#g/t comfort
narrans · 2 days
My Borrowed Son | 16 | Friends and Curiosities
Chapter Sixteen | Friends and Curiosities
Parker couldn’t believe it. Within such a short amount of time, he suddenly had a dozen followers and friends on his page.
Sure, he didn’t know them personally, but everyone was welcoming and polite – two things he was eager to report to his mom when she expressed concern. The miniscule boy also made sure his mom knew he was being safe, not giving out too much personal information, and that the topic of his condition hadn’t even been brought up.
One person commented on his profile picture being interesting, which was a picture of Parker standing in front of his computer screen, but he just explained it was a background and that he wanted to showcase the platform he was publishing on. Karl was the kid’s name, and evidently he and Parker were the same age.
All in all, Parker was pleased with his interactions and the people he was meeting. Lots of them had advice and things for him to check out, and he liked all of the things he was seeing.
There were sketches of space and vast mountains as well as the everyday interactions. There were hundreds of stories from writers just like him.
It felt nice. It felt like some kind of community with people supporting and helping one another. A sense of satisfaction filled the young teen every time he checked his notifications and saw he was getting the chance to meet someone new.
“Just look here, mom,” said Parker eagerly as he showed his mom the latest post he made. “It has almost fifteen likes!” He looked up into his mom’s features and saw her beaming with pride.
“That’s so great, Parker,” she complemented. “Are you going to post your latest story from Mr. Tamplin’s class?”
“I… think so. I don’t know yet though. It doesn’t feel done,” he replied, feeling his cheeks getting warm. The latest story he came up with for Mr. Tamplin’s class was a fiction fantasy story about a sprite named Tal’el. It essentially was his backstory for the Dungeons and Dragons campaign he and his friends started.
Basically, he was a small fairy-like person who was a poison master for his people until he decided he wanted to go out adventuring and exploring. The Dungeon Game Master said it was fine if he played a smaller character, thankfully not questioning why he would want to do such a thing and found a special class for him to play as.
The story actually won a young adult author award for his class and Parker had Mr. Tamplin to thank since it was he who tutored him through his writing slumps. He was now refining it for his literature class.
“Well, don’t be scared to post it sweetie. You’re such a great writer and can do whatever you set your mind to,” encouraged his mom. “Now before you get sucked into checking your notifications, finish your homework and get ready for bed. You have a long day tomorrow.”
“Yes, momma,” Parker replied, rolling his screen back into place in the main area. The structure walls rumbled as his mom closed the outside walls to his home. It was hard to believe it had been a whole month since he “moved in” to this new space.
Parker loved it, in a weird way.
Not to sound ungrateful, but having his own space to roam around, especially in a space that felt suited to him, made him feel just a little bit normal. He liked that he was usually at eye-level with his mom instead of having her loom over him. Just the thought made him shudder involuntarily, and he wasn’t sure why.
It made him feel guilty every time the sensation seized him.
But, now was not the time to dwell on that. It was time for bed.
Parker walked into his room and rummaged through his dresser to find his oversized space t-shirt and elastic band sleep shorts. Then, he went back to the computer and finished submitting his assignments. The words filled the page and Parker hoped that his paper on the evolution of technology was going to be good enough to get him the grade he needed.
Parker’s other assignments were a breeze. Math was simple enough and the biology project about documenting the growth of plants was going smoothly. It was his other project, his story for his literature course, that he was worried about. It was his same story that he was using for his channel, but it was more a mild fear of rejection and lack of perfection.
His online friends liked it, but would his teacher? His followers?
Parker sighed and leaned against the wall before slinking down further into the chair. His eyes focused on the blinking line in front of him as he stared at the end of the fifth chapter he had been editing. Something about this story felt particularly personal, but Parker remembered hearing once about how writers put more of themselves than they’re aware of when they’re making characters and stories.
Perhaps this was just part of that feeling?
The teen sighed and stretched when, suddenly, his lights flickered up above him.
Confusion injected itself into his mind as he stared at the wired lights on the ceiling. His eyes flicked over to the wall switch.
Perhaps just a fluke?
The notion was dismissed when the lights flickered two more times, all of his lights dimming and glowing systematically.
Something raised the hair on the back of Parker’s neck. He felt like he was on pins and needles, the anticipation of a drop while suspended in mid-air. Cautiously, the curious teen stood up and walked over to the switch, examining it closely.
It was still up and wasn’t jiggling or loose.
The lights flickered again.
It felt like he was in a spooky movie, of which Parker had only ever seen one in his life along with a couple of older “thrillers” like Alien and Jaws. Even those movies were censored because his mom didn’t want him to get too spooked.
Was there something wrong with the plug?
Parker glanced at the window at the back by the stairs and, just for a moment, he could have sworn he saw something.
It looked like the quick flick of a shadow.
It was quick and Parker wasn’t even sure if he knew what he saw. He did just step out of his room after all, and he had been staring at his computer screen, which he knew sometimes made shadows appear when there weren’t any.
He held deathly still, his entire body locking up like a perfect figurine. His body fell naturally into the position as he slowly crouched and laid his hand against the floor, as if he could detect any trembling or motion.
He didn’t get a chance to investigate for long though. Before he could make his way to the stairs in his crouched position, there was a knock on the table that made Parker nearly jump out of his skin.
“Parker? Are you going to bed soon?” Parker’s entire body shivered as he pushed himself upright and heaved in a few deep breaths. Every nerve in his body felt electrified. While his heart continued to thrum rapidly, he cleared his throat and called over his shoulder to his mom as the sides of the walls began to open.
“Y-y-yeah, mom. I’m ready for bed,” said Parker. He glanced up at the lights stayed on without the slightest hint of a flicker. The walls opened fully and, instantly, Parker saw his mom’s brow furrow quizzically.
“Everything okay? You look a bit pale,” she said. The maternal instinct in Amanda kicked in and she reached forward and pressed the tip of her finger against Parker’s forehead. He shied away from it, which was typical teenage behavior, but something else felt off about Parker that Amanda couldn’t quite place.
“Y-yeah. I’m fine. I just…” Parker stopped short. It felt like something physically squirmed in his mind, preventing him from saying something about the shadow and the lights. He shook the notion loose, confused as to why this instinct flared up in him, and proceeded with his thought. “I just saw the lights flicker and got spooked.”
“Oh?” Amanda replied as she glanced over and looked down at the power strip that fed electricity into Parker’s Place. Nothing looked off about it to her, but she still knelt and glanced around the ground.
Still nothing.
“Well,” she sighed as she stood and walked back over to the front of Parker’s tiny home. “I don’t see anything. It looks like it’s all plugged in, but we’ll check on it tomorrow. Okay? For now, it’s bedtime.”
“Yes, momma,” replied Parker as he walked up to the edge and accepted the kiss on his torso that his mom gave him. With that, Amanda smiled and watched as Parker curled under the blankets, forming an almost imperceptible lump in the bed. “Goodnight momma. I love you.”
“I love you too, Parker. Sweet dreams my love.” Amanda closed the walls and secured them tightly before tiptoeing out of the room and to her own room to turn in for the night.
Just in the other room, Parker laid there with his heart still fluttering nervously. Everything in him was still on edge, and the curiosity of what was going on with his lights was really bothering him. Parker enjoyed a good mystery or puzzle, but he generally liked ones he could solve.
This one wasn’t solved yet.
For what felt like a couple of hours, Parker tossed and turned in his bed as a mixture of homework assignments and curiosities about the power outlet swirled like a mist in his mind. The more the young teen thought, the more it annoyed him that he didn’t have the answers.
He had had enough.
Parker pushed himself up and decided to go and check out the source of the flickering lights. If it was a cable going bad or possibly the breaker being loose, he needed to get a new one as soon as possible. It would be terrible if he was in class and his power went out. His mom said they would do it in the morning, but Parker knew himself; and he knew he couldn’t sleep if he didn’t at least go and see it for himself.
He couldn’t afford to not check it out with his presentation tomorrow.
The teen stepped noiselessly through his house and exited the front door. As he walked around, he noticed a few things that just seemed, in a word, natural.
Sound was amplified. The darkness in the corners of the room seemed brighter. He could feel every tremble in the desk from his footsteps.
As he made it outside, a choice presented itself to him. For a moment, he considered going down the climbing line he installed himself on the backside of the desk.
But he knew if he slipped on the rope and got hurt, which he never did, his mom would make him take down the line.
He decided to risk it.
