#front entrance landscaping design ideas
littlelightx · 11 months
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Contemporary Exterior Example of a mid-sized trendy gray two-story stucco exterior home design with a mixed material roof
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mrdelamont · 1 year
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Pathway - Midcentury Landscape Photo of a mid-century modern drought-tolerant and partial sun front yard concrete paver garden path in spring.
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ibs-gateway · 1 year
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Roofing Tile
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Concrete Pavers Front Yard in San Francisco
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bloodstainedlovers · 1 year
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Modern Landscape - Front Yard
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izanazqueen · 10 months
The end of August. ~
izana kurokawa x birthday reader.
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a/n: this is my second piece dedicated to izana for his bday month and the entry to the sano collab 2023 hosted by the lovely @fueledbysano - no warnings just fluff + more fluff ! -
August 30 -
izana knew the day. his birthday. to that mind- he couldn't honestly care less. there wasn't any single year in the past where he would think twice about it without desire to acknowledge it but for some strange reason he stubbornly went and decided to listen to his subordinate when kakucho told him that maybe he should stop by on his way back home to the apartment at the newly built gigantic pet shop he had over heard other people talking earlier about that just opened up in the main heart of the city. he wanted to dismiss the younger with no want whatsoever other than returning to his abode to be by himself for the remainder of the dreaded day until he heard him say between under his own not so subtlety made murmurs and moans mumbling about not giving a shit that he was going on telling him all about the fresh aquatic tank that was apart of the feature. ' fine- i will pass by outside. ' kakucho fonldly smiled at his king - ' sure. izana - ' it didn't take a genius to make it known well that his boss was elated at the idea of it.
making his way across town izana was rushing through the zoo of people crowded in the busy streets of yokohama when he saw that a large sum of them were crowded in one area. figuring that this had to be the place kakucho had been speaking about when he walked a little bit slower not very much interested in the idea in the first place but still curious as to what could be inside those large glass windows- way too glaringly sunny outside hitting the reflections to really get a good view of the inside. from the exterior izana could tell that they ones who run the place must have a lot of money and experience with this because it was well-made and stunning from the quality of the the brick work and architecture surrounding the arched doorway. his mind went in full interest of what could be possibly hiding beyond the entrance.
trailing on inside he noticed there were walls of animals and products designed to attract even the most unwilling of eyes to be drawn in. he didn't want to waste much time in this place that was packed almost as tightly as a concert venue- it was all of the ridiculous noise that was too much for him in addition to the amount of screaming children and small barking from the playful pups that had him turning away- ready to storm out of the place without a second thought until his eyes met a sign with a closed doorway that read "aquarium- please keep down. do not scare the fish." perfect. izana had darted though the door as quick as possible to free his ears from the deafening annoyance to find just a few others occupying the dark area shining from the rich shades and hues of purple and blues from the brightly lit blacklights of the huge majestic tank filled with an array of vastly different domesticated sea life- his every dream come true. he stared half gaped- drawn in widely openly amazed at the fine specimens he was witnessing in front of him. there were so many varieties and different kinds to view that he almost let himself slip a subtle pleased grin grace his features- almost.
izanas eyes scanned the tank- tracing the small lines and rows of the little schools swimming with eacother and landscape of all different sizes and colors of camouflage for the fish to play and hide from watching eyes. figuring he wouldn't go and let his efforts coming into this place be in vain and feelings of conflict whether he should possibly even bring one of the variety home with him stirring in his chest- he stared to explore more of what the vast stretching room length tank had to offer. while making his way through the different options slowly trying his best to not look too interested but in his mind the thrill was too much and starting to get to him. there were so many to choose from and he didn't know where to begin to try and choose one.
as he stared he saw across the room a small area where the fish had been separated from each other. they were known as beta fish- the only kind of fish that could not be in contact with others due to its tendency to attack them on sight not stopping even going in for blood. how amusing- he thought. it sounded a bit to familiar to his own ears- probably the reason why he admired them the most. before he could reach the area with the small clearing between the onlooking patrons his eyes caught a flash of his favorite color amidst the crowd- a deep shade of fire red. izana blinked twice before noticing the beautiful gown hugging your skin and curves practically sparkling under the lights reflecting from off of the fish tank- glowing in front of his eyes. he couldn't help but aimlessly make his way next to you to get a better look at the gorgeous sight that was this tantalizing spectacle to behold in this place.
izana came to see as he approached your side that he noticed you had no particular interest in anything else in that room other than the one little fish you just kept on staring at. ' is that one your favorite? ' he bubbled at you- with a smirk written over lips that was unbeknownst to him. 'oh sorry. did you want that one? cause i - ' you responded almost half aware that there was even a person beside you. turning your breathe got stuck in your throat as you glanced at him noticing his white platinum short undercut hairstyle almost illuminated by the glow of the aquarium in contrast to his his tanned warm complexion paired with a set of red dangling traditional style earrings and his large attractive lilac eyes underneath his radiant strands. you were completely taken back- he was one of the finest men you had ever seen before. his light eyes watching you as he waited eagerly for you to finish your thought from earlier as you were speechless and struggled to compose your thoughts. responding now a bit shyer in your tone you met his stare with a cheerful delighted expression matching with his own. ' well it's just- that one right there is sad- at least that's what it seems to me .. ' izana was left flustered at your words- drawn back right at the moment you had said them out loud.
' well, why would you say that ? ' izana paused for a moment staring into your concerned eyes. ' - how could you even tell what that little guys thinking? ' he perked his head to the side- full on curiosity now rolling through his mind. you glanced back at the tank and spoke without looking back too afraid of him seeing the nervousness written all over you from how close he was to your body. you felt the air around you become filled with his sweet aroma from an almost lavender trace to his cologne he was sporting- a pleasant scent that was teasing the the last of your desires. he was a put together well dressed very handsome gentleman that was not like anyone you'd seen throughout the time spent you'd been in this city. you responded to his questioning of your thought process after taking in a second to form the right words 'there is no way of knowing- honestly.. i mean he's just kinda keeping to that little corner not even bothering to notice the people all around him- he must be real lonely and hurt inside to not even desire a home with one of these - ' cutting you off he spoke strictly. ' maybe he likes it better that way.. ' izana wasn't speaking only about the fish now. feeling a bit annoyed by your words it left him with an even more irritating stinging feeling in his chest. you felt sorry for the little fish- he saw it in your eyes that were practically welling with sadness and threatening to spill actual tears in the process of speaking about how you felt for it so dearly. ' why don't you bring him home with you then if you think it's that lonely?'
