#fischl has friends and it makes me emotional
paimonial-rage · 2 months
A while back, my friend asked me what I thought my writing style was. It's been something that has been sitting on my mind for a while, but I think I finally got to an answer. I'm putting this on here because, one, I like talking about myself, and two, I have a bad memory so if I'm ever asked this question again, I have something to refer to.
Simply put, my writing style, at least for longer fics, can best be described as opening a can of worms and then wrapping them up prettily into a present. My main goal when writing a fic is to introduce tension, then bring it to catharsis. Majority of my fics will have a central core theme. This theme can be a statement, problem, point, etc. By the end of the fic, my goal is to reaffirm the theme, explain it, subvert it, or bring it to closure. However, because I want my fic to be akin to a present, I try to wrap everything up as satisfyingly as I can.
One can say that introducing conflict and resolving it is the form for every story out there, but I specifically want my fics to bring about catharsis. I want the ending to give endorphins. I want it to feel good. I want it to feel right. I want it to be a proper ending. I want it to be the mic drop at the end of a killer slam poetry performance. I'm not saying I'm good at it, but I want the ending of my fics to be a statement that there is absolutely no doubt about what my story is about.
I'll say this again. I'm not necessarily good at it, but the way I try to achieve this is primarily through the manipulation of tension. I do my best to frame everything, from the sequence of the events to the wording of my sentences, to keep an ongoing sense of tension through the fic. You as the audience is tasked to deal with this tension. However, it is through this emotional labor that when the tension is finally resolved, the ending feels better because it was deserved. I want my audience to feel that the work they put in was worth it.
However, this is not so simply done. As before, the ending of a fic needs to be framed properly. There should not be any loose threads or worms wriggling around. So then comes the question of how does one do this? I'll be honest, there are many different ways, and despite this, I still have a difficult time. My favorite way is through parallels. I enjoy making a direct parallel between the ending and the theme or the beginning of the fic. Either way, you should feel goosebumps from the ending you choose. You should be proud of it. That's the only way you know you did it right.
Some examples of things that fall into this writing style is What Destiny Has Brought. The theme is self-worth and self-acceptance. The parallel is first Fischl giving her true name to reader. And ends with reader giving her name back to her. In Follow the Wind (part one/part two), the theme is control and fear of change. The parallel is that you start off forever running after him, but in the end when he finally lets you in, you overtake him. In Slitherer-Outer, the theme is that Zhongli never pays for anything and here's proof! However, the end of the story chucks that whole premise out the window in the rudest way possible.
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chocoenvy · 2 years
so what ur saying is Fischl has two new moms who are hazards to society ✍️
IM GLAD IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES HER AS TRANS THOUGH LIKE MOOD. transfem fischl 🤝 transmasc bennet 🤝 transneu razor
but also the awkward family dinner with Rhinedottir + Alice and their other kids and Fischl's parents 😭
Alice has to physically restrain Rhinedottir from commiting numerous war crimes the entire time but she's just like oh that's just how she is :) isn't she just adorable :)
also Oz is her service animal / emotional support animal and ill die on this hill tyvm
n Fischl & Klee are best friends canon proves me right once again. Klee thinks she's really cool n looks up to her especially once she gets basically adopted by Alice & Rhinedottir. because now she has a cool older sister and she tells EVERYONE. everyone will appreciate her super cool sister or else🔪 - eros
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oh my god chronically thinking of feral rhinedottir and unhinged Alice as her handler to make sure she doesn't commit mass murder
Bro i just want Fish to get the childhood she never got bc not to make this about myself I get so upset I didn't have the boy childhood sometimes, like bro i fucking hate gender roles but i WANTED that classic boy childhood man
So Rhine and Alice making Fischl the Princess she never got to be when she was little... I'm tearing up man. Rhine irl blocking everyone that makes fun of Fish or makes her uncomfortable or anything im <333
ALSO YES HI Oz is 100% the emotional support bird. I read Fischl's story on how she got her vision but it's been a while, I think he's a manifestation made by her vision??? Not too confident on that but either way he's her best friend! No matter what happens there's always Oz who will see her as Fischl, who will see her as a princess.
Meanwhile her parents don't understand why she wants to live out this fantasy, they gave her a good childhood, she should be grateful! But... it's not the childhood she wanted. It was good! But she just...wished it were different.
And that's what Rhine and Alice are giving her!
Klee is like "My sister is a princess!! She's so cool!!"
And fish acts all cool but every time someone calls her a princess or call her Fischl or any variation she just :> She thinks about it a lot
And then more and more people start doing it and soon it's a normal occurence and there's too many to think about-
and she's really The Prinsezzin of a faraway kingdom, one that Alice and Rhine are giving her. And her body, her personality, everything about Fischl that she once hated and ridiculed, are now something she can love.
Even if she's not "in-character" all the time, she's not ❏❏❏. She's still Fischl. She'll always be Fischl, because that's just who she is.
