#gondola plush
gogolizards · 9 months
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reigen plush is one well traveled little guy
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whiteantcrawls · 1 year
Available for immediate shipping--Gondolas!
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I have two 18″ and two 24″ plush gondolas available for immediate shipping, for your Christmas shopping. 
18″ are $80.00 USD. 24″ are $95.00 USD. Shipping for either is a flat $10.00, just through the end of this year. 
Message me here or email me: [email protected]
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wildbeautifuldamned · 1 month
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9 Teddies Around The World Plush Christmas Bears Ornament Christopher Radko 2002 ebay marsmit_305
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maskyish · 10 months
ZOOL - Shuffle Talk 2022 (Episode 3)
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
Please note: I am NOT a professional and my level of JP is very, very basic. I do this for practice and to share with other fans for fun. Please take my translations with a grain of salt as there may be mistakes. If you see any, please let me know and I can correct them. If anyone else has this card and wants to translate this at any time then please feel free to do so!
Haruka: Whoa! Look, look! The night illumination started! 
Touma: Wow, it’s really magical compared to during the day…! The view from the suspension bridge is remarkable! (1) 
Touma: Until the shoot starts back up, we’re free to walk around as we’d like, right?! 
Minami: Yes. Utsugi-san will call us when it’s time. 
Touma: Is it alright that Haru didn’t take a nap? He looked a little sleepy. 
Minami: Yesterday after dinner we swam in the pool at Sentosa Island, and went to the night safari at night, so we stayed up late sight-seeing. 
Haruka: I won’t get tired over that much. You’re exaggerating over a yawn. 
Haruka: Rather, wouldn’t that be Touma? He’s been half asleep since this morning, not to mention the bedhead. It was like a chicken comb. 
Minami: Fufu. He had an impressive antenna on his head. It was cute. 
Torao: I took a picture of it too, I’ll put it in the group chat later. 
Touma: Haha! You even took a picture! Hasn’t the amount of photos in the group chat’s album increased quite a lot the last 2 days? 
Touma: It was really tough to pick out which photo to send to Utsugi-san yesterday. 
Minami: Everyone took a lot of pictures. But thanks to that, we were able to get the OK from Utsugi-san who said, “A wonderful, lovely ZOOL!”
Haruka: ….. Just checking, wasn’t our original concept madness and destruction?  
Touma: A lovely ZOOL is good. An idol who combines both madness and lovely, could you find it elsewhere? 
Minami: Well, I suppose not. And besides, I also think it’s a lovely photo. 
Torao: Yeah, I thought you were out of your mind wearing the deformed merlion headgear, but it was lovely. 
Minami: Combined with the t-shirts bought from Isumi-san’s suggestion, we had the feel of happy tourists. 
Haruka: Something like that shows closeness better. Plus it’ll be a memento. I also like the photo quite a bit. 
Touma: I know right! That feeling of being in high spirits is nice! 
Torao: That photo is nice, but I like this one. Haruka and Touma having fun on the gondola. 
Touma: Woah, when did you take this?! 
Haruka: We’re both sticking to the window like children. It’s too embarrassing…. 
Minami: Fufu. You were both so captivated by the scenery outside.
Haruka: That’s because if the weather is good, you can see as far as Indonesia…. 
Torao: Haha. It’s a nice photo, huh? 
Touma: Then, I won’t lose either. It’s Mina and Tora looking at Merlion plushies. They were choosing so earnestly. 
Torao: Oh, at the souvenir shop Minami said that if I put it in my room then it would raise my good fortune, so I wanted to choose a worthy plush. 
Haruka: Huh? A plush in Torao’s room…? 
Minami: Yes, but it didn’t have to be a plush, anything white would have been fine since Midou-san doesn’t have many belongings. I just thought it would be nice to have one cute item. 
Touma: Haha, that’s true! Tora’s room is so clean that I get a little nervous when I go, so maybe this is just what he needs! 
Torao: Minami, I thought you were seriously choosing, but that was the reason? 
Torao: Well, it’s fine if it’s just one. I’ll leave it there so you guys don’t get nervous. 
Minami: Fufu, thank you. 
Minami: If it’s a picture taken at a souvenir shop, I recommend the one where Isumi-san is giving it his best effort to pick one, it’s very cute. 
Haruka: If you say that, then it’s the one with Minami’s happy face while eating dinner! 
Torao: There’s also a photo of Touma having fun on a swimming tube. 
Haruka: Ahaha! The one with his duck floatie! It really suited you! 
Touma: I-– I just rented the child one by mistake…!!!
ZOOL: Huh?! 
Shirou Utsugi: Oh, did I surprise you? 
Shirou Utsugi: Apologies. Everyone just had such good expressions. 
Touma: Ooh, you’re right! It’s a great photo!
Minami: Yes, today the 4 of us might just have the biggest smiles. 
Shirou Utsugi: The staff was also very pleased with the photoshoot from earlier. They were able to take good photos since your expressions were soft and relaxed. 
Haruka: That’s good, but…. ….. Now that you mention it, what about the first request? About wanting to show how close we are. 
Minami: Certainly, the director didn’t say anything of the sort during the shoot earlier. 
Torao: Will we shoot those situations after this? 
Shirou Utsugi: Regarding today’s rehearsal… I lied. 
ZOOL: You lied….?! 
Minami: What do you mean? 
Shirou Utsugi: Even if it’s for work, since it’s overseas I wanted everyone to enjoy their time off. 
Shirou Utsugi: I wanted you to go to various places, take many photos, and leave with many memories. 
Shirou Utsugi: If I didn’t say that, everyone wouldn’t have been able to take pictures together since you’re shy. (2)
Torao: It’s because we’re shy that it was a mission for us? 
Shirou Utsugi: Correct. However, due to this I did such deceptive behavior. I’m very sorry. 
Minami: Oh my. None of us felt deceived. 
Haruka: Yeah. It was fun to take pictures, too. Actually, if Utsugi-san hadn’t told us that, then I would’ve just taken some for social media. 
Touma: Rather, we’re grateful. Thanks to you, we have a lot of memories! 
Torao: Yeah, if there wasn’t a mission, we wouldn’t have been to so many tourist spots. 
Shirou Utsugi: I’m glad you think so. Thanks to everyone’s photos, it felt like I was traveling with you. 
Touma: Then, let’s take a photo with the 5 of us! 
Minami / Haruka /Torao / Shirou Utsugi: Eh?! 
Touma: Utsugi-san, you haven’t taken any photos since we came here, right? We took a lot of photos, so you should take at least one too. 
Shirou Utsugi: That’s true. If that’s the case, then by all means! 
Shirou Utsugi: Do you have a specific pose? 
Torao: What’s up? You look rather happy. 
Shirou Utsugi: As a fan, a picture with the “Lovely ZOOL, Enjoy ZOOL” at its current peak could make one faint. 
Haruka: What are you even saying? You’re also one of us!! 
Shirou Utsugi: Hahaha, thank you very much. I’m honored. Inumaru-san, please send me the picture later. 
Touma: Of course I will! Then, I’ll hold the camera, so gather up. 
Haruka: Utsugi-san, only half of your face will be in the photo. Come a little closer to Touma. 
Shirou Utsugi: Like this? 
Touma: Oh, looks good! 
Torao: So, what about the pose? 
Haruka: Huh, isn’t a peace sign normally fine? 
Touma: Crap, my arm is shaking. Please decide quickly. 
Minami: Then, let’s do a crab pose. 
Touma: Alright, let’s take it. 
Touma: 3, 2, 1, crabby crab! 
Shirou Utsugi: Crabby crab! 
Torao: (He went along with it….)
Minami: (Didn’t he go along with it too well….?) 
Haruka: (Maybe I just don’t know, but is it actually normal to call out “crabby crab”?!)
Touma: ….Haha! Utsugi-san, your crab pose is perfect! 
