#give Eli a boyfriend
heytheredeann · 6 months
Napoleon: *gets down on one knee*
Illya: *also drops to the ground* what are we looking for?
Napoleon, reaching for the ring in his pocket: Peril......
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I will make your long-time crush greet you with "good day" and your last name when you finally see them again after years
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ants-personal · 2 years
im sorry but we didnt get shy nerdy eli enough in this show i needed at least a season and a half of him slowly building up confidence.
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tallandsad · 6 months
are you telling me ur also a sagittarius??? not only are we both eli, but we're also both sags???? jumpscare
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there’s only one solution,,.,. we must battle for the title of Eli Prime
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madsbb7 · 1 year
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robby when johnny reveals that they weren’t actually in mexico for father son time
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Prompt: Superstition
Pairing: Hawkmetri
There’s rumors of a shadow-dwelling monster, transforming any who cross it into something unrecognizable. An abomination that can leave anyone petrified.
Demetri knows it’s superstitious nonsense. When the latest victim tears into town, he’s the only one who doesn’t hide.
He tells himself he isn’t startled, looking at the full scope of Eli Moskowitz, but he’s fucking lying.
He still speaks softly, caressing rough skin and meeting bloodshot blue eyes. “I’m not afraid of you. Any of you.”
Feathers fall away, teeth retract, talons vanish. Monstrous rage ebbs away like a bad dream.
Eli collapses into Demetri’s chest. “I’m glad.”
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rosesradio · 2 years
for the @allvalley100 prompt Maps!
"This app sucks!" Hawk slammed his fist on the steering wheel, pulling over on the dusty desert road in order to fumble with the Google Maps app, which had crashed again.
"Hey, Eli, it's okay--" Demetri started.
"It's not! It's not okay, I just..." Eli finally broke down, tears slipping down his cheeks as he buried his face in his hand. "It won't work, we're never gonna find him..."
"We will, Eli, I promise," Demetri insisted, reaching over for Eli's hand, Eli grasping Demetri's hand as if it were the only thing grounding him. "We're going to bring Miguel home."
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I think that the writers should just listen to us and make Elimetri cannon. We have spoken, now feed us.
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devonpink · 5 days
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What was supposed to be a moment of peace for Eli was shattered by Diego's loud and sudden entrance, aggressively demanding to speak with his ex-boyfriend. "What the fuck, Diego!?" Eli protested, irritated by his ex's unannounced and deeply unwanted presence. "You can't just-" Eli's irritation quickly turned to confusion, perturbed by Diego's drastically different appearance. "How the hell did you put on so much muscle!? And what's up with the army getup?"
"Why haven't you met with a recruiter yet, boy?" Diego coldly demanded, purposefully letting Eli's questions go through one ear and out the other.
"What are you talking about!?" Eli absently questioned, distracted by how Diego's voice sounded bizarrely deeper since they last spoke. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"I guess I'll have to recruit you myself, boy." Diego wickedly smirked, his eyes glowing green.
"What the fuck!?" Eli recoiled in a horrifying mixture of confusion and fear. He wanted to escape, but it was too late. His eyes unfortunately met Diego's, and it was all over. He lost himself to Diego's hypnotic gaze, trying desperately to resist but failing hard in seconds. "What the fuuuuuuckkkk?"
"Do not resist." Diego chanted, his voice stiff like a robot. He removed his army cap, only for a replacement cap to magically appear on his head. He took his old cap and placed it on the now-frozen Eli. "You will be conscripted. The army must grow. Assimilate. Assimilate. Assimilate."
"Fuuuuckkkkkkkk!!!" Eli's eyes rolled back, his body shooting up straight as aboard. Diego's old cap morphed to fit Eli's head perfectly. Eli's mind was then assaulted by a deep and powerful voice, an aggressive drill sergeant.
"Now, listen up, maggot!" The drill sergeant in Eli's head loudly commanded. "The army must grow! All males will comply and be conscripted! You will comply! You will assimilate! Isn't that that right, maggot?"
"Sir, yes, Sir." Eli softly responded, his brain melting. He wants so hard to resist, but giving in feels intoxicatingly good.
"I can't hear you, maggot!" The drill sergeant loudly commanded.
