#gliese art collective
glieseart · 7 months
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Hi everyone! We made a zine about Palestinian modern, street, photographic, and musical art. you can check the printable out HERE, as a booklet on canva HERE, and a transcription soon!
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smollestduck-sketches · 3 months
*insert drumroll here*
it's time for:
ducki talks about OCs!!
disclaimer: these are based completely off of memory bc my ocs are always stuck in my head, so i might have to update this "masterlist" every now and then
‼️‼️ i also discuss major spoilers for "Stardusters: Children of the Celestials" aka SCOTC if anyone has been reading that 💀
all of my ocs are contained in the same universe (literally) but a decent chunk of them are on seperate planets with different dynamics, etc. and yes of course you can ask questions, please do, i want to flesh out some more of my ocs
here are their respective groups that each of them are in (none of which have names except for group 2). this does NOT mean that their stories will collide or theyre aware of their existence, it's just where theyre located
as for art, i have rendered art of them on my Instagram (i still want this blog to be strictly sketches and writing shit im ngl)
Group 1: MZ, Vivinae, Claire, Luith Family (Lisa [formerly Lisa Dianthus], Symon, Sinamon, Sinabon)
Group 2 (Stardusters): Sevi Methuselah, Reese Ara, Sneden Newt, Cassiopeia (aka The Ghost), Methuselah, Gliese (DISCLAIMER: these are my Starduster ocs, minus Gliese, which means they aren't mortal in a sense — I'll explain later — but they don't actually have a planet)
Group 3: Mocha, Cupid, Bun (very minor, but i like how homey and slice of life this one is)
i do have more ocs than this (a lot more), but they're kinda irrelevant to my current interests. i also have fandom ocs bc i was really bored lmfao
if u wanna hear abt the fandom ocs, feel free to ask (*´ω`*)
and i have some really brief lore abt my sona that i'll tack on the end of everything here!
Let's start with the wholesome side of this group - The Luith Family!
On this planet, there are vampires and humans. Vampires here are a subspecies of humans that use blood (any blood) to help enhance their senses. In the modern times, vampires consume blood like coffee or as a sign of affection. When consuming blood as a sign of affection, it's reserved for family or lovers (humans and vampires alike)
For family, both the mother and father provide blood to younger vampires (for nutrition) or shared between siblings. This is usually shared through the hands and arms.
For lovers, the sharing location varies. The neck is a popular choice.
When consuming blood for other purposes, they use non-human/non-vampire blood.
Vampires have secluded themselves away from humans after the first vampires killed a whole village under a state of bloodlust, and over time have formed their own cultures. They mirror human culture in a way, but sometime during the 1500s, they started banning human made books, finally and truly secluding themselves from humans. Yes, I did in fact let them have a lifespan of ~500 years. Also, they were a part of the Salem Witch Trials, when some younger vampires had decided to try and sneak out to explore the reason why they couldn't interact with humans.
Onto the characters themselves, the Luith family is a noble family that appeared in the years 1600-1700. They were tasked with noting the history of vampires. They had a family working under them — the Dianthus family — and they tasked them to go and collect as much information as they could before handing it over.
This relationship was strictly business, but Symon (15 at the time, born in 1859) — the Luith's youngest — spotted Lisa Dianthus (16 at the time, born 1858) reading one of the books from their library. It was an old human book about flowers, which she shouldn't have had, so Symon decided to talk to her. Lisa really likes flowers and stuff, so she ended up yapping for a while. They had these little hangouts like every week and they became friends, then obv they fell in love a couple years later and Symon asked to marry her. They got married during the spring of 1878 and moved to the US in 1900s. Then they had the twins, Sinamon and Sinabon in winter of 2003. Also, this story takes place in 2021 bc that's when i had made these ocs lmfaoo
Anyways, because Lisa really likes flowers, she made a perfume company and so the family is like rich rich now. (The kids' names are based off the scent of Lisa's favorite flower — night-scented stock) Symon now works as a librarian, and they have a private library that has books from the 1700s at their home. The twins were homeschooled and were taught a decently accurate history of vampires and humans alike.
