#getting more high now also btw 👍
possum-tooth · 11 months
got a little high before my shower and it was maybe the best shower of my life
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mushroompoisoning · 3 months
Good friend, I ask of you because I trust you, what are these "The Mechanisms" you are so fond of?
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Okay I tried to type out an incredibly long summary but tumblr deleted it so you're getting a semi-sane version instead
The Mechanisms are a band of immortal, space-faring pirates travelling the universe singing about the tragedies they witness for our entertainment!
There are nine main members you'll hear about, with the tenth - Dr Carmilla - having left much earlier and making her own music 👍 ( there is technically an eleventh but they're more of a mystery easter egg than anyone we know things about )
Quick lore thing: the mechanisms immortality works from the mechanical part(s) they each have. They can die and get injured, but they'll revive whenever the narrative wants them too. All logic in this universe functions off of Would It Be Good For The Story
The cast is:
Jonny D'Ville (he/him) is the ship's first mate ( don't let him tell you otherwise ) and he's got a mechanical heart
Nastya Rasputina (she/her) is the ship's engineer and girlfriend! Yea the ship - Aurora - is alive btw. She's got me hanical blood
Ashes O'Reily (they/them) is the ship's quartermaster and best arsonist! they've got mechanical lungs
Drumbot Brian (he/him) is the ship's pilot and the only one with a moral code. It's controlled by a switch which flips between Means Justify Ends and Ends Justify Means with no nuance. everything is mechanical except for his heart
Ivy Alexandria (she/her) is the ship's archivist! Pretty chill, cares more for books than violence but that doesn't mean she disapproves of the latter. she's got a mechanical brain
The Toy Soldier (it/its) is the mascot and whatever else they tell it to be! it just wants to be involved. will follow anything you tell it if you ask nicely ( or with enough force ). it's not actually mechanized, and is instead a sentient wooden man
Gunpowder Tim (he/him) is the ship's master at arms! madman war veteran who I love dearly. he blew up the moon. he's great. I pick favourites. he's got mechanical eyes
Raphaella La Cognizi (she/her) is the ship's unethical scientist! nothing is off the table when it comes to research. nothing. theory is she mechanized her, but iirc that unconfirmed. she's got a mechanical spine and wings!
and Baron Marius Von Raum (he/him) who is neither the ships baron nor doctor. he claims to be both, though. Deeply unserious fella. he's got a mechanical arm
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^ here are some good images for crew reference
OKAY! Now onto actual music
They have six albums and a couple singles!
Once Upon a Time (In Space) is an unconventional retelling of classic fairytales
High Noon over Camelot is a retelling of King Arthur
Ulysses Dies at Dawn is a greek mythos adaptation
and The Bifrost Incident is a norse mythos adaptation
there's also Tales To Be Told volumes I and II, and the two single Frankenstein and Death To The Mechanisms ( technically that one is part of an album but the album is just a bunch of their other songs from already existing albums )
The tales to be told albums contain some of the mechanisms origins!
One Eyed Jacks is Jonny's
Lucky Sevens is Ashes'
Lost In The Cosmos is Brian's
and Gunpowder Tim vs The Moon Kaiser I don't think I have to say
Nastya has an origin song, but it was never officially put on anything. You can find it on the @mechanismslorearchive ( you can get any lore you want on there )
They also have a number of live shows ( you can find those on youtube ) and written stories on their website! I recommend these if you wanna get to know the mechanisms as characters better
that is the basic rundown. I'm not an expert on the mechs so if you're looking to talk to a metaphorical seasoned nurse instead of a med student I'd go to @bugsinthebayou or @gunpowderdtim (sorry for tagging yall)
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theflyingfeeling · 6 months
so yeah, I went to the BC signing session at Nokia Arena today, because what else would I, a full-grown adult with a respectable dayjob, do on a wintery Saturday if not stand in a queue freezing my toes off surrounded by sugar-high teenagers for hours, just to exchange a few words with some band dudes? 🤡
(wrote this for me as to remember at least something about it afterwards, but you may read this as well <3)
The queuing part was every bit as shitty as it always is when queuing to any BC event really, but I was in high spirits and great company who were polite enough to laugh at my shitty amazing jokes 🥰
Niko was so soft and nice and aaaaaaaaaa the way he laughed so heart-warmingly at the silly (practiced) thing I said?? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I want to put him in my pocket <3
So when I was a kid I used to collect stickers (this is relevant, trust me), especially dog stickers because dogs are cute, and I happen to have a full page of dachshund stickers that look exactly like Rilla, so I thought I'd give Aleksi a couple of those, and the other day I jokingly checked my local supermarket's sticker selection to see if they have any more fun stickers I could give him, and lo and behold I actually found some cool Spider-Man ones, and naturally I JUST couldn’t help myself 😂 and awwwwwww the way his entire face brightened up and he went "NO WAY!! 🤩" when he saw the dachshund ones aaaaaaa 😭💞😭💞😭💞😭 he said he'll put them on his laptop where he has also collected other stickers 🥺💞 I gave them in a Minigrip bag so that he hopefully won't lose them before he gets home (see the picture below for the stickers)
