your cunt. He grew needier for your moans, trying to find the right places to lick and suck. He found a little bud at the top of your cunt to suckle on and flick his tongue over. Tomura smiled from ear to ear at the sounds coming out of you. Every moan and whimper, every grunt and groan made his heart swell. His fingers once again found their way down, this time finally entering you.
Unpracticed thrusts turned into brushing your g-spot until he realized that curling his fingers was the way to go. Hearing your moans and lewd squelches was a fantastic prize to collect.
“I'm close, Tomura, keep going sweetie, ” you choked out.
You were close, oh god, yes, you were going to cum in his mouth. He ate you out with a passion, desperate for your gorgeous pussy to drip down his chin. Harder, faster thrusts. Stronger licks and desperate slurping. When you finally tensed, he moaned in premature ecstasy, ready for your delicious cum. The vibrations coaxed a gorgeous moan from you. Cum gushed from your pussy and into his waiting mouth, lapping it up like a starved puppy. You tried to shove him away, overstimulation stabbing your cunt. When he finally pulled away, his face was red and coated in your slimy juices, as well as his tongue lolling out of his mouth. He was panting and absolutely blissed out.
He crawled back to you, clinging to your legs.
“Good puppy, ” you praised him, “you did great, Tomura, ”
He grinned, hiding his face in your thigh and giggling. You pulled him up and onto your lap, kissing him on the nose.
“Do you want me to fuck you properly baby?” you asked.
His face fell, “I can't. I'm...I'm not hard. I'm sorry, ” he whispered, tears of embarrassment welling in his eyes.
“Oh, baby, ” you said, stroking his hair, “it's ok, Tomura. It’s ok. Don't worry baby, ”
He sniffled, “ Please don't be mad at me. ‘m sorry. I'm sorry y/n I-I’m a bad boy, ”
“No baby, no, ” you said, wiping away his tears, “you're not a bad boy. You're my good boy, my special boy, ”
He whimpered, bottom lip quivering. You rubbed his back, praising him.
“My good boy, my sweet boy. You did so well for me. Tomura, you're amazing, you're such a perfect boy Tomu, ” you whispered.
He nodded, trying to compose himself.
“Lets go swimming honey, ” you said, stroking his cheek.
He shook his head frantically, “n-no I don't want them to see me, ”
You looked him in his eyes, “you are beautiful. Now come on, we’re both sweaty. Besides, I think they'll be more focused on all the hickeys you gave me, ” you giggled.
He bit his lip.
“C’mon baby, ” you coaxed him, “can you be my good boy?”
He nodded hesitantly, “I'm...a good boy. But-but what if they make fun of me?”
“Then I’ll kill them, ” you smiled, “if they're going to disrespect you, they don't deserve to be in the league anyways, ”
His eyes widened, and a small smile played on his lips. He nodded and stood up, offering a hand to help you up. You accepted, and he pulled you up and to his chest. He held you there, pressing his face into your hair.
“Thank you, ” he whispered.
You kissed him, “my pleasure, ”
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yamagucji · 4 years
some tips for writing blogs, especially those who are just starting out. these are some things that works for me and may or may not work for others.
how to add a read more link on mobile
type :readmore: on a free space, then hit the enter or return button
personally i think they’re very helpful because it lessens the space you take up in your dash, and might encourage more people to rb
+ you can also add this on a spot where it gives a sort of cliffhanger, essentially making people want to ‘read more’
headers, banners, and dividers
though not necessary, it’s good to have a title for your work. make sure it’s bold and doesn’t blend in with your notes (aka pairing, warnings, etc.). this also helps when someone wants to look up one of your works in your search bar
i don’t really make banners or covers for my works. but some good apps that i know of would be picsart and canva. if you’re looking for ideas, i definitely recommend going into canva
wondering how to make those really small, thin dividers? you can make them using picsart! to make a divider hit tools > free crop > brush > size (adjust it to your preference > then draw a line along the edge of your photo > save
using the divider you just saved, go back to picsart and edit it again > draw option > hit rainbow square at the bottom left corner > hit suction/droplet symbol right below the check mark > color in the white spots bc for some reason picsart glitches and makes dividers look white-ish
new blog? just opened an account?
this is gonna sound really frustrating. but... tumblr needs to check if you’re a bot or not. what does this mean? it’s likely that your first few posts won’t show up on the search bar. you may not even get to edit your header/pfp yet ://
this happened to me and there was no visibility on my account at ALL. what helped me get ‘verified’ is that i followed a LOT of accounts, liked a bunch of posts, made some posts here and there. now that lets tumblr know you’re not a bot
the tumblr tagging system usually only allows the first 5 tags in your post to show up. so, what can do you about this? only use FIVE or less tags in your post. wait about 15 minutes or more until you can add some more tags in your post, and they usually all show up like that
another important thing about using tags is not to generalize! especially if you’re using a popular tag. but also don’t specify it too much where barely anyone looks it up. for example, if you’re writing a gn piece about oikawa, i recommend you use the tags such as: oikawa x reader, haikyuu x reader, oikawa x gn!reader, haikyuu headcanons, etc
a good rule of thumb is to use character x reader tags first, then leave the full name or fandom tag last
FOR NSFW: tumblr doesn’t let any tags with nsfw show up. so, give your nsfw works another tag. maybe #namegetspicy idk, you figure it out
FOR WARNINGS: especially if you’re a dark content creator, i highly encourage you to add tw:xyz tags. if you already have a warning note at the top then that’s great. but even better for readers who prefer to actually block these tags that way they never get to see it
another important thing to note is that people have different timezones. it helps if you rb your work at a different time of the day, in case people missed it! (icymi) i’ve noticed that reblogging helps to make your post show up in the tags
interaction + feedback
first and foremost, you are not obligated to write for your followers, and neither are your followers obligated to interact with you. remember that everyone has their own individual lives, and they have their own things to do— so do you, too.
