#fuck colonizers
intersectionalpraxis · 3 months
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This is one of many stories you can read about here, and as always -Free Congo!
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Always a good annual reminder
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justsomeectoplasm · 8 months
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wilwheaton · 2 years
Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day
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confusedlittleguy · 3 months
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alpaca-clouds · 6 months
We need to finally decolonize
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You know what? Thanks to Castlevania Nocturne I got a chance to talk a bit more about colonialism. So, let me just talk for a while a bit about decolonialization and what would need to happen for that.
Also, if you are one of the white guys, who is going to whine about "Arab colonialisation, boohoo", I am gonna kick you ass off this blog, just so you know.
I think like two months ago I already wrote a bit about how colonialism has never ended. And it hasn't. For the most part a lot of land is still not only settled, but owned by settlers. This is true for the Americas (including the US of course), but also true for Australia, parts of the Pacific and also large chunks of Africa.
Additionally settlers have constructed contries and borders often to serve their needs and to allow them to assert control. This is particularly clear in Africa of course, where those straight line borders ignore both geography and original tribal lands, splitting it up and hence adding to local conflicts.
Then there is of course the general effects of the genocides that have happened through colonialism and are - arguably - still happening, given how underserved Indigenous communities are often in terms of infrastructure, but also access to justice in any way or form.
And of course once more: Slavery is still happening. Partly in mines (and the like) in countries where you do not see it - often for the enrichment of white people - and of course in the US through the prison industrial complex.
I could go on and on. But let me turn this around and talk about what needs to happen instead. How do we decolonize?
Short answer: Land back and reparations.
No, that does not mean that all settlers have to move, but that tribes get to manage and make decisions about their own land. And if they do not want your fucking pipeline on that land, there is not gonna be a fucking pipeline on the land. And if they allow it, they can charge you for the use of the land. It is their land, they get to call the shots!
And that is not only gonna be true for the US and Canada, but for all settled land that is currently held by white people.
It also means paying reparations to everyone who suffered through colonialism. The people whose ancestors got shipped around the world as slaves, but also the people whose families had to suffer through genocide and all of that.
And no, it should not only be the US to pay those reparations, but all the countries that enriched themselves on all the horrors committed. Which would also include Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal first and foremost.
A lot of western countries act like they are lord and saviors when they give "humanitarian aid" to the global south, even though those payments are not even a fraction of the money they made on the backs of the people living in the global south right now.
The argument against this is always: "But we do not have the money" and "it is all gonna be taken by dictators", to which I say: "Tough luck" and "who was it again that put those fucking dictators in power to prevent the spread of communism?"
I just really do not have any chill for white people going all "but the money" again. That money was stolen. So fuck right off.
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frequentlyferal · 6 months
You genuinely believe the Israeli military, which has the bought support of so many big military powers, doesn't have the resources to go after Hamas targeted? You genuinely believe they have NO other option but to bomb hospitals? Wake up kiddo you're being lied to on a MASSIVE scale.
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twanarchy · 1 year
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fuck him.
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im-just-a-mushroom · 2 months
If you self identify as a Zionist, first of all, fuck off as my intro says, but also don’t tell me what is and isn’t antisemitism ever again, because at this late point we’ve seen it’s just a shitty cover for imperialism and genocide. Zionism is a political and racial supremacist ideology, do not think Zionist fanaticism is the mutual feeling Jews around the world have.
Statistically, most Jews are against Zionism, do not put them into your violent imperial beliefs using them as shields. It’s actually antisemitic to assume Jews must have an allegiance to Israel. When a Zionist claims x or y is “antisemitic” what they’re really trying to do is to shut you down so they can keep killing, raping people, and stealing while trying to make you feel bad about it, ironically. Don’t listen to the Zionists who cry antisemitism, they are not genuine and do not represent most Jewish communities. Anti-Zionist Jews are some of our greatest allies in the fight against Israel’s colonial terror.
Free Palestine!
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planetloverr · 2 months
The fact that "would you hide me" as in "would you hide me during the holocaust" is being used as a talking point against being Pro-Palestine is truly disgusting and is a major disgrace to all victims and survivors of the holocaust.
Do you realise how much of a genocidal fuck head you need to be in order to think wanting the liberation of overly abused citizens is the equivalent of being prejudiced towards Jews? To support monsters who make the lives of innocent civilians a living hell? All of you Israel supporters and Zionists deserve nothing but the worst death and karma. I hope you all experience the trauma little Palestinian children are facing because they are experiencing intense hunger, fatigue, having lost most of their family if not all, anxiety from constant anticipation of what atrocity they'd face next and the pure horror of looking at the gore of their relatives. A massive fuck you to all of you monsters. Karma is coming and trust it will hit like nothing before.