And even if some ridicule her and say she's not the Prinzessin, and even if Fischl sometimes thinks she's not a princess and she's just some stupid girl named ❏❏❏ with stupid fantasies of living a happy life, Alice and Rhine are there. Even if she doesn't think so, she'll always be a princess to them <3
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thrill-seeker-if · 2 years
When I first played Genshin a few weeks ago, I didn't know anything about it. I enjoyed the plot, played through Mondstadt and pulled Fischl and Thoma (my German heart still cries at Fischl's words but appareantly it's on purpose so I ignored it). Then I suddenly got two children?? And I was like ??? Why tf are there Lolis in this game? I don't wanna play a zombie like child and a cat-kid with alcohol problems, what is this? And I talked to a friend about that and they went:"They're not lolis, they're just kids!" I couldn't get this whole situation out of my head but I kept playing to see where the story goes. So I got to Sumeru and thought that it looked really cool with the forests and the story was nice in how it needed to be saved from rotting. But then I found out what it was based on, and when I dug deeper into the whole issues Genshin has it just made me stop playing and enjoying it. Seriously, the music is beautiful and the regions are really pretty to look at. The story itself is also cool. But that doesn't make some of the things the developers do less problematic.
Also Paimon is so annoying and the fact that the Traveler CAN speak for themselves but she always talks for us enraged me so much that I muted the game everytime she talked💀
SO MANY PROBLEMS WITH IT, HONESTLY!! i will admit i had a bit of emotional attachment to paimon because she's like my little child yk? like i fished her out of the water and we're both making her memories, she's just my baby. So when she's being annoying im just like... ehhhhh it advances the story, whatever.
The story seems to be developing alright.... but like. if you are going to create a game with travelling the world, there has to be different people on it. it can't just be white people and asian people who are so whitewashed they're practically white too.
and yeah!! i always had a problem with the actual like kids in the game?? obviously children exist but i just knew it could never lead to anything good, and i just KNOW some people are gonna think weird things about the Sumeru goddess and say it's fine bc she's acc super old. It's just been done time and time again.
so yeah safe to say not a fan SDIUFHIFUui
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scarletooyoroi · 1 year
"I apologise, Thoma. I've been rather... Preoccupied with a peculiar issue concerning the stars." Divining didn't 'work' as it should have. Her scryglass 'glitched' and fog overtook her vision. Months spent pouring over her scry, letters exchanged with the old hag for guidance. Letters from potential searchers of fate, friends, even Thoma went ignored. Necessities were barely taken care of thanks to Fischl's sharp senses. Cooking and cleaning while Mona stayed within the darkness of her room. Very little conversation was had, occasionally she'd see a note slid beneath the door and a plate of food sitting on the other side. Her best friend already moved onto her adventure. And here was Thoma, braving the storm to tend to her as well.
What had she done to deserve such kindness?
These passing months had opened him up to darker depths beyond the initial situation.
However, if there's one natural understanding infused into his being, it'd be that these are the moments where loved ones are needed most. It was a dutiful part of his nature that drove itself to the forefront. Wherever silence and prolonged time remained, bits of warmth would always find itself speckled throughout.
Conversations with the eccentric Fischl had clued him in more on this tale. (despite the rather.. creative theatrics that would make many Inazuman creators have their jaws drop in awe.) For her many boons, there was also a number of weaknesses to note, and the habit of keeping herself sealed off in these crunch time habits remained at the top of the pecking order.
In a sadder way, it reminds him of the willing shackles of duty upon the Kamisatos, how time would be a sacrifice either necessarily made or happily taken for these tasks.
Thoma would be a liar if he were to say his own workings didn't dip into this particular pool.
So to see her hold a willingness to actually shed away the shell of her room, to let their fates converge in such a simplistic means like being the same place. There's a stunned moment where he holds silent, simply looking at the raw exhaustion that's overtaken both her body and heart as that apology is shared.
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There's many words that could be shared, worries, frustration, simple truths of what hiding away has created. All the same, there was the trust to know that such actions wouldn't be made if it wasn't important.. That said. A shift in his thoughts on this matter was beginning as he steps forward, not even bothering to fill the silence holding between them with too many words.
Instead, Mona would find herself drawn into an abyss. Into a smoky, fresh scent that naturally clung to his figure alongside hints of spice. Emotion found itself communicating through the way those strong arms squeezed her close, broad hands clasping onto her back as simply drunk in the relief of not seeing too worse for wear.
"Let's go over it together. Not just me, and not just you. A lot of us have been waiting to tackle this alongside you." The resolution is warm and firm within his tone.
"We're with you."
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
2.8 Golden Apple Archipelago
Hey, guys, I'm sorry. I was originally going to do some more event posts (like I did in 2.6 and 2.7), but I was injured and it was hard for me to play, let alone write. Besides, I thought I'd have all the event stuff done by now, but I still need to get around to it somehow, so these are the emotions the Golden Apple Archipelago event left in me.