' well i would but i can't actually- i don't have the proper place right now. im kind of in between moving and would not be able to give him the right attention going between the two- sadly. ' concern in his lilac eyes but not wanting to pry he left it alone even if he was now interested in knowing your situation beyond these walls. in that moment izana couldnt take his eyes off of your frame - almost studying your every move making you turn away back to gazing at the small red fish swimming around slowly in the corner of it's tank. you continued ' but i really wish i could- he deserves to be with a caring person who will give it the attention and loves it probably desires desperately. ' izana flinched- your words affecting him in a way you would never know. ' fine- i'll take him then. ' your eyes began to shimmer with hope. with a delicate smile you beamed at him ' you will!? oh that is fanatastic! - ' his stoic face melted unnoticed to himself to a softened smirk feeling as the brick wall around his heart had been crumbled to dust. why were you so damn pleased about that little fish getting a place to go to? he couldn't understand your motivation but he was truly humbled by your genuine content and relief on your face. for a moment he thought maybe you two were similar- the reasons flooding his brain with possibilities without a clear answer. izana wanted to ask you just as to why it was so important to you but before he could speak- your arms wrapped around his waist cause of how your pure excitement took over before you could even realize what you were doing. izana's lavender orbs expanded beyond the largest possible way and he became totally enraptured by your sudden embrace of him.
the scent of your perfume hitting his brain and the soft touch of your gentle hands that had accidentally slipped sliding under past his dress shirt had him practicing his breathing patterns in short breaths inside of his small pants from how close your body was to his own tempting him that was causing him to erupt in flames. you realized quickly that you crossed a line with someone you had barely known and quickly pulled apart from him in your flustered panic. ' i'm sorry about that. really- i just.. ' izana gathered himself in dread of his facial expression in that moment. 'it's fine.' he mused back at you. ' don't worry about it. ' normally if someone had the nerve to place a hand on him he would have met them with his swift heel kick to the jaw. yet right now- he couldn't get enough of it. wanting with the most endless passion to grab you back and feel your warmth against him in that tight arm lock that had left him heavily reeling- from how much he needed to feel you again. there was no way he could admit that to himself let alone to you. his pride wouldn't allow for as much. he put his palm on your shoulder the closest thing that izana could bring himself to try and do to relieve this tension around the two of you.
he spoke with care for someone for once in his voice and in a wispy light tone he said to you - ' cmon. let's get to the checkout before i change my mind - ' not wanting to sound even a tinge of desperation in his voice to make that ever so beautiful smile on your face come back to light- which it did as soon as he said them. ' ok! let's go- ' you happily exclaimed with pure joy echoing in your tone clasping onto his firm large slightly sweaty hand from how truly nervous he was being around someone that was as attractive as you were to him. izana didn't ever want to let go- as you raced as fast as you could with him to the counter out front to purchase the prized red beta before he could say otherwise. as you made your way through the crowd your hands started to pull apart trying to get past the people swarming around and your heart twitched at the feeling of him grabbing on to your own tighter as to make sure you didn't let go of his. if he could have seen the small sweet smile that had spread on your face knowing he was the cause it he probably would have went unstable with his thoughts of what that meant but you hid it as rapidly as you reached the register feeling the warmth on your cheeks from how the feeling of him against you was affecting your mind.
that night- izana placed the little tank he had bought for the red fish arranged perfectly on his night stand next to his bed. he stared at it with intent as it looked with it's small black eyes right back into him. his grin widened thinking to himself how it must be glad to have someone to be with now no longer alone in that dark back corner of the aquarium. he felt for a second of a hint of jealousy in it's tiny reflection for himself- before his mind chased to the moment he first witnessed you in that stunning red garment with every one of his senses starting to tingle with each breath that left his lips practically sighing from the feelings burrowing their way through his heart. izana felt ashamed for letting you leave the pet store without as much as a way to contact you again. settling himself in- he grabbed his acoustic guitar and began strumming with strokes of pretty notes filling the air with the aura of his solemn mood. glancing over towards the tank he stopped momentum and began playing a bit slower when he noticed the little red companion glaring straight at him moving quickly from what he assumed to be the music. placing his guitar down on his mattress he sauntered on over to where the fish was now swimming much more now in tiny motions. ' huh, you must like that sound don't ya- little guy? ' izana spoke to the fish aware that it couldn't give him a response.
izana bent down closer to get a better view of it's nice tones of red and golden colors and he noticed that something was sticking out slightly from under the tank. the receipt was stuck to the bottom a little bit crumpled up so izana grabbed it out from underneath the fish's new home to toss it away in the trash when he saw the small finely written numbers scribbled on the back side with a tiny little heart next to it.
- ' y/n ' izana read it out loud and with his mind running endlessly- he was left there completely speechless and distraught. knowing he should have been the one himself to have asked you but taken back by your action of boldness and desire to contact him feeling restlessly anxious he practically ran over to where his cell phone was charging grabbing it without hesitatation. izana slowly entered the digits as to not mess up the code to hearing your gentle voice once more. catching his breath he paused before hitting the call button momentarily desperate to know exactly why you had chosen to give him your personal contact when he thought back to how much you wanted to find his new found companion a home- how lonely you thought he was there all alone in that pet shop. now nervously pressing the call button because of the fear that he was initially right about you two being similar- he panicked and almost hung up when he heard you speak clearly through the other end- ' hi! ..is this- by chance izana? ' the world felt shaky and he was on cloud nine from how delighted you sounded as he struggled to make his voice sound normal. 'how'd could you guess? ' it was the only thing that he could get out. izana could feel his vocal chords trembling in sequence of his words as if they had a mind of their own. ' i'm so glad!- ' you answered him in a high pitch elation of your enthusiasm for it actually being him that called you. ' where you waiting for me to call you all evening? ' izana said now with his heart giving a curious beat thrumming through his veins. he couldn't believe you- even having the guts sticking the receipt carefully back in his purchase without him noticing to begin with. ' yes- i have been mr. izana. - it took you long enough.. thought maybe you didn't want to see me again that maybe- ' ' .. kurokawa. ' he ended your sentence for you. ' my name is mr. kurokawa.' he retorted to you with dignity. continuing his thoughts he went on- ' and yes. i would very much like to see you again. - y/n. ' your sultry voice had him way beyond the point of caring of his weakness for you showing when he heard you squeak in your praise. ' oh thank goodness! - well .. are you by chance busy this evening?.. ' tonight. he thought back to what the day was as he peeked at the clock seeing it was only 9pm- still technically his birthday. izana mustered the courage to give you his response in honest. 'well- no. just home hanging out with my new friend. ' the simple act of him saying so made him hear in your voice the smile the was evident on your face even if he couldn't see it. hearing you on the phone had him in a state of glory for having the nerve to dial the number in the first place- happiness taking over him in every way imaginable. his face had burned up at the next thing that came out from your lips- ' mind if i come by- to visit you two? ' izana had felt himself go numb in shock without knowing how to answer. the response he gave was a bit mufled and barely audible but you had heard him no less. ' i - actually would like that a lot.. ' this time izana spent his birthday for the first year ever with someone other than himself. making him feel satisfied deeply and content. not only cause of that little fish now stuck with him for life but because this was the special day that he had been fortunate enough to meet you. it was now and would be his favorite day of the year to look forward to from that day on -
@izanazqueen © -all rights reserved.
