canisalbus · 9 months
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✦ Hound mode ✦
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plesiosaurys · 9 months
getting emotional over footage of an amateur scuba diver interacting with a coelacanth. they are hunted by large deepwater predators, and here comes a large creature bearing the brightest lights it's ever seen, making strange noises, but it does not shy away. it hovers, calmly, as the diver reaches out and trails a hand down its back. im strongly against the anthropomorphizing of real life animals but the stupid emotional part of me loudly insists this is because it recognizes us, the alternating movements of its four paired limbs matching the diver's four paired limbs, & it is thinking, "hello, cousins, we missed you these 66 million years, it's so good to see you again. welcome back, welcome home."
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shima-draws · 3 months
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What do you mean I know EXACTLY how WCI went it went just like this
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ceramic-galanter · 6 months
weird bird
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unrinconmas · 11 months
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huyentram95 · 2 years
Canine picks up ‘funny’ item of trash while out on walk with mama
Strolling the pet is significantly healthy and balanced for them and also you, also. It is a type of exercise for both of you. We understand exactly how we human beings can benefit from strolling. Even if it is a low-impact workout, strolling for 10,000 actions a day can do marvels for our body.
Dogs need that same workout, also. Like people, a sedentary way of life can quickly add to them being obese. Walking helps them shed additional weight, rest better, as well as release any type of bottled-up energy they have.
What would certainly make one reluctant to walk their dogs? Some pet dogs are rather scared of the huge poor globe available, as well as it would take a while to convince them to head out as well as walk. The even more extroverted ones that like the outdoors often tend to take their time smelling nearly everything they see.
They can likewise get in a lot of difficulty when they get too playful. It could be a headache for a canine owner (or pedestrian). Think of chasing that four-legged mischief-maker around!
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arrgh-whatever · 29 days
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a little comic about my (and Pauk's) Skyrim experience
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islandlobster · 5 months
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da toonies 💪💪💪
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 274
You know what is fun? Baby Ghost Jason. You know what could be even more fun? Ghosts are Dragons. 
Jason? Aware of none of this. 
He was on comms, y’know listening and rolling his eyes at Dickwing, who used his real name, really Dick, he mocks. It’s just a stakeout, nothing new there, honestly boring when he could be blowing something up instead. It should have just been a stakeout. 
Yet there’s something suddenly there, something behind him. Something that causes his hair to stand on end and his comms to spark into static like some sort of horror movie. Something, something with clawed hands with corpse-pale skin tipped in black, stained or dead or something else, tilting his head up and up and up as he’s frozen. 
“A child, out here? Alone?” a voice crackles, hisses, hums, and purrs, somehow all at once, unnatural in its tone. He can’t move, he needs to move, he has to move, but it’s like the space around him has gone cold and dead, like he’s stuck in the Pits once more as claws hold his head and his vision blurs. “Sleep, child. Rest- we’ll be home soon.” 
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whysowise · 1 month
hey guys new hyperfixation (if y ou couldn't tell by my more recent reposts 😋)
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original beloww
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orofeaiel · 3 months
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Red Wolf (Canis rufus)
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ferngle · 6 days
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they're on the way to beat you up (or they just wanna show you a shinny rock)
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gravitcat · 11 months
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[ID: Trigun fanart of the core four sitting together in a cozy room. Wolfwood seems to be telling a story with a smile. Milly has a ponytail and is laughing as Vash and Milly, both visibly drunk, lean against her. Vash is smiling softly and listening to Wolfwood, and Meryl is asleep and drooling. To the side, a cat is using the Punisher as a scratching post. End ID] - described by @princess-of-purple-prose
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so i was thinking about how Howdy has eight legs bc he's a caterpillar - those have lots of legs. but butterflies? they only have six
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imagine he comes out of his chrysalis and he's down two limbs. mf would have to relearn how to Walk
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bunitivity · 4 months
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I’m fkn obsessed with people drawing Zoro as a little mossball and I imagine Sanji would also be
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