#gin watches tv
gin-juice-tonic · 6 months
the book is rated for 'adult readers' which means Bill does by law have to say the words "fallopian tubes" somewhere in the body of the text
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inafieldofdaisies · 2 months
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Shōgun (2024) | Chapter 8: “The Abyss of Life”
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imwritesometimes · 2 months
sobbing gross like I did at the błack saıls finale tbh. like the true d s1 finale. I need gin. JFC SOMEONE GET ME A GODDAMN COCKTAIL OR SUMMON MEDICAL ASSISTANCE
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valenshawke · 7 months
Wait, what? The upcoming season of Letterkenny is the last?
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july-19th-club · 10 months
guess who's ~awake and hating it~ can someone please come to my house and smash me in the head with a comically large mallet knocking me unconscious instantly
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itsmebytch001 · 5 months
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Angel had noticed Alastor had barley moved from his frozen stance awaiting by the door like a statue looking off into the distance clutching his staff with an unusually tight grip.
Angel: "Hey Husk, what's got Al all frozen like that?"
Husk looked up from his rag shining his glass and glanced over to Alastor still frozen and unblinking.
Husk: "Ugh, His kids coming to visit, they don't see each other often but whenever they do see each other, Al makes a whole big thing of it, stressin me out" He grumped out.
Angel: "His daughter? How is that possible? Ain't me like, Asexual or something? How you gonna have a kid if you won't bone?"
Husk: "I dunno, maybe she's adopted, she got his eye's though"
Angel: "Huh, so you've met her?"
Husk: "A couple times"
Angel: "Is she like him...with the radio and the tentacles?"
Niffty: "Nah"
Angel: "Ah! Niff Jesus we gotta but a bell on ya, you can't just run up on a guy like that jeez"
Niffty: "She's more into modern tech, and no tentacles, none that Ive seen" She said caressing her knife slowly.
Angel: "aha, well why she coming in now? it's been like five month's I ain't never heard him talk about her"
Husk: "No idea, last I heard they fell out after she brought a TV"
Niffty: "The guy hates Tech" She said, scratching her knife into the wooden table front of the bar.
*knock Knock*
Alastor's already strained smile expanded to reach his eyes as he strides to the door swiftly opening the door to reveal...
Alastor: "Y/N! So very good to see you my dear, Oh how I've missed you" He said pulling her in to the foyer in a tight, unnatural embrace , Angel leered over to get a proper look at her, from across the room little could be seen her face squashed into her fathers torso as she pushed herself away he squinted to look at her face, and indeed he did have his eyes, but little else, except the yellow teeth.
Y/n: "Good to see you to Dad, I've missed you too i guess" She said under her breath.
Alastor's eye twitched, you had just walked in the door and already you are testing him.
Alastor: "I heard that My love, keep your snide little comments to yourself, m'kay?" He asked, snapping his neck to the left.
Alastor: "Chum's! come greet my dear Y/n won't you?!" He bellowed pushing you towards the bar by the small of your back.
Y/n: "Dad, I already know Niff and Husk I-"
Alastor: "OH! but you haven't met Angel Dust, oh he's such a character" He said practically shoving you onto a stool across from Angel.
Y/n: "Hey Husk"
Husk: "Hey Y/n...you want me to make you something?"
Y/n: "Yeah, Gin and Tonic please" You said slumped over the bar.
Alastor: "She'll take a strawberry lemonade"
Y/n: "Dad I'm too old for thi-"
Alastor: "She'll take a strawberry Lemonade" He said again sternly looking you in the eye.
Alastor: "Now my Dear, where oh where are you belongings'?"
Y/n: "Just outside the door" You answered as Husk poured you a Strawberry Lemonade passing it over to you.
Alastor: "Good good, Husk go take them to Y/n's room won't you?"
Husk: "I'm a bartender not a bags boy Al"
Alastor: " I said go get her bags"
Husk lowly exhaled and dragged his sorry self towards the door.
Alastor: "right well, Angel this is my daughter Y/n"
Angel: "Daughter aye? And how exactly did that happen?"
Alastor: "Why what ever do you mean dear Angel?"
Angel: "Ain't you asexual? Can't exactly have a kid if you ain't boned someone"
Alastor: "Oh! well I made her of course"
Angel: "What?"
Y/n: "He made me, as a precaution"
Alastor: "Oh no dear we've been over this, I made you because I wanted to raise you"
Y/n: "Uh huh"
Angel: "Wait wait, I'm confused did you make her as like, a Frankenstein while you were alive or like..?"
Alastor: "No no, I bared no children when I was alive I made her down here"
Angel: "Okay but HOW?"
Alastor: "with some gold dust, an old voodoo doll and a rib of mine. It doesn't hurt to to supplied with a sum of power and magic of course"
Angel: "...uh huh" he watched as Husk dragged your bags up the stairs.
Alastor: "And my lovley creation will be staying with us for some times"
Y/n: "A month, that's all"
Alastor: "Oh a whole month! we have so much catching up too do, shame you won't ever answer any of my messages"
Y/n: "maybe I would if it weren't in the form of a telegram!"
Alastor: "Oh you young people, with your phones and TV's, whatever happnded to radio"
Y/n: "oh god please don't start" He patted your head as you slumped even further down the bar.
Alastor: "Yes well, while you chat with Angel I'll be sure to arrange the others I'm sure they'll be dying to meet you"
Y/n: "Yeah, okay Dad" you said dismissively sipping on your straw, Alastor of course saw this as his body tensed forcing himself to walk off following Husk up the stairs to corral the other tenants.
Angel: "So, Toot's you don't seem all that happy to see your pop's why is that?"
Y/n: "I didn't want to come here, It's just till extermination day since that dates been moved up"
Angel: "Oh, so your coming here for safety? well this place get's attacked every other week so I'm not sure if that's a great idea"
Y/n: "Oh no, I don't want to be here, It's just my Dad is convinced my place isn't safe enough, and he goes on about how we barley chat (mainly because he refuses to get a phone) and like 'how would I know if you were slain, am I just supposed to go looking for you sliced corpse' and besdies it's not like I have a choice so here I am, until the end of this month and then I'll finally go home again and not talk to the fucker for another seven years"
Angel: "Damm, if you hate the guy so much why not just not come, technically your Hell born so I'm sure you could leave the city, go on down somewhere like Pride, or Lust he can't come dragging you back"
Y/n: "Oh, but he can"
Angel: "How? Guy can't leave the ring"
Y/n: "You've seen that keyring of that little doll on his staff?"
Angel: "Yeah?"
Y/n: "That's me. He shakes that thing a couple times and BOOM and back where he wants me, coming 'voluntarily' just feel's less shit I guess"
Angel:" Oh...Damm" he looked over around the bar awkwardly tapping his foot waiting for Al to come back while you sipped on your god damm strawberry Lemonade.
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Pt 2 anyone?
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gallusrostromegalus · 3 months
You can lay blame for this second ask at @hoifne 's feet, I saw their comment on the post and had to:
How did folks react to the moon landing?
"You're ready? No Big Regrets?" Renji asks. He always asks. He'd done hundreds of Konso rituals now that he was doing his mandatory tour of duty in the living world, but he never wants them to feel 'routine', so he talks to the ghosts. Hypes them up a bit for the afterlife, tries to keep his heart in it.
Especially when it's a kid.
"Well, it's not really a big deal..." The ghost Suichi considers. He was maybe ten or eleven years old. Thick prescription glasses, face round with puppy fat, very loved. Love won't stop a freak electrical accident though. Young Suichi is handling his sudden departure really well, all things considered, so maybe love does stop despair. "-but its a bit of a shame that if there's no TV in the afterlife, I won't be able to watch the moon landing."
"Yeah, we're a bit behind the times, but I'm sure one of the mad geniuses in the 12th will invent one sooner than late-" Renji grins ruffling the boy's hair before the rest of the sentence registers. "-The What Landing?"
"The Moon Landing!" Suichi lights up with excitement. "They just launched the rocket yesterday! But in just three days, man will walk on the moon!"
"...The Moon?" Renji blinks, bewildered.
Renji points up over his shoulder into the sky, gripping the boy's shoulder, eyes wide. "THE MOON IN THE FUCKING SKY?"
The lights of the Fifth division offices reflect blankly off of Captain Aizen's glasses as he attempts to process the news. He is entirely still, save for his eyebrows which are writhing like overcaffienated caterpillars, unable to settle on an emotion to convey.
"The Moon?" Lieutenant Ichimaru squints at Renji even harder than usual, pointing up out the window behind him. "The Moon in the fucking sky?"
"Yeah!" Renji spread his hands. "I didn't believe it either but the humans have managed to work out some neat trick with the way the world turns to like, throw the spaceship like a slingshot..?" he tried to explain.
"So, so there's three guys in a boat-" Captain Aizen tried again, reaching up under his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose.
"It's really more like a sealed metal tube, but they call it a Space Ship because it does sorta sail through space..." Renji tried to explain, holding up the newspaper from the living world he'd brought back to substantiate his claims and also provide helpful images to explain what was happening.
"So there's three guys in a metal tube and they... threw it into the sky so hard that instead of falling it started flying instead?" Aizen tried. "How do they even throw something that hard without Kido?"
"So the men are up in this little itty bitty bit at the top that looks like a cap on a vaccine needle-" Renji pointed at the image of the Apollo 11 rocket. "-All the rest of this is the uh. enormous amount of extremely coordinated high explosives they used to launch it. The. The whole thing is like... It's a little over three hundred fifty shaku and only 12 shaku of that is where the humans are. The rest is um. Air they smooshed so hard it became liquid and then they set that on fire and look at the picture you can see the kaboom!" Renji tried to explain, pushing the paper across Aizen's desk for his captain to read.
Aizen certainly pointed his face at the image and accompanying article, but 'read' may have been a bit beyond him at the moment.
"Oh, is that all it took?" Ichimaru hummed with interest. "Well fuck, why haven't we done that?"
"Oh yes, how very silly that the humans have beaten us at the trifling matter of FLINGING OURSELVES INTO SPACE, WHAT THE *HELL* ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ICHIMARU??" Aizen objected.
"Well like. Idea's sound. Moon goes around the earth, so a smaller thing should too. And we can absolutely make a sealed metal container and kaboom bigger than that." Gin shrugged, as though this were plainly obvious. "Betchya the clown that runs the twelfth has the stuff laying around- we got a meeting with him later today anyway, why not ask?"
"Oh sure, that's a great Idea!" Aizen beamed. "Why hello Kurotsuchi-taicho, curious news from the human world- do you think you could spare a few parts and several tons of explosives to send some guys for a stroll on the moon?"
There was a moment of silence where Renji and Gin shared an awkward glance (or at least, Renji gave meaningful look to the narrow slits where his lieutenant-commander's eyes theoretically were).