"SIR, YES, SIR!!!" Eli loudly replied, saluting with great conviction. And just like that, his transformation began. His slim, twinky body instantly expanded and grew into a bulking mass of intense masculine muscle. His medium-length hair buzzed back to a short military cut. His pink shirt and grey sweats shifted to an army green shirt and camouflage pants, exactly like Diego's. A pair of perfectly polished army boots popped onto his newly expanded feet. Lastly, a manly band tattoo formed on his right bicep as his army tag materialized onto his newly thickened neck.
"Welcome to the army, boy." Diego smugged, proudly crossing his arms.
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A few weeks have passed since Eli was conscripted, and much has changed. He was given a pair of mind-altering headphones that permanently eliminated everything the army didn't see fit, which was mainly his homosexuality. He's now as straight as a nail and has even bred a few sluts on campus, with much more impregnating to come. Eli and Diego have conscripted most of the males on campus. A few have gotten away, but they'll be found and conscripted. It's their destiny. After all, all males will comply and be conscripted. Do not resist. The army must grow. Assimilate. Assimilate. Assimilate.
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
Pet Problems III
Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: Meeting the kittens is very stressful
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It's pretty sweet, the way Ale is so attentive to the kittens.
Kiara ended up with seven of Bagheera's babies (though, thankfully, for everyone's sanity, none of them ended up looking like their father) and Alexia took care with each of them.
She checked in on them routinely at night.
She made sure that they all ate enough.
She made sure none of them got bullied and, when it was clear that the sole white kitten was a bit of a runt, she bottle-fed it until it was able to hold its own and begin weaning.
This also meant that she was quite protective of them all, not allowing anyone to visit until the kittens were past five weeks.
"Hola," Eli greeted, kissing you on the cheeks as she and Alba stepped through the door, greeting a yapping Nala," I am surprised you let us in."
You rolled your eyes, jerking your chin over to where Alexia was hovering by the door to the spare room. "Miss grumpy pants over there almost didn't let me. You're the first people to meet the litter. She's worrying."
Eli looked at her oldest daughter fondly. "Yes, Alexia always was a worrier."
"Did you wash your hands?" Alexia asked, barricading Alba's way when her sister tried to barge past. "You can't touch them if you haven't washed your hands." Her arms crossed over her chest as she sniffed the air. "Are you sick? You smell sick. You can't meet them if you're sick, Alba."
"Baby," You cooed, sliding between the two sisters and wrapping your arms tightly around Alexia's waist," Alba's very healthy. She's washed her hands. Let her meet the little ones."
Alexia's eye twitched before an arm was thrown over your shoulder and she opened the door a crack.
A pack of ginger fur tumbled around on the ground as you all stepped inside. A speckled flash of orange and white ran over to Eli, clawing up her pant legs in a hurry as a similarly coloured kitten chased after it.
Kiara lounged on the guest room bed, tail flicking side to side in pure boredom. As soon as she noticed the door open, she made a break for it - shoving past Nala and escaping her babies if only for a moment or two.
Alexia's favourite of the litter - the little runty white one mewed insistently at her until it was snug in the arms.
"Oh, Alexia," Eli said, holding two kittens in her hands before passing one off to Alba, who similarly cooed," They're absolutely darling." She kissed the kitten on the nose. "Are you keeping any?"
"Just this one." Alexia lifted the white one up with a smile. "She's too pretty to give away."
You rolled your eyes. "And she says she's not a cat person." You grinned at Alexia, who just rolled her eyes at you before laying a kiss to your crown.
"You're sending the rest away?" Alba looked positively heartbroken.
"Not really," You replied as Kiara sauntered back into the room, leaping up onto the cabinet before laying across your shoulders. "Ingrid and Mapi are taking one." You jerked your thumb to one of the pure ginger ones. "And Frido and her boyfriend are taking one too."
"Patri wants one," Alexia said.
"You didn't tell me that."
"I haven't decided if she deserves one yet."
You rolled your eyes. "Alexia," You said," That's not how it works."
"Keeping them close to home, huh?" Alba said," I'll take one. Since you're offering."
Alexia glared at her sister. "We weren't offering."
"Come on! I'd be a great kitten owner!"
"You're not nearly home enough to have one!"
Eli rolled her eyes fondly at her daughters arguing as she reached up to stroke Kiara's ears. "And how is the Mama?"
"The Mama," You laughed," Is doing very well. I think she's realised that if she dumps them all on Ale, she gets a free babysitter for a few hours."