Aleksi’s hair looked super fluffy btw 🤲 you're welcome for this crucial information
The last time I saw Olli at a signing session I was so blown away by his beauty that I could barely speak a word to him, so this time I was determined to actually have some sort of a conversation with him, and I did succeed, even if we only talked about the weather (my go-to conversation topic) 😂 it's difficult to translate the Finnish word tarjeta, but basically I asked him how's the weather been in Oulu, and he said it's been cold ("Mites Oulussa on tarettu?" "Kylmä on."), but apparently he actually likes cold weather, my reply being "well I don't you fucking weirdo &lt;3"
Joonas heard this intellectual exhange of opinions and put in his two cents as he told me how they had recently visited Oulu and that it had been significantly colder than in Helsinki 👍
Also, as you may have seen from pictures by now, he was wearing no shirt under his blazer and yeah, I may have taken a good look at his rug while he was signing my totebag 👁️👄👁️ In my defence, he had it out for everyone to see, so where else was I supposed to look? His eyes? 🙄
At that signing session I went to in Stockholm last year (see the link above) I didn't manage to say a damn thing to Tommi lol (I blame Joel and Olli), so that was my other goal for this time and yaaaay, success! I didn't say much to him though, just "hi" and "ah darn, is that bloody marker not working? and here I thought I had bought a good one" ("Olin ostavinani hyvän tussin")
For context: I had brought my BC totebag (which I bought exactly 2 years ago tomorrow and have used maybe twice during all this time) with me for them to sign, and as I wasn't sure if they'd have fabric markers, I had gone and bought one for the purpose myself, and I had tested it (on paper) at home, but I guess the cold weather had affected the ink, so it was working quite poorly. They all did manage to scribble down their autographs though, and the extra time it took for them to do so offered me some extra time to chat with them, which was nice actually 🤭 (hehe sneaky meeee)
To Joel I said the new song is great ("Helevetin hyvä se uus biisi"), which he was pleased to hear. He gave me back my totebag but not my marker, so I had to ask for it lol, to which he said his brain was not working properly anymore (felt 💀), to which I said that at least he hasn't been standing in the freezing cold for hours, to which he said: "yeah, you're the actual heroes here" and hell yeah we are lol, I wouldn't do this shit for any other band 😌
Then he tried to give me the autograph card of the next person in line dfdggdgdgddd poor Joel, I guess his brain really wasn't working
Afterwards my mouth was SO dry from talking so much in such a short time lol, but I was happy I got to say most of the stuff I had wanted to say to them. I was planning to show Aleksi a picture of our family dachshunds like I had done in Stockholm, but with all the hassle with the marker I kinda forgot about it (I kept grumbling about the shitty marker to literally all of them except Joel), and anyway I didn't want to slow down the queue any more than I already was 🙈
After the signing session we had pizza and went to the local Christmas market that just opened today and I bought some organic coffee beans for my brother for Christmas, so all in all I had a lovely day (ignoring the cold-as-balls weather) 🥰💞
here are the stickers I gave to Aleksi:
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and here's my freshly-signed totebag (why is Olli's autograph so cute 🥺)
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(I know it looks like there are some strange stains on the tote but there really isn't, as I said I've barely ever used it, so I guess it's just the fabric doing a weird thing in that lighting)
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ceoofmetagala · 3 months
I love Chocomonio I wanna know more abt it 👍
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Anwyas lore drop:
Chocomonio true appreance is unknown. It just chooses to go by this form bevause it think it looks cute.
Anyways one day it happens to form a not parasitic bond w8th dark matter and now they live in its body, neither ate harmed bt this and both benefit (chocomonio dark magic is even better now and the dark matter feed off its negative emotions which chocomonio is fine with happening as the dark matter don't use that agsint monio and the onky downside is being slightly apathetic)
So one day it runs into Charlotte's church she happens to run and goes uhermmm I should nkt be here oops but charolette spotted Choco already and after a bit of fighting monio gets locked in a basement and nailed on a cross and at regular intervals charolette tries to excorise the demon out of choco. (Charolette is uh3rm. A hard-core religous person let's say)
One night while charolette is asleep Cherry pre transition frees chocomonio out of pity becayse I thinks charolette torturing it is not right and let's it run off and monio is like 👍 (I will return the favor)
Monio begins to at night time vist cherrys room and they converse and begin plans to safely have cherry run away too and one time charollete catches the two and choco is forced to run while cherry is lertuced by her sister who goes oh no the demon is corrupting my dear brother!