"...he'd agree to that in a heartbeat, if he hasn't started work on his own Spaceboat already." Aizen groaned.
"No." Grunted Mayuri.
"No? Why not?" Aizen asked, head cocked to the side like a confused spaniel.
"Look, what the old man doesn't know about budget expenditures won't hurt him!" Gin smiled encouragingly. "Think of all the scientific data you'd get to research!"
"What the old man finds out about budget expenditures after the fact can and will hurt me." Mayuri growled. "It's not cookie money, kitting an expedition to the living world to engineer a spaceship with atomic matter instead of Reishi- No, much more efficient to let the humans do it for us and poach the date from them."
"...Why would we need to go to the Living world?" Aizen blinked, confused. "I can see the moon from the window right here?" Aizen pointed out the window of Kurotsuchi's office.
"What? That moon? You can't go to that moon!" The clownish chemical engineer cackled."
Aizen and Ichimaru stared at him blankly.
"Is. Is the moon here different than the one in the living world?" Aizen asked, bewildered.
"Different? It doesn't exist!" Mayuri laughed, waving his hand at them.
Aizen and Ichimaru stared at him, then leaned back in their seats, looking out the window at the moon, which still looked as physical and present as it ever did.
"...Oh don't tell me you didn't know." Mayuri frowned, pouting. "No, spirit world doesn't have a moon. The thing up in the sky is a Tulpa- there's a "moon" because everyone who comes to spirit world thinks there should be one, and there's so much ambient spiritual energy even weak souls can exert some force on the nature of reality and when millions of them are all certain there should be a moon, a moon manifests. Or at least, a thing that looks like a moon. Doesn't act like one, changes size and skips around it's phases all the time and if it really were a round object in space, that's NOT what a crescent moon would look like."
Aizen and Ichimaru looked back out the window at the "Moon", whose crescent arced a full three quarters of the alleged satellite's circumference.
"Seriously? this is some really basic stuff." Mayuri glared at them in disappointment. "You never noticed that the moon is always visible out any random window at night, no matter what time it is? It doesn't even go east-to-west more than half the time!"
"But. But we have a lunar calendar..?" Aizen muttered, an edge of genuine distress in his voice.
"Oh yeah, the moon *used* to be regular as clockwork- everyone literally set their watches to it." Mayuri shrugged. "Then sometime about eh, two and a half, three thousand years ago? Right around the same time the first captain-class spirits started appearing, the moon started doing this 'Full Moon Thrice A Month If it Feels Like It' and 'Visible At Improbable Angles' nonsense."
Aizen's eyes were wide and Gin's very nearly open with alarm.
"That's uh- that's terrifying?" Aizen sputtered, now outright frightened.
"Yeah, anybody know what coulda caused that?" Gin muttered.
"The going theory is that the precipitation of a new class of spiritually hyperpotent souls like us has caused disproportionate tugs on the desired appearence of the the "Moon", but that's only a theory- my predecessor's predecessor once attempted to send a camera to the 'Moon' for a closer look, but it never actually *got* any closer." Mayuri explained, casually inspecting his fingernails- he seemed to be growing out the middle one for some godforsaken reason. "-Your theoretical starboat would likely far worse."
"...Okay but that's worse. You understand how that's worse, right?" Aizen demanded and Mayuri waved him off.
"No, no hit makes sense-" Gin nodded, and Aizen glared at his lieutenant. "Think about it! There's what, three and a half billion human on earth? Millions die every day, but only a couple hundred ever turn up every day at the intake queue in the 7th, and nearly everyone is from just the one part of Japan. We're one afterlife of many- ugh, could you imagine if the missionaries were sent here?- anyway, our world is nowhere NEAR as big at the Living World, so the moon-moon is just a geographical feature in the living world, and there's only a couple million people living here. We got disproportionate swing, so we pull on the collective conciousness more. It's fine!"
"That's AWFUL!" Aizen shouted, dismayed.
"I mean I think we all understand God is an Asshole, but what are you gonna do about it?" Mayuri shrugged before tapping on the crate beside his desk. "-Anyway, do you want these Polio Vaccines for the rukongai outreach program our not?"
"I- yes. Please." Aizen muttered.
"Good man, sign here." Mayuri tapped the sheet on his desk. As Aizen tried to read over the provisions release paperwork, the small "Electronic Mailer" on Mayuri's desk pinged. "Oh, the word got out- Kyoraku-taicho wants to hold another moon-viewing party for the occasion. Do me a favor and attend so you can explain to him why we can't go to our 'moon' for me? I don't want to go, and I really don't want to explain it to him through a hangover either."
"If you don't wanna go Boss I'll stand in for you. Promises to be a real riot." Gin grinned.
"Yes, you have your young friend, don't you? Miss Matsumoto?" Aizen smiled fondly at his second-in-command.
"Oh, she probably already got her invite- she an' Miss Nan- er, lieutenant Ise are real pals from the academy." Gin laughed. "Nah, I was gonna drag old blind bones along."
"...Captain Tousen?" Aizen asked, befuddled. "Whatever for?"
"Stars ain't exactly braille, y'know?" Gin explained, wiggling his fingers. "He knows even less than we do an' I wanna watch Rangiku and Kyoraku try'n 'splain the whole thing to him." Gin grinned.
"Sounds lovely! Take your shit and get out of my office." Mayuri threatened.
Renji exhaled, still bewildered, laying on his back on the grassy hill just outside the 2nd division training grounds, staring up at the moon as it rose opposite the sunset behind him. Or, maybe not? There had been some lecture about how the moon in spirit world wasn't a moon back at the academy that he didn't really remember-
"You sound like you're in the throes of a moral conundrum Red." Shuuhei teased, looking up from the strange contraption he was setting up.
"Huh?" Renji blinked. "Oh, no I'm just- Those guys in the Spaceship gotta be somethin' else, going to die thousands of miles from home."
"What? The Astronauts? They'll be fine! -Probably." Shuuhei laughed. "They're definitely insane, getting in that contraption at all, but they still gotta come home with all the rocks and whatever they get from the moon for the lab techs to look at."
"...How the hell are they getting back?" Renji frowned, rolling up onto his elbow to frown at his senpai. "I thought they blew up all the rocket getting off the planet?"
"They got a bitty rocket in the lunar landing craft that will get them between their ship and the lunar surface, and then they will angle the ship a bit and the moon will fling them back to earth the way earth flung them at the moon." Shuuei explained, not looking up from the weird bass-drum looking object he was messing with.
Renji opened his mouth, realized his friend probably understood it way better than he did, closed his mouth, shrugged, and changed topics. "So what is that thing you had me haul up here?"
"It's uhhh... Experimental. Haven't got a name for it yet." Shuuhei muttered, placing a level on top of it and frowning at the bubble before adjusting the legs bolted awkwardly to the side of the drum. "-But with all this excitement about the Lunar Landing, I realized Tousen-Taicho is... I mean he gets left out of a lotta stuff, y'know? But it's not like he can see the stars, or the spirit-moon, and I don't think he really understands orbital mechanics-"
"I sure fuckin' don't." Renji muttered.
"Yeah, because you're the kind of moron who put a ham sandwich in a VCR-" Shuuhei rolled his eyes.
"That was ONE TIME, and Matsumoto Senpai told me it was a Panini Press!" Renji sulked.
"-and then pressed "Fast Forward", but Tousen is actually smart as hell- I'm the one who can't explain it without gestures he can't see." Shuuhei continued. "...but I can use a camera obscura and reiryoku-sensitive film to sort of take an old exposure image of the night sky. I'm hoping that if I treat the exposed film right, that the light and dark parts will turn into different textures for him to read, like a braille sky."
"Oh." Renji muttered. "That's really nice of you actually."
"I mean, we'll see if it works." Shuuhei shugged, examining the level again. "Hand me the allen wrenches- What about your boss?"
"Captain Aizen? Uh- honestly? He seems a little freaked out by all this and I saw him fuckin' slam the newspaper into his wastebasket when he got back from the twelth." Renji winced. "He's weird like that. Sweet as cake most of the time but then there's these weird flashes of anger... and I'm not sure how much longer he's gonna be my boss."
"As in you got ambitions, or you think he's gonna get fired?" Shuuhei asked, staring at the level again.
"As in 'Tetsuzaemon Iba got in another brawl with his mother about him only being fourth seat when she made captain, and Liuetenant Madarame asked me if I'd updated my resume recently." Renji winced.
"Woof. Talk about a lateral promotion." Shuuhei winced. "Still, the pay raise would be nice. You could afford to take your girl Rukia somewhere up to her brother's standards!"
"IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" Renji snapped, rolling over and jumping to his feet. "-It's -I'm sorry. It's kinda complicated." Renji sighed.
Shuuhei was silent for a minute as Renji sat back down on the grass, face in his hands. After a minute of fine-tuning the drum to keep it level, he spoke up. "You're more than good enough."
"Huh?" Renji jolted. "Oh, yeah- I'd be doing all the eleventh's paperwork but there's no way it's worse than the fucking rice subsidies accounting board-"
"That's not what I meant." Shuuhei glared.
"...I know." Renji groaned. "It's just. It's complicated, okay?"
"If you say so." Shuuhei shrugged. "Alright, hand me the flat box- thanks. It'll be ready for exposure in a minute, and I want to get it done before those clouds roll in." He gestured at the distant thunderheads threatening to bloom into a summer storm on the edge of the city.
The process was quick- the shielded plate went into the gap under the drum, and the light of the night sky was reflected onto it from a pinhole in the top. Once the metal plates were pulled back, it needed a few minutes to pick up enough light, before Shuuhei pushed the metal shutters back in and locked the plate in darkness until it could be developed.
"It's for taking pictures of the stars, right?" Renji asked as Shuuhei started disassembling the camera. "You could call that plate an Astrograph."
"Hah! Futuristic. I like it!" Shuuhei grinned. "C'mon and help me with this thing before the punishment squad turns up to kick my ass for having a camera within a mile of the second."
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genz420 · 2 months
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First Date Headcanons PT. 2 🎱 ❤️
Masterlist | Rules
Request: "Can you do one with Leo Valdez?"
