medicomunicare · 2 years
Medicina rigenerativa (III): quando la terapia genica fallisce la biologia cellulare può essere migliore
Medicina rigenerativa (III): quando la terapia genica fallisce la biologia cellulare può essere migliore
Si ritiene che l’eziologia del T1D sia causata dalla distruzione dei linfociti B del pancreas immuno-mediata. Sebbene la terapia insulinica sia stata ampiamente utilizzata per gestire i livelli di glucosio nel sangue nei pazienti con T1D, l’ipoglicemia correlata al trattamento e le iniezioni per tutta la vita evidenziano la necessità di migliori opzioni di trattamento. Poiché la perdita di…
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Every day I work I get closer to just letting my bg drop to the point of fainting to prove a point and the only thing stopping me is knowing how bad it would be for me
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soadscrawl · 2 years
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hijack modern au hiccup has T1 diabetes because i have T1 diabetes and i said so
also toothless is their fucked up and insane cat
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boyplushie · 10 months
also im finally getting more glucagon 👍 ive been carrying around expired ones for uhh 2.5 years? & i finally committed to getting more & even tho it's $200 im just SO grateful that it doesn't cost more
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One day Ik calls Satan 'Sanana the skenana' and thats what finally breaks him
oddly fitting that the sans joke successfully gets satan to lose the game (that he and only he has decided they were playing)
(he's probably going to convince ik to try the name thing on lucifer, just so he can gloat if lucifer doesn't last as long as him)
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auspicious-voice · 2 years
Promo'ing ksm's cover of Glucagon using Mario!! Please check it out~
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pharmaffiliates-25 · 13 days
Product Name : Trp 25(O) Glucagon | Pharmaffiliates
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Buy highly pure Trp 25(O) Glucagon, CAS No : NA, Mol.Formula : C153H225N43O50S, Mol.Weight : 3498.79, from Pharmaffiliates. Login as registered user for prices, availability and discounts.
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aliishrat · 29 days
Regulation of Blood Sugar Levels  A Full Details    
Subtitle - Managing Blood Sugar Levels: Tips and Strategies                               
What is blood sugar
Blood sugar /Glucose, or blood glucose, is like gas for our casing cells. It comes from the food we devour, particularly dinners with sugars like bread, pasta, and final product. Our body transforms these food sources into glucose, which goes into our circulation system to give capacity to our cells. Consider it the strength that proceeds with our body strolling effectively, similar to gas for a vehicle. Insulin, a chemical made with the guide of the pancreas, empowers glucose get into our cells to give them power or stores additional glucose for some time in the future. A key opens the entryway for glucose to go into our cells. Keeping glucose levels within the right reach is essential for our wellness. Too tons or too little glucose can motivate problems, like feeling worn-out or shaky, or even serious situations like diabetes. So, it is essential to maintain an eye fixed on our blood sugar ranges to stay healthy and full of power!
Blood sugar, or glucose, has been identified in clinical literature considering the fact that ancient times, with early observations of candy-tasting urine indicating its presence. In the nineteenth century, advances in chemistry led to the identity of glucose within the blood.
 Blood sugar refers to the awareness of glucose present in the bloodstream, frequently derived from the food we consume. It serves because the number one supply of energy for cells and tissues in the course of the body, presenting gas for vital features such as brain interest and muscle contraction.
Importance & Advantages: Maintaining solid blood sugar stages is essential for standard health and well-being. Proper law of blood sugar facilitates prevent complications which include diabetes, cardiovascular sickness, and neurological problems. It also helps ultimate strength stages and cognitive characteristics.
Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels enables people to assess their metabolic fitness and make knowledgeable decisions approximately food regimen, exercise, and medicine. Maintaining balanced blood sugar degrees can enhance mood, prevent fatigue, and decrease the chance of chronic sicknesses, promoting toughness and energy.
2-  What are the Symptoms of High Blood Sugar / Glucose?
At the point when glucose levels are excessively high, it might cause various signs. The following are a couple of normal ones:
Increased /Expanded Thirst: Feeling exceptionally parched and needing to hydrate more than ordinary.
Frequent Urination/Continuous Pee: Expecting to pee extra consistently, particularly during the evening.