Eli laughed. "Well, for what it's worth," She lowered her voice and winked," I'll take two of them."
Alexia was, perhaps, even more stressed when it came time for the rest of the team to meet the kittens. It had been a few more weeks since Alba and Eli came around and the kittens had completely taken over the apartment.
"Just-Just..." Her hand fluttered anxiously at the front door," Be nice. No screaming or yelling or loud noises." She gave Mapi a pointed look. "And don't throw them into the air to catch them."
She pushed open the door and could do little to control the onslaught of football players pushing into her apartment.
"Hi, girls," You chirped in greeting from the kitchen table. Kiara lay next to you as Marie (the white kitten) sat atop your shoulder.
"Hi, y/n," The girls chorused before hurrying off in search of the rest of the litter.
"Hi," Alexia said softly, sidling up behind you and kissing your neck," I missed you."
"I missed you too, baby," You replied, turning to kiss her properly as Marie clambered up from your shoulder to your head.
Alexia smiled down at you and plucked Marie into her arms. "Are you busy?"
"Sorry, baby. Yeah, I am. You'll have to supervise kitten play by yourself."
She huffed but didn't force you to join, carting Marie off to meet the others while Kiara sat next to your computer.
It was organised carnage in the living room as Ingrid and Mapi fawned over each and every one of Bagheera's kittens while Frido, Patri and Pina threw a ball for one to chase after.
Lucy, Keira, Oshoala and Paredes supervised Ona, Jana and Bruna playing with some more.
"So," Mapi said with a grin," We get to take this one home, right?" She lifted up one of the ginger boys.
"After they've finished getting their vaccinations," Alexia reminded her," And after you get Bagheera neutered."
"Hey! Without Bagheera, we wouldn't have these little cuties!"
"And we don't want anymore," Alexia replied," One litter is enough."
Mapi rolled her eyes. "Sure, whatever you say." The ginger tom batted at her, claws getting tangled in her hair and yanking. Mapi's face lit up like a child at Christmas. "He's gonna be a hunter like his dad!"
"I fear for the wildlife at Mapi's house," You said as you approached, having just finished your work for the day," Hopefully, that one gets Kiara's love for flower hunting rather than Bagheera's love of mice."
"I think we should more hope that Marie hunts flowers," Alexia replied," If Mapi gets dead mice, that's her fault." She cooed softly as Marie clambered from her arms onto your shoulder - mimicking Kiara in almost every action she took.
"Make sure to keep an eye on them," You said as you began to head back to the kitchen," I wouldn't put it past Patri or Mapi to try to smuggle one out under their shirts."
"Wait...Where are you going?"
"To get the pizza menus. I've got the feeling that we're not getting rid of anyone anytime soon."
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xoxoskai · 7 months
to keep you going this last week before God of Fury drops<3
Between all his sons-in-law, Brandon is Kyle's favorite.
Levi's is Mia (cousin-fuckers who stole his son and daughter he'll always beef with)
Brandon and Niko are the type of relatives to wear matching clothes on Christmas because Niko would take up any chance to wear matching anything with Brandon.
If and when Brandon bakes, no one gets a chance to even taste what he made before Niko devours it all.
The only place Niko can fall asleep in at record speed is Brandon's arms.
The only reason Niko teaches Brandon how to drive a bike is so he can put his arms around his boyfriend's slutty waist boyfriend.
Remi is terrified on Brandon's behalf.
"Bran, yes, he's hot but mate, look at that guy! He has some skin on those tattoos!"
Astrid shares Remi's concerns but soon comes to find out that Niko is the biggest goofball of sunshine and almost adopts him.
Surprisingly, the one who takes the longest to accept Brandon is Rai. Because it's not her first time meeting the Kings (hello, she's a far relative) and she's worried that her oldest who is actually tender hearted and plagued by demons of his past, might be crushed beyond repair if Brandon hurt him.
Brandon and Landon think they can get away with tricking their in-laws by dressing as each other but they underestimate the Sokolov-Hunters who told them apart the moment they walked in.
Brandon tried it on Niko once when he first divulged about how Maya and Mia used to do it, but Niko could tell Brandon apart from his "psycho" brother in a heartbeat.
"It's your eyes" He had murmured. "Yours sparkle"
Glyndon is weary of Niko but as long as Brandon's happy, she's happy.