It was late. She was asleep. Parker was as sure footed as a goat and knew he would be fine all the way down. The temptation was also too great for the teen to resist. Plus, it would be a lot faster.
There was something about the experience that was, in a word, liberating. The free fall. The catch. The feel of the rope in between his fingers.
It felt natural.
The urge to climb and fall and hide never failed to fascinate parker. Whether it was something his condition genetically programmed him to do so or if it was some personality trait he possessed, he didn’t know.
What he did know was the sensation was addictive and he was itching for a good climb.
Parker snagged the line in between his fingers and leaned over the edge of the desk. There was a mild sense of vertigo that swelled inside him, but he loved it. The weightlessness seized him as he let himself slip over the edge, hands and feet firmly in place and secured on the line.
The line burned against the teen’s palms and against his legs as he quickly descended. It felt like something a secret agent would do, and it felt epic.
The moment Parker’s feet hit the ground, he felt himself instinctually look around and crouch low. Silently, he stepped across the planks of wood that constructed the floor and walked toward the power strip that was only a few feet away. The whole thing was four times Parker’s size, but he navigated through the wires with ease.
His hands worked quickly to check the buttons and reset panels, and the teen could find nothing wrong with any of it.
Perhaps something is up with the electrical cover in the wall? Parker wondered silently. He jumped over the stiff cord that led to the wall and approached the trim on the wall which had small notches in it, so he didn’t need to snag a ladder.
As he approached, Parker noticed something by the very base of the electrical cover that made his hair stand on end.
It was a drill bit.
Flat head.
It was a tad bit rusty, and Parker didn’t recognize it from his mom’s kit that she used to help construct his space. He approached and picked it up, realizing it wasn’t as heavy as he thought it would be. In his hands, it was about twice the size of the drill that his mom used, and he realized he could probably carry it around easy enough; but where did it come from?
I don’t think this is mom’s drill bit. How’d it get here?
Parker glanced up at the electrical cover and felt his heart skip a beat as he noticed the screw for the wall socket was protruding from the wall ever so slightly.
His entire body was shaking now, but he wasn’t sure why.
Had his mom messed with the electrical cover with some old tools that she forgot about?
It didn’t seem like her.
Parker stepped up on the trim, balancing precariously and using the cord to stabilize himself, as he pushed on the very bottom of the electrical cover.
With almost no effort, the piece wiggled free and the screw clattered to the ground. The end looked a lot shorter than the others. He knew because he helped his mom replace the covers a few weeks ago.
The young teen took a few deep breaths to calm himself before he dared to peek inside. Engulfing darkness belonging to the wall consumed his vision. There was something exciting and enticing about the darkness in front of him.
It felt, in a word, familiar.
But why?
Parker felt his head beginning to throb as his mind stirred some fragmented memory, but it was hazy and distant.
What really set the teen on edge, however, was when he dared to push himself up onto the ledge to peer better into the wall and noticed something else that made his insides fill with nervous energy.
There was something that looked like a pencil mark. Two lines with a triangle on top followed by a little check mark on the inside. To Parker, it looked like a kid’s drawing of a house with a check mark inside of it.
Was this something his mom did?
Or was this some kind of construction mark?
What was this?
What did it mean?
The teen stared at the marks and then back to the darkness of the wall. Just like the shadows of the room when he stepped out of his house, the looming abyss of those narrow spaces between the walls didn’t seem very dark. It almost seemed inviting.
There was something about that confined space between the drywall and the studs and exterior boards that made Parker feel like he was back in his space. It was familiar.
But why?
Parker hadn’t realized that he had been learning forward to the point where he was barely hanging onto the edge of the electrical cover and leaning into the walls. It took the sound of his foot skidding against the wood and nearly tumbling headfirst into the space in front of him.
Startled and shaken, Parker pulled himself back out of the entryway into the walls, forced the electrical cover back onto its perch, and hurried back to his room. He was in such a tizzy, the young teen didn’t even realize he had gone straight to the secured line he left and climbed up it in record time, ignoring the staircase mere feet away.
His little feet barely made noise as he scurried back to his room, securing the door and slipping under his covers without so much as a squeak.
Parker’s mind was racing. What was that he just saw? And what was that weird draw he had toward the walls?
Hopefully, his mom would have the answers.
First thing in the morning, he would ask her. She would make everything better, right?
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azuldoodles · 4 months
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Too shy
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call-me-reynolds · 7 days
Thinkin' about Giants being the little spoon when they're sleeping with the Tiny
And the Tiny is just like "Yeah Big Guy Imma stretch my arms as much as I can"
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blue-carrot10 · 1 month
Decided to do that little thing:'3
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todoabi · 4 months
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Comforting cuddles
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bliuu · 4 months
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There is no worry, not when I'm in your palm caught off guard and absolutely stunned by your calmness.
It's too loud- for my comfort,
Hide me from this world, let the warmth of yours surround the stiff and cold shell I call the body of my own.
I get so worried but you understand, goodness, you're fascinating please understand.
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0swifttz0 · 11 days
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A treacherous journey for our little tiny friends as they fight the enemies, must be prepared for the worst and gear up and be grave!
While our giant friends hope to roll good, critital rolls so our tiny friends don't face death.
Always fun to do a dnd session! Well never Hage done one though, the idea of a G/T Dnd session sounds awesome. Who else would be interested in doing a session like that? :3
People in the drawings are @lilyunad @diegogtratty @maniakmonkey @oversized-writer
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demonicfreakish · 3 months
"I'll keep you warm...I'll keep you safe..."
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Older art but I need to get back to it sometime~ Gotta love it when your giant love interest is a gentleman and gives you a break while he walks you back home~ Extra feels points if he lets you sleep on his tongue if he's gentle~ Some art from an old AU running on 5 years now. Clyide does have a feral AU version of himself. I just rarely show it LOL. But his mask from the previous versions was outdated, so I did update how he looks now. But yee no matter what- He will always care about his little Rosebud~
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Let’s say… hypothetically… Zuko would end up tasting the tiny he takes care of 👀 how would that happen?
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Okay yeah it is.
REMINDER TO ANYONE READING THIS THAT THIS IS STRICTLY SFW. DO NOT MAKE THIS WEIRD (not you Relic I promise lmao this is not aimed at you at all).
Once again, it would really depend on which season Zuko you’re dealing with. Because if you’re thinking of a more malicious fearplay perspective, season 1 Zuko would be the guy for that. I’d like to think the Fire Nation would consider tinies an exotic delicacy because why the fuck not, everything goes to shit when Ozai is in charge. But I’m not a fan of hard vore or digestion, so I’d consider this to be a situation where tinies are treated kinda like gum or legal drugs (sort of like your Tasty Au!). They’re delicious, they’re satisfying, and oh boy do they provide benders with a massive power up. Pretty soon tinies become staples of unlocking firebending capabilities: just gobble one up, tuck it away for a few hours, soak in that strength, and then spit it up for next time.
Maybe in regards to season 1, Zuko is gifted a tiny as a good luck charm by someone for his trip to hunt down the Avatar. Due to the fact that eating tinies is so normalized in the Fire Nation, he’d have no qualms with tasting you, and he’d definitely get addicted pretty quickly. It would be a power trip for him; he’s just been banished from his home, his father has mentally and physically scarred him, he feels completely lost, and besides Uncle Iroh, he has no one to turn to, and he won’t allow himself to turn to anyone. He’d take that anger and frustration out on you. He’d never hurt you-his honor won’t allow it-but he’ll scare you by holding you over his jaws, snapping his teeth at your kicking feet, playing games of cat and mouse by letting you run off only for him to slam his hand over you at the last moment and then toss you into his maw, etc, etc. I don’t see season 1 Zuko being a big licker or one who’d keep you in his mouth for long. He’s impatient and doesn’t have time for it. But he’ll make you fear him and he likes that because it gives him some sort of control in his out-of-control life.
Season 3 Zuko would be more for accidental fearplay and fluff. Protection vore would be up his alley and even then he’d never keep you within him for very long (unless you really beg him to. If you genuinely enjoy being in there, then he will reluctantly give in and admit he likes you being in there too). Much more gentle and focused on how you feel than season 1. More licking and time in his mouth too because being gentle with you gives him more of an opportunity to taste you to the full extent, and he just really likes holding you in his mouth because he likes how protected you are. There’s also huge potential for miscommunication and the classic “I need to protect you so I’m going to eat you but you won’t know it’s safe and I can’t tell you it’s safe right now so please don’t be scared of me I will comfort you when we are both safe” scenario,” which I love hehehehehee.
