#four episodes and i'm shipper trash
pinkandpurple360 · 9 days
Oh hey Trash Anon here again!
It's really tragic how HB really went from IMP slowly forming this found family in season one to his employees and even his daughter only seeming to care about Blitzo doing everything to please Stolas to keep their 'meal ticket' aka their jobs and livelihoods. it's honestly gross because this whole season has basically been 'lets punch Blitzo when he's already down until he reaches his breaking point' so the fact that the writers are okay with taking away any character development the four had with each other all in order to lift up Stolas and make him look better just hurts man.
I would have loved to see Mille or Moxie (maybe both) show concern for Blitzo's mental health knowing he has to do this every month (yes he got a month or two break but ya know) and put their foot down telling him 'look I know you got to do this and you're doing this for us but it hurts to see you like this'. Just show some concern and compassion damn it!
If they reeeeeally want to still push Stoltiz have it that they're glad that Blitzo is 'free' and try to tell him that maybe Stolas does care in some way just bad in communication and Blitzo venting about how he felt used and is confused by everything but tell him that he has plenty of time to think about things now that Stolas is out of the picture for now.
Yeah still gross all things considered but I just want someone outside of Fizz to care about Blitzo's well being. If anything this episode only shows that Blitzo is meant to be with Fizz than Stolas and I'm glad to see even some big fans/Stoltiz shippers waking up and calling out Stolas' bad behavior (and considering Brightman said that 'Ozzie and Fizz are in an open relationship' even if it was as a joke, I refuse to believe this isn't canon regardless how much Viv says otherwise we know those two would treat Blitzo right.).
Idk i just think Blitzo deserves better as a character. He may be an asshole but he shows he has empathy and cares about those around him. Stolas showed the opposite.
I hope I'm making sense here I wrote this once I woke up ...
Completely makes sense to me. Moxxie being concerned at Blitzø for taking a few months off made me sick. And Loona saying stolas might be tired of him. She is so bad for his mental health in every possible way, planting seeds of doubt, making him feel unlovable, she really is just fucking heartless now. 0108 kind but insecure defensive Loona I miss you so much. Both Loona and stolas are abusive now. The team, who Blitzø calls family, are worried that he may no longer be pimped out so they’ll lose money. I literally dont care how rude and obnoxious he is to them nobody deserves that level of hate. I really wish the show was about the main four learning to be kinder to eachother and all becoming better people, for their own sake, and for their friends, not to acquire “true love”, and with relatively equal screentime.
They’re all four of them, scummy. I hate that they’re all screaming his flaws at him in the trailer and saying they hate him. People don’t change if they think there’s no hope and no point in changing at all. The dynamic used to be, Moxxie: critic who is very sceptical of blitzø and wants to make sure everything goes okay, Millie: the enthusiastic peacemaker who is the only one who openly likes Blitzø and is on the same page as him, Loona: Girl who dislikes moxxie is not impressed with Blitzøs antics, but does love him and wouldn’t hurt him. The pilot was great at establishing this four directional dynamic of flawed people who work together but have strained tensions and need some work.
The thing with Fizz is, he hugged him, let him express his feelings, he still held Blitzø to account, expressed his own feelings, and showed him some mercy. NOT TO MENTION all while this is happening they’re communicating in a high stakes situation, defending themselves and each other, using their differences to work together compromise and reach a goal. Set each other free as equals. “You’re pretty good at that action hero bullshit” “and you really know how to put on a show” “I’m happy for you fizz” “ah fuck it let him have it. You could say he earned it” selflessly supporting each other in their relationships with other people but being mutually attracted? OH JUST KISS ALREADY
Sorry what were we talking about?
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fandammit · 5 years
Someone to stay [1/2]
Y’all knew this was coming. The Boys, Frenchie x Kimiko. Missing moments through S1. Also available here on Ao3. 
Even in his dreams, he can’t quite picture home any more. 
That he spent so many years of his life running back to a place he can’t even imagine any more hurts too much to think about, so now he mostly tries not to. 
The first time he’d even spoken about home out loud to anyone since -- well, ever -- was staring at Kimiko before she was Kimiko. Back when she was just a scared, feral outline of a person that he’d somehow wanted to protect anyway. 
There’s so much about home that hurts. So much about who he is that hurts. 
But it all hurts so much less when he’s with her. 
She keeps one hand wrapped around his all the way home from Mesmer’s house, the other clutching one of the pictures she’d drawn of her last memory of home. 
There are at least a hundred of the exact same drawing back at the safe house, but he’d made sure to grab the one she’d drawn at Mesmer’s house and give it back to her. It’s a milestone for the two of them, or a talisman, perhaps, to ward against the people they were meant to become. 