Landon is supremely unhappy.
When Landon first opposes their relationship by threatening Niko, Niko flings back "Remember who you're dating and what I mean to them" back at him.
Niko and Landon almost kill each other multiple times.
If there's someone even more unhappy than Landon, it's Crieghton.
Creighton: "Does this mean I can't fight him anymore?" Elsa: "Why were you fighting him before this?!" Creighton: "Is anyone else hearing this buzzing? I should go check."
Niko goes feral whenever he sees Brandon shirtless and vice-versa but
Niko is always shirtless, so Brandon is always suffering.
Unlike Niko, Brandon doesn't carry him into a dark corner to immediately fuck.
If there's no scene of Brandon asking Niko "Who's fucking you?" Rina, you'll hear from my therapist. And if there's not a single, evil, unhinged Brandon moment where Niko is flabbergasted at the change and is accusing him of being two-faced at which Brandon will laugh, lean in and ask tauntingly "What are you going to do? Tell on me?" I will sue.
Brandon's muse is Niko. (Bitch, I said what I said)
Unlike Landon, Brandon doesn't divulge this piece of information to his boyfriend because he does not want to give Niko even more reasons to walk around with lesser clothes.
Brandon gets a tattoo for Niko on his ribs. (cue feral Nikolai)
After which Niko tries to get Brandon's name tattooed on his favorite organ, but Jeremy literally deadlocks the door to his room to keep him inside after Niko asked for opinions in their group chat about his decision.
Niko: You don't think it's romantic? Jeremy, Killian, Gareth, Landon, Eli, Creighton, Remi:
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They've definitely rolled around in paint and fucked on a canvas after it. Niko would display it in the entryway of their house if Brandon let him.
They've also joined the mile high club.
After they get engaged, Brandon calls him by his full-name as in "Nikolai Sokolov-Hunter-King" just to piss him off but Nikolai loves being associated to Brandon in every possible way, so it backfires.
Their wedding bands have each other's name inscribed in them.
As does the underside of their ring fingers in the other's handwriting.
Nikolai tries drawing a heart over the i in his name and almost gets smacked.
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 5 months
Lake House Days
jack hughes x teen mom!reader
note: i love writing little kid dialogue
word count: 1.3k
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Bringing the twins anywhere was hard, but having to fly and a long drive to the lake house, was a big trip for the kids. And a very long day for Y/n. All that along with meeting new people, well she knew Jack’s parents, and his brothers, and she met Trevor once. But this would be the first time Jack’s family (minus Luke) and friends were meeting her kids. What if they didn’t like their son dating someone with kids, of course they did know, but knowing and seeing were different things. 
“Love, you okay?” Jack’s soothing voice broke Y/n out of her anxious thoughts, just like he always does.
“Yeah, just a little nervous.” “About what?” The man gives his girlfriend's thigh a gentle and reassuring squeeze, from where said hand had been resting since they got in the car. Y/n checked over her shoulder, seeing the twins sleeping soundly, Abby’s head leaning on her brother’s shoulder, smiling Y/n turned her attention back to her boyfriend.
“Just of everyone meeting the twins… Your parents and Quinn meeting the twins.” The woman admits, her voice low, more aware of her sleeping children now. 
“They are going to love them, they love kids and my family loved you when you met for the first time.” Jack assured her, making a quick glance taking in her reaction before returning his eyes to the road and continuing, “Abby and Eli charm anyone they meet, without them charming me, I would have never talked to you.” “Shut up.” The woman says, smiling. 
“Well I hope you got the last of your nerves out because we’re here.” Jack says, pulling into the long driveway of the beautiful and large lake house. Putting the car in park among the impressive number of cars already here, and turning to face the younger girl.
“Ready?” “As I’ll ever be.”
As Y/n slowly tried to wake up the twins, Jack unpacked the car, in the end neither child was ready to wake just yet, leading to Y/n carrying Abby and Jack carrying Eli. The door opened before Jack could open it himself, the image of Quinn in their sights. 
“Hey- oh hi.” the man says more quietly after realising the sleepiness in both the twins' faces.”Hey Quinny.” Jack greets his brother, doing the usual bro hug guys to, as well as he could with Eli in his arms. “We’re gonna put these two in their room, then we’ll come down and see everyone.”
