#fue scars
glorioussaladblizzard · 11 months
Fue scars after 1 year
After a year, learn the truth about FUE scars! Find out the most recent research on how to make these scars disappear, heal, and blend in with your natural hair. Bid your fears farewell and welcome a scar-free, confident future.
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michaelldunba · 8 months
Restore Your Confidence with Fue Scar Elevate your manifestation with FUE scar solutions. Our expert revisions bring back your skin's impressiveness, scar-free. Contact us today!
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sccarz · 1 year
💅🏻 — para que nuestros personajes se arreglen las uñas en el spa. @crrlnn
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los movimientos que ejerce casi antes de que se le indique, y la forma en la que se acomoda en su asiento hace muy evidente que no es la primera vez de scar haciéndose las uñas. va religiosamente a sus citas cada cierto tiempo. "¿qué te estás haciendo?" le pregunta a compañía de ese día, intentando asomarse para tener un atisbo de lo que está sucediendo de su lado.
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beraberblog · 2 months
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Esthetic Hair Mexico: Your Premier Destination for Advanced Hair Transplant Solutions
Are you considering a hair transplant procedure to address your hair loss concerns? Esthetic Hair Mexico offers top-quality hair transplant services, including FUE and DHI procedures, with exceptional results that enhance your appearance and boost your confidence.
Hair Transplant Mexico vs. Turkey: When it comes to choosing a destination for your hair transplant procedure, Hair transplant Mexico vs Turkeyare two popular options. While both countries offer high-quality treatment at affordable prices, there are some key differences to consider. Esthetic Hair Mexico stands out for its experienced surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and personalized care that ensures optimal results and patient satisfaction.
FUE Hair Transplant Mexico: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a minimally invasive hair transplant technique that involves harvesting individual hair follicles from the donor area and transplanting them to the recipient area. At Esthetic Hair Mexico, our skilled surgeons specialize in Fue hair transplant mexico, delivering natural-looking results with minimal scarring and downtime.
Hair Transplant Before and After: Seeing is believing, and at Esthetic Hair Mexico, we're proud to showcase the remarkable transformations our patients undergo with our hair transplant procedures. Hair transplant before and after gallery features real patients who have achieved natural-looking, life-changing results with our FUE and DHI procedures.
DHI Hair Transplant: Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is another advanced hair transplant technique offered at Esthetic Hair Mexico. With Dhi hair transplant and hair follicles are extracted and implanted directly into the recipient area using specialized tools, ensuring precise placement and optimal growth. The result is denser, fuller hair with minimal downtime and maximum satisfaction.
At Esthetic Hair Mexico, we understand the impact that hair loss can have on your confidence and self-esteem. That's why we're committed to providing personalized care and support throughout your hair restoration journey, from the initial consultation to post-operative care and beyond.
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herkonular · 8 months
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Sapphire hair transplant turkey is a popular method for hair restoration, offered by many clinics in Turkey. This technique involves using a special type of blade made from sapphire to create incisions for hair follicles, resulting in less trauma to the scalp and a faster healing time. The procedure is often painless and delivers definite results. On average, the cost of a Sapphire hair transplant in Turkey ranges from. It's important to consult with a reputable clinic to ensure the best possible outcome. Fue hair transplant turkey, or Follicular Unit Extraction, is another common method for hair transplant in Turkey. This technique involves removing individual hair follicles from the donor area and transplanting them to the recipient area of the scalp. FUE is a minimally invasive procedure that results in less scarring and a faster recovery time compared to traditional hair transplant methods. The cost of a 3000 graft FUE hair transplant in Turkey ranges from. It's important to note that the cost may vary depending on the clinic and the number of grafts needed. Beard hair transplant turkey is a specialized procedure offered by some hair transplant clinics in Turkey. This procedure involves transplanting hair follicles from the scalp to the beard area to achieve a fuller, thicker beard. The procedure is performed in a special operation theatre by a specialized medical team that takes extra precautions for undetectable HIV+ patients. The cost of a beard hiv hair transplant turkey varies depending on the number of grafts needed and the clinic, but it is generally more expensive than a traditional hair transplant. It's important to choose a reputable clinic with experience in performing beard hair transplants to ensure the best possible outcome.
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flan-tasma · 4 months
Hello, just wondering if you could possibly write dainsleif xgn! reader modern highschool au? basically the reader always wears a mask due to them having a noticeable scar on their lips? (slightly self projecting but riufhurihwiwkak) what if people were being pushy into getting you to take the mask off and dainsleif comes to save the day
reader is selectively mute and shy ish
💖~ FINALLY SOMETHING ABOUT DAIN. I love you so much, anon💘✨💖
I like to think that in the end Dain carries you to the infirmary.
Warning: Nope now💖, GN!Reader, I think this turned out to be a bit violent... | English is not my native language, so if I have made any mistakes in the translation, I am open to corrections | Content in spanish and english!
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Fue un misterio la razón por la que usabas una mascarilla. En un inicio la respuesta para las mentes curiosas era un rumor acerca de tu salud delicada, y mientras se esparcía como la pólvora, las personas se acercaron con un deseo casi vulgar por saber la razón verdadera. Preguntaron con sonrisas, con rostros curiosos y de buena manera en un inicio, pero no recibieron más que el silencio y tu mirada baja.
Los rumores escalaron hasta que habías nacido sin capacidad de habla, y las buenas maneras en las que se acercaron los curiosos fue distinta. La curiosidad empezó a volverse morbo. Y mientras se oscurecían las razones para descubrir tus secretos, también lo hicieron las artimañas de tus compañeros de clase.
Los pedidos acompañados de dulces palabras pasaron a caras aburridas que solo esperaban un nuevo show, algo divertido que ver en ti. Te dijeron que sería más agradable ver tu cara completa al hablarte, y cuando no lo hiciste te dejaron. Dijeron que no eras cortés, que tú falta de educación era un insulto. Todo se vino abajo.
Te lanzaron cosas, acercaban sus manos rápidamente a tu cara para quitarte la máscara, pero solo era una burla. Tu rostro preocupado les divertía como si fuera el mejor show que hayan visto en sus vidas. Y esos imbéciles sin entretenimiento se quedaron.
“Ni siquiera sé por qué te molestas.” La voz femenina resonó en el salón, las clases habían terminado y te apresurabas a guardar tus cosas e irte, pero un brazo en tus hombros te detuvo. “Somos amigos, no vamos a burlarnos ni nada.” Sus promesas estaban vacías y tenían menos valor que un centavo, pero no podías hacer más que quedarte en tu lugar y bajar la cabeza.
“Tal vez está escondiendo una quemadura.” Otro chico habló, sonriendo como si incomodarte no fuera más que una broma inocente. No le importaba en lo más mínimo y su postura relajada te lo comunicaba. “Una quemadura tan fea que si la ves, vas a vomitar.”
“No digas eso, tienes que ser amable. ¿Verdad?” La voz sínica te hizo temblar cuando más se acercaba por tus hombros hasta tu cuello. “¿Puedes decirle que no sea un hijo de perra? Tal vez así te deje de molestar.”
“Solo dejaré de jugar si te quitas la máscara.” Con una perra que te sostenía por los hombros y el imbécil que se acercó para por fin callar a la voz que le gritaba en su cabeza, casi gritaste y te sacudiste. No querías que te vieran, no querías que vieran tu cicatriz. Tus ojos empezaron a llorar cuando el agarre de la chica te sostuvo con más fuerza hasta empujarte dolorosamente contra alguna silla, sentiste el pupitre pinchar tu costado y pataleaste contra el aire cuando viste a esos dos gritarte en la cara que te calmaras y no seas histérica, pisando tus pies para evitar tus golpes.