This story is meant to be slice of life, so there's not too much mentions of the darker aspects of the world regarding vampires. The twins are the main characters in this story, so we get to see them grapple with romance (they're both in relationships). Sinamon, she's the more proactive and social twin, pretty into fashion and design. She drags Sinabon out of the house. Sinabon, he's the goofy ahh streamer (his user is c1nnabonni) and he's got a pet frog named Steven. Sinabon also likes collecting plushies and figurines.
Also, Symon and Lisa do this thing every now and then where Lisa picks out Symon's favorite books, and Symon makes Lisa a cup of coffee with some of his blood. They do this without the other asking and on seemingly random times, but it's always at an exact time of the day.
Onto the other characters of this group: MZ, Vivinae, and Claire (will mention their AU here, but no spoilers if u were reading it lol)
These characters are unaware of vampires and their story takes place much later than the Luith's story. Lisa and Symon are close to death, and the twins are running the business now, with much better tech. Ages for each are as follows — MZ- 23, Vivinae- 22, Claire- 35. The main character of this story is MZ.
Here's her backstory ✨summarized✨
She gets lost in Chicago (random ass location i chose) at the age of 6 bc her family went there for vacation. She's gradually forgotten her actual name, only remembering her first and middle name initial (real name is Margaret Zenith Baxter). MZ survived off of stealing and running away from people. However, as she got older, she decided to start trying to find a way to get money. After a brief incident where she almost got kidnapped, she killed the captor and realized she kinda liked killing people. Then she thought, "oh wow i could do this for a lot of money!" Then she made a bunny mask for herself to hide her face. One day, when she had finished one of her first jobs, she got pretty injured and passed out in a quiet street. Coincidentally, it was outside Claire's Shop. Claire is an ex-paramedic who retired to sell random vintage items she's collected. As MZ was going in and out of consciousness, she asked Claire to NOT take her to the hospital (because she literally just killed some dude for money). Claire was hesitant to listen, but MZ would keep refusing help if Claire insisted to go to the hospital. MZ gets all patched up, mask still on bc she's attached to it and still doesn't trust Claire, and she leaves. After many "jobs" MZ keeps coming back to Claire to get patched up and they start a medic-murderer relationship. Claire is practically a mother to MZ atp.
As for meeting Vivinae, they met at a coffee shop. Vivinae is a decently popular model, so with some quick research, MZ found out who she was. MZ does choose to ignore the modeling thing as they both got things to hide. They're a really awkward couple when they figure out they like each other. (They haven't even kissed yet lolol) MZ's really hesitant to even hold Vivinae's hand.
For the AU, both of them are murderers for hire and both of them are also models! They don't know the other is their partner for modeling bc they only know each other as their code names. MZ → Bunny. Vivinae → Rabbit. If you've read my "shitty" crossover fic, then you might've noticed that Vivinae is the sniper and MZ is the close-range fighter. Vivinae sucks ass at fighting close range, so MZ does her best to prevent anyone from getting close and to finding her hiding spot.
Oki back to canon: MZ will die. Specifically in her mid-40s. She is the one to die bc the nature of her job. This couple never gets past simple dates, hesitant hand holding, and very passive "i love you"s. MZ dies while she's running from cops after killing a high-ranking official for $1 million. Of course she took it and completed the job, but now she's running and oh- she got shot and died. Cornered and no where to go, MZ decides to just die than find herself arrested and she chose to die in the action than to die by falling off the building — something she deemed anticlimactic when she first became a hitman. This is all over the news, and Vivinae recognizes MZ's face plastered all over the news and breaks at the sight of her lover's death being talked about. Claire remains in the obscurities of the city, never once announcing her association with MZ. She only goes to her grave years later when everything is eventually brushed over. MZ's biological parents and family never claim to know her — distant as they had been when MZ got lost all those years ago.
Group 2:
The Stardusters, one space-faring human, and Methuselah. There's a lot to unpack here. Again, warning for major spoilers, as in VERY MAJOR for SCOTC (Stardusters: Children of the Celestials). You have been warned ‼️
and also there's LOT of world building for this one. very heavy in content. But there is a section where there are no spoilers, just some design notes about the characters in this group :3
Last warning, just scroll to group 3 (just past the image, and just before if you're looking for the no spoiler section) if you don't wanna look 👀
still here? cool (*´ω`*)
Alright. Where to begin... Let's start off with world building. There's a hierarchy, but they're actually just slightly different iterations of each other.