Shirou Utsugi: Everyone’s pictures made me happy, so I wanted to try it too. The crab pose. 
Torao: Aren’t you also in high spirits…. Well, as long as you’re happy. 
Shirou Utsugi: I am, thank you very much. 
Shirou Utsugi: ….. Oh! Since the staff is calling, I’ll be going for a bit. I’ll give a call for you again when shooting starts back up. 
ZOOL: Right. 
Haruka: So, the picture? Did it have any blur? 
Touma: It’s not blurry, but…. 
Torao: Everyone has complicated expressions.
Minami: We’re smiling, but…. It looks like the first promotional photo I took. 
Touma: It’s true that we all look stiff…. 
Haruka: Isn’t it because we got distracted by the crab just before it? 
Touma: Ahaha, there was a bit of that. 
Haruka: But, we don’t often take pictures with Utsugi-san, so I might have been a bit nervous…. 
Minami: This is good, right? I like this photo, you know. 
Minami: As Utsugi-san said, it’s a photo together that will remain a good memory. 
Torao: Yeah, and this is just how it is now. We never thought in the past that we’d be such close friends. 
Haruka: Mhm. If you told our past selves, they’d be surprised. 
Touma: If it was like how it was back then, we might have acted separately this time too. 
Minami: I agree. I don’t think I would’ve gone to the trouble of going to Sentosa Island or a night safari. 
Haruka: ….I’m glad we went. I had a lot of fun…. because I got to go with everyone. 
Minami: Me too. I’m happy we all went. 
Touma: Ahaha, me too! I’d like to go on another trip with all of you, either in Japan or overseas. 
Torao: It’s not bad to spend a trip with only men every now and then. 
Haruka: It’s fine! If we get a mission like this again then we got this! 
Shirou Utsugi: The friendly ZOOOOL~~! (3) The photoshoot will resuuume~! 
ZOOL: Wha–?! 
Minami: What is that person saying out loud… 
Haruka: W-what an embarrassing guy…! It’ll be hard to go back! 
Torao: I can imagine the warm looks from the staff…
Touma: Haha! A friendly ZOOL is nice! 
Touma: Right now, at this moment, this is the best ZOOL. Throughout Japan… no, throughout the whole world. Let’s show it to them! 
Minami / Haruka / Torao: Yeah! 
[End of Rabbitv]
TL Notes:
1.  The word Touma uses here that I translated as “remarkable” is more like having an intense impact.
2. Sorry, I’m not 100% sure on this one >< 
>> ああでも言わないと、 揃って写真を撮ることもないでしょう みなさん、 奥手ですし。
3. The word Shirou uses here is 仲良し which pops up a lot in this rabbittv and I normally translated it as “close” or similarly, but it’s like saying “ZOOL who are good friends”
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leqclerc · 7 months
bloom like a flower in the spring Sebastian/Charles 507 words
Sebastian steps off the train with nothing more than a simple black duffel bag to his name. His clothes are comfortable, nondescript, and he’s wearing a cap. He looks every part the anonymous tourist.
Charles is unable to keep the smile off his face as he waves him over.
“Seb. You made it,” he says by way of greeting, sounding entirely too relieved, like they haven’t just been texting.
“I told you I’d be here,” Sebastian says simply. Charles looks at him for a moment, glad for the low light obscuring his blossoming blush.
“I know. But thank you anyway.” His eyes catch on the duffel bag in Sebastian’s hand. “Do you want help with this?”
Sebastian waves him off, flashing a grin. “I can carry my own baggage, Charles, don’t worry.”
Charles leads them out of the dim underground station and onto the street. The morning is chilly and cloudy, but the sun still manages to glow behind the opacity—Monaco valiantly making its annual attempt at doing winter.
Sebastian’s curiosity gets the better of him then, and he bends to carefully peek inside the cream-coloured gondola of the pram. The bedding looks plush and luxurious, soft to the touch.
“Hi,” he murmurs, unbidden.
Bean is comfortably nestled inside, eyes closed, lips slightly parted. One of her small hands is balled into a fist by her face. Her pale eyelids look translucent in the sunlight. She shifts, a little sigh escaping her mouth. Sebastian wonders what she’s dreaming about.
“She’s sleeping,” Charles tells him, somewhat needlessly. There it is again, that note of affection in his tone. Sebastian’s smile softens.
“The traffic doesn’t bother her?” he asks, falling into step beside Charles. He’s no stranger to bustling cities, but the noise is still somewhat jarring compared to the relative tranquility of the Swiss countryside.
“No, no. I guess she is used to it.”
Charles falters for a second, afraid he’s revealed too much, but Sebastian seems too distracted by Bean to dissect his phrasing. Small mercies.
They turn off the main street and onto some narrow side street tucked away out of view. It’s quieter here, more private. A woman is hanging up her laundry on the balcony six floors above them. Sebastian catches a glimpse of blue beyond the apartment blocks, boats swaying on the water.
Every so often, Charles’s eyes drift from Bean’s face to Sebastian’s. Giddiness washes over him, watching Sebastian against the backdrop of the azure harbour, casually walking down the streets Charles calls home. If he looks long enough, he can almost pretend Sebastian belongs here.
Charles stops on the sidewalk outside a beige apartment building, shooting Sebastian a look that somehow manages to be both expectant and shy. Sebastian helps Charles get the pram up the front steps with minimal jostling.
In the two years that they’ve been teammates, Sebastian has never once visited him, not like this.
Now, Charles can’t shake the feeling of being on the edge of something, a breath away from a nosedive.
“We’re here,” he says.
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mvalentine · 2 years
You Are My Sun, My Moon & All My Stars- Ethan Ramsey x MC (Lana Brooks)
Summary: Ethan Ramsey wants to take his girlfriend out on a date. Except he doesn't tell her the where, the what or the why.
Warning: Disgustingly fluffy and domestic (ew). Also some innuendos thrown in here & there because this is Ethan and Lana we're talking about.  
Word Count: 1.6K
Author’s Note: My lovely sis @the-pale-goddess sent me this prompt a while ago - "Lana’s finishing her shift when Ethan surprises her with a mysterious date invitation, refusing to reveal any details. How does she react? What has Grumpsey planned for them? 👀💖" and I may have gotten slightly carried away <3
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"Are you seriously not going to tell me where we're going?"
"Okay well, how about this- what if I try to guess where you're taking me, and if I get it right you have to let me know."
Her boyfriend lets out an exasperated sigh, fingers on the wheel itching to pinch the bridge of his nose as he so often does.
Her smile turns wicked at that, a full-blown grin now adorning her features. If she's being truly honest, she really isn't that fussed about uncovering the details of said surprise. She knows that whatever Ethan has in store for the night will undoubtedly be great-- what with him being a meticulous planner and a perfectionist to boot.
She just enjoys pulling his leg occasionally. Okay, maybe a little more than occasionally.
With that goal in mind, her 'guesses' become absurder by the second-- as they range from a gondola ride through the waters of Venice to dinner atop the Statue of Liberty.
"Oh, I figured it out! You're planning a trek into the woods so that you can dump my body where none will be the wiser."
"Wow, I can't believe it took you so many guesses to get it right."
She sees the slight curl of his lips, and she counts it as a win.
The rest of the drive continues in comfortable silence, fingers intertwined atop the console of the car.
The silence is broken via the rumble of the engine as it powers down, signalling their arrival.
"We're here."
Her hands clasp against the door handle, eager in her excitement for what lay ahead. That was until his fingers wrapping around her arm give her pause, her confusion giving way to a coquettish smirk as she sees the familiar velvet cloth.
"You want to do it in the car, Ramsey? We didn't need to drive 30 minutes for that," a whisper of sultriness lacing her words as she leans in closer.
