#for my own blog organizing purposes lmao
gomacave · 7 months
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My grown greta btw (she is an oc at this point) <- just wanted to draw armor
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tchaikovskaya · 1 year
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doukeshi-kun · 5 months
Cannibalism stalker! Nikolai has me on a choke hold.
My brain has been rotting for it like ajheikwg ueu
Imagine stalker!nikolai comes to his silly campervan to see you asleep on his bed, and he has the urge to tear into your skin, rip and preserve your flesh, maybe even take a chuck out of it and swallow it so a piece of you would be within him, with him for as long as he lives.
He gently encases your frame and digs his hands into a wound whilst giving you plenty of face smooches, gliding his tongue over your shoulders before leaving bite marks stained with blood all over.
If he could, silly guy might rip open your chest to kiss your heart tenderly before setting it back into your ribcage, maybe still holding it.
Merge bodily souls with your or smth.
I'm kicking my feet, punching the air, giggling to a phantom over this rn.
But he can't, cause silly guy Cannibalism stalker!nikolai doesn't want you dead but he has urges so he settles for biting you hard enough to draw blood (●’∇’)♪
And even better, he's doing all of this with his hand intertwined with yours at the end of it.
And then, being romantic fanatic, he is (he is not, I think). He's bites around the base of your pinky finger, placing a morally and physically questionable bind that applies to you even though you're silly asleep and didn't say yes, but you will when you're awake.
When his teeth leave the flesh, prominent markings can be seen etched onto it, serving his own delusions. However, it's, of course, not something drastic.
It's a simple 'you'll never leave me' because he's silly and insane like that (he'll kill you if you do).
Ajjdndnfjsknajfjdbfjfj meow.
Being the silly clown he is, he obviously doesn't clean up the split blood just yet.
He lets your blood drip and seeps into the pristine white sheets of his blanket before smiling like some maniacal happy face clown because you are now imprinted onto his belongings as well.
Due to sanitary purposes, he would of course change the sheets and clean you up before snuggling to you and drift off to lala land to dream about ripping your body to chunks, piecing you back together so that he can obviously soak into your blood and fully, in physical form merge with you.
I'm mentally deteriorating from this brain rot, oh my fucking god, pray to the lorddd 🎣
tw: gore, vore, cannibalism, nsfw
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surprisingly anon, gore isn't that heavy of a topic in my blog lmao but hear ye—! our dear laotianye has come to the rescue, doing the lord work!
mmmm i really love our silly guy is being SO tender with the heart like omg that's the organ that beats for his name 🫀 and brrrrr i love the thought of him doing it while holding hands like HE WOULD TALK THROUGH IT HE WOULD TALK THROUGH ITTTT
i also like that he would bite and make a bite ring around your finger. like yes bae, embrace that primal ferality of yours 😍 he'd probably get hard as fuck when you do the same to him. on a second thought, imagine stalker!nikolai is fucking you dumb and purposely slip his fingers into your mouth in hopes for you biting him hehe
and i like that his dream is literally about devouring and murdering you like if that ain't love, idk what is 😌❤️ also, imagine after he dreams about all of that, he just scans your body, not for lust purpose but he's imagining dissection marks lmao i'm gonna stop
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mrlarkstin · 6 months
Hello and welcome to my blog! You may remember me from the terrible, awful bird app as MrLarkstin, the dragon kisser. That one guy who ships with Vrtra and Estinien!
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And when I say I ship with the dragon I mean the actual dragon, mister Vrtra himself! Big Varshahn is great, and easy to pose with, but I usually try to work with the actual dragon since- thats who Eramus is attracted to!
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Here you will mostly find my gposes and lore rambles when the mood takes me, but more often then not lore is kept on my private twitter (EraAfterDark) simply because I just feel more comfy. But here tends to be a big gpose dump!
I do a lot of weird, artsy kinda gposes that involve my Azem and WoL and various other parts of his lore!
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I write when the mood takes me, which is either constant or like once in a blue moon.
My AO3 is only available for registered users (sorry, I write dragon kissing and I don't like randos being weird in my comments LMAO)
Other then that, welcome!
Thanks for stopping by!
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Oh, I do RP and he has entirely different lore for RP purposes so like. Hi.
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derangedhyena-zoids · 3 months
Hello, back with more disturbing, fucked up Zi biology facts re: Organoids. I'M SURE EVERYONE IS VERY EXCITED (or running away, idk) It always has bothered me I didn't have a solid behavioral bead on how Organoids went from hunting Zoids to teleporting/fusing with cores. Apparently my brain has been thinking about it on some secret extra backburner because I just thought of this all suddenly the other day:
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Zoids in general have something like this as a "nervous system" of sorts as relates to their cores. wild and zoidian zoids were more organic-ish while modern zoids' are basically purpose-built
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this is sort of how the conduit stuff grows (top) vs is is "populated" (bottom), but the end result is basically the same. You have a core "nerve" suspended in matter in a tube. this blueprint of internal conduit is true for all Zoids, including, Organoids. Except with Organoids the concept just went utterly batshit. so while a huge amount of Organoids' evolutionbeing so conduit-heavy had to do with reproduction (re: adding a whole new step to encase core buds in protective eggs) it also had to do with a heavily-utilised feeding strategy. As I've talked about before, Organoid colonies are hypersocial - they maintain individuality but are all attached to their colony's hivemind. This made them really distressing predators - because while they were smaller than much of the Zoid megafauna they hunted, they did so in groups ranging from a pack to a swarm. One that could perfectly coordinate at all times.