make friends! become mutuals with other writers, visit their ask box. i know it can be daunting having to initiate these things, but you might just turn out to have fun! you can’t expect people to interact with you if you’re not interacting (back). it’s... kind of a two way thing yk? no need to be afraid to interact with other writers. oh, and rb other writers works!
pspsps join tag games or do ask games. it’s fun and very interactive
it never hurts to ask for feedback. i usually do this in a more subtle way because i don’t really expect a full on analysis on my works. maybe a little, is this okay? or feedback appreciated. sometimes it takes a little bit of coaxing for the silent readers
formatting your posts and blog
i generally put in the title at the top in big, bold letters
then comes the header/divider. helps to make the post more... visually appealing ig?
it’s important to add warnings (if any) and the pairing. the audience is not all female, and it might be a little frustrating for male readers having to find out its an x fem reader piece like halfway through your fic
if you have multiple works posted, it’s really really helpful to have a navigation page!
you can organize the posts you make with tags! for example, if you’re shitposting, you can use a specific tag for that. if you have a nsfw related post (ESPECIALLY when your blog is open to the general audience) please make a tag for it
themes + colors
if you have a color in mind but don’t know which direction to go from there, i recommend looking up color + aesthetic
looking to use the same color? download a name color app that’ll give you a hex code for any color you want to use. then, you can type in that hex code for when you’re choosing a color for your tumblr bio
wondering how to make your header image small like mine? just choose a photo for your header and turn off the stretch image option
want to use a different text color that tumblr doesn’t offer? it’s not as complicated as you think. you’ll have to go on a desktop to do this and do some html (but trust me, it’s not very difficult). look up “HTML noob but trying my best - how to use colored text on desktop”
^^ i don’t have the link for the color text tutorial so you can try looking it up
how to make an aesthetic navi and masterlist
step 1: decide a theme! if you’re stuck, think about a character + color/season/mood or look up “[insert] aesthetic” to find some inspiration. or you can try looking at other blogs too
step 2: find a color scheme! it’s easier if you choose fewer colors. if you want to use the same color for both divider and text, download a color name app in order to get the hex code of that color.
step 3: add categories to your navi! most navigation pages include a link to masterlist, about/byi, and rules. your navi should have a title that indicates that it’s... a navigation page. you can add thin colored dividers with the same color to make it easier for followers to navigate
step 4: you can choose to create a ‘cover’ or a picture for your navigation and masterlist! again, i recommend you use the canva app as a starting point
extra: search up emoticon symbols to spice up your titles!
reminder for you as a writer
you’re not obligated to do any of these things. i’ve noticed that we tend to build pressure on ourselves when it comes to content and interaction. remember, this !! is !! for !! fun !! when you realize that it’s no longer fun, then know that it’s time to take a break. and there’s nothing wrong with a bit of self care.
^^ c/p from this post lol
at the end of the day, follower count and interaction doesn’t define you. again for the love of beings, you’re here on your own accord.
will be adding more if needed/asked.
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char-lotteral · 3 years
I didn't ask you this before cause you don't allow anonymous asks but it's the end of my watch so come on, join the fun and give me your Top 5 NH fic 🎉
oohhh reallyy...?? Im gonna embarrass myself here but im still new to the whole tumblr thing buttt how do you allow anonymous ask....?? HAHAHAHAH (im sorry im embarrassing)
Alsoo!! I just wanted to add that I am fairly new to the Naruto fandom because I just started watching the show this quarantine and hands down, best decision of my life. After finishing the series, I immediately knew that I needed more NH content (i blame The Last, I did not expect all those lovey dovey interactions lol I love them)
Salvage by @waterrolls - THIS. this. this. Gorgeous. Spectacular. Heart Wrenching. Show stopping. This was one of my first NH fics that I found on Wattpad. (@waterrolls would know how much I gushed over this haha) Dont get me wrong, there a dozen beautiful fics over there, however when I read this, I instantly knew that this was the type of fics that I wanted to read. So thank you thank youu @waterrolls for inspiring me to write and for paving me the way to all these beautiful fics on Ao3 <3
Put on your warpaint by borzbois- OKAY STORYTIME! So I downloaded this on my phone back when we went on an outing for an entire weekend. Long story short, we rented a private resthouse for my big fam, we went to the beach, drinking with cousins, swimming etcetc all that jizz. And guess what my introverted ass did for the entire outing??? Thats right, i was in my own lil introverted corner reading this amazing fic. So just do yourself a favor and read it. Like NOW.
It's No Secret by @dayseternal-blog - I'm not usually one for HS fics cuz my highschool was messy as hell lol but @dayseternal-blog 's story made me wish I spent my highschool better hahaha. I love how she captured the immaturity of youth so perfectly well. (I just got out of higshschool so everything still feels so fresh, and her story was ridiculously realistic haha) all those awkard flirting, vid chats, raging hormones lmaooo.