Content: First Date Headcanons
Warning: None
Pairing(s): Character x Gn!reader
Character(s): Annabeth, Leo, Luke, Ethan
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Annabeth Chase
A movie while painting
I mentioned before that I don’t think Annabeth is the type of person to sit down and watch TV/movies
I stand by that 
That’s why I think the two of you would have a secondary activity while the movie plays
Like paint by numbers or some kind of shit
No sharing the painting, though
Because Annabeth likes to do her own thing and not share 
She will slightly judge you for whatever you make or how you do it 
But she doesn’t mean any harm and will not tell you
Doing a secondary activity also allows the two of you to talk 
Because I think the first date is an important time to learn about a person
Even if you are already friends 
Afterwards, she would keep whatever you make and keep it on her desk 
To be reminded of you
Leo Valdez 
A pool hall
I get the vibe that Leo would be really good at pool
Like he would make his own Cue because he loves the game and is really good at it
Obviously, he wouldn’t hustle you 
Because it’s a date 
But the next time you go together 
Be ready to lose some money 
But the first date is chill
Not a serious game being played 
Could drink at least three cups of pop 
Because he is nervous 
Would be cracking jokes left and right 
He wants to hear you laugh 
To see you smile 
If you are bad at pool or don’t even know how to play, he would get up behind you to show you 
Whispering in your ear
Trying to make you blush 
Luke Castellan
Strawberry picking
Not a lot of things to do around camp 
Unlike strawberry picking in the mortal world, the sun wouldn’t be beating down on you 
Luke would make sure that no one else is in the field as you two make your way down the rows of strawberries 
Would try and feed you a strawberry 
Saying that it will be the best thing you will ever taste 
He is a smooth talker alright 
Ethan Nakamura
Not uno or go fish 
But like gin rummy or war 
And even if you didn’t know the game 
He would take his time and explain it to you 
And if the two of you have a group of date with other people, then he would make the two of you team up against whoever you are playing with 
Would have music lightly playing in the background 
A playlist of his own music that he thinks you might like 
I see Ethan listening to a wide range of artist 
Like From Fleet Foxes to the Specials 
And I think he would be a big Amy Winehouse fan
He likes upbeat and happy music because that makes him happy
Would have a few snacks like chips on the side 
Big fan of salt and vinegar chips
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night-dazai · 3 months
Uhm, hey
I just recently came across your blog and I am amazed at your talent and Inlove with your writting style, If you don't mind, I want to request a Chuuya fanfic, where reader is babysitting for one of her friends/ she's playing with a kid, and chuuya sees her and suddenly gets baby fever!
-🌹(Can I be rose a non? If not 🪷?)
First and foremost "I AM SORRY " I have been not feeling too good and work has been hard for a while, I will soon start uploading.
Love you sure can be any flower you like 🌹, Rose this also got a little lot bigger than I wanted to 😅
Tags: smut, female reader, vagina sex, pussy slapping, rough sex.
[Chuuya would be an amazing father from my view and saw this picture on Pinterest and felt like must put this for this 😍]
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“Aww come here “ you clapped your hands as the tiny blonde baby crawled to you while Gin stood next to you smiling through her mask and brightly rattling the toy “That a good baby “ you said lifting it while the child giggled at the way you lifted it high and low. 
When some clients made a request and for some reason, they had a kid or even if one of the members had a kid and could not leave them alone at home you and Gin were their caretakers. You could not do any work in port mafia cause you did not like it but that does not stop you from liking your boyfriend. 
All your life you have had a normal life, school, college and friends, part-time work, internship and so on. You love your boyfriend whom you met at the bar three years ago. 
He was always afraid to tell you about his profession thinking you might leave him but “ just because I cannot work in the mafia does not mean you should, but ..” you held his hand tightly as the string into the ocean blue eyes “ you won't get hurt and lave me right ?” you asked voice filled with worry and anxiety. 
Chuuya blinked “You are not scared ?” he asked when you shook your head. Not knowing what to do the man burst into laughter and hugged you (also the first time he had touched you in a month into your relationship ) “Never love never will I leave you “. 
Everyone in Port Mafia knew you and no one dared to touch you, you and Gin hit it off for being the youngest girls there. Now again you both were in Chuuya’s office playing with the baby “Y/n the meeting is over “ Gin said opening the door and peeking outside. 
“Ahh so soon, “ you said kind of disappointed, you have always liked babies and they were also naturally attracted to you. Rubbing your nose with the child you earned another giggle “Time to go to mommy “ you said and turned to see your boyfriend looking at you but his hat hid his expression “ Gin tell the boss I won't be able to come to work this weekend “ he muttered and left the place. 
Confused you stood there holding the child blinking while the kid played with your shirt “Is he doing something else, mission  ?” you asked going near Gin to give the child while she shook her head “Then what is he doing this weekend ?” the questions stood very big on your mind. 
For the past few days and you were sure it is almost a month now, chuuya has not been looking at you properly and has been buried in work and now this? You were not mad at him for working but he is not being with you, you did not need sex or anything just holding his hand or lying on his lap watching TV. But he always found reasons to say no “Not now love “and “I am in a call doll later okay “ he would not even look at you properly. 
Anxiety and fear started occupying your mind for the past few weeks “Is he bored? “ “Have I been too clingy he does not like me ?” and more thoughts kept playing in your head when you flinched hearing the sound of the doorbell ring. 
After having the cold dinner you sat in the hall waiting for Chuuya, waiting for the bell sound. The moment you heard it you dashed to the door “Chu!” you said. Not fully smiling but tired “Hey “ he said removing his shoes “I had dinner out and you can go sleep it would be better I have a little more work “ he said kissing your head while removing his hat and coat and hanging them in their respective hangers. 
Unable to keep your thoughts to yourself “Chu… please “ you said which almost came as a whisper holding his shirt end “Y/n?” he asked turning confused at your behaviour. But your face hung low looking at the floor tears at the cliff threatening to spill any second “You….you don't love me anymore ?” you asked collecting all the courage in your body.
But the moment the question left your lips you felt a numb body going loose, you left his shirt while the ginger head turned to you “ WHAT !” his voice was high panic and fear were felt in it. His hands grabbed yours and brought it near his face “Why.. Love why would get such a question “ he asked and when getting closer to you did he notice the tears running down your face? 
“Did someone tell her something ? “ he thought and hugged you pulling you to the couch he rubbed your back in soothing circles trying to calm you down “Talk to me please, why this sudden question? “ he asked. 
“You ..” you sobbed and spoke in broken terms and words “You…never see my face……sleep….no…avoid me…” you said and held his shirt in thigh fists. 
Hearing the reasons Chuuya could do nothing but feel guilty cause he did avoid you, he knew. He knew the moment he saw you in his office playing with the kid having your hair colour while the child called your mom and you answered it. All these should have been pure and lovely thoughts but this thought went straight to his cock.
Twitching he shifted in his pants, that night while making love to you all he could think about was how to remove the fucking condom and impregnate you. After that seeing you with a child or just seeing you got him thinking about a family but “Am I worth it ?” his thoughts haunted him. Blood, revenge, and violence were the world he lived in can he make sure you and the child were always safe? That the child will have a normal life what if he hurts the child, he still cannot control corruption without Dazai. 
Mind filled with all these thoughts he realised he had been avoiding you and making you anxious and now after explaining the reason he could not look at you straight in the eye as you stared at him without any expression. 
Cheeks flushing red, plagued with guilt and embarrassment he rubbed his head “ I am sorry I made you feel this way but I never meant to avoid you “ he said. 
After looking at him for one more second you started giggling for which he looked up at you confused and after seeing his expression you just burst out laughing more “So that's what it was “ you said wiping the tears from your face. 
Hugging him you sat on his lap, kissing his face, lips and neck you mumbled near his ear “Then fuck me till I am overflowing with your seed love “. Voice husky and low made him growl and shit while grabbing your hips firmly “Don't play love, you did not lis-” he could not finish his words as a moan left his lips with you sucking his neck “Forget everything, you need me and my pussy to make a baby “ your teeth on his chocker you pulled it and looked at him “ mark me as yours please “. 
Any thoughts of self-control left Chuuya’s body, guided by wild desire he lifted you as you wrapped your legs around his waist he walked you to your shared bedroom throwing you on the bed “Good thing I took the weekend off “ he said but the moment you heard this you stopped him “ what were you planning to do this weekend ?” you asked. 
He looked at you for a second, taking your hand and kissing the fingers “I wanted to take you out to make up for what I did but seems like I will be busy “ he said throwing his shirt to the side. 
It never seems to get old, his body is firm and looks like some chiselled sculpture “Chu..” you moaned as he wrapped his arms around your neck removing your shirt and night pants and throwing them to the side.
Kisses littering your lips, neck, and jaw, he sucked harshly at your collar bone and hearing you moan he felt satisfied “Open “ he said in a commanding tone making you nothing but wetter. 
, Lifting your legs and spreading them open you held it out for your lover as he sat back admiring it, tough thick fingers grazing your hole opening and clit “This is mine ?” he asked and when he did not get an answer a harsh slap landed on your cunt “ah !...chuu~” you moaned .
“Answer me love or else this hole get nothing, “ he said threatening now “Yes all yours …” you said flushing red with embarrassment “Good “ he rubbed circles on your sensitive bud and slowly inserted a finger as you clamped down hard on him “ relax, “ he said bending down to hold your head and kiss your head “ relax love “ this tone was much softer compared to previous slap and commands. 
After what seemed like a solid 2 hours but only 20 minutes had passed he had you flowing like a fountain “Please….” you said hands holding your legs trembling “Please fuck me …” you shouted as he pressed on your sweet spot again making your squirt on his hand. 
Shaking from the high you left your legs to fall, your hands could not keep it up “Hold on love, we are not done “ he said in a mocking tone seeing your dumb state “ have not even  fucked you with my cock, you cannot pass out on me “ he said subbing his dick on your bundle of nerves earning moans from you “ fuck me … please please” you were pleading. Ego, self-respect nothing mattered you wanted his cock and before you could talk again he slammed himself into yout gapping a wet hole in one thrust. 
Air out of your lungs eyes rolling back to your skull you arched your back and his hand holding your waist tightly which was sure to leave marks. His red strand of hair sticking to his forehead, hips ramming into your cunt at a harsh pace “Chuuya ~~ slow “ you mumbled but nothing seems to fall into his ears. 
Your raw hole, wet and tight had his mind going crazy “Make it white “ was all he could think of every time he saw your pink hole taking his dick in “Good girl keep it up “ he mumbled holding your head close still not slowing down or stopping. 
Cock twitched but your wet walls held him deliciously tight and he could never describe how good and heavenly it felt “Close love?” he asked panting like a dog. Trying to reach your inner place hitting your walls deeper and stronger with each thrust “it's good y/n …..feels good “ he mumbled 100% pussy drink now. 
You guys have never done it raw and he was sure to never do it with a condom again “Chuuya.. agh…close..” you whimpered. Pulling one of your hard nipples while his mouth latched on to the other “ cum on my cock love go on “ he said in such a sweet tone but it had a certain command to it for which your body reacted instantly creaming his cock.
Holding your breast he pulled himself up to look at you “These will produce milk for our child “ he said and pinched each bud making you moan trying to remove his hands. There were sore “Chu.. Enough, “ you said getting a slap on your thigh “I have not cum love, “ he said hands going down to your hard clit and rubbing it fast “No…nooo,” you said trying to pull his hand in vain. 
