#frost stone
Mercury: Snowy Song
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Designer’s Reflection: Snowy Song
Obtained: Christmas 2021 event
Rarity: SSR
Attribute: Green/Fresh
Awakened Suit: Frosty Song
Story - transcripts from Designer’s Reflection
Chapter 1 - Legend of Ice Lake
Chapter 2 - Safe Distance
Chapter 3 - Frost-Stone’s Arrival
Chapter 4 - Choice of Life or Death
Story - summarized
Content Warning: death
Bane is a half-elf who is proud of his heritage, but he always grew up uncertain. Did he fit in more with humans or elves? Why were half-elves so hated in Pigeon Capital? Could he really be accepted anywhere? The granny that cared for him at the orphanage assured him he was loved and cared for. She would tell stories of the Snow Elf that blessed everyone at Starsnow. She represented the elves’ love for humans.
As an adult, Bane still had questions. But he now worked for Duke Darrell, a high noble of pure elven blood. He had spotted Bane among a crowd of people, for half-elves have a particular scent. He told Bane he would give him the respect and dignity of an elf - all he had to do was complete a list of tasks for the duke.
Bane embarks on his latest quest: to oversee the mining of a rare ore by Lake Bovaly. He was to make sure the smugglers did their job and that no one else took the ore. Rumor has it that the mysterious ore is the legendary Frost-Stone, a gift left behind by the Snow Elf when she left Pigeon Forest.
Besides the smugglers’ group, there is Bane and a mysterious man named Issa, who also bears the scent of a half-elf. Bane tries talking to him, but Issa remains aloof. The two half-elves work together in the mine. Soon, the conversation switches to the topic of the missing half-elf prince from Pigeon Capital. Bane wonders if the boy was okay, and he muses if half-elves count as elves or humans.
Issa finally speaks up, saying that he doesn’t think half-elves are either, and that they may not find acceptance from either group. Before Bane can respond, the two of them notice a shift in the air: snowflakes fading in and out of existence, a chill that leaves them warm. They finally find the Frost-Stone!
Bane feels that Issa is going to run off with the stone that night, so when he leaves the tent, Bane follows close behind. Issa had started a fire by the smuggling leader’s tent. While everyone is distracted, Bane makes it to the Frost-Stone’s box first. It’s still there.
Issa arrives. Bane tries to stab him - he realizes it’s actually Mercury. He tries to tell Bane that Duke Darrell never liked or accepted him and was just using him for labor, never once willing to make Bane the equal of an elf. Bane is hurt to hear this, and he even thought it was true, but he still wants to hang onto the hope of being accepted finally.
Mercury says that no one can make him fit into elf or human civilization, that only Bane could make that decision for himself. He tries one more time to give Bane a chance to join him and change how half-elves are seen in Pigeon Kingdom.
Bane runs away with the stone - only to get shot by a mysterious person. The person berates Mercury for being too slow. As Bane lies dying in the snow, he could’ve sworn that Mercury was furious with the voice and sad about his death. How could someone as cold and distant as Mercury ever care for someone like Bane?
The last thing he hears is the soft voice of the Snow Elf, welcoming him back to the forest.
-Duke Darrell is the elf noble who died in Vol. 1, Chapter 10. Mercury barged into the funeral ceremony showing little respect for the late duke.
-While the Snow Elf is associated with the Ninir holiday Starsnow, it’s actually a part of Pigeon legends. Ninir sees elves as benevolent ones that can bless humans. This is why Mercury doesn’t believe in the Snow Elf, since he knows how vile the elves can be toward other elves, let alone humans.
-Lake Bovaly is a major location in Love Nikki. It’s a sacred place to the elves, and the Wood Elf Prince Chloris watches over it as one of his duties.
Fun Facts
-Two more kinds of elf are introduced in the game: Wood Elf and Snow Elf. The original elf types in the game are Light and Water.
-Mercury’s fake name Issa most likely comes from the Futhark rune “isa,” which represents winter, cold, and waiting.
-So far, Mercury and Bane are the only half-elves mentioned in the game, although there could be more.
-The Snow Elf is left ambiguous as to whether she exists or not. However, her final appearance in the Reflection makes her seem more like a god or spirit that watches over all.
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hijacksecrets · 1 year
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YET ANOTHER AU BRAINCHILD FROM @alterkaetion AND MYSELF where essentially hiccup is (unintentionally) a town cryptid.