Las cosas pasaron en cámara lenta mientras tus uñas arañaban lo que lograban sostener de la piel de alguno de los dos. Estabas llorando y el calor de la máscara era aún mayor. Pero cuando sentiste que tus pulmones iban a explotar, de repente la libertad te golpeó junto al sonido de algo cayendo contra otras mesas. Una cabellera rubia estaba frente a ti, un chico alto que miraba a los dos renacuajos que chillaron y se quejaron por haber caído contra los pupitres.
Todo se sentía irreal mientras los gritos te asfixiaban, la voz del hombre se hizo camino para ser escuchada por todos, rugiendo con rabia, sacando a la fuerza a los dos estudiantes. El silencio reinó cuando él cerró la puerta del salón mientras te calmabas. Temblaste por el miedo y te dolía el cuerpo, querías chillar y volver a casa. Tu salvador notó tu nariz moqueando y se acercó lentamente, sentándose en una silla a dos mesas de distancia.
“¿Quieres ir a la enfermería?” Su voz era silenciosa, casi como un susurro, no queriendo alterarte o hacer que te duelan los oídos. Su mirada gentil estaba pintada de azul y buscaba alguna herida grave en tus manos o cuello. En cuidado con el que se mantuvo alejado, pero pendiente, presente y dispuesto a ayudarte mientras aún calmabas tu respiración y tus llantos, sin importarle cuando te cubrías la máscara con algo de temor aun aferrándose a tus huesos.
Entendió que querías silencio, entonces te lo dio, pero te cuidó hasta que ya era más tarde de lo habitual. No había ruido afuera del salón, ni siquiera los conserjes se escuchaban y parecía que incluso los autos de la carretera respetaban sus deseos.
En la escuela se escuchó un nuevo rumor, esta vez uno más cerca de la realidad. A Dainsleif, el misterioso muchacho de la clase D, estaba cuidando del estudiante de la clase B. Claramente nadie volvió a quejarse de tu mascarilla sin tener alguna discusión con él.
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It was a mystery why you were wearing a mask. Initially the answer to curious minds was a rumor about your failing health, and as it spread like wildfire, people came forward with an almost vulgar desire to know the real reason. They asked with smiles, with curious faces and in a good manner at first, but they only received silence and your lowered gaze.
The rumors escalated until you were born without the ability to speak, and the good manners in which the curious approached were different. Curiosity began to turn morbid. And as the reasons for discovering your secrets darkened, so did the tricks of your classmates.
The requests accompanied by sweet words passed to bored faces that were only waiting for a new show, something fun to see from you. They told you it would be nicer to see your full face when they talked to you, and when you didn't, they left you. They said you were not polite, that your lack of education was an insult. Everything fell apart.
They threw things at you, quickly bringing their hands to your face to take off your mask, but it was just a taunt. Your worried face amused them as if it were the best show they had ever seen in their lives. And those unentertained morons stayed.
“I don't even know why you bother.” The female voice echoed in the room, classes had ended, and you hurried to put your things away and leave, but an arm on your shoulders stopped you. “We're friends, we're not going to make fun of each other or anything.” His promises were empty and worth less than a penny, but you could do nothing but stay in your place and hang your head.
“Maybe they're hiding a burn.” Another boy spoke up, smiling as if making you uncomfortable was nothing more than an innocent joke. He didn't care in the slightest, and his relaxed posture communicated that to you. “A burn so bad that if you see it, you're going to throw up.”
“Don't say that, you have to be nice. True?" The sinic voice made you shiver the closer it got over your shoulders to your neck. “Can you tell him not to be a son of a bitch? Maybe then he will stop bothering you.”
“I will only stop playing if you take off your mask.” With a bitch holding you by the shoulders and the asshole reaching out to finally silence the voice screaming in his head, you almost screamed and shook. You didn't want them to see you, you didn't want them to see your scar. Your eyes began to cry when the girl's grip held you tighter until she pushed you painfully against a chair, you felt the desk pinch your side and you kicked against the air when you saw those two yelling in your face to calm down and not be hysterical, stepping on your feet to avoid your blows.
Things happened in slow motion while your nails scratched what they could hold of the skin of either of you. You were crying and the heat from the mask was even greater. But when you felt like your lungs were going to explode, freedom suddenly hit you, along with the sound of something falling against other tables. A blonde haired guy stood in front of you, a tall boy looking at the two tadpoles who screamed and complained about falling against the desks.
Everything felt unreal as the screams choked you, the man's voice made its way to be heard by everyone, roaring in rage, forcibly removing the two students. Silence reigned as he closed the living room door while you calmed down. You shook with fear and your body ached, you wanted to scream and go home. Your savior noticed your runny nose and slowly approached, sitting in a chair two tables away.
“Do you want to go to the infirmary?” His voice was quiet, almost like a whisper, not wanting to upset you or make your ears hurt. His gentle gaze was painted blue and he was searching for any serious wound on your hands or neck. In care with which he stayed away, but attentive, present and willing to help you while you still calmed your breathing and your cries, not caring when you covered your mask with some fear still clinging to your bones.
He understood that you wanted silence, so he gave it to you, but he took care of you until it was later than usual. There was no noise outside the room, not even the janitors could be heard, and it seemed that even the cars on the road respected his wishes.
A new rumor was heard at school, this time one closer to reality. Dainsleif, the mysterious boy from class D, was taking care of the student from class B. Clearly no one complained about your mask again without having some discussion with him.
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dr-hairblog · 8 months
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Exploring Advanced Techniques in Hair Transplant Procedures in Turkey
Turkey is renowned globally for its expertise in hair transplant and hair restoration solutions. This article will provide you with a detailed overview of the advanced hair transplant procedures, hair grafting, and implantation techniques available in the country.
Hair transplant in Turkey incorporates two major techniques: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). These procedures are considered the gold standard in hair restoration, with their high success rates and natural-looking results.
Follicular Unit Extraction is a hair grafting technique where individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area and then implanted into the balding areas. This procedure is less invasive, resulting in minimal scarring and a shorter recovery time.
On the other hand, Follicular Unit Transplantation involves removing a strip of scalp from the back of the head, from which individual hair follicles are then harvested. The follicles are then transplanted into the areas with hair loss. This hair restoration procedure is highly effective for those with large areas of baldness.
Additionally, Turkey also offers advanced hair transplant techniques such as micrografting and minigrafting. These procedures, like the others, aim to provide a natural hair transplant by ensuring the implanted hair blends seamlessly with the surrounding hair.
Each hair transplant procedure steps are meticulously planned and executed to ensure the best possible outcome. The hair transplant operation begins with a thorough evaluation of the patient's scalp, followed by the harvesting of hair follicles from the donor area and their precise implantation in the balding areas.
A significant advantage of undergoing a hair transplant in Turkey is the country's commitment to using the latest technologies and methods for hair implantation and hair restoration procedures. This includes the use of high-precision tools for follicular unit extraction and transplantation, ensuring a natural and permanent hair transplant.
In conclusion, the hair transplantation process in Turkey is designed to offer patients an advanced, effective, and natural hair transplant. From the detailed hair transplant procedure steps to the meticulous execution of the hair transplant operation, patients are assured of a high-quality hair restoration experience.
The Hair Transplant Journey in Turkey: A Comprehensive Guide for Men and Women
Turkey has become a global hub for hair transplant procedures, offering solutions for both men and women suffering from pattern baldness. The hair transplant in Turkey has gained significant attention due to its advanced techniques, high patient satisfaction, and compelling patient testimonials.
Hair transplant for men is a common procedure in Turkey. Male pattern baldness, a condition that affects a substantial number of men worldwide, can be effectively addressed with a hair transplant. The hair transplant patient journey typically involves an initial consultation to assess the extent of the baldness and plan for the appropriate procedure. The patient preparation phase includes detailed instructions to ensure optimal results.
