#goblin graham au
kursed-curtain · 1 year
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I would hope chocolates are goblin safe! (Otherwise you can't have great pancakes!)
More valentines!
Goblin Graham (& Rippling Consequences) come from @thewatercolours ;)
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gerbiloftriumph · 1 month
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"Guys, the mirror spat out another Gra--why does he have fangs??"
From the multiverse Graham au:
Goblin!Graham - @thewatercolours Winter!Graham - @gerbiloftriumph (hi me!) Summer!Graham - @captmickey Spring!Graham - @tooncooro Autumn!Graham - @kursed-curtain
textless under the cut
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thatmivy · 10 months
I am asking about your OCs
Lmao, thank you!!
I have 7 I actively play around with in my brain and a few more floating around:
Will Ergoth is a half-elf warlock. He's a very serious grumpy guy with a deeply troubled past (killed a whole town but it kinda wasn't his fault but also it absolutely was). Accidentally ends the world when he dies. His appearance is 100% Hugh Dancy (as Will Graham). He was meant to be a player character, then an NPC for my own campaign, but his story has gotten so out of hand I just have to settle for writing it.
Parka Ergoth is an orc fighter. Love of my life and Will's (they're married). He is the governor of a territory and takes his job super seriously which is a hazard to him because he's still dealing with the weight of his father's terrible rule that he inherited and that time Will almost killed him but instead Parka was the only one able to stop Will. Was also an NPC for my campaign but when that campaign ended up just becoming a story in my brain, he became an NPC again for the sequel, lmao.
Errut is a tiefling cleric. He is addicted to structure, law, and the words of the Saint Ergoth who guided the people to safety after the magical apocalypse began. He is inspired by the atomic priesthood but instead of actual radioactive waste, he keeps knowledge of corrupted magic. (He started off as a joke character Shane Madej demon AU but that quickly got away from me)
Sruthán Mac Thiarniri. My baby. My sweet cinnamon apple. My boo. Water Genasi wild magic sorcerer. I could write pages upon pages of this guy's life. He's more than a player character to me. I have planned so much about his family, his crew, his hometown, literally every aspect of Sruthán's life is being mapped out in my brain. He definitely started off as a way for me to thirst over BAFTA-winning actor Jared Harris in my own silly little way but he's grown far beyond that now.
Dymovaya is my goblin bloodhunter. She's a newer character but I really like playing as her!! She's just a cold, one-track minded old bitch and I love her. She's a werewolf but when ever I use the transformation action I would always say she's morbing out. Fire magic on a bloody rusty standard wood cutting ax. Cool as hell.
Delaney is my Underworld OC. Vampire lady that leaves the coven and aids the lycans to get revenge on her own kind for transforming her. She might just be a way to for me to thirst over Lucian, but she's also a pretty freaking rad character. I like exploring the Underworld universe with her.
Adlgonda is a human warlock. She fell in love with a forest spirit. A human army stayed at her tiny village and decimated the wildlands of her home, killing her beloved in the process. She swore vengeance on humankind and made a pact with the embers of her lover's remains granting her terrible magic. She goes from town to town trying to track down those responsible, but also won't hesitate to kill lonesome travellers while on the road.
Stonestar and Downyflight are two Warrior Cat ocs I don't talk about often, but they be up here in my brain anyways, taking up a lot of space in the nostalgia corner
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thewatercolours · 2 years
1. That ficlet of rippling consequences where no1 and no2 are bantering outside graham’s bedroom door is so lovely and warm and soft. They care so much. And anything you’ve written for frostburn ever - you nailed frosted graham’s character so completely and im just. In awe. I cannot compare.
3. Your interpretation of my blorbo graham is lovely - strong and capable and persevering even in moments of weakness. Always reaching for the light. Fills me with joy and is v inspiring when i mostly just knock him down
4. i love the way you write neese and graham’s relationship - they’re the most adorable couple. Couple goals. I wish to squish them. Loving and supportive and chaotic and sharp. You breathe so much warmth and life into them.
6. Ohhh that scene in GG where manny is telling graham to stay in the dark and the cold - and he doesn’t. He reaches for the light. I love that. I love him. I need more moments like that in my fics lbr
8. How very much like canon it feels. Seriously im jealous, it has the same mental palette as the game itself. I tend to just wander off in the reeds and im just in awe of your prowess. Are you sure you’re not a member of TOG’s team in disguise?