Nightdreams by @dayseternal-blog - i've read this tooo many times already hahahaha. A perfect balance of fluff, flirting, smut, action scenes, Naruto's emotional dilemma, clingy boyf Nardo, more smut. One of the best smut stories you will ever find on your interwebs. @dayseternal-blog 's smut writing skills *chef's kiss
Engaged or whatever by Devanhole- Another ridiculously realistic fic. It's like youre peering into your friend's phone or ig accs. I loveeee modern aus. The humor, the interactions, the dirty talk/shameless flirting and the SMUT. ( i swear im not a perv, but you can definitely see a pattern here lmao)
bonus fics because i cant get enough of NH~~
Girl in the elevator by thesefourwords- hnggggg cute. cute. cute CUTEEEE
White Lillies by @dayseternal-blog - must i even explain myself? yknow what, just read all of her stories. Just go DO IT
Serenity Prayer by @katarinahime - yesyesyesyes read it read it read it read it.
Secret Lovers by @quirrrky - NH blank period, everything that happened two years after the war. I dont care what anyone says, this is canon. CANON. Everything about this story is canon. I am the new Kishimoto. This is now an official Light Novel of the Naruto series.
21 days by @bunny-hoodlum - Naruto and Hinata need a hug hahaha. Two broken ssouls seeking solace within each other because the world is just that fucked up
Common Side Effects and Medicated by @katarinahime and @szajnie respectively- Naruto and Hinata needd another hug lol, I love that Naruto is trying soo hard to bring her back, and Hinata is trying just as hard to bring herself back :(( relationships can really be self-destructive if one of the parties can't reciprocate the type of energy your partner is giving. These stories opened my eyes into soo many different perspectives. The world really isnt all black and white, you can never really say who is right and wrong, especially with all the stories of everything and everyone
White Kunai by Magma Writes- This was awesome. The story gets you hooked. The fluff is on point. Canon divergent. I lovee stories like these. Like your peering into their shinobi world
Love is in the air by @vegebulsoup - two words; PILOT NARUTO. Flirting in amsterdam, the love story that I need in my real life. Andd the smut was soooo gratifying.
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aonenthusiast · 4 years
Fanboying Aone (Drabble)
pairing: Aone Takanobu x Idol! Reader
genre: def just aone being adorable, so like fluff ig 
wc: 930 words:^)
a/n: i'm basing this off of monday’s melancholy(but i tweaked a few parts so its not completely the same) the song’s pretty catchy and i'm currently obsessed over it, it's a cute song so mayb like listen to it while reading this. its my first time writing a fic, so pls note that this is gonna be kinda crappy:DD
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Aone never really expected to be so into the idol, he just thoughtlessly entered the concert with the tickets he got from a friend, not thinking much of what he’s getting himself into.
He was getting impatient and was planning to go home, he was clearly tired from waiting and standing for a long time, that was until he heard the loud cheers. ‘Oh it’s starting’ He thought to himself. 
He’s invested in your performance. He can see how it was a bit hard for you to perform and how it must be a pain for you to keep your outfit and appearance in place as you’re moving around the stage. Despite that he was thoroughly impressed by how you still manage to put a smile on your face to please the crowd. 
He was in a daze watching your performance, amazed at every aspect of it. Your eyes, your voice, the way you dance, everything seems to work well. “How adorable” whispered to himself, a small smile forming in his usually stoic face. 
He was unsure of what this giddy feeling he has while watching your performance unfold, that was until.
Your eyes met with his, and you smiled at him. He felt his heartbeat going wild, and blood rushing rapidly to his face. ‘Ah, is this what people call love at first sight’ he giggled to himself quietly, trying his best to not burst out and keep his cool when inside he’s busting with adoration, insides doing flips and butterflies going wild in his stomach. 
He couldn’t help but sing along with you, some people beside him found it amusing. It’s not everyday that you see a ridiculously tall man with a scary face enjoying a cutesy concert and singing along with it with a small smile on his face, and his body moving along the beat, doing small dances. 
I’ve fallen into an impossible love, with someone who’s out of my reach.
Now here he is, preparing to come to your next concert, impulsively buying some glow-sticks and other things he thinks will be needed when attending concerts. Feeling flustered just by the thought of you, oh he can’t wait until your next performance.
He also started writing you letters, remaking them again and again not satisfied with what he makes. He smiles proudly after making one he’s pretty happy with, hoping you’ll read and treasure his letter for you.
As the usual fan would, he’d download your songs, occasionally listening to it whenever he can. Buying merchandise to support you, even attending meet and greets just to see you up close. 
Aone tried his best to be subtle about his undying love for you, but as time passes his friends started to notice a few changes. How he’s usually seen listening to music more, how he randomly just stares into space and smiles a bit. How his eyes light up whenever someone talks about you. 
He definitely isn’t slick at all, his friends finding out about his big fat crush on you when they randomly come over his place and sees the plethora of your merch and basically everything he spent his money on. But of course they didn’t judge him, most of them are fans of yours too, they understand. 
He eventually just gave in and began to openly like you. Everyone is surprised hearing him talk more than before, what shocks them the most is the fact that he usually just talks about you., and instead of finding it creepy they found it extremely adorable for a man like him to gush over such an adorable idol.
In summary, he’s a big fan of you and he embraces that fact and is content with it. He never thought of being one of those stalkers. Stan respectful fan aone thank you.
However, after a few years news of you retiring from being an idol went around, which devastated a bunch of fans, including Aone. 
‘ah nobody still sitting next to me, why am i still not used to it’ Aone thinks to himself pulling out his earphones playing some music to pass the time on the train. He was still a fan of you but not as much as he was back when you were still active. 
Quietly listening to his music, he smiles, this is the song you performed when he first attended your concert. How nostalgic. 
He was in his own world until he felt a small tap on his shoulder, “ is anyone sitting beside you?” a familiar voice asked, he looked up removing his earphones, eyes widening “you're…” the figure smiles at him. 