Anwyas uhhh long story short chocomonio sets the church on fire and it and cherri escape and charollete dies in the fire #real
Also cherry and monio later date idkkk
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Yeah 👍👍👍💥💥💥(sorry if I explained badly)
Fun triva facts:
-chocomonio is a pun (chocolate demon/bow in spanish basiclly)
-tye reason out of universe veri and chocomonio hate each other is a funny haha that veri replaced choco as my kirbsona LMAO
- chocomonio feels slime like if you were to touch it lmao
- chocomonio can shape-shifting.
- it tends to be very high energy yet its introverted, its not bad at socializing, quite the opposite, ut just prefers to stay alone. Taht and monio is can be blunt and rude
-monio is surprisingly morally good for being part demon, the worst it does is pull off a prank and the prank is destroying a belonging yiu really liked
- monio hates any religous iconography not because it physically hurts it(unless it's holy water, but even then chocomonio has a weakness to water in general so it's not because it's holy but mkre bevause uts. Water) but because it reminds them of when charolette toruted them in the basement 👍👍👍 this explains why it doesn't like galacta btw
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basics-academy-yum · 9 months
Info dump about the students in high school. Do they go to the same one coincidentaly? Are they still in touch with the teachers?
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prepare for an unskippable cutscene <3
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SO SO SO SO SO!!!! Most of them do go to highschool together, considering they don't live to far from each other in the first place... And to answer your second question... yes. They are still in touch with the teachers. More than you might think :]
Playtime, Paisley, and Andrew (Baldi's son, for those unaware) honestly treat each other like cousins. Paisley's legal guardian is Micah, Playtime's stepdad is Prince... and Prince and Baldi are best friends, so those 3 are super close.
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Paisley Playtime Andrew Art Billy
I'll give you little bio of each of them :]
Paisley - 15 (she/her) Super overprotective of Playtime. Stays out late hanging out with Andrew. She's finally on medication for her OCD so she rarely ever has hallucinations anymore!! Yippee!! She's pretty mature actually, for a 15 year old.
Playtime - 15 (she/her) Gonna be so real, puberty hits this poor kid like a truck, some days it takes ever fiber of her being to not curl up in her bed and cry. She's super studious and loves laying in bed watching magical girl anime. She's very into soft harajuku styles as well (like yume kawaii and a bit of lolita and stuff <3). She does get relentlessly bullied, but luckily she's got some pretty cool friends that tend to beat people up a bit too much–
Andrew - 15 (he/him) In a bunch of AP and honors courses and is burnt the hell out!!! He's pretty depressed and constantly beating himself up... Paisley will help him escape all the work and ruminations and just be a teenager sometimes. It's pretty awesome :D
Art Audrey- 14 (she/her) She's a very reserved art student, but believe it or not she's been managing her anxiety pretty great! She's been dating Billy, and boy does that kid have some enemies for protecting the LADIES in his life. Speaking of which...
Billy - 14 (he/him) He's still got anger issues, but he's learned how to be a lot more true to his feelings. Any time he sees his girlfriend or his childhood friend, Playtime, getting bullied, boy does he let them have it. Anyway, him and Audrey love to make comics and stories together, they have a huge universe with the craziest plot– it's super nifty 👍
Now I know what you're probably not thinking, but I've gotta bring it up. Playtime's bestie, 1st Prize!!! They stay best friends of course but... gosh, there's really no good way to put it. Philip (that's 1st Prize btw) passes away when he's about... 17. Playtime visits him all the time, of course. Some days she'll sit by his grave for hours, doing homework or telling him how her week has been or plots to her favorite anime... she'll also visit his mom sometimes and just hang out with her :]
Another big thing you've probably noticed is AUDREY!!!!!! Yeah, she's trans, pretty cool B) Now, as for interacting with her in the current timeline of the blog (pre-transition), it's best to still just use Art and he/him, solely because at 8 years old he's like "damn being a girl would be so awesome, too bad that's impossible" (if anyone wants to throw little asks at him about said topic tho to help him figure things the freak out, i cant stop you 😳🤭)
Anyway those are the basics (no pun intended), but if you guys wanna know more i will GLADLY tell little stories with them (idk about drawing them but i can write them 🤭!!) also feel free to use this knowledge as you wish, you can ask questions to them as highschoolers or as elementary schoolers, you can bring things up to try to figure out how they get for point A to point B.... all sortsa fun stuff!!! go go!! :D!!!