9. Goblin graham goblin graham goblin graham - especially more of my boy ashdown, im surprisingly attached to him. Goblin graham actually makes me anxious with how good it is, i have to steel myself in order to read it, its scary
12. I keep coming back to that stargazers fic, filled with hope and wishes for the future. I adore so very much and i need that.
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Oh no - I forgot to reply to this, and it absolutely made my day when I read it! Honestly this warmed my heart like a cookie in an oven.
It's so kind of you to mention that guard scene! I don't often attempt putting more than one guard in a scene, because there's a certain magic to their dynamics that can be difficult to capture (some of you are pros at it, though!) I look at that scene and see room for growth, so it's encouraging that on some level I was on the right track! As for Frostburn - what can I say? You captured my imagination with your lovely writing in that AU, enough that I got over my tentativeness about writing in another person's fanon. You did that icy king so well I couldn't help but want to give it a try myself.
I love how we all have slightly different focuses in how we experiment with the same character. None of us have a formula. We're always breaking and expanding our own patterns. But we all have approaches we love, and yes, I do love sticking Graham in trouble but making sure there's always some small thing he can try (what can I say? I came to this game through the reboot, where there's always a way forward, not the classic era where you really should have picked up that one object during the 5 second window of time, and if you didn't, you are bound to wander that forest indefinitely with no way past the witch. My Graham always has options, even if said option is just climbing up and and down chains in an anachronistic elevator. Your Graham approach is awesome too - sometimes he has options, but he doesn't always have options, which is true to life and is an opportunity to explore from important ideas. He makes me feel tremendously, and think about how that's often the way in life - we can't make it on our own, and have to rely on our friends and loved ones and unmerited moments of grace to make it through. And when your Graham triumphs in the end, that ending is so marvelous and a great relief and it feels earned.
Ha, at first I wasn't going to write that scene with Manny, because it was in the embarrassed, concise outline, but in the end the prospect of writing it felt fun, so I went for it. It's the only GG scene thus far that's from the POV of those watching the mirror rather than someone in the scene, which also was fun to play with.
Uh oh, someone's finally on to me. Fine, you caught me. I am indeed a dev with the Odd Gentlemen. I'm the one who decided we wouldn't follow up on the dragon in the final chapters, designed the log decorating game and the "I'm going on an adventure" game, wrote all the wonderful quips about participation awards and messenger pigeons in Chapter Four, and saved you from having to play the scenes with Whisper and Acorn in Chapter Two. You're welcome - I aim to please. ;-)
Thanks for all the kind words. I haven't finished writing mine for everyone yet - I should do that!
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camilleflyingrotten · 6 years
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just a personal ver of the Hannibal/Labyrinth crossover :3
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captmickey · 2 years
✏️ One of the other KH characters gets thrown into the The Adventurers + Kingdom Hearts AU somehow
It had been several months since he had suddenly arrived with truly little to no explanation and only a few months since he finally let go of all of his pent up frustrations and sorrow. He wasn’t entirely better, and he knew he wouldn’t be for a long time, but he no longer felt burdened or filled with anguish. In fact, he found that being in the company of the trio helped ease the longing for home. 
They always seemed to know when was the right time to distract him or force him to talk out his thoughts… more importantly, at Link’s suggestion, perhaps the ruler from the kingdom he was from could potentially help find a way home since, in his own words, they were already on their way to help reunite the pirate with his wife (something that took the young keyblade wielder entirely off guard), so why not help him as well?
And that, to Sora, meant the world. 
Realizing he was a few steps behind, he jogged over to the others. Sora leaned close to the pirate and looked at the map. “Any idea where we’re heading next?” He asked.
“There’s a nearby town from the look of it?” Guybrush tilted his head slightly. “At least I hope it’s a town. I don’t want to walk into another piggy monster’s base… again.”
“For the last time, bokoblins.” Link corrected.
Guybrush shrugged. “I like piggy monsters better.”
“Why not just call them goblins?” Sora asked. “They kinda look like one.”
Graham made a face. “You… never met a goblin, have you?”
“Nope!” Sora answered too confidently.
“Graham, I think he might out-energize you.” Guybrush remarked, rolling up the map and pocketing it away. 
“Perish the thought.” Graham scoffed.
Their bantering stopped suddenly as they heard the sounds of monsters in the distance. Link instinctively reached for the hilt of his blade leading the others to reach for their own weapons. Was it a surprise attack? Were they going into yet another base by accident? The questions shot up into flames as they heard the sound of someone shouting.