With mere centimetres between them, she catches the exact moment his eyes grows darker, gentle gaze morphing into an inviting tempest. But the tide subsides mere seconds later, fond exasperation undercutting the moment of tension.
"Just turn around and be patient for once, Brooks," he commands-- voice taking on an authoritative edge as he gently sweeps the blindfold across her eyes.
"Plus," he leans in, breath ghosting across the shell of her ear, "we'll have plenty of time for that later."
And with that, he envelopes her world in darkness. She catches the thud of the garage door opening, the crinkle of paper bags (she thinks?) being moved around, the rustle of.... and she's lost. Just as she's about to voice her impatience, the unmistakable sound of receding footsteps stops her in her tracks.
She resigns herself to the lengthy wait, leaning back against the plush seat as a concoction of curiosity and intrigue brews within her.
Five minutes go by.... then ten.... then fift--
The sudden whisper of wind caressing her face halts her growingly impatient countdown, as does the voice of the man now presumably infront of her.
"Growing impatient were we now?"
"Mhmm. You know me so well."
He tsks at that, tenderly lacing their fingers as he guides her out of the car and shuts the door behind them.
"Patience is a virtue, Rookie," he chides, tone reminiscent of the Ethan Ramsey she met on her very first day at Edenbrook. The Ethan Ramsey she didn't expect, the Ethan Ramsey she vehemently disliked.
But a lot can change in the span of two years.
"And time is of the essence, Dr. Ramsey," she retorts, well-aware of the eye roll her quip elicits.
The remainder of the journey lingers in silent tranquility, his arm coming to wrap around her waist as he guides her gently, delicately -- as though she were akin to something precious; as if she had hung the stars and the moon in the night sky.
She feels gravel beneath her feet, miniature pebbles and stones winding across their path, amplifying her curiosity tenfold. Until suddenly-- she doesn't. The jagged texture beneath the sole of her shoes give way to something softer, smoother.
And that's when she realizes that her boyfriend has come to a complete halt.
"We're here."
"Does that mean that I can finally take my blindfold off? The suspense is killing me," she quips, the statement only partially in jest.
The reverberating echo of laughter that follows leaves her slightly breathless, his pure unadulterated joy her favorite sound.
"Well we wouldn't want that, now would we?" And with that, he removes her blindfold.
Her eyes widen as she takes in the sight before her. Crystalline waves sway against the shore, their ebb and flow a hypnotic sound. The stars of the night sky twinkle melodically, molten moon-dust amidst endless darkness. And right there, at the center of it all, was something that made her heart twist precariously in her chest.
A picnic blanket lays stretched across golden-white sand, a myriad of tupperware boxes sitting atop the red & white gingham. The assortment of food ranges from scarlet-ripe strawberries to powder-fresh doughnuts to cherry-red bruschettas.
"What.... what is all of this, Ethan?"
Any and all traces of humour have evanesced, the barely-discernible lilt in her voice sitting foreign on her own tongue. Forest-green hues meet torrential sapphires, the air thick with an emotion viscerally palpable.
"It's a picnic. On the beach."
His response is met with a breathless chuckle, both of them well-aware of the fact that that wasn't what she had meant.
He shifts under her watchful gaze as bespeckled moonbeams cast a spotlight on the tinge of crimson adorning his cheeks; weighing his words.
"You mentioned once that you missed the beach, that it was one of the few places you felt at home. Hence... the beach."
A wave of nostalgia washes over her as she recalls the memory-- the memory that is never truly too far from the shore of her mind--
They're tangled between his pristine sheets, legs akimbo. He holds her impossibly close to his chest-- one arm wrapped securely around her waist while the other comes up to stroke her golden locks with aching gentleness. As though she were something delicate; as though she was his- to have and to hold. As if, come tomorrow, he wouldn't go back to being her boss. As if their relationship wasn't completely and utterly doomed.
For a moment, just a singular moment, they chose to indulge in the fantasy- in the fragile bubble bound to break.
"So, Rookie," he began, a dull ache making a home within his ribs the instant her eyes rose to meet his.
She was so incredibly beautiful.
"How are you liking Boston so far?"
She stilled at that, teeth coming to rest upon the juncture of her lips as she pondered her answer, contemplating her words. What she would tell him-- the extent to which she would let him in. If there was one thing Ethan Ramsey had ascertained about Lana Brooks, it was that she was calculated. Meticulous with her words, painstakingly cautious with who she let explore the beautiful maze that was her mind. And that's when Ethan Ramsey realized that he was a greedy man-- wholly desperate to be privy to her every thought.
"I-- I really really like it. It's where I've always wanted to be. Despite everything, it's where I know I'm meant to be. It's the place where I was forced to step out of my comfort zone and disillusion myself to the fact that maybe -- and this is a big maybe -- I don't know the answers to everything.
A derisive snort of laughter escaped his lips, the response so irreproachably Lana.
"High time you to finally learn some humility, Brooks"
"Excuse me? Pot calling the kettle black much?"
He merely laughed, crooked smile wholly on display- for her, and only her.
He was so incredibly beautiful.
She wanted to freeze time for a moment, encapsulate this memory within the recesses of her soul and never let it go.
She had the sudden urge to tell him more, more, more. Anything and everything he wanted to know- she was willing.
"I hate the fact that there aren't any beaches nearby, though."
He stilled at that, laughter fading as his eyes bore into hers. Eager to know more, to further unravel a piece of the mystery.
"I- There weren't a lot of things I liked about living in Thailand. I'm glad I got away, glad that I won't ever step foot there again. But-- I do miss the beaches. Especially the beaches during the night-time. When all the insufferable tourists went home, and the beach went quiet. It was so incredibly peaceful-- it's the one place I would always go to when things got heavy. It felt like the home I never had."
His utterance of her name snaps her out of reverie, bringing her back to the shore of the present.
A slight tremor sits in the back of her throat as she utters her next words-- "You remembered?"
The tinge of vulnerability etched across her features would have gone unnoticed by anyone else.
But not by Ethan.
Never by Ethan.
On instinct, as though it were second nature-- he moves to stand in her space. Pulled into her orbit, revolving around the brightest star in the night sky.
"I remember everything, Lana.
Especially when it comes to you."
And as his arms come around to encompass her, anchor her; she realizes that she may have found a new place to call home after all.
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prussianmemes · 2 years
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I saw your gondola! I too have a gondola.
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one is a key chain, the other is a car plush. but they are of the same thread. they are comrades. no, they are brothers.
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lovotomii · 2 years
since there's a gondola plush now, someone needs to make a gondola demiurge plush
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cannconnectwi03 · 1 month
Unveiling the Top Luxury Havens: Best Hotels in Vegas
Las Vegas, often dubbed as the “Entertainment Capital of the World,” is renowned for its vibrant nightlife, iconic landmarks, and, of course, its opulent hotels. As one of the premier tourist destinations globally, Las Vegas boasts an array of luxurious accommodations that cater to every visitor’s desires. From extravagant suites with panoramic views of the dazzling cityscape to world-class amenities and services, the best hotels in vegas redefine luxury and offer an unparalleled experience to their guests.
Among the plethora of options available, a few standout establishments truly epitomize the essence of lavishness and extravagance. One such iconic hotel is the Bellagio, renowned for its timeless elegance and sophistication. Situated on the famous Las Vegas Strip, the Bellagio is a masterpiece of luxury, offering guests an unparalleled blend of impeccable service, exquisite dining options, and lavish accommodations. From its stunning fountain display to its meticulously designed interiors, every aspect of the Bellagio exudes grandeur and opulence.
Adjacent to the Bellagio stands another legendary hotel, The Venetian Resort. Inspired by the romantic charm of Venice, Italy, this sprawling resort transports guests to a world of unparalleled luxury and indulgence. Boasting spacious suites adorned with plush furnishings and marble bathrooms, The Venetian is a haven for those seeking the ultimate in comfort and sophistication. Guests can also enjoy a gondola ride along the resort’s picturesque canals or indulge in world-class shopping at the Grand Canal Shoppes.