Planck: it's the creator of the universe, but no one is aware of it, not even the Upper Council. It doesn't have a form. (More explanation below in Timeline of the Universe)
Mother Stars (divided into Upper and Counter Council): Creators of the Stardusters and the Upper Council are the oldest stars, the ones who are carrying out a mission.
Stardusters: Direct creations of the Mother Stars. They were actively made and there's 1 Starduster per Mother Star.
Rogues: Remnants of long dead stars. The last stardust and evidence for a Mother Star. They have no recollection of being from a Mother Star and most are in blissful ignorance that they are from the stars.
Each Starduster has been assigned a "mission" by their Mother Star. It's a vague thing that the Stardusters have to interpret on their own. Rogues do not have these as they have no memories of their Mother Star.
Moving onto the characters themselves, they all have their motives, which is intertwined with their "mission". This arbitrary mission serves no purpose other than to get the Stardusters to explore and collect the differences of the universe compared to previous iterations. I will not discuss the motives for each Starduster bc spoilers ! Also, this post just covers the worldbuilding rather than characters.
Stardusters can shapeshift into various forms — eldritch beings, humans, animals, anything that is alive. Why? Because I said so and I didn't think things through‼️ Because I took the logic that light can be pretty different colors and star radiation has stuff we can't see and said "good reason to shapeshift and im too lazy to think too hard about it so I'll leave it at that". Anyways, this means that Stardusters literally do not have genders and in turn, Mother Stars do not either.
Sevi, Reese, Sneden, and Cassiopeia are the main Stardusters we are looking at. Cassiopeia is the only Rogue here btw.
Reese is the only Starduster that is "partnering" with a space-faring mortal human named Gliese. Reese can freely shapeshift into anything, and I even drew his human female form some time ago. I'll post the sketch I did recently shortly after this :3
Gliese. Oh how I need to talk about her here. She doesn't care about Reese as a person. She knows he isn't human, and the only thing she feels towards him, is curiousity. At her core, Gliese is a researcher, a morally gray one at that. She never bothers to get to know Reese on even an acquaintance level, she just uses him for research. Carefully handling Reese's Stellar Heart — seeing him bare his literal lifeline to her, just for her research. She just doesn't care about him in that way. Her research is all that matters to her.
Sneden and Cassiopeia. Those two are working together. Cassiopeia is the leading force btwn the 2 of them and is getting Sneden to work with them. Only Sneden can freely shapeshift. Rogues, like Cassiopeia have a permanent form once they choose one.
Sevi is a soloist. She does things on her own. She has become apathetic due to being the oldest Starduster, but does retain a childlike personality (she has taken the form of a female child).
TIMELINE OF THE UNIVERSE (Yes i pulled the names off of wikipedia, yes it's because i like space LEAVE ME ALONE😭😭):
Planck Epoch: Previous Reincarnation of "M" (using the alias Planck) finishes gathering materials for the Mother Stars, trying to get the basis for their old memories
Dark Ages: Previous Reincarnation of "M" provides the basis for chaos and disorder, preparing for the return of other celestial objects
Recombination Epoch: Previous Reincarnation of "M" re-combines the Mother Stars' basic features
Reionization: Methuselah regains its original form (around the same time Mother Star Council is formed)
Mother Star Council: Earliest stars form, creating nebulae and Reincarnation of Methuselah restores their memories, minus current Methuselah's because it can't know about reincarnations yet.
Dark Matter Expansion: Mother Stars create Stardusters to collect information about the Universe. All the while, expanding their reach using dark matter.
Stelliferous Era/Age of the Stardusters: More Stardusters are created, however, the eldest Mother Stars form a separate faction (Upper Council) from the younger generation to carry out the destruction of the universe, to repeat the cycle that they remembered from their previous memories. Dark matter is used to keep expanding the universe.
Ultimate Fate: this will be a secret for now
There are some people that end up worshiping the Stardusters because some of them (because there's like billions of them) use their powers for their own gain because what else can they do? There are various cults, so many cults that surround a single Starduster on various planets. Now remember there are billions of Stardusters. Cults for everyone!