“Someone’s in trouble!” Sora shouted.
“Best we go help them then.” Link agreed, unsheathing his sword and charging forward.
While Sora was pretty quick on his feet, he knew he didn’t have the advantage when it came to height as the trio ran past him, he also knew he couldn’t exactly as for them to slow down as there was someone in danger and needed help quickly, he will catch up to them when he will… a lesson he was still struggling to learn from the trio. Thankfully, the run wasn’t too long as he skidded to a stop. Surrounded was a figure in a lilac colored cloak, their face obscured by the hood as they gripped their arm, looking ready to fall over, the next thing he noticed was the trio with their weapons drawn staring down what Guybrush called “lizzies”. 
(“Lizalfos, Guybrush.” Link would rub the bridge of his nose.)
Sora, being no different, summoned the kingdom key in hand and gave a close examination. Something about them was off… it wasn’t the usual green or silver scales he got used to seeing, in fact it was a solid shade of black that not even the sun wasn’t even reflecting off of it. The creature turned its head and looked their way, showing its bright yellow eyes and slowly but surely, the word clicked loud and clear in the keyblade wielder’s head.
But why? What was it doing here? He hadn’t seen one since he arrived, why was there a Heartless here? 
“Uh… that’s a new looking one?” Guybrush pointed out.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it…” Graham agreed.
“Still, I–” Link stopped, “look out!”
They all jumped out of the way as the creature struck, pulling its weapon out of the ground and ready to strike again. 
“Hey, find somewhere to hide!” Graham shouted at the figure. “We got this!”
The figure, meanwhile, was staring at Sora… he could feel their eyes staring his way through their hood, piercing him, even, and saw them run off somewhere to hide. Good, that’s one less civilian to worry. 
“Okay, it’s a strike-first-ask-later kinda monster.” Graham joked, drawing an arrow back and aiming at it.
“It’s not a regular monster.” Sora finally spoke. “It’s a Heartless.”
“A what-less?” Guybrush raised a brow.
“The creatures I fought back where I’m from.” 
The trio looked at him, clicking what it meant and fell into position quickly. The creature let out a roar, summoning more of its kind as they all began to circle around the four of them, weapons drawn and aimed at them.
“So unless my math is off, I think there’s more of them than there is of us.” The pirate pointed out.
“There is, absolutely.” Graham agreed, trying to see which Heartless to aim at first. 
“Their nine to our four.” Link confirmed.
“Oh, so we just need to fight two at a time with one extra spooky monster, this is fine.” Guybrush laughed. 
“Is it?” Sora looked at him. When he got a tired glare from the pirate, he realized very quickly it was a rhetorical question. “Ah.”
It was doable, he thought… he fought a thousand of them at a time in the past, one of which was entirely by himself. And yet, something about this particular brand of Heartless had him concerned, he never saw anything like it, so coordinated and strategic… he couldn’t gamble on this one, not if he wanted to keep everyone safe. 
“On three…” Link decided. 
“Winner gets to take down the last one with bragging rights.” Graham quickly added as a wager, trying to bring levity into the fight. 
“And picking tonight’s dinner.” Guybrush added.
“Well, when you make a wager like that.” Link joined in. “Three… two… one…!”
The four lunged into the fight, fending off the opponents as best they could. As thought, each of them fought two at a time to varying results. Some of the Heartless were vanquished quickly and thoroughly by either Keyblade or Master Sword while others found themselves shot at or sliced with the standard blades or arrows. It truthfully felt like a blur for Sora as he kept fighting, occasionally assisting the others with a team up attack, but time came slamming into him as he felt himself tossed harshly to the ground, the air getting knocked out of his lungs. 
Wincing, he looked and saw the Heartless that tossed him wasn’t a lizalfos looking one… but a moblin. When… when did that one show up, he wondered? The others were too far, the only one that could reach him in time would be Graham and his arrows but he was occupied with his own set of Heartless to deal with. He tried pushing himself up, pushing to stand and summon the keyblade but everything felt distant and dizzying. He watched the Heartless raise a fist into the air, ready to slam into him and braced himself when he heard that familiar sound of a Heartless vanquished. Peeking with one eye, Sora looked and saw before him was the lilac cloaked figure…
…holding a keyblade.
His heart began to hurt, he knew that keyblade, he recognized it all too well with the flowery vines that crawled up the water-like texture.  