For those with a penchant for modern elegance and style, the Wynn Las Vegas offers an unmatched blend of luxury and contemporary design. With its sleek architecture, exquisite dining options, and upscale amenities, the Wynn Las Vegas sets the standard for sophistication in Sin City. Guests can unwind in spacious suites adorned with designer furnishings, take a dip in the resort’s pristine pools, or indulge in a pampering spa treatment at the award-winning Wynn Spa.
Meanwhile, the Aria Resort & Casino captivates guests with its sleek, modern aesthetic and unparalleled amenities. Boasting an impressive collection of dining options, world-class entertainment venues, and luxurious accommodations, the Aria redefines luxury in Las Vegas. Whether guests are relaxing in the resort’s state-of-the-art rooms or trying their luck at the expansive casino floor, the Aria offers an unforgettable experience that epitomizes the essence of luxury living.
In conclusion, the best hotels in Vegas are more than just places to stay – they are luxurious havens that offer an escape from the ordinary and an opportunity to indulge in unparalleled opulence. From iconic landmarks like the Bellagio and The Venetian to modern marvels like the Wynn Las Vegas and the Aria Resort & Casino, these establishments set the standard for luxury and redefine the meaning of extravagance in Sin City. Whether visiting for business or pleasure, guests can expect nothing but the finest accommodations, amenities, and services at these top-tier hotels in Vegas.
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superavenueduck · 2 months
Embrace Romance: Experience the Ultimate Sunset Cruise in San Diego with Black Swan Gondola
Welcome to Black Swan Gondola, where we invite you to embark on an enchanting journey through the picturesque waters of San Diego Bay. Our Sunset Cruise is a celebration of romance, relaxation, and the breathtaking beauty of a San Diego sunset. Step aboard our luxurious gondola and let us whisk you away on a magical adventure you'll never forget.
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Unparalleled Luxury:
At Black Swan Gondola, we believe in offering our guests nothing but the best. Our gondola is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, designed with comfort and elegance in mind. From plush seating to exquisite décor, every detail has been carefully curated to ensure a luxurious experience from start to finish. As you settle into your seat, you'll feel the stresses of the day melt away, replaced by a sense of tranquility and serenity.
Captivating Views:
As we set sail from the shores of San Diego Bay, prepare to be mesmerized by the beauty that surrounds you. The skyline of downtown San Diego provides a stunning backdrop, while the gentle sway of the gondola creates a sense of harmony with the rhythm of the waves. Keep your eyes peeled for playful dolphins and majestic seabirds as they dance across the water, adding an extra layer of magic to your journey.
The Sunset Spectacle:
Of course, the highlight of our Sunset Cruise San Diego is the breathtaking sunset itself. As the sun begins its descent towards the horizon, the sky transforms into a canvas of fiery hues, painting a picture-perfect scene that will leave you in awe. Whether you're sipping champagne with a loved one or simply taking in the view in quiet contemplation, there's no denying the beauty of nature's grand finale.
Personalized Experience:
At Black Swan Gondola, we understand that every guest is unique, which is why we offer a range of customizable options to suit your preferences. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion with a private cruise for two or hosting a larger gathering with friends and family, we can tailor our Sunset Cruise to meet your needs. From gourmet catering to live music, we'll work with you to create the perfect itinerary for an unforgettable experience.
Unforgettable Memories:
As the sun dips below the horizon and the stars begin to twinkle overhead, you'll find yourself lost in the moment, surrounded by beauty and immersed in the romance of the evening. Whether you're celebrating a milestone anniversary, popping the question, or simply enjoying a night out with friends, our Sunset Cruise promises to create memories that will last a lifetime.
Book Your Adventure:
Ready to experience the magic of a San Diego sunset with Black Swan Gondola? Book your Sunset Cruise today and prepare to be swept away on a journey of romance and adventure. Whether you're a local looking for a special night out or a visitor seeking the ultimate San Diego experience, our Sunset Cruise is the perfect choice for an unforgettable evening on the water.
At Black Swan Gondola, we believe that life is meant to be celebrated, and there's no better way to do so than with a Sunset Cruise in San Diego. Join us aboard our luxurious gondola and let us create an experience you'll cherish forever. Book your Sunset Cruise today and prepare to embark on the adventure of a lifetime.
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6p History Article - Little Lenci Cloth Felt Dolls - Mascottes and Miniatures ebay toytrain
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velvethana · 2 months
PHONING... 𓂃 ࣪˖ carnival.
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Essentially becoming a shut-in due to your extreme fear of crowds, your friends are determined to take you out and show you how much fun things can be.
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selected: [ yeonjun's song.] replay? ✧
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જ⁀➴♡ wc 1k ✧ fluff , humor , comfort
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As you inch closer to the front of the line, the rhythmic clinking of the cars ascending and descending fills your ears.
Standing before the entrance, the worker looked at you expectantly before glancing at the boys behind you. You turned to face them and they all gave you an encouraging smile, each one as sweet as the one before.
“So, who’s it gonna be?”
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Looking at each of them, it felt almost impossible to pick just one. The feeling that everyone was waiting on you made you even more anxious, the idea of annoying the people around you getting your nerves up even more.
“Hey, Y/N it’s fine. Take your time.” Taehyun commented.
The small smile he gave you was enough to have you letting out a sigh of relief.
Catching Yeonjun’s eyes, a smile made its way onto your face as you motioned for him to come over.
Despite trying his best to act cool, it was obvious how excited he was by how quickly he chucked his panda plush at Kai and hustled over to you with a fist pump to the air.
“Hell yeah!”
His eagerness made you laugh, nerves subsided for the moment as the two of you stepped onto the open-air gondola, the familiar feeling of anticipation creeping up on you.
Yeonjun smiled at you as the attendant secured the safety bars and gave the two of you a friendly wink.
Embarrassed, you looked to your other friends who gave you both a thumbs up with toothy grins. “Ah… I’m not living this down, am I?”
Yeonjun gave you a confused look, a pout present on his lips. “What’s there to live down?”
With a lurch, the Ferris wheel began its slow ascent and you laughed nervously.
In regard to all of his friendly flirting, you tried your best not to fall for it but it had become increasingly hard as the years passed.
You wondered if your friends had picked up on that.
“Nothing…” your voice trailed off, wondering if he had picked up on it.
As the two of you were raised higher and higher, the world continued to move on down below you.
The sounds of music came up to meet you both and fill the silence, mixing with the gentle creaking of the ferris wheel as it turned.
“I missed you, Y/N.”
“Hm? You’ve been with us all night, Junnie.” The nickname made his cheeks flush as he prayed that you didn’t notice, clearing his throat.
“I mean, I invited you because I wanted to spend time with you but I know it’s been a lot for you. I hope you’re not mad at me.”
“Why would I be mad…?” Your voice trailed off, trying to understand what he had meant.
It didn’t take long before you came up with a theory, a small smile making its’ way onto your face as he avoided eye contact.
“Are you jealous, Yeonjun?”
After so many years of smooth talk and cheesy pick up lines, you had to admit that it was cute to see him a bit shaken simply due to not getting much attention from you.
Yeonjun groaned, “do you have to ask it like that? I’m not jealous.” He smiled, turning to you.
“Do you want me to be jealous?” His playful demeanor was back in no time and you hummed, tapping your chin gently in a display of pretend deep thinking.
“Hm… do I?” Your playing along was enough to make him scrunch his noise as he leaned in.
You jumped slightly in surprise and he laughed, “I was just gonna whisper something to you.”
“A little warning next time?”
Yeonjun mocked your action from earlier, tapping his chin gently before shaking his head.
“Hm… no!”
“Rude…” you mumbled, looking away.
