#ghost is my little meow meow
doggoboigaugau · 1 year
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141's little menace
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Ghost is so cat-coded...😼😼😼
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ohno-the-sun · 4 months
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More gitm
Cute spot for your worries
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mehidktbh · 2 years
A Little Injury
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
Summary: You get shot at during a mission but after seeing Soap getting injured too you decide to keep yours a secret. Until your lieutenant catches on.
Warning: Guns, violence, serious-ish injury, reader shoots someone, blood, you're in a ton of pain, swearing, crying?, reader gets shot, yelling/shouting, Ghost is a bit of a jerk but not really because he basically patches you up in the end <3
A/N: I'm so sorry if I messed anything up plot-wise mainly because I'm not too familiar with MW2 and how the military work. I only know some parts...
(I'm sorry that you don't have a cool nickname to go by, I was struggling on a name anyway)
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"Motherfucker!" You yell, quickly grabbing your gun again before you pulled the trigger, (attempting) shooting the guy in front of you. Ten bullets drop at your feet as you continue to unload at the man in front of you. Stopping suddenly as your arms tremble, you reload and shoot the guy again, just to be sure. The adrenaline wears off quickly as you drop your gun in agony, groaning and gripping your leg in pain as you tried to breathe in and out slowly.
Looking up your eyes scanned the now-dead man in front of you, his body slouched over on the wall with his gun in his lap. His hand was unresponsive and lifeless, you could barely see through your squinting how you just barely missed his heart. Your mind was racing the second he shot you and you had no time to perfect it.
A loud screech came through the walkie-talkie you had strapped to your chest armour, your ears ringed and your vision blurred as you mentally cursed yourself. "Y/N come in!" You recognised John's booming and aggressive voice, "Y/N Do you copy-" "Yes, yes I copy." A relieved sigh could be heard from the other side, "Status?" You looked around you, your eyes inspected and examined the room ignoring the voice in the back of your head to state your injury.
"I'm alright, do you need me?" Gunshots could be heard from outside the building, and streets were littered with violence and war. "Soap is down, injured badly we need everyone grouped up now!" Before you could reply John left, a static screeching out from the walkie-talkie just as you let your finger go of the button. But you pulled through, giving yourself a pep talk before grabbing your gun. Aiming it before leaving, your leg getting worse with every step.
♡ ♡ ♡
Limping around the corner you were met with your task force, John, Gaz, Soap and Ghost, their heads all turning to look at you. Soap was in the backseat of one of the military cars, bandages wrapped around his arm as he smirked at you. "Took your bloody time." Ghost mumbled roughly behind his mask, watching as you laugh before opening one of the doors. "Yeah yeah"
Getting in the backseat you were squished against the window, Soap leaning on the other side while Ghost sat in the middle. John and Gaz swearing about what you guessed to be themselves or arguing over another safehouse to stay for the night. Looking out the window you tried your hardest to focus on the horrible environment rather than your arching leg, the sounds of echoing shouting only died down once you got further away.
"Fuckin' battlefield out there" Soap spat, your head turning towards him, "How'd you get injured anyway? Tripped over?" Your teasing tone only made Soap feel better, his ruff chuckling made you smile as he pointed over to Ghost sitting in between you both. "Asshole doesn't know when to move." Ghost eyed him, giving him that jokingly shit-eating look before he continued, "Always in my damn' way." Your eyes drifted between the two of them, the thick tension could be felt between the three of you.
The agony of your leg coming back to ruin the moment, you huffed in frustration as you tried to catch a quick (Sneaky) glance down at your leg. Your heavy cargo pants felt wet when your fingers glided along the fabric. Looking at your fingers more you could spot your blood sliding down them before quickly wiping it away. Unknlowly catching the attention of Ghost.
♡ ♡ ♡
"Fuck I need to take a piss," Gaz said before disappearing into the bathroom. After what seemed like hours of torture from riding in the car ignoring your leg you guys came to a stop at a dingy motel. A more suspicious owner who glared at all of you when you tried to reason with him to get a room. Only the room was not clean and had a weird vibe, looking around you spotted a small TV sitting on a stand with 2 bunkbeds facing the opposite side.
Soap seemed to already claim the bottom bed with his blood and clothes as he tried to quickly discard them to unravel his bandages. You instead took the opportunity of claiming yourself on the top bunk - even though you did want the bottom - you took your time to slowly get up the ladder, hissing under your breath when you put too much weight on your other foot.
You stare at the ceiling, the beige colour was all you could think about as you drowned out everything around you. Your mind raced with thoughts, "Am I going to die?" "It hurts so much" "No one wants to patch you up" "No one cares" The thoughts were the only thing polluting you, they screamed and shouted at you as you tugged yourself to sleep. Telling yourself it'll heal in the morning and no one will know a thing.