You could feel his cock twitching inside your wet walls but so was your stomach ready to release again “Chu…” you said holding his hand tightly as you came all over him again and he followed you pushing his dick deeper while cumming “intake all of me in “ he said making your jerk with surprise. 
Still cumming he kept thrusting “Goona keep this hole filled, “ he said holding both your hands and rutting again “Ahh! Enough please “ you cried but all fell on deaf ears and soon again he came and with one more harsh thrust he was sure to be touching your womb. 
Eyes wide tears spilling down your face, hands held captive your hole gapped collecting all his cum. 
His blue eyes did not leave the place where you both were connected he slowly pulled out, hot white cum spilling out a little as you lay twitching when he instantly shoved two fingers in “Not gonna let this go to waste “ he said while his other rubbed his hard on dick. 
Seeing him hard again instantly got you scared at this point “Chuuya  ..tired no more please “ you said pleading but all he did not smirk at your fucked out messed up state “Not if we are making a baby, we can take 2 mins to break to want water ?” he asked still pushing his cum inside your hole. 
Nodding you realised to never tempt Chuuuya with such things.
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drefear · 10 months
Sister's Mister
Summary: Your sister meets Miguel O'Hara, a smart playboy that goes to your college and you so happen to have a crush on. When the two start to date, he begins to act weird towards you.
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
TW: Drinking, insecurity, family, throw up.
“Where’s my curling iron?” Your sister screamed from the other room, stomping around with a clip in her hair and her dress half-tied. You lounged on your bed as she ran around, both living at home still as you were both still in college. She was 4 years older than you, currently getting her PHD in psychology as you were currently in your third year of your undergraduate. Your major was chemistry , wanting to experiment and become a scientist that worked with enhancement drugs. 
You were 21, while your sister was 25, and you two were very close. Sometimes too close. Same taste in tv shows, shared clothing styles, and sometimes even men… 
But your sister was going on lots of dates, while you were woefully single. The two of you differed there. 
She was always out and about, jumping from man to man, while you stayed home and preferred to be alone. 
The quiet of your bedroom was comforting, just your fingers typing your essay on your keyboard as the fan cooled you down in the middle of the summer. You were taking summer classes to get a head start in your fourth year, wanting to hurry it up and jump into a career. 
“Did you borrow it?” She asked again and you sighed, closing your laptop and putting it on your bed. Getting up, you saw her rushing around and trying to tie the back of her dress. 
“No, I hate curling my hair.” You folded your arms as you leaned on the doorframe and watched her bend down to clasp her heels. 
“Come out with us tonight, I heard that super hot guy in your honors chem class is coming.” She wiggles her brows at you. 
Laughing, you shook your head. “Gianna, I already told you, I have to finish this assignment.” 
We both know you’re almost done with it, so hurry up and then get dressed. Gwen’s picking us up soon.” She threw a navy blue dress at you and you just nodded. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea. 
It was a bad idea. You felt awkward in between all the sweaty, dancing bodies. You hated how close everyone was to you, practically on top of each other as the bass pounded into your ears. You sipped your gin and tonic, and found a seat at the bar, not wanting to constantly be bumped into by the group of other college kids in front of you. 
Gianna danced with her friends, who took you under their wing and tried to get you to be social, but it didn’t work. You stayed at the bar and watched. 
A hand on your shoulder made you turn and look into the chest of the man trying to get your attention. 
“Hey, you’re Gianna’s little sister, right?” 
 Gianna’s little sister.
That’s how you were constantly referred to, living in the shadow of your cool, popular older sister. You never minded before, but for some reason, it bothered you to hear tonight. 
“Yeah, she’s over there.” You pointed and looked back at his face. 
“She was talking to my friend for a while, he’s around here somewhere. I’m Peter, this is Hobie.” He pointed to the guy behind him and you finally absorbed the two men. 
Peter seemed like the normal straight white dude, light brown hair and a 10 o’clock shadow with the smell of axe body spray and a bright, wide smile. Hobie wore chains around his neck and a fishnet tank top with a black shirt underneath, wicks long and pointing in every direction. His piercings were shining in the club lights and the two couldn’t look any more different against each other. 
And here you were, the dress a bit tight on your front your sister’s thin, model-like frame. You had more plush to your thighs and butt than she did, as well as a fuller bust. The spandex fabric held you tight as you bit your bottom lip, shaking both of their hands. Hobie kissed the top of yours and you flustered a bit, Peter laughing. 
“My girlfriend is around here somewhere, and- oh, there’s Miguel.” He pointed and you watched as his eyes widened. “Oh boy…” You heard Peter chuckle as you turned to look at where he’d pointed and saw your sister in the arms of a big, muscular Greek god. You tilted your head and recognized him. 
“Miguel… O’Hara?” You said out loud. She wasn’t just fucking a guy from you chem class, she was fucking the smartest guy in your whole fucking major. 
“Yeah, you know him?” Peter asked and you just sighed, nodding. Unbeknownst to your dear sister, you’d had a massive crush on him since you saw him the first day, and now he had his mouth on her neck as they grinded against each other. 
The oxygen left your lungs as you felt your confidence deflate. Of course it would be him, you thought to yourself quietly and stood up. 
“Dance with me, girlie.” Hobie instructed and pulled you towards the swarm of gyrating people, not giving you much of a choice. You felt his hands fall on your hips as he guided you to the beat, watching your face as you blushed a bit from the close contact and effects of alcohol. “Relax, I got you.” He spoke and looked around, making eye contact with your sister as she smiled at something MIguel whispered in her ear. Your heart sank a little as you watched and Hobie smirked more, “You wanna make ‘em jealous, get closer to me.” Hobie whispered and you gulped, pressing against him as you saw your sister pulling Miguel towards you. You heard your name as you danced with the punk boy. 
“You know Miguel, right? Don’t you two have a class together?” She asked, and you were about to answer, but you didn’t even get a word out as he spoke. 
“Multiple, actually.” He nodded, eyes scanning up and down your body quickly, before smiling back to your sister. The two of them together looked like a famous couple, something you’d see in an ad for abercrombie. Wth his hand around her waist, you felt out of place, like you were interrupting even though they had approached you. Hobie’s hands slipped around you and you blinked back into the conversation. “Enough chatter, I’ve got a lady to seduce, yeah?” Hobie winked at your sister and pecked your cheek, making eye contact with Miguel. Wasn’t he Miguel's friend? Why would he want to make his friend jealous?
Your sister gave you a small thumbs up as Hobie pulled you away and continued to dance with you, watching Miguel stay focused on you over your shoulder. 
“Why did you do that?” You asked and he smiled down at you. 
“Cause ‘m bored, and Miguel needs a swift kick to the head. He’s blind if he can’t see that you’re the best lookin’ girl in the whole club.” Hobie’s words made you turn red and nod, “just have fun and forget him, he’s stupid.” He added and you leaned in closer, dancing with the rocker boy more. 
You left the club without your sister after watching her practically suck Miguel’s face off in a booth at the club, assuming she’d be leaving with him. And you’d been right, after getting an assuring text from her in the morning saying ‘BEST SEX EVER.’
You couldn’t hate your life anymore than you did at that second. 
Class went by as per usual, but instead of shamelessly gawking at the back of Miguel’s head, you tried to stay focused on anything but him. Which was working until you’d been dismissed and soon heard your name. 
Ignoring him, you felt tension in your shoulders. The last thing you’d wanted was to deal with the awkwardness of him asking for your sister’s number or asking about her life, or if you could put in a good word for him, or anything at all basically. You wanted to be left alone. 
Days later, you watched as your sister seemed to have more of a pep in her step, smiling at her phone all the time and seemingly wearing more perfume. She was definitely obsessed with him, but you also knew his reputation, and he was a player, a fuckboy. He slept with most of the sororities on campus and allegedly, even a few teachers. So when you opened your front door to see him holding a bouquet of flowers, wearing a dress shirt and smelling expensive, your jaw dropped. 
“Miggy!” Your sister called from behind you and jumped into his arms. You watched him twirl her around and just sighed, walking away. This had nothing to do with you, you told yourself, and moved into the kitchen to help your parents finish setting up the dining room table. 
“I didn’t know we were having Gianna’s new boyfriend over.” You glanced up to your mom, who just nodded. “Is this the official meet the parents night?” 
“Well, they’ve been seeing each other for a few weeks now, so we thought we should meet him.” Your dad added and you dreaded the world. 
The whole dinner felt as if it were in slow motion, your ears filled with white noise until you heard your father say your name. 
“Hello? Earth to the baby of the group?” He called out and your mom laughed, your eyes snapping up to him. “Miguel said you two have had a few classes together.” 
“Uh, yeah.” You mumbled and ate a forkful of whatever-the-fuck your mother made. Looking around, you saw your sister gazing at her new boyfriend, who was staring at you expectedly. “So?” You looked between him and your father, who continued. 
“So, Miguel said that there was recently a boy interested in you?” He asked and your eyes shot to Miguel, who wore an expression that was unreadable. 
“What? Who?” You jumped around mentally trying to think of someone. 
“Just a rumor that some guy has a crush on you.” He shrugged, as if it was no big deal and you shook your head. 
“I… I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“So you’re not interested in anyone?” Your mom questioned and you just kept your eyes on your plate, afraid to even answer. 
“Miggy, you should set her up with someone.” Your sister interjected and you just glanced up to her in shock, Miguel’s face mimicking your surprise. 
“I don’t know anyone she’d be compatible with.” He said and you frowned. Were you that unattractive in his eyes?
You continued to stab your food as your family talked, the peanut gallery fading to the background as you thought to yourself and wished that you were anywhere else. 
A text from your phone breaks your concentration and you look down to answer, agreeing to join a few friends for some drinks at their house later. What you didn’t see was Miguel’s eyes tracking your movements, watching you as you texted at the dinner table. 
“Honey, don’t be rude, we’re eating together!” Your mom chidded and you snapped your head up, nodding. “Sorry. I’m gonna finish early to get ready, a friend invited me over.” You mumbled quietly and you stood with your plate, leaving the table. 
Twenty minutes later and you were walking to the door as your family sat with MIguel in the living room. 
“Whose house are you going to?” Your sister asked as you grabbed your purse. 
“Just Miles.” You answered and Miguel’s body stiffened. 
“Miles… Morales?” He asked and your parents both glanced to MIguel, who looked upset. 
“Yeah, why?” You frowned in defense. 
“No reason, I’m just surprised that’s the type of person you hang out with.” He brought a beer to his lips, courtesy of your father, and his eyes challenged yours. Your hands balled into fists a bit and you looked angry. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You argued and your sister sighed loudly, putting a hand on MIguel’s thigh to try and de-escalate the situation forming. 
“Miles lived down the street from us for a long time, so they’re close.”
“He’s basically a delinquent.” Miguel said and your parents visibly began to think, which was never a good sign.