Here's the link to her drawing she did that also includes some backstory she wrote :D
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loobonx1 · 1 month
Heyy, heres a stupid image of my insanity (the fictional crushes wall)
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httptrinket · 26 days
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✩ pastel pink stim board ✩
pls show support with likes + reblogs ! it means more than you know !
follow for daily stim boards!♡
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vindikaetion · 1 year
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"They say there's a dragon in the woods.
It wasn’t always a dragon. Before it stalked the woods and became its most powerful predator, it used to be a statue.
Sailors first discovered it among their fishing lines, the rocky surface somehow flawless despite how long it made its home in the sea. They brought it back with them along with their bountiful catch, sure it would provide good luck to their village if they displayed it in the square.
For many years it watched over the town, keeping a silent eye over the children while their fathers were away at work. The villagers kept the statue clean, polishing its smooth stone and wiping away dirt and snow alike.
Then one day, a crack formed down its chest.
The villagers panicked, pandemonium breaking out and shrouding the town in fear. Who had done it? Who had cracked their prized statue, which brought them good luck and prosperity?
A day later, the crack had widened, webbing down its torso and over its shoulders. Accusations were tossed from one villager to the next, until every family was whispering bitter gossip behind each other's backs.
Cracks started to form in its wings, and a guard was placed to catch whoever was vandalizing the statue. But even that wasn't able to stop the cracks from widening, spreading further still.
Was time simply claiming their beloved statue? Or were there more sinister motives at play?
Deep in the night, when the lone guard had fallen into a deep sleep, a gasp tore through the silence of the square. Not a single soul was awake enough to hear it, not even when the statue took another breath.
A scream awoke the rest of the village the next morning, and when they all came running to see the comotion, they discovered the statue was gone.
Some say the dragon still lurks in the woods, keeping a close eye on the town. If you're lucky enough, you can even find one of its paw prints in the dead of winter; a sign that it's in the middle of a hunt."
A huff broke the quiet after a long pause.
"That's dumb," Emma pouted.
Jack wrinkled his nose, but his smile never left his face. "I'm sorry, are my story-telling skills getting old?"
“Why would everyone think the statue turned into a real dragon?” Emma questioned, crossing her arms in that know-it-all way she was getting fond of. “Those are myths. Just like your story.”
“Well, for one thing, my story isn’t a myth.”
With a squint of her eyes, Emma frowned. “How do you know?”
Jack smiled. Leaning forward, he held up a hand as if to make sure no one else would overhear what he was about to say. Emma leaned in towards him with wide eyes, always keen to hear more of his stories no matter how much she pretended otherwise. “You wanna know how I know?” he whispered.
Emma nodded, and his grin widened.
“I was there.”
Hey y'all what started as a sketch to see how Hiccup would look as a half-dragon spiraled and then me and @hijacksecrets ended up making an entire backstory around it. I hope you like the mysteries in our little blurb :33
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letmeinimafairy · 3 days
Available miniature painting
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An update on available pendants. Two botanical paintings, Hawkeye Pierce, Archie and a swallow, melting sky, dragon's eye and two latest motogp-inspires things about Marco and Dani.
And a question about a landscape with windmill - the piece was claimed but I've got no response on it, so please let me know if you changed your mind.
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depthofnowhere · 2 months
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Ice veil
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pers-books · 1 year
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Winter Solstice at Avebury Stone Circle, Wiltshire. Photographer unknown.
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f-liner · 2 months
So after many hours, I prent you the results of my hard work.
First of all, Haru(I got the inspiration by Mark's kenshin) and Unmei's kenshin.
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I also drew an attack with their respective kenshin(I was inspired by Axel's bakunetsu storm and Shawn's eternal blizzard)
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Next, their armor form.
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Next, their mixi max form. So I drew a bunch of them, also thanks to inspiration that I got from my last posts comments which I thank a lot(@azhamdrety) . So I drew Haru mixi maxed with master dragon and Unmei mixi maxed with Seoji Okita. I also tried drawing Haru mixi maxed with Big, with both mixi max and armor(cause you know... He has daddy issues like Fey) . But I think this is the design that convinces me the less. I just think it doesn't look a lot like Haru. What do you think?
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Chapter 4: Choice of Life or Death
Narrated by Bane.
