#givemedabooks does tags
givemedabooks · 7 years
it’s a tag
ΑNobody tagged me (forever alone tbh) but I saw this on @kat-from-minasmorgul and I wanted to do it soo.... 
1. Drink: orange juice                                                                                         2. Phone call: best friend-aka soulmate-@myrtous​ ( I hope you never see this) 3. Text message: it’s been so long I don’t even remember..                              4. Song you listened to: Metal&Dust by London Grammar                                5. Time you cried: yesterday
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: no 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. Been cheated on: no 9. Lost someone special: yes 10. Been depressed: probably  11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. BLUE 13. black 14. white
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yes ^.^ 16. Fallen out of love: nope 17. Laughed until you cried: yep 18. Found out someone was talking about you: yes 19. Met someone who changed you: maybe 20. Found out who your friends are: it’s complicated 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I don’t have Facebook 
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: again,I don’t have Facebook 23. Do you have any pets: nope,but I desperately want a cat 24. Do you want to change your name: no 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I went out with my friends 26. What time did you wake up: 11:30 (i’m still ashamed of that,don’t remind me) 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping  28. Name something you can’t wait for: college 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: today  30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: at the moment, I would like to have a lot of mulalala (cash that is) 31. What are you listening right now: Interlude by London Grammar  32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: nope 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: when people are cancelling plans last minute  34. Most visited Website: this piece of shit probs 
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: a few tiny ones on my shoulders 36. Mark/s: none 37. Childhood dream: being a witch ^.^  38. Haircolor: brown,although I want to dye it a crazy color like blue or purple/pink 39. Long or short hair: long but I’m gonna get my hair cut soon 40. Do you have a crush on someone: nope  41. What do you like about yourself: that i’m very polite to other people  42. Piercings: none 43. Bloodtype: i don’t remember 44. Nickname:  I don’t think I have any 45. Relationship status: forever alone  46. Zodiac: Capricorn 47. Pronouns: she/her  48. Favorite TV Show: I have lots,you can’t make my choose.... But here is my top 5: Doctor Who renewed (mostly the Russel T. Davis era),Girl Meets World,Sense8,Teen Wolf,Merlin  49. Tattoos: none but I want a few 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: I had an appendicitis surgery when i was young 52. Hair dyed in different color: nope 53. Sport: the only athletic thing i do is run away from my problems  55. Vacation: on my bed with my laptop 56. Pair of trainers: 1
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: right now nothing,but my favourite food is cauliflower with fries   58. Drinking: water 59. I’m about to: watch The 100 61. Waiting for: the sweet release of death  62. Want: money and to pass all my exams with flying colors 63. Get married: yes plz  64. Career: something to do with psychology and helping other people 
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: both 66. Lips or eyes: BOTH 67. Shorter or taller: taller 68. Older or younger: idc 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach 71. Sensitive or loud: loud 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: a bit of a troublemaker
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: no 75. Drank hard liquor: nope 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I don’t wear any 77. Turned someone down: nope 78. Sex in the first date: no 79. Broken someone’s heart: yes but not in a relationshipy kind of way 80. Had your heart broken: multiple times  81. Been arrested: nope 82. Cried when someone died: yes 83. Fallen for a friend: constantly 
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: hah no  85. Miracles: a tiny little bit  86. Love at first sight: nope  87. Santa Claus: no 88. Kiss on the first date: sure  89. Angels: not really
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: @myrtous(you’re hating this) + @fassavoyislife 91. Eyecolor: brown  92. Favorite movie: WATCHMEN 
I tag @fassavoyislife and anyone else who wants to do this! 
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Teen Wolf Book Tag
This was created by @givemedabooks. I wasn’t tagged, but I’m missing Teen Wolf after the finale so I decided to do it anyway.
Scott McCall: A book character that you look up to. 
Paige Mahoney (The Bone Season), She has so many qualities that I wish that I had like bravery and the ability to inspire. Plus she does all of this with a large amount of compassion.
Stiles Stilinski: A book character that you would protect with your life.
Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen! They went through so much and they deserve a life of peace and happiness. (I could not pick just one of them.)
Lydia Martin: A book character that has gone through a huge character development. 
Juliette Ferrars (Shatter Me), She is almost a completely different person by the end of the serious with how much growth she goes through.
Allison Argent: A book character that you wish you could bring back to life. 
(Mockingjay spoilers) Finnick Odair is a precious human and I will always cry thinking about his death.
Derek Hale: A book character that you didn’t trust at first.
Jest (Heartless), This is crazy to think about now since I actually love him, but I was wary of him at first.
Isaac Lahey: A book character that you would do the the fricky frack with. 
Liam Stewart (The Darkest Minds)
Malia Tate/Hale: A book character that cracks you up.
Carswell Thorne (The Lunar Chronicles), He is such a sarcastic person and I love it.
Kira Yukimura: A book character that is a literal cinnamon roll.
Lucy Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia), This was hard question since so many of my favorite characters are cinnamon roles. I finally decided on Lucy since she is the character that has been on my favorites list the longest.
Teen Wolf: A book squad you wish you could be a part of. 