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disapoimeq · 2 months
HIIII JULIUS CESAR FROM CLONE HIGH!!! ( For me you are him, don't try to convince me otherwise ) /j /pos
Here are two questions to make you think ( I know, thinking sucks/hj ):
Can you list your most favorite/likeable Clone High ships? (if you can, from the most favorite to the least favorite)
You can list your most hated/hateable Clone High ships? (from most hated to least hated )
And if you could give a brief explanation or/and a rating from 1 to 10
Questions asked for...plot reasons/j
I hope I'm not bothering you!
Have a great week 😇
Hello!! THANK YOUU for asking! and yes, i am Julius Caesar (real) and I am thinking thinking so hard rn!!! This is pretty lengthy post!
I don't really have any ships I dislike, so
heres some ships I ranked from fav to least fav and how I personally prefer them!
(BTW! With platonic i mean like, friendly dynamic)
Julius + Jesús (romantic, platonic)
Vincent + Julius (romantic, platonic)
Jesús + Vincent (romantic, platonic)
Frida + Cleo (romantic)
Joan + Harriet (romantic)
Joan + Abe (romantic, platonic)
Joan + Confucius (platonic)
Abe + JFK (platonic)
Frida + Harriet (platonic)
Confucius + Harriet (romantic, platonic)
Abe + Frida (PLATONIC!!)
Jackée + Lizzie (romantic)
Carver + Sacagawea (romantic)
Catherine + Julius (platonic)
Ivan + Catherine (romantic)
Joan + JFK (platonic)
Marie Antoinette + Vlad (romantic, platonic)
Joan + Cleo (platonic)
Abe + Gandhi (platonic)
Topher + Ivan (platonic)
Topher + Vincent (platonic)
Confucius + JFK (platonic)
JFK + Ponce (platonic)
Additionally, and unrelated to my ranking, heres some ratings and reviews haha
Julius + Jesús 9/10
I LOVE THESE TWO like they make me laugh sm I like to think they're childhood bestfriends, and y'know. Sometimes you just gotta kiss the homies 😎
Julius + Vincent 8/10
These two are nice too, it's mainly a comfort ship cause of me self projecting lol 😭
Jesús + Vincent 8/10
Almost the same exact opinion I have with the last one!
Frida + Cleo 9/10
OH MY GOD THAT ONE S3 EP LEFT ME HEART BROKEN, but! I am very very much glad they're on atleast good terms
Joan + Harriet 8/10
They're cute honestly, I liked the cheerleading episode a lot. and despite conflicts they have they seem to find a way to relate to eachother
Joan + Abe 8/10
OKAYY OKAY I KNOWW... this ship gets a lot of hate, and for an understandable reason , honestly. I don't blame anyone for not liking it but I personally don't mind it that much, they have their cute moments over all I do agree the writing could be better
Joan + Confucius 7/10
I was honestly hesitant with them at first when I saw the s3 trailer, but they grew on me!! They were cute. I personally think the dynamic worked pretty well too
Abe + JFK 7/10
They're alright, scenes with them are funny and I love that they ended up as buddies
Confucius + Harriet 6/10
Though there are some issues with their relationship, I found them pretty cute in s2 but I lost interest quick
Abe + Frida 10/10
Joan + JFK 6/10
I get how people can say there's not really much chemisty with them, they can be cute but I feel like I like them better off as pals now after what happened in s2
Catherine + Julius 7/10
They're like more seen together in s1?? Regardless if they were ever a couple or not, I like to think they separated on good terms/are friends!
Joan + Cleo 6/10
They're alright, I like the ship art, and I liked them getting along from time to time
Confucius + JFK 7/10
I'm kinda sad they didn't get much screentime together in s3 unlike in s2, but they're nice they were funny
anyways this all doesn't matter, the best clone high ship has been and will always be julius x a new haircut/j
for other ships, that I didn't explain or mention, they're also cool as long as its not weird LMFAO ship whoever you want and ty again!! 😁👍
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dinomite2 · 4 months
Oscar and Rose (Babies!)
For @sodapoppss ! This was number 2 BTW!
Ill do two scenarios for one the two of them suddenly being turned into infants one for Oscar and one for Rose
Also one more thing
(this Is legit the one thing I thought of when making this)
Its was another crisp late Afternoon as usual For Oscar and Rose And ... uhhhhh i can't say things are the same now here...
Oscar: mammmyyy *raises and graspes hands*
Rose: Ooookaaaayyyyy what am I going to do with yoouu
*Rose starts to think of what to do with Oscar as a toddler*
Rose: hmmmm
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*imagine it's moray towers instead*
Rose: *stares at Oscar briefly* *talking to herself* Nope Nope nope you're gooder that you're gooder than thatttt *clenchs fists* Wait where's Oscar? *Looks up* OSCAR WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?