The hair transplant patient experience in Turkey is generally positive, with many reporting high levels of satisfaction. This is largely due to the expertise of the healthcare professionals and the high-quality care provided throughout the procedure. Patient testimonials often highlight the transformative impact of the transplant, boosting self-confidence and enhancing overall well-being.
Hair transplant for women in Turkey is also gaining popularity. Female pattern baldness, although less common, can cause significant distress. A hair transplant can provide a permanent solution, restoring hair to thinning or bald areas. Women undergoing a hair transplant in Turkey can expect a similar patient journey to men, with a tailored approach to address the unique aspects of female pattern baldness.
The hair transplant patient recovery process is an essential part of the journey. In Turkey, patients are provided with comprehensive aftercare instructions and ongoing support to ensure a smooth recovery. This commitment to patient care post-procedure further enhances the hair transplant patient experience.
In conclusion, Turkey's reputation as a premier destination for hair transplant procedures for men and women is well-deserved. The country's dedication to patient satisfaction, evidenced by numerous positive patient testimonials, positions it as a leading choice for those seeking a solution to pattern baldness. Whether it's male or female pattern baldness, a hair transplant in Turkey can offer a life-changing experience.
Harnessing Hair Transplant in Turkey: A Comprehensive Guide to Restoring Hair Density and Overcoming Baldness
Baldness, medically referred to as alopecia, is a common concern for many individuals worldwide. The quest for a reliable hair loss solution has led many to explore various options. One of the most effective and promising procedures today is a hair transplant in Turkey. This technique is not just a temporary baldness cure but a permanent solution for restoring hair and improving hair density.
Hair transplant success stories have significantly grown over time, and Turkey has become a renowned destination for this procedure. This treatment is an excellent hair regrowth treatment that has given hope to many suffering from hair loss. The outcome of a hair transplant procedure is often a new lease of life for many, restoring their confidence and youthful look.
Baldness treatment in Turkey primarily involves a hair follicle transplant. This procedure is a remarkable hair loss solution whose success hinges on the transplanting of hair follicles from dense areas to the bald patches. It's a delicate procedure that requires skilled professionals to ensure the hair starts growing from the transplanted follicles.
Hair regrowth after a transplant procedure is a gradual process. Over time, the transplanted follicles start to produce new hair strands, leading to restored hair growth. The hairline restoration process is particularly fascinating as the procedure can accurately redesign a natural-looking hairline.
Hair density is another critical aspect of a hair transplant. A successful procedure in Turkey aims to provide a dense, natural-looking hair pattern that seamlessly blends with your existing hair. The result is a fuller head of hair that effectively masks any previous signs of baldness.
Hair transplant success stories from Turkey are indeed inspiring. These stories highlight the effective hair regrowth treatment options available and the potential for a total baldness cure. The hair transplant procedure outcome is not only about restoring hair but also about reinstating self-esteem and confidence.
In conclusion, if you're exploring alopecia treatment options, a hair transplant in Turkey could be the solution you've been searching for. It's more than a procedure; it's a journey to reclaiming your hair and reviving your confidence.
Hair Transplant In Turkey: A Comprehensive Guide to Scalp Health and Post-Op Care
A hair transplant in Turkey involves an intricate procedure that focuses on restoring not just the hair, but also overall scalp health. It is a process that begins with a thorough examination of your scalp, followed by a carefully planned surgery, and concludes with a comprehensive post-op care regime.
Scalp rejuvenation is an integral part of the hair transplant procedure. It ensures that your scalp is in the best possible condition to receive and nurture the transplanted hair grafts. This is key to the hair transplant graft survival and ultimately, the success of the procedure.
The hair transplant surgery day is a significant one, requiring preparation and understanding of the process. This includes understanding the application of hair transplant anaesthesia, which is administered to ensure minimal discomfort during the procedure. Some people may experience anxiety about the anaesthesia, but rest assured that it is a standard part of the process and is administered by experienced professionals.
The process of transplantation involves making tiny incisions on your scalp where the hair grafts are inserted. These incisions may require hair transplant stitches, which are typically dissolvable and do not cause any long-term discomfort.
A common concern among patients is the hair transplant scar that results from the incisions. However, modern techniques and technologies have significantly reduced the visibility of these scars. Furthermore, proper hair transplant scar care, as part of the post-op care, can help to minimize any residual scarring.
The hair transplant healing process is as crucial as the surgery itself. It involves meticulous hair transplant post-op care to ensure the health and survival of the newly transplanted grafts. This care regime typically includes gentle washing, avoiding direct sunlight, and refraining from strenuous activities that may put stress on the grafts.
In conclusion, a hair transplant in Turkey involves a holistic approach that focuses on overall scalp health, from the initial scalp rejuvenation to the final stages of post-op care. With the right understanding and care, the procedure can successfully restore not just your hair, but also your confidence and wellbeing.
Understanding the Comprehensive Process and Key Elements of Hair Transplant in Turkey
If you're considering a hair transplant in Turkey, it's essential to understand the intricacies of the procedure. This includes the critical role of the donor hair, the various hair transplant techniques employed, and the technology used in the transplantation process.
A hair transplant surgery starts with the extraction of donor hair, which is the hair that's harvested from a patient's own scalp. This hair is typically taken from the back of the head, known as the hair transplant donor area. This area is chosen because the hair here is genetically programmed to resist balding, making it ideal for transplantation.
The next step in the process is the preparation of the grafts. The hair transplant graft density, or the number of hair follicles transplanted per square centimeter, plays a crucial role in the outcome of the surgery. A higher graft density often results in a more natural-looking hairline and increased hair volume.
The actual transplantation procedure is usually carried out over a single or multiple hair transplant sessions, depending on the extent of hair loss. The hair transplant surgeon's role is vital at this stage. They are responsible for implanting the grafts into the recipient area, ensuring the correct placement and angle for a natural appearance.
The hair transplant team also plays a significant part in the process. They assist the surgeon in preparing the grafts and often help in the implantation process. The skill, experience, and coordination of the team can significantly impact the success of the procedure.
In recent years, there has been a significant advancement in hair transplant techniques and transplantation technology. This includes the use of state-of-the-art hair transplant equipment, which allows for more precise and efficient extraction and implantation of hair follicles. These advancements have made hair transplants more effective, less invasive, and have reduced recovery times.
In conclusion, understanding these key elements can help prospective patients make informed decisions about undergoing hair transplant surgery in Turkey. It's always important to conduct thorough research and consult with a professional before making any decisions about your hair restoration journey.
Non-Surgical Hair Transplant and Alternatives: Considerations and Advice for Hair Replacement Therapy in Turkey
When considering a hair transplant in Turkey, one must weigh the benefits and drawbacks of surgical and non-surgical hair transplant procedures. A non-surgical hair transplant, contrary to common belief, can provide impressive results and may be suitable for those not willing to undergo an invasive procedure. This method, also recognized as hair replacement therapy, offers a less invasive alternative for those suffering from hair loss.
However, it's crucial to remember that non-surgical hair transplant methods are not for everyone. Although they can provide an immediate solution to hair loss, these procedures might not offer the same long-term results as surgical hair transplants. Therefore, it's essential to explore all hair transplant alternatives before making a decision.
Hair transplant considerations should include a thorough evaluation of your hair loss pattern, the potential causes, and the expected results. It's also advisable to consider the potential side effects and post-procedure care required for both surgical and non-surgical hair transplants.
Seeking hair transplant advice from experienced professionals can help to clear any doubts and provide clarity on the most suitable procedure for your specific case. It can also give you a realistic expectation of the results you can achieve. Remember, every person's hair loss is unique, and hence the solution should be personalized.