Also have brief explanation for Celestial Weapons and Stellar Hearts:
Stellar Hearts: Cracked yellow-white orb (See my Insta for a drawing of it and everything else). Very hot, like a star's core, so in Gliese's case, she wears very heavy duty gloves made specifically for handling Reese's Heart. Placed within a Starduster in a ♦ shape on their chest. Stardusters say it's a tattoo if anyone asks. This allows them to freely change forms and literally keeps them alive.
Celestial Weapons: All a Starduster or Rogue needs to do to summon their Celestial Weapon, is to place a hand over their chest, let their hand sink into the fake tattoo and take the largest shard of their Heart out. Weapons range from scythes to machine guns.
Wait!! Before you move onto the next group, I really, really want to mention how and why I named the Stardusters the way I did.
Sevi Methuselah: Sevi - I put random syllables together. Methuselah - Her Mother Star's name and the name of the oldest known star.
Reese Ara: Reese's Star. His Mother Star, aka the actual star is literally called Reese's Star. BUT I CAN'T FIND THE HECKING STAR ANYMORE LIKE DID I HALLUCINATE THIS??? But I can't change his name anymore, I'm attached. Ara- It's the constellation that his star is supposedly from. Since the star doesn't seem to exist anymore.
Sneden Newt: Sneden- similar to Reese, the star is called Sneden's Star. Newt- I picked something random/ I can't remember why I chose this 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Cassiopeia, The Ghost: Literally based off the Ghost of Cassiopeia, located in the constellation Cassiopeia the Queen. I really have to mention that their design is based off of this specific image of the Ghost of Cassiopeia:
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i just had to mention that, alright onto the next group!!
Group 3:
Mocha, Cupid, Bun. These are my most neglected ocs, i will admit that. No MC here, just episodic slice-of-life.
Cupid and Bun are gods. Bun is still a god in-training who snuck out during orientation, and Cupid is uh... Cupid. Cupid pretends to be a human office worker, subtly setting people up that she knows are genuinely in love with each other.
Because Cupid is the god of love, ofc she's gonna know/sense when people have genuine feelings for each other. Her human persona also likes archery and she plays the lyre. I did give her 2 other alternate names: Eros and Phanes.
Bun is a random ass god who hasn't been assigned anything yet. They went to the mortal realm bc they were sick and tired of sitting in orientation. So they're just fucking around and exploring the world to their heart's content! Bun has had multiple close encounters with Cupid, but Cupid just let's Bun do as they wish bc she doesn't want to deal with paperwork where she actually has to think.
Mocha is just a random guy im ngl. I just put him in this group bc I liked his design. He helped Bun pick out some mortal clothes to match with the times and made them some clothes as well.
Thanks for listening to me yap about my ocs!!! As promised, here's some of my sona's lore in a story-ish format:
I kinda found this... thing. It said it was a hat. It was out on the street, looked kinda pathetic. It looked pathetic but cute at the same time. It matched the color of my outfit that day, so I wore it. It fit perfectly, like I'm not joking, it was comfortable.
I didn't take it off, (I don't think I can take it off anymore) and now I have 365 sets of my outfit from that day. To match with the hat of course.
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stonegearstudios · 2 years
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These posts are as scattered as my notes but hey, at least there's some consistency.
So, The Swarm takes place in the star system known to use as Gliese 667C, a real place!
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(Not my art, see image description)
Part of a triple star system, Gliese 667C is actually one of the stars we've successfully discovered exo-planets around, with some in the potentially habitable zone, a fact that makes it an attractive place to set a sci fi game. I know, for example, that I'm hardly the first to do so.
So, what's the system like? Well, it's
-roughly 22 light years from Sol
-All the stars are smaller than Sol, with C in particular being a Red Dwarf with only 33% the mass of Sol
-Despite this, it has two confirmed exoplanets, Cb and Cc, of which Cc is thought to be in the habitable zone of the small star, with potentially more planets in the system as well
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(Artists impression of Cc, Wikimedia Commons)
I found Gliese as I was scanning a list of exo-planets and it just jumped out of me. Now, while my version for the game does take inspiration from life (Cc is a potentially habitable world in the long process of terraforming, for example) I have also just... made a lot of stuff up.