Fatigue/Exhaustion: Feeling drained or lazy, even after you have adequate unwinding.
Blurry Vision:/Foggy Vision: Having hazy or mutilated vision, makes it extreme to just see.
Headaches/Cerebral pains: Encountering normal cerebral pains or headaches.
Dry Mouth: Feeling just like the mouth is dry and sticky.
Increased Hunger: Feeling hungry greater frequently, even after ingesting.
Slow Healing: Wounds, cuts, or sores take longer to heal than regular.
Unexplained Weight Loss: Losing weight without attempting, notwithstanding consuming generally or even more than typical.
Irritability: Feeling without problems irritated, moody, or on facet.
It's critical to observe that those signs and symptoms can range from character to man or woman, and now not anybody with high blood sugar will experience them all. Additionally, a few humans won't have any considerable signs, specifically in the early degrees of excessive blood sugar. If you revel in any of those signs and symptoms, especially in the event that they persist or worsen over the years, it's vital to see a healthcare company for proper evaluation and management.
3-  Causes of Blood Sugar?
Blood sugar ranges may be tormented by different things. One major component is the feasts we consume, particularly fixings with carbs like bread, rice, and treats. At the point when we gobble up these fixings, our body separates them into sugar alluded to as glucose, which goes into our circulatory system.
Something else is insulin, a chemical made by the pancreas. Insulin behaves like a key that empowers glucose to get into our cells to offer them strength. If our frame does not make sufficient insulin or if it doesn't work properly, glucose can increase in our bloodstream, causing high blood sugar levels.
Other matters that could affect blood sugar consist of bodily hobbies, stress, contamination, medications, and hormones. Keeping an eye fixed on what we consume, staying lively, handling strain, and taking medicines as prescribed can all assist in maintaining blood sugar levels in a wholesome variety.
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4-  How to Control Blood Sugar/ Glucose?
Controlling glucose stages is fundamental for remaining healthy. This is the way we will make it happen:
Practice good eating habits: We ought to devour offset food with a lot of perfection, greens, entire grains, and lean proteins. Keeping away from sweet food varieties and drinks is valid.
Remain Dynamic: Being enthusiastic, such as playing outside or taking a walk, empowers our body to consume glucose for energy. This helps preserve blood sugar levels in a healthy range.
Take Medications: Some humans would possibly need medicinal drugs to assist decrease or regulating blood sugar stages. We must always take them simply because the health practitioner tells us.
Check Blood Sugar: Using a glucose meter to check blood sugar ranges frequently enables us to recognize if they're too excessive or too low. It's like maintaining a watch on things to make certain the whole lot's k.
Manage Stress: Stress can make blood sugar tiers go up, so locating approaches to relax, like taking deep breaths or doing something we revel in, may be useful.
Drink Water: Drinking masses of water allows our framework nicely and also can help keep blood sugar levels strong.
See the Doctor: It's crucial to look at the doctor regularly to make certain the whole lot's going okay and to get any adjustments to remedies if wished.
By doing these things and making energizing picks, we can hold our glucose ranges in a phenomenal reach and diminish the gamble of issues.
5-  What are the Remedies for High Blood Sugar Levels?
When blood sugar stages are too high, there are distinct approaches to convey them returned to a wholesome variety. Here are a few remedies:
Healthy Eating: Eating balanced meals with masses of end result, veggies, complete grains, and lean proteins can help control blood sugar stages. It's essential to restrict sugary foods and drinks. Work out: Being vivacious can bring down glucose ranges with the guide of supporting the body's use of glucose for power. Strolling, trekking, swimming, or some other substantial interest can have an effect.
Prescriptions: Certain individuals might require restorative medications to assist with diminishing glucose levels. These can incorporate medications or insulin infusions. It's imperative to accept drugs as endorsed by a clinical specialist.
Observing: Checking glucose organized routinely with a glucose meter works with melody how pleasantly cures are working and in the event that any changes are required.
Stress The board: Stress can increment glucose levels, so tracking down ways of controlling strain like profound breathing, reflection, or conversing with a companion might be useful.
Hydration: Drinking bunches of water can assist with flushing out an abundance of sugar from the circulatory system.