If you're familiar with how wild dogs/hyenas/etc tend to go after their prey you might see where this is headed. I'd post a picture but that'd be kinda rude on random folks' timelines, so if you really don't know google youtube videos of african wild dogs killing large herbivores. basically pack carnivores usually go for weak points like orifices to start ripping into things. which works great when the whole prey is made of food... but Zoids are encased in a lot of armor and the best parts are very difficult to get to. which would actually lead to extremely protracted and dangerous hunts because it takes so long to destroy enough of the Zoid to actually immobilize it
SO the genesis of the whole fusion concept actually lies in the strategy Organoids as a species tried to solve this with - attacks that could directly target the core. Basically a swarm of Organoids overwhelming something, chewing holes in it to access the "conduit" - then, while the Zoid is being overwhelmed by a bunch of Organoids still attacking it, a number of them cling on and shove their own, much smaller cablings up through these 'conduit veins', damaging things and eventually getting access to the core chamber. refresher from my organoid anatomy bullshit - there's three types of this cabling:
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one of these is GI - these type usually connect to the craw/stomach but they don't have to (I realized in writing this last night/today that there's some function "rules"/descriptions for these cables I've never articulated, but I've had those in mind for a long time, I'll write them down sometime soon I guess) but re: everything above, In what's basically a starfish move Organoids shove their own fucking guts up directly into a Core to start feeding on it. It's very miniscule individually, but multiplied it'll rapidly damage and collapse the Zoid's core, stopping (and killing) the prey for Everyone
When Organoids became more benign, and Zoids weren't hostile to their presence, they found they could accomplish this same basic thing individually without, yanno, all the Horrifying and Death, so. everyone was happier the end
thanks for coming to my fucked up ted talk. that's why you follow this blog right? lmao
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overly-verbose · 2 months
(Apparently the blog was wrongly flagged for spam, but Staff fixed it so woo yea)
My (new, everything until now doesn't seem to) stuff will actually appear in the carefully curated tags, and reblogs, and stuff just woo yeah I'm no longer invisible
(Also I can answer comments normally instead of in the tags woo yeah again!!)
Also I just realised I have no link from here to my fic's Main Series proper lol
Full title: "SIkuna's guide to not fucking up perfectly good children (look at them, they could get anxiety!)"
Ao3 whole series summary:
(alternative title: "SIkuna's guide to catching a cyclops cat by the throat in the KFC parking lot at 3am")
'Holy shit someone needs to hug those kids. Some adults too, to be honest', once thinks a fan of Jujutsu Kaisen, the definitely and absolutely only fictional franchise
Then, he abruptly finds himself at the beginning of the story as Sukuna, mister Basically The Devil, of all things
Completely blindsided by the weird cards given, he tries his best to prevent some things from affecting the characters-turned-people he already cared about even before they turned real
To better or worse results.
(It's an ongoing (there's still a LOT to go through lol) fix-it fic for the Canon Series so I feel like I'm contributing a little bit to the prevention of Lobotomy Kaisen getting even worse rn lmao)
I'm gonna leave the old Pinned Post for archival purposes/context of what's up with the tag-answers though
[Old pinned post under the cut]
I made up a way to answer comments here
(though it's annoyingly limited and inefficient and doesn't give notifications)
whilst I can't do it normally
(hey Tumblr staff I've been waiting on that email back for like three months now! :D)
yeah it's kinda oof but modern (hellsite shadowban for no reason) problems require modern (hellsite shadowban for no reason) solutions!
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pkmnprofloblolly · 1 year
ooc post- i wanted to compile the areas where my own personal pokemon lore contradicts with that of the canon of the games!
(also, im a little paranoid of this coming off as vagueing anybody in the inbox whose sent in asks about these topics- please dont take it that way if you have sent in something like that! the whole point of this blog is to provide interesting explanations for odd pokemon stuff, and all of the following is certainly odd pokemon stuff warranting explanation. these topics are just things i can't reconcile with my own version of the canon, or i think are more interesting when changed.)
so the majority of stuff i post here is additive to the canon. extra supplemental stuff that can slot into what we know about pokemon from the games, is the intention. i try to take almost everything the pokedex says at face value, save for perhaps some exaggeration on the numbers (mostly temperatures..). buuuuut for the sake of my own fun and cohesiveness of my own little version of canon, i've changed a few things.
upon reflection like...almost all of this has to do with the breeding system, lmao. so in the game, every single pokemon that's able to breed does so by laying eggs. they all have large eggs that hatch into large offspring, implying few offspring are produced with relatively high investment (k-selection).
i think this really flattens the interesting ways that organisms reproduce. there's a lot of bizarre, neat ways that things make more of themselves and making every single pokemon capable of reproduction have the same reproductive strategy is just boring!! so im throwing it out the window goobyebye
and then there's egg groups. the fact that entirely different species can breed with one another (not counting pokemon like tauros/miltank illumise/volbeat and so on where the males and females of presumably the same species are counted as different pokemon due to extreme dimorphism), with the female passing down the species.
