monsterfloofs · 6 months
Mallory (Male Vampire) x Anonymous Reader (Sfw)
(I am not sure when I will go back to this story as I am working on comicking stuff. . . <:) But I will share a piece of it here, the most solid bit of writing I have for it! A new house with a surprise resident, a shy vampire who just wants a peaceful life.)
It was an old Victorian style house. Tall and proud with long curving windows. The building had two layers with an asymmetrical design. The right side of the home bowed outward in a semi hexagonal shape. While the right side held a modest porch and wooden railings that ran around the space and flanked either side of the steps. Wooden gingerbread styling encrusted the bottom of the roof. It was a lonesome house, one surrounded by trees and that sat atop a hill with a twisting road. Through the forest of leaves, when they parted just right. It gave a wide scope of the ground below. There was a small town that sat nestled at the edge of the forest. From this vantage point, you could barely see the bumpy dirt road nestled between the brilliant fire red and yellow leaves.
It was a sunny day, some of the last warmth in October had come in a wave. Like the last expelling of warm breathe before cold nestled into the bones of the earth.
You had gotten out of your car, feet swinging from the vehicle to stand and look out over the treeline. The view alone was entrancing. Watching leaves tumble and twist through the air. Following an unknown path to an unknown destination. You heard a voice call your name, and with some reluctance you turned away from the picturesque view. Closing the door to your car with a satisfying snap before you turn and set your sights on the house. Your eyes travel along its details. It had been painted in black trim and the base a pale mint green that had faded with time. The paint was peeling in places, but it offered promise. A smile tugged at the corners of your mouth as you walked up the driveway, A nicely dressed woman in a navy suit was standing in front of the aging porch steps.
“Welcome to Wishwillow! I am so glad we had the chance to meet. I'm Loiuse, we spoke on the phone last week.” She gave a smile of perfect white teeth as she gave your hand an exuberant shake. She had walked towards you, closing the last of the distance.
“Hi Loiuse.” You reply, “I am really happy to take a look at the house." You pause to glance up at it's high windows. "it’s beautiful.”
“It really is, and we are so happy to finally have someone show interest in this old place. It’s almost one hundred years old, did you know? There is a lot of history here.”
You nod, bringing your attention from the house as she claps her hands.
“Well! Let’s take a tour shall we?” She turns on her heels, a confident stride has her dark curls bouncing as you follow her dutifully up the steps.
“Is there. . . a lot of need for renovations? Adding fixtures, things like that?” You ask tentatively as she produces a small key from her pocket and begins to jiggle the lock.
“Oh goodness no! The last person who lived here modernized it the best she could while staying true to the house's heritage.”
The door opened with a creaky wail, and you scrunch your nose at the sound.
“How long. . . ago was that?”
“Twenty years or so,” She chirped, stepping inside and flicking on the lights.
You grimace at that, “That sounds like a long time for a house to be empty.”
She flashes you a knowing smile, “We worked very hard to keep it maintained, Ms. Hemlock, that last owner of Wishwillow, had no heirs in her will. She put whatever money she had left into keeping this house in working condition.”
Past the entrance was a thin hallway that branched off into different rooms. A big parlor to the left with polished wood floors. A few coils of wire came down like tendrils from the ceiling. You gathered that at some point a chandelier had hung down from the ceiling.
"The kitchen is down the hall," Loiuse explains, patiently letting your gaze wander the interior.
"And the left is where the parlor was. There is a small sitting room by the kitchen, and upstairs are the bedrooms."
There was something that felt right, about this house. Something that lingered in the air.
You catch the woman's cheer as you head back to the car. Giving the sales rep. your thanks and one last handshake.
“Yes, Ms. Louise, we will definitely keep in touch.”
It was the most nerve wracking decision you had ever made. Taking the leap and buying this house. With the economy being how it was now, and homes becoming more and more impossible to buy. You had stumbled upon a chance you weren’t sure if you were going to be able to come across again.
You had moved as much of your personal life as you could. Only finally getting the help from movers once it was clear you were not going to be able to cart a few large choice pieces of furniture on your own.