As you can see I’ve put a lot of thought into this and I don’t know whether I should be proud or ashamed. Thank you for indulging :D
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oversized-writer · 18 days
Even if campers aren’t appreciative of her company, Juno loves to snuggle.
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(tysm @about30gallonsofchickenbroth for the idea)
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chaosduckies · 6 days
Restoration (Chapter 8)
A bunch of scenes because why not? On another note, it is extremely hard to write a scene in winter when it’s the middle of April. I hope you enjoy anyhow! Because now I’m really getting into the plot.
Word Count: 5.9k
CW: Death, crying, vague thoughts of suicide, severe trauma, (anything else idk??)
It was Thanksgiving break. The first official break from school until Christmas. Words could not describe how grateful I was for the week-long break. There was no reason to have so much work piled up a couple weeks before the end of first semester. 
I was laying in my bed on my phone. It was about to turn six, which meant I should probably get started on dinner, but I just couldn’t bring myself to climb out of bed. I was physically and mentally tired of keeping up with everyone and whatever plans they had with their friends, taking care of Isabelle and Angela since they were still little, and on top of that keep up with the chores around the house. 
I grabbed my phone off the charger, stretched out my arms and legs from laying down, and opened my door to get started on dinner. The living room was oddly quiet, with Dylan and Lucky playing a game. Isabelle playing a game with Angela on the carpet that consisted of a bunch of stuffed animals and blankets. I smiled to myself. 
“What do you guys feel like eating for dinner?” I leaned against the kitchen island, waiting for an answer. 
“Spaghetti!” Isabelle and Angela answered at the time, giggling at one another. I think I could do that. I don’t know if Lucky can though. It was the first weekend of the break and I’d probably need to go grocery shopping tomorrow anyways. 
I looked in Dylan’s direction, making them pause whatever they were playing together. He just shrugged his shoulders, “Whatever’s easier for you.” Always with the same response. 
“Ummm, I can go check what we have.” Lucky told me, getting Dylan to let him onto the floor. All I could do was wait now. Jasmine was staying over at her friends today and tomorrow. I just told her to text me if she goes anywhere far and if she needed anything. Weird, right? Usually the parent handles these kinds of things, but in the situation my siblings and I are in it’s literally impossible. 
Lucky came back, shaking his head, “We don’t have the things for spaghetti,” He laid down on the arm rest of the couch and grabbed his remote, “You should call Nathan to come over. He hasn’t been here in a while. Plus, he’s so much better at cooking than I am. Right, Angela?” 
I bit the side of my cheek. I don’t know about that. Just asking Nathan to come over to cook and then ask him to leave? That was wrong. Plus, he told me before the break that he’ll be pretty busy. Or… texted me. Either way, I shouldn’t bother him. Maybe he actually has a meal with his family for Thanksgiving and they were all getting ready for it already. On the other hand, Lucky makes something else for him and Angela, Angela doesn’t eat, and then everything goes downhill from there. 
Looking at my phone, I picked it up, opening the messages app, and clicked on Nathan’s name. The last time he came here, Jasmine did kind of freak him out. I remember him not being able to leave anyone’s side if she was in the room. I wonder if he’d even want to come over after that. At school the next day he was a little nervous, but otherwise fine afterward, but I’m sure whatever Jasmine told him is still stuck in his mind. Ugh. This was such a bad idea. 
Ryker: I have a huge favor to ask you 
I waited for a response, watching Dylan and Lucky play a fighting game against one another. I had no idea who was winning, but I’m pretty sure it was Lucky. Actually… it was kind of weird how Lucky seemed to want Nathan around more often. Like, really weird. Especially when every time Nathan came, he would practically ditch him with me. I honestly don’t mind, I liked having Nathan come over, but still. I had wondered why, but I wasn’t going to ask. 
Nathan: Yeah?
Ryker: Do you mind coming over to help Lucky cook something? 
Ryker: You don’t have to 
Well, if he says no Lucky will have to make whatever he can and I’d have to break the news to Angela. If you didn’t know, four year olds can be a little hard to deal with sometimes. So, this might just turn out to be a very, very bad day. 
Nathan: Sure! 
Nathan: Anything specific?
I stared at his text, relief washing over me. Dylan let out a cheer from winning against Lucky. Wow. Perfect timing. I was just so grateful right now. Nathan was literally the greatest friend ever. Now I have to think of someway to thank him. That shouldn’t be too hard, right? 
Ryker: They wanted spaghetti
Ryker: And thank you  
Nathan: No problem :)
Ryker: I guess I’ll be at the bus stop in about twenty minutes? 
Nathan: Okay 
I stuffed my phone in my pocket, “Okay, I’ll be right back, just text me if something happens.” I told Dylan, who nodded his head. And with that, I walked out the door and into the cold air. 
Winters in the city were bad. But not as bad as when we were still help captive. Now those days were terrible. Horrifying even. It was still freakishly cold here. Not something I enjoy. For several reasons really. One being that I already get cold really easily. Two, I just hated being cold and sick. And the most important reason being that it was during this kind of weather when my dad had died. Actually, in three days it’s officially been nine years since my dad died. November 24. A long time, right? 
It hurts. The memories. Not just of him but how they brutally murdered him in front of his own child. I shuddered at the sight pictured in my mind. Nope. Can’t think about that. Right now I should probably be getting ready to head over to the bus stop. I already had packed a tiny bag with the things I needed to cook. Weird enough, it was kind of a therapy for me at this point. To be cooking I mean. I guess that’s why my mom always gets worried when I’m baking for no reason. Because she knows. 
I sighed, giving my mom a quick text that I was heading over to Ryker’s for a little while. The last time I went, I thought everything was going great before Jasmine talked to me alone. everyone had left to go looking for something and it was just her and I. I was scared of course. We’ve never, ever talked before and from what I’ve gathered she’s really intimidating. 
Her exact words to me were: “If you hurt my brother in any way I will personally murder you.” and that was was it took for me to have an entire mental breakdown for nearly two weeks. I mean, who wouldn’t be scared if someone’s sibling threatened you like that? So, the week before the break, I might have been acting a little weird around Ryker, afraid that I might actually do something wrong or hurt him in any way, which I don’t really see how I could. 
Otherwise, I haven’t really been doing anything. I told Ryker that I would be busy during the break, but really I wasn’t. Only because I do actually have something to do on November 24, and I was already feeling the depression spikes as the day came closer and closer. As for Thanksgiving itself, my mom and I never do anything. Last year we were barely getting used to being in the mental hospital so we didn’t really do anything. This year she’s working so it’ll just be me. Nothing new. 
I made my way down the icy streets, the sun setting faster and faster. It was only getting colder, and I didn’t really have a winter jacket. Just some to wear in the classroom like when it’s freezing in there. So, yeah, I was basically freezing my face off. Not to mention that my mom told me it might snow later tonight since it was already under twenty degrees outside. I wasn’t used to cold weather. 
Once I made it to the bus stop, I snuggled up with my bag on the bench, trying to have some kind of warmth. Also because there were several people (giants) who were going back home from stores or getting off of work. The bus stop was actually used for both humans and giants. The human was a little ways from the huge one that was practically as tall as a skyscraper. Maybe taller. 
My hands were shaky from the cold, but it was only another five minutes before Ryker would come and hopefully I wouldn’t be as cold. Maybe. Hopefully. I don’t know what today has in store for me. All I knew was that I just wanted to wrap myself in a blanket with some hot chocolate and binge watch something on tv. 
Ryker came a few minutes later, smiling and giving a thanks before offering a hand. I threw the bag on first before struggling to get on. It was hard when the ground underneath you was starting to freeze over, but I figured it out after trying for a good minute. 
“You’re freezing.” Ryker told me, cupping his hand just a little. Sure, it was scary to have his fingers closer to me, but still, it was warm. How could I deny something that was practically calling me? 
  “That good?” He smiled, for some reason making sure I was comfortable. But I was not about to complain. I was desperate at this point. I nodded my head, bringing my knees closer to my chest to keep some of my body warmth with me. And yet another reason I hate winter. 
“Thanks again. Sorry for bothering you.” 
I continuously shook my head, hoping he would get the message that it was fine. Plus, I liked going over. Everyone was nice (Besides Jasmine I’m pretty sure she hates me) and never really tried to do anything too crazy with me. It was great. I’m not as afraid anymore, which was a miracle given I thought I could never trust anyone ever again, and I’ve actually made some friends. 