So, just to start off. I'm kind of... disappointed? I've been getting positive feedback from all sides about the last event that took place on this map, how fun and lighthearted it was. I guess even the negative reactions from around me about the event got to me. I'm also sorry that Xinyan or Fischl can't normally be seen during hangout events, so this is practically the first time I've seen them "in action".
And now to the individual parts!
Kazuha! The domain was awesome, great, perfect. Super puzzles, the look reminded me a lot of Dishonored 2, where Kirin Jindosh has a similar mansion. The island itself was cool. I liked the changing parts of the island, and the fact that you can collect different local specialties. (Drunk Kazuha, by the way? I didn't know I needed that. And the voice of little Kazuha? And his friend??? Sorry, I'm going to go cry in the corner).
Xinyan! Sweetheart, I love her, I want to give her a big loving hug. Her domain has shown me what a terribly strong personality she is, and the puzzle in particular was challenging but satisfying. The island was aesthetically nice, but it was kind of odd that the player somehow doesn't get to control what shape the island turns into.
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Fischl! Amy and her parents. One of the most emotional quests in my opinion. It's just a shame that the domain itself didn't really grab me, and the puzzles aren't very difficult. And I can't find one chest. I'm so sick of those ravens where you have to solve the mystery. The scene lasts half a century, and if you tag the wrong one, you might as well go make tea before the ravens chatter again.
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Mona! Storywise interesting, the domain was aesthetically pleasing. But the puzzles! And the bugs. I haven't been this angry in a long time. Same goes for Mona's island. There are no indicators anywhere as to how the puzzles are supposed to be solved. The game also freezes horribly often and just refuses to work. This is exactly what happened in the closed chamber, where I tried all combinations of totems, none of them worked, and only when I went through the whole round of guessing again did I manage to open the door. I'm sad that Mona was the last one, because she left the biggest and also the worst impression on me.
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I still think it's a nice event that is not fully packed with time-limited lore. I also love playing on different island and searching for treasures and side quests. But it certaintly isn't a favourite event of mine.
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astranne · 2 years
I will happily give you more bodyguard!xiao brainrot!
Okay im making this up on the spot right now so stick with me
Imagine famous!reader ONLY ever having Xiao around i mean i think some famous people swap out bodyguards?? Idk im not rich. But only Xiao is allowed into their room personally and only xiao is allowed to accompany them to important places or any personal matters
EVEN BETTER THE FLEETING TOUCHED AND KISSES??? i am so soft for Xiao liking forehead kisses and just being completely soft like HAISJSIEJSISN
After a long day, your half tired and he carries you to your desired resting spot and he kisses your forehead and whispere goodnight?? Id fold so fast for that man. Anyways, Bodyguard!xiao practically threatening your obsessive fans that get to close or crowding your personal space? Him checking over you to make sure you have everything and your okay? HELLO IM GONNA DIE????
Bodyguard!Xiao rubbing your knuckles when your nervous about a gig or going on stage or a important meeting with your manager
Bodyguard!Xiao running his fingers through your hair while you lay on his chest and hes whispering reassurances to you and helping you relax
Soft bodyguard!Xiao only softening his gaze for you and smiling softly whenever you smile about something
Observant!Bodyguard Xiao watching you from the corner of his eye reading your body language like a hawk and whenever you show discomfort he comes over and makes an excuse for you to leave the situation
Little Brother!Xiao isolating himself because he feels alienated from his classmates and he cant connect to them on a emotional level and he feels as though nobody truly ants to be his friend but because hes practically the straight A student hes always picked to do all the work on projects but hes use to it and doesnt say anything to his caregivers.
you really said ‘lemme serve you a whole as meal’ huh? i’m not complaining, i’m thanking you while on my knees my dear fischl anon 😌
soft bodyguard!xiao... *muffled screaming* the forehead kisses?! the only bodyguard and just- AHHHH xiao carrying you in his strong arms, hugging you when you have a nightmare and waiting until you fall asleep again. he will protect you and always be by your side and if that means to scare your nightmares away?
i'm dying over my own silly little writing help me
soft and observant xiao just looking out for you, calming you with his presence when you're overwhelmed and whispering reasuring words. he will play with your hair, draw tiny little shapes on your blissful face and spoil you with kisses and hugs.
blushing rn, like,,, imagine. just imagine.