Oscar: haaaabbbaabbbb *hanging on top of chandelier like monkey bars*
Oscar: Why
Oscar: Why
Oscar: whee! *Drops down on rose's hands*
Rose: *catches Oscar* ooof! Ok now don't do that ag- wait.... *sniff sniff*
(I'll let your mind go from here👍)
Oscar: What .....
Rose: Dadadaaaaa
Oscar: eh-uh-....Ok so we're going to do this one more time did you eat all of my large double chocolate cookies from my secret jar ?
Rose: *shakes head*
Oscar: Did you!? Cause I know from this point forward when you appeared AS A BABY, MY JAR WAS DAMN FULL
Rose: *Shakes head*
Oscar: you're better not be lying about this cuz I'm onto you *points near rose's head* I'm onto you like a Godamn-
Rose: *Bites Oscar's Finger*
Oscar: *breaths in* *breaths out*
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Oscar: nope I'm better than that.....
Hope you enjoy! 👍
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is2katiemccard · 4 months
hello! hope you had some good rest after the party👍 thanks for answering my questions about the team! i would also love to know a few other things about this specific brazil team actually, specifically player profile because im not very familiar with the some of the players that were called up for the w gold cup tournament
the players im not very familiar with are duda santos, bia menezes, duda sampaio, gabi portilho and yaya. could you maybe help describe the type of players they are, which club they are from and whether they are great players or not (this is opinion based of course but i would really love to hear your thoughts)
also is there beef between bia zaneratto and tarciane? im asking this because i see brazilian woso twt bringing up about them lol
Hey! In fact, I didn't have any rest, quite the opposite......
But we're not here to talk about parties, so let's get straight to the point!
Regarding the players' club, I have an interesting fact for you: Of the 11 who started against Colombia, 9 have already played for Corinthians! Some of them – Duda Sampaio, Gabi Portilho, Tarciane, Yasmin and Yaya – still wear the black and white shirt that I love so much.
Duda Santos plays for Ferroviária and Bia Menezes for São Paulo. I'm not really able to say much about each one's playing style because they are players from two of Corinthians' biggest rivals - Ferroviária, especially since they always play very good and difficult games against Corinthians, they are a very intense and competitive team. –.
Now talking about those who play on my team, Duda Sampaio is our midfield maestro. She is a very technical player, has a great vision of the game and, together with Yasmin, is a specialist in free kicks and corners, in addition, she takes penalties very well. In the BRWNT Arthur – our technician – is testing her in the defender midfielder position, which is a very common practice of his. Arthur Elias has always liked to explore different possibilities and positions with different players. For example, Yasmin is a left-back by origin, but she can also play in midfield – and she did so in the last game – and in attack as well.
Yaya is a new signing and this is her first season at Corinthians, but she is also a very skilled midfield player, very similar to Duda Sampaio's characteristics.
Gabi Portilho is a gift in attack, she has good dribbling, great crosses most of the time and she also knows how to finish very well. Furthermore, whenever necessary, she rebuilds the defensive line and always gives as much as possible in games.
A very strong characteristic that you can notice in the players who came from Corinthians is that their dedication and passion for the game is absurdly great. They love and do everything to honor the shirt they wear.
And the beef, well.... The beef is real. It all started after the Libertadores final last year. Obviously the tension was always very high because Zaneratto played for Palmeiras and derby games are always very aggressive. After the Libertadores, Corinthians and Palmeiras faced each other two more times, and Bia Zaneratto did not greet Tarciane in any of them. It's a little funny because Tarci is only 20 years old and is already the mother of a 30-year-old player. 😭
Btw, I love this edit of hers 🫶🏼
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alex-just-vibing · 10 months
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25
(Listen I know this is most of the numbers but shut I'm interested in your OCs)
Oh that is completely fine because I like talking ab them. And uhh I'm gonna pick Amma for them since she's one of the more Fucked Up ones haha (them and Yra lol) (amma uses any pronouns btw)
1. What memory would your OC rather just forget?
When he was little, it was abandoned by their family for reasons she was never able to find out. Luckily, their best friend and her family were able to take her in. His last name was originally Greenwood, but they combined it with Quartz's (Longhaert) to get Greenhaert!
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
Probably that it's genderqueer! He presents very traditionally feminine, so most people tend to default to feminine terms for them haha
3. What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
She won't let himself depend on others. It feels the need to be "strong" and do things alone even when they're suffering (projection much?)
4. When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
As far as he possibly can, and then some
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
Not very easily. She has a very strict moral compass, and it'd take something drastic to get it to stray from that.
8. Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Probably! They are an actress after all! (They choose the term actress just cuz they like how it sounds better + that's what most people tend to assume for him)
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
Pretty much the entirety of The Main Character by Will Wood tbh
11. What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Sword! And yes, along with being an actress, it is also a trained swordsman!