Ryker opened the door to his house, where we found them all watching a movie together. Everyone turned their heads as soon as the door closed behind Ryker. I jumped slightly, but relaxed after a while. Nothing to be afraid of. Dylan’s eyes landed on me, giving a smile and a two fingered wave. I waved back, but I doubt he could see it. 
I was set down on the ground, not entirely expecting to be in a tight hug the second I balanced myself. Lucky bursted out laughing, letting me go, “You are literally the best, Nathan.” I laughed with him, following Lucky into the room. 
I didn’t eat anything. I wasn’t hungry. Of course Ryker tried to convince me to eat something, but I always answered no. Otherwise, dinner was okay. They had Lucky, Angela and I on the coffee table, which wasn’t really too big of a deal. I’m pretty sure Ryker and Dylan just didn’t want to handle any humans while they were eating, and hey, I was not about to say anything about it. There are just some things that will never leave my mind. 
After everyone ate, Dylan and Lucky started playing a game on the tv while Isabelle and Angela were playing hide and seek I’m pretty sure. I just hoped that no one would get hurt, but Ryker quickly reassured me that they would never harm one another. I just had to believe him. Most of his siblings are stuck together like glue. Which is a good thing. 
“It’s supposed to start snowing in a little bit.” Ryker announced, earning cheers from the other room where I was guessing Angela and Isabelle were. I was sitting on the arm rest of the couch by Ryker. I kind of wished that their house was a little warmer, because I was still annoyingly cold, but beggars can’t be choosers. I should have asked to grab a blanket. 
“Nice. Are we gonna go out?” Dylan asked, eyes glued to the screen. I had no idea who was winning, but I think it was him. 
“If you want to.” 
Ryker threw his phone on the other side of the couch, turning his head to the screen. I don’t want to go outside, but I’ll go if that makes things easier. I just don’t want to be in the snow. Reasons. Remember? 
It was about ten minutes later that it did actually start snowing. Angela and Isabelle were begging Ryker to let them outside, which he just laughed to and told them to get jackets on and to bring their hats. Dylan paused their game to go get on a jacket, and Ryker left to go help Isabelle. So I was alone in the living room while everyone was busy to go have some fun. I hated winter. In just three days. I reminded myself. 
What would happen? Would someone else be claimed victim? Something bad always happens during this time. I don’t know if it was just me. It probably was. Everyone else was smiling while I was crying in the corner. It’s how it was in the hospital. They all went outside if they could, and I stayed in my room, under the blankets and shove my face into my pillow to drown out my tears. I couldn’t do that now though. Not when so many people had their eyes on me. Not when a trip back to the hospital was a very viable option for me. I didn’t want to go back. Not because of something… traumatic that happened nine years ago. I should be over it, right? But I’m not. 
There goes one of my depression spells. Great. Just great. At a time like this? I sucked in a deep breath, calming myself down before anyone notices. This was embarrassing. 
Ryker came back into the room, eyes landing on me with an unsure look on his face. He walked up to me, holding a hand out. Was he not going to wear any gloves? He wouldn’t be cold? I stood up, keeping my balance on the soft surface underneath me and walking to climb onto his hand. 
“You don’t mind if I just keep you in my hand, right? I don’t want you to be freezing.” He asked. I shook my head, sitting down in the middle of his palm. That was actually what I preferred. I did not plan whatsoever to go into the snow anyways. 
Once everyone was outside, Ryker sat down on the stairs, cupping his hand and keeping me close. A little uneasy about it, but there was really no reason to be. It’s just instinct. And everything in me right now is saying to get the hell inside. But I wasn’t going to say that. Mostly because I don’t want to be alone.  
They were all screaming and laughing. It was snowing pretty hard too, already covering most of the frosted grass just after ten minutes. Other people were also sitting outside. Their kids playing around with the snow. I tried not to focus on that. Instead, I found myself scooting back slowly, almost to where I couldn’t see the heavy fall of the white flakes. 
My body was still freezing. It was so much colder than before. Was this how dad felt? The cold pricking at his skin I mean. 
“Nathan?” My thoughts were interrupted by a soft voice above me. I groaned, body shaking and stuffing my hands in my pockets to preserve some of my body heat. I shuddered a breath, trembling. It’s so cold… How could they even be having fun like this? I looked ahead, seeing Dylan helping Isabelle make a small snowman with both Angela and Lucky stuffed in his scarf. This was just another one of my depression spells. 
“Still cold?” Ryker asked me. I took a deep breath, “Y-Yeah…” It came out more like a quiet mumble, and I was surprised that he even heard me. Did he want to help them make a snowman? He probably did. I should just tell him to leave me inside. It would make things a million times easier for everyone. 
Ryker moved his hand a bit, making me worried about what he was trying to do, but he just kept it the same. I wondered why he was going through all this trouble just for me. There was really no point. There was only a couple more months until graduation and then we’d go our separate ways. That’s how it always goes. I’d be alone again, figuring out what to do with the rest of my life. That’s how my story goes. 
I nodded my head, getting to a comfortable position and decided to just watch what they were all doing. Finishing up the head of the snowman. It was comfy even though I was kind of scared from being in someone’s hand. At least now that is. Currently I was just afraid of falling into the deep snow. I’m pretty sure if I fell I’d sink into it. Not something I would like to see or imagine. 
“You okay?” Ryker asked, softly smiling above me. There was no other response other than to nod. I couldn’t just say no. That wouldn’t do any good. But.. maybe if he notices that these next few days would be hard for me. Maybe. Just maybe. I doubt it though. I don’t plan on being here all of the time anyways. I couldn’t. 
Isabelle finished the snowman, grabbing some loose twigs for arms as they stepped back. It was still snowing, just not as much. Was dad watching me right now? Was he shocked just as much as I was? I never thought I’d ever be able to be around another giant for as long as I had lived, and here I am, sitting in one of their hands. Would he think I was crazy? Delusional? Psycho? Happy like my mom even? I would never know, but even I think I was crazy. 
Actually… why did I even trust Ryker? Or really anyone. They’re all so nice of course, but about four months ago I was so sure that every giant would only hurt me, and it almost became true with that lunch incident that felt like forever ago. So why did I trust these people with my life? In the back of my mind I keep thinking that this was all just a sick joke being played on me. But… I don’t think these people are lying about anything. They don’t have a reason to. And Ryker’s been nothing but patient, and kind, and… understanding. No one would go through all that trouble just to fool someone as gullible as me. 
I sighed, snuggling up closer to Ryker’s thumb and watching Isabelle throw snowballs at Dylan who was shielding Lucky and Angela from the crossfire. Was it scary being there? In the midst of everything? Having to trust someone at least fifty times your size to keep you safe? I sucked in a shaky breath, just watching. It wasn’t so bad really. 
Today was November 24. Thanksgiving was here, and everything was a complete mess. I never learned how to make a turkey like the tradition, so usually I just made something that all of us had liked. Along with that, I had to make sure no one did anything too crazy while I was busy in the kitchen. Jasmine and Dylan were helping out cooking while I ordered something for Lucky and Angela. They both agreed on pizza (Because what else does a fourteen year-old and a four year-old want) so now I was busy with that. That part was mostly because Angela didn’t like when Lucky cooks something different. 
It was just pure chaos now. Everyone was running around the house, and at that point I had to ask Jasmine to keep an eye on Angela to make sure she didn’t wander off where we couldn’t find her. I wasn’t too worried about Lucky since he’s almost always with Dylan, plus he’s smart enough to stay off the floor when it’s something like this. 
I took out the lasagna, letting it cool down before making separate plates. Yeah, I know, super weird, but I can’t do anything better. I only know the basics thanks to my parents, and that was all I needed to know. 
There was a knock on the door, and I asked Dylan to open it. It was just the pizza. I washed whatever dishes I had and called everyone that dinner was ready. It’s days like this where I wished that my parents never left. I feel like I can never be like them even though I was the oldest. I mean, was I just supposed to let CPS split us all apart? I couldn’t do that. My siblings would never forgive me. I like to think that they’re all happy, but I doubt it. Sometimes I feel like I can’t do anything to help any of them. Like I’m doing this “parenting” thing all wrong. Of course I was. I was seventeen in my last year of high school taking care of five kids on my own while also juggling a job and trying to do fun things with them so we can forget about what happened a little over a year ago. There was no reason for one person to be doing all of this. 