i tried for a while to make a way this works that's interesting to me, but couldn't really land on anything. i'm sure there are folks out there who could create an interesting and cohesive spec-bio world where organisms use a reproduction system like this, but i'm not that person. so, for my purposes here, pokemon can only reproduce with members of their own species. (except for ditto. ditto's weird, and in a fun way. i'm still trying to come up with a reason for ditto's Whole Thing. but i want to keep ditto's whole thing intact, and removing the idea of egg groups makes it even weirder and unique among other pokemon. i'll figure some reason for why it can do that.)
also worth noting here are non-living pokemon. object pokemon, ghost pokemon that are canonically spirits, those sorts. these pokemon can often breed. yamask, for example- my personal favorite ghost pokemon- as a kind anon pointed out, is canonically the risen spirit of humans from hundreds of years prior...but it can also breed and produces eggs. in my eyes, only one of these things can be true, and i prefer to keep the ghosty stuff, because i find it much more fun. so, in my own little pokemon world, ghost pokemon like yamask, drifloon, or sinistea which are said to be actual spirits don't reproduce like normal creatures, and are instead created directly from Ghostses
lastly are Bullshit Gender Ratios. pretty much just pokemon that are entirely male or entirely female without an interesting reason. i absolutely hate the trend of any vaguely "feminine" looking pokemon being an all-female species. tsareena, tinkaton, jynx, lilligant, so on. there are some interesting ways animals can be all-female, mainly via the process of parthenogenesis, when a creature produces offspring without fertilization. this is most famous in vertebrates like the new mexico whip-tail lizard, an all-female species in real life. but it seems almost always when there's an all-female pokemon species..it's literally just because it looks girly, or less often all-male species looking manly (ie the hitmons and sawk+throh). and that ticks me off SO much, i don't like it one bit, so most single-gender species (not counting things with diverging evos like mothim [which is notably based directly on real bagworms, it's really neat] or salazzle) i'm treating as if they had normal gender ratios.
(sidenote, and something i'll probably make an in-character post on at some point- mandibuzz was an inadvertent prediction of this, which i find pretty fun.. mandibuzz is an all-female vulture pokemon, and only last year it was discovered that california condors are apparently capable of parthenogenesis. nice call, gamefreak.)
additionally, all-male species just straight up do not exist in nature. like, i don't want to entirely strike them from my canon, i'm sure i can figure out something .. but idk, stuff like braviary which is just a normal-ass bird, i see no interesting reason or explanation for it to be all-male.
anyways, yeah, i think that should be everything. thx for reading and sorry to anybody who wanted a fun explanation about the topics here, i wasn't able to come up with one 😔
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tired-reader-writer · 2 years
Thought ramble about both canon and AU:
It's really hard to feel anything for Father as an antagonist and villain, he always felt more like an inanimate object and plot tool (technically all characters are plot tools for the author to utilize as they wish or need, they serve a purpose they're not human people who are alive but that's not the point here, 99% of the characters hold up the illusion of being people because it's part of their job to emulate and invoke humanity and... it's just fucking lacking in Father, imo) who has no meaningful dynamic, bond, link, anything with any other character, or even the world at all. Very insular, isolated, inhuman. And maybe that's the point! The dwarf in the flask was never human, and one of the points of the story is how being human is an amazing thing actually, and the ones who abandon their humanity and their bonds to pursue stuff like immortality or god are missing the point entirely. So I guess it's a function not a bug that Father is Like That™.
Doesn't mean I have to like that.
Especially when he is used as the convenient culprit for all the atrocities the Amestrian government had committed against... everyone, really, but especially Ishvalans, by both canon and the fandom. It doesn't, shouldn't, mean that every soldier who took part in the genocide should not be blamed because Father was the root cause of it all. So what if he was? It still doesn't mean the soldiers were innocent. Father can still be the root cause of things and the soldiers can still be guilty of genocide. Both things can be true at the same time. Father makes a convenient scapegoat to heap the blame onto so that more likeable and popular characters who actively murdered Ishvalans can be washed free of the sin. (There's something about how the scapegoats are by principle dehumanized and Father is also Inhuman™ and it's interesting but that's neither here nor there)
Anyways, it's just that... whenever I try to think about Father, mostly for AU purposes like “how can I make this character contribute to what I feel is one of the main Points of the AU I'm making?” kinda deal, my brain just displays an error popup. Due to the way he lacks everything, like how does he feel about what he did to all those people? Nothing! He feels nothing! How about the “children” he made? Also nothing! There's just... nothing I can extract for extra AU juice. He's just a plot point to me, a villain because the narrative needed a villain, he doesn't do anything else outside of this role. Again, probably by design, but doesn't mean I have to like it.
That's why he's just... not gonna be much of a prominent figure in Sunburst Sandstorm.
I mean, he still exists and does the stuff he does in canon but he's not important to the POV characters. Scar doesn't care, Petunia doesn't, the rest of the Ishvalans are too busy to care, overall he's just not very present. Also the Ishvalans are gunning for Independence. So, more to do with the human side of stuff like the government and the Amestrian public and everything.
