#fox plays
The Quarry ch 9/10
Are read mores broken on this thing??
Never mind, I figured it out. Edit: Or maybe not!
Laura ran when the family was distracted by Ryan, which I felt bad for, except she only met Ryan 20 mins ago and doesn’t care about him. So: narratively consistent.
I also didn’t remove the knife from Ryan’s side, because you should only remove the weapon if you are able to care for it immediately (it acts as a stopper for the blood, plus the shape of the blade could exacerbate the wound), which I didn’t think he could… but this game also plays fast and loose with medicine. Because Dylan should be passed out and in shock right now. And shock has a medical meaning that doesn’t mean “so surprised you’re able to walk around like totally chill even though your hand was cut off.”
Me: this manipulate the claw with the crane segment has ZERO gameplay?? What the fuck??
Me, twenty seconds later: okay, so it’s got some gameplay.
Still, that gets to the crux of what annoys me most about this game: there’s no fucking gameplay. You can’t lose in a traditional game sense, i.e. be forced to stop playing, which I suppose takes away some of the tension for me. I accept that winning and losing have different definitions in this genre, ie I can only lose by making poor choices, but there’s no tension like, can I manipulate the buttons adequately to survive this scenario. Maybe I am comparing it too much to Heavy Rain, where I could choose an unlikely or dangerous path, but if I were good enough at video games, I could still succeed in it (i.e. preventing Nahman from taking triptocaine).
But there’s a QTE where Laura and Ryan are in the excavation site, and the catwalk breaks, and you have to jump. If you miss it, there is no consequence besides Ryan making an awkward quip. Maybe it affects relationship values (which aren’t tracked, or at least not shown to the player), but it seems like it’s there because the devs realized there hadn’t been any gameplay in a hot minute. Yet Laura fleeing from Max on the island had no QTEs either, and there definitely should have been, especially since the game is clear they are willing to include QTEs with no effect, just to spice up gameplay. I wish there were a million button presses in the crane scene, every time anyone is fleeing anything, I wish conversations were a rhythm game. I want this to be more than a movie where I press a few buttons – I want this to be an actual game.
And so far no set piece has approached Mike going through the Sanitarium. In fact, the only creep I get from this game are the ghosts – but those have been pretty consistent and spooky. The one behind Abi in the storm shelter !
Well, shit. I really thought the game was going to make it all the way through without saying g**** referring to the travelling show. In fact when I saw that it was consistently referred to as the travelling show or side show and a few times as the freak show, I was like, cool! Not bringing any racism into it! Both times it was members of the Hackett family, so maybe it was “look how Evil these guys are,” but still.
I love Max. What a wife guy. Too bad I decided to leave my safe little island and immediately got got by Caleb.
”Eliza was killed in the fire…” Uh, no she wasn’t? I dodged the spike when it blew up and almost hit me? But that does explain the question I immediately had, which was what if you don’t dodge it? Does she fade away before your eyes? [Edit: Even if you dodge that, the implication is she dies walking into the fire after.]
Dammit, screwed up the don’t breathe and Kaitlyn got killed with surprising violence, which was undercut by how goddamn awful her ragdoll looked. The physics keep getting worse and worse, which either means the ending was rushed or it really, REALLY was not meant to be played on PS4. Or both! The subtitles have also gone totally off the rails. They appear at the beginning of the scene then disappear, or reappear later and out of order, or are from a clearly different scenario. My fault for playing a day 1 game, I guess. Well, month 1, with no internet to download patches. [Edit: it took me 5 months to get internet installed in my apartment.]
Anyway, if I get to do the UD thing where I can play through from a chapter of my choosing, I’ll replay chapter 10 and keep Max and Kaitlyn alive. Not sure where the Emma or Jake chapters would slot in, but I don’t miss them. I assume Emma would be kind of Jess-like, where because she is siloed on the island, she has basically one encounter with Max and that’s it.