please do not copy / repost my work
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quaranmine · 2 years
45 for the drabble game if you're still taking them? :3
I already did 45 here, so i did a random number generator instead and got 31! honestly this drabble took an entirely different tone than this song i swear the vibes are not the same help
What? Me, worry?
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Scar likes to work on a project during the evenings in Tumble Town. Jimmy spots him in the tavern nearly every night, huddled next to the warm light of lantern. He's always writing in a book, or sometimes sketching.
Jimmy decides that tonight, he's gonna check that out.
"Howdy, Scar," he says, sitting down in the chair directly opposite of the man.
Scar jumps practically out of his chair. "Oh!" he cries. "Oh my goodness, you scared me!"
Jimmy grins. "You were awfully into that book, weren't you?"
"Oh this?" Scar asks, shutting the book. "Nah, it's nothin'. So what can I do for our illustrious sheriff tonight?"
"Didn't have much to do," Jimmy responds. "Just wanted to come over here and see what you were working on. Can I see it?"
Scar deliberates for a second, before passing the book over. "Sure."
Jimmy flips it open. It's filled with sketches of beautiful buildings, alongside messy notes and lists of blocks. There's some areas of color where it looks like Scar had been experimenting with block palettes.
"Dude, this is gorgeous!" Jimmy says. "I had no idea you were an artist!"
This succeeds in making Scar a bit bashful. That in itself is a feat, one which does not escape Jimmy's notice. He smiles a bit smugly. "Are these for Tumble Town?" he asks. "I love them!"
"Ah, well, no not exactly--" Scar says. "They're for my theme park."
"You're building a theme park?" Jimmy asks. "Like, here?"
"No," Scar says. "I was building it at home."
Jimmy looks at the drawings. They're a little messy, with lines going every which way, but in a way that still looks somehow careful and deliberate. Maybe practiced is a better word than messy. They're sketched in the hand of a practiced artist. Some pages have been marked off, and Jimmy realizes that they're all failed iterations on the same building design.
"You built all this at home?"
Scar takes the book from Jimmy and flips to some pages closer to the front. He points out a building on the page. "Not all of it. I built this one before we left. But the park was still unfinished when we went through the rift. It's been my project since we joined that world. I've wanted to build one for years and finally got the chance."
"Can you show me it?"
Scar laughed. "Well, not until the rift gets fixed at least. We're not going anywhere right now. But I guess you can come visit when all this is over."
Jimmy's chest squeezes a little at that. He doesn't want the rift to be fixed, because he doesn't want the hermits to leave. He doesn't want Scar to talk about his home, because he wants this to be his home.
But he can see the effort put into these plans. And they're exactly that, plans. He's seen how Scar works on them diligently every evening. Scar's not going to stay. Scar's going to leave eventually so that he can execute these plans.
"No, like, walk me through it right now. Here."
Scar's eyes light up at that, and he wheels himself around the table so that he can sit closer to Jimmy. He starts at the beginning of the book.
"My good sheriff," Scar says, in the voice of a showman, "allow me to introduce you to the greatest theme park in the world. It's a place of magic and mystery! It is a place where all can come and leave their worries at the door."
Jimmy hangs on his every word.
"Welcome," he says, "to Scarland. This is my concept art for the park, but I have built all of this already. I created this main walkway, you know, so it could be this grand entrance! And I landscaped these gardens to go with it."
"They look amazing," Jimmy says. "Man, you're such a good builder. I can't imagine how great it must look in real life."
Scar's smile is radiant. He goes on to to explain his choices for each building facade. He explains how the lights on top of the building swivel to provide light when needed but be out of the way during the daylight. He explains the purposeful placement of trees to keep the area aesthetically pleasing. He tells Jimmy about how he recorded morning and night messages to be played through the park loudspeakers, and gives Jimmy a demo of what they sounded like.
By the end, Jimmy almost feels like he's there. He flips through the book once more, looking at all the concept art for Scar's future builds. They're all beautiful, each and every one. Scar has even included plans for rides and exhibits in each one. He's made notes about what components he would need to make them run. He's written ideas for shows that could be put on in the theater he's going to build.
"This is the most magical place on earth, you say?"
"Of course," Scar says.
"I think I can feel it," Jimmy says. "I think I can feel it."
>> still accepting asks! give me a number 1-100 and specifiy if it's for spotify, and i'll try to write you a short drabble based on the song. i may or may not get to it though full disclosure <<
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snorgless · 8 months
Heated Heft: Chapter 1
This story is inspired by the Starbound mod "Starpounds" by ShyDispatch
Eight days. It had been eight days since you were abandoned by your team on the frozen planet of Corsu 6. It had been two days since you ran out of rations, and not long ago the heating malfunctioned and broke.
You rub your thin, empty belly as it groans angrily. You're running out of options and it's becoming difficult to ignore the hunger pains.
There's one option. One that's been sitting out there in the snow, tempting you with its nutritious abundance. You shake your head and turn away from the window, clutching your stomach as hunger pains grip you once more.
Corsu 6 wasn't a barren world. Far from it, but the conditions were obviously less than ideal. Beyond the freezing temperatures, most of the available food on the planet was inedible to humans.
There was only one edible food source on this entire planet. But you've already seen the consequences of consuming it. It's why you're trapped here in the first place.