It was snowing outside again. Not really surprising when you’ve lived here for your entire life. It was really nice though. I loved the cold. Weird, because most people don’t, but I do. I remember my parents freaking out when I would just be outside making a snowman in just a short sleeve and sweatpants when I was a kid. Of course it was so cold it burned, but I guess I kind of liked it? It was hard to explain. Or sometimes we’d stay inside and watch movies or play a game. I missed it really. 
“Ry.” Jasmine snapped her fingers in front of me to get my attention. I blinked a couple times before giving a clueless look. She groaned, “I asked if I could go shopping tomorrow, I have work the next three days so I just wanna go do something.”
“Oh, um, sure.” 
The tv was playing in the background, but I wasn’t paying attention. Come to think of it, I don’t think I was paying attention to anything. Dylan, Jasmine, and Lucky were all laughing about something. What were they laughing about again? Something about going back to school? I don’t even want to think about that right now. I needed a break anyways. Most of my classes love giving me piles and piles of work anyways. 
I sighed, pushing away my plate that I had barely eaten. The sun has already set, everyone was done eating, Angela asked Jasmine if she could go outside in the snow. She said yes, and so Isabelle followed. Dylan and Lucky were helping me wash the remaining dishes. Honestly I already felt so tired. It was only 8 p.m but my eyes threatened to close at any moment. 
“You okay, Ry?” Dylan asked, putting a plate up in the cabinet. 
“Yeah.” I replied, handing him another to dry. Lucky shook his head while continuously saying “no” over and over again. At some point Dylan grew tired of it and pressed the pad of his thumb into Lucky’s entire upper half of his body. 
“He’s not wrong. You’re always like this on holidays.” 
“I am?” I sighed, not really knowing how to get out of this one. These two have always been vigilant anyways. They would have noticed at some point. 
“I don’t know. I just feel really tired today.”  
“That’s it?” 
Dylan gave me a skeptical look before putting in another plate. He doesn’t believe me. I don’t think he ever will about these kinds of things. 
“Why don’t you call Nathan? You always seem happier around him.” 
I stopped only for a second, then continued to scrub off something on the pan I used. No. I won’t call him. Not this time. No matter how many times he’s actually made me feel better just by being here. I’ve noticed I was happier around him too, but it’s only short lived since he always goes back at the end of the day. Do I know why I was happier? Not really. I’ve thought of a few reasons. Because he’s the only friend I’ve made since middle school. He listens to me ramble on and on about the most useless information. Best of all he’s really nice. Doesn’t really seem like he’s tricking me either. Not that I think he could even if he wanted to. He was too sweet. 
“No.” I sighed. Cleaning out the sink and handing off the last dish. 
“Why not?” Dylan asked leaning against the counter. 
“Cause I’m tired. No point in calling if I’m just going to fall asleep,” I countered, drying my hands and heading to my room, “Make sure Isabelle and Angela are asleep by 10? Please?”  
Dylan nodded his head, I closed the door behind me and buried myself under the covers of my bed. I can’t keep on relying on Nathan to come fix every problem I have. He’s probably off dealing with whatever he’s doing right now anyways. But still, my hand reached for my phone, grabbing it and opening the messages app. I’m just gambling with myself at this point. If he answers in the next ten minutes I’ll ask to call, if he doesn’t, I’ll head to sleep. Either way it’s really a win-win. And here it goes. 
I was laying on my bed, under the covers. No lights, no sounds, just nothing. I had cried earlier this morning when I visited his grave. My eyes were dry now. Red and puffy. I just sat curling in on myself while clutching the same teddy bear he gave me when I was still just a kid. It was childish, but if it’s all I have left of him then I’m taking advantage of that. 
Ironic, huh? How this holiday was supposed to bring family together. It was actually the opposite for me. Even though he didn’t actually die on this holiday, it’s just ironic how it happened this year. When we’re finally free and live like a “normal” family now. Was he watching me now? Sad and lonely in my bed? I hope he wasn’t. He’d scold me. 
My phone went off, but I didn’t feel like looking at it. It’s not like I wanted to be alone. Usually my mom would cheer me up by taking my mind off of it. Whether it was playing some makeshift game or just doing something I liked with me. What else was there to say? This year was the year I was completely alone. 
I sucked in a deep breath, picking up my phone with sore arms. I spent most of the day digging out the old flowers on his grave and replacing them with new ones. It was hard to do when a thin sheet of snow was covering most of the dirt and grass, but it was worth it to see the bright a beautiful colors. His favorites were lilacs. I remember mom telling me that. 
My eyes shot up when I saw who texted me. Ryker? I mean it was already night, so I doubt he was going to ask if I wanted to go over. But… I was kind of curious now. 
Ryker: Hey
Ryker: How was your day? 
Ryker: You’re probably doing something right now but I’d just thought I’d check what you were doing 
Sent five minutes ago. Why did he want to know what I was doing? It seemed weird to me, but maybe he was just bored. Did they celebrate? I hope they did. They seem to be happy with each other. 
Nathan: It was okay :) 
Nathan: And yours? 
Ryker: Chaotic
Nathan: Oh 
I wasn’t technically lying. My day was okay despite crying for most of it. 
Ryker: Yeahhh 
Ryker: Do you feel like calling? 
Ryker: You don’t have to of course 
I thought about it. It wouldn’t be that bad. Might keep my mind occupied.
  Nathan: Sure 
And so he called. 
“Hello?” His voice sounded tired and sad, like he just woke up or something. I couldn’t find my voice. It’s become rasp from sobbing anyways. It’d be embarrassing for it to sound like that over the phone. So hopefully it’ll get better in the morning. 
“Oh, right,” He sighed, “Sorry. I just felt like talking and usually you listen. You can just hang up if you don’t want to though.” He sounded nervous, but I didn’t want to hang up. Not only because it was the wrong thing to do, but because I always loved listening to what he was saying. No matter how irrelevant it was. It distracted my mind from everything wrong with me. And he seemed to like it when I did. 
Nathan: I’m listening 
I heard him let out a little chuckle before talking. I could hear at some points it sounded like he was going to cry, and some he sounded like he was so hurt, and sometimes he’d laugh. He changed the subject multiple times, but I kind of liked it. I just wished I could help in some other way. It sounded to me like he was stressed out and just wanted someone to be there, and I’m surprised none of his siblings were. Or maybe they were, but he just doesn’t want to put all of this on them. It seemed like something he would do. 
By the time he was done, it was an hour before midnight. Funny thing was, I wasn’t tired anymore. I was putting together pieces in my mind still about everything he had talked about. How he was mentally tired of juggling five things around at once. I would be too if I were him. How he’s been more and more exhausted by the end of the day. How his parents usually did all of these kinds of things. I was going to ask what happened to them, but I feel like that was a touchy subject. Especially when he just vented to me. I don’t mind though. Not at all. 
“Oh crap. Sorry for keeping you up.” Ryker apologized, saying sorry about five times before I texted him that it was okay. I wasn’t going to sleep anytime soon. 
“Thanks. Y’know. For listening.” I heard him yawn on the other side. He was the one tired. I silently laughed to myself, hugging the bear closer to my chest. If only he could see me now… this was embarrassing. He’d probably make fun of me for it. I wouldn’t care. 
“You’re too nice, you know that?” I heard shuffling on the other side of the phone. Probably Ryker getting ready to go to sleep. And I know this was selfish, but I didn’t want him to hang up. I didn’t want my mind to realize that I was alone again. Was is it really selfish then? To me, yes. It feels like I was making him do something he didn’t want to. 
“Hey, um, remember when you tried hugging me that one time? Why’d you do it?” He had asked, and I could practically see his face. Confused and happy at the same time. He was talking about when I had to stay overnight. I knew that would come up eventually, just not so soon. 
Nathan: Nobody’s ever been so nice to me before. Besides my mom of course 
Nathan: But I was kind of shocked you agreed without complaining 
Nathan: Are you mad about it?
“Mad? Nononono. Um, the complete opposite really,” He laughed quietly, “I was shocked, yeah, but happy too.” 
That gets rid of the guilt. I swear I thought I ruined everything between us, but now I know what he really thought. He wasn’t mad at me for anything. 
“What about the other day? When it was snowing. You looked comfortable. Like you were about to sleep.” My cheeks started blushing from embarrassment. I had hoped he didn’t see me snuggling closer into his palm to stay warm, but apparently he did. So embarrassing. I groaned quietly to myself, tightly hugging the bear closer. 