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
Very much <33. As the leader of her group, he often ends up staying up late and/or skipping meals. And when it was younger, they'd have the tendency to get into relationships with people it knew would hurt him
16. What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
Very High. Like I said, swordsman <33
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
Idk.... Probably when Quartz goes through the good ol' brainwashing and is forced to fight it <33 (I have a very loose idea of any story for these characters but I like to put them in situations haha)
18. Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
Very close and personal! She can be serious, but he's usually very warm and bubbly <33
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
Angry tears <333
20. Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
Not usually, no :3
21. Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
Hmmm probably 👍 and idk Not Well probably
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Hardest to process: Pain.
Hardest to express: Worry/Confusion/Uncertainty
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
I mean, if they had never accepted help from Quartz, it most likely would've gone down a similar path as Yra, becoming bitter and closed off etc etc
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
How I can just put him in Situations. She actually started as a danganronpa oc (Ultimate Actress) but now it just kinda is... idk, an oc! Y'know?
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Okok so I looked into the Toxic Psychosis thing and it’s essentially just another way of saying/describing an episode of psychosis triggered or caused by chemicals or toxins in the system. And can be caused by anything from alcohol to opioids, other toxins that could have made it into ur system, and is also used to describe an episode of psychosis caused by an adverse reaction to a prescribed medication.
So in summary it just looks like it’s a quicker way of differentiating between a chemically/toxin induced episode and other instances of psychosis. Which really isn’t as bad as I thought it would be now that I’m looking into it, esp since I thought is was gonna be some other (much more derogatory) bs.
Tbh I don’t know if my psychiatrist even wanted to talk to me LMFAO
She charged a FUCK TON per appointment and every time it was always some poor student/intern (rip) that would actually talk to me & take notes before I even SAW my psychiatrist, and then she would ask like yes/no questions for five minutes- And then she’d end the zoom call
And tbh I think I’d rather try and deal with that Psychyatrist again over one that tries to re diagnose everything during the very first appointment lol
Also I did mention the Chest Pain! That and the other weird symptoms I was dealing with are what got her to take me seriously which was a relief. She had me do an EKG that same appointment and had me do some bloodwork - which came back pretty normal
Still debating how much effort I’m willing to put in to get this fixed though, especially since I haven’t been having any super bad symptoms recently. And I feel like it’s maybe not as bad as it feels???? but then again I haven’t been up in that fuckin mountain for the past few months, and that altitude could be what was making everything feel way worse.
We’ll probably just have to wait and see what happens when I go back up 👍
OOOHHHH ok that makes a lot of senss (the toxic psychosis thing)
also OOIHHHHB MY GOD FUCK THAT PSYCHIATRIST why are psychiatrists so mother fucking mean holy shit. this is why im antipsych
also good that u got taken serioisly!!!!! if the symptoms arent causing too much distress, its not worth speedrunning back to the office but i do think its smtb u need to get checked out, esp since ur tachycardia is worse than mine!!
btw, do u have a home blood pressure monitor? bc its a good investment, ull be able to see if ur blood pressure is high and stuff and then u can tell the doctors if it is. they take that stuff pretty seriously (if they dont SUCK!!!!!) and my machine was only like. 60 bucks iirc
also if ur suffering from symptoms sybdrome and a little voice tells u its not as bad as u think, DONT LISTEN TO IT!!!! thats the DEVIL talking!!!!
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vespersposts · 2 years
Takao Kazunari for your character game!
Hi sweet baby!!! 🌹
Thank you so much for giving me the chance to talk about hottie Kazunari! #sorryD
👍Favorite thing about him:
personality, great ability to always see something positive and still be able to be very analytical and fair in judgment. He is not at all envious of other people's talent; on the contrary, he draws inspiration from it. This in my opinion is a form of intelligence. The attitude also provocative, incredibly sexy.
👎My least favorite thing about him:
sometimes he is a little naive, but Shin-chan takes care of that.
🗣Favorite line:
"In middle school I played against you once. And lost. I was so frustrated that I continued practicing even after I retired…. And then when I entered high school, hell yeah, I laughed. The guy I vowed to defeat no matter what was standing right in front of me as one of my own teammates. But now it's pointless to hold a grudge. Rather, I wanted to make you recognize me."
Perfect mix of humor and focus.
🤝 brOTP: Shinchan , it's easy.
🫶 OTP: I will repeat myself, but always Shintaro (I would gladly go to dinner with him, btw) .
🤌 nOTP: none in particular, I think the one with Kise is kind of random because they are both sunny characters and I don't honestly see much interaction.
🫣Random headcanon:
He's the kind of boyfriend who makes you late everywhere because he can't resist doing some teasing to you while you're getting ready for the evening. He hides your lipstick, your shoes, just to have an excuse to snuggle a little. But you arrive late everywhere.