Your colleagues had concluded that eating them was safe, but just be safe, it was asked that a volunteer test them.
They were small creatures without arms or legs, just two, large protruding ears that reminded you of a bunny rabbit's. They were effectively just balls of dense fat and sugar and, as it turns out, they were also highly addictive.
After eating the first, the volunteer, a young woman named Emily woke up 20 lbs heavier the next morning, and with a new found craving for the "Lardlings".
The other scientists tried to stop her from eating more of the creatures, but she always found a way. Other the next couple of months she ballooned to ridiculous sizes. Suffice it to say, she lost mobility and had to be removed before anything else happened to her.
Of course, someone needed to stay behind to keep the systems running, and you drew the short straw. You've no idea what happened to the ship or it's crew. For all you know, Emily ate them all you suppose, chuckling to yourself.
Another stab of pain in your gut ruins your brief moment of amusement.
The way you see it there's three options. Starve to death, freeze to death... or... You look down at yourself, unzipping your jacket to reveal your slender frame, flat stomach and modest boobs.
You sigh, shaking your head. Death was never going to be an option, so what if you got fat? It would be better than being unalived by your own ego, you think to yourself. Only, Emily wasn't just fat. The last time you saw her she was completely immobile.
Your thoughts drift to the number of chins... Her hands and feet slowly being enveloped by blubber... Her enormous backside, capable of swallowing a whole couch... And how her tits and belly were competing for the crown of "fattest body part".
But that was only after two months. You've only been stuck here for little more than two weeks! There's no way it would take THAT long before you were found... right?
It only takes one more hunger cramp for you to angrily storm towards the base's main entrance. It's an airlock built to keep out the cold, as well as basically anything else. The room is huge, designed to accommodate a whole away team... or one massive blob, you suppose.
Once the door behind is secured, the one in front of you swings open to reveal the snowy landscape of Corsu 6.
Your booted feet stomp through the snow as you make your way away from the base and into the snowy tundra. The Lardlings are everywhere, just rolling around happily in their own blubber. Was "happily" even the right word? Analysis had revealed the things were basically brainless, only possessing a rudimentary nervous system.
As such, it's no surprise that the thing just lets you pick it up without so much as a squeak from itself, or from the other Lardlings around you.
It's heavy... A lot heavier than you were expecting, but that probably explains why there's so many calories. You hold it steadily and trudge back towards the base, cradling it in your arms.
Back inside, you plop it down on the dining room table and sit down before it. It jiggles softly with each mindless movement. You stare at it, unsure how to proceed. You poke it, sending a ripple cascading across it's soft flesh.
You remember seeing Emily just stuffing them straight into her mouth and swallowing. Sitting down in front of the Lardling, you're really not sure how. They aren't small creatures. You estimate that it's as big as a bowling ball.
You lift it up again, this time being more explorative. It's so soft! Squishy and fat, it was almost like holding a loosely filled water balloon.
You take a deep breath and shove the Lardling into your mouth. Without effort, it slides down into your stomach where it lands with a splash. You double over, the sudden feeling of fullness being a shock to your system.
You feel awful. Filled, bloated and stretched, you stumble back to your room to sleep off the instant food coma you've inflicted upon yourself. Already, you feel heavy... and hot... The rapid changes your body is already undergoing is producing a lot of heat.
You shrug off your winter jacket and climb into bed, slowly and carefully. You're already dreading what you will look like in the morning. But something stirs as you drift to sleep, you begin to absentmindedly caress your bloated orb of a belly.
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convexicalcrow · 9 months
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Today's mood was 'procrastinate on the mortuary temple by doing the oasis room' so. :D It was a bit tricky to work the entrance in around the pillar but I think I managed it. It's kinda hidden away, like you can't easily see it. Which is why I added all the cherry leaves so it stood out a lil more. :D Also, particles. I wanted the pretty particles. <3
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I wanted to expand on the theme from the flower corridor on the other side of the pyramid. I didn't want to make it look too stylistically different from the rest of the pyramid, so I borrowed the same pillar design from there but used it on the edges of the room instead of down the middle. It's been adapted a little bit to fit but it's essentially the same design.
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The room has a lot - and I mean A LOT - of vertical space while also being quite narrow, so I decided to make these little walkways around the edge of the room to still make it feel Big and Grand even though it's not that big. I got two floors of this and there was STILL ROOM above that. A LOT of room.
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This is the rest of the room that leads to a balcony outside like the front has. It's simple, and maybe I could add more on the carpeted area, but I'm not sure I will. Also I think the biome blending really gives the trees a much nicer look than if they were all the same colour.
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This is what I built (VERY CAREFULLY D:) around the door Cub put in, just to make it feel like it fit in a bit more. I wanted to keep with the colour palette, to keep it ornate, but not decorated like the front. No colour, just shapes and textures. And I think it looks much better. I'll probably put in something similar on the balcony as there is on the front, but that's for later. And it might change a bit still but that's the basic design.
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What I want to do is take this idea of sand having piled up around the door and extend that around the entrance here, and perhaps around the base of the pyramid. Maybe there's some strong winds coming in from the mesa behind it that's pushed all the sand up against the walls. That kind of thing. I also want to tidy up the terracotta on the side to the left of this one that's all just starkly cut out, and make that look more natural.
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This is the space I had above once I was done with the pillars and flowers and such. I haven't quite decided what to do with it, but I might do some more oasis-like gardens and pools. Make it like a healing space maybe. I had thought about making little ponds or hills of dirt, little spots of more organic landscaping up here as opposed to the formality below. But we'll see. It definitely needs a pool or pond or some kind of water thing tho.
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I'm thinking this might be a small chapel or shrine area, or perhaps some kind of storage idk yet. It's really too small to do anything useful with but I don't want to leave it empty. So we'll see what I come up with when I tackle this floor.
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Also finally I, uh, got myself a Pharaoh head. >_> bc it didn't feel right to just have old man Cub up there. It needed to be the Pharaoh. And, Cub, dammit, didn't have any Pharaoh heads in his storage, just Old Man Cub heads. XD So I had to do it myself.
honestly my java skin history is A Mess bc I don't have a default skin at all like I do when I play Bedrock so it's just a whole pile of random skins, Hermit skins, and whatever else takes my fancy lol. XD I think my player character on java must be some sort of void eldritch creature the way they have no known form and take on other ppl's instead.