A hair transplant consultation is a crucial step in the process of deciding on a hair transplant procedure. During this consultation, a thorough examination of your hair and scalp will be done to evaluate the severity and pattern of your hair loss. This assessment will help determine the most suitable hair transplant procedure for you.
Hair transplant counselling is another vital step in the process. This counselling can provide you with a deeper understanding of the procedure, help you set realistic expectations, and prepare you for the post-procedure care.
A pre-transplant consultation is the final step before deciding to undergo a hair transplant procedure. This consultation will provide a detailed plan for your procedure, including the type of transplant, number of sessions required, and the aftercare regimen.
In summary, when considering a hair transplant in Turkey, it's crucial to research, seek advice, and have thorough consultations to ensure you're making an informed decision. Whether you choose a surgical or non-surgical hair transplant, remember that the procedure should be tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.
Understanding the Cost, Financing, Benefits, and Success Rate of Hair Transplant in Turkey
Hair transplant in Turkey is gaining popularity due to its impressive results and proven success rate. This procedure has been a game-changer for many individuals, providing a boost of confidence and a renewed sense of self-esteem. In this section, we will dive deeper into the aspects of hair transplant cost, financing options, benefits, and the success rate of the procedure.
Hair transplant cost in Turkey is one of the primary factors that potential patients consider. It's important to understand that the cost may vary depending on several factors. These include the complexity of the procedure, the number of grafts required, and the specific techniques used. However, despite these variables, hair transplant in Turkey is recognized for its affordability compared to other countries.
Next, we will discuss hair transplant financing. This is a critical aspect for those who may find the upfront cost a bit steep. Thankfully, there are various financing options available to help manage the cost of the procedure. It's always recommended to research and explore these options thoroughly, ensuring you find the best fit for your financial situation.
Now, let's delve into the hair transplant benefits. This procedure can bring about a multitude of positive changes. Firstly, it provides a permanent solution to hair loss, offering a natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing result. Furthermore, it helps to improve self-confidence, as a full head of hair often enhances personal appearance. The hair transplant procedure benefits extend beyond aesthetics, as it can also positively impact mental and emotional well-being.
Understanding the hair transplant procedure advantages is equally important. One of the significant advantages is its high success rate. This is mainly due to the advanced techniques and skilled professionals carrying out the procedures in Turkey. Additionally, the procedure results in minimal scarring, and recovery time is relatively quick.
Lastly, let's consider the hair transplant success rate. The success of a hair transplant is usually determined by the growth of new hair and how natural it looks. In Turkey, the success rate of hair transplant procedures is high, with most patients achieving desired hair transplant results.
In conclusion, it is clear that the hair transplant procedure offers numerous benefits. From cost and financing options to the success rate and the positive impact on individuals' lives, hair transplant in Turkey stands as a promising solution to hair loss. However, it's always advised to conduct thorough research and consult with a professional before making a decision.
Understanding Hair Transplant Recovery and Post-Operative Care in Turkey
Hair transplant recovery is an essential part of the overall procedure, and Turkey's advanced healthcare system offers exemplary post-transplant care, making it a top choice for many undergoing this life-changing operation.
One of the most frequently asked questions by patients is about hair transplant recovery time. Typically, the healing process is relatively quick, but it can vary depending on individual conditions and the specific type of hair transplant procedure the patient went through.
After the transplant, the scalp may feel very tender, and there may be some swelling. Some small crusts may also form around each graft, but these usually fall off within a week. It's essential to understand that the hair transplant patient recovery period is a journey that needs careful attention and patience.
Post-transplant care is crucial to ensure a successful recovery. Patients are usually given specific instructions to follow, which may include taking prescribed medications, using certain hair care products, and avoiding certain activities. Hair transplant post-operative care also includes regular check-ups to monitor the healing process and to make sure that the transplant is successful.
In the first few weeks following the procedure, it's normal for the transplanted hair to fall out - but don't worry! This is a natural part of the hair transplant procedure recovery, and new growth will usually start within a few months. It's important to remember that everyone's recovery process is different, and the final results of the transplant may not be visible until a year after the surgery.
In conclusion, hair transplant in Turkey offers a high standard of medical care and a thorough hair transplant recovery plan. The recovery period requires patience and diligent post-operative care. By adhering to these, you will be able to enjoy the full benefits of your hair transplant procedure recovery.
Understanding Hair Transplant Procedure Safety, Risks, and Side Effects in Turkey
As the popularity of hair transplants in Turkey continues to surge, it is vital for potential candidates to understand the procedure's safety, potential risks, and side effects. This knowledge can help you make a more informed decision about whether this procedure is right for you.
One of the primary concerns that many individuals have is hair transplant procedure safety. Modern techniques and advancements in medical technology have made hair transplants safer than ever before. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are still some risks involved. That's why it's essential to be fully aware of the potential hair transplant risks before deciding to undergo the procedure.
The most common hair transplant risks include infection, bleeding, and scarring. There's also a risk of unnatural-looking hair growth or the transplanted hair not taking root as it should, which can lead to disappointing results. Despite these risks, it's important to note that complications are relatively rare, and most people experience successful results.
Regarding hair transplant side effects, patients often experience some degree of pain, swelling, and numbness in the scalp following the procedure. These are typically temporary and should subside within a few days. Some people may also experience a phenomenon known as "shock loss," which is a temporary thinning of your existing hair. Again, this is usually temporary, and your hair should return to its normal thickness within a few months.
The potential hair transplant procedure disadvantages should also be considered. One of the main disadvantages is the cost, as hair transplants can be quite expensive. Also, the procedure may require multiple sessions, depending on the extent of hair loss, which can be time-consuming. Lastly, it is important to manage expectations as the results of a hair transplant are not immediate and may take up to a year to fully materialize.
In conclusion, while hair transplants in Turkey offer a promising solution to hair loss, it's essential to understand the procedure's safety, risks, and side effects. By being fully aware of these factors, you can make an informed decision that best suits your needs and personal circumstances.
Demystifying Hair Transplant in Turkey: Myths, Facts, and Expectations
Hair transplant in Turkey has garnered international attention in recent years due to its accessibility, affordability, and the high level of expertise offered by the professionals in the field. However, along with the popularity, various hair transplant myths have surfaced, causing confusion and apprehension among potential patients. This article aims to debunk these myths, disclose hair transplant facts, and set the right hair transplant expectations.
One of the most common hair transplant myths is that the results are immediate. In reality, patience is key when it comes to hair transplant before and after. The full results of a hair transplant procedure may take up to a year to be visible as the transplanted hair initially falls out before growing back. This is a normal part of the procedure and understanding this aspect can create more realistic hair transplant procedure expectations.
Another common myth suggests that hair transplant is a painful procedure. While some discomfort is inevitable, the procedure itself is generally painless, thanks to the local anesthesia applied during the surgery. Hair transplant reviews often highlight the professionalism and care of the medical team in ensuring that the patient is comfortable throughout the procedure.
In terms of hair transplant facts, it's essential to know that not everyone is a suitable candidate for the procedure. Factors such as the extent of hair loss, age, and overall health can influence the success of the procedure. It’s crucial to have a comprehensive consultation with a professional to understand if you are a good candidate.
When it comes to hair transplant expectations, patients should understand that results may vary. Factors such as individual hair characteristics, the extent of hair loss, and the skill of the medical team can influence the outcome. Therefore, it's important to have realistic hair transplant procedure expectations.
To conclude, understanding the hair transplant procedure can greatly contribute to your overall experience and satisfaction. Through hair transplant reviews, you can gain insights into the experiences of others, helping you make an informed decision. Remember, knowledge is power, and the more you know about the hair transplant procedure, the better prepared you will be for your journey towards hair restoration in Turkey.
