#gay mutant husbands living on Genosha
roosterbox · 1 year
Fic Rec Friday 5/12/23
Title: You walked into my life like you had always lived there
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandoms: X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Movieverse)
Relationship: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier
Characters: Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier
Additional Tags: Getting Together, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Genosha, Post-X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019), Charles Xavier Needs a Hug, Erik is a Sweetheart, Erik Has Feelings, Charles is emotionally hurt, Cherik - Freeform
Summary: Charles has resigned himself to a life alone in Paris, but he might be surprised by a visit from an "old friend"...
Will they get another chance to reach happiness?
Cherik. Oh Cherik, my love, my heart. I could sing of how I adore thee for forever and a day. But for now, I will instead talk about another beautiful fic.
I love a good Life on Genosha continuation of the canon Dark Phoenix ending. It’s such a natural progression, and the simmering feelings here are just uuuuuuugh. So good. The characters are written perfectly, and you can see the growth there, if you remember them how they were in the beginning (aka in First Class); it’s been thirty years (approximately) since then, and they’ve both lived through much, and learned harsh lessons. But the love? It’s always been there, and it shines brightly despite everything.
The Jane Eyre reference is amazing, both from a meta standpoint (almost wanted Charles to muse about how similar he finds Erik to Mr. Rochester, lol) and also just from an emotional one. That bit where they talk about it, and Charles starts to cry? My hearrrrrrt.
Also, y’all know I’m always here for some non-English endearments, lol.
This fic, like Charles and Erik (and Cherik itself), is gorgeous. Highly recommended.
Next Week: Steddie time again! And it’s an angsty one this time, hehe. That’s right, I can branch off from fluff sometimes! Never mind the fact that the hurt is quickly followed by a lot of comfort; I’m not gonna branch out THAT much.
Have a nice week! See you soon ❤️
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Ngl as a veteran Cherik shipper, Charles Xavier apologist, and someone who watched the '92 X-Men animated series, I kind of assumed going into the '97 series that Charles' death/'death' was a known 'ruse,' borne not just from the Shi'ar having the technology to keep him alive following Gyrich's assassination attempt, but also from the logic of keeping him safe/protected going forward. If some of the veteran X-Men didn't 'know' (although I question how that's possible at least with Jean) that he survived, then I figured Magneto surely did, hence Charles willing his legacy to his mutant husband. Charles seemed fully aware while still living amongst the Shi'ar of the ongoing developments regarding Genosha, almost certainly, I assumed, because it was his and Magneto's passion project. I didn't NOT expect Magneto to be jelly of Lilandra - that's part of the fun/'fun' of Cherik's dynamic, after all - but I did assume/hope that their reunion would be more of a reunion and less essentially blaming Charles for all of mutantdom's past and/or current woes.
Some choice bits from the "Graduation Day" series finale of the original X-Men animated series to 'prove' my point(s). Context: Magneto's magnetism is the only way to give the dying Xavier the energy to contact Lilandra using their "unique, personal, telepathic bond" so that he can be saved using "the superior technology of the Shi'ar," though Magneto is busy gathering mutants on Genosha.
"Don't you get it? Xavier was about as normal as we mutants get. He was famous, rich, and human-looking, and someone went after him in front of the whole world."
"Xavier ... dying? [...] A sad ending to a great life. Out of respect for Charles Xavier, I will let you all live."
A huffy Magneto, after Jean asks him, "How much do you love Charles Xavier?": "How dare you ask me such a question? He was my only equal. I owe him my life."
Jean, redux: "What would you do if you knew you were the only one on Earth who could save his life?" [Magneto: "Do not play games with me!"] Jean: "LIsten to me: A telepathic message to Lilandra is Xavier's only hope. You may be able to supercharge his mind just like you did mine. His brain waves are electromagnetic." [Magneto: "You lie to torture me."]
Scott has to weigh in, of course: "You know what you should do." [Magneto: My greatest enemy, and perhaps my only friend. But I have waited all my life for this moment!"] Scott: "Wouldn't he do it for you?"
Instructions given to Magneto when he arrives at the school: "Focus your magnetic powers on his brain waves and increase them in gradual increments. Though beware: If he should pass away while connected to you, the psychic stress may destroy you as well."
Charles (in bed [heh heh]): "Hello, Magnus. Surely you have more pressing business to attend to than nursing an old friend." [Magneto: "Nothing more important."]
Xavier's students are told that Charles "will survive," but "only under Shi'ar care": "I know you cannot bear to see him go, but it is the only way." Then, when asked whether Charles can "ever come back": "Perhaps not in body, my children, but my spirit shall remain among you where it was always meant to be."
TL;DR: I'm not saying Charles and Erik/Magnus becoming Chancellors of Genosha together after probably using Bastion / Mister Sinister / Jean / Madelyne / etc. to 'fix' / reverse the damage from the recent staged terrorist attack and then Marvel allowing them to get married (extremely belatedly) just in time for Pride Month is the only appropriate way to end season one of X-Men 97, but ... we're so close to an extremely gay Cherik reconciliation and validation since the '60s, and yet still so far away.
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