At first I tried for a fatherhood parallel thing between him, Bradley, Scar (who gained a gaggle of kids and now must Parent them), and Miles (because my OC Petunia is his daughter) but as I said before Father has nothing I can extract from him and Scar doesn't even interact with him, so... bye-bye, that idea. Maybe if or when I finally figure that shit out I'll find a way but, not in the foreseeable future, lmao.
Also, the version of Scar I'll be having in this AU is the depiction of Scar from the fic “even the nameless” by Nonymos:
Please go read it, it's very good, if you see IdiotWriterEgg in the comments that's me, this is the version of Scar I take as absolute, also somebody please tell me if the author has a tumblr blog so I can @ them—
So that's it for that one particular train of thought, hope y'all enjoyed it, not many people are gonna see it though and eh.
I still have Thoughts™ about both canon and AU, this time involving the Philosopher's Stone(s) made of Ishvalan souls, Roy Mustang, Yao Ling, and Chang Mei. Quite a soup of a thought that one is, but I don't want to ramble for too long so I'll leave that to another post.
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smoughenthusiast · 1 year
Ok, it’s time.
Hello, my most mysterious mutual that I am well beyond my obligation to reach out to. I admire your dedication to Soulsborne, and admittedly if I were not so immersed in Bloodborne right now, I’d be all over your blog.
(My Dark Souls/Demon’s Souls hyper-fixation will come back stronger one of these days. I just tend to focus on one game at a time).
Anyway, tell me—how did you end up loving Petrus, the character everyone wants to kick off the Firelink Shrine cliff? I am extremely curious and want to hear your inevitably brilliant insight.
(I don’t care if it’s for meme purposes, that’s still amazing. Also what’s your take on Reah and Petrus? I want ALL OF THE JUICE <3)
Well well, isn't this quite the inquisitive ask...hehehehoho
Well then. I will tell you, why I like Petrus so much, mutual. I will give the EXACT reason why I have an attachment to one of the most underwhelming, horrendous, sadistic and horrible-haircut'd men in soulsborne. Are you ready? Yes, I think you are ready, truly. The truth is near...
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Yeah sorry this mightve been a little underwhelming LMAO autism said he looked cool and now I have to follow it like a dog to its leash shrugs...i still do kill him sometimes tho, don't get me wrong, he is a bastard through and through and he made getting my Prayer of the Maiden achievement a little more difficult then it should have been... but he is forgiven because autism said so. Waiting for this specific hyperfixation to end ngl, BUT THE GOOD THING IS, I also like Rhea and it made me have huge, in-depth theories on the two honestly. That, and I've worldbuilt Thorolund with my own ocs, but that's for another ask's time hehe
So on Petrus/Rhea dynamic, I actually wrote a HUGE fic on this topic, detailing their time on Thorolund and how it associates with the game's time. Basically, Petrus had always despised the pettiness of the rich, and now that mostly everyone is undead his time has come to murder and slaughter. Rhea used to be one of his students during his time as a schoolteacher (hc moment), and he knows that she used to hang out with Vince and Nico often, which is why he expresses they could be a bad influence on her because he thinks they might put the pieces together to deduce he is NOT a good person...
Gaslight, gatekeep, boyboss Petrus. Rhea is better though she is precious and I will not be letting Petrus touch her nono...he can die...i want my pretty maiden...
link to the fic, if you'd like (7k word oneshot moment I HAD to get it out at some point)
Thank you for the ask mutual, and I hope a kitten kisses you in your sleep. From DarkDemonsouls fan to Bloodborne fan, I shake your hand in "its ok I had a mini bloodborne phase ngl"
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Honestly. I've realized that by Izzy Stan's own definitions of harassment (not by mine by theirs) I actually was harassed by them back in the earlier months. I just didn't take it fucking seriously. I considered it an above average amount of cope in my mentions and I started blocking bitches. I don't have the receipts because like Marie Kondo, it did not spark joy so I threw that bitch away. Maybe I'm just autistic(can't read social cues) with a degradation kink but I didn't register that it could be considered harassment up until now when they're holding up examples of innocuous posts that don't target anyone as harassment and now I'm like "well people in my mentions not being able to mind their own fucking business were absolutely hounding me compaired to this shit" I don't consider what I went through harassment tho I consider it chickenshit internet users asking for the block.
Re the Anon who is actually harassing you: I'm not talking about the Anon, that bitch was in my inbox too. Stop bringing that bitch up I have him blocked lmao. He is no longer relevant to me. He is a racist cunt and I've said that shit to his grey, circular, beshaded face. But what I'm saying is you're not special for getting that Anon babe. That's not evidence of an Izzy Stan exclusive problem. If it was I wouldn't be able to say "oh yeah that guy"
But like seriously I need someone to explain to me how tagging a meta post #izzy hands for the purposes of organizing ones own blog is harassment, but blowing up someones notifications for days on end with endless crying about how we're being so mean for doing that first thing isn't harassment. It feels like if one of these things was harassment and one of them isn't it would be the other way around.