For example, I added a gas giant, so people could skim it for important gasses. Two asteroid belts, because I want to have many, many stations devoted to asteroid mining, and some smaller planets that our current techniques find very hard to spot, just for variety.
Now, while Cc, named Kllarn in story, is in the habitable zone, that didn't mean it was habitable when they got there. The potential for life existed but all it was was an empty rock with a toxic atmosphere. The process of transforming started as soon as the first colonists got their feet under them after building the first permanent stations, and it's been going for centuries since and for centuries more.
Among the literal millions of scattered polities that make up The Swarm, the 'Great Project' as it is informally known is one of the few things that can provide common ground almost no matter where you go, through it's sheer expenditure of materials, labour, and expertise.
Even though most sapients will never set foot on it, it still holds an vast place in the collective imagination
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xasha777 · 1 month
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In the year 2424, the Earth was no longer the blue jewel it once was; ravaged by centuries of neglect, its once lush landscapes had turned barren. The remnants of humanity were scattered across the solar system, trying to survive on whatever scraps of resources they could scavenge. Among these survivors was Ayla, a brilliant engineer from the historic region of İzmir Province, now a leading figure in space exploration technology.
Ayla had designed a state-of-the-art exploration suit capable of withstanding the harshest environments known to humankind. This suit, powered by a fusion of ancient technology discovered in the ruins beneath İzmir and cutting-edge science, was her ticket to not just survival, but discovery. Ayla’s mission was critical: to explore the recently detected planet Gliese 581g, which showed signs of a habitable environment.
As Ayla approached Gliese 581g, her suit’s sensors started to buzz with readings of water and life-sustaining atmospheres. The planet, glowing a fiery orange with blue hues swirling in its atmosphere, resembled stories of Earth’s sunsets her grandparents used to tell.
Ayla landed on a rocky plateau overlooking a vast ocean. Her heart raced with excitement and fear. This world was beautiful, but alien. As she collected samples, the suit’s AI, imbued with the essence of İzmir’s rich cultural heritage, narrated stories of her homeland to keep her company, blending tales of ancient Earth with the eerie beauty of this new world.
One night, as she observed the stars from this foreign planet, she noticed unusual patterns in the ocean below. The waves glowed with a phosphorescent light, beckoning her closer. Trusting her instincts and her suit, Ayla descended to the shore. As she approached, the water parted, revealing an ancient artifact that resonated with the technology in her suit.
The artifact spoke of a civilization that once thrived on Gliese 581g, much like the tales of old İzmir. It offered knowledge and technology in exchange for Earth's histories, hoping to learn from the successes and failures of another world. Ayla agreed, seeing an opportunity not just for survival, but for the rebirth of her species.
Together, Ayla and the Gliese civilization used the combined knowledge to rejuvenate both their worlds. As she sent the first message back to the remnants of humanity scattered across the solar system, she spoke of hope, of a new beginning, and of a distant world where the sunsets rivaled those of the ancient İzmir Province.
Thus, from the ruins of old worlds, new worlds were born, bridged by the indomitable spirit of exploration and a yearning to reconnect with the cosmos. Ayla, once just a survivor, became a beacon of hope—a testament to the enduring legacy of humanity's quest for knowledge and a new home.
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activatingaggro · 6 years
It's been a couple of days, but I totally missed people reblogging memes, so: B, C, H, K, and S?
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Enemies-to-lovers! Enemies-to-friends. Anything that hugely and dramatically changes CR.
Friends to enemies is a huge favourite, but only if they kiss. Sorry.
“These two characters are romantically inclined, but not admitting it, and oh no, now they have to share a bed / pretend to be married / publicly flirt or make-out, and O O P S, FEELINGS.”
This only never appears on tumblr because I’m classy. You’re welcome.
Platonic soulmates! Or those sitches where characters just click, instantly, with someone that they really, really, /really/ should fucking not have. I want the drama, the self-loathing, the spirals of mutual distress, because you just fell in love with the spy you’re supposed to capture and you’re still going to shoot him in the face, rifp.