She sees him looking at the paper in her hands and after a short moment of contemplation, she offers it to him. He tilts his head at her, his eyebrows drawing close to ask are you sure? 
She gives him a long look, her eyes searching his, before she simply pushes it into his other hand and settles closer to him, her eyes turning out towards the window and back towards some faraway memory. 
He’s never been what you call sentimental -- he has no tangible memories from childhood that aren’t scars, and a lifetime of being on the move means that everything he owns can be packed in a duffle, or bought at the newest Goodwill. But he already knows that this will now become his most prized possession. A symbol made real -- the turning point when she stopped being the girl or petite lazarus or just her and crystallized into Kimiko.  
She’s still mon coeur, of course. He does not think he could stop himself now. Thinks he’d have to know where it had all started to figure out how to stop, but doesn’t know either.  
It doesn’t matter, anyhow. She’s Kimiko and she’s mon coeur and she’s holding on tightly to his hand; the rest of the world fades away. 
She goes straight to couch when they get back to the safehouse and turns on the TV. He watches as she pulls her knees up close to her chest and wraps her arms around them, the screen flickering through images of sharks and reefs. .   
He watches her as closely as she watches the TV -- which is to say, he’s really just looking at her as his mind travels down other roads. He can hear M.M. rearranging files on the table behind him as he does, then feels the table sag a bit as the larger man sets himself down next to him.  
“You know Butcher’s gonna offer to trade her to the feds if it helps bring down Vought,” M.M. murmurs. “And you know as well as I do that it would.” 
Hot anger flashes through him at the thought, and he turns towards M.M., his fists clenched at his side. 
“She’s not some kind of -- of -- puzzle piece or stray collateral to be given and traded,” he hisses, though the pit of stomach roils with fear even as he says it. He has no illusions about what Monsieur Charcuter will do for his personal vendetta. 
“We’re all collateral to Butcher,” M.M. says wearily, and not for the first time he wonders why the other man ever agreed to come back to them. “Look, Frenchie, all I’m saying is that you'll have to prove to Butcher that she’s more valuable to us than she would be to Feds.” 
He stares at M.M, hating that he’s right, hating himself more for immediately trying to quantify just what Kimiko could do for them. He knows she would be invaluable to them. He has a talent for killing and weapons, M.M. has the planning and the brains, Butcher is ruthlessness and drive personified and little Hughie is...well, he’s somewhat like a mascot, at times, but one who has shown himself to be resourceful when necessary. 
But Kimiko is pure, Supe strength -- the one thing they need, and the one thing they’re missing in their fight against the Supes. 
“She just want to go home,” he finally says, shaking his head. “She should get that chance.” 
M.M. sighs and shakes his head. 
“Ok, man,” he says, pushing himself off the edge of the table and going back to fiddle with his files on the table. “But you know I’m right about Butcher.”  
If he were Monsieur Charcuter, he wouldn’t give her a choice; he would simply tell her she needed to join the team or get ready to be shipped over to the Feds. 
If he were M.M, he would try to reason with her, explain why joining the team is her best option in a finely drafted presentation with graphs and charts and her own personal file. 
If he were Hughie, well, he’d probably tell Kimiko that he was going to take her back home, and then get them both killed or captured -- by the Supes, by the Feds or by Charcuter himself -- trying to get her there. 
But he can only be himself, and so he gives Kimiko what he’s always wanted, and what he knows she deserves: a choice. 
He means it when he tells her that they could use her help in stopping Vought, but he means it just as much when he tells her that he’s ready to go to the airport at a moment’s notice. He’s been burned and started over so many times in his life; what’s one more? 
He tries to read her expression, to see if she’s struggling to make the choice, what he should prepare himself for. 
But it’s a moment that’s too short to grasp, and in the next, she reaches over to take his hand and settles back into the couch cushions. Their clasped hands lay loosely between them, and even though her attention’s back on the TV, he can almost feel the words as if she’d shouted them out loud. 
I choose you.  
Everything about her movements, her demeanor, is  casual and easy; it’s as if she hasn’t just altered the course of her life with this one choice. As if there hadn’t even been a choice, really. 
He understands the feeling. Choosing Kimiko hadn’t really been much of a choice for him, either.  
“I have to go,” Hughie stutters out, looking lost and little despite the way he towers, that same frightened look on his face from when they'd first met. 
“Hughie, you can’t go alone,” M.M. says, reaching a hand out to stop him. That M.M. has any kindness left over to distribute even as he's getting ready to head to his own family is how he knows that M.M. really might be too good to be on their team. 
“No, he said --." Hughie stops and shakes his head. "A-Train said that none of my friends can come with me. I have to -- I can’t -- he’ll kill my dad if I don’t come alone.”  