“Sora!” Graham’s voice broke through, the keyblade wielder looked over and noticed the trio running his way, their weapons having been put away. “H-hey, are you–”
They skidded to a stop when they looked at the figure who stared at them, giving a slight bow towards them.
“Thanks for buying me that time to regain my strength.” They spoke. “Thought I was a goner back there.”
“Uh…?” Guybrush rubbed the back of his neck. “You’re welcome?”
“You okay though?” Link asked.
They nodded. “Mm-hmm, more than ever.”
“W…who…? Who are you?” Sora asked as the figure summoned away their keyblade. He wanted his hunch to be right, he so desperately wanted it to be right but he was so accustomed to having his hope snatched away that he had to ask.
“I’ll give you a hint.” The figure turned around and removed their hood, revealing her short and bright red hair, leaving Sora with a sudden and overwhelming sense of longing. She gave her biggest smile she could muster. “Starts with a K.”
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quentinbecks · 3 years
10-16 on the obscure asks? 💚💚💐
Thank you, Paige! Sorry for the bit of a delay in answering 💕
what do you wish you hated, but actually like?
Probably something like 90 Day Fiancé? I’m sure it could/probably should be considered problematic for some of the couples they let on (50 something white man with a 19 year Filipina who won’t let her touch the car window? Yikes!) But it’s a train wreck that I can’t stop watching.
vague about your crush(es)
I answered this here, but I’ll just talk about the kind of people I get crushes on. Tall, dark hair and light eyes, feminine no matter their gender. Idk I’m not super picky looks wise. I like people that are genuinely funny, don’t need to be super smart as long as you’re willing to be constantly learning new things, and just kind and considerate of others. Also, just please be Will Graham in season 1 of Hannibal
is there someone you have mixed feelings towards?
Yeah, there’s a few people in real life I like, but also make me question how much I actually like them. Not any of my friends, but I have a few acquaintances who seem cool but then do something questionable. Guess that’s why they’re not actual friends!
talk about an au or story you came up with
My John serial killer AU (though, I suppose it’s not much of an AU…). Still don’t know if I want my girl as being unsuspecting, knowing and not caring, or being a final girl tbh. But I do love the sexual tension between a slasher and their final girl/boy/person 😬 We can all blame @smut-goblin for this one!
do you like makeup?
I like makeup, but I’ve only worn a full face a couple of times since the pandemic started. Since people are mainly seeing my eyes now I just do my brows and lashes, everything else is bare under that mask lol. I definitely prefer skincare, though! Your makeup isn’t going to look good if that skin is being neglected.
do you prefer space or the ocean?
The ocean! I love how freeing it is to be in a massive body of water! I don’t know if I would feel the same about orbiting through space. Also, if I’m being honest, every billionaire’s obsession with colonizing space has soured me on the idea tbh.
if you could pick any planet besides earth, where would you live?
lol this is hard since I don’t want to go into space. Maybe Mercury or Venus since they’re hot? No cold planets, please! Lemme go there and see just how much heat I can truly withstand.
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veliseraptor · 5 years
Oh also... I would be interested if you have any musings on how Gabriel, in the Constantinople AU, might approach a very isolated Lymond who he’s working on getting addicted but who’s still fighting him at least verbally very hard if it’s... getting more difficult, if Gabriel was intending to be suggestive and eventually... stop suggesting without it being completely non-sequitur (so he can kinda claim Lymond helped get them here, right?)
[rubbing my hands together like some kind of demented goblin] okay so - finally getting around to this after approximately forever
yeah, I feel like...Gabriel can be very patient for a long time, but Lymond is also very good at digging in his heels and pushing back. I mean, the entirety of The Disorderly Knights stands as evidence as to “Gabriel repeatedly trying to get Lymond to cave and it not working,” and ultimately that culminates in Gabriel...flogging the shit out of Lymond. He has an excuse, there, a sanction, but boy does he take a lot of satisfaction in it. 
“For how long, thought Nicolas de Nicolay, had Graham Malett longed to do just this thing? For twelve long months Lymond had held out against him. For a year he had resisted the mightiest blandishments known to man; returned all Gabriel’s advances with railery; obstructed all Graham Malett’s confident plans and finally, shown a courage and stamina under constant, devious attack that must have maddened this great god of a man, so contemptuous of his fellows.”