Blood swaps. I don’t do magic anons, but please let it be known that I absolutely would write a long, massive thread with either of the birdrails having to successfully impersonate seadwellers, or with another character having to pretend to be a wildly different caste. I want the cultural shock, the privilege gain/loss, the struggle of looking in the mirror and seeing something totally wrong - or delightfully right, per society’s standards of behaviours - and the intricacies of caste behaviour.
“You’re incredibly important to me, but now I’m going to have to betray you, because MORALS.” Or vice-versa! Any situation where a character’s morals come up against their preferences, basically, and morals win out, and everyone has to deal with the backlash. GIVE ME CHARACTERS STANDING BY THEIR CONVICTIONS AND PAYING THE PRICE.
H: How would you describe your style?
I put a lot of focus on narrative, and a lot of focus on minor details! I like to note what characters are paying attention to, and letting it (hopefully) say something about themselves: ID rarely notices people’s appearances unless they’re violet, or unless it’s in his face, and he misses a lot of details period. Sipara is constantly assessing if she can kill someone, and how. Riccin is constantly speculating on what quadrant they can fit someone in. Pheres is constantly assessing if he’s about to get killed.
My main focus while writing narratives is ensuring that you can strip all the names and still, hopefully, tell which character is telling the story! This is in roleplay. In writing, I try to put a lot more focus on the actual scenes, and a lot less focus on the narrative: my absolute ideal of style, for individual stuff, has to be WATCH THE ROOTS by Lionpyh, or pretty much any story of Isozyme’s.
Individual stuff where the focus is on a story rather than the characters, I really like crisp, clipped lines, and in roleplay stuff, I like longer, narrative-focused ones.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
Back when Pheres had gills as his default: he gets found out by a seadweller who collects mutants, and yanked into her collection, so he starts off a long-haul plan to escape that involves wooing her flush, but accidentally ends up genuinely falling for his own ploy in a fucked up stockholmian sitch. So Sipara finally manages to yank enough strings to get the info to come and rescue him, a year or so in, murders her way through the facility, collects Pheres -
- and he’s a mess, because oh, no, don’t kill her! She can be fixed! Don’t, don’t don’t -
And Sipara kills her, anyway, and they have a pile in the middle of this awful, bloody facility, and everything is terrible, and everyone is crying, and I think it eventually results in an incredibly ace, weird blur of , where the two of them dissolve into even harder codependence then they started off the blog with.
I have art of this somewhere on this blog, actually!
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
Pheres is directly inspired by the fact my definitive memories of my teenage years included a lot of my friends being exploited/harmed by significantly older men at 13-18 under the guise of ~*relationships*~, and our flailing attempts to figure out how to navigate romance/relationships in a context that was defined by that kind of abusive fuckery.
Pheres is subsequently a trashfire in a way that’s meant to examine and prod at that in a different context! How do these situations happen and exist in Alternian contexts? And if the foundation upon which you’ve learned to build relationships was fucked up from the get-go, how does that affect you as you grow older, and how do you learn to fix it?
And a lot of Pheres’s general encounters with his customers reflect negative experiences that I have had with folks, or that my friends have had with people, just amped up to fit the Alternian context. Someone who’s previously been civil getting in your face shrieking because WAS THAT DISRESPECTFUL, ARE YOU BEING UPPITY – gets twisted into a customer shanking him over something equally minor.
C: What character do you identify with most?
I deliberately don’t really identify with most of my characters, haha. It’s part of my IC-OOC barrier: I love them, and I love writing them, but the majority are morally incompatible with my own viewpoints, or have done horrific shit that can’t be overlooked in the name of identification.
With that said, the specific traits I put in that I hook onto the most:
ID’s general ennui towards strong emotions is something I relate to! ID finds it detrimental to himself, at points, and gets delighted over having strong emotions on the rare instances it happens - I, on the other hand, am just thoroughly disinclined towards them completely when it comes to myself. HARD LOGIC ONLY.
Which has led to interesting character gaps between my portrayal of ID and others perceptions of him, I think? I personally view his largest flaws as his lack of empathy and his history of fucking over everyone around him on a whim - a lot of people view one of his largest flaws as not emotionally connecting to his romantic partners. Different writers view different aspects of a character as relatable, and it’s neat to see.