“Well, since you won’t let me whisper it,” he started.
“I love you!” The carriage shook as you jumped again, heart following suite as your hands found their home over his mouth.
You shot him a glare and looked around, as if someone could have heard that from how high you were.
Yeonjun laughed as he pried your hands off of his mouth and your cheeks burned in embarrassment.
“What’s wrong with you?! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!”
“I had to tell you some way.”
“There are better ways…” your mind was racing as you went over the three words.
How confidently he had yelled them to the world, unashamed and so certain.
It’s true that Yeonjun loved to get under your skin and make you unsteady, he found your startled expressions the cutest.
He wanted to make you question everything you had ever believed about love.
“Hey,” his voice was gentle as he placed a hand on your shoulder. “You don’t have to say it back.”
There wasn’t a moment that you had to think about it before repeating the words back to him.
This boy who made you feel reckless and out of control, despite all of your anxieties and fears.
The one that you were infuriatingly yet inexplicably drawn to in front of you with the cutest smile.
“I love you too, Yeonjun.”
And he smiled, pulling you into him and peppering kisses all over your face as if it were some form of skin care.
All the love he had been holding in finally being expressed in some small way beyond words.
Yeonjun didn’t want you to love him because he was good for you or because he said and did all the right things.
He wanted to be the best for you, the best friend he could be but the last thing he wanted was for you to love him because he seemed like everything you had been searching for.
Playful comments and flirtatious banter were only attempts to signal that to you, he wanted to be the one you didn’t see coming.
The giggled coming from you subsided as he finally came to a stop and stared at you, that dorky smile still on his face.
In the silence, you almost shrunk under his gaze as he let out a sigh of relief and put a hand over his heart.
After, he threw a fist in the air. “I totally won.”
You laughed, covering your face in embarrassment as the silence fell over the both of you again on your descent.
“I don't want to be the reason why you can't sleep at night, from now on I want to be the one who lulls you to sleep.”
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જ⁀➴♡ phone in ᝰ.ᐟ
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newmannoble · 3 months
Bookworms Delight: A List of Must-Visit Bookshops Around the World
Bookworm’s Delight: A List of Must-Visit Bookshops Around the World https://ift.tt/jm49VBf There are few greater pleasures for bibliophiles than wandering through the aisles of a well-curated bookshop, inhaling the intoxicating scent of ink and paper, and discovering literary treasures. From historic bookstores with centuries of tradition to quirky independent shops with unique charm, the world has many bookish havens waiting to be explored.  Here’s a list of must-visit bookshops worldwide that will delight any book lover. Shakespeare and Company – Paris, France: Nestled on the Left Bank of the Seine, Shakespeare and Company is an iconic English-language bookstore that has been a haven for writers and readers for nearly a century.  El Ateneo Grand Splendid – Buenos Aires, Argentina: Once a grand theater, El Ateneo Grand Splendid in Buenos Aires has been transformed into one of the most beautiful bookshops in the world. Visitors can peruse books on ornate balconies, sit in plush theater seats, and enjoy the breathtaking architecture. Daunt Books – London, UK: Daunt Books in London is a destination for travelers and book enthusiasts seeking a curated selection of travel literature and guides. Its oak galleries and skylights create a serene atmosphere perfect for exploring books about far-flung destinations. Strand Bookstore – New York City, USA: The Strand is a New York City institution that boasts “18 miles of books.” This iconic bookshop offers new and used books and has been a haven for book lovers, celebrities, and writers for generations. Libreria Acqua Alta – Venice, Italy: Venice’s Libreria Acqua Alta, meaning “bookstore of high water,” has a unique approach to dealing with the city’s frequent flooding. Books are stored in bathtubs, gondolas, and waterproof containers, creating a whimsical and slightly surreal atmosphere that’s a must-see for visitors. Atlantis Books – Santorini, Greece: Perched on the cliffs of the stunning Greek island of Santorini, Atlantis Books is a paradise for readers with a breathtaking view of the Aegean Sea.  Powell’s Books – Portland, USA: Powell’s Books in Portland, Oregon, is the largest independent new and used bookstore in the world and a beloved institution. It’s easy to get lost among its color-coded rooms, each dedicated to a different genre. Hatchards – London, UK: Founded in 1797, Hatchards is one of the oldest bookshops in the world and holds the prestigious title of London’s oldest bookshop. It boasts a rich history, a royal warrant, and a selection of books that cater to diverse tastes. Ler Devagar – Lisbon, Portugal: Located in a former printing press factory in Lisbon’s LX Factory, Ler Devagar is a mecca for book lovers. The shop features a massive hanging book sculpture, vintage printing presses, and a peaceful reading area. Livraria Lello – Porto, Portugal: Often called one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world, Livraria Lello in Porto is renowned for its ornate neo-Gothic architecture, intricately carved wooden staircases, and stained glass windows. These bookshops are not just places to buy books; they are destinations in themselves, offering unique atmospheres, historical significance, and a sense of wonder that makes them a joy to visit for any bookworm. via Noble Newman | Pittsburgh Writer https://noblenewman.com February 13, 2024 at 10:45AM
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budgetinngondola · 9 months
Unwind and Indulge: The Allure of Lakeside Living at Gondola Lodge, Lake Tahoe
Nestled amidst the breathtaking grandeur of the Sierra Nevada mountains, Lake Tahoe stands as a shimmering gem, enchanting all who lay their eyes upon its pristine waters. It's here, in this haven of natural beauty, that Gondola Lodge emerges as the epitome of lakeside living luxury. A retreat that seamlessly blends rustic charm with modern indulgence, Lakeside Gondola Lodge Lake Tahoe offers an unparalleled experience that beckons to all those seeking solace, adventure, and a touch of opulence.
A Symphony of Nature and Comfort
Gondola Lodge, a name that evokes images of elegance and relaxation, is perched along the shores of Lake Tahoe like a tranquil sentinel. The lodge is a harmonious marriage of nature's bounty and human craftsmanship, designed to preserve and enhance the surrounding environment. The architecture seamlessly weaves together natural elements and contemporary design, creating an ambiance that is both inviting and awe-inspiring.
The lodge's accommodations are a testament to this fusion. Rooms adorned with large windows frame captivating views of the lake and mountains, turning every waking moment into a spectacle of nature's grandeur. The interiors are tastefully appointed with a blend of warm wood, plush fabrics, and modern amenities that ensure absolute comfort. Whether it's a cozy evening spent by the fireplace or a lazy afternoon on a private balcony, Gondola Lodge transforms mere lodging into an experience of pure bliss.
Adventure at Your Doorstep
For those with a penchant for adventure, Gondola Lodge stands as a gateway to a myriad of exhilarating activities. Lake Tahoe itself presents a playground for water enthusiasts, offering opportunities for sailing, kayaking, and paddleboarding. The crystal-clear waters, reflecting the ever-changing colors of the sky, entice visitors to dive in and explore its depths.
During the colder months, Lake Tahoe undergoes a magical transformation, becoming a haven for snow sports enthusiasts. Gondola Lodge's proximity to world-class ski resorts makes it an ideal basecamp for downhill skiing, snowboarding, and even snowshoeing through snow-laden forests. The lodge's concierge service ensures that every adventure seeker's needs are met, from arranging equipment rentals to suggesting the best trails for exploration.
Culinary Excellence and Gastronomic Journeys
A stay at Gondola Lodge is incomplete without indulging in its culinary offerings. The lodge boasts an array of dining options that cater to diverse palates and preferences. Whether it's savoring gourmet delicacies prepared by renowned chefs or enjoying a casual lakeside barbecue, the dining experience here is nothing short of extraordinary.
Local ingredients take center stage, paying homage to the region's agricultural heritage. Freshly caught fish, organic produce, and artisanal cheeses grace the plates, creating a symphony of flavors that celebrate the bounties of the land and water. The lodge's wine collection showcases the finest vintages from nearby Napa Valley and other renowned winemaking regions, elevating every meal into a celebration of taste and terroir.