Nathan: Sorry 
Nathan: I was cold 
Nathan: You were warm 
Nathan: Sorry again 
It was silent for a second. 
“Why do you apologize for things like that?” 
I didn’t know the answer to that question. Usually my mind just takes over and then I spiral into the worst possible scenarios. So I have no idea why I do. Maybe because my brain thinks I’ll get hurt if I don’t? My body was scared of getting another broken bone or something getting hurt? 
Nathan: I don’t know 
It was silent again. 
“Do… do you like being around me? I-I mean most people stop talking to me as soon as they get what they want. So, I was just wondering.” His voice sounded hurt. Obviously this ha sharpened once or twice to him. And it hurt to hear that these things have happened to someone so amazing. I could never do that to Ryker. It’d hurt me more than it’d hurt him. 
“Y-yes.” I almost immediately replied, my voice a little raspy. It hurt to speak, but it was fine. It’ll get better in time. 
I heard him let out a sigh of relief, and I smiled. I was finally doing the right thing for once in my life. I’m kind of glad this was how the day ended. 
“I would give you a hug if you were here… and if you were comfortable enough with it,” We both laughed quietly, “I’ll let you go to sleep. I’ve kept you up long enough.” 
I shook my head, forgetting that he wasn’t here to see it. I didn’t want him to go. Then again he sounded exhausted. Then I would be the one keeping him up. Or he doesn’t even have to stay awake. Just the knowledge that I knew he was just on the other side of the phone was enough to make me feel like I wasn’t alone. 
“U-Um you d-don’t have to s-stay up b-but could we stay… stay on call? P-Please.” I waited for an answer, biting my tongue for stuttering so much. My body was shaky for no reason. I was nervous. He was going to say no. He was going to say no. He was going to- 
“I would love that.” 
I wish he could see the smile I had on my face. How fast my heart was beating. I laid down under the covers, getting comfortable and staring at my phone that read: Ryker: 3:14. Three hours and fourteen minutes. Another seven won’t hurt. 
“Thank you.” 
I fell asleep a couple minutes after he did. No nightmares haunted me tonight.
My heart is meltinggggggg
By the way, this was not the great scene I was talking about. This was just one of many to make the one I actually want to write make sense.
Anywayssss I told you guys it would be a little plot heavy for a while! I loved how this chapter came out though.
Hope you enjoyed, and thank you for reading! Love you guys!
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narrans · 2 months
My Borrowed Son | 5 | Secret and Safe
It was the sound of her phone that awoke her a few hours later. The annoying ring was like a blaring siren, nearly jump scaring Amanda straight out of bed. She thankfully remembered that the little boy was asleep on her chest last time she was conscious and didn’t sit bolt upright as soon as she heard her phone.
She swiped her finger over the phone and answered the call, which she saw was from Mel.
“Hey,” said Amanda quietly. She glanced down and saw the little boy was still fast asleep nuzzled into her hand and laying limp against her fingers as she kept her hand pressed against her chest.
“Hey! I’m here,” said Mel. Amanda could hear her voice muffled on the other side of my door in the living room, a further testament to the size difference of this apartment to her old house. Her chest clenched uncomfortably, but Amanda knew she would have a chance to really talk once Mel was settled in.
One last thing.
She hated to leave the little boy on his own, but Mel’s thunderous voice might scare him. Amanda remembered noise complaints from other college dorms simply because Mel would get so excited and start talking louder and louder. Amanda never minded. It added to her friend’s charm.
Still, it wasn’t worth the risk.
Amanda carefully pulled the boy away from her chest and laid him on his bed in the little box she set up for him. He stirred but did not wake.
Amanda tiptoed out of her room and closed the door right behind her before scurrying to the door and opening it. Mel was a welcome sight. Instantly, Amanda felt completely overwhelmed.
Not only did seeing her friend bring back a rush of memories from her wedding and countless hours talking late at night about dreams and the future, but also seeing the massive basket of goodies Mel brought with her to lift Amanda’s spirits was completely overwhelming.
“Sorry for the delay. Traffic. I hate traffic. I hate people, specifically driving people. Now! Am I just going to be out here like the vampire I am? Or are you going to let me in?” asked Mel. Amanda let out a choked laugh at their long-running joke and stepped aside.
“I give you permission to enter,” Amanda stated. She was barely keeping everything together as her friend hurried in and whisked herself into the kitchen with her basket of goodies, medical bag on her hip.
One look around and Amanda could see Mel was piecing together what was going on in her personal life.
Oh, if she only knew there was something – someone – even more interesting in the other room.
“Sweetie, your place is… boxy,” said Mel, trying to make a pun out of the ordeal. Tears began spilling over Amanda’s eyes and, immediately, Mel’s features softened, and she rushed to her friend’s side. “Hey. Hey… I… sorry… I was just trying to make light of all this. I… well… I’d say let’s sit down, but there’s not a great place to do that.”
Amanda let out a wet chuckle as she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and tried to smile through it. The embrace of her friend was making her feel a smidge better, but it was far from a cure. Like a leach, everything had suctioned onto her and was draining Amanda.
With Mel here, she would get a chance to let off some of that long pent-up steam and let one of her best friends in on everything that had happened.
“No, it’s fine,” Amanda sniffled. “I like it. It’s making me feel better.”
“Great! Then I’m going to keep going. Um…” Mel guided Amanda over to the counter of the kitchen and gestured for her to sit. “Well, at least with me around, you won’t be very card-bored. Um… why are boxes bad at poker? They’re too good at folding.”
“Oh gosh,” Amanda muttered as she rolled her eyes. “Did you come up with those yourselves?”
“Hey, I work with kids all day every day. Some of those little comedians have good stuff,” huffed Mel before sighing heavily. “I’m afraid they’re rubbing off on me.”
“No, it’s fine,” mumbled Amanda as she let Mel guide her into the kitchen.
Mel looked around and only now noticed there were no chairs in the kitchen, or anywhere else for that matter. So, just like they used to, Amanda and Mel hopped up onto the kitchen counters and sat there as Amanda collected herself.
“Okay, so… I don’t want to ask anything too insensitive yet,” started Mel, which made Amanda laugh.
“But you’re going to.”
“Well, if you wanted a soft shoulder to cry on instead of my bony butt, you would’ve called Susan or Cheril; but no, you have me. So, what happened? Why the call? What are all of these boxes for? Did you and Brandyn move? Or…”
This sent Amanda into another round of choked sobs, which silenced Mel. That response alone told her more than words could describe. Amanda didn’t need to say anything, which was the great thing.
“Ah… so… this is… your…new place,” Mel concluded. Amanda nodded as she hid her face in her hands. Heat radiated off of the pediatrician as she ramped up her signature fury. “That scumbag! When? Mandy, when did this happen?”
Amanda curled in on herself and leaned into Mel as she spilled everything.
Amanda talked about Brandyn’s “seven year itch” and how the two of them had tried to go to therapy to sort everything out. She confessed that Brandyn had been talking to a few different women, talking about how the two of them were married so young and that he didn’t really get a chance to “live,” whatever that meant.
He wanted to go and be young, something he said Amanda robbed from him because, in all reality, the two of them had never been with someone other than each other.
Mel listened quietly, but her body tension and facial expressions said everything about how she felt about the situation. Amanda could feel Mel’s frustration and sympathy radiating off of her, each new statement or piece of the story making her huff or grumble something under her breath.
When Amanda finished, Mel was physically biting her tongue to keep from flying off the handle. It was obvious she wanted to go and give Brandyn a piece of her mind, but she abstained for the time being. Seeing Amanda so upset and comforting her was Mel’s top priority.
“Well, it’s a good thing I brought my little goodie basket. Come on. I’m rearranging these boxes, grabbing your mattress, and dragging it out here so we can watch some chick-flicks or something with violence so I don’t commit violence and we’re just going to have a great night,” said Mel as she moved to hop off of the counter.
At the mention of the mattress, Amanda’s heartrate shot through the roof as she remembered the boy. She hadn’t even broached the subject about finding the little boy, which was the real reason Amanda contacted Mel. Mel was maybe five steps away from the counter when Amanda snapped out of her mental spiral.
“Wait!” Amanda said as she leapt off of the counter and grasped Mel’s hand. Mel whipped around, alarmed, and stared blankly at her friend.