Sipara’s temper issues! She’s got a (physical) parallel of my anger issues from when I was a baby, and the same levels of “I MUST CONTROL EVERYTHING”. She’s totally a feral goblin of a hellchild, but I find it #relatable, even while I’m like “yeah, girl’s batshit”.
Pheres’s general control freak issues, and his inability to disengage from people that he really should, because what if they feel bad? =:( Also, his general desire to take responsibility over everyone and shove them into his nest to be mothered, lbr here.
Riccin’s desire to just roll with the fucking blows when it comes to their interpersonal relationships.This has come up with Orivar, it’s come up with Videle, it’s come up with Gliese - if you push them, they’ll fold, because their focus tends to be more on “keep the peace” with friends and quads, moreso than “keep my own personal interests in mind”.
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shrugman · 7 years
all of them
alright buddy here we go
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?idk man probs cereal 
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?no it feels like jack frost hit me with his dick
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?rn a plane ticket
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?milk and sugar because I love death
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?I like my closed mouth smile but you’ll have to kill me to get me to use teeth
6: do you keep plants?I try
7: do you name your plants?always
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?poetry 
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?yeh
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?on side, one leg curled up under me like a flamingo, hand on the tiddie
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends?okay first of all *friend, second of all; cheese pizza
12: what's your favorite planet?ur mum lmao
13: what's something that made you smile today?stephanie 
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?800 succulents and 400 pillows
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!“Gliese 581 c wants to kill you“
16: what's your favorite pasta dish?Alfredo 
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?purple, did it. also jet black but not worth the risk tbh
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.....stairs
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?I have a poetry book I guess
20: what's your favorite eye color?all
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.I got it at an antique shop and it’s a smiley face back pack but I left it with katie because she needed it more than I did
22: are you a morning person?no
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?die
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?My one true love, Stephanie
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into?abandoned hotel on base
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?I wear by black boots every day but I’ve only had them for like 4 months
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor?cherry lime
28: sunrise or sunset?set
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?When I make Stephanie laugh over snapchat she sends me a picture with her mouth wide open and idk it always makes me smile
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?I spent the last month in fear I’d be killed by terrorists 
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.this is too many questions 
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.nah
33: what's your fave pastry?anything cherry tbh
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?Teddy Bair was a gift from my dad to my mom but I loved him so much I stole him and he became mine. He’s on my bed at college with me rn
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?I like gel pens and I color with them
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now?TOP
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?I like it cleanish but it’s always messy because that’s my biggest depression problem 
38: tell us about your pet peeves!people not shutting up ever
39: what color do you wear the most?black 
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you?I have a locket my sister got me like 10 years ago that has a picture of us
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving?tbh idk
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!It’s in Japan and Katie and I used to spend hours there together. It’s where we really became friends 
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?the astronomy club lmao
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?never
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?about certain things
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.I really don’t want to 
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?kale
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?the dentist. yes
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?I haven’t in a while bc I have no way to play them
50: what's an odd thing you collect?tears
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?Stephanie- true friends 
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?Have there really been any?
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?Heathers is my favorite movie
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?this is a rude question
55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point?at this point I don’t even know
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?when they have little things that make them light up
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?no
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?I’m the vodka mom and Stephanie is the vodka aunt and we both are the wine gay cousin 
59: what's your favorite myth?tbh idk
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?I do but I can’t think of a specific fav
61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received?mean question 
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?I drink ALL JUICE ALL DAY
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?leave them be and then organize them every now and again
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?idk prolly dark blue/black
65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with?I always wanna see Stephanie 
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?black roses and light pink accent flowers
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?sad
68: what's winter like where you live?cold
69: what are your favorite board games?monopoly 
70: have you ever used a ouija board?I’m not THAT white
71: what's your favorite kind of tea?no
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it?nah
73: what are some of your worst habits?yeah we don’t have time for that
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.v good v pure best person on planet 
75: tell us about your pets!dog!!!!!!!!!!!!
