nicstylus · 1 month
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Shout out to Ventus, because if you pay me to draw Skulduggery Pleasant content, I will love you forever
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valkyriehaluki · 2 years
Tanith: I love you.
Ghastly: I love you too. I've waited so long to
hear you say that.
*Ghastly and Tanith kiss passionately*
Valkyrie, to Skulduggery : You owe me £20
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facelessxchurch · 7 months
Baronpine and/or Sorrowscorn for the ship bingo please
Imma do Sorrowscorn bc someone else already asked for Baronpine!
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Surprisingly enough this is my first Bingo! :D I already filled out the other bingo cards but I'm answering these in the order of what is fasted to draw/answer.
I can make it so fucked up/Colour me intrigued: Self-explanatory. Just, the tension in each interaction, and them being the very definition of kill me romantically. Just everything is personal with them. Eliza can't decide if she wants to kill China, be her or fuck her. Meanwhile, Eliza is a reminder of a past and her old self which she both really rather leave behind. Since they were both part of the Faceless Church, their idea of romance back then has the potential to be so messed up and I do love some (self)destructive love archetypes <3
They're exes: Landy did Eliza so dirty by writing her as the biter ex archetype and giving her like no other personality traits. Even her name is based on that! Scorn -> "Hell has no fury like a woman scorned"
Basically canon to me: And then he has the audacity to claim he never admitted China and Eliza were canonly a thing during the war. There is a reason Sorrowscorn was considered a canonship along with Ganith for the longest time. But he either deleted the tweet or it was an answer on the SP forums which have been shut down by now.
They're the same fucking guy: Landy also did her dirty by making her the colour-swapped, lesser version of China. She, like China, has the ability to make anyone she comes across fall instantly in love with her, though it is established that this power is not as strong as China's, she is a rival collector and information broker to China and she very likely also chose symbol magic as her adept discipline as the glowing daggers she threw seem very similar to what China was shown to be able to do with her sigils. Her personality is also pretty much just wartime China. Since she is the weaker of the two she was very likely the one copying China instead of developing her own strengths and weaknesses. This shows a weakness of character that puts her in a power imbalance with China and also prevents her to climb the ranks of the Faceless church beyond her current position.
Fated Enemies/There is no way this will end well: And that's why their relationship could never last. That's why she could never be more than China's plaything. Seeing so much of herself in Eliza fed her ego and narcissism. She loved herself so of course she would love someone so much like herself. But when she changed and Eliza didn't...
They Enable the worst in each other: Accurate for both wartimes, pushing each other into new extremes since they are rivals as much as lovers trying to impress each other. In the present day, as enemies, Elize definitely brought out China's old 'sharp' self while they were fighting each other.
In a relationship not sure what the relationship is but they are in one: Self-explanatory.
Oh, the devotion/inherit eroticism of attempted murder: 👀👀👀👀
Thematically delicious: Ngl I have a thing for relationships doomed from the start. During the war they were birds of a feather. She found kin in Eliza since she has the same curse ability to make people fall in love with her. Finally, she has someone who understands the hardships that effect brings, finally, someone is immune to it, and finally someone's feelings are real. Now, China is a fallen idol in Eliza's eyes. Someone who she looked up to and wanted to be like now no more than a traitor. Not only did she abandon the church, she had abandoned HER too. And she hates the fact that she knows she would forgive China in an instant would she return to her. To China Eliza is a reminder of a past and an old self she'd rather leave behind. Landy said in a tweet that Eliza would kill China eventually (that was before phase 2 was announced and I think he deleted that tweet) but I think it would be more fitting if China would kill Eliza and quite frankly, Eliza would have it no other way.
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maidofdarkness23 · 5 months
21 and 18? for the violence asks?
It's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
The Fletcher and Valkyrie sibling dynamic potential. Think about it, after they broke up and built their way back up to being friends, they'd be so sibling-coded. (I think about this daily). Like imagine Fletcher forcing mandatory visits during Valkyrie's self-isolation; teleporting into her house once a week to remind her that he exists (I genuinely do make my presence known to my brother once a week because of how rarely we see each other. Imagine the conversation after Valkyrie starts dating Militsa! ("My co-worker?! My friend?! VALKYRIE GET BACK HERE!!!") It's slept on.
Part of canon you think is overhyped
See this is the thing I like about the SP books and fandom. There are so many characters and relationships that there's something different for everyone. I don't think anything is overly hyped up. But for the sake of the ask, I'd say Ganith? Idk really, it's probably one of the longest standing things that people have collectively agreed on? I'm not sure.