"He'll kill both of ya if you do," Butcher snarls from somewhere across the room, and he isn't sure whether Monsieur Charcuter is angry at A-Train, Hughie, Mesmer or just life in general. 
He feels a gentle hand on his shoulder and turns to face Kimiko, who looks at him for a moment then tilts her head in Hughie's direction. 
He looks back at her, then over at Hughie, who's now arguing with Monsieur Charcuter. 
"You're sure?" He asks, even though what he actually wants to say is it's dangerous and it might not be a good idea and please don't. But he knows all those words are more for him than her anyway, and she didn't choose to stay behind just so he could hold her back. 
She nods and reaches out her hand to wrap it around his, squeezing once before letting go and gesturing towards the center of the room where Hughie and Butcher are squaring off against one another. 
"Kimiko will go with you," he calls across the room, taking advantage of a lull between Hughie and Butcher's shouts.
 It's a rare moment where he manages to catch Monsieur Charcuter completely off guard. 
“What now?” the other man snaps, turning to face them both. 
“Kimiko,” he repeats, stepping aside and gesturing at her. “She said she’ll go with petite Hughie.” 
Hughie blinks rapidly, his eyebrows coming together in the center of his forehead in confusion. 
“You know you can’t come, Frenchie. A-Train would recognize you.” 
He nods. 
“I do not need to go, you know this, petite Hughie. Kimiko can protect you just as well as I can -- better even.” 
Hughie looks like he wants to argue, but he ends up just nodding, his hesitation fading out into that nervous, jumpy energy again as he looks down at his phone and back towards the door. 
“Ok, that works for me.” 
“Well it don’t fuckin’ work for me, does it?” Butcher growls, moving himself between Hughie and the door as he glares at Frenchie. “Sending that feral girl out into the world without you to control her is about as stupid a fuckin’ idea as it was to go to Mesmer for help.”
An ugly sort of anger floods his veins, and he steps towards the larger man at the center of the room, his skin hot with rage. 
“Her name,” he grounds out, advancing on Butcher, “is Kimiko, and she is not feral or a girl, and she does not need me -- or anyone here --,” he rounds on the room and scowling at everyone, “to control her.” 
He feels Kimiko’s hand in his, small and soft, but rooting him in place all the same. 
He turns back to look at her  and she squeezes his hand before letting go and moving towards the center of the room. She stops in front of Butcher and stares at him -- there’s no tension in her stance, no aggressiveness in her eyes -- just the impression that she’s saying I’m going with Hughie, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. 
Butcher, to his credit -- or maybe because he’s just a crazy motherfucker -- doesn’t look fazed or worried; if anything, there’s something like respect in his expression.
She walks past Butcher and over to where Hughie is standing by the door, then looks back at him, her head tilted in his direction. 
He moves towards her, glaring at Butcher as he walks past, and stops in front of where she and Hughie are standing. 
“So, what is the plan, petite Hughie?” He asks, looking over at where the other man in standing, shifting his weight back and forth between his feet. 
Hughie takes a deep breath and chews on his lip. 
“Ok, so, I need to make sure my dad gets out of there safely.” He glances at Kimiko. “There’s a stoop next to our apartment where people hang out all the time -- Kimiko can just, you know, hang out there and once she sees my dad come out, run up and, uh, you know.” He gives a short huff of a laugh. “Save my ass.” 
Kimiko looks at him, then down at her hands, flexing them before she looks back over at Hughie, her eyebrow slightly raised. 
“Ah,” he says after a moment, before turning to Hughie. “And do you want her to, ah, you know, kill A-Train?” 
Hughie gives him a wide-eyed look. 
“God, no, no, of course not.” He shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair. “No, that’d be -- .” He shakes his head. “No, we just need to slow him down so we can get out of there and he can’t come after us.” 
“Ah,” he says, nodding in agreement with Hughie. “So break both his legs, then.” He looks over at Kimiko, who bounces on the balls of her feet as she nods in agreement. 
Hughie puts his hands out in front of him. 
“I don’t really think we need to break both of them, you know?” He looks back and forth between Kimiko and Frenchie. “Just, uh, one, right? One should do it.”
Frenchie shrugs, then looks over at Kimiko. 
“Best to make it a good break then, mon coeur.” He skips over to the far wall and picks up a broken pipe that laying on top of a windowsill. “This should make it so it isn’t too much work or too bloody for you.” 
She takes the pipe from him and hefts in her hand, then nods at him.  
He reaches out and puts his hands on her shoulders, bending down to look her in the eyes.
“Be careful, mon coeur.” 
She nods, then, after a brief moment’s hesitation, picks up his hand and places it against her cheek, leaning her head into it.  
He smiles at her, his thumb brushing against the curve of her cheekbone before she gives his hand one final squeeze and follows Hughie out the door. 