👩‍🔧Unpopular opinion: he is not Midorima's little slave is just a good friend.
👨‍🎤A song for him:
"Snow" by red hot chili peppers . I think Takao is a person who can see facts and judge them fairly, but at the same time he hates dualism and trying to hide things. In the song "snow" is the differential factor that obscures reality and idealism. As more "snow" accumulates, the less we know about the nature of what's beneath the "snow."
🤳 Fav. photo:
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🚨🚨 Those eyes... 🚨🚨
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gretasworld · 1 year
listen you have every right to hate gay people or whatever but my brother in christ. why are you doing on it a website where 90% of the content is gay ships
Join us. Against wokeism. We are sick of it. 🙏
👉 This Tumblr platform is a big polluter of franchises by virtue of some bullshit fanart. The stuff put out here spreads faster than wild fire and ruins the overall impression of otherwise wonderful things. The weird stuff posted (of any franchise) by folks here, leaks on rest of the Internet by appearing on people's simple google search list. It is very bothersome to folks who donot want to see tumblr shit in their Google search. Tumbr needs to be more like Facebook in this case.
😒 My brother, did you know who makes gay ships and gay fanfiction? It is 80 percent time straight girls. Here is the truth. Straight girls fetishize male characters and ship them for sexual entertainment. If you didnot know it before, now you do. Do you also know the reason straight fan girls donot like heterosexual ships ? Because watching their favorite male fictional character with another female fictional character causes them jealousy? Is it not straight up lunacy that you get jealous of hand drawn fictional females that you decide to ship your male with another male 😆. Straight fan girls are NO fans brother. Ships are not real bro. Ships are fetish porn made by girls for girls.
👉 Agreed this platform has weird ships and mostly queer crowd but whoever said this platform have to remain full of them ? It is high time the majority start using this platform and speak their takes. Why are you not doing that ? ?
👉Listen, I donot hate rainbow folks ok unless they personally bother me. Let them do what they want and die. I donot care. What I donot like and what my ID is for is to tell against the woke washing of source materials by the left leaning corporations.
👍It is totally fine if cartoons and movies and games create original rainbow characters and install them into entertainment,make original shows with them as lead. I am cool with that.
❌But I am totally against it that Hollywood and other entertainment media as well as lgbt promoting websites are gaywashing straight characters that won over hearts of us. One person gave me logic that gaywashing straight characters will boost inclusion and make world tolerant place and save suicide rates LOL 😆. It will not. To reduce suicide rates of rainbows by angering and aggravating the majority, the status quo ? No this is not the proper way of comforting rainbows by stripping our things away and humiliating greater culture.
I am not Christian btw but thanks for asking.
✋ For the record, it is not just Christians who protest this. It is other religious groups too and other countries and cultures as well. Its not just a Christian thing. Its a universal thing.
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More on Echo Gecko (Seto Adopts Jaden AU stuff) based on @strangevol and I's talk. Because honestly she's not given much of a character in Canon so let's give her one 👍
Echo likes snakes but Adrian is vehemently against her getting one but she has a pet frog named Merriweather. Adrian... Tolerates Merriweather.
Adrian overall has won more duals than his sister against others, but against each other she has one more win than him and holds it over his head.
Echo is Bi, she came out very casually just oh BTW I'm bi I've got a dare tomorrow and I've got a pet frog. Everyone's supportive, Adrian was more annoyed she hadn't told him about her date till now. He judges all her crushes as plz you can do better than that, you're too good for them (shocker he cares.)
Speaking of frogs she has a frog themed deck.
Echo steals Adrian's boots because they are comfortable. When she was younger she used to run around in high heeled boots powered by sheer stubbornness and can run in them it is terryfying.
She also definitely makes fun of him for just randomly stating the obvious. Infact they just (affectionaly) bully each other a lot, its how they show their affection.
Though Adrian's werid God complex does worry Echo at times, it's hard to tell when he's joking or not. She absolutely verbally ripped him to shreds when he unleashed Exodia, of course he couldn't actually sacrifice anyone because he got a heart but he put them all in danger and did something so stupid... And for what?
He will do all he can to make things right with her.
Echo and Zane both chill by the lighthouse together listening to music and watch the stars. She tends to rant at times but hes a good listener.
Echo also adores her baby brother, dotes on him and whenever anyone says he's like Adrian she just looks at Adrian like oof what happened.