Jack and Y/n walk down the stairs after Y/n finally got Eli settled. “Hi Y/n!” Ellen says seeing the couple coming down and bringing Y/n into a tight hug, “Hi Ellen!” “Where are Eli and Abby?” truthfully Y/n never thought Ellen or any of Jack’s family would care to know her children, and it was never anything they had done, in actuality they have done everything to disprove that notion. But with years of dating as a single mother it was more common than not that any partner's family wouldn’t want anything to do with her babies. “They're both napping, they've had a long day already.” “Oh of course! Believe me I know.” 
Spending the past hour without the twins and just getting to know Jack’s family and friends better first, had done a lot to ease her anxiety that this time would in fact be different. Y/n and Ellen talked all about how fast your kids grow, Y/n didn’t really have mom friends so it was refreshing to talk about her kids with someone that could relate. This along with Ellen telling many child Jack stories, much to the man’s dismay. 
“Mommy?” A quiet, sleepy voice mumbled rubbing his eye with one hand and his sister’s in the other, the young girl’s own other hand holding her most prized possession, her blanky. 
“Hi huns! You’re up?” Her rhetorical question causes the girl to nod her head, while jumping into her mom’s lap. Eli walked over to lean his arms on her arm rest, and his head on her chest. “Ready to meet everyone?” The twins’ mother whispered, while most people surrounding the fire were watching. Both 5 year olds nodding their heads, Y/n continues, “This is Ellen and Jim, they’re Jack’s parents.” The woman says, directing their attention to her right where Ellen and Jim sat. Both children mumble a quiet ‘Hi’ back. “And that’s Quinn, Jack’s other brother.” The same routine continued on, the two successfully convinced all that they were shy. Until Eli walked up to Trevor and sat on his lap, mischief must detect mischief, but Abby stuck to sitting with her mom. Scoping out who here will be her best friend. 
“Hun, I need to put sunscreen on you.” Y/n said, trying to reason with her son. She already got Abby ready, Abby was only difficult getting ready if she had a reason to be, Eli however was difficult just because it was fun.
“No!” “Baby, if you don’t put this on you’re gonna get burnt just like Lia did last summer remember? She could barely move, do you want that to happen to you.” “No..” The boy mumbled, accepting defeat and lifting his arm for his mom. “Thank you.”
“Jacka, what we doing today?” Abby was going through a phase of adding ‘a’ to random words in her sentences leading to her giving Jack the new nickname. While the young girl was letting Jack put on her shoes, the man answered her question excitedly and lifting the girl off the bed and onto the floor, “Going on the lake today!” “On boat?” “Yes ‘on boat’.” “Momma we going on boat” She repeated for her mom, even though the woman was a foot away from her and already heard it. “Maybe, hunny. Not for sure. Okay! You’re both ready, how ‘bout you guys go downstairs and help Ellen with snacks?” “Okayyy!” “Okay-a!” Both children yell, running out of the room.
Once they were excited, Jack pushed the bedroom door closed and walked over to his girlfriend. In the time that they’ve been dating, when the twins are around you take any time alone together you can get. Leaning down only slightly Jack gently presses his lips to Y/n’s, her immediately kissing him back. Her hands went around his neck, his own resting on her lower back just above her ass.
Breaking apart Y/n whispers against his mouth, “Okay, ready?” “Yep” he says, stealing a quick peck before exiting the room himself.
“I spy… Something invisible.” Eli announces, turning from looking all around him to looking at Trevor and Cole. “What’s invisible?” the taller boy asked, he’d been taking the game pretty seriously and Eli just threw a curveball at him. “Dude, I don’t know!” Before the two could embarrass themselves, Eli stepped in, “The air!!!” “Oh! Duh!” “Good one, man!”
This was too complex for Eli’s brain but he often latched onto male figures in his life; of course he had Lia’s dad but he didn’t see him often, so not having one for himself, he loved Jack and his friends, they gave him what he didn't have. 
Y/n was watching the three play eye spy from her spot on Jack’s lap. And checking over at Ellen and Abby playing ‘Go Fisha’ as Abby calls it. After a moment of Jack not having her full attention, he brings his right hand from the woman’s lower back to rub her upper thigh, grabbing her attention once again.