The noises of the TV blurred in the background, the sounds of laughing and talking could be heard from below you but you paid no attention. Slowly and painfully drifting to sleep.
♡ ♡ ♡
You sniffled, shutting the door quietly behind you as if the guys would hear you through the loud TV playing an advertisement that no one was paying attention to. Turning on the light a quiet humming filled the bathroom, the uncomfortable, plain beige wallpaper followed into the bathroom as the white tiles fell hard against your boots.
Gripping onto the cold and slippery sink you had no intention of using the bathroom only the thought of weeping silently to yourself. You could have taken some of Soap's bandages or alcohol-free wipes but your mind was only focused on getting to the bathroom you didn't have time to think.
A loud knock shook you out of your struggling state, you nervously looked towards the door before preparing yourself to act normal. "Yes?" You questioned, your happy and normal voice didn't get past Ghost as he replied. "Open up." His British accent was demanding and serious as he waited for you to open up, "Go back to bed, Ghost-" "Open this fuckin' door. Y/N." He interrupted you this time more demanding than before as he knocked more forcefully.
You opened the door after what seemed like forever to him, you were met with his usual mask and muscular body. His eyes scanned you from top to bottom, raking over your puffy eyes and left leg that was lifted off the ground. He pushed his way into the room, closing the door behind him with his foot as he signalled you to sit on the sink. You watched as he dropped the first-aid kit next to you, scavenging through it before he pulled out some cotton swobs and some alcohol-free wipes.
His eyes were met with yours as he stared deeply at you, he didn't say anything but he didn't need to. His pupils told a thousand words, like how wanted to ask you if it was okay to touch your leg, his hand hovering over your injury waiting for you to answer. And when you did he slowly pushed your cargo pants higher up your leg, giving him full access to your bare leg and bloody injury.
"Why didn't ya' tell me." He cursed at you, his fingers gently patting the cotton swab on your leg, soaking up and cleaning all the dripping and dried blood away from your leg. But you only shrugged your shoulders in response, "I can take care of myself" Your low, soft voice replied sounding determined but failed to get through Ghost as he stood between your legs.
"Clearly not." His husky voice only made you feel guilty, the long painful sensation felt sweet against his touch. "You not only failed me but the rest of the team" His stern and disappointed voice affected you, not only did you blame yourself before but now it only felt worse. "I'm-" You hissed feeling the throbbing and piercing sting of what could only be described as hell but instead it was Ghost trying his best to slowly and softly wipe the alcohol-free wipe across your injury.
"I'm sorry..." You huffed out, your gentle and drowsy voice pleaded and sounded genuine to Ghost. He hummed in reply, his clothed fingers dancing and massaging your leg, sometimes you swore he could squeeze or go higher up your thigh. His low and husky breath could be heard through the low humming of the bright bathroom light, leaning against the mirror you felt relaxed now that there was no pain.
"Don't try that shit again, you hear me?" Ghost wrapped your leg up and let go of your leg now he only stood between your man-spread legs. Arms crossed over his chest as he looked at you, "I'd hate to see you hurt again." His dreadfully quiet tone was possessive and penetrating, you swore he grinned once you smiled in return.
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nocek · 12 days
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A little continuation in my Gabriella lives au that already happened here and here.
So my another little headcanon, besides that Miguel is awkwardly attempting here to sorta adopt Gwen and is trying to figure out how to convince her to go back to school, is the night routine.
So Miguel (who read too many parenting guides* to catch up quickly and not fuck up this precious child) strongly believes in leading by example. So since he wants Gabriella to have good sleeping habits after her nightly routine he also goes to sleep at sensible hour. But he can't sleep through whole night so when he wakes up at ungodly hour he does some light work not to wake up her.
Then he prepares breakfast and bento (he totally had to learn to cook, you can't convince me otherwise) and with time he started having a little fun with it and then it became kinda hobby. It helps him wind down so that after he sends Gabriella to school he is actually able to take an extra 1-2 hour nap.
(* as in parenting guides for child of Gabriella age, totally clueless what to do with a traumatized teenager but after the denial he probably will do the homework)
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rielohel · 20 days
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ghostbiter · 2 months
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Shadowsight joins the design pool!
Old design below the cut
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frog-lover69 · 2 months
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the lil Ghstie... thinking about painting him hmm
pls send requests for what i should draw :,3 I need ideas
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hiskitchenknife · 6 months
"Stop calling them babygirl, theyre grown men!!"
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honeymilkbubbletea · 10 months
He's her silly, dramatic little meow meow
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Gayatri: NOOO STOP! He's SOO dramatic!
Gwen: But you should have seen him!
Gwen: He was all like, "She HATES me! I hope I DIE! There's NO point in living!!!"
Gayatri: That's kinda cute tbh 💕
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chxrrysangel · 2 years
“Would you like to discuss your role in the babygirlification of a certain Simon “Ghost” Riley?”