HHHHHH- THE ANGST- why do i feel called out. xiao will sit in the back, always taking notes since he can't talk to someone during lessons. he will listen to soft music, most times classical music, in the library and revise his notes, even do some future research for what else he has to do?
all his siblings are the golden apples of his caregivers, the oldest the most popular one, the middle one super sporty and he? he only has academics left, he doesn't want to fall behind and yet... yet he feels like he is being left behind.
so yes, he will do all the work, if that means the teacher will compliment him and his group for their awesome for, he will do all the work, if it means his caregivers praise him, even if it's only a short moment. what else does he have?
i'm so close crying,,, why am i writing angsty xiao, he- he doesn't deserve this!!!
anywhore- fischl anon, i love you and your brain. your brainrots are always and will always be welcome here <33 pls gimme more, i'm begging
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paintalyx · 3 years
Top 5/10 genshin impact characters and ships, please and thank you ;3c ~🐞
dude are you trying to cancel me?? i regret telling you that i was doing this. you suck. i hope you're happy. this is why our marriage is falling apart. anyways—
top 5 characters, playstyle be damned:
bennett (love at first sight. i saw this boy before my sister downloaded the game and i instantly pulled out adoption papers. he can support, he can attacc, but, most importantly, he got your bacc. i would be willing to throw hands over him. he's precious. i screamed when i saw that he was among people taking venti's poem class! bennefischl canon??)
diluc (i love batman and i love batfam and i want that dynamic in my party. he's edgy, he's needlessly extra and cool. i can feel in every cell of my body that he's a sweet and caring guy, but in this very awkward, roundabout way. my friends all know i that show love for my faves by constantly bullying them and diluc is a prime example of that. i also really want him and kaeya to talk things out at some point)
venti (a broke, homeless, gremlin drunkard of a god with a knack for mischief and a love for storytelling? yes please!! i can't help but smile whenever he pops up in the story!! i wish the fandom stopped kinda infantilizing him since he's literally the second oldest character in the game and there's so much more to him than just his venti persona. i could probably write a character dissection or something if i got bored enough)
chongyun (i just think he's neat. look at his blue eyelashes! listen to his voice lines! i just want to squeeze his cheeks and ruffle his hair! he's a party staple purely for the aesthetics and emotional support. my sister calls him "the minecraft child" since he's the only claymore user in her team)
noelle (my beautiful daughter!! criminally underrated!! she's my favourite healer!! i would also throw hands over her. it just sucks that she doesn't have more presence in the story. every time i make her do the spinny thing with her claymore, i can't help but sing beyblade intros)
top 5 ships because my friend hates me:
diluven (i saw fanart of them once and i was sold immidiately! you know what's better than two of my favourite characters? two of my favourite characters but *together*! and their interactions in prologue were super cute and it has a lot of potential! they have a height difference, reincarnation!au angst potential, and i happen to be weak to the dynamic of a tiny gremlin who pesters a tall stoic dude who's secretly fond. they've both suffered loss and both deserve someone to confide in and someone who would care for them, agh i can go about this all day! sucks that so many fans seem to stick to nsfw tho)
dainslumi (preferably when aether is the traveler and lumi is the abyss princess because i love drama. think of the yearning, the betrayal, the angst— think of how good they look standing next to each other and how lumine would probably kiss dains only if she puches him in the sternum first. bonus points since my man dains gives off big simp vibes and we gotta stick together. i hope that we'll learn more about them in the future and that the ship will gain some traction)
kaebedo (i didn't ship this at all at first, but then i read a couple of fanfics that hit all the good spots and now i am unable to deny that they are among my faves. both have mysterious origin tied to khaenri'ah and i'm a fan of khaenria'an royalty!kaeya and homunculus!albedo theories. they would be such a good influence on each other, just think about it for a moment— albedo gets more in touch with humanity, and kaeya finally gets someone to rely on. bonus points if klee wingmans, whether intentionally or not)
zhongven (what's better than months of slowburn buildup? hundreds of years of slowburn buildup, of course! they are the oldest archons, so i like to think that they know and understand each other well regardless of romantic involvement. i especially enjoy lore-heavy fanfics and headcanons about them. there's an abundance of things to explore and ways to interpret them. bonus points if xiao involuntarily gets adopted)
bennefischl (it's one of the first ships i got into before plummeting into the abyss that is multishipping, but i still hold it dear. i like to think that bennett is aware of fischl's uh... vivid imagination and he simply chooses to indulge her. i just love the idea of this goth child who info dumps obscure, sometimes worrisome trivia and a hyperactive puppy who's so lovesick that he just listens without understanding half of it, they're so precious!)
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starstruck-dove · 3 years
The genshin vision thingy:
Scorpio sun
Scorpio moon
Aries rising
Libra venus
Libra mercury
Libra mars
Please and thank you 🥰!
hey there, thanks for the ask! if you would only like to see the result and not the interpretation, scroll to the bottom of this post.
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<< slight tw for the scorpio moon section >>
scorpio sun: this is your ego and the core of your sense of self. who doesn't care for surface-level conversations and would much rather skip pleasantries; you want a deeper connection. so this placement alone makes me think you would not be hydro and be something like pyro or electro.
scorpio moon: this is the way you react to the emotion stirring inside of you and how you sort through emotion. you feel so much. this can bring someone to find feelings repulsive or lead someone to overshare and react immediately to things they find emotional. those with scorpio moons often find that the way they cope is heavily rooted in trauma. this makes me lean toward anemo; many of those who have suffered the worst can be the kindest (but from an astrological perspective, it would heavily depend on your other placements).
