#fuchsia karkat
batponiesrule28 · 2 years
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I guess I didn’t post this yesterday but here’s karkat in the princess fic
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quillxpy · 1 day
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hsoppositezodiac · 3 months
More info about the trolls (part 4)
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Karkat Vantas | Purpleblood - Prospit - Bard of Blood
A killer clown who's almost always on a rampage. The only way to calm his crabby self is to show him a romance movie. He likes befriending crabs by the beach and doing terrible acting.
Planet: Land of Meat and Haze | Screen name: clownprinoGeneticist [CG] | Fetch Modus, strife specibus & quirk are all the same
Kismesis: Terezi Pyrope | Ex-Matesprit: Nepeta Leijon
Godtier? No
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Nepeta Leijon | Violetblood - Derse - Prince of Heart
Once soft and kind, her highblood status eventually grew into her as she aged and became cold and mean. That made her stop hunting and roleplaying and the change of attitude made her relationships much more complicated. She seems to enjoy crocheting and drawing the finest of arts.
Fetch Modus: First Aid Kit Box | Planet: Land of Coffee and Seas | Screen name: appealingCatfish [AC] | Strife Specibus: clawkind + needlekind | Quirk: replaces ':33' with ':<<'; says a mixture of cat puns and fish puns; doesn't roleplay much anymore
Matesprit-Kismesis: Feferi Peixes | Auspitice: Aradia Megido | Moirail: Equius Zahhak | Ex-Matesprit: Karkat Vantas
Godtier? Yes
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Kanaya Maryam | Fuchsiablood - Prospit - Witch of Space
A very easy going fuchsia who, unlike most trolls, holds an interest for fashion and likes sewing often. If angered, she won't be hesitant to cull you. Due to being spied by the Empress, her creative ideas end up getting stolen and the Empress receives all the credit for them, making her very sad. She and her Lusus are quick to cull those whom they catch syping on her.
Fetch Modus: Purse | Planet: Land of Stars and Frogs | Strife Specibus: 2x3dentkind (switched with Feferi) | Screen name & quirk stays the same
Matesprit: Rose Lalonde
Godtier? No
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pomidorek · 2 years
the real reason why ult dirk tried to start another session was because of jade's discovery of some ancient disks: dvd danganronpa copies
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 3 months
how do you feel about march eridan?
Ok disclaimer before I get into it, trolls wearing dresses = great and fantastic; in fact, given that the gender differences in troll culture are so much less significant, ALL the male trolls should own some femme-ass clothes, even if it's as simple as just having a skirt version of their pants, and it's a little lame that we didn't get that.
That said, March Eridan specifically kind of annoys me because it has 0 basis in canon (aside from some shoutouts in things like ministrife sprites) but has taken over Eridan discussions so wholly that it's become widely accepted as part of his character that he's really into femme stuff when the opposite is true, and he's got some pretty major characterization tied up in the fact that he does lean so masc, and what specific type of masc he tends to present as.
So first of all, Eridan dresses up to emulate Dualscar, and this is very obvious and straightforward; if you've read the big essay I have pinned to my blog, you know that this is all a part of his basic "I have to be a big bad sea dweller or Something Bad Will Happen" suite of issues.
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Thus, we can ALSO assume that the choices he made that aren't made to emulate Dualscar are reflective of his ACTUAL taste in clothing. For example, blue pants instead of purple and black - I believe that this is because Eridan likes to dress up in the blood colors of his dates; he wears a lot of blue because he's hatedating Vriska (and never quite seems to get 100% over her), and we also see this in the rings on his fingers - half of which are fuchsia, for Feferi.
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So that leaves us with the glasses, shoes, and scarf. And we know why he dresses like that! It's because he's a hipster. (The scarf has an added benefit of being associated with harry potter-style wizards).
And very specifically, a masc hipster from the era - the glasses and the ugly-ass shoes are dead giveaways. The slicked-back hair is reminiscent of that fashion style, too. He is also a douchebag. This too is important. He draws from character archetypes of the time that were generally agreed upon to be the most punchable people in existence; his introduction calls him "KIND OF A TOOL" and he consistently acts according to that. Like, I mean, just LOOK at those shades. Those are not the shades of somebody you want to be trapped in a conversation with.