“I’m doing great,” You leaned back on the couch, that sat in the middle of the sea of cardboard boxes, phone pressed to your ear. “Totally exhausted though, I tried to hurry up and move everything so I didn’t have to take too much time off of work. It’s a bit of a drive now, but the view is worth it. It’s so beautiful here.”
You laugh, a tired weary sound. “I keep wondering if I made the right choice, it’s a big house for one person— No, no! I’m not complaining, just fretting. I think I am going to start on dinner now though, talk with you later?”
You nodded, even though the loved one on the other side of the line couldn’t see you. Listening intently to the voice on the end of the phone.
“I will take care of myself, I promise. Okay. Love you. Bye.”
You threw your head back onto the cushioned armrest of the couch, tapping the red button on your cell phone and turning off it’s screen. You heaved a heavy sigh and glanced out at the sea of cardboard.
First step of moving in, done and done. Now all that is left is unpacking. The thought of unpacking so late at night was quickly rejected. The cushioned armrest was stationed to the couch via rounded metal pins, and you reached over to rub your thumb against the cool metal bumps while you stared out at the room. With enough oomph you pushed yourself to stand, picking your way out of the living room to reach the kitchen.
You stood in the cramped kitchen space. Staring blankly for a moment while you realized how much of an ordeal it would be to dig out pots and pans, on top of cooking.
". . . You know what. . . I think I'll just order take out tonight."
With a quick call to the closest pizza shop, you had pushed boxes off the small coffee table and set up a laptop computer while you waited for dinner.
Now, with the pizza sitting next to your computer, you sat cross legged on the couch. Balancing a plate on their thighs while you watch a movie. You had picked something from your old favorite collection. A black and white movie that you remember fondly from your childhood. A comedy movie starring Abbott and Costello that contained a number of the classical monsters being portrayed by their original actors.
Something had changed. Something or someone was here, in the house. Within the walls. A steady heartbeat with silent ghostly vibrations echoed through the beams and floorboards.
Mallory’s eyes snapped open, and he sat up quickly. The dreams about noises hadn’t been imaginary phantoms. The cars, the voices, things being shuffled, moved about, it had been real. Now the house was quieter, though, there was still noise. A static noise that lingered behind the voices in an old televised movie. With accents that haven’t been used in a long time.
“I know it, and you know it. But does Dracula know it?"
Underneath the sounds, was the beat. He slowly rubs at his temples, trying to soothe the ringing in his head. Like a mosquito that hummed right beside your ear, the sound was impossible to ignore.
The attic stairs creaking faintly under his shoes as he descends, grimacing at the noise. From the attic stairs he moves to the window, peers down at the dark lawn below.
An uncomfortable feeling settling into his stomach, as the for sale sign was gone. Now there was a car parked in the driveway, and someone unknown downstairs. For twenty years no one had held even the remotest interest on the house atop the hill. But alas, it had been wishful thinking to believe that it would last forever.
He hesitates about what to do. An unsteady hand tinkering with the necklace around his collarbone before he gingerly steps out of the guest room. One glance. Just one. It has been a while since he had come face to face with a living being. Once satisfied he could formulate a plan from there. He moved on the stairs gingerly, hovering in the entryway where the kitchen split into the kitchen and living room.
And there they were, sitting and watching a movie. A blanket curling around their shoulders. A tired but amused expression played upon their lips, as they watched a short bumbling figure almost collide with the tall imposing figure of Bella Lugosi.
The back of his chilly hand presses against his lips as he backs away from the scene.
Then the person watching the movie shifts, their head turns, looking up, their eyes widening as Mallory moves out of sight.
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floofywritings · 4 years
Hands & Hearts: Gilbert x Fem!Reader (Soulmate AU)
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(A/N: Wow it’s been a while since I’ve written anything - excuse the rambling! It’s been about two years since I’ve done this, but enjoy :))
It had been four years - four entire years since your father had kept you inside. You had not met another soul your age for 1460 days, and the words carved on your forearm stayed grey. 
They had appeared suddenly in a beautiful cursive script, the first words your soulmate would say to you after your 12th birthday, as they did for everyone, and your 12th birthday was the last day you stepped foot out of your house. 