Can you post up in the lodge alone as Kaitlyn? Because a few times she said something seemingly to herself… then Dylan would walk up and comment, and at least once she responded with the same thing she had just said to herself. There are also definitely seams in other parts of the game where it was meant to swap scenes in and out depending on who was alive.
This is worst in the the fortune telling: “do you want to see the future?” [PAUSE] [SELECTION] “great” [PAN TO CRYSTAL BALL, ELIZA LOOKS LIKE SHE BELONGS IN A DIFFERENT GAME] [PAN BACK] [PAUSE] “that’s just one possible future!” [PAUSE] “now let’s continue the game!” It’s just as bad if you don’t get any cards. “normal patter” [PAUSE] “you didn’t get any?! Asshole!” [PAUSE] “dialogue that doesn’t change and segues back to the game”
You’re welcome, Eliza. :3 But, uh, Dylan and Abi survived?? And Silas and Caleb and Nick.
I was so moved by Eliza’s plea that I declined to shoot Silas, knowing that would mean Travis/Ryan/Laura would die immediately. So yes, I’m definitely going to replay chapter 10, which I earned because it wasn’t me screwing up that led to their deaths. I guess I will argue that I was playing consistently, because showing compassion even when it was not in the best interest of the characters was basically how I chose to play.
That said, my Laura snapped easily and acted first, asked questions later a lot, so killing Silas was probably the right move even in my narrative.
So were the old still and the oil spilled all over the ground of the scrapyard red herrings? Because I really thought I was going to have to blow up the mansion and/or fight off a werewolf by setting things on fire. [Edit: There was a QTE where I had to stop from slipping on the oil in the Hackett’s basement, I think.]
RYAN ERZAHLER?? Ryan the Explainer?? Actually all these names are off the wall. Mountebank (actually that’s a good name for an instagram lifestyle influencer who flogs shitty products)? Blyg?
Aww, the names from the Video Nastys seem to be members of the dev team. That’s cute. :3
Speaking of the Video Nastys, I’d like to know more about their logic. Laura acted pretty adversarial towards Travis the whole time, injecting him with the tranq and strangling his dad. But she didn’t shoot him during her jailbreak and she didn’t shoot his mother in the face. So was that //just enough// to make him trust her?
I’m charmed by the podcast. I enjoyed “hat insurance” and “you don’t lock your doors??!” even on the third listen. They’re cute. :3
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saltmalkin · 6 months
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stil-lindigo · 8 months
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the fox god.
a comic about a trickster.
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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fernsnailz · 1 year
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guys. murder of sonic the hedgehog is really good
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clumxy · 9 months
I can't believe I haven't drawn them for a month
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cantarelaria · 2 months
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beast peak's shixiong 🐲✨
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pixiefeatherkw3 · 8 months
I'm here (always with you) <3
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sonlc · 20 days
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ermm actually 🤓☝️
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rocketrrush · 1 year
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I hated the think levels
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samipekoe · 2 months
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Yuel commission 🦊
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kindacts · 10 months
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I can't believe how wrong I was about you. Most people are.
NICHOLAS GALITZINE as HRH Prince Henry of Wales
Red, White & Royal Blue (2023)
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I played The Quarry ch 2/3/4 in one big chunk
I am terrible at finding tarot cards! There was one where I walked into the room and the game was like, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD IDIOT PRESS X TO COLLECT THE TAROT CARD.
That said, I also got 2 cards (Star and Tower), said I wanted to look at Tower in more depth, and when I got to the pause screen to look at it again… the video clip was under Star. Uhhh… bug report? A shame, because Tower is the most evil bad news card in the Major Arcana, even worse than the Devil, Hanged Man, or Death.
8 years of shooting qualification and treat-never-keep-keep must have really gotten under my skin, because when Jake flagged Kaitlyn and Nick with the shotty, I flinched and yelled in real life. Also, giving a gun to a genuinely unstable person is not recommended.