Wellness and Rejuvenation
Amidst the grandeur of Lake Tahoe and the allure of adventure, Gondola Lodge recognizes the importance of rest and rejuvenation. The lodge's spa facilities offer a serene oasis where guests can unwind after a day of exploration. Indulge in a variety of treatments inspired by traditional and modern techniques, administered by skilled therapists who specialize in relaxation and holistic well-being. Whether it's a deep tissue massage to soothe tired muscles or a refreshing facial to invigorate the senses, the spa experience at Gondola Lodge is designed to bring guests into a state of ultimate bliss.
Preserving Nature, Embracing Luxury
Gondola Lodge's commitment to the environment is as profound as its dedication to luxury. The lodge operates with a deep respect for the delicate ecosystem it calls home. Sustainable practices are seamlessly integrated into every aspect of its operations, from energy-efficient systems that power the lodge to the use of locally sourced, organic materials in construction and dining. Gondola Lodge believes that the allure of Lake Tahoe should not come at the cost of its preservation and thus strives to lead by example in responsible, eco-conscious hospitality.
In conclusion, Gondola Lodge emerges as a testament to the captivating allure of lakeside living at Lake Tahoe. It seamlessly combines the raw beauty of nature with the comfort of modern luxury, offering a haven where adventure and relaxation coexist harmoniously. With its breathtaking vistas, culinary delights, and commitment to sustainability, Gondola Lodge promises an experience that transcends mere accommodation, transforming each guest's visit into an unforgettable journey of the senses and the soul.
Budget INN At The Heavenly Gondola is a South Lake Tahoe hotel located across the street from Heavenly Ski Resort's Gondola and the Marriott complex with shopping dining and entertainment. Gambling, golfing, and water sports are all nearby. For winter fun, Squaw Valley Ski Resort, Heavenly Mountain Ski Resort, and Sierra at Tahoe Ski Resort are all close to the Stateline Economy Inn. Call us for great lodging rates in the most convenient South Lake Tahoe location.
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[ad_1] Introduction: Famous Casino Hotels Luxury Meets Gambling The world-Famous Casino Hotels Luxury Meets Gambling are where high-end amenities and exciting gambling come together to provide an unforgettable experience. Luxury lodging, exciting casino action, top-notch shows, delicious food, and a wide variety of fun activities are all part of the package at these renowned venues. In this post “Famous Casino Hotels Luxury Meets Gambling”, we’ll travel the globe in search of the best casino resorts and dive deep into the incomparable adventures they have in store for their guests. check for more details for casino news. The Top Famous Casino Hotels Luxury Meets Gambling Around the World Famous Casino Hotels Luxury Meets Gambling The Venetian Macao, located in Macau, China, is a massive casino resort that fuses Italian elegance with Asian design. This massive resort has a huge casino with several gaming options for all types of players, from high-rollers to casual players. In addition to the extravagant shopping and breathtaking gondola rides along the resort’s canals, visitors can unwind in one of the resort’s sumptuously furnished rooms. Bellagio Las Vegas: The Epitome of Luxury and Entertainment Bellagio Las Vegas, located on the world-famous Las Vegas Strip, is a name synonymous with luxury and class. Gambling aficionados will find paradise in this resort’s beautiful casino, which features all of their favourite table games and more, from poker and blackjack to roulette and craps. The casino is just one of many attractions at the Bellagio, as guests can also enjoy the mesmerising Fountains of Bellagio, world-class performances at the Bellagio Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, and the luxurious comfort of their rooms overlooking the glittering cityscape. Marina Bay Sands: Singapore’s Iconic Integrated Resort Singapore’s Marina Bay Sands is more than just a stunning piece of architecture; it’s also a world-famous casino hotel. There’s a vast selection of games, from card and dice to slots and video poker, available on the casino floor. In addition to the famed rooftop infinity pool and the resort’s award-winning restaurants, guests may enjoy breathtaking views from the resort’s SkyPark Observation Deck. Atlantis Paradise Island: Caribbean Escape with a Casino Twist Enjoy the Caribbean atmosphere of the Atlantis Paradise Island in the Bahamas, where exciting gambling awaits. The casino at this five-star resort is lively and features a wide variety of slot machines and table games. Aquaventure Water Park, Dolphin Cay, and the resort’s exquisite beaches and blue waters are all available to visitors, in addition to the casino. Crown Casino Melbourne: Australia’s Premier Gambling Destination Crown Casino is a famous gambling establishment in the exciting Australian city of Melbourne. Blackjack, baccarat, roulette, and poker, among others, may be found on the casino’s luxurious gaming tables. Crown Casino Melbourne also features five-star cuisine, plush lodging, and a wide variety of exciting attractions to keep guests of all ages entertained during their visit. Unforgettable Casino Experiences at Famous Casino Hotels Luxury Meets Gambling [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTZkm1YIfVk[/embed] Opulent Casino Floors: A Playground for High Rollers The casino floors at well-known casinos are always lively places, with many of games available for players of varying skill levels. These venues provide a wide variety of games for anyone looking to try their luck at winning some cash, from high-stakes poker tournaments to the spinning reels of slot machines. The casino floors at these hotels provide a thrilling and engrossing experience with their professional dealers, cutting-edge technology, and lively environment. Spectacular Entertainment: Shows, Concerts, and More Famous casino hotels are also known for providing excellent entertainment options outside of the casino. These venues spare no expense in providing customers
with exceptional entertainment experiences, from thrilling live performances incorporating acrobatics and magic to headlining concerts by international artists. Within the walls of these spectacular resorts, visitors may take in concerts by legendary artists, marvel at mesmerising stage creations, and laugh it up with top-tier comedians. Gourmet Dining: Culinary Delights for Every Palate Famous casino hotels usually have a wide variety of restaurants to choose from, which is a pleasure for foodies. There is no shortage of restaurants with Michelin stars, eateries run by famous chefs, or international cuisine, assuring that visitors will experience a culinary adventure unlike any other. Indulging in a juicy steak, tasting fresh seafood, or trying a unique fusion dish, the restaurants at these hotels are a culinary adventure for the senses. Relaxation and Recreation: Beyond the Casino Floor Although gambling is the main attraction, prominent casino hotels also provide other forms of entertainment for their guests. Vacationers can unwind with a spa treatment, swim in a spacious pool, or play a round of golf, tennis, or try their hand at water sports. These hotels get that total relaxation and rejuvenation are essential to their customers’ stays, so they work hard to make it happen. Famous Casino Hotels Luxury Meets Gambling Pros and Cons Pros Cons Opulent Luxury: Famous Casino Hotels Luxury Meets Gambling offer extravagant accommodations, providing guests with a lavish experience. Expensive: Staying at Famous Casino Hotels Luxury Meets Gambling can be quite costly, especially if you indulge in additional services or amenities. Variety of Casino Games: These hotels feature a wide range of casino games, including slots, poker, blackjack, roulette, and more, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Gambling Addiction Risk: Being in a casino environment may increase the temptation to gamble excessively, potentially leading to addiction issues for some individuals. Entertainment and Shows: Famous casino hotels often host world-class entertainment, including live performances by renowned artists, concerts, and theatrical shows. Crowded Environment: These hotels can become crowded, especially during peak seasons, which may result in longer wait times and less privacy. Fine Dining Options: Guests can enjoy exceptional dining experiences at renowned restaurants within the casino hotels, often featuring award-winning chefs and diverse culinary offerings. Noisy Environment: Due to the bustling nature of casinos, there can be a significant amount of noise, which might be bothersome for some guests seeking a quieter atmosphere. Luxury Amenities: Famous Casino Hotels Luxury Meets Gambling offer a range of luxury amenities, such as spas, fitness centres, swimming pools, and exclusive shopping boutiques, providing guests with a complete resort experience. Accessibility Concerns: Some individuals may find the layout of large casino hotels challenging to navigate, especially those with mobility issues or disabilities. VIP Services: High-rollers and loyal customers can benefit from exclusive VIP services, including personal concierge assistance, access to private gaming areas, and additional perks. Ethical Concerns: Casinos can be associated with ethical concerns related to gambling addiction, money laundering, or the exploitation of vulnerable individuals. Social Atmosphere: Casino hotels are vibrant social hubs where guests can interact with fellow gamblers, fostering a lively and exciting atmosphere. Financial Risks: Engaging in gambling activities can pose financial risks, and guests should exercise caution to avoid excessive losses or gambling-related debt. Convenient Location: Famous casino hotels are often situated in prime locations, offering easy access to popular tourist attractions, shopping districts, and entertainment venues. Distractions from Gambling: With various entertainment options and attractions, guests may find it challenging to focus solely on gambling, which may affect their overall experience.