Always and forever the Chad calico jack apologist cross the virgin Izzy hands apologist xoxo
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
algorithms are destroying the world make your own gd decisions about shit
if you hate freedom so much go read a google ads round robin fanfic on ff.n (I think Michelin and Bridgeport are doing the enemies to lovers back and forth rn) or go 😳 at whatever happened to lj
or change all the names and sell your erotica to bellsaplus; just know that the writing is better, and the porn is more diverse on ao3
(I say porn but JEEZ guys even if you’re reading nothing but gen-fic the writing is still usually trying to say something unlike the useless pap that capitalist “content creators” churn out — to generate clicks in order to generate data on what people do everyday sitting and watching or better—-shopping. that data is then sold to other bidders. please protect the plentiful, the beautiful, the ao3. god knows what anyone would say if they say my ao3 history)
wow ok coming in hot! i'm assuming this message is meant to be like...ranting at me the way u would to a friend on facetime and that the "you" you're yelling at isn't actually me? and i am also going to take a wild guess and say that this is a response to the tiktokification essay i wrote that has escaped its enclosure and is now running wild across tumblr. so.
yes i agree we need to protect ao3 and yes i agree anything made for the sole purpose of getting as many people to click on it as possible is probably going to be pretty soulless but i feel like this rant is maybe getting slightly away from what the original intent of my post so i'm just gonna use this as an opportunity to address a few things i've seen across people's responses that have made me like :/ (warning this gets long lmao)
the tiktokification essay was not intended to be an all-encompassing analysis of the way things are across every fandom space connected to ao3. like. i am pretty secluded over in my little corner of marauders-fandom tumblr and i generally post my little essays expecting maybe like...10-20 people to interact with the post? like, when i post stuff on this blog, it's just because when i start thinking about something i can't really relax until i sit down and write my thoughts out and organize them. so when i'm posting those thoughts on tumblr it usually feels to me like the equivalent of facetiming a friend and rambling at them, except the friend is my little handful of beloved tumblr mutuals <3 anyway, i know the post is called "the tiktokification of ao3" which is a very broad statement, but that's just because i like pithy titles. if i had known it was going to run amok across tumblr i probably would have been a little more intentional with my phrasing, but oh well! what i did do is specify in the post that i was only talking about the marauders fandom, because that's literally the only fandom space that i am a part of. it's interesting to see how widespread the stuff i was talking about seems to be across different fandoms, but for anyone who has interacted with the post to essentially just be like - "ok but this isn't true everywhere/in every case"....cool! that's because i was talking about a phenomenon i have observed specifically within the marauders fandom.
it was also not intended to be me shaking my fist and cursing the youth, nor was i trying to invite like...an "us vs. them" mindset between older and younger members of fandom spaces. this is where i've seen some stuff that's made me a little like...hm. because, ok. i am one of those people who's sort of in-between the like...older versus younger sects of fandom spaces. and so i see the ageism that gets aimed towards older people by a lot of younger teens, and i understand why a lot of older adults are fed up with young fans and feel defensive, and i get that teens can be annoying on the internet. on the other hand, i still very clearly remember when i was an Annoying Teen on the Internet, and it was because i was still just...learning, y'know? like. i was just coming into contact with complex ideas about emotion and morality and relationships and everything, and that is just part of being on the internet together. there will always be shitty people, yes, but there will also always be people learning, and especially when those people are young teens, i personally tend to try and start out by giving them the benefit of the doubt. like, i tried to be clear in the post and also included in the tags (though those do get lost when the post gets spread around) that i wasn't trying to condemn anyone for engaging in the behavior i was talking about, because i do genuinely think that a lot of it is simply coming from a place of not knowing any better. so, while y'all can vent however you want on your own blogs and i do understand the frustration, i just want to make it clear that my own intention was to say - hey! younger marauders fans! here are some things to think about moving forward in how you interact with fic, since you have maybe grown up with only one model of social media, unlike those of us who grew up with the internet (i was literally born the same year google was invented) and have seen various examples of social media and observed how it's changed over the years. and it was also intended to say - hey! older marauders fans! if you're scratching your head and wondering wtf is going on with younger fans, consider that they maybe genuinely do not know better and this might help explain some of the roadblocks when it comes to trying to communicate with each other about our fandom spaces.
i did not intend to imply that there is anything wrong with wanting people to read your fanfiction. this is another thing that like. i might have spent some more time clarifying had i known how many people were going to be reading the post. but i did state very clearly that "those sharing their work online might be seeking community, but that is fundamentally different from seeking an audience." it is completely natural and understandable to want people to read your writing!! i actually made a separate post about this after the tiktokification essay but obviously they're not going around as a pair lol. however, i stand by the statement that writing fanfiction with a goal of going "viral" or just getting as much interaction as possible is not sustainable and will not bring you deep or lasting joy. idk i'm not gonna go on about this here if u want to know my thoughts on social media culture rot u can scroll through my blog i've talked abt it in a few different posts.
i was not trying to say that negativity is a new phenomenon in fandom spaces. a few people have interacted with the essay and said something along the lines of "i disagree with this"/"this isn't accurate" because there always have been and always will be people in fandom spaces who are entitled and rude and criticize fic. which like...cool! i'm sure that's true. i do think you missed the point of the post a little bit. it was specifically about a phenomenon in the marauders fandom involving the way that changes in social media over recent years have fundamentally altered the way we view online interaction, and the way i have observed that bleeding over into the marauders fandom. it wasn't just about general negativity in terms of things like comments and messages so much as it was about how expectations relating to influencer culture and virality have led to things like...people making tiktoks about "jegulus fics i hate" or fics going viral on tiktok and people then interacting with the writers as though they are the ones who made those tiktoks. and granted, i have only really been involved in this fandom for a single year, so maybe i'm just wrong about how new this is! but the tiktok stuff at least can't be older than like...2020. so. i do actually do think it's valid to talk about how changes in social media culture might be affecting the ways people interact with ao3 and fic, and i do think there's more to it than just "people will always be negative and entitled sometimes!"
