#given what the clips and teasers for s2 have given us
nalyra-dreaming · 7 months
Hey! I'm not sure how I feel about so many vampires being able to fly so early in the show. That and Armand being able to walk under the sun. What are they gonna do with his self-sacrifice/suicide attempt? It's such a huge point for his character journey.
I don't understand why they're making them more powerful than they were in books? And how's Akasha gonna fit in all of this? She was scary because of how powerful she was in comparison to others, but now this gap will be much smaller (if they don't change her powers too, though I don't know what else can she do)
I do know what you mean...
So... for me - it depends on how they spin it.
(Book spoilers below)
Like, Anne put hooks into the later books. Fareed already being there is like an ultimate hint for me (obviously I can be wrong, but... it makes sense to me^^), because... he wanted to find out how to give the vampires the sunlight back, he (already) enabled them to have sex. He obviously is involved in whatever is going on with Daniel.
I can see the show go a more... scientific route, if that makes sense? Like, if Louis wanted to keep his canon suicide-by-sun-card, then maybe he refused Fareed's treatment? You know? We know Louis has the fire gift, which speaks for a certain level of powers, why wouldn't he be able to stand the sun?
For me it would be hilarious and clever to have Fareed the mad scientist there as fallback. Fareed, giving Flavius a new leg. Fareed, killing random vampires to get the tissues and organs he needs. Fareed wanting to reclaim the sun for them. Fareed cloning Lestat. I mean... the possibilities in combination with Gregory are almost endless. And if they really introduce the Replimoids... they'll eventually get to that clone that likes to be fed on... That's something that has the power to change their whole world.
As per Armand and his suicide attempt - I don't think they'll do Memnoch on the show. I think that if they touch that (and IF Lestat is in his coma somewhere for example), then that has already happened. We might get to see the fallout from that, but... I think a lot of the back and forths are too much for a show, and they've reconfirmed that they're focusing on Loustat's relationship. But we'll see. It definitely IS a big turning point for him, so it won't be something they'll completely let go (I hope).
And Akasha... I don't think her and Amel's awakening will be separate. Like, her awakening was a preamble to Amel's in the books, with the almost same threat even, and Lestat's body being "used" in both cases - I think the show will combine these threats. And then... all bets are kinda off. I know what you mean wrt the powers, but... imagine the powers we have already seen them with, multiplied into this frightening and all-powerful being which could incinerate you on the spot, or make you blow up with the killing gift. I still see a lot of potential there, even if their powers have shifted a bit.
We'll see. I definitely am enjoying this mix-up, because there is so much hinting in there^^. And given how devastating they made episode 5... I think they will be able to properly destroy us with whatever catastrophe they have planned for the upcoming arcs :)))
Personally, I cannot wait.
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septemberrie · 2 years
someone asked me to do a Rivusa breakdown from the S2 teaser! I’m not on Twitter so I’m not up on the latest spiraling but I do have some thoughts, first of all WE ARE WINNING (still have to pinch myself this happened)
Okay first shot is the production shot. Just admiring the new armor this season because it seems way more appropriate than the cozy cableknit sweaters + leather chest strap of Season 1. I’m not an armor expert but it seems to have a good combination of strength + flexibility to allow movement. Plus, it looks sexy. 
((what I’m saying is... Andreas & Rosalind had 16 years to think about fashion and it shows 😌))
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Okay now there’s Fighting Scene #1 (sorry for the shitty quality gifs)
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Alright so after studying this, I’ve come to the conclusion:
Riven is not fighting Musa. Musa is not fighting Riven. They are each fighting other people. You can see the girl Riven is fighting has longer hair and is not wearing orange; the boy Musa is fighting has closer-cropped hair than Riven.
Why are they all fighting each other? There’s some suspicion that all the clips in the teaser are from episodes 1 or 2 (so they don’t spoil major plot points) but... a student-on-student battle this early on? Also I doubt Musa’s gotten this good within 1-2 episodes, so maybe this is from a much later episode.
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Then we get to the scene. The Scene. The. Scene.