...it's not bc i refuse to learn how to edit skins it's just my vibes i swear XD
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peppymint1986 · 1 year
Does author walk of shame.  This is why I don’t even pretend to have an update schedule.  Was tempted to call this chapter Castlevania as Tobirama is now at the vampire castle, but I refrained.
Happy New Year everyone!
Chapter Nine: Awakening
There was no moment of transition or disorientation.  One moment, Tobirama was deeply unconscious.  The next, he found himself staring up at an ornamental plastered ceiling.  Thankfully the design was tasteful, even peaceful with the flowing geometric shapes.  
Unlike one he had seen several years ago featuring nymphs and satyrs in various states of undress.  Even worse, the thing had been painted.  How the owner of said manor had thought the room conductive to restful sleep the hunter had no idea.  The wall hangings had been no better.  Some had been even worse.  
He hadn’t even been able to ignore it as every time he turned around said Lord had wanted to know his opinion of the decor.  That had been an annoying hunt to say the least.  Once the matter had been settled Tobirama had been more than happy to leave the place behind him.  Though Komura-san had been oddly reluctant to let him go for some reason.
Even more thankfully, while his boots had been removed the rest of his clothing was still present and in its original condition.  This he was sure was a state of affairs that would not continue.  Madara had bemoaned his practical attire more than once.  Said it wasn’t flattering, whatever the vampire meant by that.  Why would the other care?  
But at least while awake Tobirama would be able to pretend he had some control over what he was wearing.   Taking a slow, even breath, the demon hunter sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed.  His mouth tasted like something had died in it.  Other than that however, everything seemed to be in order.  
Once assured of his physical condition, Tobirama turned his attention to the room.  Though honestly, it was more of a small suite.  He could see the entrance to the washroom from here.  The bed he lay in was placed in the center of the room and easily big enough for two.  The matching furniture were all equally well built with polished brass handles.  There was even a bookcase.  A plush dark blue rug covered the majority of the polished hardwood floor.  
There was no window.  Unsurprising considering what Tobirama suspected about his current location.  He doubted he was anywhere near an outside wall.  He could see just fine though as several magelight fixtures gave out a clear steady glow.  They looked similar to the ones his sister-in-law had made with several different settings.
Cream colored paint stopped the room from feeling enclosed and there were several paintings featuring various landscapes on the walls.  All in all, Tobirama would have found the room to be quite comfortable under different circumstances.  However in this case, it was just a prettier cage.  Then again, he had not woken up in an actual cage.  Nor a room filled with vampires.  So Tobirama supposed he should count his blessings.
Glancing at the porcelain pitcher sitting on the end table, he mentally shrugged before pouring himself a glass of water.  Either it was drugged, or it wasn’t.  It turned out it wasn’t, so Tobirama poured himself a second glass.  He drank slowly, mindful of making himself sick.  
Even so, he finished the glass faster than he would have liked.  And thus, no longer had anything to distract himself from his current circumstances.  Rising to his feet, Tobirama walked over to the washroom.  He was unsurprised to find the mirror was of polished silver rather than glass.  But, it suited his purposes well enough.  
Around his throat lay a narrow metal torc.  From the front it looked merely decorative in nature.  However Tobirama could tell it was heavily enchanted.  Though thankfully, it seemed geared towards preventing outward magic rather than inward.  Cutting off any magic user, or magical being for that matter, entirely off from the source of their power never ended well for the one involved.
The hunter was sure it contained other features as well.  Location almost certainly.  And probably something to ‘punish’ him as well.  Unfortunately, without being able to see the runes concealed on the interior of the metal, next to his skin, there was no way to tell.  It also reminded Tobirama uncomfortably of a collar.  
He took a moment to futilely wish for cuffs instead, or at least a wide enough torque to protect the veins in his neck.  Taking a deep breath, Tobirama could not help but laugh silently at himself.  Madara would hardly want his neck covered.  
And as for cuffs, if he had been the normal sort of prisoner, Tobirama would not have hesitated to break his hands in order to get himself free.  His brother would have been able to fix them.  Not that it mattered, not only was his neck a far more delicate area but he had no intention of trying to escape.  
While it was true that Madara had not explicitly laid out his bargain, Tobirama had known full well what the vampire had wanted.  The deal for the cure had been as much with him as it was with the daimyo and he had accepted that.  It was not his nature to cry foul now that the deed was done.  
The hunter was not certain what he would have done next had there not been a knock at the door.  
“Tobirama-san.”  An unfamiliar voice called.  “Are you awake?”
“Yes.”  There was no point in trying to lie.  Vampires had exceptionally keen senses.
“Madara-sama would like you to join him if it is convenient.”  
Tobirama’s lips twisted, before his expression smoothed back out.  He did not understand why they were pretending he had a choice.  Rather than verbally responding, the hunter instead walked back to the other room.  His hand hesitating the barest instant before turning the knob to open the door.  
This was his life now, however long or short it may end up being.  Pretending otherwise would not change a thing.  
I live.  I think I am going to follow the model from last year and try to post once a week for the entire month of January for my annual blitz.  It gives me more time to come up with things. 
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vinylfencetorontoca · 11 days
" Transform Your Property with a Vinyl Fence in Toronto "
Introduction If you're looking to upgrade your property's aesthetics and security, a vinyl fence is a fantastic option. In Toronto, vinyl fences are becoming increasingly popular due to their durability, low maintenance, and versatile design options. This article will guide you through the benefits of vinyl fencing, creative design ideas, and tips for choosing and maintaining the perfect vinyl fence for your Toronto home.
Introduction to Vinyl Fences in Toronto Vinyl fences are made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), offering a strong and weather-resistant barrier for your property. With Toronto's varying climate, vinyl fencing is an excellent choice as it can withstand the city's hot summers and cold winters without deteriorating. Homeowners in Toronto appreciate vinyl fencing for its aesthetic appeal and practical benefits.
Benefits of Vinyl Fencing Durability Vinyl fencing is renowned for its durability. It doesn't warp, rot, or rust, making it an excellent choice for the fluctuating weather conditions in Toronto. Vinyl fences maintain their appearance and functionality for many years, providing a long-term investment for your property.
Low Maintenance One of the biggest advantages of vinyl fencing is its low maintenance requirements. Unlike wood fences, which need regular staining or painting, vinyl fences require only occasional cleaning with soap and water. This makes them a hassle-free option for busy Toronto homeowners.