“He is not-” You tried to answer, but he continued. 
“He graffitis the walls near my internship, he skips classes, and he’s always stumbling around like he’s high.” Miguel’s words make your blood boil. 
“I’m sorry he’s not super popular or a frat boy, but he’s a good person and he’s smart, and he’s my friend!” You yelled, tears pricking your eyes as you squeezed them shut, then hating the silence that settled within the room. You looked around between everyone’s faces and found Miguel’s, still hard and on the offense. You sniffled and swiped your keys from the little dish in the doorway, looking at him again. “Shouldn’t you be less focused on me and more focused on banging my sister?” You hissed and left as your parents shouted your name in disgust, not even looking back when you slammed the door. You wiped your tears with your sleeve and ran to your car, getting in and driving off as fast as possible. 
The night was a blur, Miles and Gwen feeding you drinks to make you feel better after you told them you got in an argument with your sister’s new snot-nosed boytoy. 
“Who does he even think he is? Big and fuckin’...” You droned on, slurring your words as you laid your head in Gwen’s lap. She pet your hair as Miles drew something in his notebook, probably his girlfriend who was holding you as you drunkenly vented about your secret crush. 
“Mind if I invite some other friends?” Miles asked and Gwen shook her head while you were too distracted to even hear him. 
The door opened twenty minutes later and you saw Hobie walk in with a 12 pack of beer on his shoulder, and that made you smile. “Hobie!” Gwen got up and hugged the skinny-jean wearing boy, who set down the beers and then dapped up Miles. His eyes found you and he gave you a small grin. 
“Looks like you managed to get loose finally.” He handed you another beer and you happily took the bottle, taking a swig as you nodded. “You look absolutely fit.” His eyes took you in as you did a little clumsy twirl, watching another boy follow behind him. He was either Indian or middle eastern, with shaggy black hair and a big, white smile. “This is Pav.” Hobie introduced you two and he hugged you, taking in your outfit. 
“You look so nice, even drunk!” He added and you just laughed, enjoying the little bits of attention you got, not used to being the center of attention. 
Everything moved fast as you pumped music louder and the room became more and more full of people. Before any of you knew it, the entire place was packed and it had become a house party. Heavy music played and you danced wildly, swaying your hips and rolling your body to the beat as Gwen laughed and danced beside you. Pav and Hobie were currently occupying the couch, as Hobie had a girl on his lap and Pav talked excitedly to Miles about something he saw that day. The feeling of freedom coursed through your veins, intertwined with alcohol. It wasn’t like the night at the club, no, you were hammered and it felt great. The feeling was interrupted by vibrating in your pocket, to which you went to find a quiet place to answer the call. 
Stumbling into Miles’s room, you sat down and checked your phone. 
“Hello?” Your sister’s voice came through and you pouted. 
“‘M busy.” You sputtered out. 
“Are you drunk?” 
“...No.” You hesitated, knowing you were an incredibly shitty liar. Especially while you were trashed. 
“Oh my god, I’m coming to get you.” 
“No! ‘M happy!” You yelped, then threw your body down on the bed and stretched out. “I’m staying. Go suck Miguel’s dick or somethin.” You smiled at your funny joke. You were so funny. 
“No, we’re coming to get you, so stay there.” She spoke and before you could answer, she hung up. Sighing, you furrowed your brows and laid there for what only felt like a minute before you stumbled back out of the bedroom, finding the sliding glass door and making your way to the backyard. 
The grass felt good on your bare feet and you plopped yourself into it fully, laying back and spreading out in the greenery. 
“Get up.” The strong, deep voice was fuzzy in your mind and you just smiled, not recognizing it right away. 
“Lay down with me.” You answered and closed your eyes again, fingers playing with the blades of grass by your sides. “Look at the sky with me.” 
“Your eyes are closed.” He answered and you giggled. 
“The stars are so beautiful.” You rambled, and a large hand brushed against your cheek, eyes now opening to see Miguel crouching by your drunk, splayed out body. 
“So are you.” He answered and you felt your stomach tighten, nervousness pulling at your insides as you suddenly couldn’t breathe from butterflies. 
Not butterflies. Throw up.
And then you were hacking and wreching to the side of you into the grass, coughing up your dinner from before and feeling someone hold your hair back. A soft ‘oh my god’ was heard from the back door and soon you heard the hurried clacking of heels. Your sister bent down by Miguel and squeezed one of your hands, worry all over her face. That’s when everything turned black.
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gin-juice-tonic · 2 years
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fish divorce
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eyesthatroll · 8 months
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pairing: jack hughes x fem!reader
warning(s): cursing, angst(??), not sure what else, not edited
word count: 2.5k
author’s note: not super happy with this, it feels a bit underdeveloped, but i can’t watch it sit in my drafts any longer. i didn’t write this with a part ll in mind, by the way. this was supposed to turn into something else, but that didn’t work out + i lost inspiration so it is what it is. sidenote, if you have any angsty/sad prompts/requests, pls send ‘em in, it’s my favourite thing to write! sending love, —mari
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You couldn't help but feel like a creep, huddled in the corner of the dimly lit booth, your gaze fixated on them from across the bar. In front of you, a nearly forgotten gin and tonic sat, its ice cubes melting as you absentmindedly swirl them around with a small black straw. If anyone were to inquire, you'd insist that your attention was solely on the flat-screen TV mounted on the wall behind them, broadcasting a wrestling match you had zero interest in.
You wondered if He was somehow aware of your unwavering gaze fixed upon him from across the room. It crossed your mind that perhaps he was deliberately flirting with the stunning redhead as a sly ploy to put on a spectacle, fully cognizant of your watchful eyes. Did He hope to incite jealousy within you? You nearly chuckled at the absurdity of the idea. The notion of feeling envious over a girl with her hands lightly grazing his arm seemed laughable. After all, just a few days ago, he had been lying naked between the sheets in your bed. So, no, you weren't jealous, and you certainly weren't about to let jealousy rear its head.
Yet, there was a gnawing irritation within you. He had, after all, extended a personal invitation your way, urging you to join him and his teammates for what he touted as their "one last hurrah" before the start of the new season. It irked you that he was lavishing so much attention on someone else, given this context. The annoyance was unmistakably etched across your features. Your poker face had long deserted you, and you didn't care to conceal your disdain. Several drinks deep, with a pleasant buzz now enveloping you, you found yourself in a carefree state where your demeanor wasn't a primary concern.
You eventually shift your gaze from him, an uneasy feeling retreating in your stomach. You instead direct your attention to Baby Hughes, who is engrossed in a game of darts with John. A small smile graces your lips as the younger boy, with his earnest enthusiasm, throws a dart that sails far wide of the board, disappearing into some unseen corner. John throws his head back in laughter, and it's evident that he's playfully ribbing Luke, who responds with a melodramatic explanation for his errant throw, punctuating with wild hand gestures. You contemplate joining them, when a towering figure looms over you, casting a shadow that demands your immediate notice.
"Is this seat taken?" You find yourself under the scrutiny of a tall, attractive blonde who's looking down at you. A hopeful smile adorns his lips, revealing dimples that only add to his charm. His right hand holds a beer, while the other rests casually at the nape of his neck, lightly tugging the hair. Your eyes travel appreciatively from his warm gaze, down his well-dressed figure. Blondie sported black slacks that complement a maroon long-sleeve dress shirt neatly tucked in, with the top buttons lazily undone, revealing a small, glimmering gold cross. The choice of attire piqued your curiosity; he seemed a bit overdressed for a local, family owned bar.
Your minds flickers back to Him, and you contemplate stealing a quick glance in his direction to see if he's still in conversation that girl. However, you are somewhat physically trapped behind the man standing in front of you, preventing any discreet surveillance without making your intentions obvious. Opting for a polite smile instead, you gesture with a welcoming hand for the handsome stranger to take the seat in front of you.
You observe the visible sigh of relief escaping him, his eyes momentarily betraying his unease. With a sheepish smile, he gently places his drink on the table and eases himself into the booth.
His voice, raspy and honestly deeper than you expected, breaks the silence. "I'm Anthony, by the way." He extends his hand toward you, but halts for a moment, perhaps feeling slightly awkward at the formality.
You respond with a light chuckle, reaching out to meet his hand with yours for a firm handshake. "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."
The conversation with Anthony flows effortlessly, each word weaving a tapestry of connection that unravels the initial awkwardness. You discover that he's in town for a friend's wedding, which explains the formal attire, and that he's a native Rhode Islander. He confesses his nervousness about approaching you, and when you jest about whether it's due to your so-called "resting bitch face," he denies it vehemently.
He smiles, his eyes sincere as he offers, "It's always a bit nerve-wracking to approach the most beautiful girl in the room."
You can't help but snort at his compliment, your hand quickly covering your mouth in embarrassment.
Unbeknownst to you, your surprised snort captures His attention, and his head snaps in your direction, drawn by the sound of your voice cutting through the bar's lively atmosphere. His gaze lowers at the sight of a guy in front of you, and the smile on your lips as you laugh again at something he's said. He watches, as the guy's hand moves to rest on yours, and his jaw tightens, his mind racing with questions about what could possibly be so amusing in your conversation.
"Jack, are you listening to me?" A manicured hand slides into his view, weaving through the air in a bid to recapture his attention. Clearing his throat, he absentmindedly runs a hand through his unruly brown locks before reluctantly refocusing his eyes on the redhead before him. She beams at him, her lips quickly resuming what she had been saying before his lost concentration. The truth was, he hadn't been listening to her at all.
He can't focus on her words, not with the image of you and that guy now engraved into his mind. The mere thought consumes his every breath, causing him to bite at his bottom lip out of agitation. He racks his brain for a way to gracefully escape the everlasting conversation with the redhead, and as if on cue, the universe seems to answer his silent plea, when the girl in front of him glances at the clock. Her eyes widen in alarm as she realizes the time.
"Shit, I didn't realize it was this late. I've got to get going," she apologized, her lips forming a slight pout. Jack sends her a reassuring smile, nodding his head in understanding.
"It's cool, it was fun while it lasted," He replies plainly, standing up from his barstool with a nod.
She frowns, mirroring his actions. "Did you want to maybe exchange numbers, or something?" Her voice holds a glimmer of hope.
He pauses, pretending to think for a moment, even though he doesn't really need to as the answer was always going to be the same. "No, sorry. Have a good night, Isla."
You don't even notice Him walking over to you, too consumed in the vibrant conversation that you shared with the man in front of you. It's only when Anthony's gaze travels past your head, his lips pausing mid sentence, that you finally catch sight of him. You follow Anthony's gaze, angling your body around in the small booth.