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I think this has been dissected enough but just some points:
It took me like 5 watches to realize he steals the staff from her 😅 my bad I was literally having palpitations while this was happening and someone in the room was screaming (dunno who though)
Obviously she’s still using a staff because he had such a big impact on her in their 40 seconds of interaction last year  😌  
I don’t love that second swipe she takes at him, it looks angry and awkward. I’m sure part of that is the BTS angle and it’ll look way better in the actual show
Is this a trainee outfit? WHAT is with that purple bra thing and why can’t she wear the same sexy black as Riven. Is this like martial arts where you get red to start, progress to orange when you’re better, and then get awarded the black belt? Can we see Riven in this skin-tight jumpsuit too?
Only upside: she’s definitely a walking red flag now isn’t she Riven.
HIS SMIRK when he does the little love tap 😌 the boy is in. love. your honor and you know he’s thinking about when he can do it again... elsewhere
At first I thought they were the only ones on the pitch, but in the beginning of the clip you can see 3-4 other Specialists jogging by (and none of them are wearing red with a purple bra...) and a few behind Musa using the training equipment. Still, it’s odd how deserted the pitch is, no Andreas or Rosalind in sight. Perhaps this is extra training time that Musa has requested 👀 just like we predicted in so many amazing fics.
Personally I would prefer Rivusa get closer in s2 and then get together in s3; I feel like 7-8 episodes won’t be enough, with this ensemble cast, to givet hem the right room to develop. BUT that’s also assuming we get a s3 which I know nothing is a given.
Anyway!!! Thanks for reading! Did I miss anything? Hit me up!!
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kaypeace21 · 2 years
Kaypeace! What are your thoughts on the video released today on Stranger Things YouTube channel? Hope you’re having a good day btw!
spoilers (below) depending on if you don't want to watch the youtube clip...
Well first thing that struck me is this parallel:
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the back parallel (with all of them looking at a door/window)....is this a hint at possession or something else? if El was possessed and caused a massacre at Hawkins lab. It would be a parallel to when Will was possessed and also caused a massacre at hawkins lab in s2. And the parallel would extend to Victor (possibly) being possessed and hurting his family because of it . like El (possibly being possessed) and thus hurting her “siblings”. 
Some leaks claim El is being framed, which by this visual parallel, would imply the same for Victor (I guess it sort of fits with how people are wrongly blaming Eddie/hellfire for Chrissy’s possible death). The possession possibility has more precedence in the show though.But, we will have to wait and see. You have to admit if El isn’t possessed her smiling after the massacre is just ... STRANGE. 
2nd thing was the timer Brenner used - seems to go with the various time motifs in the show . His timer rings : because  "times up" (then the massacre happens that day). The rainbow-room also had a clock shown in a prior teaser,  which read 3:00( witching/devil’s hour). it also links to how the mindflayer, demogorgan, and vines were associated with clocks in s1-2 + the creel clock we will see in s4. Apparently looking at the creel clock- is bad news. The timer foreshadows the sinister creel clock, that will appear later in the season.  To make this even more obvious- Brenner (while the timer is counting down) works on a crossword with ads for “watch makers” and “watch repairing”.
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3rd was how the 2 kids playing chess in the flashback were not the ones we saw previously... so we will see a different version of the rainbow room (either in the vecna dreamscape or in the future). most likely the dream scape given the inception dream totem in the latter image.
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4th thing was that (except for Kali) 001-010 all seemed to have El's powers . They're not unique abilities. I counted (and at least) 5 kids have telekinesis and 010 had the ability to see various distances-just like El. When Will is possessed by the mindflayer he also has this tracking ability and Mike called him "Will the wise" (when he used the ability to save Hopper). And ofcourse before his possession- the lab was already monitoring Will's brain waves (similar to El and 10). I said it after s2, and I'll say it again -this parallel between El and Will is sinister (cause that means the lab is suspicious he may have abilities like other numbers).
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5th thing: we see a random boy on a red bike deliver the paper to Brenner. But we also see a diff red bike next to Will on the s4 poster. obviously there's no direct connection. But Is this foreshadowing Will will end up in Brenner's clutches? or something else entirely. Will did "vanish from his bike" in s1 after all...