(had to go and look up the quote and then reread the entire scene again, because...reasons.)
anyway, to go back to your ask - I think at a certain point he might hit that same “giving up on subtlety and snapping to violence” reaction. In that scene he does, again, have the excuse and sanction - he might try to arrange something similar, though it would be harder to provide a ~reasonable excuse.~ I mean, it could be something like...getting into a situation where it’s necessary to use opium to help with pain (and there’s a lot of ways to get there where Gabriel might be able to swing a kind of plausible deniability).
but I think that, in a situation where it’s just him and Lymond and they both know who Gabriel is, while he would try for a while to push Lymond into caving, you know, “voluntarily” - ultimately if it got to a point where Gabriel was frustrated enough I do think he’d be willing to resort to outright force.
the ultimate goal is victory - victory that involves breaking Lymond’s will to his own without overt force is obviously optimal, but he’s not above other options if he’s irritated enough, and repeated denial of his will is very frustrating to Gabriel.
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Hannigram RP.
Fandom: Hannibal TV show. (2013-2015) Pairing: Hannigram. (Hannibal Lecter x William Graham.) Character(s) you want to play: Hannibal Lecter, preferably. (However I am open to playing Will as well.) Character(s) you want your partner to play: Will Graham. Setting: I am quite flexible with both canon and AU, I find that at times AUs are great because you can explore all elements of the ship and have more excitement, whether it be a fantasy prompt or otherwise. Having said that, I am quite keen on exploring.  Prompt: Trigger warning! I do like prompts that are at times heavier in style, including drug abuse and other things. I have been also open to doing things in different time eras, somewhere between the 60s and 90s. I also love fantasy, goblins and ghouls, but I am open to hearing other prompt ideas one might have or even decide on a prompt together! RP Style: I am a person who appreciates in-depth, long paragraphs. I love detail as well and describing the environment, the characters’ emotions.  Platform: I RP through email: [email protected] , and my Discord tag is: Hannibal Lecter#2299.  Tropes: Vampires, I love vampires. That’s the one that comes to mind the most. Language: English!  About me Gender: Male Sexuality: Gay Age: 19 (Almost twenty, scary af.) How to contact me:  Email: [email protected] Discord: Hannibal Lecter#2299 Tumblr: http://wick-man.tumblr.com/ Other: While this site is not allowing NSFW material - which I understand and respect - I do RP NSFW. I would appreciate people to who like to write NSFW with me to be over eighteen!  Don’t be afraid to approach me, I am very chill and love to write. While I mentioned a few things I’d like to write, I’m open to so much more and new ideas, so feel free to contact me and let’s figure out what’s cool with the both of us!  Also, I prefer to write on Discord and Email, but if you have other suggestions, let me know as well. Other things such as triggers we can discuss together.
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hannibalcreative · 6 years
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Here’s the Fic Roundup of our first even of 2018! We want to thank everyone for participating, and specially @reapersun for the amazing banner.
Second Star to the Right by 11Mydesign11, Destinyawakened and Identically_Different
Summary: A Peter Pan AU. In Neverland you never grow older, grow up, or present. Will befriends Hannibal and Mischa and brings them to Neverland to escape their awful Uncle. But Neverland isn’t right for everyone.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Bedelia du Maurier, Mason Verger, Mischa Lecter, Matthew Brown, Tobias Budge, Franklyn Froideveaux, Molly Graham, Dr. Frederick Chilton
Merge Conflicts by ivnwrites
Summary: Recruiting someone out of the matrix was supposed to be easy. He was supposed to be able to explain the simulation and watch their eyes light up at the chance to finally see what was outside the world they had known. They weren’t supposed to turn his offer down.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Will Graham, Matthew Brown
Brownham (Will Graham/Matthew Brown)
Site B by murdergatsby
Summary: Will Graham’s boat washes ashore Isla Sorna, a human-scarce island off the coast of Costa Rica with an unnatural history. He immediately finds himself thrown into dangers he’s never experienced, and certainly wasn’t prepared for.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Mason Verger, Freddie Lounds, Cordell Doemling
Learning Love by FrostyLee
Summary: The Moulin Rouge will always teach about the greatest thing you’ll ever learn.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Elias, Lee Fallon
Eleeas (Lee/Elias)
The Shape of Murder by sonderland
Summary: Will Graham is working as a repairman at The Baltimore State Hospital when they acquire an unusual asset.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Bedelia du Maurier, Beverly Katz, Wendigo, Jack Crawford, Frederick Chilton.