You never truly knew why you weren’t allowed out. Your mother had lost her battle with herself - and had broken your father in the process -  and she was his only true soulmate. Your father just wanted to keep you safe from the heartbreak your soulmate could cause you, but in the most isolating way possible. 
Every day you would watch as the children in Avonlea ran past your kitchen window, laughing with each other as they went off to school. Then the older teenagers, some who had already found their other half, walking with their hands and hearts intertwined, some walking with friends, content as they were, and some completely alone.
All you wanted was a normal life - going out in the chilly mornings for school, giggling with your friends as you gossiped about your crushes and friendships, adventuring into the woods after school with the boy of your dreams as you had a picnic together, blushing, leaning in-
The harsh knock on your door awoke you from your daytime reverie, back to reality. It was your father, demanding you get up and start your day. Sighing, you threw back the covers and glanced out your window. It was another chilly day, the snow creating a blanket as far as you could see. 
There was only one bright point in your day, one time of day that made you truly happy, and that was seeing him. He was always walking alone to school - his dark head of hair stood out in stark contrast to the pale snow, making him easy to spot. 
You had been watching him every day for the past four years. You had seen countless students walk past, and most tended to disregard your house, merely viewing it as a ramshackle old shed where some old hag probably lived. It hurt sometimes, when you realised none of them remembered you, when you realised your childhood friendships could probably never be recovered, and they all assumed you’d moved away and immediately moved on with their lives.
He was the only one who hadn’t forgotten.
You saw him glance up every day, the boy you had grown up with. The boy who had been your best friend until the day those words appeared. You saw his eyes, the same as you remembered, roam the entire house, stop momentarily on the windows, move on as he saw no movement. You watched it all - unable to say a word yet knowing exactly how he felt.
You saw him when he was happy, when he was sad, when he was angry, when he was truly destroyed after his father died, and it tore you apart that you couldn’t experience all that with him.
Your father didn’t know how you felt, and had no idea you watched out for him every day - he surely would have sent you away if he did.
As you lay in bed after another day of being alone, memories with him flashed behind your eyes.
“No Gilbert Blythe don’t you dare throw that water on me- NO!”
“Wanna come round tonight? Mum’s made pie!”
“I don’t care, we’re going to the woods tomorrow Y/N! Relax, nothing will happen, I’m with you aren’t I?”
“I love being the older one out of us two, even if it is only by three days - just proves I’ll always be better than Gilbert Blythe!”
The next morning you woke up to an empty house. This was a never before occurrence - your dad usually had his produce buyers come round, and kept you isolated in the upper part of the house so they wouldn’t know you were there. 
There was a note on your kitchen table - ‘Grandma sick. Gone to look after her. Will be a few days. DO NOT go outside.’
The first thing you did was step outside.
Who could blame you? It had been a long time since you had been outside the boundary of your house and garden, and for the first time in forever you were finally out! It was strange to feel the chill of the cold air on your skin, your hair tumbling out of its bun, your cheeks flushed, feeling alive for the first time in years. 
It was all too much though, and after a while you stepped back inside, ready to eat and get started with your day. 
After your morning rituals, you stood at the windows, watching everyone rush past in the cool morning air. And you watched out for him, waiting to see his tall figure walking past, and then you saw him - but something was different. Because he saw you too. 
You quickly moved away, startled by the eye contact you had just made and how it sent lightning through you. Peeking out of the window, your heart dropped as you watched him dismiss it as a trick of the mind and move on.
But today you waited for him, coming home from school. You stood at your window and waited as you watched him approaching. Your heart was thumping so loud you could barely hear yourself think, and yet all you could focus on was him. You had even dressed yourself up a little, just to wave at him from your window.
But he walked past without a second glance.
You were confused - but remembered he didn’t even know you existed, and had dismissed your earlier contact as a trick of the mind. Every fibre of your being was pulling you after him, but you stayed put, knowing that going outside to meet him would be a step too far. The only comfort you got was from noting that his arm was still grey.
Waking up to an empty house was strange - you had never experienced it before, and it gave you a sense of comfort. Today you decided to try walk to school with the other schoolchildren, and see if anyone would notice. You had been examining their behaviour for the past four years, and knew how the children your age behaved. You decided to try blending in with the lot, and once you saw the first group walking past your window, you took a deep breath and stepped outside.