A fairly accurate Eridan fashion board would look something like this:
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And, like, it kind of matters that he dresses like this specific breed of pretentious male douchebag; on a meta level, that's the impression he's supposed to give the audience, and on a diegetic level, he CHOOSES to look like this because he has these kinds of interests, but is relegating them to secondary accessories.
We never hear him talk about liking hipster shit; we have to hear it from Karkat and glean it from his design. This is because, as I've talked about before, he actively distances himself from things that make him happy, things that he'd enjoy. The constant push-pull between his ACTUAL interests, and the ones he thinks he has to have because he's supposed to be a big nasty sea dweller, is a huge part of his characterization - for example, the way he keeps claiming that magic and wizards are fake and shitty, but has no less than 6 wizard statues in his respiteblock alone, and cared about his crappy wands enough to bring them onto the meteor.
So that's one of my other issues with March Eridan and the general fanon that he'd be really into femme clothes (and, by extension, fashion) - he wouldn't be forthcoming about it, even if it was true. He has a deep sense of shame and insecurity surrounding what few interests he actually has, because they feel stupid, ridiculous, and frivolous, next to the intense anxiety he has about playing the role society gave him. He's got a very strong sense of duty that makes it very difficult for him to relax and actually enjoy something. Which, you know, probably feeds into his hipster-ness - a movement often defined more by what it doesn't approve of than what it does.
Canon Eridan, when he has a choice of what to wear, overwhelmingly chooses masculine clothing with hipster connotations. And this matters, it's part of his characterization, it says something about him, the same way that it's important that Karkat dresses very simply and baggily (we all know how many insecurities Karkat has about his body) or that Sollux's bifurcation is shown in his clothes. So please please please don't misunderstand my dislike of March Eridan as me saying I don't want him in dresses; I purely dislike it because it's usually SUCH a misread of his character.
And to prove it, here's my other gripe with March Eridan stuff: all the dresses shown in the not-canon "official" artworks don't even flatter his bodytype. Why do his custom mannequins in Pesterquest have CURVES when his Pesterquest sprite doesn't?????
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Please, I'm begging you, there are guides for dressing this body type, and even historical fashions that deliberately try to emulate this body type, please if you're going to dress him femme and HC that he enjoys fashion, please put him in clothes that flatter him please
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I think Eridan should own some femme clothes, because on Alternia, there are very few differences between the genders, he's rich enough to afford it, and he clearly has more of an interest in fashion in general - but I think the fact that he has a clear canon preference for masculine styles is significant, and I'm really annoying, so it kind of does bothers me that this is a controversial opinion. That being said, I don't want to tell people what they Should and Should Not do, because that's lame. Who cares. He's a fictional character, let people draw him in dresses. Would be very happy if this post causes people to draw him in different styles of dresses though :pray:
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hs-transfusion · 2 months
I THINK I know the answer but I'm curious to see how off-base I am.
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If you need a refresher, links to everyone's bios are here.
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conceptofjoy · 6 months
kids troll blood colors n reasoning
john purple: clown themes that's been haunting his life (no thanks go gamzee); alpha john being used by HIC as a means to an end much like the ICP or GHB; he doesn't want to be a leader but is shoved into ranks of nobility/ status; general absurdity associated with clowns can also be applied to him
jade hemoanon rust red: alpha jade being seen as a lost cause by HIC leading to her eventual assassination; jade’s parallels both megidos being tossed to the side by the plans of LE and scratch; psychic powers :) ORRR a defecting hemoanon jade for the obvious reasons.
dirk lime: interpersonal relationships being a theme associated with lime as well as heart; the black feelings caliborn harbors for him + how ARquius seceeded to him in lord english; his post apocalyptic existence
roxy cherry: ectobiology experience + her XY name wonk; she's a foil to HIC and meenah; callie doesnt hate her at all but i think the mutual attraction is something to be mentioned; also an underdog friend leader though in a different way than karkat
jane + jake fuchsia: that one post
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gh0stb0yhal · 11 days
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i drew a fish boy <3 feast your eyes on fuchsia karkat vantas!