Conclusion for Famous Casino Hotels Luxury Meets Gambling The world’s most Famous Casino Hotels Luxury Meets Gambling also house some of the world’s most opulent hotels. The luxurious gaming floors, top-notch shows, fine cuisine, and exciting activities offered at these venues satisfy the tastes and preferences of a wide range of customers. Whether you’re looking for high-stakes thrill or a peaceful escape, the world’s most renowned casinos also provide Famous Casino Hotels Luxury Meets Gambling. Get your bags packed, because you’re about to experience the pinnacle of luxury at one of the world’s extraordinary casino hotels. For other games, refer to Casino Prediction Software. FAQs Famous Casino Hotels Luxury Meets Gambling The minimum age to gamble in the famous casino hotel differs by country. Although most jurisdictions set the legal gambling age at 21, some do allow patrons as young as 18. Before making travel plans, it is important to research the local laws in detail. Absolutely! Famous casino hotels may be best known for the gaming opportunities they provide, but they also have a variety of services and entertainment alternatives that will appeal to guests who aren't interested in trying their luck. No matter if a visitor is interested in gambling or not, they are guaranteed a wonderful stay at one of these hotels thanks to the wide range of amenities available. Famous casino hotels have varying policies regarding children. Due to the presence of a casino floor, certain businesses may not allow patrons under a specific age in. Water parks and childcare services are only two examples of the family-friendly features offered by many casinos. It's a good idea to research the hotel's unique rules before booking a room there. The security of the visitors at the world's most renowned casino hotels is of the utmost importance. Access control mechanisms, security guards with proper training, and video monitoring systems all contribute to the safe environment that customers can expect to find in these businesses. Guests at a well-known casino hotel can rest easy knowing that it has a sterling reputation and adheres to stringent safety guidelines. Famous gambling hotels often have varying dress codes. While some venues, including fine dining restaurants, may have stricter dress codes for some areas, many casino hotels have a more casual dress policy. Most areas of the hotel are casual and smart-casual outfit friendly, but it's always a good idea to double check the hotel's specific policies before arriving. [ad_2] CLICK HERE TO BUY THE SOFTWARE
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travelluxegroup · 1 year
A Picture-Perfect Luxury Getaway in Banff National Park
Unforgettable Views: Exploring Banff National Park Banff National Park is an outdoor enthusiast's paradise with breathtaking views at every turn. Whether you are looking for a leisurely stroll or a challenging hike, Banff offers a variety of trails for every level of fitness. Here are some of the most unforgettable views to explore in Banff National Park. Lake Louise Lake Louise is a glacial lake located in Banff National Park. This turquoise blue lake is a must-visit destination for its stunning views of the surrounding mountains. The lake's clear waters reflect the mountains, creating a picturesque setting that's perfect for photography. Whether you're visiting in the summer or winter, Lake Louise offers a variety of activities, such as hiking, canoeing, skiing, and snowshoeing. Banff Gondola Take a ride on the Banff Gondola and experience the breathtaking views from the top of Sulphur Mountain. The eight-minute ride takes you to an altitude of 2,281 meters, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the Bow Valley and surrounding mountain ranges. At the summit, you can visit the Northern Lights exhibit, enjoy a meal at the restaurant, or take a guided hike to explore the mountain's summit. Moraine Lake Moraine Lake is another glacial lake located in Banff National Park. Its stunning blue-green waters are surrounded by the Valley of the Ten Peaks, making it one of the most photographed places in Canada. The best time to visit Moraine Lake is in the early morning when the sunlight illuminates the surrounding mountains, creating a spectacular reflection in the lake's still waters. Banff Hot Springs After a long day of hiking and exploring, relax in the Banff Hot Springs. The natural thermal waters are rich in minerals and are the perfect way to soothe tired muscles. The outdoor pool offers spectacular views of the surrounding mountains, making it a popular spot to unwind and take in the scenery. Banff National Park is a photographer's paradise. Whether you're an amateur or a professional, there are countless opportunities to capture stunning images of the park's natural beauty. Explore the park's unforgettable views and create memories that will last a lifetime. The Ultimate Luxury Accommodations in Banff Banff National Park offers an array of luxurious accommodations for those seeking a top-notch getaway experience. From stunning mountain lodges to high-end hotels, Banff has plenty of options for the discerning traveler. Here are some of the best luxury accommodations in Banff National Park. Fairmont Banff Springs The Fairmont Banff Springs is a world-renowned luxury hotel situated in Banff National Park, overlooking the Bow River and surrounded by majestic mountains. The hotel boasts over 750 guest rooms and suites, each furnished with elegant and tasteful decor. The hotel offers a range of amenities, including a spa, multiple restaurants and bars, a fitness center, and heated indoor and outdoor pools. Guests can enjoy activities such as golfing, skiing, snowboarding, and hiking, all while taking in the stunning natural beauty of Banff National Park. Post Hotel & Spa The Post Hotel & Spa is an intimate and luxurious retreat situated in the heart of Banff National Park. The hotel offers 99 rooms and suites outfitted with wood-burning fireplaces, feather beds, and luxurious linens. The hotel also has a renowned spa, featuring a range of treatments and amenities such as a sauna, steam room, and hot tub. The hotel's restaurants offer a range of cuisine, from classic French dishes to locally-sourced Canadian fare. Banff Park Lodge Resort Hotel & Conference Centre The Banff Park Lodge Resort Hotel & Conference Centre is a luxurious hotel with a modern edge. The hotel offers 211 rooms and suites with plush bedding, flat-screen televisions, and stunning mountain views. The hotel has a range of amenities, including a top-notch fitness center, indoor pool, sauna, and whirlpool. The hotel's restaurants offer a range of cuisine, from a sushi bar to a steakhouse. Buffalo Mountain Lodge The Buffalo Mountain Lodge is a luxurious mountain retreat situated on Tunnel Mountain. The hotel offers 108 guest rooms and suites, each furnished with rustic decor and stone fireplaces. The hotel has a range of amenities, including a fitness center, hot tubs, and a sauna. The hotel's restaurant, The Sleeping Buffalo, serves cuisine with a focus on locally sourced and sustainable ingredients. These are just a few of the luxurious accommodations available in Banff National Park. If you're planning a picture-perfect luxury getaway, Banff National Park has plenty of options that will cater to your every need. Indulging in Local Cuisine and Fine Dining Local Cuisine: Banff National Park offers an array of dining options that showcase the local ingredients and flavors. The region's unique blend of indigenous and modern-day culinary traditions make for an unforgettable gastronomic experience. Visitors must try the Alberta beef, which is one of the highlights of the local cuisine. Additionally, Wild Game, including elk, bison and venison, are a must-try for adventurous foodies. For seafood lovers, there is plenty of fresh fish available – from trout to salmon- all caught fresh from the rivers of the Rockies. Fine Dining: For those seeking a fine dining experience, Banff offers a variety of options to choose from. The Eden Restaurant, located at the Rimrock Resort Hotel, offers a luxurious dining experience with stunning views of the Canadian Rockies. The restaurant offers a range of Canadian cuisine, including beef, game, seafood, and vegetarian options. Another top-notch option is the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel's The Vermillion Room. The restaurant's ambiance is unmistakenly European-inspired and is complemented by upscale cuisine treats such as Escargot, Foie gras and Lobster Bisque. Casual Dining: Casual Dining options in Banff primarily consist of cafes and pubs. Cafes such as Wild Flour Bakery and Whitebark Cafe offers