The noise was overwhelming - there was so much going on, from the rumble of cars further away to the crunching of boots on snow to the inane chatter and giggles of the girls to the hearty laughs of the boys. Your senses were overwhelmed - you tried to stay as inconspicuous as possible, but all the while you were ecstatic. You had done it! As small of a step as this was, you were outside with others your age. You were getting ready to turn back and go home from a small close where the others couldn’t see you, when you saw Gilbert Blythe. 
You were pretty sure you had never run that fast in your life, and his gobsmacked face staring at you was emblazoned upon your eyes. You shut your door, panting heavily, thanking God that he didn’t have the time to run after you. 
You were NOT ready for this. Your father was right, going out was only going to cause trouble, bring up old feelings - 
You buried yourself in your work, vowing never to disobey him again, he was coming back tomorrow after all. The blinds came back down and you swore to forget the incident ever happened
The next day Gilbert didn’t walk past your window.
Your father came home, announcing your grandma had passed away. You had only met her twice, as your father stated she brought back too many old memories of your mother. It was back into the same old routine, and you vowed never to step foot outside again.
The day after that Gilbert was outside your window.
He saw you, and you knew he saw you, because his face lit up with shock and confusion and maybe even a little happiness. You saw him, and couldn’t fathom how one person could make you feel so much, and look so elegantly beautiful, his black ensemble making him stick out like a sore thumb. 
Oh shit he was getting up coming round the front of the house raising his hand knocking on the door-
Your father’s face was utter confusion - he had no buyers scheduled and if someone wanted his vegetables, they would come round the back.
You stood in the hallway, your chest tightening as the door slowly opened to reveal Gilbert Blythe, absolutely astounded.
“Y/N? It’s been so long, I-”
“GET OUT!” your father yelled, his face a lovely purple hue, manhandling Gilbert til he was past your gate, a forlorn figure in the snow.
Your arm was golden. 
He stood there, not moving. 
Your arm was seen by your father. He gripped your arm, almost cutting off blood supply, as you watched his face change from shock to confusion to sadness. You were dreading his response - Gilbert still had no idea what was going on, watching from afar.
He was struggling to control himself, his breathing ragged and his movements erratic as he examined your forearm.
Your father’s voice was surprisingly soft. “I’m not blind, you know. I’ve seen how you look at him. I remember you two as kids. I always knew it would be you two. I just didn’t want you to leave me for him, for him to hurt you as your mum hurt me. But you know what?”
You held your breath.
And that single word, that one syllable, had you running out the door into Gilbert’s arms.
“I missed you, Gil.”
Your hands and hearts were now intertwined.
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monsterfloofs · 6 months
A dear friend of mine sent me a prompt from the Ticky Tock app, and asked me write something for it. And stars above, did this prompt resonate with my heart and soul.
Prompt: "If you wrote a book, where the main character of that book fell in love with the person reading it, what would the last sentence say?" (Of course I couldn't write just one sentence ahaha)
I see you, from world's away. With a book pulled close to your face. You shouldered my struggles, and held my hand through everything. You were the one who held onto hope, held onto me, while my world was crumbling apart. And I know your faith in me is because the world outside your doors, is not a place where you feel like you can keep that faith. I was escape, and I wish to always be a sanctuary for you, no matter what happens to us. I love you beyond the veil that keeps us apart.
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monsterfloofs · 2 years
The woods were waking, slowly but surely. After months of fires in the hearth and mugs of hot cocoa, it was time to say goodbye to the frosty winter. With it's nipping cold, and icy fingers that would cause chills to ripple across your skin.
You look towards your companion, an spector that came to your little house from the clutches of December's worst storm seeking refuge.
No longer where their branches of antlers covered in icicles of frozen rain. You could see a small hint of green, peeking from delicate petals, and more small buds growing from them everyday.
In your heart your knew... you were going to have to say goodbye soon. They were going to go back from whence they came, and it was bittersweet wistfulness that filled your heart.
Yet somehow, you knew once winter descended again, they would be back. So here you would wait, patiently, until snow once again fluttered down from the heavens to cover the little cabin at the edge of the forest.
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