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
would you maybe do a yandere fuchsia! karkat? like he’s a grouch and a rebel but at the same time an entitled brat…
Sure I can! I hope I do this right since I've only ever seen designs for an AU like this... but no personalities.
Yandere! Fuchsia! Karkat Concept
(Bloodswap AU)
Pairing: Matesprit♥️/Moirail♦️
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Jealousy, Manipulation, Possessive behavior/Entitled behavior, Kidnapping, Clingy behavior, Blood mention, Murder/Culling, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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For this AU I'm not sure if Karkat would keep the last name Vantas or take Feferi's last name, Peixes.
(It doesn't matter too much but I tagged both names for this fic)
Karkat would have some aspects of his usual personality, but also some from the Fuchsia Caste.
Such as when the wiki states this about the caste; "Highly emotional, Fuchsia signs are sensitive and anxious, and tend to spend a lot of time worrying-about the world, the future, and what others think of them. They are artistic and talented, but can suffer from crippling bouts of depression, holding themselves to impossibly high standards. They have rich fantasy lives, and can get so caught up in daydreams that they sometimes forget to actually do things."
This is an actual quote from The Extended Zodiac.
So, Karkat in this AU can be seen as emotionally driven.
He's an entitled and moody brat, but also incredibly anxious and sensitive.
Karkat would care about what his darling thinks about him, immediately panicking if you express negative emotions towards him.
Karkat definitely gets himself caught up in daydreams.
Usually ones involving you as his Matesprit or Moirail.
He would also hold himself at high standards, especially if he still sees himself as a leader.
For the most part this version of Karkat is similar to normal Karkat.
He's just more entitled due to his caste.
Along with being aquatic and his Lusus being Gl'bgolyb
Karkat in this AU has always been rebellious towards others.
For a long time he hasn't entirely enjoyed the stress that came with his role.
But at the same time... he likes getting what he wants.
Especially if that's you.
Karkat would definitely feel a bit forceful/desperate when it comes to you.
He feels it's an honor for you to be in one of his Quadrants... yet at the same time doesn't want you to hate him.
He definitely thinks of you often and tries to spoil you as much as he can.
He's only "behaved" around you.
This form of Karkat can seem intimidating... but he can be incredibly soft towards his obsession at times.
Karkat would probably lock his obsession in his Hive.
Which is terrifying because his Hive is underwater.
He'd have to find a way to make you breathe underwater as you're not aquatic... or he can keep you on the surface somehow.
Karkat comes off as needy.
Moirail or Matesprit... Karkat loves your attention on him.
Instead of his usual weapon I assume he'd have a trident because his bloodline is royalty in this. (Which makes me think... would Kankri and The Signless replace Meenah and The Condescension in this AU?)
Karkat wants compliance from his obsession, but he's also dependent on you.
If you express hatred towards him, Karkat noticeably shrinks away... muttering apologies for his anger before trying to smother you in affection.
He's a powerful prince due to his Lusus, probably even able to mind control like other Fuchsia bloods.
Karkat is capable of living a long time in this AU.
Karkat may get easily jealous of others since he feels entitled to you.
But it's no issue... he can manipulate them away from you or just cull them.
As bratty as he seems, Karkat can be controlled by you to a degree.
Desperate to have your attention... Karkat will do nearly anything to win you over.
Accessories, affection, gifts, pets, whatever.
As long as you reciprocate he'll be happy.
I can see Karkat being clingy due to his usual behavior and new Fuchsia traits.
He's scared to lose you... but let's be honest... he can't.
He'll isolate you to be his because he's a prince and soon to be Emperor.
He rules so he can have you if he wants!
So, Karkat in this AU can be Entitled, Bratty, Rebellious, Clingy, and Soft at times.