“Don’t scare me like that!” she scolded. “What? What’s wrong? Sweetie, if you’re worried about me seeing your messy room, I think we’re a bit past th-”
“There’s something else… that I didn’t tell you about. It’s… the main reason I called,” said Amanda. Her head was throbbing ever so slightly from the crying headache she put herself through and her mind was drawing a blank in how to explain everything to Mel. She had been so distracted in filling Mel in to recent events that telling her about the boy she found was the farthest thing from her priorities.
Mel’s body rotated to face her friend as she faced her, concern plastered all over her face.
“So, what is it? Are you pregnant? Well, you already said no to that one so nix that,” muttered Mel. “I’m stumped. What’s all the secret stuff about? What’s got you all in a twist? If it’s not the whole Brandyn thing.”
Amanda swallowed dryly. How was she going to do this?
Should she just show her the boy?
Did she need to warn the little child before introducing him to Mel?
Could Amanda simply convince Mel of what – who – was in the other room?
Or was that little boy a fever dream and some kind of hallucination? Would he vanish the moment Mel saw him?
Amanda wiped her eyes and made her decision.
“Okay, first… this is going to sound crazy, but I need you to just listen, okay?” Amanda stated. Her hands were starting to shake. Her heart was pounding and fluttering at the same time.
Mel nodded slowly in compliance, prompting Amanda to keep going.
“Second, I need you to swear you won’t tell another living soul. I’m still trying to figure everything out myself,” said Amanda. Mel’s eyes narrowed.
“Sweetie,” she said cautiously. “You’re scaring me. What’s going on?”
This was it.
Amanda sent a silent prayer she was doing the right thing as she clasped her friend’s hand, treating it like an anchor keeping her grounded in all of this confusion.
“I was at the park yesterday, the one right down the road, and… I found a kid,” said Amanda. Mel gawked and looked genuinely disturbed, but stayed quiet. “He was all alone and in really bad shape, and I didn’t see any parents nearby… so…”
Mel bristled immediately. “Amanda, you didn’t abduct a kid, did you?”
“What? No. Well… a bit. It’s complicated,” sputtered Amanda. Mel pulled her hand free from Amanda’s grasp and clasped Amanda’s face in her hands.
“Amanda, this is what crazy people do when they go off of the deep end!” Mel scolded in a hushed voice. “You’re supposed to call the police. You are supposed to contact social serviced. You’re not supposed to…”
“It’s… more complicated than that. He’s young… and small… and,” interrupted Amanda. She pried her friend’s hands away from her face as she took another deep breath. “It’s simpler if I just show you. Just… wait here – and don’t scream and just speak softly. He… he’s really timid.”
Mel looked absolutely mortified. She backed away from her friend and leaned against the kitchen counter. Amanda heard Mel muttering something that sounded like a prayer for strength and the right things to say as Amanda retreated to her bedroom.
The darkness of the room almost felt ominous. Amanda could only imagine what was going on in Mel’s head as Amanda vanished into the darkness and approached the little box. She listened hard and, immediately, felt her heart ache.
She could hear little whimpers and the shuffling of blankets.
It was the little boy, and he sounded scared.
Rightfully so. The last thing he remembered was falling asleep on Amanda’s chest only to wake up in the little box all alone. It was heart wrenching, but Amanda couldn’t hesitate now. She needed to act.
“Hey, sweetheart,” she said softly. Immediately, the sniffling stopped. “Did you sleep so good? I’m sorry I left. I’m here now.” Amanda flicked on her side lamp and watched as the little boy was illuminated. Sure enough, he had huddled under the blanket and looked up at her with his big, soft brown eyes. Seeing her made his eyes glossy as he sniffled again.
She wasn’t sure what prompted her to do it, but Amanda felt compelled to reach into the box and rest her fingers on top of the blanket by the boy. It was a pleasant shock when the little boy leaned forward and threw his arms around her middle finger, clutching it tightly as if he were hanging on for dear life.
It was a heartwarming sight.
“Shhh… you’re okay,” soothed Amanda. She carefully reached over her other hand and rubbed his back with her index finger, pressing tenderly to not disturb the bruises and scratches on the boy’s body. It took a minute, but he calmed down and pulled away to look up at Amanda, smiling sweetly as he did.
Amanda wanted to leave the boy be, but she knew he needed looking at by a professional. It would baffle poor Mel who was waiting in the other room, and she would probably have some kind of mental freakout.
It needed to be done though.
Amanda braced herself and crouched to not loom over the boy.
“Okay, sweetheart. Here’s the thing, okay? I have a friend who came over and who is going to help you, okay? She’s very nice and gentle. I won’t let her hurt you,” reassured Amanda. The boy seemed a little confused and continued clutching onto Amanda’s finger. “We’re going to go meet her now, and I’ll be there the whole time.”
Amanda wanted him to have a place to hide and elected to take the whole box, leaving her hand inside with him, as she stood and headed out toward her friend.
Amanda rounded the corner, taking cautiously small steps to not jostle the box, and noticed Mel standing with her back to the kitchen counter. Her eyes narrowed as she spotted Amanda with the box. It didn’t take much to know Mel’s mind was off to the races.
She would be feeling the same thing if Mel were the one walking out of her bedroom with her hand in a box, especially after the spiel about finding a boy in the park.
“Okay, Mel, like I said, don’t freak out,” said Amanda as she approached and set the box on the counter. The little boy squirmed and leaned away from Amanda’s finger while still clutching onto either side of it, obviously taking in his surroundings. Amanda wasn’t sure if it was just her imagination, but she could have sworn she felt the infinitesimal boy’s hands shaking as he held onto her.
Mel eyed her friend skeptically and approached the box. The moment she peered over the edge, Amanda felt the little boy shudder and pull behind her fingers. The small child’s eyes were wide as he mouth hung agape, and Mel was doing the same thing.
She backed away instantly, covering her mouth and biting onto the inside of her middle finger as she did so many times in the past. It was her coping technique to prevent a scream or gasp. Amanda was caught between a rock and a hard place. While the little boy whimpered and pulled the blanket over his body, Mel looked mildly faint.
“Mel, just take a breath. Please,” Amanda said as knelt and rubbed where she thought the boy’s back might be in an effort to comfort him. “Sweetie? It’s okay. This is Mel. She’s a friend.”
Mel took a few deep breaths and blinked hard, wiping her eyes with the heel of her palm before approaching the box again. She stared blankly at the little lump under the blankets. Amanda continued to encourage the little boy and he peaked out just enough to catch a glimpse of Mel. His light sandy brown hair barely poked out from under the blanket before ducking back under.
“Mandy, what the ever loving cuss is that?” breathed Mel. Amanda knew Mel was trying to speak as calmly and as quietly as she was able, but her nerves were starting to get the better of her. “Amanda?”
“Who… who is that… and I don’t know, Mel,” Amanda said as she continued to rub the boy’s back. “I found him in the park scared and alone. He’s in a bad way, but he’s been eating and drinking an-”
“Amanda… it… is… the… size… of… your… thumb,” said Mel harshly. “When you said you wanted my help, I thought this would be a fun girls night, not an acid trip down the rabbit hole. Like… it’s alive. Actually alive. What even is it?”
“He, Mel. He’s a little boy. Trust me. I found that out when I gave him a bath last night,” Amanda explained. “And I don’t know what or who he is. He seems to understand but hasn’t said anything. I did a little bit of research and didn’t find anything except for some kids fiction books and some kind of community for writing about small humans.”
“So… you think i… he… is some kind of human? A variant or something?” asked Mel, keeping her voice low.
“I have no idea, Mel, but I do know he’s hurt and probably hasn’t been taken care of for a few days. Please, could you just check him out for me and see if there’s anything I missed? Or, I don’t know, look through your medical files and case studies or whatever to see if anything like this has ever happened before?” Amanda’s request was an earnest one, and Mel couldn’t refuse her.
“I might be able to do something, but my equipment is definitely normal human sized,” mumbled Mel. She walked back to the front door where she dropped her things and pulled out her equipment. Amanda didn’t need to look at her friend to see her shaking her head repeatedly, as if that would wake her from this weird dream.
Amanda smiled as relief crept into her mind.
At least she wasn’t the only one seeing the little boy.
Once again, Amanda rubbed the child’s back and tried to coax him out.
“Come on, sweetie. It’s okay. Mel is not going to hurt you. She is just going to make sure you are not hurt. I’ll protect you. You can trust me,” Amanda encouraged. Something about her words once again made him squeeze her finger and peek out from under the blanket. His frightened gaze still wide and filled with concern. “She’s a friend, and she just wants to say hi. Can you say hi to her?”