Understanding the Hair Transplant Timeline and Procedure in Turkey
When considering a hair transplant in Turkey, it is vital to understand the hair transplant timeline, hair transplant preparation, and the hair transplant procedure process. This will not only help you set realistic expectations but also ensure that you're adequately prepared for the journey ahead.
The hair transplant timeline generally spans over a period of 12-18 months. However, it is essential to remember that each individual's hair transplant timeline may vary depending on various factors, such as the extent of hair loss, general health, and the speed at which their hair grows.
Before the hair transplant procedure in Turkey, there are several steps involved in the hair transplant preparation. Firstly, you will need to have a consultation with a hair transplant specialist who will assess your hair loss and discuss the best treatment options. You may also be asked to stop certain medications and refrain from consuming alcohol or smoking for a specific period before the procedure.
The hair transplant procedure timeline commences once you're cleared for the surgery. The procedure typically involves extracting hair follicles from a donor area (usually the back or sides of your head) and implanting them into the balding or thinning areas. Despite the procedure's complexity, the hair transplant procedure process is usually straightforward and carried out under local anesthesia.
Hair transplant procedure preparation is another essential aspect to consider. It includes understanding the post-procedure care instructions, arranging for someone to drive you home after the surgery, and ensuring you have a comfortable space at home for your recovery.
In conclusion, understanding the hair transplant timeline, the hair transplant preparation, and the hair transplant procedure process can help you feel more confident and prepared for your hair transplant in Turkey. Remember, it's not just about the procedure, but also about the journey to regaining your confidence and self-esteem.
Understanding Hair Transplant Procedure Advancements and Variations in Turkey
In the realm of aesthetic medicine, hair transplant eligibility is an important consideration for individuals seeking to regain their hairline and overall hair volume. Turkey has emerged as a leading destination for this specialized procedure, due to the country's advanced techniques and highly qualified medical professionals.
Hair transplant procedure types vary, each catering to specific patient needs and hair loss patterns. The procedure's versatility is one of the reasons why it has gained significant popularity among those wanting to combat hair loss. The two most common procedures are Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).
FUT involves removing a strip of tissue from the back of the scalp, from which hair follicles are harvested. These follicles are then implanted into the balding areas. On the other hand, FUE involves individual removal and transplantation of hair follicles, offering less scarring and a quicker recovery time.
The hair transplant procedure variations are designed to suit different hair loss patterns, scalp conditions, and patient preferences. Some variations include Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), where hair follicles are implanted one by one directly to the thinning area that needs to be covered. Each hair follicle is placed in a specific direction, angle and depth, thanks to the DHI patented tool, providing 100% natural results and maximum viability.
The hair transplant procedure advancements in Turkey have been phenomenal, making the country a preferred destination for patients worldwide. These advancements not only include new techniques but also innovations in technology and equipment used in the procedure. For instance, the use of high-powered microscopes for follicle extraction, ensuring minimal damage and higher success rates.
Furthermore, hair transplant procedure innovations have led to less invasive methods, shorter recovery times, and more natural-looking results. As a result, people experiencing hair loss can now choose from a variety of effective and affordable solutions.
In conclusion, understanding the hair transplant procedure types, their variations, advancements, and innovations is crucial in making an informed decision about your hair restoration journey. Turkey, with its advanced medical facilities and expertise, continues to be at the forefront of these developments, providing top-notch hair transplant services to thousands of satisfied patients each year.
Unraveling the Details: An In-depth Analysis of Hair Transplant Procedure Steps in Turkey
The hair transplant procedure steps in Turkey are marked by meticulous attention to detail and adherence to internationally recognized standards. As one of the leading destinations for hair restoration, Turkey is renowned for its comprehensive and methodical approach to hair transplant procedures.
The hair transplant procedure explanation begins with a thorough consultation. This critical step allows the medical professional to understand the patient's hair loss pattern, assess their scalp, and discuss their expectations. It also gives the patient the opportunity to ask questions, ensuring they are fully informed about the process.
Next in the hair transplant procedure details is the preparation phase. This involves shaving the donor area, usually at the back of the head, where hair follicles will be harvested. Anesthesia is then administered to numb the area and ensure the patient's comfort throughout the procedure.
The extraction phase follows, where individual follicles or small groups of follicles are carefully extracted using specialized tools. This step requires precision and expertise to ensure the follicles are not damaged and remain viable for transplantation.
The next in the hair transplant procedure steps in Turkey involves making tiny incisions in the recipient area, where the extracted follicles will be implanted. This step is critical and requires a keen understanding of hair growth patterns to ensure a natural-looking result.
Post the implantation, a thorough hair transplant procedure analysis is conducted to assess the success of the procedure. This involves inspecting the implanted area to ensure the follicles are securely in place, and there are no signs of infection or other complications.
Finally, patients are provided with detailed aftercare instructions. These include advice on washing the scalp, managing discomfort or swelling, and what to expect during the healing process. Adhering to these instructions is crucial to ensure the success of the hair transplant procedure.
The hair transplant procedure standards in Turkey are high, with a focus on patient safety, comfort, and satisfaction. The entire process is designed to be as seamless and stress-free as possible, demonstrating why Turkey is a preferred destination for those seeking to restore their hair.
In conclusion, the hair transplant procedure steps in Turkey are comprehensive, methodical, and adhere to high international standards, providing patients with confidence in their journey towards hair restoration.
The Transformation Journey: Understanding the Procedure, Results, and Outcome of Hair Transplant in Turkey
The desire for a fuller, thicker mane has led many individuals to consider a hair transplant procedure transformation, particularly in Turkey. Renowned for its state-of-the-art medical facilities and expert specialists, Turkey has become a popular destination for individuals seeking hair transplant procedures. In this section, we aim to provide a comprehensive outlook on the hair transplant procedure, its results, and outcome, as well as the care required post-procedure.
The hair transplant procedure transformation is a journey that begins with a one-on-one consultation with a skilled specialist. The specialist evaluates the patient's hair loss pattern, discuss their desired outcome, and formulate a personalized treatment plan. The procedure typically involves transplanting hair follicles from a donor area (usually the back or sides of the head) to the balding or thinning areas.
The hair transplant procedure results can vary significantly among individuals, depending on various factors such as the severity of hair loss, the number of hair follicles transplanted, and their overall health. However, most patients report significant improvements in the density and appearance of their hair within a few months post-procedure. It's worth noting that patience is key when awaiting hair transplant procedure results, as the newly transplanted hair follicles need time to adapt to their new location and begin producing hair.
The hair transplant procedure outcome is not just about physical transformation; it also brings about a boost in self-confidence and overall wellbeing. However, to maintain the hair transplant procedure outcome, patients must commit to a lifetime of proper hair care. This includes maintaining a healthy diet, abstaining from smoking and alcohol, and using hair products recommended by their specialist.
Post-procedure care is crucial to the success of a hair transplant session. This includes following the specialist's instructions on wound care, taking prescribed medications, avoiding strenuous activities, and attending follow-up appointments for scalp check-ups and hair growth assessment.
In summary, a hair transplant session in Turkey is an investment in oneself. It is a journey that goes beyond achieving a fuller head of hair. It's about rejuvenating one’s image, and most importantly, regaining self-confidence. By understanding the hair transplant procedure transformation, results, and outcome, and by committing to diligent post-procedure care, individuals can ensure they achieve the best possible results from their hair transplant session.
Understanding the Variations, Advancements, Benefits, and Care Details of Hair Transplant Procedures in Turkey
Hair transplant procedures have come a long way since their inception. Especially in Turkey, advancements in hair transplant procedures have made it a sought-after destination for those seeking to restore their youthful look. The hair transplant procedure variations in Turkey are diverse, catering to the unique needs of each patient.