Draco’s Ladder  (also avaliable in French) by PersephoneSiren
Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Adam Towers, Draco
FlowerBear (Adam Towers/Draco)
Killing Must Feel Good to Gods, Too. by Housefrau
Summary: Will Graham and Shadow Moon find themselves in a very similar situation. After being unable to save her life on his own, Will begs the Goblin King to heal Abigail Hobbs. The Goblin King agrees to help, but will not give her back unless Will comes to retrieve her himself. After a heated argument with Shadow, Laura Moon wishes herself away. Much to Shadow’s surprise, the Goblin King actually takes her. Will and Shadow ask for Abigail and Laura to be returned, but now must complete the labyrinth within thirteen hours in order to get them back. If they fail, the Goblin King will either have new goblins to do his bidding… or dinner. After all, Hannibal Lecter is the Goblin King. He finds that following through with wishes to take humans away is the easiest way to get fresh meat for his infamous dinner parties.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Abigail Hobbs, Alana Bloom, Elias, Lee Fallon, Wendigo, Molly Foster, Shadow Moon, Laura Moon, Mad Sweeney, Zorya Vechernyaya, Zorya Utrennyaya, Zorya Polunochnaya, Technical Boy, Media, Salim, The Jinn, Bilquis, Mr. World.
Hannigram, Alana Bloom/Will Graham, Molly Graham/Will Graham, Will Graham/Wendigo, Laura Moon/Shadow Moon, Shadow Moon/Audrey Burton, Shadow Moon/Mad Sweeney, The Jinn | Ifrit/Salim
Mystery of Love by 11Mydesign11, You_Are_As_Alone_As_I_Am
Summary: When his father’s handsome friend – a young graduate student – comes to stay with Aiden and his family for the summer, he quickly becomes the boy’s obsession. Is it an unrequited crush, or a deeper love roiling beneath the surface begging to claw it’s way out? A sensual, beautiful love story wrought with denial, teenage angst and passion blossoms in this Hannigram AU, inspired by the Oscar nominated film, Call Me By Your Name.
Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom, Aiden (Blood and Chocolate), Vivian Gandillon
Aiden (Blood and Chocolate)/Hannibal Lecter
Alien: Genesis by treebarkings
Summary: Adam apprehends a criminal war machine and tries to bring him to justice. Nigel, said criminal, just kidnapped an officer on top of his military desertion. The two board the Genesis for entirely different reasons. A disturbing plot of genetic experimentation, human rights, and Aliens ostensibly keep them together.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Adam Raki, Nigel
Evil is here, volatile as smoke by Cinnamaldeide
Summary: Something not very nice happened in the room over Hannibal’s meat pie shop, many years ago, but a purposeful stranger is eager to rent it nonetheless; fortuitously Hannibal had his ways to feed another mouth.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Abigail Hobbs, Bedelia du Maurier, Jack Crawford, Abel Gideon, Freddie Lounds,
Synchronicity by fizumono
Summary: Jaeger pilot Will Graham’s unique drift compatibility with Hannibal Lecter is perhaps the missing link needed to save the world from Kaiju invasion and cancel the apocalypse.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Adam Towers, Adam Raki, Elias, Nigel
Hannigram, Basic Chickens, Spacedogs
Today 4 U by shiphitsthefan
Summary: Lee knows Nigel, his solemn downstairs neighbor, from their HIV support group. He didn’t expect to come home from his shift at the Cat Scratch Club to a distraught Nigel at his door, candle in hand, ready to relapse. There’s no way Lee’s leaving him alone, not tonight. It’s December 25th, two AM, Eastern Standard Time. From here on in, they live without a script.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Lee Fallon, Nigel
BearDogs (Nigel/Lee)
Whisper Through the Chrysalis by beforethedawn, ConstructFairytales and Destinyawakened
Summary: Will Graham’s been reassigned, again, to a new Master–This one is slightly less ethical than the others.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Jack Crawford, Frederick Chilton
Maneater: The Survivor by RedFive
Summary: When work brings Chief Brody up to Baltimore for a weekend, she checks in on her good friend Will Graham, and although Will seems physically recovered from the events that occurred last spring, something is troubling him. Worried for her friend, she turns to Doctor Lecter for advice unaware of the danger she’s in as the FBI closes in on their own maneater. One or all will be caught in their fishing nets, and not everyone will make it out alive.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Chocolat by ElectraRhodes
Summary: this is a Hannibal/Chocolat crossover, dealing with all kinds of delicious guilty indulgences; borrowing from Catholic theology and liturgy; Hannibal’s own special kinds of therapy; gratuitous use of rural France.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Le Chevaliers des Fleurs by vix_spes
Summary: Adam Towers, le Chevaliers des Fleurs, was one of the most famous demimondaine in Paris, always flitting from lover to lover. And then he met Draco, the young Vicomte d'Argive.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Adam Towers, Draco
FlowerBear (Adam Towers/Draco)
Strength and Honour by ElectraRhodes
Summary: “My name is Maximus Hannibal Barca. Leader of the armies of the north, brother to a murdered child, son to murdered parents. And I will have my revenge. In this life. Or the next.”
