#fundielegacies jill anna
biblethumpersims · 1 year
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At 18, Jill is allowed to have social media accounts without supervision. She immediately starts a recipe blog praising granola and essential oil casserole as the Godliest food because preservatives are the devil’s ingredients. Of course, every recipe is prefaced by a 15k word ramble about how God personally invented each oil to be more effective than medicine and signed off with a link to a video about how McDonalds is secretly using aborted fetuses in their McNuggets.
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biblethumpersims · 1 year
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Jill Eaten marries Brett Barajas.
Jet Flanagan marries Dolly.
I’ve been on the fence about ending the blog, and now that all the oldest kids are married I feel confident in saying that this will be it. All the other kids grew up Godly married early and bred often, amen.
That said, I will do four more posts briefly covering the fates of each of the family parents.
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biblethumpersims · 1 year
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I will no longer list birthdays, just courtships & weddings, and instead of a daily recount it just happens when it happens.
Rocky Eaten marries Traci Yarger.
Jet Flanagan starts courting Dolly.
Jill Eaten starts courting Brett Barajas.
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biblethumpersims · 1 year
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"Hey, mom? How do normal girls meet their husbands?”
“It’s just, um, I know you met dad because of a ChristTube series, but normal girls don’t, um, do that? Pastor Bunch encourages young women to wait until a man approaches their father. Do I have to wait?”
“Er, yes. And, um, just so you know, I waited. I never touched a boy until, you know, my dad - Gramps - chose the man I would, um, marry. My mom - your Gramma - filmed, but we were all pure. You need to wait. Samuel is a good, smart man. He’ll know if a boy is right for you.”
“Er, do I get a say?”
“Hmmm. Ask your father.”
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biblethumpersims · 1 year
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"Jill, can you babysit your siblings for a few hours?”
“Of course, but are you feeling alright?”
“I’m great! There’s a woman from MBBB, Dorothy, and I’m meeting her for lunch. No children, just us.”
“Sounds fun. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of the family.”
“You’d better.”
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biblethumpersims · 1 year
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It’s January. I won’t make a million Christfest posts. Everyone had a jolly good time worshipping Jesus and snorting eggnog.
Birthdays were:
- Jill Eaten: Teenager. Received the Restaurateur aspiration.
- Jeff Mills: Teenager. Received the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration.
- Sapphire Flanagan: Toddler. Received the Difficult Temperament trait. 
- Ash Eaten: Toddler. Received the Talkative trait.
- Hunter & Holly Eaten: Born.
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biblethumpersims · 1 year
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midnight prayer
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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At 4 in the morning, GodIsParadise wakes up to birth her first child, Jill Anna Eaten.
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biblethumpersims · 1 year
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“What are you doing, Jill?”
"Playing chess.”
“You- ah, um, I don’t think you should.”
“Huhh? Why not?”
“That’s, you know, a boy’s game. It’s too... advanced for you.”
“But I’m winning!”
“Hmm. John, are you letting her win? That’s, um, not good. You’ll make her think she’s smarter than she is.”
“I’m not letting her win!”
“Mmm, well, I guess you must be really bad at it. Jill, see, you’ll embarrass yourself if you ever play against a boy that knows what he’s doing. I think you should maybe stop.”
“We’ll see.”
“Ah. Hmm. Ok, then.”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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GIP and Samuel don’t film or post about Jill’s birthday, but they do throw her a modest party.
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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[From GodIsParadise’s diary]
Dear Jesus,
I love my children. Thank You for giving us the twins. I hope you give me another baby soon.
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My parents had a butler, so Mom never taught me more than low level cooking. We don’t have a butler, so I’m teaching myself how to cook. We eat out most nights.
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Samuel is a good husband. I can’t complain. At first, when I didn’t have Mom around to talk for me, I didn’t know how to talk to him. Now the silence is comfortable.
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I’m blessed to have Jill. She never cries or throws tantrums, and she’s easy to teach.
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John’s like Jill. But he’s more independent. It’s natural for boys to not want to play with Mommy like girls do. It’s your design for him, Lord. I won’t interfere.
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Mrs. Mills says my outfit is questionable. She thinks it’s improper for a mom to dress like a teenager. I see her point. She told me to look up the Godly Mommy Fashion page on her website and use code JESUSLIVES for 7% off. Samuel would like me using a discount code. 
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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The next day, one baby leaves the bassinet...
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...and one baby enters the bassinet.
They name him John Christian Eaten. GodIsParadise is glad to have a boy, if only so Candace can’t say shit about not having one.
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