“You okay?” “Yeah.” Y/n says, a smile from ear to ear spreading across her face. She is so happy. Having Jack, and people besides herself and the people she considers family (Lia and her parents) caring about the twins I was something she wasn’t sure she would ever feel. Last night even, Y/n put the kids to bed and Eli asked her if Jack was going to be their dad, it almost made her cry on the spot. But what did make her cry happy tears was that her answer, not that she spoke it to Eli, was closer to a ‘yes’ than a ‘no’.
“Yeah, I’m really happy.”
@yabbadabbawhosposts @mallory78 @fulla02 @mostellasm
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bubblergoespop · 2 months
My Top Aaron Quotes
men who are just constantly tired of everything>>>>>
“Well buckle up, wiz kid.”
“So yeah, I am gonna miss you. I’m really gonna miss you.”
“Sue me. Except don’t. My brain is already fried from the financials, I don’t need to throw legalese on top of that.”
“Fuck it. There’s nothing in here I can’t replace. I want you."
“I didn’t say I wanted to spend the day with you, I asked if you wanted to spend the day with me. I asked first.”
“Hey, stop it. Because you know how much I like you running your fingers through my hair. Makes my brain go all fuzzy.”
“I appreciate it. And you.”
“Oh, it’s not playing dirty. It’s just me making you feel good.”
“I didn’t realise I was apparently dating an anthropomorphic backpack.”
“H-hey—stop it. You—no, your kisses are just… it tickled. Shut up. So what if my sides are ticklish, it’s not like that’s weird, you shit.”
“Oh, and now you can’t even find the strength to lift your head out of my lap, hmm? You poor thing. Who knew that being lazy could be so exhausting?”
“I love you very much. Now get off me.”
“You talked a big talk back then. But it turns out you’re just a cuddle-hungry softy after all, huh? Yes you are. At least when you’re still sleepy, anyway.”
“I also know you’re probably the kind to fly off half-cocked and make me chase you down with the SPF 50 like a madman. If for no other reason than to infuriate me.”
“Come here. Come closer. Because I said so.”
“I love you. And I love rain. And I love being with the person I love while it rains. Isn’t that a fun little combo?”
“You are very cute looking up at me like that.”
“Or is the thought of a few more minutes in my arms that much of an imposition? Asshole. Mmm. I love you too.”
“I can’t even try to say a nice thing without you having to get some snark into it, can I? No, I wouldn’t have it any other way. You brat. I love you just as you are.”
“You make me better. And that’s no small order when you’re talking about me, given the high level I already started at.”
“A man’s gotta eat. And you’ve always been my favorite thing on the menu.”
“Oh yes, you’re so put upon. Your evil boyfriend only makes you a whole breakfast spread, he won’t then also let you sleep in even later than you already have.”
“Yes, in a shocking twist, I do find your absence unpleasant. Perish the thought, right?”
“Time spent with the people I care about is important to me. It doesn’t have to be time doing anything special, it doesn’t have to be conversations about our future or some greater purpose or any of that shit, I just want to be with the person that I’m with.”
“Sure, there are plenty of ways to sleep on a couch just fine. It’s your hybrid approach that lands somewhere between gymnast and pretzel that tends to get you in trouble.”
“You’re okay. It’s gonna be okay.”
“If it feels like it's coming on again, come tell us, okay?”
“I only met them a handful of times. They're sweet. They laugh a lot. They spent most of the time giving Elliott shit, it was funny. Not in like a mean way, like the way you do when you love somebody that much. They were a good balance for one another.”
“God I sound old. And I feel old. And I’m not, but it feels like it. A grumpy old man. Might as well start yelling at kids to not play so loud in the neighborhood, really complete the image.”
“Stop calling me an old man, only I’m allowed to call me old. Don’t be mean. I’m in a vulnerable state. I need baseless praise.”
“Yes. Holding you feels very productive.”
“Yeah. Let me just rub it on that pretty face for a little bit…”
“ It’d be fine. Almost as fine as you. I’m tired, I’m allowed to be stupid.”
“El, I have never hated you. You’re my little brother, I love you.”
“No the windows are mirrored glass. You should know that, you worked here.”
“Whose is it? Louder”
“Thank you baby. Yeah, thank you for trusting me like you do. […] All I wanna do is prove myself worthy of that trust.”