“Oh my, do you know me from before?” the voice giggles taking a seat next to him after he gestures for them to sit down. “I was a big fan” Aone awkwardly scratches the back of his head smiling stiffly.
He may not be as much of a fan as he was before but his love for you still hasn’t died down. “So how have you been? It’s been a few years since you retired from being an idol” He starts again, trying to open up conversation. 
You two chatted for a bit, exchanging a few stories along the way until it was your stop. 
Aone keeps seeing you on the train, occasionally sitting down with him. He was still a bit awkward being this close to the person he adores but he finally mustered up the courage to maybe get closer to you
“Hey, wanna grab some coffee with me when you're free?”
“Sure why not”
Seems like his impossible love from a few years ago became possible. 
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angryschnauzer · 5 years
Hello. So I want to try my hand at writing fics but I’m not sure that they will be any good. I was wondering if you had any advice for me to get started. Any rules of thumb that are important to remember or suggestions. I’m really scared I’m gonna mess this up! Thanks!
My advice is to just do it! Give it a go! I’ve been writing fanfic for almost 5 years now, and i can still remember the day i wrote my very first story; i had wanted to read a story i’d had in my mind but no-one was taking requests. So i sat down, opened MS Word and just typed. I let my fingers just flow to get words down onto paper, and 3000 words in we had a powercut and i lost the majority of what i’d written! Anyway thankfully most of it was recoverable but i learnt in that very first instance that the most important part of writing is to SAVE YOUR WORK REGULARLY!
So, actual useful advice? There are no rules of thumb. You can write whatever and however you like. However my personal advice is as follows;
1. Use a writing software such as MS Word or Google Docs, the latter much better if you use multiple devices to write on. It also makes it easier if you want someone to pre-read (beta) it, as you can just send a link to them. 
2. You can decide if you want to write in chapters, or just have one long story, but i do find that if you start to head into 3000+ words its easier for the reader if you split it down into chapters/parts. Sometime people will look at a wordcount and see 10k words and go “eeep i don’t have time to read that right now without losing my place” but will happily start reading a story that is 12k words if its split into 4 chapters. 
3. Have some idea of what you want your story to have as a plot. Notebooks are your friend, and you will soon start to see inspiration everywhere and its so annoying if you think of something awesome only to not make a note of it and know that when you get home/time to write, you know you *had* an idea, but can’t for the life of you remember what it was.
4. Don’t be afraid to let ideas grow once they are down on paper. Like i mentioned at the start, my first fanfic was one i’d wanted to read, however in my mind it was a Pirate Alternate Universe, but what it turned into was a Cops/Thief love triangle. 
5. Write whatever genre you like! Smut, Angst, Fluff, Drama, Romance; there is an audience for it all. Sometimes smut stories will get hundreds of notes/views and it can be disheartening if you don’t feel comfortable writing sexual scenarios, only to feel your fic languishes behind. What you need to remember is you have to write for YOU. Unless you take requests, write what you want to read. 
6. Tagging. This is the important one. I don’t mean tagging other blogs to read your work, no, what i mean is put brief details at the start of the story. ie: pairing (character x character, character x reader, or character x original character etc), genre: smut/angst/fluff, fandom: Marvel, DC, SPN etc, and then if you have any particular warnings in the story content such as; death, sexual acts, abuse, non consensual. It is far better to mention these warnings at the start of your story then its the readers responsibility as to whether or not they choose to read it, rather than leaving it in your hands hoping people won’t be offended. For example a huge trigger for me is Miscarriage/Loss of a Child. I’ve been reading fantastic stories in the past, some by good friends who even asked me to beta their work, only to be blindsided without warning a traumatic life experience on paper. 
7. For the LOVE OF GOD use paragraphs, comma’s, and when you have speech, use “quotation marks”. It can be so jarring on the eyes if people don’t follow those three simple steps. I’ve given up on reading very promising stories in the past that used to put dialogue -like this- and it just didn’t read right. Also SPELLCHECK. 
8. Once you’ve written something and posted it (where-ever you chose to post it; Tumblr, AO3, Wattpad), or even before its published, you can always ask a friend or a blog you admire if they would like to read it and give constructive criticism. But also bear in mind that if its someone you don’t know, and its a long story, they may decline as we all have busy lives. 
9. Finally i find that if you are posting on Tumblr (or even a link to AO3), a moodboard header image really helps draw the eye and can give the reader a great mental image of what your story’s world looks like. Think of it as a cover of a book or DVD cover. Tumblr has obviously cracked down now on anything vaguely sexual in images (OH GOD DON’T INCLUDE NIPPLES THEY ARE THE DEVILS TEATS) but putting together a multi shot image in much simpler than you’d think. I use my smartphone and 2 apps; Instagram Layout (you don’t have to have IG to use it); i download photos from google images and pop them in where i want them in the layout, then i use an app called Phonto to add in words/text for the title. Sometimes you will need to shrink the image size once its completed as it does make the images fairly large in MB size, but apart from that i find it really helps to draw the readers eye to a story. 
Anyway, that’s all! Have fun writing and i hope 2019 brings you a fantastically creative year!
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fanfictionhopper · 4 years
Okay so I think my bad habit is kinda never introducing myself like- in any of the socmeds so- bcs I've embarrassed myself and creeped ppl out in twitter alr, I'm just gonna introduce myself here.
So- I'm a she/her, 22, honestly I would use my usual alias but apparently that name got busted irl and my irl friends call me that sometimes so to avoid any risk, feel free to call me as shura or rozen or hopper, eh. I don't usually stay in one fandom for long bcs of my half-assedness but apparently kuroo manages to rig me here for quite some time now. Let's see how long it'll last.