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Alana Bloom, Bedelia du Maurier, Brian Zeller, Jimmy Price, Jack Crawford, Tobias Budge, Francis Dolarhyde, Reba McClane, Beverly Katz
when you say nothing at all by grahamirror
Summary: Bookstore owner Will Graham, Hollywood star Hannibal Lecter and a moonlit garden.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Unicorn by Llewcie
Summary: Will Graham is a bounty hunter– his job is to ‘retire’ replicants who have gone rogue. Hannibal Lecter is his latest target, a prototype with an unlimited clock and a thirst for learning, among other things. Tracking him is easy– it’s almost like Lecter wants to be found. Retiring him might be a little more complicated.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Mulholland Drive by folieadeux-carolinedhavernas
Summary: Mulholland Drive with Katharine Isabelle as Betty Elms/Margot Verger and Caroline Dhavernas as Rita/Alana Bloom- based on one of the movie posters.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom, Margot Verger
Hannibloom, Marlana
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kursed-curtain · 1 month
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A redraw of this piece by @gerbiloftriumph for my Flight Rising!AU
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gerbiloftriumph · 5 years
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knit happens
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vaultsexteen · 6 years
UNA: if you put a group of Vault 60 dwellers and a bunch of New Manilenyos together, the first thing they would probably do is to get each other to eat their food TBH
PANGALAWA: it’s almost 5AM over here and insomnia is being a real pain in the ass right now. to an outsider i probably look like a little goblin hunched over my glowing phone in a pitch black house
PANGATLO: in the Van Buren AU, joshua graham just has his stupid Righteous Revenge on his mind all throughtout the whole Zion Debacle and the funny thing is that the Holy Mormon Empire later whitewashes his crimes and straight up revises his personality so he’s more sympathetic even though he’s an arrogant and self-righteous shitlord… sort of how he’s framed in the Honest Hearts DLC as this Prodigal Son type character, because i have Statements to Make
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thewatercolours · 2 years
King's Quest Fic: "Threshold" (Goblin Graham, pt.6)
Previous installments: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, interlude
Graham has managed to free the townsfolk from prison without allowing them to see him in his goblin form. He's quietly smoothed the way for them to make it to a tunnel that will lead the surface. As he's about to step through himself, he encounters Manny, who is in no position to stop him - he's standing on a lower level and speaking to Graham from below.
Gwendolyn’s eyes were inches from the mirror, as though standing closer would enable her to catch some detail in the darkness it showed. The voice was Manny’s, but she couldn’t make anything out of his form. She reached out for her father’s hand without looking, but he presumably did not see it to take it. His gaze was likely as fixed on the mirror as hers. The words sounded too loudly in her ears.
“Quite sure that’s a door you want to walk through, Your Majesty?”
“I don’t have tine – time - for a scum rike- like you.” Grandpa’s strange goblin voice, choking on some of the syllables.
“I only point it out because your friends are headed up an especially echoey passage. And that armoured boot you’re dragging your foot around is awfully clattery. They’ll be onto you before you’ve taken three steps. I’d wait a few minutes if I were you. Give them time for a headstart. Oh, and plan out how you’re going to explain yourself when they eventually do see you. I’d aim for something you can blurt out in a few seconds, before they resort to sticks and stones to protect themselves.”
“We’re not doi – doing -”
“Oh, don’t bother correcting yourself – mouths like yours weren’t made for intelligent speech, were they?”
A cold rage entered Grandpa’s voice even as it became more distorted, like he was rushing past all the words he stumbled on. She could barely make some of them out. “We are NOT doing this. And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll never come near my kingdom again.”
“Your kingdom? Well, Graham, we could all learn a thing or two about optimism from you. Were you planning on going on reigning, then?”