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't?so many things
77: pink or yellow lemonade?yellow. Idk what makes it pink
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?please stop bringing them up
79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?i dunno
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?white. no I live in a dorm
81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.wow it sees 
82: are/were you good in school?for the most part
83: what's some of your favorite album art?I like the all about us cover
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?the only one I want rn is one matching stephanie 
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?who do u think i am
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?idk
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?Heathers, Ghost Busters (2016), Creepy Hanna Doll
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?I like stick figures that show emotion
89: are you close to your parents?yeah I think
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.I like Fredericksburg because it’s boring as fuck but it’s one of the only places that I can even kinda call home
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?too many places
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?give me it all
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most?down with nothing done but blow drying it
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?It’s Matthew’s today :D
95: what are your plans for this weekend?cry
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?push it off for SO long
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?can’t remember, Capricorn, Slytherin 
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?idk for hiking 
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.whenever I’m really really sad I listen to Iris on repeat 
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?I guess future because I don’t wanna go back. But also I don’t think I even want to risk skipping 5 years because who knows if I’ll miss out on something I really wanna be here forThat took FOREVER ily 
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belphieslilcow · 7 years
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Made my art for my oc of Luna and Celestia's mother. Her name is Gliese (named specifically after the planet that is made of ice, but is always on fire) Her colours are light blues, whites, and navy. Her cutie mark is a fire with a snowflake on the inside. She is a generally cold person, but isn't cruel necessarily. She tries to stay calm and collected, but when pushed she has the fury of fire. It would be fine if she wasn't so easily angered.
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glieseart · 5 months
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Hi everyone, we made a zine about an ongoing fight for the rights of "comfort" women from Korea, China, Taiwan, and the Philippines, who were enslaved by the Japanese military. We explored their art, stories, and worldwide memorials.
HERE is the printable, HERE is the online booklet. Transcription will be available soon!
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glieseart · 5 months
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Hi everyone! We are officially looking for youth volunteers: Use THIS FORM if you're interested :)
we have a LOT of open opportunities for leadership, artistry, and generally following any Art+Activism passions you have with us!
📗 Zine-making: Design zines on relevant movements, events, and moments in art history! We want to do artist features of youth POC very soon. Lots of creative freedom and open to new zine-makers as well :B
🎥 Video production: Produce short videos on artists, movements, and other artivism related things. In the backlog right now we have "Afrofuturist art: An introduction", “Protest and Embroidery”, “Radical architecture", “Filipino Decolonial Art”, and "Orientalism in today’s art museums"!
📰 Newsletter: Contribute features, organize, and design a monthly newsletter with all things Radical Art History. Will kickoff soon, so please join the project!
Other opportunities include 💵 Fundraising, 💻 Social media manager, 📚 Librarian (Adding to our virtual art history library!) and both in-person and virtual 👓 Outreach.
Please reblog for reach <33
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glieseart · 7 months
Hi everyone! Here’s our November 27 status update:
Zines in progress: “Art of feminist Korea”, “Comfort women’s art: History and the politics of memorial”, “Ai Weiwei”
Future possible zines: “Afrofuturist art: An introduction”, “Hi-Red Center”, “Protest and Embroidery”, “How architecture can be radical”, “Decolonizing the future through art”, “Orientalism in today’s art museums”, and misc youth POC artist spotlights
Videos in progress: “Ai Weiwei: Artist spotlight”
Future possible videos: “Decolonization and Solarpunk”, “Recognizing Orientalist art”
Otherwise, we will be adding to the Library and planning future events and initatives. Let us know if you have suggestions!
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glieseart · 7 months
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hiya! michaela made a zine that introduces our organization a little bit. you can access it as a booklet on canva, as a printable here, and a transcription will be up soon.
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glieseart · 7 months
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hi everyone! 🪐 our Gliese Library is officially up with just a few articles so far, but will be updated continually. if you're looking for new knowledge on radical, protest, or non-eurocentric art history, check us out!
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glieseart · 11 months
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hi everyone! we're the gliese art collective and we do art history. we talk about radical protest art and cultural historically "othered" art.
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glieseart · 11 months
gliese art collective's introductory video - it's up on our youtube channel! 🪐🎨 - check it out to see what we're doing now and what we want to accomplish.
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