To take my half-assedness one step further, i'm an half-assed anime lover, lololol. I prefer reading manga to anime, i no longer even follow the recent animes. The last anime i completed was Violet Evergarden and that's it. Ye, I didn't even watch hq, i got roped in here because of kuroo, stayed for like... 200-ish chapters of the manga bcs for him and the rest- i just kinda figure it out by wikis and ppl's fics and posts and ig posts of hq that are starting to fill my explore page. That's why i'm kinda reluctant to join the fandom bcs i do things halfway okay. I don't have a big enough heart to love and adore all the characters but i kinda wish to meet some fellow kuroo simps. /cries/
Most animes I watched and finished, even through mutiple seasons are only stuffs like Mushishi and Aria (amano kozue's) bcs i'm weak to those kind of soft and slice of life stuffs YwY clamp's works are so frickin' ✨ too. I read random manga that catches my eye but i totally love manga like kusuriya no hitorigoto or manga that teaches you random stuffs of life, really. There were also two mangas about bartenders, one was a male bartender while the other was a female and I discovered the term 'bar hopper' where ppl just basically hops from one bar to the other in a night to taste these bars' gin and tonic and that's exactly where i got my inspiration as a reader of fanfictions :)))
I did have favorite bois before but i think it's limited to one per anime- i prefer ootoya in utapri, sebas in black butler, mikazuki in touranbu, i did like izaya before switching to masaomi in drrr, kaito in vocaloid was one of my main bois (i was as obsessed as right now to the point of downloading his music and covers from youtube as audio, wrote one or two of his fic during ff net yo vocaloid was fun times bcs i draw inspiration from songs and their song stories were SO GOOD back then), saru of k project (that boi straight up having THREE kings' power and i got weak spots for pretty bois with messed up pasts YwY saru bby main boi too, straight up wrote his fic with misaki, mikoto and reishi in one chapter lololol), ray in tpn (god i love it so much when norman and emma are baby-ing him dem this boy needs to chill ugh), and now- kuroo :")))) and i love my bois as bottom don't ask why i don't even know myself it's pure torture sometimes especially during sebastian's phase
Bbc's merlin was a wild phase to be in too tho, the fanfics are straight up on all kind of universe and deep plots on varying degrees, fun times
I draw or write or watch anime straight up based on my will and even with the story ideas, i have yet in the mood to write stories so it's mostly just collecting notes in my phone. Kinda leaning more to drawing nowadays. Reading manga / webtoon is an always.
I'm into the isekai genre too but i totally love them when other characters are developed too, kinda like shield hero and my current love, omniscient reader (still can't read their novel tho, i'm not good with novels, i'll patiently wait for the webtoon), solo leveling is no good for me even of my friends' hype, too focused on the MC YwY it's good, ye, but it's preference i guess.
I frequent MRM for yaoi mangas and dem bro i got recs up my sleeves if you ever want some but i'm most definitely into 'black-haired' bottom and most i saved bcs of their fluff and wholesomeness if you're interested- anyways. This is long enough, I'm sorry YwY.
And anyways, I've got AO3 and twitter if y'all interested, same profpic, fanfiction swinger in AO3 and shura_rozen in twitter. I'm not active much bcs i don't know what to post lololol mostly just on these socmeds for fun and discover gorgeous kuroo's art and i intend to make a thread for my favorite fics and pixiv artists so-
Feel free to drop a message or a hi, I'm putting this introduction here bcs i'm not the best at initiating introductions like do i just reply to their posts casually and go from there (bcs ig artists lately are really friendly they reply to story replies) or do i specifically dm ppl but i'm always afraid that i'm imposing on my kuroo simpness. I don't want ppl to hate kuroo bcs they think a kuroo fan (aka me) is toxic- i- but anyways, ye. YwY
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scaramoon · 3 years
HII LORE this is a cry for help /j — i’ve run out of aether and xingqiu fics/imagines to read HAHA (this is actually painful...there are a bunch of unrelated genshin fics under aether’s fic tags i’m having a hard time here /hj) so i came to ask for your recommendations if u have any ( ;∀;)
other than that, 1.6 is coming out and i think my storage is going to have a meltdown (by storage i also mean my mentality) but ...klee rerun (*゚▽゚*) i’m still having a difficult time choosing between klee and kazuha 😭 ive always wanted klee but kazuha ahajsjsj — anyways inazuma looks so pretty im v excited. ALSO ALL OF THE LEAKS HELP (i won’t say anything in case u want to avoid them)
—hacker (im sorry feel free to split this ask if necessary KDJSKS)
bestie where did you find the fics. where did you find them. WHERE ARE THEY I CANT FIND ANY 😀
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and i haven’t ,,, i haven’t downloaded the preinstallation yet 😀👍 genshin will be the end of my phone i stg. i was attempting to avoid leaks ngl but mihoyo really decided to become the leaker so idk LMFSN inazuma does look really pretty though, i’m gonna hate the 6374 year maintenance but i’m excited >:)
hm,, swirl is a really nice reaction but valley of remembrance is a bitch so ig it kinda of depends on which element you like more.