~Content Warning: murder, death, guns~
Narrator: Not long after I walked out, a fire started burning in a corner of our camp. It was at the leader’s tent.
Narrator: As soon as I realized the situation, I immediately ran to the tent where the Frost-Stone was.
Narrator: There were no guards. Everyone was trying to put out the fire.
Narrator: I rushed in and opened the box. The Frost-Stone was still there.
Narrator: The next second, I heard footsteps. Someone was approaching the tent.
Narrator: If I leave right now with the Frost-Stone... It’d be too risky.
Narrator: I held the Frost-Stone under my cloak and hid myself in the tent.
Narrator: Then, someone came in. All I could hear was my own heartbeat.
Narrator: He opened the box and should have noticed the Frost-Stone was gone. However, he didn’t leave the tent.
Narrator: That man must be Issa, and he had noticed my scent. He knew I was here.
Narrator: I took a deep breath and made the decision to move before he found my exact position. I took out my dagger and tried to stab him.
Narrator: But Issa quickly turned and dodged my attack.
Narrator: However, his scarf fell as he was moving, revealing a pair of pointy elven ears. They were the ears unique to Light Elves.
Bane: Light Elf... No, a half-elf... You’re...
Narrator: Issa... Ah, I should call him Mercury, the only half-elf born between a Light Elf and a human.
Mercury: Bane, the Frost-Stone is in your hands, right?
Bane: Mercury, what do you want?
Narrator: He didn’t seem to be worried about the fact that his identity was revealed.
Mercury: Bane, give me the Frost-Stone. You’re not going to get what you want from Darrell.
Bane: How do you know what I want?
Mercury: Of course I know. You want to know whether you are an elf or a human, and if you were born out of love or inherited a sin.
Mercury: You want to earn the recognition and blessing from God and bathe in the warm holy light...
Mercury: No one can give you those answers, Bane. No one except you.
Bane: Duke Darrell told me... He said I could have the treatment and dignity of an elf if I completed his tasks... He promised me...
Mercury: Isn’t Darrell the most proud of his bloodline as a Light Elf noble? The elves will never accept our existence.
Narrator: Perhaps I always knew what Mercury had told me. Still, Darrell gave me hope.
Mercury: No one can judge your existence, not even a god.
Mercury: Together we can rewrite such absurd rules.
Narrator: I took out the Frost-Stone from my cloak and held it in my palm.
Narrator: It was warm.
Narrator: I walked slowly toward Mercury and held out my hand.
Narrator: Just as Mercury was about to take the Frost-Stone, I suddenly withdrew the stone.
Narrator: At the same time, I was stabbing with the dagger in my right hand!
Narrator: As Mercury evaded my blade, I rushed out of the tent and ran as fast as I could.
Narrator: But before I could escape, there was a gunshot, and I fell onto the snow.
Unknown Voice: Still trying to run?
Unknown Voice: What’s wrong with you, Mercury? You were too slow this time.
Unknown Voice: You should have already drawn your gun! Not only did you fail to get the stone, but you let him leave the tent.
Unknown Voice: Did you talk about something in secret?
Mercury: I didn’t ask you to shoot.
Narrator: I heard Mercury’s voice.
Narrator: He was not as calm as he was, and he even appeared to be suppressing his anger. It could just be my imagination.
Narrator: Someone forced my fingers open and took the Frost-Stone.
Unknown Voice: Got it. Let’s go.
Narrator: I felt my vision blur and consciousness gradually fade.
Narrator: It seemed Mercury was still here.
Mercury: I gave you a chance, Bane.
Narrator: But perhaps this was my best ending.
Narrator: The elves initially lived in the Pigeon Forest. Is staying there a good thing?
Narrator: I felt the gentle snow caressing me. Was that the Snow Elf’s blessing?
Narrator: I heard the Snow Elf sigh, who then said...
Narrator: “Come with me back to the Forest. It’s where the elves are born and put to rest.”