“Shut up.”
“Don’t tell me to shut up. Just walk out the door if you don’t want to hear it. I can’t stop you. But once you cross that threshold, and they see you for what you are, there’s no undoing it.  Sometimes it’s better to be remembered with love and warmth, even if it means being apart, than to see the trust die in your friends’ eyes and be replaced with something else.”
All was silent for a long moment.
“Oh, staying to listen after all, are you?” said Manny. A taunt, but a taunt with an undernote of sincerity, far worse than any sarcasm.
“The ones who actually care about me will see beyond this,” said Grandpa, much more quietly.
“Oh, they’ll try. Of course they will. They’re good people.”
“You - ” The word began as a word, but by the end of breath it was a word no longer. It turned into an inhuman snarl.
“And then that will happen, won’t it? Because while platitudes about looking beyond appearances are nice, there’s a little more we’ve got to consider here then just appearances. You may be going back to the surface, but you’re leaving your humanity behind forever, down here.”
Silence again.
“Some spells are breakable. I don’t use that kind. You’re going to know pain of a kind I doubt you’ve readied your mind for. It’ll be there every night. Every day. Your goblin nature will get inside your head, but the pain will change you even more. Brush this off. Call it me trying to manipulate you. But I’ll tell you one thing that I already know you believe is true.” Manny spoke more slowly. “Your friends don’t want pain for you. You’re right when you say they care about you. And this choice you’re about to make – to spend the rest of your life in that kind of pain – they’d want to spare you that. Staying down here would hurt. But I can’t imagine it would hurt as much as what’s on the other side of that door.”
Gwendolyn could hear her own heartbeat, and her father’s by her side.
“You already know the way back down.”
Hinges screaked slowly. A shaft of dim, distant torchlight opened, and Gwendolyn could just discern the frame of a door, and a goblin’s silhouette, devoid of crown, cloak, or armour. He let go the door handle, and turned for a moment to look over his shoulder. Then he stepped through the doorway, and closed it behind him with a gentle click. Darkness took the mirror again.
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fionnapancake666 · 7 years
Chapters: 11/11 Fandom: Hannibal (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter Characters: Will Graham, Abigail Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Winston (Hannibal), Wendigo (Hannibal) Additional Tags: fairy tale AU, Minor Canon character death, Magical Creatures, Goblins, Happy Ending, Angst, Fluff, Cheeky Dialogue, Playful Goblin King, Terrified Mushrooms, Discussion of Canon Child Death, Smut, Bottom Will Graham, Labyrinth AU Summary:
This is a retelling of the story of Labyrinth, Hannigram-style. Will wakes from a 6 month coma to find that no one remembers his baby sister Abigail. A visit from a strange man calling himself the Goblin King plunges Will into a perplexing and often terrifying world, where he is racing the clock to solve the Labyrinth and rescue his sister and himself from the cold and aloof Hannibal, King of the Goblins. But the deeper in he gets, the more he realizes that this is not the Labyrinth he knows from the stories. This is not that Labyrinth at all.
@hannibalficwriters for #FannibalFicRecs
A lovely Hannibal x Labyrinth AU story by @llewcie :D 
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captmickey · 3 years
OTP for them: A fist to the face. In all seriousness, I um... don’t ship him. With anyone. He’s kind of a raging butthole to people so I don’t think he sees himself dating anyone either, he’s anyways more of the manipulative type who uses people instead of, y’know, treating them like people.
BROTP for them: Erm... see back to the OTP answer. 
Other ships: Again. OTP answer.
What kind of fic I’d write about them: If there is any fic I would personally like to write about Manny, is him getting his comeuppance from someone who has every right to do it to him eg Graham, Alexander or Mordak. 
A favorite canon moment: Hmm... I guess it would have to be getting a literal pie chucked at his face. Something about it was hilarious.
Color that reminds me of them: Dark grey and green.
Song that reminds me of them: Aside from his main theme? You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch which I think sums him up perfectly and the whole, y’know, green thing.
A headcanon about them: Manny gets very very VERY easily flustered when someone decides to use moon logic on him. Kind of like telling a computer that the sentence is false, he just gets upset and unable to unthink for a good couple of days.
A random AU I think up on the spot for them: Hmm... him using his Pied Piper illustration as a disguise at first to get in ala the story itself before going from armor goblin to creepy old man.
Anything else: I would like... to see him get punted like the little football that he is.
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