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Yeh mohabbat ka Ganith hain yaaro
Yaha do mein se ek gaya
Toh kuch nahi bachta
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tanzani-coil · 4 years
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Listen I know I’m more than ten years late to the party but I finally have some some Ghanith because they deserved so?? much?? better??
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shirecryptid · 3 years
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↳  GANITH  from  the Skulduggery Pleasant series ( 1/8 )
tanith frowned. “ are you asking me on a date? ” “ i think so, yes. will you have dinner with me? ” tanith smiled the most beautiful smile.  “ i’d love to, ”  she said. she laid a hand on his chest, tapped her fingers on his collarbones, and the clear skin retracted. once his scars were revealed, tanith kissed him, once, on the lips.  “ i like steak, ”  she said.   “ can’t go wrong with steak. ”
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dramaqueen243 · 4 years
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“Ghastly grabbed her and Tanith cried out “bloody hell, that hurts!” “I don’t care,” said Ghastly, and he pulled her into him and they kissed, long and hard.” -skulduggery pleasant the last stand of dead men
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fleeting-ghosts-art · 7 years
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So here’s my Ganith fanart in full quality!
Please do not alter or repost! :)
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"You can't keep a dead man down" Okay, let's talk about this, shall we. Now by "dead man" does Derek mean litterally a dead man, like Skulduggery; or a dead member of the dead men, like Ghastly?! Now if he means Skulduggery, that COULD possibly mean that he will somehow get him old face back. Which will lead to new opportunities and possibly to Valduggery becoming canon. But as much as I'd like that to happen I prefer the idea that Ghastly might be resurrected. Because, well more Ghastly! All I really hope for the knew book Is for Skulduggery to stay a Skeleton, because I don't think it will be the same, but I want Valduggery to be canon and Ghastly to come back.
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staggbones · 3 years
Ganith (guh-an-ith)
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slurrmp · 5 years
skulduggery pleasant for the fandom ask?
                                      give me a fandom and i’ll tell you
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Favorite Male Character: erskine ravel (lbr it was never going to be skulduggery, because tbh he’s a bit of an asshole, but like ravel hardly gets any love and yes i know WHY he doesn’t but the poor man deserved better.)
Favorite Female Character: valkyrie cain (come on anyone who knows me, knows that val is my girlfriend and also because i saw a LOT of myself in her when i was younger.)
Least Favorite Character: militsa gnosis(this ... is partly due to some instances in the fandom. also bc she was a dick to val when they first met and everyone was just ... ooo they date now.)
Favorite Ship: ganith (god the ship that deserved more) erskine/val & valduggery
Favorite Friendship: valkyrie & ghastly (hello ? he looked after her a little better than skul ever did. told her to leave this life as soon as she joined and wow that’s friendship right there.)
Favorite Quote: “We have mysteries to solve, and adventures to undertake, and I need my partner looking dapper at my side.“there’s too many to count holy moly (most of them are valduggery but like the one where val only agrees to go to the sanctuary bc ravel was going to be there. that one is g r e a t)
Worst Character Death (if any): (((((((((((((((((((((((: ghastly
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment: oh god uhm the moment where skul sings val to sleep, like hello ??
Saddest Moment: ((((((((((((((( : quiet possibly everything after book 7, but tbh in spx where corrupted skul and val fight.
Favorite Location: oh i love valkyrie’s bedroom in her parents house, so many things happen in that location.
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pixtolsandqueens · 6 years
Tagged by: ( @tigerofthestars ) Tagging: Everyone who wants to do it.
repost, do not reblog.
name / “Rosanalii Alesandriia Denali) are you single ? “Yes.” are you happy ? “Sometimes..” are you angry ?  “Not if I can help it.” are your parents still married ? “Yes, though their duties keep them apart.”
birth place / “Ayurian Capital, Yfloris.” hair colour / “Black fur all through.” eye colour / “Green.” birthday / “The closest date to my actual birthday would be October 31st or...Halloween.” Mood / “A bit scattered, but otherwise ok.” Gender / “Cis female.” summer or winter / “Summer.” morning or afternoon / “Afternoon, it feels nice to sunbathe then)
are you in love? “Sometimes I wish I was..” you believe in love at first sight ? “Depends.” who ended your last relationship ? “I did.” have you ever broken someone’s heart ? “Yeah.” are you afraid of commitment ? “No. Never really have been.” have you hugged someone within the last week ? “...A lot of people..” have you ever had a secret admirer ? “Not that I’m aware of...Then again the Palace tends to swallow letters so...” have you ever broken your own heart ? “...Yes.”