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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chaztalk · 5 months
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voguefashion · 1 month
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Harper's Bazaar UK: 2007 Covers
January 2007: Sienna Miller by Alexei Hay February 2007: Rachel Weisz by Alexei Hay March 2007: Naomi Watts by Satoshi Saikusa April 2007: Joss Stone by Mary McCartney May 2007: Elena Melnik by Philippe Cometti June 2007: Christy Turlington by Alexei Hay July 2007: Luca Gadjus by ? August 2007: Thandie Newton by Alexei Hay September 2007: Georgia Frost by Alexei Hay October 2007: Gisele Bündchen by Alexei Hay November 2007: Cate Blanchett by Richard Bailey December 2007: Hilary Rhoda by Michelangelo Di Battista
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silvaris · 1 year
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Frosty Castle by Thomas Timmermann
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vindikaetion · 9 months
Because The Stone Dragon won in the WIP poll I posted the other day, here's a small blurb for you all! :)
(Pssst if you wanna go check out my bestie's @hijacksecrets art for this au, go check it out here)
"I used to read you stories."
Hiccup blinked up from Jack's lap, who had a smile on his face that spoke of reminiscence. The carriage made a very gentle sound as it traversed dirt terrain that almost lulled him to sleep, wrapped in furs and blankets as he was.
"Oh?" he prodded past the knives in his throat. "When you were a kid?"
Jack made a 'tut' sound, placing a pleasantly cold hand on Hiccup's feverish forehead. "Stop talking, idiot."
Part of Hiccup wanted to say something just to annoy Jack, but even speaking the little he had took everything out of him. Hiccup smiled lopsided instead, closing his eyes and letting out a small purr when Jack started to run his cool fingers across his scalp.
"Yes, when I was a kid. Ma' kept telling me to practice in case I ever found myself with a good job." Jack let out a snort. "Like that was ever going to happen. But when Emma was a baby..."
Jack's voice was deep, and had a very soothing hum to it. Hiccup found himself focusing on it, imagining how his lips curled as he spoke.
"I wanted to read to her when she could finally understand it. So when my parents were asleep, I'd slip outside and sit by your statue to practice."
Hiccup blinked his eyes open.
"I..." he breathed. "I think I remember that."
Jack's hands halted. "Do you?"
If Hiccup focussed enough, past the haze in his mind that was starting to become as familiar as an old friend, he could just about make out a smaller voice. One that stuttered over longer words and made funny sounds to mimic sword fighting or dragon-breath.
"Yeah," Hiccup said. He knew he'd probably regret speaking more when the task itself seemed insurmountable, but he couldn't help himself. "I don't remember what they were about, though. I don't remember much of anything when I was a statue."
Jack shrugged. It could have been Hiccup's imagination, but there almost seemed to be a blush dusting on his cheeks. "Eh, they weren't very good. I'm pretty sure I made up most of it when I got to the harder books, anyway."
"Tell me one?"
It was hard to fight the instinct to purr again when Jack went back to scratching his scalp, mindful of the sensitive frills that adorned his head.
"Alright then. Maybe you'll actually rest your voice if I keep you distracted," Jack said.
"Doubtful," Hiccup replied against his better judgment. It felt like a plasma blast was rising up his chest to settle in his throat, singeing both his vocal chords and tongue. He wasn't fire-proof on the inside, afterall.
"You're annoyingly stubborn, you know?" Jack laughed, shaking his head and swishing snow white hair to-and-fro. Hiccup couldn't help but smile at it. "Fine. I've got one story that I memorized almost word for word. It was Emma's favorite."
Jack cleared his throat, as all great story-tellers do. Hiccup closed his eyes just as Jack opened his mouth to speak.
"There were dragons when I was a boy…"
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letmeinimafairy · 7 months
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Two arks and a new experiment - first attempt at making frost texture. Some kind of glitter, wood, twigs and a small flake of rust from garage's door.
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dickarchivist · 1 month
I’d like to chat with Frost please 🥰
What’s your favorite way to relax & unwind?
from @wings-and-beskar 💜
Frost looks around, smirks at his brothers, and then back to you. The other cold command members look confused, before Frost reaches into his leg armor and produces two long, thin rods. Winter, Shiver, and Zeros cheer. Stone groans and covers his face, looking exhausted.
Frost: I knit socks for my brothers. Everyone in the 404th has a set, including Athena and General Valka. As a joke-
Stone: that's enough-
Frost: I knit Stone-
They look at each other, Stone angry, Frost with a mischief in his eyes. He turns back to you.
Frost: I knit Stone underwear as a joke and we caught him wearing them-- OW WHAT THE FUCK!?
As they bicker, Zeros chuckles and shakes his head.
Zeros: What was that question earlier about love languages? Yeah, if you give Stone something that you put effort or thought into, he'll burn the world if you asked.
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