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6th thing is just the door motif I’ve talked about before : we saw in s3 el busted a hospital door off its hinges and  propelled it into the room -similar to  telekinesis being used to throw the door and hit Brenner in s4. We saw the demogorgan and El unlock doors with their telekinesis. We see the mindflayer open doors to Will’s house/ the arcade with telekinesis . El opening the red door to see Heather in the tub asking for help. etc. There’s more examples: but the sinister door imagery in the series has always been there.
7th thing ... intentional or not : Brenner’s injury makes it seem like 1 nostril is bleeding. I just thought it was interesting imagery...
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This theory was originally meant to be included in the discord breakdown of the season 2 trailer. This changed when speculation got out of control and we decided it was too long to include. Therefore we've decided to post it separately.There's a lot of speculation as a result of the lack of details regarding Eleven in s2 but I hope this can give our general idea of what may happen.With all that said, let's begin:At the end of the trailer, we finally get to witness the moment we’ve all been anticipating: Eleven’s reemergence. Yet, this is much more than solely something to be excited over; it clues us about her whereabouts in the time gap between the two seasons, and provides a bit of insight into the paths her, Hopper’s, and Mike’s characters may follow in Season 2. Let’s dive in, shall we?First, we hear Mike calling out to her: “If you’re out there, just please, give me a sign.” (We will return to this quote later so just keep it in the back of your head for now)Then, we get the same shot of her eyes shooting open with fresh blood still under her nose as we did in the Superbowl teaser. This, presumably, is the moment she snaps awake after the massive energy drain it took to kill S1’s Demogorgon. If we can trust the Superbowl teaser audio, it was almost immediately after she disappeared, as we hear Mike shouting “Eleven!”.Back to the new trailer. The image cuts to her in a dilapidated state -- nose and ear bleeding, filthy clothes -- standing in the Upside-Down version of the science classroom in which she disappeared, warily looking around. We then see her, still with blood on her nose and ears, cautiously making her way down the USD Hawkins Middle hallway. Her eyes are attentive, focused, concentrating on something ahead of her.Now we arrive at the most interesting part. From the hallway layout and the design on the wall, we can tell that she has found the portal that the Demogorgon made last season to get into the school and attack the agents. Eleven stands with her back against the wall, carefully peering into the portal that is emitting red and blue lights.Lastly, we see her reaching through the portal, her hand finally bursting out, back into our world.Now, these clips give us quite a bit of information.Eleven wakes up very, very soon, and ventures out into the hallways immediately following. We know this not only from her buzz and the fresh blood, but also from the Demogorgon’s portal. It has yet to close, which means that not much time has passed. In Season 1, the portals that Nancy used to get in and out of the USD sealed themselves up quickly, as did that in the wall in which Will and Joyce made physical contact. So say the Demogorgon’s portal is stronger, it’s taking a bit more time for it close. That means Eleven awakens and probably finds this portal within at most 20-30 min after she disappears.Now, onto the portal itself; specifically, at the lights. Take a look at this gif. When Eleven’s looking at the portal, it’s flashing blue and red lights. Firstly, it wouldn’t make a lot of sense for the Duffers to make the portal emit shimmering lights just for the aesthetics. So what in real life do we know might be the source of these lights? What comes to mind then, is a siren. So very possibly, this scene shows Eleven looking at this portal during one of the last scenes of S1, when all the police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks are at the school after the attack. So she obviously cannot leave right then and there, in risk of getting caught. So she waits for them to leave. By the time she actually reaches out of the portal here and here, the colored flashing lights are no longer there, leaving only the dim, red throb that was also shown in S1. So when she physically escapes the USD, the corridor is clear.What, then, exactly happens with Eleven after she goes through the portal? Considering that all of the characters save Hopper believe she is gone, it's safe to assume that Hopper is responsible for keeping Eleven hidden, specifically, from the DOE. Our main theory regarding Eleven’s storyline is that Hopper finds Eleven some time after she escapes the upside-down. We see him enter a car with DOE agents immediately following the hospital scene at the end of episode 8. We believe Hopper was taken back to the school in order to begin the cleanup for the massacre that occurred there earlier that night. Whilst there, Hopper