>> note: I am not saying that the anemo characters are the kindest. however, many of them tend to have a more nurturing, gentle, or melancholy side.
aries rising: this is how you view things, the first impression you give off, and your appearance. you perhaps have a childlike passion for the world, for your interest, for your friends or your family, for something. a glint in your eye tells the world that you are here for something, even if you cannot tell just what it is with only a glance. immediately, this placement makes me think you would have a pyro vision.
libra mercury: this is the way you communicate and your thought process. a lot goes through your head at once; I've noticed libra placements in general tend to be overthinkers. non-confrontational, perhaps passive, although this depends on the other placements. do you romanticize situations, ignoring flaws so you don't have to face the fact that not every relationship (platonic or otherwise) is forever? this makes me think anemo or electro.
libra venus: the material things you seek, how you love, and who you love. are you part of the cosmetics industry in any way? do you cosplay, wish to cosplay, or simply like make-up? I find that common with the libra venus people I have known. you tend to find yourself falling in love easily, and not always with the right people. you have a hard time knowing who the right person to form a deep connection with is. you give someone your all so soon: an admirable quality, yes, but one you should pay attention to. I am thinking hydro with this one.
cancer mars: how you express your anger and how you take action; I like to think of mars as your drive. do many of your goals have something to do with your emotional security, making you feel safer or more emotionally fulfilled? the stereotype is that cancer mars people cry when angry. I don't want to say that it is entirely wrong but it is much too simplified; they feel so strongly and it becomes overwhelming, which may be released through crying, destroying things, or even oversharing/venting. this makes me think electro or maybe pyro.
>> note: thanks for letting me know you mixed up your mars sign, just let me know if this still isn't the right one!
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I dub you a holder of:
an electro vision!
Your drive seems to be centered around family or friends (aries rising, cancer mars). A lot of your placements (cancer mars, libra mercury, libra venus) indicate that you're a nurturing person.
Razor has his lupical, Lisa seems to be a reliable figure for those in Monstadt, Beidou has achieved a great feat to protect her crew and is very close with them, and Fischl felt so close to characters who weren't real that the fictional world started to become real. (My information on Fischl may not be entirely accurate, as I do not have her and know very little about her.)
thank you for the ask and I hope you found it at least semi-accurate! ~dove
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aresrl · 3 years
Hi! Can I have a romantic,best friend vision and enemy matchup if its not too much? I use she/they pronouns. I'm a bi demiromantic. I'm 5'0 with tan skin, long black hair, brown eyes and glasses.I'm bilingual. People say I look intimidating an unapproachable since I don't smile or talk much around strangers but I try my best to be polite and nice.I'm very introverted and shy. It takes a while to for me to warm up to people but when I do, I can't shut up if I have a topic in mind and you will be someone I will stick with. I'm supportive and loyal. I consider myself a fair, open minded and laid back person. I like to seek out my friends' company when bored. I either ask them to do something wholesome or something they are afraid of with me. I'm down to do anything with my friends except be social. I'm hardworking if its something that interests me. I'm not the best person for emotional advice but I will listen and try my best.
My hobbies like to change but currently its baking,gaming,art, true crime and supernatural stuff. I like nighttime, gentle rain,daydreaming and adventure. I accidentally stare at someone or something when I daydream I'm independent. I mostly like to stay indoors depending on my mood and what I'm gonna do.I'm very creative but can't seem to make my ideas into reality. If I'm not good at something, I tend to put it on hold until I get motivated again. I'm kind of a pacifist but I will fight if pushed too far or my loved ones are endangered. My friends describe my sense of humor as dark and cursed. I can be mischievous and chaotic but still reliable and smart. I'm kind of oblivious if it's about the way someone feels about me. I don't cry in front of anyone except if it's something involving animals. I 100% think I can come off as harsh sometimes since I'm a brutally honest person but only if it's someone I'm comfortable with.
I express my love with gifts and quality time more than physical affection but I'm ok with PDA. I like being on the receiving end of affection but I will give some back. My s/o would have to be someone who can take some comfortable silence and very trustworthy since I could sometimes be a very anxious person. They have to be ok with hand holding since I'll be doing it whenever we go out. Other than hand holding I don't really initiate anything since I'm scared of breaking boundaries. Sorry if it's too much or too little info-
Have a nice day and stay hydrated ❤ Also- sorry if this was in your inbox more than once- my tumblr has been acting up
Hey! Don't worry, Tumblr didn't do anything weird with my inbox. Here are your results!