i was not trying to say that we have a right to treat influencers/people posting shit on other social media sites as though they are products. this is another thing that a few people have felt the need to add on, which...okay. nothing wrong with wanting to clarify that. again, if i'd known the post was going to get so much attention, i might have spent some more time talking about it. but i'll just clarify here - my observations about the way capitalism gives rise to an influencer culture that essentially leads to viewing people as products are just that. they are observations. they are not normative statements. just because i understand why we interact with influencers like that does not mean that i think we should interact with influencers like that. however, there is a difference in an influencer whose job is content creation on social media versus an ao3 writer, and the purpose of my essay was to talk about that. saying "we shouldn't treat ao3 writers this way" does not mean "but we SHOULD treat all influencers this way."
anyway, as i warned at the beginning, this got very long -- and honestly, each of these points could probably be its own separate essay, but....i'm tired rn lol. i know that most of the people reblogging the tiktokification essay probably will not come all the way to my blog and run across this post, but i'm just leaving it here because i get grumpy easily and it's annoying to see people misinterpreting or missing the point, so i want to have all the little things i've thought about addressing in one place.
and anon - the main reason i say you may have been getting slightly away from the original point is just
1 - it had nothing to do specifically with porn, and that seems to be mostly what you're talking about? which like. real. but also just wasn't really part of the original post lmao
2 - you seem pretty angry, which again is valid, but i'm just...not. like i feel like u came into my inbox wanting to rant back and forth, and the thing is that i wasn't really intending to rant in that essay! like i said, i'm not necessarily angry at the people i've seen asking for algorithms, because i think a lot of them genuinely don't know better because they have only ever used social media that is algorithm-based, and to me that's mostly just sad and something i wanted to pick apart and piece back together like a puzzle, so. apologies for hijacking your rant to as an excuse to write a whole 'nother essay lmao i appreciate ur energy tho <3
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casualwitch · 1 year
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Welcome to my blog!
🖋️ Hey, my name is Evelyn, but most people call me Evie or Eve. I use all pronouns, but they/she mostly. I’m genderfluid!
🌙 I’m a witch, and this is my blog about that. I’m open to answering most questions about my practice, so don’t be afraid to ask! This is also a side blog btw, so i wont be able to reply to comments. I’ll answer/respond to them by @-ing you in a reblog or separate post if need be.
🐈‍⬛ I don’t use any labels on my practice that often, meaning i don’t consider myself a “kitchen witch,” “green witch,” “sea witch,” or anything like that, since I don’t specialize in any specific “type” of witchcraft. i think those labels ARE super fun tho and sometimes tag things as them for organization! if i HAD to choose a few to describe my craft atm, id say mostly cosmic, crystal & elemental witch—but i tend to include a little bit of everything
☀️ I don’t follow any specific religion, but my beliefs are sort of along the ideas of pantheism & animism. I also believe that in a way all religions exist to those who believe in them. It’s a bit complicated lmao, but i dont worship any deities or pantheons, so my practice is mostly secular! though, i do closely work with the elements, and appreciate them sort of in the way someone may worship a deity, so anything on deity work/worship (mostly things like “physical offerings”) i sometimes reblog to take inspiration for my own practice with them.
🔮 im not wiccan, i dont celebrate their wheel of the year or those holidays specifically, but i DO celebrate the solstices & equinoxes because my craft is very aligned with nature & the planets and such. so even though i dont follow specific wiccan traditions or anything, i do celebrate sometimes the same time as they do, and rb many posts about the wheel of the year, since i can apply it to my practice & celebrations :)
🌕 this blog is almost entirety on a queue, meaning you might see posts related to things like holidays posted a while after they’re relevant. thats just how things are on my blogs lol
🌑 this blog is kind of like an online grimoire for me in a way? i post about some spells i do and reblog a bunch of stuff about witchcraft!
💛 i have audhd & anxiety so if i convey my thoughts in an odd or off sort of way, that is probably why! its not always purposeful and i apologize if i say something wrong lol, please be understanding & correct me if need be :)
♋️ Please be kind when interacting! I understand if you make a mistake trying to learn, but don’t be hostile on purpose. Respect others practices and beliefs, even if they may not make sense to you <3
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amass0fvoices · 1 year
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I posted 8,035 times in 2022
That's 6,005 more posts than 2021!
114 posts created (1%)
7,921 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,088 of my posts in 2022
#dannypocalypse - 135 posts
#opossum speaks - 52 posts
#danny phantom - 46 posts
#rhack - 41 posts
#borderlands - 32 posts
#opossum - 17 posts
#dannypocylpse - 12 posts
#handsome jack - 12 posts
#w a n t - 11 posts
#save for later - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#accidental parallel to the first time chloe saw luka lmao clarity pointed that out to me and i was like 'uhhhh sure. on purpose. totally.'