Versatility in Design Vinyl fences come in a variety of styles, colors, and textures. Whether you prefer the classic look of a white picket fence, the privacy of tall panels, or the elegance of decorative designs, there's a vinyl fence to suit your needs. This versatility allows you to customize your fence to match your home's style and your personal taste.
Popular Vinyl Fence Styles in Toronto Classic Picket Fences For a timeless look, many Toronto homeowners choose classic white picket fences. These fences add charm and character to any property and are perfect for front yards. They provide a welcoming appearance while still offering boundary definition.
Privacy Fences Privacy fences are a popular choice for backyards. These tall, solid panels provide seclusion and noise reduction, creating a peaceful outdoor retreat. Privacy fences are ideal for those who want to enjoy their outdoor space without disturbances from neighbors or street noise.
Decorative Fences Decorative vinyl fences add an element of elegance to your property. Options like lattice tops, scalloped edges, and ornate post caps can make your fence a focal point in your yard. Decorative fences are perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to gardens and front entrances.
Installation Tips for Toronto Homeowners Hire a Professional While vinyl fences are relatively easy to install, hiring a professional ensures that the job is done correctly and efficiently. Professionals have the tools and experience to install your fence securely, which is especially important in Toronto's variable climate.
Check Local Regulations Before installing a fence, check Toronto's local regulations and bylaws regarding fencing. There may be restrictions on height, style, and placement, so it's crucial to ensure your fence complies with these rules to avoid any legal issues.
Plan Your Layout Carefully plan your fence layout before installation. Consider the purpose of your fence—whether it's for privacy, security, or aesthetic appeal—and ensure it complements your property's landscape. Mark the boundaries clearly to avoid encroaching on neighboring properties.
Maintenance Tips for Vinyl Fences Regular Cleaning Keep your vinyl fence looking its best with regular cleaning. Use a garden hose to rinse off dirt and debris, and for tougher stains, a mild detergent and a soft brush will do the trick. Avoid using abrasive cleaners that could scratch the surface.
Inspect for Damage Periodically inspect your fence for any signs of damage or wear. While vinyl fences are durable, it's essential to check for any cracks, chips, or loose posts. Addressing minor issues promptly can prevent more significant problems in the future.
Seasonal Care Toronto's seasonal changes can impact your fence. In winter, ensure that snow and ice do not accumulate excessively on the fence to prevent damage. In the summer, check for any UV-related fading and consider applying a UV protectant if necessary.
Conclusion Vinyl fencing is a versatile, durable, and low-maintenance option that can enhance the beauty and functionality of your Toronto property. With various styles to choose from and minimal upkeep required, vinyl fences are an excellent investment for any homeowner. By following proper installation and maintenance tips, you can enjoy the benefits of your vinyl fence Toronto for years to come.
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mathura12 · 1 month
Best Mathura and Vrindavan Tour Packages
Vrindavan and Mathura together make for a perfect holiday idea for devotees of Lord Krishna and travelers who are enthusiastic about exploring the vivid culture of the place. Since both of these places are extremely close to each other, you can comfortably visit both in our one day Mathura & Vrindavan local sightseeing tour by private car.Mathura:Mathura is a sacred city in Uttar Pradesh, northern India. The deity Lord Krishna is said to have been born on the site of Sri Krishna Janma Bhoomi, a Hindu temple. Dotting the Yamuna River are 25 ghats (flights of steps down to the water), of which Vishram Ghat is considered the holiest. Sati Burj is a 16th-century memorial tower. Dwarkadhish Temple has a carved entrance and a black-marble idol of Lord Krishna.
Vrindavan is a holy town in Uttar Pradesh, northern India. The Hindu deity Krishna is said to have spent his childhood here. It’s home to temples, many dedicated to Krishna and his lover, the deity Radha. At Banke Bihari Temple, the curtain in front of Krishna’s statue is opened and closed every few minutes. At Radha Raman Temple, a gold plate beside Krishna signifies Radha. Prem Mandir is a huge white marble temple. Lord Krishna is believed to be an incarnation of the supreme God, Lord Vishnu, according to the Hindu mythology. It is said that the Lord took birth on earth in yet another avatar to help human race fight yet another evil. Thus this makes both Mathura and Vrindavan cities of great importance to the practitioners of the Hindu religion. The months of November to March are considered to be the best time to visit the Holy city of Vrindavan.
Examining the Spiritual Core: Top tour deals for Mathura and Vrindavan
Take a tour that will ignite your soul to Mathura and Vrindavan, two of the holiest cities in India, renowned for their rich cultural heritage and profound spiritual importance. These tour packages provide an amazing experience for all types of travelers, from curious tourists hoping to immerse themselves in the rich heritage of Hinduism to devoted pilgrims seeking spiritual enlightenment.
1. Sacred Pilgrimage Tour:
Experience the divine aura of Mathura and Vrindavan with this meticulously crafted pilgrimage tour. Visit the legendary birthplace of Lord Krishna in Mathura and explore the iconic temples dedicated to him. Witness the mesmerizing evening aarti at the banks of the Yamuna River, a truly enchanting spectacle. In Vrindavan, delve into the mystical ambience of the temples, including the revered Banke Bihari Temple and the picturesque Prem Mandir. This package is designed to nourish your spiritual journey and leave you with cherished memories.
2. Cultural Heritage Tour:
Delve into the cultural tapestry of Mathura and Vrindavan with this immersive tour package. Explore the vibrant streets adorned with colourful markets, bustling with the aroma of incense and the sounds of devotional music. Visit the Dwarkadhish Temple in Mathura, an architectural marvel depicting the divine love of Radha and Krishna. Wander through the narrow lanes of Vrindavan, discovering hidden gems like the Radha Raman Temple and the ISKCON Temple. Indulge in the local cuisine, savouring the delectable flavours of traditional sweets like peda and laddu.
3. Yoga and Wellness Retreat:
Rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul amidst the serene landscapes of Mathura and Vrindavan with this revitalizing retreat package. Engage in daily yoga and meditation sessions led by experienced instructors, finding inner peace and harmony. Take leisurely walks along the tranquil ghats of the Yamuna River, absorbing the tranquil ambiance and refreshing your senses. Visit the Govardhan Eco Village in the outskirts of Vrindavan, a sustainable sanctuary promoting ecological conservation and holistic living. This package offers a holistic approach to wellness, leaving you refreshed and invigorated.