You received... A Geo vision! Keywords to describe this vision: dependable, hard-working, and diligent. • You're a reliable person, people close to you can easily depend on you, you'll never let them down. • You seem to be solid: you know who you are and nothing or nobody but only you could change you. • Even if your hobbies tend to change, you still apply yourself while you do things you like. Your partner would be... Chongyun! A wholesome pair. • He always asks you if you want to come with him to “perform” an exorcism because he likes your presence. • You possess more Yin energy so it's a great balance for him. • Since he already has to manage himself, he knows how he could take care of you when you're not feeling well. • At the beginning you both would be shy to initiate things but as time passed by, Chongyun understood how to demonstrate his feelings towards you, and seeing him more confident put you more at ease. • You feel comfortable when you're around him. • You were once daydreaming while you were with him, but your eyes were stuck in his this time, and... he didn't react well. When his eyes met yours he didn't understand what was happening, he had noticed that you were looking at him for some time but couldn't know what you were thinking about, so he had called your name, but... you didn't answer. He thought you were really lost in thought, maybe thinking about him? All this overthinking made his embarrassment grow, and heat from his body also began to appear. He quickly decided to call your name again, but louder this time to bring you back to reality, or else he could have “passed out”. When you finally looked at him fully conscious, he was blushing and you understood what happened. Now he had a new problem to manage, but somehow, there's a pleasant side effect to it. Your friend would be... Hu Tao! Even though your partner doesn't like her. • You get along well mostly because you share common interests. • Even though she teases you often and sometimes makes you uncomfortable, she's the only one you feel the most comfortable with when talking about certain subjects. Your enemy would be... Fischl! “Her words art too naughty to beest did address to a Prinzessin.” • You once told her you didn't understand her talking manner and she took it very badly. • Now she just tries her best to avoid you because your words harmed her. However, she will tell otherwise when somebody brings the subject back. Worth to mention • Xingqiu would still be your friend though you would find him very annoying because he would always drag you and Chongyun out to somewhere only he knows. But each time, it ends up okay because you're with Chongyun. I hope it was good enough, I'm quite uncertain about some things I wrote there, mostly because I'm a bit distracted.
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kkaeyva · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if I could have a romantic matchup..?
Call me Storian, she/they, INFP-A, bisexual leaning on males, cancer sun Leo moon Sagittarius rising.
My hobbies and interests are reading, writing, drawing, listening to music, dancing, singing, and basically anything creative. I like creativity and stories. I also like the smell of books, one could see me inhaling the smell of books, I also have a fondness for aesthetics and poems. I've always been fond of animals, however I can't have an animal companion since I have a.. Rather strict home. I also like fairy tale stories (one could find me favoring the villain more than the knights and princesses.)
My dislikes are.... Too much noise, too much screaming. I value my peace, silence, so I'm not fond of too much noise. At all, I can only handle so much. I also don't like it when people raise their voice with a hostile tone in their voices, it stresses me out. Please don't peer pressure me as well. I dislike peer pressure. I value friendship, however I also believe we have our own paths and interests as individuals. I dislike people who cross boundaries, although I do my best to be understanding. I also like to be open-minded, to look into situations in different angles before making my solutions.
I'm a timid and distant person towards almost everyone except those whom I feel like I have a mutual connection with. Usually polite. But with people whom I consider my mutual friends, I'm brighter. I can joke around with them, tease and pull little pranks. But if you're close to me, my best friend or my lover, expect for me to be so comfortable that I'd show you my caring and doting side. I'm the shoulder to cry and lean on, the ear that would listen to your venting, the one who can offer advices and console you and even if I not find of other people clinging to me, I can provide hugs of comfort.
I mentioned that I don't like other people clinging to me before, and I do. However, it's another case around people whom I hold very close to my heart. I consider touch as an intimate form of affection. It's how I show my love for the people I care for, other than words of affirmation.
Is this enough? Congratulations to your 100 followers milestone! Feel free to ignore this if your slot is full now.
thank you for participating in the event! <3
i match you up with...
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— albedo admires your creativity! i feel like he’d invite you to go on walks around dragonspine just to sketch the scenery (let’s be honest, though, it’s all just ice and snow;;;) — his campsite doesn’t have many books, there are only a few that are most likely just research material and worn-out from years of use. however, please note that a relationship with albedo grants you a free friendship with sucrose as well! — sucrose would bring you to the library often, asking for help to find certain books about different topics she’s researching, which is a win-win for the both of you, am i right? — albedo is always calm, he’s able to control his emotions so that they don’t negatively affect his work or social life. his tone of voice will be neutral, he won’t pressure you to do anything, nor will he cross any boundaries you set! he’s the definition of ‘respectful’ in my opinion. — albedo is not the type to need a source of comfort, since he’s always so invested in his work,,, i can see you and albedo being the “parent” couple, if that makes sense? it’s a very cute relationship dynamic— many people would think of you as the couple that would take you in if you’re having a hard time and lend support :) — i think of albedo as more of the quality time type of person, but he has never outwardly stated that he dislikes people (specifically, loved ones) touching him so he’d appreciate some physical touch and/or words of affirmation from his s/o now and then. <3 — runner-up: fischl
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lori-hime · 4 years
I haven't written much about what I've been up to lately, so here's some word salad updates~ 🥗
NijiGaku Anime
So I started watching the new LL. I hadn't been keeping up with SIFAS' story, but I did read some of it when it first came out. I gotta say, I'm really enjoying all of the changes they decided to make for the anime version of the story, to both the characters and story. It's starting to feel like something coherent. The story in the game was ok, but the main thing that interested me was the interactions with Muse and Aqours, overshadowing the actual "plot" and even Nijigasaki themselves. But the anime really made me interested and excited about the story and characters again. I would be a little annoyed about the personality and dynamic changes, but honestly, I'm used to it by now. LL always ends up doing this sort of thing, and the personalities only seem to become solidified after the anime airs.