BUT HELP NO I DIDNT HEAR THAT WHDBF i always say lucifer isnt my favorite and then i hear his voice 😞
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lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
So imagine this the reader is a hero and shigaraki is a villain of course anyways shiggy falls head over heels for the reader and always tries to get there attention while the reader does find shigaraki cute but he’s being a pain in the ass always destroying things and making messes, reader kidnapped him and  Using him as a fuck toy ( of course our little  pervert is enjoying this ) anyways the reader straight up tells him if he behaves and start doing good things he’ll get rewarded and actually get to cum, long story short tahts how shigaraki stopped being a villain and destroying things
If you want to use interactive fics, it's easy and makes reading fics SO much better. First, you download the Google Chrome extension. You'll see it in the top right corner of your screen. Next, you enter your name in the first box. If you want to change something other than y/n, please click on the text that says “want to change something other than y/n?” here, you can change any word you want to a different word. When I talk about your quirk I will use y/q
Anon, I am excited to say that all of your requests are done and I'm soooooo excited
This feeds my saviour complex 🤤
Warnings: edging, blowjob, Shiggy cums in your mouth, lol, fingering (female), vaginal sex, porn (filming), Tomura wasn't as submissive as I planned and pretty much doms you in the end 😞. He's kinda subby at the beginning tho. THIS COULD’VE BEEN SO MUCH BETTER IM MAD. If this gets 1,000 notes, I'll rewrite it 😏 I never say shit like that but yolo ig.
I love you all and hope you eat food and drink some water.
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“Shiggy why the actual fuck are we here? It’s the middle of nowhere and that hero y/n’s base is here, ” Dabi complained.
“Shut up. I’m your boss, ” he said, giddy with excitement.
He was so excited to see you: your cool quirk and costume, your pretty voice and face. Plus you’d pay attention to him. You both fought close range, so he’d be able to get a good look at you. He'd get to admire how beautiful you looked up close. The last time he saw you, he swore you were blushing at him. It wasn't like him to flirt with heroes. That was Dabi’s thing, but he couldn't resist.
“Dabi burn that down, ” he ordered.
“Yes boss, ” he muttered, setting the building ablaze.
It was the sixth time in two weeks blue flames were seen from out your window. You sighed, stretched and walked towards the burning building.
“Again?!” you said, saving the last of the people inside.
“I just couldn't resist, ” Tomura smiled, “I missed you y/n if you’d just give me your number, we wouldn't have to do this, ”
“In your dreams, creep, ” you scoffed.
“You're so mean to me, “ he pouted, letting you dodge his punch on purpose.
“God fucking damn it Shigaraki. Stop burning my shit down!” you yelled in frustration.
“Then go out with me. Then I'll quit burning things down. Please y/n? I promise, ” he said.
You groaned, “no, Shigaraki, I won't go out with you, ”
“I love it when you say my name, ” he sighed, “you have such a pretty voice y/n, ”
You slapped him on the back, tripping him with your other foot.
“Just get out of here, ” you said.
“Fine, fine, but i’ll be back for you my love!” he called as he stumbled into the warp gate.
You smiled to yourself. Shigaraki was kind of cute, but he always made such a mess. It was a shame, really.
A bruise-covered Tomura stumbled upstairs. Normally he’d be mad that an enemy marked up his avatar but they were your bruises. Proof that you had touched him with those gorgeous hands. He shrugged off his coat to find a note stuck to it.
It was your number. You gave him your number. He practically skipped downstairs. He slid into the seat beside Dabi and waved the note in his face.
“She gave me her number, ” Shigaraki bragged.
“Ha, funny story, ” Dabi deadpanned, lighting a cigarette.
“Whatever, I don't need you to believe me, ” he said.
He walked upstairs and sat on the bed to make a contact for you. He put you as ‘y/n <3’ with his favorite picture of you. The picture was from your very first fight. You and All Might were smiling at the camera. He had bought photoshop for two reasons, the first to get All Might out of the picture and second, so he could enhance the photo of you. He ran a finger over your digital face.
“So pretty, ” he whispered, “my pretty y/n, ”
Shigaraki finally worked up the courage to text you.
I knew you'd give in eventually y/n
He put his phone down and started playing his game. Before he knew it, hours had gone by. He checked his phone.
I knew you'd give in eventually y/n
Whatever come see me
I'm not dumb y/n this is a trap
I thought you liked me
I promise it’s not a trap
And I never thought I'd say this but I do like you Shigaraki
Even if you make a mess of the city
Get over here before I change my mind creep
📍 y/n sent their location 📍
Shigaraki gave Kurogiri the adress.
“Here. Now, ” he ordered, putting on his artist's gloves.
The warp gate opened, and he took a shaky breath before stepping through. He entered your living room, it was surprisingly cozy, and you had lit a fire. You weren't in the room, so he sent you another text.
I'm here
He heard you open the door and walk in.
“Hey creep, ” you said.
You sat in front of him on the couch.
“You can sit but if you want to keep standing there like an idiot go ahead, ” you said.
He scoffed, “the real idiot is the person who let a villain walk into her house after sending him her location, ”
“Touche, ” you responded, “but I know you'd never hurt me. The city and everyone else is fair game apparently,”
“Just let go of the whole destroying cities thing, ” he said, putting an arm around you, “I was just doing it to impress you, ”
“The only thing that was impressive is all the extra hours I had to put in, ” you snapped.
The room fell silent.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you, but you do really stress me out, Shigaraki, ” you sighed, “so I guess it’s only fair that you help me relax, ”
You straddle his lap, putting your hands in his hair
“You're going to live here from now on and pay off your debt to me, Shiggy. And if you're good, you'll even get a reward, ” you said, tapping your finger on his nose.
“What do you mean rela- oh, ” he said, realizing what you meant.
“You don't have to if you don't want to, baby, ” you said, kissing his forehead, “you'd never hurt me, and I'd never hurt you, ”
You wiggled your hips in his lap, “although something tells me you want this as much as I do, Shiggy, ”
“Yeah whatever, ” he mumbled, embarrassed, “go ahead, ”
“You sure?” You asked, nuzzling the side of his neck.