Customary Check-ups: Seeing a medical organization consistently is significant for adapting to glucose degrees and changing therapy plans as cared about.
By following these treatments and making wholesome way-of-life alternatives, it is feasible to maintain blood sugar tiers in tests and decrease the risk of headaches.
6-  What are the not unusual treatments for high Blood Sugar?
When blood sugar tiers are too excessive, there are some common remedies to assist convey them down:
Healthy Eating: Eating healthy food with lots of culmination, vegetables, complete grains, and lean proteins can help control blood sugar stages. It's proper to keep away from sugary food and drinks.
Exercise: Being energetic can decrease blood sugar stages with the aid of helping the body burn up glucose for energy. Things like taking walks, biking, or swimming are great choices.
Medications: Sometimes, people want medications to lower blood sugar degrees. These may be capsules or insulin injections. It's essential to take them as the health practitioner tells you.
Checking Blood Sugar: Using a glucose meter to check blood sugar stages often allows maintenance of the way properly the treatments are running. It's like maintaining an eye fixed on things.
Stress Management: Stress can make blood sugar degrees pass up, so locating methods to relax, like deep respiration or speaking to a person, may be beneficial.
Drinking Water: Staying hydrated by way of ingesting masses of water can assist flush out greater sugar from the bloodstream.
Regular Check-ups: Seeing the doctor often is critical to make sure the whole lot goes well and to regulate remedies if wanted By doing these things and making healthy other options, it's suitable to save glucose ranges in an extraordinary reach and decline the danger of issues.
7-  What is the impact of Smoking on Blood Sugar Stages?
Smoking could have various effects on the body, inclusive of its effect on blood sugar stages. Here's how smoking can affect blood sugar:/This is the way smoking can influence glucose:
Insulin Opposition: Smoking has been connected to insulin obstruction, and that implies the casing's cells may not answer as expected to insulin. Insulin is needed to assist glucose with entering cells for power. At the point when cells arise as impervious to insulin, glucose degrees can up-push.
Expanded Glucose Levels: Smoking can prompt better glucose levels, particularly in people with diabetes. This is on the grounds that smoking can cause the release of pressure chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline, which could raise glucose stages.
Deteriorating of Diabetes: For people with diabetes, smoking could make it harder to control glucose stages. It can likewise expand the risk of confusion connected with diabetes, alongside heart issues, kidney disorder, and nerve hurt.
Chance of Hypoglycemia: Curiously, even as smoking can help glucose ranges, stopping smoking can here and there bring about diminished glucose levels, especially in people who use insulin or positive diabetes medications. This is because stopping smoking can further develop insulin awareness, which could prompt higher glucose on the board. However, quitting smoking should be achieved under the steerage of a healthcare expert, as it can additionally cause brief adjustments in blood sugar tiers that need to be monitored.
Overall, smoking could have terrible effects on blood sugar manipulation, in particular in human beings with diabetes. Quitting smoking is one of the satisfactory matters a person can do to enhance their typical health and reduce the risk of headaches associated with diabetes.
8-  What is the effect of consuming water on blood sugar levels? What is the impact of polishing off water on glucose levels?
Drinking water is truly fundamental for our well-being, and it could furthermore affect our glucose levels. This is how it's done:
Hydration: Drinking water permits us to keep our casing hydrated, which is fundamental for ordinary well-being. At the point when we're all around hydrated, our body includes better, along with the manner in which it handles glucose.
Blood Sugar Regulation: Drinking water would not immediately affect blood sugar degrees like food does, however staying hydrated can indirectly help alter blood sugar. When we're dehydrated, our blood sugar levels can rise due to the fact our frame releases stress hormones which can make glucose stages cross up.
Feeling Full: Sometimes, we think we're hungry whilst we are absolutely thirsty. Drinking water can help us sense fruition, so we're less inclined to nibble on sweet food sources or fluids that might cause glucose stages to spike.
Sound Propensities: Drinking water is essential for a healthy way of life, which incorporates eating adjusted food and being enthusiastic. These propensities can all compositions together to assist with holding glucose stages in a healthy assortment.