You open your mouth to speak, but His cold palms cup your cheeks, drawing you into a passionate, yet utterly unexpected and somewhat unwelcome kiss. Your eyes widen, caught off guard, and your lips don't have time to react before he gently pulls away. His fingers tenderly brush aside a stray strand of hair that had fallen across your face, and he looks down at you with an innocent smile. "Hi, my love. Is everything okay?"
You're too dumbfounded to formulate a response, still struggling to register what just transpired as Jack gently nudges you aside and smoothly settles into the booth next to you. As you lock eyes with Anthony, it's evident he feels extremely uncomfortable, his gaze darting uneasily between you and Jack.
"Hey, man. How's it goin'?" Jack asks with a casual grin, his tone laid-back as he eases into the booth. His arm naturally drapes around your shoulders, as if it's a habitual gesture that's been repeated countless times. You go to shrug him off, but his grasp tightens, pulling you even closer against his side.
"Hey... hi," Anthony's gaze leaves Jack, focusing solely on you as he speaks again. "You didn't say you had a..."
Jack interjects, cutting off Anthony before he can finish his sentence. "Boyfriend? Yeah, she does."
Your elbow makes sharp contact with Jack's side, prompting a quick release of his arm from around your shoulder. He winces, but swiftly regains his composure, though not without a slight scoff escaping his lips. "He's not my boyfriend."
"You weren't saying that last night?" Jack didn't come to yours last night, and even if he had, he was the one requesting that whatever was happening between the two of you to remain casual.
I don't have time for a full blown relationship, he said.
All of my focus needs to be on hockey, he said.
Things are fine as they are, let's not ruin it, he said.
And what? He gets to flirt and fuck around with as many puck bunnies as he wants, but the minute you try and do the same, it's suddenly a problem? Not only was he not your boyfriend, but he didn't even want to be, he had no right to get jealous. And he especially had no right to rush over here and kiss you the way he did.
You pivot towards Jack, your fury emanating from every pore. His T-zone area has a faint reddish tint, and his breaths come fast and heavy. "Aren't you busy entertaining Jessica Rabbit?"
He tilts his head back in laughter at your nickname for the redhead he's been conversing with all night. Clearing his throat to regain composure, he gazes at you with a grin, teeth lightly grazing his lower lip as he tries to suppress a smirk that manages to break free regardless. "Jealous?"
You scoff, an incredulous look overtaking your face as you stumble over your words at his accusation. "Me? Jealous? Jealous of what? Listening to you talk about yourself for an hour? God, you're so full of it."
"Wouldn't you like to be?" He mumbles under his breath.
His perverted insinuation prompts a gasp to escape your lips, and your face ignites with embarrassment. Anthony's eyes are locked on the awkward exchange, his expression a mixture of horror and discomfort. You hurriedly bring your hands to your face, rubbing your eyes intensely, yearning for this nightmarish moment to come to an end.
"I don't... I don't know what's happening," he stammers, slipping out of the booth to rise to his feet. Anthony takes a final sip of his beer, his head shaking in disbelief. "But clearly, there's... something between the two of you."
You find yourself at a loss for words because, in a way, he isn't entirely wrong. You and Jack weren't in a defined relationship, but there was undoubtedly something brewing between the two of you, despite both of you attempting to ignore it. It wouldn't be right to involve Anthony in the midst of your complicated situation, no matter how appealing and genuine he seems.
"I'm sorry." You apologize.
He shakes his head. "It's alright. It was nice to meet you, Y/N. Maybe I'll see you around." With those words, he walks away from your table, heading toward the exit.
Jack shifts next to you, a content sigh escaping his lips. "He seemed nice."
"What's your problem?!" You hiss, jabbing your finger into his chest. "You invite me out with you and then completely ignore me the whole night? What the fuck, Jack!"
He meets your intensity head-on, responding in self-defense. "You started it!"
"How, Jack, how? How did I start it?"
"You were flirting with Dawson!"
A scoff escapes your lips, followed by an incredulous laugh. "I was not flirting with Dawson!"
You needed to escape the bar. The conversation had spiraled into a heated exchange, and the air in the crowded space felt increasingly suffocating. You were determined not to create a scene, but it was clear that staying any longer would only escalate tensions.
Without hesitation, you start pushing Jack, who reluctantly lets his body be forced out of the booth. He struggles to regain his footing as you forcefully move past him, heading straight for the exit.
As you pass through the door and step outside, the brisk New Jersey air envelopes you, offering a welcome contrast to the heated atmosphere inside. The chill grazes your exposed skin, providing a refreshing respite from the intense emotions swirling within. Jack hastily follows you, his fingers gripping your arm in an attempt to halt your departure, but you had no intention of walking away this time.
You pivot to confront him, your gaze unwavering and filled with a determination that mirrored the intensity in his own eyes, which held an enigmatic spark you couldn't quite decipher.
"It's not fair," you assert, your hands gently settling on his chest, seeking the warmth of his presence. He remains silent, leaving you to fill the void with your thoughts and emotions, or leave, and say nothing.
You stand there, torn between two choices. The option to say nothing and simply walk away, leaving behind all the headaches, the arguments, and the pettiness, but also bidding farewell to the good days, the shared laughs, and the nights spent wrapped up in each other. It's a choice to say goodbye to Jack Hughes, the one who has become the only constant in your life for the past three months.
Or the second choice, the most daunting path to take. It's the option where you stand in front of him, your heart pounding in your chest, and confess everything you've been holding in. To leave it all on the floor, a vulnerable offering for him to accept or decline. It's the scariest option of all, baring your heart to the boy on the hockey team, even after he's made it clear many times that he isn't looking for anything serious.
"We're not exclusive, Jack." You begin. "You can't keep swooping in and acting like you have some sort of ownership over me when you don't even want to be my boyfriend."
He waits, the stillness between you heavy with unspoken words, expectancy etched across his features. When your silence lingers, he takes the initiative. "Let me take you home," he offers.
"Either you want me, only me, or I'm done."
He pressures. "Let me take you home."
"Give me an answer!"
He sighs, a deep and exasperated sound, his fingers instinctively tangling in the roots of his hair as he grapples with the complexity of the situation. "I can't give you the answer you want."
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imwritesometimes · 2 months
realizing too late I grabbed my drumshanbo gunpowder gin and not my monkey 47 schwarzwald gin.........
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magxnoria · 1 year
Starring Tokyo Revengers Men ✰ As Side Pieces
Cast Line Up Ran, Rindou, Haruchiyo, Mikey, Kakucho, Hajime and Current Shuji
Rated TV-MA
Minors This Isn’t For You
Summary✰ How The Men Behave While Being Your Man on the Side! Got Your Husband Wondering Why Your Booty is Getting Bigger and Your Skin Clearer!
No pronouns up in here but the Reader has a Kitty 
Ran Haitani
✰ Ran Loves being the Man you sneak out the house for in nothing but a thin nightgown to get a quick dicking down, “Let Daddy fuck all your stress away” Ran singsong while you suck his thumb
✰ Oh he knows you're hooked on him cause he somehow got your Married ass to get a tattoo of his initials on your inner left thigh
✰ He despises your husband, The Drunken Asshole who pays all his attention to whiskey and Gin that he didn't even notice you get into the Arms of Another Man
✰ Ran dicks you with all he got, He wants you sprung off him and Drunk off his dick. Every night he's massaging your back and Burying his dick up in your tight cunt
✰ He wishes your husband would say something out of the way about Him fucking you, He’ll Shatter the man's bones 
✰ In Ran's Opinion, you already belong to him, hell he Brings you everywhere and Introduce you as his 
✰ “Ran Haitani being the Side dick to someone who married. Who would've thought?” Sanzu laughed while Rindou shook his head, “ Side Dick? I Have You know Y/N is All Mine. They don't even let their husband fuck The Pussy that Belongs to Ran fucking Haitani” Ran Says proudly as Rindou rolls his eyes 
✰ Ran got feeling so deep that he was ready to get Bonten henchmen to beat your husband into signing Divorce papers so he can have you all to himself
Ran Had you folded up on the back seat of your husband's truck as he fucked into you, “ Drunk fuck let me take his babe and his fucking keys, What a fucking joke” Ran Giggled as he gave you powerful long strokes, “ I know this pussy was made for me, You take this dick so well” Ran groaned while he rolled his hips just right to fuck all the senses out of you
“Who does This pussy Belong to hmmm? Ran asked as his fingers ghosted over your clit making you whine, “ My Pussy Belong to Ran Haitani” You moaned as he rubbed circles into your clit. “So fucking good too, you're perfect” Ran groaned while he fucked you so hard the truck was shaking
Rans's dick felt so good in your cunt that you didn't even care about the windows of the truck not being tinted, all you cared about was the way Ran’s dick stretched your pussy open and how his tip rubbed that spot deep in you. “Fuck. Ran Feels so good in me” You moaned as Ran sucked a hickey on your neck 
“Can feel your pussy tugging on my dick, you really love me huh?” Ran teased as he slowed his thrusts down to relish the way your pussy was holding his dick, “Ran, I'm Cumming” You moaned out as you watched Ran’s dick enter in and out of you making you cum against him. 
Ran was only able to give you three shaky thrusts before he began cumming in your tight pulsing pussy, “I fucking Love you” Ran groaned out as his dick filled you up with his cum. Ran pushed himself deep into your pussy one final time before pulling out of you. “Oops! We made a mess of his cloth seats” Ran said as he cleaned his dick with your panties, “Guess I'll leave these behind as a memento for him, This the closest he gonna get to your pussy anyway” Ran giggled as he tossed your dirty panties on the dashboard
Rindou Haitani
✰ Oh How Rindou loves fucking you and he doesn't feel bad for fucking your married pussy up
✰ He knows your husband and he can never feel sorry for a drunk loser who rather act single than enjoy the beauty he got at home
✰ Rindou treats and fuck you like you belong to him, He loves making you cum hard around his dick
✰ He's In your pussy so much that you hardly ever see your husband because you're glued to the Youngest Haitani
✰ Rindou has fucked you on every surface of The house you share with that bastard you call a “Husband”
✰ It Would make Rindou day if your husband confronts him, He’ll snap his bones like pretzel sticks 
✰ You got the youngest Haitani catching feelings and he's not ashamed of it, you're one of the best things in his world
✰ “Rin, you're glowing,” Ran says while grinning, “ Guess it's that Married pussy making him shine” Sanzu laughs while Ran starts snickering. “Yeah Yeah. Laugh it up. At Least we’re Happy together that's more than I about you two” Rindou says before stirring his drink While Ran and Sanzu's laughter halt
✰ At this Rate, Rindou will take you away from that bastard and make you his 
Rindou was fucking you in the Offce of the club, his dick hitting your G-Spot so well you could only see stars, “Rinnie, fucking My pussy so good” you mewled with Rindou's hands gripping your thighs. “Fucking this pussy because you're mine” Rindou Grunted while rutting into you 
“That silly bastard probably out there wondering where the fuck you went, Doesn't even have a clue you're back here getting dick from a real man” Rindou groaned before popping your tits out of your dress and swirling his tongue around your right nipple. “Going to fuck you until you get knocked up, be tied to me Not Him” Rindou grunted out before latching on to your left nipple
His hips pushed his dick deep in you as he groaned against your nipple making your eyes roll, “No one can fuck me like you do Rinnie” You moaned as he kept up the pace fucking you absolutely dumb. “You got that right. Only I can fuck your pussy like this. Only I can drive you crazy like this Rindou Grunted as he rocked his hips trying to get deeper in you 
“Fuck. Just like that Rinnie” You moaned as Rindou palmed your clit making your eyes tear up, “Aww you're about to cum already? Rindou teased as he kept hitting your pussy with the same rhythm that made your pussy twitch. Your Orgasm hit you like a train as you shook against Rindou who had his eyes closed. “Feels so fucking Good” Rindou groaned as his cum seeped out of his dick into your warmth
“Fuck” Rindou groaned While giving you two shallow thrusts before pulling out you, “Now go back out there to that loser with my cum dribbling down your leg and No panties” Rindou grinned while stuffing your panties in the pocket of his Gucci Pants 
Haruchiyo Sanzu 
✰ Haruchiyo Loves you, He became Infatuated with you from the Moment his name fell from those pretty lips of yours But You have a husband.