The advancements in hair transplant procedures in Turkey have significantly improved the outcomes of these treatments. With state-of-the-art technology and innovative techniques, the hair transplant procedure in Turkey now guarantees more natural-looking results, a higher success rate, and minimal downtime. It's not just about regaining lost hair; it's about restoring confidence and improving the quality of life.
The hair transplant procedure benefits are numerous. Apart from restoring hair, these procedures can also enhance one's self-esteem and confidence, which may have been affected by hair loss. The success rate of hair transplant procedures in Turkey is remarkably high, thanks to the expertise of the surgeons and the use of advanced technologies.
Understanding the hair transplant procedure details is crucial for anyone considering this treatment. The procedure involves the extraction of hair follicles from a donor area, usually the back of the scalp, and transplanting them into the balding area. The process is performed under local anesthesia, ensuring the patient's comfort throughout the procedure.
Post-procedure care is also an essential part of the hair transplant journey. Hair transplant procedure care involves specific measures to ensure the longevity and success of the treatment. This includes taking prescribed medications, avoiding strenuous activities, and following a healthy lifestyle.
In Turkey, the hair transplant procedure variations cater to different types of hair loss and the patient's personal preferences. Whether it's the traditional strip method or the advanced follicular unit extraction (FUE), the choice is vast. Each procedure has its unique benefits and considerations, making it essential for every patient to consult with their surgeon before making a decision.
In conclusion, the advancements, benefits, and care details of hair transplant procedures in Turkey make it a leading destination for this transformative procedure. Understanding these aspects can help prospective patients make an informed decision and maximize the results of their hair transplant journey.
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fuluga · 25 days
Hiii long post ahead~~ this is some random history and fun facts about my boss Luz! I keep drawing her so it was time for the info dump. Suggestions and feedback always appreciated! Parts of this are based on my Colombian family lore so LMAO
Luz Armando Vega-Luna
In the shadows of Colombia's lush landscapes, Luz was born into a world that refused to see her for who she truly was.
Luz's existence as Cesar felt like a prison, shackled by the chains of her religion and culture. From the moment she drew her first breath, she knew that she was different, a fact she couldn’t communicate that filled her with a seething, simmering rage that threatened to consume her and those around her.
In the tumultuous environment of her childhood home, Luz found herself locked in constant conflict with her mother, Maria, whose strict adherence to Catholicism strained their relationship. Luz's relationship with her sister Elena was marred by their mother's manipulations, pitting them against each other. However, amidst the chaos, Luz discovered solace in her bond with her father, Armando, who shared her love for cars, the outdoors, and music. Through these shared passions, Luz found temporary respite from the turmoil, finding moments of peace in the midst of the storm.
Despite her father's attempts to provide comfort and guidance, Luz could not escape the tragedy that loomed on the horizon.
One summer night, Luz awoke to a fire. As their home became a blazing inferno, Elena shielded Luz from the worst of the flames, but not without bearing scars of her own. Amidst the chaos of fleeing, tragedy struck with brutal finality as their father, Armando, fell victim to violence, his life extinguished in the kitchen of their burning home.
It was clear to Maria that Armando had involvement in illicit affairs and had drawn the wrath of dangerous forces, sealing his fate with a bullet to the skull. As Maria fled with her children in tow, the flames of violence and betrayal illuminated the darkness that had engulfed their lives. Luz found odd comfort in it.
In the aftermath of the tragedy, Luz, Maria, and Elena couch-surfed, aiming to cross the US border. Despite the hardships, Luz's relationship with Elena improved, finding comfort as Maria's influence waned. Luz found solace in the nurturing relationship with her older sibling where she could explore aspects of sisterhood that aligned with her true self with her sister’s support. Luz’s rage grew like a tumor, poisoning all that surrounded it as Elena began to have medical problems due to the fire. This sped up the households’ progress in crossing the border. Luz worked odd jobs to help out. Luz’s rage for the world only seemed to grow stronger as they got to the border.
After successfully crossing the border, Maria's online boyfriend who lived in Stillwater offered them refuge in his studio apartment, the pair of siblings unaware of the neglect and abuse that awaited them. It happened slowly but the two adults in the house were the worst of the worst. Trapped in a cycle of abuse, Luz found herself thrust into a nightmare of violence and trauma. She focused her skills on surviving and becoming stronger.
As Luz grappled with the tumult of puberty and the torment of their living situation, she flunked out of public school. She had a few friends but wouldn’t call any of them close. Her education was not amazing but she was exposed to many different types of people that helped her explore her identity. Despite Elena's attempts to intervene and guide her onto a different path, Luz found herself inexorably drawn into the dark underworld that surrounded them.
As Elena's health deteriorated, their abusers remained indifferent to her suffering, leaving Luz to bear the burden of their shared trauma and worry alone. When Maria finally took Elena to the hospital, Luz was left behind, consumed by a sense of abandonment and resentment towards her sister for getting to escape due to her illness.
Fueled by her rage and a desperate desire to escape, Luz plunged headlong into a life of crime and violence, navigating the treacherous streets of Stillwater in search of a way out. She made some friends, lovers, enemies. With each illicit act, she clawed her way towards independence, determined to carve out a new life free from the shackles of her past. Her personality shifted from pure rage to something more controlled and witty, using her rage as a well-placed weapon in place of an explosion of undiluted rage.
But even as she forged ahead, Luz remained tethered to her sister, sending her money and paying for the hospital stay. Her true vulnerability was Elena. Afraid of cursing or condemning Elena to death, Luz kept her distance and called her regularly in place of visiting.
In the grimy streets of Stilwater, Luz found a temporary reprieve from the suffocating weight of her past. Growing out her hair brought a measure of relief from her dysphoria, yet she continued to present as Cesar until she felt she amassed the resources and confidence to transition fully. Amidst the chaos, she explored new hobbies and worked to heal the wounds within herself, determined to forge a path towards authenticity and self-acceptance. Then she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and stumbled into joining the Saints.
I need to play the game more LOL. Luz loves being in the Saints. I do canon that Luz names herself Luz after seeing Luz Avalos and is like “this damn woman dont even know her shoes…. nice name tho I’m taking that lol” its not like anyone calls Luz by her name anyway as the Boss character but it’s still funny. Relationship wise I think she gets along with Johnny the most due to chaos factor. I am not super sure how she would be with Troy or Dex or the others yet I will add to this later! Definitely likes Lin and Aisha tho.
- Elena has burn scars from protecting Luz from the fire. She later develops medical problems due to her wounds and lungs from this event. Specifically, I think of scar contractures that cause her to need physical therapy due to constricted movement, COPD, and PTSD.
- Armando was a priest or some form of clergy member and not actually married to Maria. He faced criticism in the community for having children out of wedlock, not being married to Maria, and they were planning on moving near the time he was assasinated. He tried his best with Elena and Luz to not have them be shunned in the community. He was in the process of trying to get married, gaining money for it through illicit means, as Maria had given up, assuming his faith would be chosen over her so she dated around.
- Luz Age Timeline: 10-12 years old, the death of her father and escaping. 13-15 years old, the family couch surfs in Colombia and they make it over the US border. 16-18 years old, they move in with Maria’s boyfriend in Stillwater and Elena is admitted to the hospital. 19-20 years old, Luz leaves to get her own apartment and is a criminal. 21 years old is when she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and SR1 begins.
- Luz’s first acts of being a criminal are in car hijacking and fucking things up mechanically due to her childhood knowledge.
- Luz beats the shit out of her mother and the boyfriend as she collects her stuff when she moves out lol.