He seems cold but it's a front... in reality he's vulnerable towards you.
If anyone tries to take you from him, he doesn't mind painting the floor and walls in their blood.
Scared? Maybe you should be.
He's a ruler... he plans to fulfill such a role soon...
He wants you by his side for that.
Karkat is starved of affection, it's lonely on the top.
Just keep the prince and Emperor happy...
If not for him, for the sake of others... because culling is such an easy task for Karkat if it meant he could lose you to the lesser castes.
"No one else is worthy of me except you... you can't leave me. You listen to me... your Emperor!"
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garysprites · 7 months
May one bother thou for Fuchsia karkat [meenah ways]?
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batponiesrule28 · 2 years
So tumblr, how would you feel if I wrote (finished writing) a johnkat fic in which John egbert is the king/prince of a kingdom and karkat is one of two fuchsiablooded princesses of alternia (but he is trans and does not want to be the princess) and they fall in love (it’s a johnkat fic)
It is also inspired by enchanted- Taylor swift.
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homestuck warrior cats au for funsies. sorting for this is based on thunderclan = fire, shadowclan = earth, and riverclan and windclan = water and air and then placing each kid and troll based on either their astrology signs element (trolls), their lands element (beta kids), or their relation to a beta kid (alpha kids). I'm also keeping the wacky eye colors since we like to have fun
Dave: Crowpelt, a black tom with one white paw, bright red eyes, and a scar across his chest (if Crowfeather didn't already exist in warriors, Dave would be Crowfeather)
Dirk: Cloudheart, a white tom with one black paw, bright orange eyes, and a scar across his throat
Aradia: Robinwing, a thick furred tortoiseshell she-cat with rust red eyes
Nepeta: Lionleap, a small pale gold she-cat with white paws and bright olive green eyes
Equius: Bluestorm, a large blue-gray tom with black toes and indigo blue eyes
Jade: Wolfpetal, a thick furred dark brown she-cat with bright green eyes
Jake: Oaktail, a dark brown tabby tom with emerald green eyes
Tavros: Sparrowcloud, a mousey brown tom with lame back legs and bronze-brown eyes (he's basically Briarlight)
Kanaya: Mothshine, a black she-cat with a white muzzle, belly, paws, and tail tip and jade green eyes
Gamzee: Grayface, a large dark gray tabby tom with light gray face markings and purple eyes
Rose: Rosedew, a silver she-cat with dark gray stripes and bright purple eyes
Roxy: Shadowfoot, a dark gray she-cat with black stripes and pink eyes
Karkat: Crabclaw, a small mottled brown tom with gray eyes
Vriska: Spidereyes, a mottled blue-gray she-cat with a lame front left leg, a cerulean blue right eye, and a missing left eye
Feferi: Goldenfish, a golden she-cat with fuchsia eyes
John: Hareflight, a gray tom with white spots, white paws, a white tail tip, and bright blue eyes
Jane: Sweetbreeze, a gray she-cat with a white tail, white ears, and cyan blue eyes
Sollux: Beepelt, a golden tom with black stripes, a red right eye, and a blue left eye
Terezi: Lizardfang, a white she-cat with gray stripes and red blinded eyes
Eridan: Whitespot, a brown tom with a shock of white on his forehead and violet eyes
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davekat-sucks · 3 days
hussie made meenah as an "apology to pisces fans", and yet i consider it as an insult because meenah is just vriska 2.0 but also a pedo and a concept executed so badly it kickstarted race discourse for fucking aliens
meanwhile feferi had lots of potential with the dream bubbles, her relationships with eridan/sollux/karkat and jade, and was actually likable despite having a very flawed ideology.
fuck meenah and hussies's disgusting femdom kink is what i'm trying to say.
Feferi would have seen what the result of her ideals would become reality in the form of the Dancestors and Beforus. Making her reflect that her dreams may not had turned out great as she had hoped for. But yeah, Meenah is just Vriska but fuchsia.