The only time you touched people as a pro-hero was if you were fighting them or saving them. Having Shigaraki here was so nice. He was rubbing your back and holding you. Despite being with a villain, you felt so safe.
“I'm sure, y/n, ” Shigaraki said.
He moved your face in front of his and kissed you. Neither of you had much experience when it came to kissing or romance in general. You were too busy fighting each other. All things considered, your first kiss was pretty good. You never thought you'd have a villain in your house, let alone on your lips. He rubbed his hands up and down your waist.
“Use me however you want y/n you deserve it, baby. I trust you, ” he mumbled against your lips.
It didn't take long for the two of you to strip, shoving your tongues into each other a mouths. Shigaraki didn't really know what to do. He mostly learned from porn. He just kind of rubbed your cunt smiling when you jumped as he found your clit. He learned quickly, rubbing it harshly as you whined into his mouth. He found your hole after a while, pressing a finger in. One didn't really do anything for you so he pressed in another one confused that it wasn't causing the reaction he wanted.
He started wiggling his fingers around until he felt an extra squishy part inside of you and rubbed it, causing you to start moaning again. He brought his other hand to your clit, letting you hump his hand.
“Shigaraki, ” you whined, “please don't stop, ”
“Not gonna stop, baby, ” he said, “don’t worry, ”
You didn't expect him to get you to cum his first try, but soon, you were feeling the pleasure intensify until it broke, ripping through your body.
“No more baby, ” you groaned, “too much, ”
He pulled his hands away and pressed his forehead to yours.
“Thank you for letting me touch you like that y/n, ” he said.
“Its time for me to return the favor, ” you smiled knowing exactly what you wanted.
You lowered yourself onto him, adjusting as he groaned at the feeling of you around him. You felt so warm and wet, so tight around him. He bucked into you when you finally started bouncing. His nails dug into your hips. You decided to rile him up.
“Gonna make you cum so hard, baby, ” you said, nearly giggling, “gonna make you feel so good,”
You reached down to your clit, throwing your head back. His size made it quite easy to get yourself off, and before you knew it, you were right on the edge. You pushed yourself to cum as fast as possible, moaning and whimpering.
“So close baby, ” he groaned as your orgasm finished.
“Too bad, ” you said getting off of him, “did you really think you deserve to cum? After all the trouble you caused? You're gonna have to work for it Tomura Shigaraki, ”
“What the hell, ” he said, “that's not fucking fair. I made you cum twice, isn't that enough?”
“After all the shit you've done? No, no, no, baby, the only way you're gonna get to cum is if you start cleaning up your fucking messes. We’re going out tonight to help clean up that building you burnt up, ”
“No the fuck we’re not. I'm leaving. Fuck you, ” he said.
“Ah ah ah, ” you said, grabbing his phone and pressing two buttons, “kurogiri can't send any warp gates, and your quirk is neutralized. Plus, I'm keeping this phone, ”
He was livid. Maybe you were the real villain here.
“Dont look so sad baby, if you work hard enough, you could cum in the next couple of days. Until then, you're mine to fuck whenever and however I want, ” you said.
He scoffed, “I'm a villain y/n I'm not gonna let everyone see me acting like a fucking hero, ”
“Have fun being edged every day then, and no, you're not allowed to get yourself off. I can't trust you not to, so you're forcing me to tie you up. If only you would come to help your wonderful girlfriend who's just trying to help you have a better life, ” you said.
“Girlfriend?” he sputtered.
“Mhm, ” you said, “I like you, Shigaraki don't you remember? And you asked me out yesterday, ”
He stood there dumbfounded.
“Come on. I'm tired let's get to bed, ” you said, taking his hand.
You walked into the bathroom with him.
“Here I got you pajamas and a toothbrush. Do you need anything else?” you asked.
“No I'm good. Thanks, ” he said.
“No problem baby, ” you said, ruffling his hair.
You brushed your teeth and put on pajamas. You caught him by surprise and tied his hands together.
“Hey what the hell?” he said.
“Shiggy, I told you I couldn’t trust you to be a good boy. You forced my hand, ” you said, leading him to bed.
You both laid down, and you pulled him into your chest, cuddling him close.
“Mmm, good night Shiggy, ” you said.
“Fuck you y/n...goodnight, ” he grumbled.
You giggled and kissed the top of his head. Over the next few weeks, Shigaraki became more and more irritable. It was so annoying to be pushed to the edge every day just to watch you take his orgasm away.
“Fine!” he yelled, on the sixth week of his stay “fine! I'll clean up all the buildings Dabi burned down yesterday! Just let me cum y/n, baby, just let me cum, ” he begged.
You smiled and hugged him tightly, “oh Shiggy, I knew you'd give in and help me! I'm so proud of you. C’mon let's go right now and you can cum after. Any way you want baby, ”
To everyone's surprise, Shigaraki did a great job of cleaning up the building in record time. However, he did threaten everyone at least five times until you shot him a look to make him utter a ‘sorry.’ he had earned his phone back after that since he did such a good job.
He got his shit rocked that night, cumming until he was shaking and crying. Begging you for more.
“Please y/n please let me cum again, m-more I want more, ” he begged.
“Tell me how much you want it baby. Tell me how bad you need to cum, ” you said, taking him in your mouth again.
“Please, ” he cried, “please y/n I need it so bad, ”
You spent hours fucking him, fucking him even though you were over stimulated to the point of tears.