The GANGSEY!! (The Raven Cycle), I just finished this series and this friend group is my current obsession.
Tag: anyone that is also missing Teen Wolf
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sparkylovesbooks · 7 years
Microreview Round 7: BOOKSHELVES
I was tagged by some awesome individuals: @lizziethereader and @givemedabooks <3
What genres or types of books dominate your shelf? I just have so many damn books in general... but lots of young adult fantasy, adult literary fiction, and classics. But seriously, like I have 2 bookcases for each genre and more. It’s a problem.
What do you wish you had more of? Romance! Both New Adult & Adult more specifically... I’ve just been in the mood for it lately (because of the weather I think) and I wish I had more to read! Also nonfiction, but my nonfiction interests are so particular that it’s hard to build my collection.
Smallest book? Largest book? Smallest in terms of pages is probably “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie” and in terms of actual physical size is my mini edition of the complete condensed works of Shakespeare! I’ll have to take a picture of that book soon and show you guys, it’s such a cute little thing. i just got it in my #shelflovecrate box this month :)
Largest page-wise I think is my Norton Anthology of Shakespeare which I LOVELOVELOVE. Size-wise is my leather bound edition of The Oresteia by Aeschylus illustrated by Pablo Picasso and written in actual Ancient Greek. It is heavy and was SO pricey but it is my prized possession in my library!
Oldest book? Newest book?
in terms of when it was written: oldest = Gilgamesh (shout out to the oldest written text in recorded history); newest = Because You Love To Hate Me
**the oldest edition of I book that I own was published in1899 and it’s Joan of Arc by Mark Twain
In terms of how long I’ve owned it: oldest = If You Give A Mouse A Cookie (I own the same version I read as a 4yo); newest = Avatar the Last Airbender: Smoke & Shadow Volumes 1-3
Does anything live there besides books? So many funko pops! 6 shelves’ worth! And a mug full of bookmarks, some random pictures, my collection of Disney Princess figurines, a couple of candles, and a wood block that says “go away I’m reading.” :D
I TAG: @audreys-book-nook @stargirl-carraway @thereadfox and @bookcub
Don’t forget to use #microreview and check out @microreviews for “rules,” reviews, and more!
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doereads · 7 years
Thank you @givemedabooks for tagging me in another book tag!
What genres or types of books dominate your shelf?
The majority of books which dominate my shelf are fantasy and classics. Fantasy, with romance, is my all time comfort genre. 
What do you wish you had more of?
Pretty classics editions of books; the ones that are cloth bound or leather with beautiful art. Other than that, non-fiction. 
Smallest book? Largest book?
Smallest would be a book with Emily Dickinson’s poetry or Heart of Darkness. The largest is either a Canterbury Classics collection of Science Fiction or The Sunne in Splendor. 
Oldest book? Newest book?
I’m going by not date written, but what looks the oldest (second hand book shops) and what I’ve bought recently. So oldest is a hard cover copy of The Forsyte Saga. The newest is The Sunne in Splendor. 
Does anything live there besides books?
On my bookshelf I have my jewelry taking up a whole shelf. I also have a tin cylinder which plays frosty the snowman when wound up that holds hand lotions, a cream colored ceramic statue of a cat, a few framed photos, and a candle. 
I tag anyone!
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sparkylovesbooks · 7 years
Teen Wolf Book Tag
Tagged by @givemedabooks in an original tag! I don’t watch this show, but everyone and their mother does and recommends it to me. So I need to hurry up and watch it! All of the actors seem amazing. Thanks for the tag <3
Scott McCall: A book character that you look up to. Molly Weasley. The strongest and most wonderful woman everrrrr.
Stiles Stilinski: A book character that you would protect with your life. CHAOL WESTFALL BECAUSE HE IS MY HUSBAND.
Lydia Martin: A book character that has gone through a huge character development. Ari Mendoza, because he just really learns so much about himself and his relationships with the people he loves. He opens up and blossoms and it just gives me emotions. So beautiful.
Allison Argent: A book character that you wish you could bring back to life (SPOILER AHEAD!!) Bianca DiAngelo. Too sad... she was amazing and had so much potential and was in the books for suuuch a short time!
Derek Hale: A book character that you didn’t trust at first. Miss Peregrine. That might be a bit shocking, but I really was skeptical and wasn’t sure if she was gonna do bad things to Jacob, and if her intentions with her children were actually good. But now I know better, believe me!!
Isaac Lahey: A book character that you would do the the fricky frack with. AGAIN, CHAOL WESTFALL HE IS MY HUSBAND, REMEMBER?!
Malia Tate/Hale: A book character that cracks you up. Percy Jackson aka my other husband.
Kira Yukimura: A book character that is a literal cinnamon roll. Ari Mendoza... please see question 3. <3
Teen Wolf: A book squad you wish you could be a part of. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Girls. One because of the magical pants (duh) and two because I love them like they are real. This was great! I SHALL TAG: @alexbookpages @books-and-cookies @lizziethereader and @sophiesbooklr ! Also if you see this and watch Teen Wolf and are interested in doing this tag, then consider yourself tagged by me!
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