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murumokirby360 · 3 years
My UGREEN USB Bluetooth Adapter Review (Recorded Video) - Part 3.5 [Jan 14, 2021]
Here’s my part 3.5 of my UGREEN USB Bluetooth Adapter for my Windows PC.📶🖥️😊
In this half part of no. 3, I have another recorded video (from my Honor 8C phone 📲) where I discovered some sound differences from my Awei Y200 Bluetooth speaker, as well as my extended experience about it.🙂
BTW: My 2nd record video was passed the 100MB limit, unlike the first one.
If you haven’t seen my “Part 3″ then please [CLICK ME!].
*But before that, I want YOU… Yes you, which you’re reading my description. I want you to watch my recorded video first 📹📲 (as a observation) before you read the rest of my reaction experience. Hope you’re watching…
So without further ado, let’s get started:
My Experience: • (Now as you already done watching video.) You’ve already seen or watched my procedures about connecting Bluetooth using my UGREEN USB Bluetooth Adapter through Windows 10 PC from my Part 3,right? So, I’m just gonna skip ahead and turn on my Awei Y200 Bluetooth speaker anyways, once more.
•Now aside from the normal stereo of the Awei Y200, there’s another one right here when I clicked the upper option; in which you can see a selection of playback device. When I click the “Hands-Free AG Audio” of Awei Y200, the sound of it is very low quality as I describe; yet not my taste of that audio profile playback, so I revert to the original stereo one.
• So what is “Hands-Free AG Audio” you asked? Well according to this website [CLICK ME!]: “The two roles are called the Audio Gateway (AG), and Headset (HS) or Hands-Free (HF). The AG is typically a phone or computer that is connected to a remote data source. It controls the HS that acts as the remote microphone and speaker and includes commands to answer, hang up, ring, and control the volume.” Meaning that I can use my Bluetooth speaker as a audio remote? 😕 Hmmm... That’s sounds very something though.🤔 I tried, but it didn’t work so I’ll just sled by...
•My experience usage of UGREEN USB Bluetooth Adapter/Receiver connecting my Windows 10 PC through my Awei Y200 Bluetooth speaker was great, and I mean super duper GREAT 😁, than my old Lenovo laptop’s built-in Bluetooth before. I even tested out the range limit up to 10 to 20 meters distance from inside my house; as my Awei Bluetooth speaker can reach to the kitchen🔪🍳 and also my parents’ bedroom 🛏️ without any lost audio cuts (of sorts), while listening a relaxing music jazz on Youtube 🔊🎶. (Something that my Lenovo Laptop’s built-in Bluetooth didn’t exceeds the long range limit.) Even inside the bathroom or backyard can reach the audio sound of more than 20 meters distance, but it tends to lost audio; I have to be less than 20 meters limit though from connecting Bluetooth wireless with my speaker, because this is better than making more distance 📏.
• I also tested the touch buttons from my Awei Bluetooth speaker from a long 10 - 15 meter distance. I can play & pause the music/video ⏸️▶️, next & previous music track/video ⏮️⏭️ and even can adjust the volume sound from high to low 🔊🔉without reaching the mouse or keyboard ❌🖱️⌨️; the control of audio is right here on my Awei Bluetooth speaker! Plus I haven’t encountered some latency issues whatsoever while playing either music or video, and that’s a good thing.🙂👍
• The only con I found was inability to use microphone from my  Awei Bluetooth speaker ❌🎙️. I know, I tried to enabled the microphone for google search but it didn’t function for wireless variant. (Not to mention the phone icon from my Awei Bluetooth speaker was useless for Windows PC, only androids/iOS can use microphone and touch call.) So much for that...🤷‍♂️
• As for the gaming sound while playing some emulators and other games I have 🎮🖥️🎶🔊, it performs the same as before. 🙂👍
Overall: • I have to say, this USB Bluetooth Adapter from UGREEN is far more better than my old Lenovo Laptop’s built-in Bluetooth card. That old Bluetooth card just can’t handle the long range limit, and it has only less than 10 meters. UGREEN’s USB Bluetooth Adapter on the other hand exceeds up to 10 - 20 meters connection range limit thanks to the latest feature specs, and thank goodness I picked the right USB Bluetooth Adapter for my Windows 10 PC.😁
There’s so much to do for my UGREEN USB Bluetooth Adapter, and hopefully I will finish it this topic before I proceed or continue my other topic reviews. Once again, hope I will try some other wireless devices very soon.😊🎧🎮📱
Well, that’s all for now. If you want to see related posts about that, I’ll provide some links down below.↓😉
UGREEN USB Bluetooth Adapter: • Unopened parcel [Nov 9, 2020] • Revealing item (Recorded Video) [Nov 9, 2020] • Part 1 [Dec 5, 2020] • Part 2 [Dec 15, 2020] • Part 3 [Jan 14, 2021]
Tagged: @ftgxsee, @lordromulus90, @bryan360 @carmenramcat, @bytern, @gibsonfreak49
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