Meanwhile, the league was falling apart without him and disappearing almost completely. It was no secret that people were looking for him, but he was with other heroes all the time. They had no chance at getting him back.
‘So this is what it’s all about,’ he thought, ‘sure y/n is getting paid but not for this. Y/n cleans up and helps people for free. She never gets paid when she's helping behind the scenes. Neither do her friends. Maybe I had it all wrong. Maybe I was right about heroes when I was a kid, ‘
“Y/n, ” he said one night, “I want to get my license. I want to be a real hero, just like I wanted when I was a kid. I was wrong. I was wrong about all of this, ”
You smiled and kissed him hard, “I knew you'd come around, Tomura. You deserve a special reward, baby, ”
He grinned, “what did you have in mind?”
“Mmm, how would you like to show the entire world that I'm all yours?” you asked.
“Id fucking love that y/n, ” he said.
You kissed him. It was messy and loving. He left hickeys all over your neck, snapping picture after picture.
“You want to take a few of me a sucking your cock? Want a fucking video for everyone to see? Let everyone know I suck your cock? Yeah, do you want that baby?” you teased, settling between his legs.
“Do you when have to ask?” he said grabbing your hair on a ponytail, “go on baby, don't be shy, ”
He had his phone in his hand as you licked a long strip up his shaft.
“Tell them who you belong to, baby, ” he groaned.
“You, ” you said, sucking on the head of Shigaraki’s cock making him moan, “I belong to you, Shiggy, I'm yours baby, ”
“That's right, ” he whispered.
You started bobbing your head as he moved more hair out of your face zooming in on you.
“Smile for the camera baby, ” he teased.
You smiled around his cock as best you could while still sucking him off. He kept the camera trained on your face as he shoved you down the rest of the way, causing you to gag. He whispered out a quiet ‘fuck’ as you struggled around him.
“Oh fuck, ” he groaned, using your mouth, “almost there, baby, keep taking my cock come on you can do it y/n, ”
You sucked harder trying to use your tongue as much as you could. You felt him pull you so your mouth was around his tip cumming in your mouth instead of your throat.
“Show them, baby, ” he said, zooming in on your mouth, “show them all the cum you took, ”
You opened your mouth, some dribbling down your chin.
“Swallow sweetie, ” he cooed.
You swallowed and opened your mouth again to show that it was empty.
He chuckled, “good job baby, ” he said petting your hair.
He stopped the video watching some of it through.
“Good job y/n you're a natural, ” he smirked.
You giggled and kissed his inner thigh.
“Lay down on your back on the bed for me, baby, ” he said, walking with you to the bedroom.
He ran his hand over your body, squeezing your tits and thighs.
“So pretty baby, ” Shigaraki whispered, panning the phone up your body.
You giggled, spreading your legs for him.
“God y/n look at that baby. So fucking wet for me. Just for me, ” he said
He ran a finger through the wetness between your legs. Once Shigaraki’s finger was coated, he brought it up to your mouth, getting a good view of your face as you sucked it clean. He laughed and dragged the finger back down your body to push it into you. He quickly added a second finger and working you up until you were moaning and moving against him frantically.
“Right there, ” you moaned, “please Shiggy I'm gonna, ”
“Go on, baby, let them see you cum for me, babe, ” he urged, bumping your clit with his thumb.
Your legs started shaking as you got louder, letting go around his fingers for the whole world to see. Thinking about that, everyone seeing a pro-hero brought to her knees by the most powerful ex villain.
“Want you inside, ” you muttered, “want you inside me, please Shiggy, ”
He smirked and lined you up, rubbing his cock against you before sliding in as your back arched.
“Shiggy, ” you whined, “baby please move, please fuck me, ”
“Sure princess, ” he snickered.
He got a good angle and started to thrust slowly. You whimpered, gripping the sheets as he began to speed up, listening to your moans and the squelch of your cunt as he plunged into you. He began to speed up, alternating between your face as you got lost in pleasure and the way his cunt hugged his cock. Shigaraki kept up a steady pace for a while before throwing it all away to fuck you ruthlessly, letting your tits bounce for the camera as you became more and more desperate for release.
“Shigaraki, ” you cried, “I need to cum, baby. Please, ”
He brought a finger down to your clit, rubbing slow circles that increased in speed slowly until he was rubbing it ruthlessly. Your moans only got louder as you bucked against him.
“I'm gonna cum, ” you whispered.
“Louder, baby, ” he said, starting to lose control.
“I'm gonna cum!” you cried.
“Do it, baby. Come on, let them see you lose control, let them see what I fucking do to you. Cum for me y/n.”
Your back arched, eyes rolled back as you let out a loud broken moan. Shigaraki moaned as he zoomed in on your face, contorted in pleasure.
“Fuck baby I'm gonna cum. Gonna cum inside of you baby girl, ” he grunted getting faster.
He let out a long moan as he halted inside of you, letting his cock shoot cum inside of you. He stayed still, panting before pulling out slowly. He let the camera focus on the sticky white liquid oozing out of you.
“Fuck, ” he whispered.
He dipped his finger into you and had you lick the cum off of it.
“I love you, ” he whispered, bracing himself for rejection.
“I love you too, ” you said, pulling him into a kiss with the phone forgotten.
The video was stopped as he pulled you close to him. Shigaraki held you to his chest, rubbing circles on your back.
“Guess what I'm drawing, ” he said, tracing a heart on your back.
“A flower?” you guessed.
“Nope, ” he said, kissing the top of your head, “a heart, ”
He grabbed his phone again, posting the videos.
“There we go, ” he whispered, “now they'll know you're all mine,”
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