4. Customized Spiritual Sojourn:
Tailor your pilgrimage experience according to your preferences with our customizable tour package. Whether you wish to visit specific temples, participate in sacred rituals, or explore off-the-beaten-path attractions, we can create a personalized itinerary just for you. Our expert guides will accompany you every step of the way, providing insights into the spiritual significance and cultural heritage of Mathura and Vrindavan. Immerse yourself in the divine essence of these sacred cities at your own pace, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Embark on a transformative journey to Mathura and Vrindavan with these curated tour packages, offering a perfect blend of spirituality, culture, and wellness. Whether you seek spiritual enlightenment, cultural immersion, or simply a rejuvenating retreat, these packages cater to diverse preferences and interests. Come, explore the timeless charm and sacred allure of these legendary cities, and embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.
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hardrocklandscaping · 2 months
Interlock Bricks: The Perfect Option For Your Landscaping Project
Are you planning on making a statement with your landscape? Are you confused about how you can do so? For this, you need to rely on the most suitable options. The perfect choice for you will be interlock Barrie bricks. Interlock bricks are highly durable and also look stunning. They are available in several shapes and sizes. So, you can choose the one that suits your requirements when you landscape using these interlock bricks. It will make your space look fabulous and boost curb appeal. Get in touch with the right landscaping companies that can assist you in this process. Let’s learn more about why interlock bricks should be your choice. Walkways The front entrance of your home is one of the most essential parts. So, if you wish to increase the value of your home with a sophisticated design, you can use interlock bricks for the front entrance and walkway. You can also add other features, such as garden beds, to improve the look even more. Driveways Along with the entrance, the driveway is also one of the most crucial parts of your home that people will first notice. So, if you wish to ensure that all your first impressions are great, you must have a welcoming design for it. The driveway and walkway should have interlock bricks. You can ask the Barrie landscaping companies to provide some inspiration pictures so you can easily visualize how the result will look and choose from those inspirations. Patios If you want your backyard to have a breathtaking design, you can choose an interlock patio. Even if you do not have space for a larger interlock patio, you can go for a tiny one, as it will enhance the look to a huge extent by adding some much-needed texture and colour. When you do not have grass, you will not have to waste time trimming the grass regularly. So, interlock patios are always a good idea. Perks of going for interlock bricks When you choose interlocking bricks, the maintenance cost for your landscaping design will be quite less. Interlocking stone is quite simple to repair. It has more flexibility than all the other options available and will also last for a long time. It will increase the value of your property. If you are planning on using Barrie interlock bricks for your landscape, get in touch with a trusted company that can understand your requirements and cater to them. To go for interlock bricks, visit https://hardrocklandscaping.ca/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/4aCJvly
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gardnerlandscape · 2 months
Transform Your Outdoor Space with Stunning Walkway Ideas
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When it comes to enhancing your outdoor space, walkways play a crucial role in not only providing functionality but also adding aesthetic appeal. From stone and concrete to paver and patio walkways, the options are endless for creating a beautiful pathway that complements your landscape design.
Stone walkways exude a natural charm and can be customized to fit any style - whether you prefer a rustic look or a more polished finish. Their durability ensures longevity, making them a practical choice for high-traffic areas.
For a more modern touch, consider concrete walkways that offer versatility in design and can be stamped or stained to achieve the desired look. They are low-maintenance and provide a sleek appearance that suits contemporary outdoor settings.
Paver walkways are another popular choice known for their durability and ease of installation. Available in various shapes, colors, and patterns, they allow for endless creativity in designing unique pathways that elevate the overall aesthetics of your garden or front yard.
When planning your front walkway, explore different ideas such as incorporating lighting features or landscaping elements to create an inviting entrance to your home. A well-designed front walkway not only enhances curb appeal but also sets the tone for your property's overall ambiance.
Whether you opt for a patio stone walkway or traditional pavers, investing in quality materials and professional installation will ensure that your walkway stands the test of time while adding value to your outdoor living space. Let Gardner Landscape Design help you bring your walkway vision to life with expert craftsmanship and innovative solutions tailored to suit your style preferences.
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 3 months
Eight Ways to Add Curb Appeal for the Best Front Yard
Your front yard is the first thing visitors see, making it essential to create a welcoming and visually appealing space. Today, we will share some practical tips and ideas to help you transform your front yard into a beautiful outdoor oasis. From landscaping and hardscaping to maintenance and seasonal updates, we'll cover everything you need to know to make your front yard the envy of the neighborhood. So let's get started.
Landscaping plays a vital role in enhancing your front yard's appeal. Choose plants, trees, and flowers that complement your home's style and climate. Incorporate a mix of colors, textures, and heights for visual interest. Planting low-maintenance species reduces upkeep. Create focal points with decorative features like garden beds or ornamental trees. Define borders with edging materials for a polished look. Regular pruning and weeding keep your landscape looking tidy. Consider hiring a professional landscaper for expert advice and assistance. With these landscaping tips, you'll transform your front yard into a beautiful, welcoming space that enhances your home's curb appeal.
Maintain Your Lawn
Maintaining a lush, green lawn is crucial for enhancing curb appeal. Regular lawn care not only keeps your front yard looking neat and inviting but also contributes to the overall aesthetic appeal of your home. Start by mowing your lawn regularly at the appropriate height to promote healthy growth and prevent weeds. Remember to water your lawn deeply and consistently, especially during dry spells, to keep it hydrated and vibrant. Additionally, fertilizing your lawn with the proper nutrients will ensure it stays healthy and resilient. Consider investing in quality outdoor power equipment, such as a reliable lawn mower and trimmer, to make lawn maintenance tasks easier and more efficient. With these tips, you'll create a beautiful and welcoming front yard that adds value to your home.
Creating a Welcoming Entrance
Your front door and entryway set the tone for your home's curb appeal, so making them welcoming and inviting is essential. Start by giving your front door a fresh coat of paint in a color that complements your home's exterior. Adding decorative hardware, such as a stylish door knocker or handle, can also enhance its appearance. Consider installing outdoor lighting fixtures to illuminate the entrance and improve visibility at night. Incorporating potted plants or hanging baskets near the doorway adds color and greenery. Adding a welcome mat or rug can make guests feel instantly at home. By paying attention to these small details, you can create a warm and inviting entrance that leaves a lasting impression on visitors and enhances your home's curb appeal.