So, staying hydrated using consuming plenty of water is not handiest true for our universal fitness but also can in a roundabout way assist preserve blood sugar stages solid. It's a simple yet crucial part of coping with our health!
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magimark1 · 3 months
Unveiling the Mighty Glucagon: The Unsung Hero in Blood Sugar Regulation
In the realm of blood sugar regulation, insulin often takes center stage, being hailed as the primary player in maintaining glucose levels within a healthy range. However, there's another hormone that deserves just as much recognition for its crucial role in this intricate dance: Glucagon. Often overshadowed by its counterpart, glucagon is a powerful hormone with a unique function that complements insulin's actions. Let's delve into the world of glucagon and uncover its significance in keeping our bodies in balance.
What is Glucagon?
Glucagon is a peptide hormone produced by alpha cells in the pancreas. Like insulin, it plays a vital role in regulating blood sugar levels, but its actions are quite the opposite. While insulin helps lower blood sugar levels by promoting the uptake of glucose into cells, glucagon works to raise blood sugar levels when they fall too low, a condition known as hypoglycemia.
The Role of Glucagon in Blood Sugar Regulation
When blood sugar levels drop, such as during periods of fasting or between meals, the pancreas releases glucagon into the bloodstream. Glucagon then signals the liver to break down stored glycogen into glucose, which is released into the bloodstream to elevate blood sugar levels. This process, known as glycogenolysis, ensures that the body has a constant supply of glucose to fuel essential functions, especially during times when glucose intake is limited.
Additionally, glucagon stimulates gluconeogenesis, a process where the liver produces glucose from non-carbohydrate sources like amino acids and glycerol. This helps maintain blood sugar levels during prolonged fasting or when glucose stores are depleted.
The Counterbalance of Glucagon and Insulin
The interplay between glucagon and insulin is crucial for maintaining glucose homeostasis in the body. While insulin promotes the uptake and storage of glucose, glucagon acts as a counterbalance, preventing blood sugar levels from dropping too low. This delicate equilibrium ensures that cells receive a steady supply of glucose for energy while preventing excessive glucose accumulation in the bloodstream, which can lead to complications such as hyperglycemia and diabetes.
Glucagon Beyond Blood Sugar Regulation
While glucagon's primary role is in blood sugar regulation, its actions extend beyond glucose metabolism. Research has shown that glucagon plays a role in lipid metabolism, promoting the breakdown of fats for energy production. Additionally, glucagon has been implicated in appetite regulation and the control of gastrointestinal motility, highlighting its diverse physiological effects beyond its role in glucose homeostasis.
Clinical Implications and Future Directions
Understanding the role of glucagon in blood sugar regulation has important clinical implications, particularly in the management of diabetes. Therapies aimed at modulating glucagon signaling have been explored as potential treatments for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. For example, glucagon receptor agonists, which mimic the action of glucagon, have been investigated as a way to raise blood sugar levels in individuals with hypoglycemia or improve glycemic control in those with diabetes.
Moreover, research into the intricate mechanisms underlying glucagon secretion and action continues to uncover new insights into its physiological roles and potential therapeutic targets. By elucidating the complexities of glucagon biology, scientists aim to develop more effective strategies for managing blood sugar levels and improving outcomes for individuals with diabetes and other metabolic disorders.
In Conclusion
While insulin rightfully receives much of the spotlight in discussions about blood sugar regulation, let's not overlook the vital contributions of its counterpart, glucagonالجلوكاجون. From its role in raising blood sugar levels to its involvement in lipid metabolism and appetite regulation, glucagon is indeed an unsung hero in the intricate dance of physiological balance. As our understanding of glucagon continues to evolve, so too does the potential for innovative therapies and interventions aimed at optimizing metabolic health and improving the lives of millions worldwide.
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phcoker-com · 5 months
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How does semaglutide works?
Semaglutide operates through its role as a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist, closely emulating the actions of the natural GLP-1 hormone released post-meal. By binding to GLP-1 receptors on pancreatic beta cells, semaglutide stimulates insulin secretion, aiding in glucose uptake and lowering blood sugar levels. Simultaneously, it suppresses glucagon release, curbing liver-generated glucose output. The medication also slows gastric emptying, fostering prolonged fullness and controlled nutrient absorption. This is reinforced by heightened feelings of satiety and reduced appetite facilitated by semaglutide’s interaction with GLP-1 receptors in the brain. These mechanisms collectively contribute to improved blood sugar control, reduced appetite and sustainable weight loss, making semaglutide a valuable medication for both diabetes management and long-term weight management.