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lefttoesucker · 2 months
This man could commit unspeakable war crimes on me and he could still get it-
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Anyway here's second version + close up :)
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i really like this cat
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[image id: the cat from ghost trick phantom detective. its scarf is edited to be the npd awareness flag]
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that-unfortunate-crow · 2 months
Me and my brother were literally discussing which song they're gonna kill Copia during.
I am violently unwell right now.
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oranpo · 25 days
What particular genre of Clancy Brown do you enjoy most? 😁
Haha the one where he's old. I mean, not to out myself as an old man fucker here (although given my interests... and the circumstances... you can see it coming from miles away) but Clancy, in my opinion, just ages like fine wine😔💕💕💕
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Actually I lied. The one where he's an evil priest
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He's gorgeous, He's delicious. Please watch Carnivale.
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mrzombielover · 1 year
Hi! Idk if you take requests or even like, emergency requests but, it's obviously Christmas time and I'm feeling really down bc I'm spending it alone. I was wondering if you could write something with Ghost and König's friend calling them and asking them if they could spend the holiday together? Up to you if you wanna make it friends to lovers kinda thing but honestly anything fluff and sweet is more than enough. Thank you so much, and Merry Christmas!
hii i normally don’t take emergency requests (cause i’m not good at themsbahhd) but this prompt is cute. hope headcanon format is okay, that’s the fastest way i could get this out
sorry if this sucks, i wrote it really quickly and didn’t edit it lol
hope your christmas gets better anon :,(
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most people are thrilled to get time off for christmas. it’s heartwarming to see dads reunite with their kids during the season, when the majority of people get time off. ordinarily, around this time of year, you’d drown yourself in work and missions to try and take your mind off it, but captain price insisted you guys get this time off to go home and relax. honestly though, you were dreading going back home. it just depresses you.
at the airport, boarding was about to begin, and you found yourself fighting tears. everyone around you seemed to be waiting anxiously, wanting nothing more than to get to your destination. as the minutes went on, you were filled with more and more dread.
at the very last minute, just as they were about to call your group, you found yourself running away from the gate, phone in hand, thinking of anyone to call so last minute.
- simon “ghost” riley
ghost was similar to you in that he also dislikes the holiday season. he’s got no one to celebrate with and nothing but bad memories of it.
when he picked up your call, he told you he hadn’t left the base, and didn’t really plan to soon.
at first he was apprehensive, but he quickly found that he really likes having you on base with him. there were some christmas decorations, but the base was almost entirely empty.
for the first time, ghost was enjoying his holiday break, and quickly got used to your presence.
you guys binge movies in the rec room to pass the time, make a ton of food from whatever’s left in the kitchen, and once you’ve exhausted everything else, you even get a little work and cleaning done.
it’s been a really nice distraction having eachother around. you don’t need to explain anything to eachother, simon will silently accept and comfort you.
the cold pushes you guys together, you’ll cheekily ask to stay in his room to “warm up”, and spoon all night. cuddling while watching movies and forcing him to try your hot cocoa.
some days pass, and even though you didn’t really talk about christmas with him, he got you a gift anyway. it would be something small but sentimental, probably from a mission you were both on or the country where you met. a souvenir or piece of jewelry, or something useful, like a watch. he thinks he isn’t great at giving gifts, but it’s the thought he puts into them that makes it special.
just a few days until you’ve got to go back to work, and you’ve enjoyed an actual relaxing winter holiday. before you go, he’ll catch up to say goodbye, before realizing you’re under the mistletoe. he’ll plant a gentle, almost cautious kiss to your soft lips, letting his hands cup your face, as if begging you not to go. the two of you agree to do this every year.
- könig
(his family life is p much all my headcanon btw)
whenever he has the chance, könig goes back to austria over breaks. he becomes incredibly homesick, especially around the holidays, and when you called, he was ecstatic to show you his beautiful home and share traditions with you.
it made him so happy when you asked to spend time with him, and he was so glad you felt comfortable enough to open up to him about how hard the holidays are for you. he silently vowed to change that for you.
he immediately showed you all his favorite local restaurants and cafes, food he’d been craving so bad during the months he was deployed. you guys did typical touristy stuff along with local traditions and experiences.
he insisted you have dinner at his parents house for christmas, and helped you pick out last minute gifts. horrible at wrapping presents though, that was all you.
his parents are so nice, especially his mom, even though she teased könig about finally bringing a partner home. you made biscuits with her, but she wouldn’t let you help clean, insisting that you were a guest.
after you thank him for making this your best christmas, he’ll tell you how great it was to have you here, and comment on how you should make it a tradition. with christmas lights in the background and snow flurrying around you, you’ll finally make it official.
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frog-lover69 · 3 months
Made a painting that I wanted to make people reminded of Tommy exile arc and Ghostbur
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