 Adding Hardscaping Elements
Incorporating hardscaping elements can elevate your front yard's appeal and add structure to the landscape. Start by defining pathways with materials like pavers or gravel to guide visitors to your entrance. Consider adding a patio or seating area to create a welcoming outdoor space for relaxing or entertaining.
Installing a decorative border along flower beds or driveways adds visual interest and helps maintain garden boundaries. Incorporate features like retaining walls or decorative stones to add texture and depth to your yard. Choose materials that complement your home's architecture and style. With thoughtful placement and design, hardscaping elements can transform your front yard into a functional and aesthetically pleasing outdoor oasis that enhances your home's curb appeal.
Outdoor Lighting
Good lighting can transform your front yard at night, highlighting your home's best features and landscaping efforts. It's not just about the walkway; consider illuminating trees, shrubs, or any unique architectural features of your home. This not only enhances the beauty of your property but also adds to its safety and security.
Choose fixtures that match the style of your home. For a modern look, go for sleek, minimalist designs. For more traditional homes, lantern-style lights might be more appropriate. Also, consider energy-efficient options like LED lights to keep energy costs down.
Addressing Maintenance Issues
Don't overlook maintenance tasks when enhancing your front yard's appeal. Addressing issues like peeling paint, cracked sidewalks, and damaged gutters improves curb appeal and prevents further damage. Prioritize repairs based on urgency and budget. Tackle small tasks regularly to prevent them from becoming more significant problems. Consider hiring professionals for complex or unsafe repairs. Regular maintenance ensures your front yard remains in top condition, enhancing the overall appearance of your home and making a positive impression on visitors. By addressing maintenance issues promptly, you'll keep your front yard looking its best year-round.
Adding Decorative Elements
Incorporating decorative elements adds personality and charm to your front yard. Choose outdoor furniture, sculptures, and artwork that reflect your style and complement your home's architecture. Place colorful planters or hanging baskets near the entrance for a pop of color. Consider adding a water feature like a fountain or birdbath for a tranquil ambiance. Don't forget about seasonal decorations to celebrate holidays or change up your outdoor space throughout the year. With thoughtful selection and placement, decorative elements can transform your front yard into a welcoming and visually appealing outdoor retreat that reflects your personality.
 Final Touches and Seasonal Updates
Completing your front yard makeover with final touches and seasonal updates ensures its beauty year-round. Add finishing touches like outdoor rugs, throw pillows, and welcome signs to enhance comfort and charm. Add seasonal decorations such as wreaths, flags, and potted plants to celebrate holidays and change your outdoor decor.
Regularly update your front yard with fresh flowers, seasonal foliage, and new decorative elements to keep it looking vibrant and inviting. By paying attention to these final touches and seasonal updates, you'll maintain a front yard that impresses guests and delights passersby with its ever-changing beauty.
Wrapping Up
You can create a welcoming and visually stunning outdoor space by following these tips and incorporating elements like landscaping, hardscaping, and decorative features. Regular maintenance and seasonal updates ensure your front yard remains beautiful year-round, making a positive impression on visitors and increasing the overall appeal of your home. With a little effort and creativity, you'll have a front yard that you'll be proud to show off!
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Everything To Know About Fashion Designing In Gandhinagar
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Gujarat is special due to its rich culture and history. Now, it's also becoming famous for learning great design skills. There are many colleges that offer fashion and interior design courses in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. This blog will tell you about these opportunities specifically for those who dream of becoming designers.
Fashion Designing in Gandhinagar
Fashion designing is a nice job in which you can create new clothes and styles. There are so many fashion designer courses in Gandhinagar that you can learn this art from. These schools offer different types of classes, like short courses or even long studies that can give you a big diploma. Many places offer courses that lend you an understanding of everything about fashion, right from the start to the very advanced stuff. While pursuing fashion design, one can become a fashion designer, someone who does styling for clothes, or even work in shops where clothes are sold.
Learning Interior Design in Gujarat
Interior design, similar to fashion design, happens to be another angle with respect to the presence of space. It is more about decorating rooms and buildings. There are many good interior design colleges in Gujarat too. Here, they can teach you how to choose colors furniture, and how to plan a space so it looks and feels nice. Some schools offer big degrees or shorter classes, depending on what you want. Many schools are really good because there are very good teachers and very good classrooms, and the schools also know people who are doing real work outside of the schools. After studying, you could also work for a company that designs buildings, decorate people's homes, and even start your own business.
Mixing Creativity with Being Professional
What is great about fashion designing in Gandhinagar and other parts of Gujarat is that they are not just teaching you to be creative. They are also teaching you how to be professional. This is to say that you learn how to make your creative ideas work in the real world. Students get a chance to test projects for real and take internships in a variety of fields that give them a sense of the job that awaits them after finishing their school years. They listen to stories from people who have excelled in their field, which can be very motivating.
Choosing the Correct School
Picking the right school is a big deal. It's a bit like choosing the best place in your garden for a new seed; you're dreaming about it growing into something beautiful. You have to think about what the school offers - like the classes that will feed your brain, the teachers who'll help you grow strong and smart, and the exciting paths that'll unfold in front of you once you're ready to step out into the world after graduation. They also offer to prepare a student for the entrance exam and are ready to help in making a portfolio so that you will be taken for your talents. Some schools even provide with money to cover your schooling in case you need it.
The campus of Swarrnim University is situated in this vibrant landscape of Gujarat. The green is one of the distinctive highlights of campus beauty at Swarrnim, and when one is a part of it, one becomes a part of the Swarrnim family. It is a place where your dreams are taken seriously, where your creative potential is unlocked, and where you are encouraged to find that new balance between tradition and modernity. Swarrnim does not prepare you for just a career; it prepares you to be a leader, to inspire, and to transform your passion into a purpose that resonates with the world.
To sum it up, if you're dreaming of making a mark in the design world, there's no place like Gujarat, especially Gandhinagar. The schools here offer top-notch fashion and interior design education, combining creativity with skills to succeed. As design changes, the world of Gujarat stays ahead, ensuring that its students are ready for the future. If you dream of being a designer, peeking into these schools could be the start of an exciting journey.
As one steps into the shoe of being a designer, the best decision could be starting the journey in design in Gandhinagar or anywhere in Gujarat. Creativity meets opportunity, opening doors to a future full of success in the thrilling world of fashion and interior design.
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