- Luz gets a tattoo to remember her father after she moves out from her mother’s boyfriend’s apartment as a respect to him and her new beginning. Maybe a candle or flame? This is also the start of Luz’s transition. She looks androgynous for the most part but does not fully transition until near the end of SR1 where she feels big and safe enough to pop on over and get the procedures and whatnot done to feel at peace. (Giant boobs) (Super bimbofication hell yes)
- Personality wise, Luz starts as a conduct disorder child that outwardly expresses pure unfiltered rage on anyone. She is pretty extroverted. As she ages she refines her rage into something digestible and uses it in more of a cocky way that is controlled. It’s still pretty easy to piss her off tho.
- headcannon Johnny does not give a fuck that Luz transitions because she’s still the same wild murder machine. “Ok new hair and name. Let’s go murdering” yass ally
- Adding on this: “Hey Johnny this is what post bottom surgery looks like” “Damn you got that thing designer? Cool” LMAOOO just buddies being buddies
- I do not think Luz is emotionally capable of romance apart from hookups in SR1 and before so she definitely sees everyone as homies. I do think her and Johnny are the closest in a bro way. I think her first romantic feelings moment is toward Carlos in SR2. Definitely want there to be a dynamic with Luz being kinda afraid to act on her feelings (i curse everything i touch) so she just doesn’t act and its mutual tension and well… Red Asphalt.
- Also foils of Johnny/Aisha-Boss/Carlos is fun so yeah their friendship strengthens by the end of it but I think they both get angry and push back at both traumatic events so there’s some angst there
- I want Luz and Johnny to get together eventually but I think its pretty down the line out as Aisha was the love of Johnny’s life and Luz respects it and has unresolved emotional issues following acting on her heart
- I like the nickname Luli for her
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
Me encanta que Yuebei sea lo opuesta a lo que fue en su vida pasada... Si tan solo LBD lo hubiera visto venir con su ''destino'', después de todo parece que solo puede ver hasta su muerte. ¿Operaran a Yuebei de su Disglosia? he escuchado que algunas marcas de nacimiento son algo de su vida pasada talvez las grietas de sobrecargar su poder o las quemaduras del fuego samadhi
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Aquí tengo un dibujo de la bebe pasado en tus descripciones uwu
translated via google;
"I love that Yuebei is the opposite of what he was in his past life... If only LBD had seen him coming with his ''destiny'', after all it seems like he can only see until his death. Will they operate on Yuebei for her Dysglosia? I have heard that some birthmarks are something from his past life, maybe the cracks from overloading his power or the burns from the samadhi fire. Here I have a drawing of the baby from your descriptions uwu"
AHHHHHHHH!H!!!!!! I LOVE HER!!! You drew her so sweetly!! I love her big eyes!
Lady Bone Demon not realising until her death that her dreams of destiny would end with her as a newborn, beloved and so very fragile.
I love the idea of LBD's "cracks" from overloading her power became birthmarks on Yuebei in her next life. If her cleft palate/dysglossia makes it difficult for her to eat, she would need surgery as early as 3 months old - perhaps there's a more immediate supernatural method available in the LMK if it is dire. Her lip would still have a permanent scar as she grows older, and she would have a small minor impediment.
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mamavino · 2 months
How about Nozel x Vanessa for the ship game? And since you wrote this one twice in your stories already, Fuegoleon x Wainsley.
Aaaaah Vannessa X Nozel ship. You are the person who made me fall in love with this ship to begin with too. And they just work, they are perfect together. Seriously meets the free spirit. Both carry deep scars from their past and with each other they can heal.
I first wrote them in my story of Royals, then they had a one shot together. And the tension building between the two was so much fun to write. It's fun to see Vanessa be her flirty self and Nozel have a complete panic reaction because he doesn't know how to handle it. Of course in my story they had two children together and also have an adopted daughter from the witch forest. With Vanessa beside him, Nozel will also be a lot more easygoing and a lot more open-minded. He is also as proud of Bonnie (the adopted daughter) as his sons Dravin and Blaise.
And now I am writing them again in my current story. The kiss was long overdue but was an explosion of emtotion. They just work.
Fuegoleon and Wainsley began as a random couple. The tough royal flame captain and the cute ice mage knight. Fue is very serious but can also be very loose when it comes to dealing with his family and loved ones. Wainsley, on the other hand, is somewhat insecure and very patient. When she is with Fuegoleon she completely blossoms into the proud person she is. Wainsley comes from (this in my head canon) not a pleasant home, Her father preferred a son, her mother died when Wainsley was born. Her father is a very mean man and an old magic knight. Together with Fuegoleon she makes her own loving family. Their daughter Freya and their sons Idris and Hagan.
I am rewriting them with my current story. They are freaking adorable. You just can't hate them, even though they are just randomly put together. And maybe I'm the only one shipping them, that doesn't matter to me.
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Recientemente en mi pais, una niña mato a otra porque la reto a un duelo, la niña que lamentablemente fallecio dias despues por un trauma cerebral, fue porque queria detener el bullying que le hacian, la otra niña agarro una piedra y la golpeo en la cara, lo peor es que compañeros grabaron y animaron a la bully!!
Te cuento esto porque me recordo mucho a la situacion de bakugo, el usaba su quirk sobre izuku, ERAN EXPLOSIONES, tuvo suerte de que no se murio!!
Es muy triste porque aunque siento que no es la intencion de hori para nada, puede normalizar la violencia y hacer creer que no importa que haga el abusador, su victima resistira todo como si fuera de metal, o peor qur pueden ser amigos.
A pesar de que es un error de escritura o que en el mundo de bnha es normal esta situacion, sigue sin ser sano, porque no representa la realidad de una situacion asi.
I don’t speak Spanish so I’m going to leave the Google translate for this message here:
“Recently in my country, a girl killed another because she challenged her to a duel, the girl who unfortunately died days later from a brain trauma, it was because she wanted to stop the bullying that was done to her, the other girl grabbed a stone and hit her on the head. face, the worst thing is that colleagues recorded and encouraged the bully!!
I'm telling you this because it reminded me a lot of the situation with Bakugo, he used his quirk on izuku, THEY WERE EXPLOSIONS, he was lucky he didn't die!!
It is very sad because although I feel that it is not the intention of hori at all, it can normalize violence and make believe that no matter what the abuser does, his victim will resist everything as if it were made of metal, or worse that they can be friends.
Despite the fact that it is a writing error or that this situation is normal in the world of bnha, it is still not healthy, because it does not represent the reality of such a situation.”
My response:
I 100% agree with everything you’ve said. Even if people in MHA are sturdier than irl humans, Katsuki should’ve killed Izuku by now with how much he launches explosions at him, if not scar him. Some Stans will say “Katsuki’s smart enough to not mark him” but the bullying’s been going on since they were four. A four year old’s not going to know how to control an explosion.
Also, the story you mentioned does shed light on a terrible issue when it comes to bullying: people tend not to care. In fact, bullies are usually accompanied by crowds and are defended by said crowds. Izuku’s time at Aldrea is relatively realistic due to this. However, MHA is supposed to criticize this mindset and it never does. Even in a new environment where Katsuki is supposed to be amongst equals, he’s still allowed to bully others, he’s still allowed to run his mouth with no consequences, and he’s still seen as a diamond in the rough DESPITE how he’s unsuited to be a hero. U.A was supposed to be different, but it’s really not. Katsuki still gets to be a POS without having some sense smacked into him and the relationship between the two boys is framed as “they need to get along” instead of “one is bullying the other and we need to correct the aggressor’s behavior while letting the victim know we’re on his side”.
Even if none of this was intended by Hori, the issue is that this is how he wrote the story, and as such, is a failing in said story.