Mel was back at Amanda’s side, stethoscope and other gear in her hands. She set them on the counter and, following Amanda’s lead, knelt beside her so she could barely peer into the box. Mel’s voice instantly changed from the fun and good time tone to her work voice.
“Hey there, I’m Dr. Melissa Hargrove. How are you?” It was obvious that Mel worked with children frequently because of the singsong tone she adopted to speak to the boy clutching onto Amanda’s finger. She was obviously still freaked out by the situation and by the little boy. Still, Amanda could hear her friend trying hard to keep calm and just treat the boy like any other child
“You’re pediatrician is showing,” Amanda teased.
“Shut up,” hissed Mel back, obviously teasing and trying to keep a level head. Amanda smiled down at the boy and looked back to Mel.
“Can you say hi? Just a little wave?” asked Amanda as she imitated the motion for the boy. He stared at Amanda, brow furrowed and still shaking. Then, after a moment, the little boy mimicked the motion, his miniscule hand poking out and waving at Amanda and Mel.
“Oh, now. We don’t get to be shy. We’re friends now, right? Amanda seems a bit worried about you. Could you show me your arms and legs? Just like this?” said Mel as she followed Amanda’s lead, just as the boy had, and showed her forearms and rotated them.
The boy looked to Amanda, who nodded in encouragement. He looked very uncomfortable with the suggestions, but proceeded to comply by holding out his shaking arms and rotating them quickly before pulling them back under the blanket and wrapping himself around Amanda’s finger once again.
“Good job!” Amanda encouraged. “Good! You’re doing so good. See? Dr. Mel didn’t hurt you. You’re safe.”
The boy looked uncertainly from Mel back to Amanda, but then his little lips turned upward into a charming little smile that was filled with uncertainty and a thread of trust. It was like he was saying that he was alright and that Amanda was right in that he was okay.
“Yes, safe,” she smiled. “Now, could you come out just a little? Dr. Mel needs to make sure the rest of you is okay.” The boy looked timid once again and withdrew ever so slightly, which made Amanda think of a good compromise. She carefully rotated her hand to reveal her palm. “Here. Climb onto my hand sweetheart. If you feel scared, I’ll pull the blanket over you. Okay?”
It took a minute, but the boy once again complied, his whole body shaking as he relinquished his grasp on Amanda’s finger and curled into her palm. The same tingling sensation ran up Amanda’s arm as the nearly imperceptible weight rested in her hand.
Such a beautiful, fragile life.
It was a long, slow process, but Amanda and Mel gave the little boy a full once-over. He had some trouble trusting the stethoscope and didn’t like lifting his shirt to show Mel his scrapes and scratches, but every time he felt uncomfortable, he pulled at Amanda’s fingers for her to make a tent until he was ready to come out again.
After an hour or so, they were done. The reward was some more jelly bread and a better tent for the boy to hide under while Mel and Amanda went over the results.
“So? How is he?” asked Amanda.
Mel exhaled a puff of air as she folded her arms across her chest. She spoke quietly to keep from scaring the boy, who was eating quietly nearby.
“He’s absolutely alive, which is astounding. He’s malnourished, for sure. If you fed him yesterday, it was probably the first food he’d had in two or three days. He’s dehydrated too. Those scratches could be anything from prickly briars to animals. I know you don’t like that idea, but he might’ve been attacked by some kind of critter at some point or another.
“I am also absolutely guessing because I’ve never seen anything or anyone like this before. No case studies. No out there one-offs. He seems exactly like any other patient except for him being an inch and a half tall, and that’s me being generous,” said Mel.
“So, you have no idea what he could be?” asked Amanda. Her insides sank when Mel shook her head. Amanda hid her face in her hands for a moment, collecting herself, as she exhaled slowly and glanced back at the box. “So, if he was out there for a little while, he probably doesn’t have anyone to take care of him?”
Mel shrugged tensely and shook her head. “I doubt it. I’m surprised anything that small could live in the elements on its own without natural defenses. Like, mice have claws and extra senses. Who knows what this kid is capable of.”
So, Mel doesn’t think he has any natural defenses and no one to take care of him.
Amanda’s insides churned and she hid her face again.
“Then what am I going to do? Do I take him back where I found him and see if his parents come back? Or do I just keep him? Heavens above, that last one sounds so illegal, but what choice do I have?” muttered Amanda, more to herself than to Mel.
When her friend didn’t answer, Amanda felt compelled to look at her, pulling her hands away from her face to read Mel’s expression, and it wasn’t a good one.
The pediatrician exhaled and kept her arms folded across her chest.
“Look, Mandy, I can’t tell you what to do, but I want you to really think about this. This… kid… can’t be more than four years old. He’s small, which could mean it’s some kind of birth defect and he was abandoned or again, because of his size, something might’ve happened to his parents and they’re not coming back for him,” breathed Mel. “At any rate, how is he going to live? How are you going to live? Keep him in this little box? Use one of those creepy air tags to keep track of him if he runs off?”
Amanda looked at the box. Everything in her felt heavy. She knew the boy couldn’t survive on his own. All at once, she was in charge of another life that was just as precious as her life, if not more.
“You also have to think about if you’re going to tell anyone about him, which I almost think you should. I almost think you should go to the police and social services, like a normal person, but I have no idea what will happen to him if they get involved,” Mel muttered. Hearing this made Amanda’s heart clench.
“T-tell someone? Mel, you don’t understand. It took everything I had to tell you. I… don’t think I could tell anyone about him and it end up well. I mean… worst case scenario is that he gets taken away to some lab and tested and experimented on. I… I can’t put him through that…” Just the thought broke Amanda’s heart.
“So, what? You’re going to keep him? Raise him?” asked Mel. It wasn’t going to be easy, but it was what felt right. Really, it was the only option.
Amanda’s lips pressed together to form a thin line as she forced herself to nod.
“Yes. I mean… I can’t do anything else. There’s no other option.” Her mind was made up. Her demeanor alone told Mel all she needed to know, which was terrifying.
“Amanda, you’re being serious? Are you going to send him to school? Take him to work? Open his first bank account? He doesn’t even have a birth certificate. You’d need to file for a delayed birth certificate for some kind of home birth and then you’d have to essentially forge documents saying he is yours, which is a crime if you weren’t aware,” reminded Mel as she stepped closer to Amanda. “I’m not trying to convince you out of it, I’m just waying there are some things you have to consider.”
Amanda sighed and looked back at the box.
She knew there were going to be risks.
There was a chance this could all blow up in her face if something went wrong. With her divorce so recent, would it look suspicious if she suddenly had a child.
Amanda had to think about all of this carefully and plan out a good story if she was going to cover all of her bases.
She was certain about this though – and she wanted to help raise this boy.
“I know, and he’s worth the risks. You know some doulas and midwives, right?”
“I’m not asking you to be in on this. I’m asking you to put me in contact with people who might be willing to help me out with this,” said Amanda. “Please, Mel? He… he has no one else.”
It obviously made her uncomfortable. This entire evening was not going in any direction that Mel could have predicted. Ultimately, however, Mandy was her friend. Biting her lip and huffing slightly, she nodded.
“If this gets back to me, I’m coming at you with my full vampiric powers. I’ll send over the stuff you’ll need and some of the numbers to get in touch with others who might be willing to help,” muttered Mel. Amanda dropped to her knees as tears she didn’t know were in her eyes spilled over onto her cheeks.
“Thank you.”
“Oh, don’t thank me yet. This is just the beginning. I don’t know how you always manage to get into this situations, Mandy. I hope you know what you’re doing,” said Mel. “Until then, we’ll keep him secret and safe.”
Deep down, Amanda hoped she was doing the right thing too.
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azuldoodles · 4 months
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Part 2
First kiss!
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sanctuary-of-muffins · 2 months
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Coming together as one to hang out, to doodle and paint anything that comes to mind. Using our imagination! This also will be the first banner for The Sanctuary of Muffins. Being like the art banner! Loved how the coming came out though! Was so fun!
If you guys love G/T but love it for it’s cutesy, wholesome side. Then come and join The Sanctuary of Muffins! A SFW G/T community for one and all! To share art, meet other lovers of the fandom, show your stories, and if you want, join our game events!
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blue-carrot10 · 1 month
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Another OC! His name is Avel! (He has an older brother, who I will post a bit later)
Size shifter, be careful in the woods, friends 👀👌
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todoabi · 4 months
New comic wip!
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Been a tad bit artblocked the past few days so let's hope this breaks me out of it yeet
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