✰ He is Selfish and Greedy. He wants Your Time, Your Body, and Your mind to constantly stay on him
✰ Haruchiyo values loyalty but the way your husband treats you makes him sick to his stomach
✰ Your husband is a parasite in Haruchiyo's eyes, A tapeworm that somehow found a way to get attached to the most beautiful being around 
✰ Haruchiyo fucks you in his car outside of your house, Inside your Home, and in the private booth of the club
✰ He always Cum Inside you, Nothing will please him more than you getting knocked up with his kids and becoming his in a way your husband never will experience 
✰ He wants your husband to say something ugly to you so he can paint the walls with his blood, Haruchiyo is plotting the man's downfall.
✰ He can't wait for the day your husband “disappears” so He can make you officially his but for now he’ll enjoy being the man you depend on for amazing dick and a good time.
✰ “Fuck you till you can't walk, have your knees buckling in front of him” Haruchiyo grins while his hands roam your body
“Love the way my dick feels in that tight pussy huh?” Haruchiyo Teased as he fucked you on The bed you share with the man you married for the fifth night in a row, “Haru, He might come home early” you whined while Haruchiyo rubbed your nipples with his fingers 
“Who?? that wimpy fuck?? I got something for him, don't you worry baby.” Haruchiyo grinned before bringing his right hand down to play your clit making you grind up against his hand, “ Pussy so wet for me. I bet you're so turned on right now thinking about what would happen if he catch us, I can't lie my dick just throbbing right now at the fucking possibility” Haruchiyo Grunted while fucking you deep
Haruchiyo's strokes were rapid, Deep, and Long with every push of his hips his tip was battering your G-spot with such accuracy that you couldn't help but scream out his name and claw at his back, “ Fuck, Mark Your Man up. I'm all Yours and take all this dick” Haruchiyo Groaned while he rammed himself deeper in your cunt making you brokenly say his name 
“Haru, So close baby” You moaned while he smiled down at you as you throbbed around his dick, Haruchiyo didn't let up from fucking you relentlessly when your pussy started clenching down hard on him, His thrusts became sloppier as he began cumming in you. “Fuck. Milking me dry” Haruchiyo Groaned as he shot his load deep in your pussy only to be disturbed by the drunken slurs of your husband 
“You whore!” your husband Yelled while Haruchiyo handed you his keys and Suit Jacket, “Wait in my car for me baby, I won't be long. Oh how I waited for this fucking Day” Haruchiyo laughed before cracking his neck 
Round One! Fight!
Manjiro Sano
✰ Manjiro hates being your side piece but he loves you.
✰ You are his one and only but you got that limp noodle of a man as a husband 
✰ Your Husband pisses Manjiro off by cheating on you while treating you poorly, these actions alone are enough for Manjiro to make him Go missing.
✰ Manjiro fucks You anytime and anyplace but he loves fucking you in the apartment you share with your husband , His dick gets harder when he knows your husband can catch you two 
✰ He prefers to cum in you but if you don't want him to? He blows his load on your husband's pillow
✰ What is your husband gonna do? Try to Beat Manjiro Sano?? Don't make him laugh. 
✰ Manjiro flaunts you around, he wants the world to know of his relationship with you
✰ If Your Husband dares to raise his voice or hand to you?  He will be expecting a visit from Death Himself after being tortured of course
✰ You Brought out a different side of Manjiro Sano and Now The streets of Tokyo are a little bit more bloodier
✰ Manjiro can barely wait for the Day your husband signs those papers and frees you from this loveless marriage 
Sanzu Had his back turned to you as he held your tied-up husband at gunpoint while Manjiro and you fucked each other,  “Don't you Love Seeing them Ride this dick?” Manjiro Groaned while you rode him as your husband watched
 “ Watching like the worm you are. All tied up on the floor” Manjiro Sighed while rolling his hips up to meet yours, Your pussy squeezing on him more than usual making him spank your ass.  “ Ahhh Sweet heart here loves you watching Me dick this pussy right. So wet and Squeezing me harder Than usual! Anyway sign the papers” Manjiro said before flicking his wrist 
“You Heard what My boss said. Sign those divorce papers and don't you fucking stain them with your tears” Sanzu Grinned before pressing the gun to your husband's skull, “Shit. if you loved them you would've treated them better” Manjiro Groaned before pinching your nipples making you arch against him while your “husband” signed the papers
“Signed them?? Good Now, watch us fuck.” Manjiro grunted while thrusting up into your pussy making you moan, “ Manjiro, your dick feels so good in me” You mewled while Manjiro closed his eyes. Yes. Gonna fuck you every night cause you're all mine now” Manjiro groaned while you bounced up and down his dick
Manjiro wasted no time sucking on your left nipple as his eyes studied your face and took in your blissed-out expression while he thrusted up into you, You don't know if was the heat of the moment or how Manjiro's dick was pushed up inside your tender walls but you could feel your body shake
“Jiro, Gonna cum” You moaned while Manjiro only hummed around your nipple in response, he kept up the pace of thrusting up into you while your body trembled around his dick as you came hard. “Creaming All down my dick” Manjiro Groaned before laying you down on the Mattress, “Now I'm gonna fuck you till I get My fill. Sanzu Take out the trash” Manjiro commanded while Sanzu Dragged your “Husband” out of the room 
✰ Kakucho loves you deeply, it's a shame you're married to another man who mistreats you so
✰ How Kakucho treats you well and he praises the ground you walk on, It sickens him to hear the things your husband has put you through
✰ Kakucho slowly goes out of his character and his mind now thinking like Sanzus whenever you come to him crying. Your “Husband” has to pay for his sins against you.
✰ He always there for you to be a shoulder to cry on or strong arms to caress you with 
✰ Kakucho may have a good heart but he also gives very good dick that makes you a whining mess under him
✰ He makes love you to at his place or Hotels, He never wants to put you in a bad situation
✰ He brings you around the safety of Bonten and a place where nosy eyes would not stare, He does this all for your safety 
✰ Kakucho Used to be a Heavenly King but he will rain down hell on the man who is married to you if he even looks at you wrong
✰ He will always be there for you with anything you need, he just wants you to be happy with or without him
✰ “I love you so much, I would love to be your man. I know your situation is rough right now and I'm willing to wait for you Dove” Kakucho whispers in your ear while holding you tight 
Kakucho was making tender love to you on a bed of rose petals. Your pussy felt wonderful with his dick filling you up, “Feels so Good in me” you moaned as Kakucho laid soft kisses down your chest  while he sank down deeper into you
“You feel so good around me “ Kakucho groaned while wetting his lips before rocking his hips at a pace that makes you wild, “ So good Ahh Feels so good” You moaned while Kakucho kept working your pussy with his dick making your body shudder
“So Sweet, So Beautiful” Kakucho Groaned as he enjoyed the feeling of being embraced by your warmth, “Could Stay inside you forever” Kakucho whispered while he pushed himself deeper into you while keeping the rhythm 
As if his dick was made for you, he was hitting every spot that made you writhing babbling mess. He rubbed your clit so well that you couldn't keep yourself from getting captured up in bliss, your hips moved on their own as you met his thrusts. “Kaku. So close” you moaned while Kakucho's free Hand caressed your face
“I know you're ready for your release, Let Go. I am Here” Kakucho whispered in your ear as your body followed his command, you got lost in paradise as your body convulsed in pleasure. Kakucho Thrusts stayed strong doing your orgasm, He came in you with a groan of your name before capturing your lips in a kiss.
“I love you” Kakucho whispered before pulling the covers over the two of you.