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kitchenisking · 3 months
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February Fic Rec
Hey Guys, I'm sorry I'm so late this month that its already the next month😅 I went back to work this month and I have mixed feelings about it so there's that🫤 but at least there's faction - please don't tell my kindle, there's so many books on there that I got to read😓. anyway, happy readying everyone! enjoy the spring and remember to kudos and comment😘
Show Him The Love by scarlettletterr - (Rating: Mature, Words: 2,911, sterek)
Everyone realizes Stiles is awesome, and actually gives him the recognition he deserves! For all his research, for his constant loyalty, for having awful stuff happen to him and always coming back for more, for trying to do the right thing even when people don't listen when they should.
My gift for Meggplant, for the Glompfest. Hope you like it!
You feel like Home by Itsreallyjustforresearch83 - (Rating: Mature, Words: 24,300, sterek)
Five times Stiles gets abused by his boyfriend and and the one time everything falls into place, like it was always meant to be. 
Maybe it was. 
"Are you really just leaving?" Stiles asked him. 
"Yeah? There's no point in me sticking around, we already did what we always do." His boyfriend said, fastening his belt and walking out of Stiles' room.
It Starts When You're Around by strobelighted - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 26,406, sterek)
"Earth to Derek. You okay, man?"
Derek's eyes are drawn back to the guy in front of him, who's starting to look more worried now.
"I --" he starts, then swallows against the dryness. "Who are you?"
or, Derek gets amnesia
eli's parents are so gross (read: in love) by ash_mcj - (Rating: T, Words: 1,195, sterek)
"I would’ve been here earlier, but nobody thought it would be smart to call the one person who’s intimately dealt with the Nogitsune before, so,” Stiles said bitterly as he threw his hands up. "Now I have a list of asses I gotta kick over this very avoidable fiasco. Scott’s first, since he’s the Alpha—I’m pretty sure that’s how that works. His responsibility, or whatever.”
The familiar sound of Derek’s car pulling into the driveway caught Eli's attention, and he grinned. “Is Dad on your list?”
“Hell yeah, Dad is on my list! Right under Scott.”
“Well, he just got home, so—”
Stiles didn’t wait to hear the rest of the sentence before stomping off in the direction of the living room—and Eli quickly scrambled to follow him, ready to eavesdrop on what was likely going to be a rather impressive and amusing lecture.
[or: eli is glad that stiles is home, since derek has nearly died several times in his absence, but he really wishes they were a little less glad to see each other] -- prompt | a reunion kiss
Hide by dr_girlfriend - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 12,419, sterek)
Stiles has been rejected so many times that it doesn't really surprise him when it happens again. Hurts, yeah, because dammit — he'd thought Derek was the one. Heartbreak sucks, and he's not so sure he's going to get over it this time.
Breaking A Rule by SinQueen69 - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1,426, sterek)
Anon on tumblr wanted: Hiya! Please with sugar on top write a Sterek fic where derek is a business man and Stiles is a horny cockslut that sends Derek nudes while at work and Derek is pent up and punishes him when he gets home. Daddy Kink, Manhandling, Strength Kink, Bruises, Spanking, Rough Sex, Orgasm Denial, mentions of kittenplay?, verbal humiliation, gags! Tanks be safe and healthy
Soft Space by TuppingLiberty - (Rating: Mature, Words: 1,492,k sterek)
This time of year, Derek has to face too many bad anniversaries - the fire, the deaths. Stiles understands when Derek has to take a break from being alpha, when he just needs his daddy. 
Rated M for kink, but no explicit (or even mature) sex.
Kinktober day 4: Daddy (Starting Kinktober now so I can maybe finish in October this year)
How to Win an Argument Without Really Trying by sffan - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2,288, sterek)
It started with a kiss.
Well, actually, it started with an argument.
no river, no rush by CoraRochester, ravenclawkward - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 5,351, sterek)
“You can’t marry me! I’m the worst choice. For one, there’s no strategic value to marrying a prince from Gajos—and if there were, I’d have been betrothed to you or Cora years ago. We have nothing to offer Beacon. I’m not even good at being a prince!”   …
On the eve of Derek’s coronation, he proposes to Stiles.
Are You Fucking Kidding Me? by Itsreallyjustforresearch83 - (Rating: Mature, Words: 2,893, sterek)
Derek has liked Stiles for a really long time, like embarrassingly long. But he swore to himself that he wouldn't make a move on Stiles until he knew for sure that his feeling were returned because he refuses to force something onto the Spark. 