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aishavass · 7 months
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versatile-blogger-1 · 9 months
Global Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Analogs Market Is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Increasing Demand For Diabetes Treatment
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A) Market Overview Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogs are a class of medications primarily used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. They mimic the effects of GLP-1, a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels. GLP-1 analogs work by stimulating insulin secretion, slowing down gastric emptying, and suppressing appetite. The key advantage of these analogs is their ability to lower blood sugar levels without causing hypoglycemia. With the rising prevalence of diabetes worldwide, there is a growing demand for effective treatment options, driving the growth of the GLP-1 analogs market.
The global Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Analogs Market Size is estimated to be valued at US$ 11.87 billion in 2023, with a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 1.12% from 2023 to 2028. B) Market Key Trends One key trend in the Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) Analogs market is the increasing adoption of long-acting GLP-1 analogs. These medications have a prolonged duration of action, allowing for once-weekly dosing instead of daily injections. This offers convenience for patients and improves treatment adherence. For example, Novo Nordisk's semaglutide and Eli Lilly's dulaglutide are long-acting GLP-1 analogs that have gained popularity due to their efficacy and ease of use. C) PEST Analysis Political: Government regulations and policies regarding the approval and pricing of GLP-1 analogs can impact market growth. For example, changes in reimbursement policies can affect the affordability and accessibility of these medications. Economic: The increasing healthcare expenditure and the rising prevalence of diabetes contribute to the growth of the GLP-1 analogs market. Additionally, the availability of generic versions of these medications at lower prices can influence market dynamics. Social: Growing awareness about diabetes management and the importance of maintaining blood sugar control is driving the demand for GLP-1 analogs. Lifestyle changes and sedentary lifestyles are leading to an alarming increase in diabetes cases worldwide. Technological: Advances in drug delivery systems, such as the development of pen injectors and continuous glucose monitoring devices, enhance the ease of administration and monitoring of GLP-1 analogs. D) Key Takeaways In terms of market size, the global GLP-1 analogs market is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 1.12% over the forecast period. This growth is attributed to the increasing demand for diabetes treatment, driven by factors such as rising prevalence of diabetes and growing awareness about its management. In terms of regional analysis, North America is the fastest-growing and dominating region in the GLP-1 analogs market. The region has a high prevalence of diabetes and well-established healthcare infrastructure. Europe is also a significant market for GLP-1 analogs, with several key players based in the region. Key players operating in the global GLP-1 analogs market include Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly and Company, Sanofi, AstraZeneca plc, GlaxoSmithKline plc F., and Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. These companies focus on research and development activities to introduce innovative GLP-1 analogs and strengthen their market presence. In conclusion, the global Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) Analogs market is expected to experience substantial growth due to the increasing demand for diabetes treatment. The adoption of long-acting GLP-1 analogs and technological advancements in drug delivery systems further contribute to market growth. However, government regulations and pricing policies can impact the market dynamics. North America and Europe are the key regions driving market growth, while key players in the market continue to focus on innovation and expansion strategies.
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zaluto-med-news · 10 months
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wellhealthhub · 10 months
Comprehensive Guide to Diabetes Medications
Welcome to this comprehensive guide on diabetes medications, where we shall explore the intricacies of various pharmacological agents that aid in effectively managing blood sugar levels and fostering a healthier life with diabetes. 1. Insulin Injections Insulin, a paramount hormone synthesized by the pancreas, orchestrates the regulation of blood sugar levels, a critical facet for individuals…
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cmibloggers · 1 year
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In recent years, a breakthrough in diabetes management has emerged in the form of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogs. These innovative medications have revolutionized the treatment landscape by providing improved glycemic control and additional benefits for individuals with type 2 diabetes. 
Read More: https://cmibloggers.blogspot.com/2023/06/understanding-glucagon-like-peptide-1.html
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adroit--2022 · 1 year
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