#casually reposting some older fic bc im feeling nostalgic :( and i love this fic verse
leqclerc · 8 months
bloom like a flower in the spring Sebastian/Charles 507 words
Sebastian steps off the train with nothing more than a simple black duffel bag to his name. His clothes are comfortable, nondescript, and he’s wearing a cap. He looks every part the anonymous tourist.
Charles is unable to keep the smile off his face as he waves him over.
“Seb. You made it,” he says by way of greeting, sounding entirely too relieved, like they haven’t just been texting.
“I told you I’d be here,” Sebastian says simply. Charles looks at him for a moment, glad for the low light obscuring his blossoming blush.
“I know. But thank you anyway.” His eyes catch on the duffel bag in Sebastian’s hand. “Do you want help with this?”
Sebastian waves him off, flashing a grin. “I can carry my own baggage, Charles, don’t worry.”
Charles leads them out of the dim underground station and onto the street. The morning is chilly and cloudy, but the sun still manages to glow behind the opacity—Monaco valiantly making its annual attempt at doing winter.
Sebastian’s curiosity gets the better of him then, and he bends to carefully peek inside the cream-coloured gondola of the pram. The bedding looks plush and luxurious, soft to the touch.
“Hi,” he murmurs, unbidden.
Bean is comfortably nestled inside, eyes closed, lips slightly parted. One of her small hands is balled into a fist by her face. Her pale eyelids look translucent in the sunlight. She shifts, a little sigh escaping her mouth. Sebastian wonders what she’s dreaming about.
“She’s sleeping,” Charles tells him, somewhat needlessly. There it is again, that note of affection in his tone. Sebastian’s smile softens.
“The traffic doesn’t bother her?” he asks, falling into step beside Charles. He’s no stranger to bustling cities, but the noise is still somewhat jarring compared to the relative tranquility of the Swiss countryside.
“No, no. I guess she is used to it.”
Charles falters for a second, afraid he’s revealed too much, but Sebastian seems too distracted by Bean to dissect his phrasing. Small mercies.
They turn off the main street and onto some narrow side street tucked away out of view. It’s quieter here, more private. A woman is hanging up her laundry on the balcony six floors above them. Sebastian catches a glimpse of blue beyond the apartment blocks, boats swaying on the water.
Every so often, Charles’s eyes drift from Bean’s face to Sebastian’s. Giddiness washes over him, watching Sebastian against the backdrop of the azure harbour, casually walking down the streets Charles calls home. If he looks long enough, he can almost pretend Sebastian belongs here.
Charles stops on the sidewalk outside a beige apartment building, shooting Sebastian a look that somehow manages to be both expectant and shy. Sebastian helps Charles get the pram up the front steps with minimal jostling.
In the two years that they’ve been teammates, Sebastian has never once visited him, not like this.
Now, Charles can’t shake the feeling of being on the edge of something, a breath away from a nosedive.
“We’re here,” he says.
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