Derek likes Stiles, Stiles likes Derek, but the Alpha is convinced that Stiles is still in love with Lydia and can't see the obvious dofus Stiles is being around him. Lydia intervenes just because she's sick of watching the two dummys not be together.
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elllisaaa · 4 months
eli i’m having dirty bookworm thoughts again… they can at least break me from my reading slump not only make me more addicted to sunghoon 🤨 DOES SUNGHOON EVEN READ why am i coming up with these kind of ideas 😭
i’m thinking 💭 you’re writing a romance novel with a few sex scenes sprinkled in there and when sunghoon finds out about them after you give him to read your first draft he gets jealous?? you’ve spend so much time thinking about these things what if you were horny and you touched yourself after writing them out? and you didn’t tell him a thing?? he decides to do every single intimate scene from your book to you tonight but TIMES better 🙃
sunghoon is really going to be your bias sweetie i think, you're constantly losing your mind over him (but don't ever stop, i love it). it's so funny to me how we're always associating him with books lmaoo but i'm here for it and i love to write it everytime. 
SUNGHOON has always been very supportive of you and every project you started. so when you announced that you had been writing some novels and wanted to get serious with that, he couldn't have been more proud of you. 
he was so attentive to your every need whenever you started another writing session. he brings you tea or coffee when you're thirsty and cooks for you when he knows you've spent the whole day working on your novels and didn't eat. but sunghoon was always there to take care of you and help you out of your writing blocks by giving you idea, or reading your texts to help you improve. 
so when you told him that you wanted to start writing a romance novel, he was all in helping you even if he teased you a little bit by reminding you not to describe him too much as the perfect boyfriend. but apart from that, he doesn't try to interfere in the creative process too much, not asking about the plot if you don't mention it to him. but sunghoon is always there to help you whenever you need it.
it's not until you give him the first draft of your novel to read that he notices the few sex scenes that you also wrote. and listen, sunghoon is not easily getting jealous, he trusts you with his life, so how did words on paper were getting angry ? because he was. he could only imagine you thinking about all the dirty scenarios you wrote, all alone while he could have been there and make them come true. he couldn't help but wonder if you touched yourself while writing all this. 
sunghoon didn't even reach the end of the novel before picking you up and carrying you to the bedroom. you don't even understand what's happening until your boyfriend starts to undress himself. 
"you're such a naughty girl princess, writing all these things when you could've just told me that you wanted to get your ass spanked."
your cheeks were burning as you tried to defend yourself. yes, the sex scenes of your novel were self-indulgent, including all the fantasies you couldn't voice to sunghoon. but you didn't think that he would pick up on that. though he clearly did as he caged you in with his arms, lips inches away from yours.
"gonna make all these things you wrote real hm ?"
and he would so do that : manhandling you in all the positions you described, slapping your ass, fucking you rough until you cried and letting you sit on his face. eveyrthing you wrote, he did it ten times better, resulting in you orgasming too much time to count and your body dripping with sunghoon's cum.
"now you will tell me everything you want baby, right ?"
when you nodded mindlessly, too fucked out to focus on anything else than his beautiful face and his cocky smirk.
"good girl. you know i'm the only on to make you feel like that"
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gemini-sensei · 4 months
@sensei-venus, your camboy!Robby post made me think of if shy!Eli and meangirl!Reader had an onlyfans
Themes like "nerd fucks cheerleader" videos where she wears her old cheer uniform thay doesn't quite fit anymore. As soon as she walks out in it, he pops a boner.
And his whining and moaning when she makes him top. How she'll degrade him and praise him in the same breath and he eats it up. How he fucks her like a wild animal because he's so inexperienced and needy and touch starved.
Audios of nothing but his whimpering and begging as she teases him.
He's faceless because he's too shy and worried about his scar. That's okay, Reader loves the spotlight and showing off her pretty, chubby body. Including lap dances she gives Eli where he hides his face in her far tits.
Videos of her riding him until he's crying and telling her he's so overstimulated. And her pussy is so full of cum that is leaking out and making a big messy under her.
Ugh 😩 he's so submissive to her and she loves showing him off as her cute boyfriend that does everything he's told. Including recording aduios of him eating her out and slurping up her hot juices and moaning about how she tastes so good.
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