#going through a bit of a rough patch
mariejordans · 7 months
cate, i love you, but you kinda deserved your arm getting popped off bc literally don’t ever touch jordan like that are you crazy??????
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necromeowncy · 5 months
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mossy-paws · 3 months
hi hello!!
just wanted to come in here to say you're really cool and i love all the stuff you do !! /gen /pos you dont gotta respond to this i just wanted to let you know that i think youre cool and really neat >:333 /lh /gen
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RAAAAAH This was such a wonderful thing to wake up to HEHE! I’m so glad people the content I make!! comments like this genuinely mean so much to me so thank you beyond WORDS for saying this 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 /gen /VPOS EEEE
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sevenrs · 10 months
sometimes ive felt left out in fandoms for not wanting to ship anyone in canon but i think a lot of the rain world ships are more silly people having fun then dominant atmosphere
you keep going shippers. i admire your passion and commend your self expression
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Come up with five new Choices VIP book titles GO
-Naughty Time
-The Mailman Affair
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allright · 9 months
so many things i gotta work through
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weirdkev27 · 2 years
Lady Olivia: Look, King Andrias has taken a special interest in this Marcy human and so it’s our job to at least welcome her into our normal, stable, peace loving, Amphibian family.
General Yunan: *sighs* Okay, I’ll take her to the bugball.
Olivia: She doesn’t even like bugball. You’d know that if you’d spent more time with her.
Yunan: I spend time with Mushu.
Olivia: Marcy.
Yunan: Marcy.
Olivia: You haven’t said one word to her!
Yunan: Fine. Hey Marlene!
Marcy:*currently hyperfixated on a book on Amphibia*
Yunan: See! Every time I try to talk to her she shuts down!
Olivia: And I wonder where she gets that from?
Yunan: Oh here go! Little Miss Perfect and her flawless parenting skills!
Olivia: What?!
Yunan: Oh you’re always in her ear telling her what a screw up her old man is! Where were you went I was serving our country in the Sand Wars!
Olivia: I should have listened to my mother when she told me not to marry you!
Yunan: I was never good enough for your parents!
Yunan: So the truth comes out! Come on, Marlo, we’re leaving!
Olivia: Don’t you touch her!
Yunan: She’s my daughter!
Olivia: Come on, Marcy, come with mommy!
Olivia:*covering Marcy’s ears* DON’T YOU SCREAM IN FRONT OF MY BABY!
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
Dark Earth Zodiac
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The Bat
Creature of the halflight, you fly along the line of the brink, the almost-- the bat zodiac embodies the inbetween. They are often considered strange by their peers, but in the right setting their feeling of discomfort fades and they become a unique voice. Those under the sign of the bat tend towards anxiety, longing to live unwitnessed-- the bat is most comfortable in the dark, but not alone; this sign craves to exist without judgement. They tend to become lost in their thoughts, their own worlds, to the extent that they can forget to engage with the world around them. But those who love the bat know that they will always return. For all their shadows, the bat actively seeks to be compassionate. Having themselves felt both the harsh sear of the sun and the lonely chill of the moon, they find themselves able to sympathize with almost anyone.
Tagged byStolen from: @nightshrovd (♡) Tagging: @avisxe, @babydxhl, @demone-volpe, @goldenmedic, @halfghcst, @nervousleaderr, @qu-tipie, @smilingmxsk, @the-rorschach-mask and whoever hasn't done this yet?
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scongos-for-chongo · 2 years
shadow dub was so great that i’m breaking my 4 year hiatus to shout “FUCK YEAH RYAN” to the heavens and then return to my cave
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Aree you voting for Jiang Cheng in the meow meow competition?
(shame jiggy wasn't nominated, but at least someone Lan Zhan hates could still win)
Jiang Cheng lost to yet another 'adopted' son 😔
-Regular Anon
OMG??? I didn't even know there was such competition going on D:
I haven't been around lately bc I haven't been feeling my best tbh ^^;. Barely tweeted here and there and just liking some posts here. Guess I'm missing on the good stuff :/
Damn, yeah, I just went checking and you right, anon. But if I'm completely honest tho, I cannot be fully disappointed as I'm a huge Loki fan as well XD. And there's really a lot of parallels between those two. Guess I have a type lol.
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nellasbookplanet · 2 years
Where's that post about how therapy's expensive but going outside and chopping wood for a few hours is free
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Life is throwing all kinds of crazy at me at the moment. But hey at least this first edition players handbook for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons from 1978 arrived to cheer me up.
Hopefully, if I can make sense of the rules compared to 5e, I might have a go at DMing for the first time and run an old school one shot. A big scary castle full of goblins, bugbears, might chuck in a beholder, or maybe even a dungeon of beholders with a big old boss in the middle. Lovely!
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lilysnotes · 2 years
Who needs therapy when you can read fanfiction on the bus. *cries herself to sleep*
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deaconsleatherpants · 2 years
will you ever write a jared fic?
I'm definitely planning on it! I've got an idea I need to plot out a bit more before I can start writing.
Right now I'm really trying to get Dead Boys Don't Cry finished - it's coming up on a full year since I posted the first chapter, and I'd love to get it done before that "deadline" 😅 I'll probably start the Jarred fic after that though!
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dreamlandxrunaway · 2 years
im going over the works i wrote when i was like 15-16 there are some when i was even younger probably, i just havent gotten to them yet and omg, how many times can i say the same shit just a different set of words ssjkdnhkaasdhksaj
it's good to go back and look over the stuff,,, considering most of it is inspired by what i was going through,, ig both irl and in my head,,, but the names are what get me the most,,, ig they are realistic but damn are they cliche hahahha
it's such a big trip down the memory lane but it's also killing me inside to read all of it and see all of the mistakes and everything,,, at the very least im glad that me back in the days decided NOT to post them anywhere and reading them now also helped me realize why they never called me back from that writing whatever the fuck group #rude
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coockie8 · 2 months
so many of my recent wips stipulate in the title that the ship I'm writing is being written in a toxic manner right now lol
Like can ya tell I'm going through it? lmao
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