A little disappointed in Kasumi's change in some vague ways I don't really feel like describing, but honestly it balances out because Ayumu is fantastic now (previously one of my least cared for of the group.) Yu's personality is surprisingly super gay fun and I'm really excited for her and Ayumu's dynamic in particular. They're so cute. Seriously feel like I'm gonna ship them hard.
I also really like Rina's initial personality in this. Not only is she bad at expressing emotions through her face, but she also seems bad at expressing them through words too. I feel like this is gonna be much more interesting than her already being cutesy and genki like in the promo stuff and SIFAS.
When Karin was first shown, I had mixed feelings. At first I was like oh god I'm gay and she's beautiful. But the whole sexuality flaunting thing kind of put me off for several reasons I don't really wanna get into explaining. I really didn't know how to feel. I started liking her a little more during SIFAS, when she competed against Muse in DDR and lost... started feeling like I was getting a glimpse of her real personality without the whole sexy idol persona. Although not much has happened in the anime with her yet, she's giving me Nozomi vibes and I love it. I actually think if I had gone into this without previous knowledge of the characters, I'd be betting she'd become my fave for sure.
My list has gone from Kasumi > Rina > Kanata / Emma > Karin > Ai > Setsuna > Ayumu > Shizuku to Yuu > Ayumu > Kasumi / Karin > Rina > Kanata / Emma > Ai > Setsuna > Shizuku
Still biased a bit towards characters that have shown up more in the first two eps, so it'll undoubtedly change. But It's really interesting how much the characters I already felt I had good placements for changed so much.
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Edit for episode 3, because I didn't post this fast enough. Student council speedrun was fantastic. Yu continues to be incredibly gay. I wonder how this episode will affect the ships people will gravitate towards. LL has always been a fairly monoship fandom, heavily gravitating towards specific pairs. Of course that's largely the fault of canon itself, often pushing and developing single ships. Well, I suppose we saw a big change with Aqours, though, especially with season two. But even then, the ships tended to stay at least between girls of the same year (aside from my rarepair, shout-out to YohaRiko.) Now, I wonder. From the very beginning, before Yu even had a name, it felt like they were really pushing the shippy stuff @ the viewer. I wonder if that’s still gonna be the angle. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it yet. I really want to see more YuAyu rather than YuSetsu, but I can't really be mad at more gay content unless they try to make it a DEEP story and then fail to resolve it but haha they'd NEVER do that, I'm sure!!
As for the others... I'm guessing they're gonna push RinAi, KarinEmma, YuuKasu, and maybe YuuShizu? My original guesses were that AiKarin would be a thing, evoking NozoEli v3. But I guess that'd be too predictable a third time. KarinEmma sounds like it could be cute and sweet, RinAi feels like it has adorable potential, and YuKasu vs. YuAyu sounds like it could have some good comedic rival-y potential, given they don't make Kasumi super serious about it and make it really angsty. Not that a cute idol show would ever do such a thing haha!!!!!
Higurashi Gou
Also started Higurashi. I doubt many people know this, but I used to be a major Higurashi fan before I got into Touhou. It was my main "fandom" I guess, even though there wasn't really that much of a fandom to interact with comparatively. Anyway, despite that, I didn't think I'd get into this remake super hard... but I'm really loving it so far. The art style is really pretty and eye candy, and it turns out it's a direct continuation of the story rather than a remake. Very excited to see where it's going, and also to see a lot of my baby Rena again.
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An interesting difference to me as I'm rewatching are my feelings for Keiichi. While I don't hate him, over the years I've really grown tired of the generic male leads (especially in harem anime) like him. Of course, he's definitely not AS generic as they come, or maybe perhaps that's just my bias from when I used to really like him. The me back then found him unique enough to stand beside the girls. Nowadays, I definitely can't say the same. At least he doesn't grate on my nerves as much as most other harem anime protags do, however. I feel like despite lacking the quirks that make the girls so likeable and unique, he still has something going for him... perhaps the fact he's framed as inherently different from everyone else, because he comes from the city, and the way he acts a bit more realistically to the scary things that are happening. Although those things are obviously explained away later, at least for now I still accept him for what he is, old bias or not.