breakfast and lunch with locally sourced ingredients. Visitors can also enjoy home-style cooking at Melissa's Missteak or classic pub food at Magpie & Stump. Whatever the mood, dining in Banff National Park is always an experience. Visitors must remember to reserve tables in advance during the peak tourist season from May to September to avoid disappointment. Adventure Awaits: Outdoor Activities in Banff Adventure Awaits: Outdoor Activities in Banff Banff National Park is a playground for outdoor enthusiasts. With its breathtaking landscapes and endless opportunities for adventure, it is no wonder why it is a popular destination for travelers. From hiking to skiing, Banff has something for everyone. Hiking in Banff One of the best ways to experience the beauty of Banff is by hiking. With over 1,600 kilometers of trails, hikers can explore the park's forests, mountains, and glaciers. The trails range in difficulty and length, making it accessible for all levels of hikers. Some of the most popular hikes include Johnston Canyon, Lake Agnes and Plain of Six Glaciers. Skiing in Banff During the winter months, Banff is a skier's paradise. The park is home to three major ski resorts: Banff Norquay, Lake Louise Ski Resort and Mt. Norquay. These resorts offer a variety of terrain, from beginner slopes to challenging black diamond runs. Hot Springs in Banff After a long day of hiking or skiing, relax and unwind at the Banff Hot Springs. The hot springs are located in Banff National Park and have been a popular attraction for over 100 years. The natural mineral water is said to have healing properties and is a great way to soothe sore muscles. Canoeing in Banff For a more low-key adventure, try canoeing on one of Banff's many lakes. Lake Louise and Moraine Lake are two of the most picturesque lakes in the park and offer canoe rentals. Paddle along the shoreline and take in the stunning views of the surrounding mountains. Camping in Banff Camping is a popular activity in Banff, and there are plenty of campgrounds to choose from. Whether you prefer a backcountry camping experience or a more developed campground with amenities, Banff has it all. In conclusion, Banff National Park offers endless opportunities for adventure. With its stunning scenery and diverse activities, it is no wonder why it is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. So pack your bags, grab your hiking boots, and come explore all that Banff has to offer! Relaxation and Rejuvenation: Spa and Wellness Options After a long day of exploring the breathtaking beauty of Banff National Park, it's time to relax and rejuvenate. Luckily, Banff is home to a variety of luxurious spas and wellness options that will leave you feeling refreshed and reinvigorated. The Willow Stream Spa at Fairmont Banff Springs The Willow Stream Spa at the Fairmont Banff Springs is a world-renowned spa that offers an extensive menu of treatments. With a focus on using natural, local ingredients, it's the perfect place to unwind after a day of hiking, skiing, or sightseeing. From massages and facials to hydrotherapy treatments and body wraps, there's something for everyone at the Willow Stream Spa. The Spa at the Rimrock Resort Hotel The Spa at the Rimrock Resort Hotel offers a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of Banff. With a gorgeous mountain view and a relaxing atmosphere, this spa offers a variety of treatments including massages, facials, and body treatments. They also offer manicure and pedicure services, as well as yoga classes. The Grotto Spa at the Delta Hotels Banff Royal Canadian Lodge The Grotto Spa at the Delta Hotels Banff Royal Canadian Lodge is a unique spa experience that is inspired by the natural hot springs in Banff. Featuring a mineral pool, sauna, steam room, and outdoor hot tub, this spa is designed to promote relaxation and detoxification. They also offer a variety of treatments including massages, facials, and body treatments. Wellness Options in Banff If a spa treatment isn't your thing, there are still plenty of wellness options in Banff. Yoga classes are offered at a variety of locations throughout the town, including the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity. There are also several fitness centers in Banff, such as the Sally Borden Fitness and Recreation Centre, which offers a variety of classes and equipment. Regardless of which spa or wellness option you choose, you're sure to feel relaxed and rejuvenated after a visit. After all, isn't that what a luxury getaway is all about? Exploring the Town of Banff: Shopping and Culture Shop 'Til You Drop While Banff is primarily known for its breathtaking natural scenery and outdoor adventures, the town itself offers a surprisingly diverse shopping experience. From high-end boutiques to quirky souvenir shops, there is something for everyone. A must-visit is the Banff Avenue pedestrian mall, where you can find everything from handmade jewelry to locally-crafted artisanal goods. Don't forget to stop by Banff Tea Co. for some delicious loose-leaf tea, or Fudgery for a sweet treat. Cultural Attractions In addition to shopping, Banff also boasts a variety of cultural attractions worth exploring. The historic Banff Springs Hotel, known as the "Castle in the Rockies," offers guided tours that take you through its fascinating past and present. The Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies is another must-see, with exhibits that showcase the area's rich history and culture. Plus, don't miss the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, which hosts year-round events and performances in music, dance, theater, and more. Festivals and Events Banff is also home to a number of fun festivals and events throughout the year. The Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival, held annually in October, celebrates the best in outdoor adventure films and literature. The Banff Craft Beer Festival is another popular event, featuring over 40 local and international breweries. Plus, Banff hosts a variety of seasonal events, from the Winterstart Festival in November to the Banff Farmers' Market in the summer. Tips for Exploring Banff's Shopping and Culture Scene To make the most of your shopping and cultural experience in Banff, we recommend: - Plan ahead: Check out local event calendars and research the best shops and attractions before arriving to maximize your time. - Be prepared for the weather: Banff can experience dramatic temperature changes and sudden weather shifts, so bring layers and appropriate footwear for exploring the town. - Take advantage of local guides: Many cultural attractions offer guided tours with expert locals who can provide insights and anecdotes you might otherwise miss. - Support local businesses: Banff is home to a vibrant community of artisans and entrepreneurs, so consider shopping local to support the town's economy and unique character. Planning Your Picture-Perfect Getaway to Banff Planning a trip to Banff National Park can be overwhelming. With so much to see and do, it's hard to know where to begin. Here are some tips to help you plan your picture-perfect getaway: 1. Choose the Right Time of Year The best time to visit Banff depends on what you want to do. Summer offers great hiking and outdoor activities, while winter provides some of the best skiing in North America. Spring and fall offer fewer crowds and the chance to see wildlife. 2. Select Your Accommodations There are many lodging options in Banff, from luxury hotels to budget-friendly hostels. Consider your budget and what amenities are important to you when choosing accommodations. 3. Plan Your Activities Banff is home to a wide range of activities, from hiking and wildlife watching to skiing and snowboarding. Make a list of what you want to do and plan your itinerary accordingly. 4. Pack Appropriately The weather in Banff can be unpredictable, so it's important to pack for all possibilities. Layers are key, as temperatures can vary greatly throughout the day. Don't forget sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses for summer, and warm jackets and boots for winter. 5. Don't Forget Your Camera Banff National Park is one of the most beautiful places on earth, so make sure to bring your camera or smartphone for some amazing photo opportunities. Whether you're hiking to a mountain peak or exploring the town of Banff, you'll want to capture all the unforgettable moments. If you're looking for luxury travel inspiration in Japan, check out this stunning photo essay capturing the bustling cityscape of Tokyo in Tokyo in Luxury - Capturing Japan's Bustling Cityscape. Read the full article
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