“You two are the weirdest fuckin’ couple I’ve ever seen,” Butcher says as soon as the door closes behind Hughie and Kimiko. 
“Yeah, but you gotta admit,” M.M. calls out from the other end of the room where he’s packing up his stuff. “It actually kind of makes sense.” 
And even Monsieur Charcuter doesn’t have anything to say against that.
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persephone-garnata · 4 years
Can you just shut the fuck up about ship wars and trashing other characters/pairings like a fucking four year old? I'm so fucking sick of not being able to enjoy the Wincest tag because its full of whiny cunts like you kicking off and making the dumb ass ship wars worse. Seriously, just enjoy what you got given and focus on your own healthy, happy space.
Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve gotten an angry anonymous ask! The SPN finale really has made my moribund tumblr spring back to life. Thanks Nonny!
To answer your question, I *am* enjoying what I got given (very much) and I *am* focusing on my own healthy, happy space. I’m reblogging gifsets and meta, and planning my first new fanfic in more than two years. I’m thoroughly enjoying myself again, in a fandom that, up until this last week, I’d more or less abandoned. I’ve also made exactly one (1) gloating text post which has gotten a bit of attention, and which is presumably what you’ve seen that’s made you so angry with me. And all I can say is - well, I don’t think I’d be gloating right now, still less trashing other characters and pairings, if it hadn’t been for the relentlessness of the destihellers over the last twelve years, flooding the Supernatural tag and social media in general with stuff about their ship and ignoring the brothers who were actually the heart of the show.
Believe it or not, I used to like Castiel. I used to quite happily think of him as in love with Dean, and I’ve read Destiel fanfic. But I got so fed up with the endless posts on here trashing Sam, twisting Dean’s character completely out of shape, and trying to make literally everything on the show about Destiel, that I grew to hate Cas, and Destiel. I got to the point where my heart sank every time I saw Misha’s name on the opening credits, and I looked at my phone whenever he was on screen. After 15.18 and the online reaction to That Scene, (which even spilled over from fandom spaces to the normie internet so it was inescapable!) I was really anxious about what the final two episodes might hold, and how unbearable the destihellers would be if their ship got any further validation.
And then... well we all know what came next.
So yeah, I’m happy right now, and schadenfreude at the hellers is a part of that happiness. In time I think the schadenfreude will probably fade, and I’ll just remain happy that, after fifteen seasons of my favourite erotically co-dependent brothers, we (wincest shippers/bibro fans) finally got the ending we deserve. And I don’t intend to make any more gloating text posts (although that isn’t a promise...)
This is a very long and serious answer to a grouchy sweary anonymous ask you probably expected me to simply ignore, but you can rest assured that I’m gonna keep enjoying the sweet sweet wincest, and not waste any more time and energy on the hellers.
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liminalratz · 7 years
for the character headcanon,, Jane bc i'm a Jane trash :^D
1: sexuality headcanon: Jane's bi imo! 
2: otp: HBHBHBBB... okay so... nyall are going to maul me but.. I'm still a Juke shipper, honestly? Though on.. certain different circumstances...  it's mainly a nostalgia ship omg... I also crack ship Molly/Jane (Jolly hhbhbhb)
3: brotp: Clem and Jane!
4: notp: Jane and Troy... I am unfairly biased in my dislike for Troy... so I wouldn't let anyone touch him with a 50 foot pole...
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: OH MAN UH... I honestly headcanon that she started seeing shit when she came back to Howe's. Especially "ghosts" from her past. Kenny, Luke, Jaime, and Troy might've been the big four to "haunt" her. She'd probably rather deal with hostile humans and walkers than cope with her past coming back to torture her like this. 
6: one way in which I relate to this character: IIIII personally don't relate much with her? Aaa
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: the amount of times you hear her say "Liability" or reference to it in episode 4 makes me scream. The Luke and Jane bumping uglies thing also comes at a close second, but... she says it so many times... like... oh my god...
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: PROBLEMATIC FAVE FOR SURE
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ihearttvsnark · 7 years
Episode 4 is described as a big Barchie episode. Can you spoil if it's good or bad for the shippers?! I'm surprised to see so many people shipping them now after episode 2.
I’d say it’s a mixed bag. 
Too vague, right? Sorry. I’m trying to figure out what to say without being super spoiler-y and/or giving too little/too much hope.
I think if you’re shipping them now, or you’re on the fence about it, episode four will probably make you dig in deeper. 
As far as people already shipping them, some are probably comic fans with a pre-built ship, but also, it doesn’t take much to create a heart-eyed shipper.
(I say this from personal experience of being proud shipper trash. Sometimes all it takes is one scene and I’m ALL IN).
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