finds Eleven in a secluded area, away from the attention of HNL. During the time skip after Will is saved, it’s likely that Hopper takes it upon himself to hide Eleven from the DOE until a possible deal can be met regarding her future when the time is right.We see Hopper leave Eggos out for Eleven after the timeskip, implying he provides her with food and other utilities whilst she hides away on her own. Where is she hiding you may ask? Where else but the cabin teased in both the teaser and trailer, as well as in the working title, “The Secret Cabin”.We have firm reason to believe that Eleven has been hiding in this cabin for almost a full year prior to season 2. This is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, Hopper leaves stuff in a box in the forest, considering Eleven would have to go out in order to get what has been left, she must not travel far, implying she is hidden nearby. This alludes to the location of the cabin itself; with it being “secret”, it's very likely that it's located somewhere in the woods.Another piece of evidence is the appearance of the wooden wall in two shots of the super bowl teaser and the trailer. Take a look at the wall in this particular shot of the trailer (http://bit.ly/2wr9V9n)Now, compare it to this shot of Eleven in the teaser (http://bit.ly/2iPzpbt).The wooden wall panels in both images look remarkably similar, making it more plausible to believe that Eleven is indeed hiding there. The scene in which the cabin is shown to be in a state of destruction could also be linked to her. In the context of our theory, it may be a flashback (possibly at a point where Hopper admits to giving away the position of Eleven and the boys to Brenner). This would support the possibility of a scenario in which Eleven uses her powers to cause havoc in the room in a clear outburst of anger; however, this fit of anger could always be caused by some unknown occurrence, possibly even in the present day, so stating the exact reason as a certainty wouldn't be wise.If this theory were true, Eleven’s storyline could involve flashbacks of her time alone in the cabin over the course of just under a year. These flashbacks could give insight to her experiences outside the lab, but also away from the people she has grown to care about. She'll be coping with uncertainty as she has yet to possess full control over her own abilities, and she'll be suffering from being alone for the majority of the time, as Hopper will not be able to frequent the cabin, as a precaution to prevent drawing attention to her location.There is also the possibility of El expanding her lexicon over the course of the year. It is perfectly reasonable to assume that Hopper wouldn't just give her food and drink as supplies. There is the possibility that he may provide her with things she can use for entertainment whilst on her own, such as books - not learning to read or speak over the course of a year could be seen as a wasted opportunity for El to learn to be more verbally adept than she was previously. However, if this were true, that does not mean she'll be talking more in general, as little to no real social interaction renders her unable to communicate properly with others, despite knowing more complex language. Hence, she'll be too socially inept and reserved to say more than short sentences at best.Moving away from the cabin, another question is how she fits into the rest of the plot of Season 2. There is no denying that she will have to leave to cabin at some point in the season, either due to her cover being blown or the spread of the USD forcing her to act. Or perhaps both. Another intriguing matter is how quickly she'll be reunited with Mike and the rest of the characters. Finn Wolfhard stated in an interview that Mike would be in a state of depression for the first half of the season, before reverting back into his role as the leader of the group in later episodes. One of the main theories to expand on this fact is that El may make an attempt to contact Mike, now with her cover blown and nothing to lose if she does. This possible realization that she may be alive would give Mike the drive he needs to revert back to his old self. Keep in mind that it's possible that El is in fact discreetly making contact with Mike without making it obvious she's alive, hence why he says that he feels like he still "sees her".The question to make note of here is that, if this is the case, how would El make contact given her distance away from civilization? The most plausible idea for this is that she has access to her own walkie talkie as it heightens her capabilities of telepathy to a degree where she can find Will in the upside down. A bigger radio or even a deprivation tank would be impossible to use given the rarity and price of stronger radios and the absurd requirements for a homemade sensory deprivation tank. How she acquires one, with or without Hopper's knowledge, remains to be seen if this theory is true.Aside from this, there is no way of knowing what else may be in store for El this season. Time will only tell once season 2 is released. via /r/StrangerThings
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