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sorry I didn’t say something sooner! As previously established, I am not smart.
But new mer fic!!!
Here!! Read and enjoy!!
And another link for those with sausage fingers like me!
34 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
I felt weird that my entries for @ultrainfinitepit ‘s Cerberus contest werent made using my own palettes, so I went back and made one myself! >:]
I call it ‘Cartoon Network classic’
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38 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
Attempt one at making a slimy little bastard earring
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I’m gonna try again in a few days, I’m not totally happy with it :/
It is remarkably close to what I imagined, but he do be a little lackin head on
39 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
I made multiple versions of @ultrainfinitepit ‘s Cerberus recolor challenge!! I’m not super good at picking palettes, so I kinda just some from palettetober?? (I hope that’s ok??)
We got this one
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And then there’s this one
See the full post
44 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Probably the last batch of my attempts for the Cerberus coloring contest (still being put on by @ultrainfinitepit , go follow them they do rad art)
For this one I decided to go back to my roots, so it’s Danny Phantom inspired!! Oddly fitting since I’m going as him for halloween this year, eh? But anyway!! Here they are
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One with the little arc filled in with the same very very very very light gray as the tips of the wings
See the full post
124 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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suedrawl · 2 years
sue tries to get her life in order, pt 1
This is mostly just me getting vague thoughts and hazy plans on paper and processing better; not necessarily imperative to anyone. I'm kinda getting repetitive at this point BUT I've found some footing. so after this I'll start to tackle more personal things like hygiene, time management--basically things within my bubble
with that out of the way.
I'm still organizing my feed, who I'm following, and so on. so hopefully, I'll interact more down the road! I have yet to really be checking others' pages...for now :3 and of course, organizing tags/cw/info/so on. any likes/follows/related are going to show up as @suedraws.
speaking of, debating how I want to handle that. honestly, with how little my art account has overall, it might be best to start fresh with a new account; it's hard to decide how and where I want to separate my personal and professional artist self.
the other one that i might possibly use more is @ladykopaka; at this point I'm not really interested in involving myself with the community at large. friends and some groups are exceptions. also have this be a location for my Chasing Stars project
so then that leaves here, @suedrawl. besides being casual/personal use, trying to hype myself up to do some form of blogging and writing. i have an entire actual blog i'd like to use for those reasons.(suedrawl.blog)
finally, while nothing is planned yet--I did create @thepurplenote \o/ (and did invite some folks to use it too!)
still observing how twitter is going to pan out. i'd love to use Instagram more, but it can be a bit draining/overstimulating (even if it's mostly good vibes and love keeping up with friends). facebook is...kinda just there lmao; mostly to see photos of my nephews and nieces, and annoy the hell out of old family friends who are borderline trump-supporters. DeviantArt? No. Otherwise, that leaves Artstation, but that's strictly more business minded. I know everyone is trying things like Mastadon (I recommend it tbh) or pillowfort. I don't really have much time or energy to do those; maybe in the future (keep me updated, always willing to try things)
discord is sorta its entirely own thing--i mostly lurk (love stealing those emojis) in big servers. there are a couple I'm in of friends (gosh i feel bad i need to say hi more). but most of my energy is focused at The Purple Note/friends there. At the end of the day it's my responsibility, and I will continue to maintain it and be mom friend/support all yall wonderful, loving, supportive nerds. Never hesitate to contact me, no matter what time or day. while I'm working on better handling my server mum powers, it's still an important promise to keep of sorts.
Okay, I was about to write up a thing on me Sucking Hard at One to One Chats, but that's just gunna go in its own blog post. BUT TO STATE: I am never ever bothered by good friends, even if I forget to reply. If I have an issue, I will address it. Usually, I'm more than happy to initiate, but I am going to take a step back from that for a bit. But also this is not a sign that you have to or that I will take offense if it's quiet. I'm not usually a person that "needs" interaction from others, rather what gives me purpose is how I can give. It's kinda confusing tho and I'm still trying to understand what I want and need. Thank you for your patience lmao.
if anyone has questions, advice, so on, yell at me! while I'm embracing my solitary needs, I still enjoy all this for many reasons. I'm hoping this can be a jumping point to now face other challenges and obstacles
love u all smooch thank u for reading if you did XD
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Thought I should write a small introduction post, just to make things clear for both myself and possibly others :]
About me:
I go by either Lapelle or Void
Pronouns: She/Her and They/Them
Posts are rare for me, I mostly talk in reblog language ;]
But when I do post my own thoughts (lmao), it’s under #calls from the void tag :]. (Reblogs with me adding something to the post may be tagged like this too.)
Aaand if something is relatable to me or just so uuuuh me-core (is that what we call it these days??) it’s tagged #void hoards posts :].
I love organizing tags! I have a whole system! It's not the best, but it's down there!
I reblog about dream smp, my chemical romance, and some other random things! Mostly about the first one!
I do not support Wilbur Soot, the creator, and I make a clear distinction between characters and creators who play them. This goes for other abusive ex-dsmp members. If you want to discuss the character solely, feel free to do so, but from now on I will not be mentioning such content creators here. c!Wilbur is our collective OC from now on <3 Remember to always support the victims <3.