Hajime Kokonoi
✰ How you got Hajime all messed up! He told himself he wasn't going to fall for you but look at him! Head over heels for someone who married 
✰ Hajime despises your husband and the horrible way he treats you, Whenever you come to him with tears in your eyes he considers asking Sanzu to take care of a “Problem” for him
✰ He spoils you, He gives you good dick and Gucci handbags. Your husband is now questioning how you can afford such finery
✰ Hajime Knows you Love him by the way you say his name and the way your pussy grips so tightly whenever he fucks you 
✰ He's classy with it. he fucks you in the best of hotels and his penthouse
✰ He Takes you on vacation to Bali, France and Dubai, Have your husband wondering where the fuck you went 
✰ Hajime Always Paint your walls with his cum, he sees it as another way of claiming you as his 
✰ In fact he knows you will be his one day, your husband is a loser and is losing you to the better man
✰ “If you think you're being treated like royalty now just wait until you're all mine. I'll fuck you on a bed of Money.” Hajime whispered in your ear while he undressed you 
The Moonlight shone in through the window of the Hotel you were staying at while he fucked you down on his bed, “ Bet He never made you feel like this” Hajime Grunted as his dick spread your cunt open with every snap of his hips. “Who Keeps you Happy? Who Keeps You satisfied?” Hajime asked before sucking your left nipple, His sharp eyes staring up at 
“Hajime Kokonoi, Satisfy me in every way” You breathly Moaned making Hajime Hum as he pulled away from your left nipple with a pop and began to suck on your right. His dick was deep in you as the moon Illuminated the union of you two
“Koko. Just Like That” you moaned while Hajime fucked into you, Your legs wrapped tightly around your lover holding him against you like you were afraid he would pull out and leave you empty. “Only I make you so sloppy, Your sweet Juices coating me so well” Hajime groaned as his dick massaged your walls making him shiver 
His dick stayed on your G-spot making you incoherent against the white-haired male, “Fuck. I can feel you throbbing, Pussy Getting ready to cum on me and Take All my cum. Yeah?” Hajime Grunted while he fucked you toward the edge of ecstasy. You struggled to find words as your pussy spasmed around Hajime's thick dick, Your eyes rolling back while your body went limp
Hajime's thrust became erratic as your pussy gripped his orgasm from him, his seed flooding your pussy. “ I love seeing you take my cum” Hajime Groaned before pushing himself deep in you, “Put My Rolex on your wrist and Take a picture for your Instagram, I want him to see how fucked out of your mind you look” Hajime smiled before handing your phone to you
The Caption to the photo? “ Blissed out in Bali Under My Man”  
Shuji Hanma
✰ Shuji started fucking you because he thought you needed fun in your life and baby he was correct
✰ Your husband has been playing in the streets while his spouse was lonely in the sheets
✰ Shuji loves being your side piece, it's thrilling. The way you grab at him and ride his dick like you're constantly in heat got him leaking just from the thoughts alone
✰ Shuji is Taking Pictures of his dick in your pussy and Filming your encounters on his phone just to send them to your husband 
✰ “Don't be shy! Let that fucker see you get dick from a real man” Shuji Laughs while angling his phone down at your face 
✰ He wants your husband to try something so he punches his lights off and then back on again cause he Generous like that 
✰ Shuji fucking you nasty on the bed your husband bought in the house your husband pays for and he doesn't feel sorry at all
✰ “Gonna Fuck you till you forget his pathetic loser name ”  Shuji whispers in your ear while he thumbs your clit through your panties 
“Smile for the camera Baby!” Shuji grinned while he fucked you from behind so good you couldn't even form a sentence, “Where are your words? Let Him Know how good this dick feels in ya or I can stop, Leave you with a wet aching pussy” Shuji said while feigning sadness
“Y-Your Dick F-Feel so Good in me” You mewled while Shuji spanked your ass, “ Nope. Who dick feels good in you?” Shuji whispered in your ear while putting his body weight on your back. “Shuji Hanma's dick feels so good fucking my pussy” You sputtered out while he kiss the back of your neck
“ You got that fucking right. Look at all that cream! All over my dick” Shuji groaned while he lowered his phone so he could record your messy pussy taking his dick so well, “I bet you never were able to make this pussy so wet, Guess you're gonna be mad when you see what this pussy can do when a real dick gets into it” Shuji grunted as he angled his hips to fuck you deeper 
“Look at them! Can barely stop themselves from shaking” Shuji teased as he pounded into you just right, “ Just to think you could've had this pussy all to yourself But Now this pussy is mine to fuck whenever I get Hard and I stay hard most of the time!” Shuji Giggled while your pussy pulsed around him 
“Ahh, I can feel you about to cum around my dick baby. Lose control” Shuji said he fucked in and out of you good that you couldn't help but lose control and cum hard on his dick, “Fuck. Greedy pussy taking my cum so well” Shuji groaned as his hot cum poured into you. Shuji gave you four more shallow thrusts before Leaning his weight on your back as he messed with his phone
“Sent The Video Off of us fucking, Hope your Hubby likes it” Shuji Whispered in your ear before pinching your hips.
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Please Don’t Steal My Shit 
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heartsfourdazai · 9 months
Haii! :D may i please request chuuya, dazai and any characters of your choice; with an s/o who is super quiet and socially awkward unless they’re alone?
Like, they barely say anything in public or when there’s other people around, but when they are alone with their partner they are very talkative and open,
๋࣭ ⭑ socially awkward. bsd x reader
gender: gender neutral
type: headcanons
warnings: lowercase writing
characters: dazai and chuuya
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๋࣭ ⭑ dazai osamu 🩹
doesn't try to get you to open up to others
however, that doesn't mean he won't tease you about being like this.
he realized this as you two were talking alone, until the rest of the agency walked by and you suddenly went quiet. others kinds butted in on your guys conversation.
he didn't mention it to you, but he had it on his mind for a while.
real quick he realized you were socially awkward...and thats okay!
he actually loves how open you are with him and that your comfortable to talking to him.
when your in big crowds you tend to stay close to him.
teases you and calls you, "lost puppy trying to find its master"
you had a blush on your face everytime you were in the same room with him for the past four days...
if anyone else were to get to close to you face, or to try and force you to talk, he's stepping in and dragging you away from the drama.
you both have your own inside jokes because of how much you talk to him, leaving others in utter confusion.
"what if i talk to them with you? would that help?"
no matter what you said, he's willing to hep<3
ends with you kinda hiding into his jacket, or straight up leaving without him noticeing...
lets be real, he notices but doesn't have enough energy to run after you, so he strikes up a conversation with said person.
in the end, he finds you in the room...writing, reading, watching tv, whatever you may be doing- dazai kisses your forhead and praises you from trying you best...although, he kinda was just trying to make you feel better
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๋࣭ ⭑ chuuya nakahara 🍷
noticed how quiet you get when others are around you almost instantly, which made him question how you got into the port mafia in the first place
you must'v sparked someone's eye...because damn your shy!
to his surprise, you confess your love to him first, which wasn't a surprise you were barely trying to hide it.
hiding your face around him, running away, or straight up ghosting him.
when you started to tak to him more..more laugh, to joke, to yell with him more..it made him feel like you two had something special.
however, i feel like he would 100% try to help you speak more around other people.
no matter how much you try to run away from others, he is stubborn and won't stop...
if you get too overwhelmed and panicked when he keeps doing this, he will stop.
last thing he wants is to make you mute around him, or worse...leave him.
which, can we be honest, will you ever?
if you don't really feel upset when he does this, he will literally lock you in a room with two people, lets say these two people would be tachihara and gin.
you were just...silent.
you didn't even say hi, you were kinda shaken...they tried to strike up conversations with you, but you ended up running away.
"Y/N- ug- BABE! I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU- DON'T YOU DARE LOCK YOURSELF IN THE BATHROOM- uuuuuugg- you're lucky i love you-"
dude can easily just use his gravity to open the door, but he thinks its best for you to let yourself out when your ready.
throw's people into space if they think they can force you to talk by grabbing you, hitting you, or yelling at you.
they've had a death wish.
he's willing to be patient with you, as long as you don't give up so easily.
man, i guess he would lose patience with me reeeeal quick- LOL
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bratbby333 · 3 months
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the jjk men + their drink of choice
blurb/brain dump
sfw; mentions of alcohol, obvi
feat: suguru, yuuji, megumi, satoru, nanami, sukuna, toji, ++ choso
author notes: i've been bartending for three years now and i can safely say ive gotten pretty good at reading people and guessing their go-to drinks,,so here's the jjk men!
-suguru: a whiskey coke. probably jack or maker's mark. simple, straightforward, and gets the job done. suguru is too laid back to be picky and is definitely the most patient person sitting at the bar. his intuitive and observant nature has him scanning the other patrons at the bar; he's a people watcher for entertainment, paying no mind to the tv's. he speaks to the bartender with a smile on his face, joking around with them, making small talk and sarcastic remarks. he's just so sassy and violently intelligent; his soft, healing energy rubbing off on everyone around him. he's a breath of fresh air in a busy bar environment. he tips well, too.
-yuuji: a piña colada (rum, coconut cream, pineapple juice; blended and served in a hurricane glass, garnished with a slice of pineapple and a maraschino cherry). freshly 21 years old, this would be his first legal drink. "look, you even get snacks with it!!" he'd say, referring to the garnishes, his age definitely showing with this drink. he attempts to chug it, getting a brain freeze in the process.
-megumi: an espresso martini. classy, bold, and strong; this drink is definitely for someone who wants to appear more mature and sophisticated than they actually are. megumi is mature, but he's overcompensating for the fact that his best friend just ordered the fruitiest drink possible. the caffeine mixing with the liquor makes meg more talkative than usual, and his reserved nature and unreadable face is left at the door and replaced with soft smiles and the occasional chuckle at his goofy friends. he'd also definitely makes fun of yuuji for ordering that piña colada.
-satoru: a tequila sunrise (tequila, orange juice, grenadine, layered to make a gradient). extra af, sweet, and fruity. orders it with a triple shot cause he's grown. "it's just so pretty, isn't it?" he'd giggle, kicking his feet under the bar like he isn't a fully grown man or the strongest sorcerer in the jujutsu world. oh, satoru. filled with such child-like wonder. with enough drinks in his system (although, he'd definitely do this without the liquor), he would work his way around the bar trying to make conversation with anyone and everyone, not caring if they didn't participate- no biggie, he'd just talk at them.
-nanami: a manhattan or an old fashioned, but only with top-shelf bourbon. it'd be a waste to have the bartender craft this perfect cocktail and use shitty liquor. he sips it slow, savoring the caramel notes of the bourbon. the perfect drink for a stoic and reserved man. nanami definitely has a sophisticated palate and never settles for low quality liquor. he goes to more upscale bars, enjoying the smooth jazz that pours through the speakers, occasionally snacking on small h'ordeurves, but more often than not working his way through a pile of paperwork.
-sukuna: liquid cocaine shots (equal parts goldschlager, jager, and rumple minze). absolutely unhinged and vile, but if you like them, you love them. and sukuna loooves them. he takes the shots like they're water and still manages to out drink everyone else; he'll even offer to buy shots for everyone at the bar, the other patrons cheering and thanking him, expecting it to be shots of vodka or tequila. with a maniacal smile plastered across his face, he watches as everyone's faces contort in disgust when they realize it's a liquid cocaine shot. sukuna just grins as they struggle to get them down. such a sadist. an absolute menace.
-toji: an adios motherfucker (equal parts tequila, vodka, gin, rum, and blue curaçao, with sour mix and sprite). "but that's such a lame drink!" his friends say, but toji would roll his eyes and state that it's a funny drink name and that it gets him drunker quicker; promptly chugging it and ordering another. the glass looks so small in his giant hands, other bar patrons casting judgmental gazes in his direction at the scene in front of them; giant, scary-looking man and his fruity little drink, but he couldn't care less. it's not like they have the balls to say anything to his face, any way.
-choso: a little overwhelmed by bar culture but happy to be invited anyway, he'd sneak a straw into his brother's piña colada, even though yuuji would be more than happy to share. choso would eventually branch out on his own after feeling a bit more confident (and after googling the most popular drinks around the world) settling on a mojito, not realizing it was one of the more laborious drinks a bartender could make. he'd feel bad when he realized it and wouldn't order one again, apologizing profusely to the bartender.
author notes: this took me way longer to write than it should have solely because i couldn't stop laughing over some of the scenarios. also,,i just want to thank each and every one of y'all for liking, commenting, and reblogging my stories...it means so so so much to me and i wish i could give all y'all a big ole smooch on the forehead (consensually). my inbox is open n ready for ur suggestions...please feel free to drop a request♡
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