Chapter 3 seems pretty early to reveal the (a?) monster, which was teased with green-o-vision spy cam but seemed distinct from the rednecks, and again looks very similar to UD's enemy. When it attacked Abi and Nick, something shot at it, which I assume is the (prev post) rednecks. Also, when Abi had the choice to run or hide, I remembered Jess and hid. Then I had the choice to climb a tree and I thought... this chick can't climb trees. I seem to have made it through okay!
Also learned from UD to take the shortcut, which got Ryan to Nick in… the nick of time. 😎 🏆
I'm kind of digging the reveals, though. The rednecks watching the kids and saying, fuck this and walking away. The weird bloated corpse in the lake, which to me is kind of like... yeah, creepy, but if you don't know it's there, and also you've been swimming in that lake all summer long anyway... does it really matter?
Btw, the muscle reminds me of Stephen Fry from the Kickin’ Ass sketch. Oren here will just tap along to the strange rhythms in his head.
Ohhh, the graphics are becoming harder and harder to overlook. The water looks TERRIBLE, which makes me think it was added to show off PS5 capes, and my PS4 is absolutely chugging trying to render everything, My PS4 is also coming up on 7 years of age. I had to force quit a loading screen twice already. PLEASE HANG ON BABY.
Thus far I have managed to badly misinterpret both of the tarot card hints I got: failed to take the fireworks with me, and, proving I forgot the lesson from UD and also the last chapter, opened a trap door, which got Emma killed as, frankly, anyone opening a trap door deserves.
Luckily, Jake was already dead at that point, because Ryan fired a warning shot into him. Fascinated by the VHS tape (what a fun design choice, btw, they are so cool looking [even if Video Nasty is an explicitly British term] and I’m dying to know the provenance of the fake director names) for that chain of decisions: Jake didn’t distract the hunter who freed him from the rope trap > hunter pours blood on Jake’s face > Ryan shoots Jake in the bushes. If Jake didn’t have blood on his face, would he have yelled, “hey guys! It’s me!!”? Did the blood enervate him? I assumed the blood had something to do with hiding from the monsters, not other normal humans.
Anyway, Nick got bit or whatever and according to a tarot card he will develop superhuman strength, presumably while transforming into these Nosferatu-looking mfers. Abi has been unfailingly kind to him, which will hopefully pay off when he loses all traces of humanity but recognizes the bright spark of her love and stops himself from ripping her face off. In chapter 5, I guess, because so far all the tarot cards have been hints for the immediately upcoming chapter. Which is a bit hand-holdy for my tastes, but also I forgot the totem hints 30 seconds after I saw them in UD, so I see where they’re coming from.
And Dylan… that’s not how infection works?? It doesn’t appear within 20 minutes as a black mold spreading through your veins?? And what did you want to amputate anyway, his shoulder?
I feel like Kaitlyn is an apology for Emily from UD after Supermassive didn’t realize how much backlash Emily was going to get for being assertive and opinionated (aka a bitch). I like Kaitlyn and the way she takes charge of situations, but it looks like she doesn’t get to be equally forthright/"alpha" in relationships.
Also, uhh… SM has paired the POC together again, but this time threw a wrench into it by also making it a love triangle including a gay guy. I have thoughts but I also don’t want to wade into waters I am not qualified to swim in.
Loved the narrative device of Emma as influencer filming videos that gives her an excuse to walk and talk, rather than give us a Heavy Rain-style button to read thoughts or just have the PC talk to themselves the whole time.
“Do we snoop through someone else’s belongings or do we open the spooky trap door and die a horrible, painful death?!” There’s another explicit UD ref. I remembered that lesson and didn't snoop in Max's bag in the prologue either.
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artofobsession · 5 months
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Pretty Prince Henry poses in precious pearls
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lemonboyjosten · 2 months
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feeling nostalgic over these covers.
(they are beautiful and they are 10 years apart btw. god bless @korakos for keeping the aesthetic.)
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fernsnailz · 1 year
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i don't know how to describe how much i love sonic battle's endings with words so i made a comic about it
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clumxy · 11 months
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the bros being cute ✌
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