AO3 info:
I write Dream SMP fanfiction on ao3! Link to my ao3 is here <3 
As for now, I probably won’t make any updates until I finish high school; school is really important for me and is my priority, lucky for you, this hiatus will end only in a few months! *proceeds to cry from stress /lh*
Dracula Daily Sideblog (I only reblog dd stuff there recently and it will rather stay that way): @happy-for-harkers
The Sims 4 Sideblog (if you're interested in what I will download from cc and etc.): @bubblegum-voideity
Taylor Swift/Swiftie Sideblog (I like having a separate blog for Tay-Tay only <3): @ruined-my-life-by-not-being-mine
This introduction post is meant to be updated as the time goes by! If anything about my blogs form changes, it will probably appear here sooner or later!
[Stuff focusing on the tagging system on my blog, if you're interested/looking for something, it's all under the cut!]
Tags on the blog ;]:
[I am not writing down everything, just the most important stuff!]
Mcyt/Dream smp:
I have been in the mcyt/dream smp fandom for 2 years now, and it’s probably the biggest part of my blog, except for Dracula daily. Mcyt/dream smp was the main purpose of this blog as well, sharing memes and art from this fandom, sometimes my own things, so expect exactly that, all tagged in a way that isn't meant to be confusing, but it is to me sometimes (lmao). First of all, everything is tagged with either #mcyt or #dream smp. My system starts from there, so if you search for fanart or fanfiction use i.e. #mcyt fanart or #dream smp fanfiction. It's also in regard to other smps, but dream smp is my main thing. It gets bit more specific with the streamers/characters. I usually try to distinguish both, so if you're looking for i.e. c!technoblade specifically, not technoblade (I don't tag with "cc!" before the name) tag #c!technoblade. It's the same for all the other streamers/characters. I tag groups (like sbi or syndicate), duos, and ships the same way. [Example for fanart/fanfiction: #[insert streamer] and #[insert streamer] fanart or #[insert streamer] fanfiction. It works the same for characters.] Sometimes I'll tag a particular event, but that is quite rare. Things are usually grouped under specific streamers or characters only. [Example: #c!tommyinnit finale. Yes, it is weirdly specific. I like it that way.] Mcc is just #mcc. I'm terrible at recognizing which mcc is which T_T even if there are tags about it. Yes.
My Chemical Romance
I love them. I have been listening to them for 4/5 years (I do not remember lmao). They're obviously gonna be here. Basics first, #my chemical romance and #my chemical romance fanart. Next, I specify which album is which, so that would be i.e. #danger days and #danger days fanart. Another next, I tag band members the same way, so #gerard way and #gerard way fanart. See, easy peasy! I try to tag songs too, but that doesn't always work for me - these are usually under videos from tour. But! Hold onto albums, trust me.
Dracula Daily
A take for sure: I keep all of my old dracula and dracula daily related things here. I'm sorry, it's just easier for me that way. Maybe I will move it someday, but all of the new stuff goes on my dracula (and hopefully someday classics/gothic literature) sideblog: @happy-for-harkers However in terms of the tags here: it's the same thing as before! #jonathan harker and #jonathan harker fanart. I did try to also tag the dates, i.e. #19 july, but not every post gets that treatment.
Thanks for reading or something :] I actually can't believe someone read it lmao, have a hug after that journey *hugs*.
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dyrpyns-doodles · 2 months
WELCOME to my Place. For Doodles and Such
Thought I'd make a separate blog to shove all my art into, for organization I guess lmao. Call me Dyrpyn (he/him).
The main purpose of this blog is to house the results of a
Daily Daunting Digital Duty
wherein I aim to draw something random in my digital software (Krita, in case you were curious) every day. My discipline along with my executive function is often abysmal, and I thought having a daily obligation to draw something would not only improve that but also help me work on my art skills while I'm at it.
But based on how low my motivation for this has been lately, I may have to tweak the "Daily" part. We shall observe-
I'll keep posts for this in a queue so that I can try to always be ahead of it and ensure there's always something to put here.
Posts for the Quad-D will be tagged #d4doodle.
But of course I'll put other random art unrelated to the Daily Duty here too lol. Any post not marked with a "DAY #" was done outside of the Daily Duty. These posts will likely be few and far between though, especially as time progresses.
Things to Keep in Mind
I'm really here primarily to have fun. As soon as I start concerning myself too deeply with how to make my art "perfect," it stops being fun for me. So do be wise and kind with any criticisms, thank you.
I've been drawing a lot throughout my life, but I'm definitely still not what you might consider "professional grade." A lot of my art is going to be sloppy and amateurish, and part of the purpose of the Daily Duty is for me to come to terms with and embrace that. I'm still learning, and I will be for a long time. I mean technically I won't ever stop. But that makes this blog less of a place to gather back-to-back masterpieces and much more of a place to casually track my progress.
Content for the Daily Duty is going to vary. A lot. Some days may feature finished pieces, others may feature a handful of quick sketches, and others may just be straight-up shitposts lmao. Depends how I'm feeling that day. Basically I'm only consistent in my inconsistencies and honestly that's kinda beautiful.
With all that said. Hi there. If you're a fellow artist in any field I wish you the best of luck in your own endeavors.
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