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Someone better suited for this please come correct me I suck at differentiating types of clothing
Aradia -> Short sleeved black blouse, grey skirt, black mocasins(?)
Tavros -> Short sleeved black jacket, black shirt, black cuffed pants, brown sandals(?)
Sollux -> Black T-shirt, grey cuffed jeans, mismatched sneakers
Karkat -> Black shirt (or sweater?), grey leggings, black sneakers
Nepeta -> Blue hat, green trench coat, black shirt, grey pants, blue fuzzy slippers(?)
Kanaya -> Black T-shirt, black shirt, red skirt, black ballerina flats(?)
Terezi -> Black T-shirt, black pants, red slip on shoes
Vriska -> Grey jacket, black T-shirt, blue pants, red Chuck Taylors
Equius -> Black tank top, grey shorts, metallic golf shoes(?)
Gamzee -> Black T-shirt, circle patterned black pants, purple sneakers(?)
Eridan -> Violet cape, stripped blue scarf, black shirt, stripped black and blue pants, violet and blue sneakers (?)
Feferi -> Gold circlet, black singlet top, layered skirt, fuchsia water shoes(?)
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helstuck · 1 year
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==> AP: Explain Helstuck MCYT Hemospectrum
amorphousParenchyma [AP] began pestering this blog
AP: listen listen, Theres a lot of characters in helstuck that are trolls, literally all but 4 of them actually, so I figured it would be best to explain how RS and I determined the blood colors of all the mcyts (more under the cut)
AP: so for those who don’t know about homestuck, the trolls, an alien race, have a caste system determined by the color of blood. There are twelve colors in total, starting with rust and ending in fuchsia. The cooler the color, the higher in the caste system you rank.
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AP: furthermore, each blood color coincides with a zodiac sign, with rust being Aries, bronze being Taurus, and so on. You may notice in Homestuck that Karkat- the character coinciding with cancer- has no shown blood color on his design. This is because he is a mutant blood, and if his blood were normal it would rank as Lime.
AP: RS and i took this concept very literally for the MCYTs- using their birthdays to determine where they would rank on the hemospectrum. If no birthday is known- we go by the birthdate of their channel.
AP: however we also took this concept one step further, and using Reddit user Paradigm7657’s concept- we extended the zodiac to fully represent a blended spectrum that varies in color by date! This means that each troll with fall under a base caste color- but may experience some traits of the adjacent color they are closer to!
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AP: as a proper example, I will use troll Joehills!
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AP: so all in all it’s a fairly simple system- ( and one of the predominant reasons why impulse is the ruler). It just took a good while to figure out because we have 30+ trolls in the cast! This doesn’t even INCLUDE the classpecting and extended sign categorization- (more on that later) If anyone wants a comprehensive list, perhaps I will make an accessible document of blood colors!
AP: RS also took it upon themself to make some more troll all cards, so I’ll go ahead and post those here!!
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AP: Anywho, that’s enough from me today- asks are always open for any questions or comments!! :D
amorphousParenchyma [AP] ceased pestering this blog
[image creds to myself, RS, Paradigm7657 (Reddit), and refanstuck (tumblr)]
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memo101 · 4 days
Your name is KARKAT PYROPE.
Currently you stand on the doorstep of one VRISKA MARYAM, rolling up your sleeves and readjusting your collar as you rehearse your lines in your mind.
She wasn't stupid, she'd know you were only visiting on business. No one willingly makes the trip all the way here just to see her, she'd more than made sure of that.
It worked in your favor, she'd backed herself into a corner and the resulting flailing was just damage control. If you played your cards right, she could be manageable.
You really need manageable right now.
The vial of fuchsia resting in your pocket was the only current assurance you had that this conversation would go the way you wanted. It was a good bargaining chip, and one that wasn't easy to get.
Sollux was never really fussed about giving up blood when Aradia was concerned, it was a weird thing between the two of them that you found harmless enough to leave be, but the problem is you weren't Aradia.
Asking would raise questions, and that wasn't the kind of added stress he needed right now.