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choconat67 · 6 months
PPG:Fallen Heroes Princess Morbucks
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Current Princess from Fallen Heroes and Princess 8 years earlier.Princess was definitely one of the people who changed the most over the 8 years that had passed, she went from being the spoiled and rich girl to a captain of an anti-monster squad of the League of Heroes. When the girls' death just happened, she had no change in her attitude. When the city began to be attacked by monsters and other creatures, she and her father left. The situation in the world only seemed to get worse and after the rise of the "Trinidad" and its wonderful city, she managed to get a place inside with her father, but thanks to her father's bad business they were left out, this caused her to suffer a first-hand attack, this left her without an arm and a large scar. in your face. Over time she recovered and changed for the better after several experiences she decided to repair the damage she had caused, (she knows things and Robin and the Ruff will seek her help) she joined the League of Heroes in the Titan Division, this fight with monsters through robots which helps release the League's burden and prevents further destruction.She has not yet appeared in the fanfic but she will soon, after all where there are monsters the Titan Division will be there to fight them ⚠️, she still has her diva attitude at times but not in a toxic way like before, even with her scar she is She considers herself pretty and won't let anyone put her down for that, after all it's a reminder of the consequences of her actions.
Princess actual de Fallen Heroes y Princess 8 años antes.Definitivamente Princess fue una de las personas que más cambio con los 8 años transcurridos, paso de ser la niña mimada y rica a una capitana de un escuadron anti monstruos de la Liga de heroes. Cuando recién ocurrió la muerte de las chicas ella no tuvo cambio en su actitud fue cuando la ciudad comenzó a ser atacada por monstruos y otras criaturas que ella junto a su padre se fueron, la situación en el mundo solo parecía empeorar y tras el ascenso de la "Trinidad" y su maravillosa ciudad, logró junto a su padre un lugar dentro, pero gracias a los malos negocios de su padre los dejaron fuera esto hizo que sufriera un ataque de primera mano, esto la dejó sin un brazo y una gran cicatriz en su rostro. Con el tiempo ella se recuepro y cambio para mejorar después de varias experiencias decidió que repararla el daño que había causado,(ella sabe cosas y Robin y los Ruff buscarán su ayuda) se unió a la Liga de Héroes en la División Titán, esta pelea con monstruos mediante robots lo que ayuda a liberar la carga de la Liga y evita más destrucción. Ella aún no aparece en el fanfic pero pronto lo hará, después de todo donde hay monstruos la División Titán estará allí otra combatirlos ⚠️, ella aún tiene su actitud de diva a veces pero no de manera tóxica como antes, aún con su cicatriz ella se considera bonita y no dejará que alguien la denigre por eso, después de todo es un recordatorio de las consecuencias de sus actos.
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beraberblog · 2 months
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Esthetic Hair Mexico: Your Premier Destination for Lasting Hair Transplants
Are you seeking a permanent solution for hair loss that delivers natural-looking results? Look no further than Esthetic Hair Mexico, where we specialize in providing advanced hair transplant services tailored to your unique needs.
Hair Transplant for Women: Hair loss is not just a concern for men; many women also experience thinning hair or balding patches. At Esthetic Hair Mexico, we offer specialized hair transplant procedures designed specifically for hair transplant for women. Our expert surgeons meticulously transplant individual follicles to restore volume and density to your hair, helping you regain your confidence and youthful appearance.
How Long Hair Transplants Last: One of the most common questions about hair transplants is their longevity. At Esthetic Hair Mexico, we understand the importance of long-lasting results. While individual experiences may vary, hair transplants are generally considered permanent. How long hair transplant last and the transplanted hair follicles continue to grow and thrive in their new location, providing you with natural-looking hair for years to come.
Mexico FUE Hair Transplant: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a cutting-edge hair transplant technique that offers natural-looking results with minimal scarring. At Esthetic Hair Mexico fue hair transplant procedures performed by skilled surgeons using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques. Our FUE procedure involves extracting individual follicles from the donor area and transplanting them to the recipient area, ensuring seamless integration and optimal growth.
Hair Transplant in Mexico: Mexico has become a popular destination for hair transplant mexico procedures due to its high-quality medical care, affordable prices, and beautiful surroundings. Esthetic Hair Mexico is proud to be a leading provider of hair transplant services in Mexico, offering world-class treatment in a comfortable and welcoming environment.
At Esthetic Hair Mexico, patient satisfaction and safety are our top priorities. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to providing personalized care and support throughout your hair restoration journey, ensuring that you achieve the natural-looking results you desire.
Why Choose Esthetic Hair Mexico?
Experienced Surgeons: Our team consists of highly skilled and experienced hair transplant surgeons who are dedicated to delivering exceptional results.
Lasting Results: We specialize in providing long-lasting hair transplant solutions that restore your confidence and youthful appearance.
Advanced Techniques: We utilize the latest advancements in hair transplant technology, including FUE, to ensure optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction.
Affordable Prices: We offer competitive pricing for our services, making high-quality hair transplants accessible to everyone.
Don't let hair loss hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards a fuller, more vibrant you with Esthetic Hair Mexico. Schedule your consultation today and discover the difference our expertise can make!
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herkonular · 8 months
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Sapphire Hair Clinic in Istanbul, Turkey, offers a variety of popular cosmetic procedures, including rhinoplasty, a surgical procedure to reshape the nose. Rhinoplasty is a common procedure that can improve the appearance of the nose, correct breathing problems, and improve facial harmony. Sapphire Hair Clinic uses the latest techniques and technology to ensure optimal results for its patients. The cost of rhinoplasty turkey is generally lower than in other countries, making it an attractive option for those seeking high-quality care at an affordable price. Another popular procedure offered by Sapphire Hair Clinic is hair transplantation, which uses before and after results and techniques to demonstrate the effectiveness of the procedure. The clinic specializes in FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant before after and best hair transplant in world you can visit our company, which specializes in its fields. which involves extracting individual hair follicles from a donor area and transplanting them to the recipient area. This technique provides natural-looking results and requires minimal downtime. Sapphire Hair Clinic also uses the sapphire blade hair transplant method, which is a newer technique that involves the use of sapphire blades to create smaller incisions and minimize scarring. The clinic offers comprehensive care and support throughout the process, including post-operative care and follow-up appointments. In addition to rhinoplasty and hair transplant, Sapphire Hair Clinic also offers Brazilian butt lift (BBL), a popular butt augmentation procedure. Bbl turkey involves removing fat from one area of ​​the body, such as the abdomen or thighs, and transferring it to the buttocks to create a shapelier, lifted appearance. The clinic uses advanced techniques to ensure optimal results and offers personalized care and support throughout the process. With its reputation as a market leader in hair transplant and cosmetic procedures, Sapphire Hair Clinic in Turkey is the best choice for those seeking high-quality care and natural-looking results.
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del-y-art · 1 month
Después de tomarle la foto me olvidé de su existencia y le puse la funda de mi celular 😫...pero sobrevivió con una cicatriz de batalla 😆.
Pds:está foto fue antes del "desastre".
After taking the photo I forgot about its existence and put the cover of my cell phone on it 😫...but it survived with a battle scar 😆.
Pds: this photo was before the "disaster".
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addie7 · 4 months
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I remember having left this drawing pending a few months ago and decided not to finish itI think it was because of the scars Ivan had?maybe I'll recreate it again / Recuerdo haber dejado pendiente este dibujo hace unos meses y decidí no terminarlo. Creo que fue por las cicatrices que tenía Iván? Tal vez lo recrearé de nuevo.
well it doesn't matter, I just wanted to show you the Delroy design that I really liked a lot🙂 / bueno no importa, solo quería mostrarles el diseño de Delroy que realmente me gustó mucho🙂
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