#genshin x reaader
beheaded-sweets · 5 days
I've read lots and I mean lots of SAGAU content. People have different interpretations, so here's mine! Well, at least an idea of it.
Tw: Brief mention of Tartag going bozonkers on murder, perhaps general creepy, very unorganized since this is just an initial idea
Alright, so MC can control characters but isn't aware the characters can understand whenever they speak or what their next plans are in the game.
This leads to the controlled characters making odd voice lines often.
Like Xiao? He'll be like, "Adepti aren't meant to follow orders from outsiders. But...I'll make an exception this time." And then he'll proceed to try and burst out as many crits as he possibly can.
But here's the thing. If MC doesn't have the character at all, they aren't aware of MC. So this leaves all the MC's and unobtained characters very confused when the ones that are being controlled starting mutter random bullshit about a deity.
The ones that are directly in MC's party of course are probably the worst in terms of their obsession and admirance. They'll always try to ruin pulls on the gacha, or try to sneak creepy ass voicelines once in a while.
For example, Tartaglia, "Being covered in blood is something I don't mind. As long as I get to serve you. You're my idol."
Also, depending on the character's personality, MC will get different buffs for gameplay.
For example, more lighthearted characters like Ganyu or Nilu will get buffs for passive things like drop rate or decreased item respawn time.
Meanwhile, aggressive characters go all for the buffs for battle. Crit Rate, Crit Atk, Elemental mastery. You know, the things you always ended up farming for.
Also, the more manipulative/conniving characters will affect your gacha pull rates. Other personality types can too, but these fuckers will refuse to let you have your pull.
Another thing I've thought of is how the characters' backgrounds affect how they view MC. More so on what kind of attraction to them.
Like the little kids obviously see MC as a guide or an older person to look up to.
The teenagers see them as either best friends or a first true crush kind of deal.
The young adults will most likely be romantically obsessed with MC, unless their backgrounds say otherwise. (Idk, hints that they're aro or something).
The archons and the older, non-human ones will often...feel entitled. They think that you should listen to their guidance or be grateful that they're in love with you. Because why else would you be so stuck on trying to use their power?
Anyway, that's all I have for now. This is just an initial idea. I hope to get some content out soon. On more specific characters to be exact.
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yourheart-inmyhands · 9 months
need me some kaveh content please... him with an s/o that's clumsy and gets hurt a lot! totally not talking about myself haha... that would be ridiculous...
don't worry, i'm equally as clumsy hehe, i get home from anything and have at least 5 new brusies :3c
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including being held against will, being locked in a room, being treated in a child-like manner, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Kaveh with a clumsy darling would be both good and bad! He’d be worried sick about you getting hurt, covering all sharp corners with some soft material, he makes sure all dangerous things like knives are locked up while he’s out of the house, he cuts up all your food into small bites so you don’t choke. It may feel like he’s treating you like a child, and while he sort of is, it isn’t intentional. He just doesn’t want to see you get hurt, you mean so much to him, he would do anything to keep you safe. If you do get hurt he’s immediately mother-hening you. He’s got you sat down while he fuses over whatever part of you got hurt, he over bandages it and insists you sit and take it easy for a while regardless of how big or small the injury may be. When he leaves for work, he makes sure you’re locked in your room for the day with some water and prepared snacks and food for you so that you don’t get hurt while he’s not there. When he’s home though, if you’ve been good, he allows you access into the rest of the house. And yes, he does finally do some hard work and buy his own place once he becomes obsessed with you.
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kzuhadovey · 2 years
sour grapes
➷ character: diluc ragvindr x reader ➷ type: angst ➷ warnings: - ➷ song rec: sour grapes, lesserafim
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“would you ever fall in love?”
diluc looks up from his paperwork, staring at you with an incredulous look.
you were splaid out on his couch, chewing on a strip of bubblegum. dawn winery was always where you hung out after doing commisions from the guild. it was a cool, humid place, perfect to take a nap or occasionally disturb diluc.
he was your work friend - at least, you consider him yours. he considers you to be mostly a disturbance in his work. you were dispatched to protect the dawn winery area, and with that came the task of protecting the owner himself. he was tall, buff, with hefty red hair. currently, it was tied up in a low ponytail, a hair or two ocasionally dropping down and blocking his eyesight. truly, it was a sight to behold, diluc ragvindr, tucking his hair behind his ears like a schoolgirl.
“what’s with the look, pretty boy?” you tease, shooting him a wink. at that, he immidiately ducks his head again, a faint blush on his cheeks. “answer the question!”
“i’m busy. stop disturbing me.”
you roll your eyes. busy my ass, you think. “come on, diluc. answer.” he cringes internally at the use of his first name, but he makes no effort to answer. at that, you roll your eyes - even harder, if that’s possible. “if you don’t answer, i’ll disturb you and you can’t do anything except listen to me talk.” you threaten, standing up and approaching diluc at his table. diluc looks at you, a little exhausted by your antics, but when you menacingly reach a hand out to take his pen, he raises his hand.
you pause, raising your eyebrow. “uh, okay, i’ll tell adelinde to bring you some grape-” diluc shakes his head firmly. “no. grapes… they’re sour. when you bite, juice spills out and - bleh.” so, yes to wine, but no to grapes. fun! “point is.” he exclamates his point by putting his finger on the table. “to me, love is exactly like that. no matter how hard you try, at the end of the day, grapes will always be sour.”
is he speaking from experience? it was a weird analogy. you blinked, still processing. “you done?” diluc asks, a bit curious on why you were silent. after another beat of silence, he coughs. “if you are, i’ll get to working now.” he quickly picks up his pen, ready to start scribbling on vicious notes on the newest intern’s report.
“you’re wrong.”
diluc looks up at you, half-surprised by your reply, half-exhausted-and-needs-to-do-his-work. “grapes aren’t all bad, honey. you literally own the greatest wine company in teyvat! you, of all people should know how sweet grapes can be, diluc. sure, once in a while you get a sour one, but that’s part of the fun, right? the satisfaction, once you find a perfectly sweet one.”
as you lean in closer, his heartbeat picks up and he can feel sweat trickle down his back. whoo, it’s hot, isn’t it? he gulps, trying to avoid eye contact with you. “don’t be scared to fall in love, pretty boy. after all, not every grape you eat’ll turn out to be sour.” you smile, and ugh, diluc’s heart feels like it’s beating in his stomach.
“shit! i have a meeting at the knights’ headquarters - jean’s going to be so mad if i’m late.” you suddenly exclaim, making diluc shift in his seat. you quickly gather your things, and finally, you say goodbye. “i’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” you don’t wait for his response as you rush out the door. it seemed like diluc was lucky today. his heart finally slows down, and he can control his breathing. from his office, he can hear you greeting tunner with a chipper tone. at the sound of you going “drink your medicine, old man!”, he smiles, an unknowing blush forming on his face.
hm, maybe you were right.
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