love or lust / “Love. I try not to go for Lust...doesn’t always work.” lemonade or ice tea / “I’m a heathen who likes both.” cats or dogs / “....Cats..” a few best friends or many regular friends / “Both.” wild night out or romantic night in / “Both. Honestly if you have a favorite place, take me there. I love seeing stuff...but staying home is just as nice.” day or night / “Night. I love seeing the moon and starts..”
been caught sneaking out / “Yep. I clibed up a tree in the Gardens to play with the other kits my age.” fallen down / up the stairs / “Yep. Not my most graceful moment..”  wanted something / someone so badly it hurt ? “Yes...but I also know when to let go...even if it hurts more.” wanted to disappear / “Nope. Mostly out of my own spite.”
“Etofa vaba dov vevmo yo ganith? Etofor jajo vaba sabith.”
smile or eyes / “Boooth.” fat or skinny / “Honestly everyone is beautiful regardless of size.” shorter or taller / “Refer to the previous question.” intelligence or attraction / “Both once again.” hook - up or relationship / “Hook ups. Very few are brave enough to start a relationship with an Imperial.”
do you and your family get along ? “My father and siblings I get along with. My mother and I...not so much.” would you say you have a “ messed up life ” ? “For me? Yes. I wish I was a little..less than an Imperial,,: have you ever ran away from home ? “Yeah...why do you think I’m here and not there?” have you ever gotten kicked out ? “No. Though Mother tried.”
do you secretly hate one of your friends ? “No. If I had hated them they’d be dead.”
do you consider all your friends good friends ? “Not always..but I try.” who is your best friend? “Izzie by far. She’s like a little sister to me..I miss her.” who knows everything about you ? “The one who did was my late husband...he’s...gone now..”
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mamatatulluri · 4 years
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Ms. @ravalichoudhary just happened to come across our work while scrolling through her Instagram one day. With her brother-in-law's wedding round the corner, she got in touch with us and things got rolling soon. After a series of interactions, we designed a smart, ethnic sherwani for her husband, Ganith and blouse ensemble for Ravali. They loved our work and we enjoyed working with them too. The couple looked truly spectacular and we thank them for sharing their pictures.
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letschandrablog · 6 years
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Suicide note Subject : If you are not interfear in my matters and wouldn't help me I will... Description: I am Killo. Chandra Mohan from a tribal community and belongs to the chinthapalle of Visakhapatnam district. I failed to get all aspects due to my poor financial and health conditions. I noticed about it to all government officials, Chief Minister of AP and Prime Minister of INDIA. But, no one respond to my compliant. I'm a scientist and inventor of the things. I invented below. 1.planetary clock which is very useful in the education. Watch it (https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=share&v=TbOtATQ85iw) 2. Non stop train technology for the train transportation. Watch it (https://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?a=i8nzDHH2oYI&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Djjeyapnc67A%26feature%3Dshare) 3.The launching pad technology for useful in the rocket science. 4. World countries famous face books and some persons and things it's project reports aviable.(Note see www.YouTube.com/chandra305 ) 5. World's first ancient tribal language CALISTAMOSESS and written above 600 world famous names also. (Note see. instagram : @himuje, Twitter : chandra 10000 and face book : chandra mohan ) 6. Chandra Agriculture: it's the help remove poverty from the earth. Watch it on 1.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqYPy_wbkhM). 7. AKSHAYA natural Air pollution reducer. It's help to filter Air and gives Good oxygen to us. Now I'm draining many useful items in my brain. Because of, I am not moving anywhere and no financial assistance. And I wrote many books and I published in Amazon.com kindle. 1.Adventures of ganith. 2.who is the best god 3.planetary clock. I'm married and have three children. I am unfit to do work with my nervous weakness. I'm a poor, no income and no assets. Now, I'm spending my life without food. My family members are looking to rid off me. Because of, I have no money. Conclusion : if you help me out of the my financial situation and health condition, I would thank of you. You should help me to sell my items, projects and ideas I would rid off to my financial crisis. Otherwise I would die . (at Chintapalle)
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robobee · 9 years
adele is playing on my computer and im browsing the ghanith tag and i literally looked at two posts and i m c r y i n g the power of Adele means someone who didnt even cry at any point in the series (eVEN when ghastly died) and is quite emotionally constipated is straight up hyperventilating and nearly crying oh god why
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