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jotunvali02 · 5 months
Please STOP talking about Israel state and the Hamas as if they were equals.
As if they had an equal firepower, equal strength and equal means of defense.
As if a fucking genocide is proportional to the murder of a thousand people or the “right” answer to it.
STOP saying "Israel-Palestine conflict" when a "conflict" implies equality and there is obvioulsy none here.
Like, Israel invaded Palestinians and massacred them and kicked them out, Israel treat them like shit and you expect them NOT to defend themselves?
You expected them to shut up and let themselves be nicely, ethnically cleansed?
And then YOU Israel supremacists have the fucking nerve to claim YOU're the innocent, blameless victim when the Hamas attacks you?? And to claim Palestinians are your assaulters?
You assert Israel has "a right to defend itself"?? Are you kidding the fucking world?? Defense from what?? You're not defending, you're MASSACRING, you're SLAUGHTERING, you're BULLYING and EXTERMINATING!
ISRAEL is the one in and with power! ISRAEL the oppressor! ISRAEL is committing genocide! ISRAEL is the war criminal and the criminal against humanity!
Hamas tries to defend and liberate their country. In awful ways, but it's not like they were ever given a choice! (except extermination and submission)
Yet it's only THEIR violence that's constantly condemned, never YOURS which is though a billion times worse in terms of destruction and mass murder! Never YOURS that triggered THEIRS in the first place!!
THEIR violence is terrible but totally legitimate. YOURS is one of a bully, an oppressor and a colonizer.
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
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"In 2023, Native American children are still forced to cut their hair. A school in Kansas forced an 8 year old Native child to cut his hair because it didn't fit the requirement for boys. Despite being protected by the First Amendment of Freedom of Expression and Religion."
I remember the story of a young Black teen who was told if he didn't cut off his locks before a wrestling match he could not participate. There was footage of him looking despaired while they cut off his hair. Or another time when another Black teen who was told if he didn't cut his dreadlocks he couldn't attend his own graduation ceremony -he was suspended just like so many have been for refusing to cut their hair. I'm also thinking of the countless times Black girls and women, who have disproportionately experienced hair bias, been told their hair isn't 'professional,' if it hasn't been straightened.
Telling Indigenous people to cut their hair has white supremacist roots (as it does for the cases I just mentioned above) -settler-colonizers did this when they kidnapped and forced Indigenous children into these genocidal concentration camps (yes, that's what they were) and it's beyond despicable. And is something that is a political issue because hair is political -for so many cultures and traditions, it is sacred -this is just horrifying.
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misty1111 · 5 months
Free Palestine! I won’t stop saying it until every Palestinian is free from the genocidal Israeli regime’s occupation. Fuck colonization! FREE PALESTINE.
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wonderneverlandsystem · 7 months
We stand with Palestine & Ukraine.
If you support Israel and or Russia right now feel free to get the fuck off our page, or let us know so we can block you. We don't want colonizers/colonizer sympathizers here.
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confusedlittleguy · 3 months
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imma start drawing my characters with watermelons and stuff 👍 i know its not much but i dont have the words for whats going on, i feel absolutely gutwrenchingly disgusted and terrified by whats happening to so many innocent people
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embraceyourdestiny · 4 months
How are we gonna break it to the “citizens” of “America” that they are directly benefiting from the exact same thing Israel is doing to the Palestinian people that “America” did, has done, and continues to do to the Indigenous people of this so called “land of the free”?
It’s the exact same thing.
The mass genocide. The killing with disease and illness. The destruction of communities that get bulldozed over and colonizers houses get built on top of. The burying of history and death and truth and so many bodies. The brainwashing so you’ll never question their lies. America is the one who’s helping Israel with this genocide for fucks sake because they know how to do it!!
If you’re white family has lived in America for “generations” you have the blood of thousands of indigenous people on your hands. You are not from here. You are profiting off of brown death. You might not have pulled the trigger but you gleefully live on top of their bones, often literally.
If “Israel” shouldn’t exist “America” shouldn’t either.
And I know that this won’t happen soon but if you want justice in the world you at the very least have to admit the truth. The fight for Palestine is the fight of all Indigenous people across the world and that includes in your own backyard, which was stolen and has now been poisoned by capitalism and oil spills and flora death that you can’t fix but the people who originally live here can.
Land back. Death to America. Death to all colonizers. Stand with Indigenous people ALWAYS.
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