So you spun a story about wanting to give painting a shot, leaving in the truth about not wanting to give Sollux a trail of questions to trip himself over at such a delicate time. Aradia agreed to your request, you don't think she had much reason to suspect otherwise, and here you are!
Clearing your throat, you knocked firmly on the door.
The troll that opens the door could've easily been mistaken for a corpse had she remained still enough for long, pale skin and sunken cheeks. You keep your expression unchanged, even if hers shrivels like she'd just stepped in something particularly unpleasant.
"What do you want, Pyrope?"
"I want to talk."
She snorts, and you have to jam your foot in the door to keep her from slamming it in your face. Clicking her tongue, she repeats the process in utter frustration.
"You're such a legislacerator wannabe, you know that right?!"
"Does this make you feel better—"
"—getting to pretend you're a big bounty hunter when the most you get to do in the courtblocks is glorified grubsitting?"
Your hand slips into the pocket at the fourth slam, the glass glinting in the moonlight is quick to draw her attention.
"Like I said, I just want to talk."
Her shoulders rise and fall with her haggard breaths, claws digging into the wood of the frame. She can't even tear her gaze from the vial as she speaks to you.
"... Pff- way to bury the lead, Karkat."
She opens the door again to let you in, and you do your best to shrug off the beating your foot just took. You drag the nearest chair out, sitting on it backwards to fold your arms across its back.
"What do you want to talk about?"
You pause for a moment before deciding to be as candid as you can. There was no point trying to ease her into the topic of discussion.
"What you're planning, for starters.."
Equally sunken eyes roll at your remark, the jade pulling up her own seat.
"That's dramatic- I'm not cooking up some dastardly scheme, I'm just gearing up for the big fight that's coming our way."
You give her a once over, neglecting to mention her current state. Knowing her, she was most likely stockpiling weaponry to compensate.
"We can't involve ourselves in this fight, it isn't ours. It's Sollux's-"
She waves her hand, cutting you off.
"Look, no offense, I know she's your friend and all.. but she's nowhere near ready enough for you to talk like this. She's too caught up in all the prophetic "chosen one" hoofbeast shit to recognize she's going to lose."
"This isn't sgrub, alright? There isn't a new universe waiting for us after- this is it. You're not gonna win everyone back by shoving yourself into the middle of things."
"Is that how Eridan framed it? Eugh, figures. I really shouldn't have told him anything, don't know why I thought we were even remotely on the same page."
She shook her head, leaning back in her chair as she continued.
"I hope you gave him the same flak you're giving me- he's the one planning to throw himself at the emperor's feet. I'm thinking of ways to help, he'd throw Sollux under the first communal shuttle if it meant he didn't have to inconvenience himself."
You find yourself sitting up a bit straighter at his name, flashes of spilled olive crossing your mind.
".. I've already talked to him, alright?"
The glint in her eyes is the only warning you're given that your tone has finally betrayed you, Vriska snapping it up without a moment's hesitation. You suppose she was sick of being on the verbal back foot.
"Ohhhhhh, I get it. Y'know- I was wondering why he'd been so quiet lately."
She stands, pacing her way over to you. You don't like the grin splitting across her face.
"Your go-to backup plan, huh? It's not bad, in most cases it'd even be a solid fallback—"
She cranes her neck to get up in your face, gaze drifting back to the vial in your hand.
"But.. I think we're about done here, yeah?"
Your eyes meet her gaze. A tense silence settling over the lonely, sand-swept hive as you carefully consider your next actions.
It was a long trip back to the city, and as literally thick-skinned as you were that wouldn't stop her from going at your eyes for an easy access point for blood should you refuse her.
This was your only leverage, but deep down you knew it could only take you so far. You'd need a lot more of the stuff to buy her cooperation, and that just wouldn't be possible without raising serious questions.
Letting out a sigh, you let the vial tumble out of your grip and roll onto the floor for her to pounce on as you make your way out.
Once you felt far away enough, once you were sure she wouldn't get the satisfaction, let the frustration finally bubble up within you.
Head sinking into your hands, you scream.
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