Genshin Impact
Been playing Genshin Impact religiously and loved every second of it. Though I've caught up with the main story content, so sadly it's slowed down. I'd never heard of this game before it came out, so I was absolutely wowed that such a game was f2p. I've heard a lot of people criticizing it because they added gacha in at the last minute, and I definitely understand being annoyed through the pov of someone who was anticipating it. But part of me is still really thankful that the game is free at all. I suppose that full but paid 60 dollar game would still be a better experience, but because of my non-existent budget situation, I may not have ended up playing it at all.
Aside from the arguably shitty monetization practices, however, the game is fantastic. It really is as similar to BoTW as people have mentioned, and I really appreciate that. BoTW, from a gameplay standpoint, is absolutely my favorite game. It's exactly what I want from any given game. So I really appreciated this. The story and characters of Genshin are also really interesting. I really like Qiqi, Venti, Fischl, and Xingqiu, among others. I spent a while rerolling for Qiqi or Venti 5*s, and eventually got an account with Qiqi. Venti on the other hand I've been trying to roll for but sadly haven't gotten. I have 1 roll left before the banner ends, so hopefully.. My friends whaled him for me. I swear I tried to stop them! I owe them my soul...
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HoloLive, Pikamee & Vtubing
I briefly started getting into HoloLive a little while ago. After the Aloe stuff, I started worrying a bit about how the company handles these situations as well as the girls' freedoms and how much of their donation money they actually get.. (I made a post about it a while back.) After a while my worries died down a bit, but then came back full force with the Coco and Haachama situation. After that and one too many uncomfortable sexual jokes, I decided to just distance myself from HL. It's a shame, because I really enjoyed their personalities, but it was making me feel uncomfortable more often than not.
I told myself it’s fine, I’ve got Pikamee if I ever feel like watching vtubers again. And then like a week later... Well, it’s not really something I wanna talk about here, but she made some posts on twitter that made me too uncomfortable to continue watching her either.
On a much lighter note... A friend of mine showed us how to use prprlive and facerig to use the Touhou CB Live2D models, and Asa and I played around with Mokou, Kaguya, and Lyrica’s. It was quite fun, and I do look forward to using the Kaguya one for private streams on one of my servers. I’ve actually always wanted to try out vtubing stuff myself, but not really publicly. Of course, the costs for getting a model drawn and made specifically for me are too much for something I’m not really committing to, so this is perfect. I’m excited~
Touhou Cannonball & Kagura Thoughts
It’s been a long time since I talked about Touhou CB on my blog, and I’m pretty sure I left things on a pretty bad note. Mainly dissatisfied with Mokou’s portrayal for pretty shallow reasons on my part, despite they game having just started and having a lot of room to grow. And grow it did. While I quit pretty early in because of that, Asa decided to take over my account. She realized that it was pretty easy to upgrade any given character you had to a 5* without having to rely much on the gacha. She ended up playing a lot with the goal of upgrading everyone we had. I came back to it around July and actually had a lot of fun with it. The cast had gotten much bigger and we really enjoyed playing on multiplayer. It wasn't the best game ever from a gameplay standpoint, but it definitely had it's charm. The announcement of its death, although unsurprising, came at the worst time. Asa and I actually cried a little when we saw the announcement, ngl. The game had such good, wholesome, Touhouy vibes to it. Nonetheless, we made the most out of the last month or so after the announcement. We played a LOT of multiplayer and had a lot of really cute and good interactions with other players. Near the end, we realized that Lyrica was the only character from the normal banner we were missing, so we grinded like crazy (mostly Asa) to try to get her... we ended up getting a number of 5*s but none Lyrica... she eluded us to the very end. It was quite sad, but how hard we worked for it still felt satisfying somehow. We were able to max out our multiplayer level and complete a ton of goals we wouldn’t have otherwise.
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So after this bittersweet experience with Touhou gacha, and all the scummy things I've been hearing about Lost Word, I've been thinking like... I'm done with Touhou gacha, at least for now. Don't wanna hear anything else about it for a good while. And then the 25th anniversary hits and they announce Kagura. Ugh. Please, give me a break. Needless to say, I'm gonna have to give it a try. Touhou is my life, I love rhythm games, I love Touhou music, and I love character collecting games. And I've been waiting for something to replace SIF gameplay in my heart for a long time. I'd banked my hopes on SIFAS but it's really barely a rhythm game so.... at least now that I've gone through CB's death and seen how cruddy LW is, I'll have lower standards and not get my hopes up too high.
If you got this far, thanks for reading my rambles and have a good day~
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boundxfate · 4 years
thexgreatxastrologist said: @ Weiss, You've heard the rumors about Fischl & Mona at the Angel's Share no doubt?
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Question had Weiss BRISTLING in that passive aggresive, masked up way, that only the highest caste had EVER truly mastered. A false sense of courteous, papered over with a deceitful dignity. “I have...” Stress on ‘have’, hoping the slightest tremor within her eyes did NOT give away the emotions she tried so hard to hide. “And it’s none of my business.” Still the extra EDGE in her tone belied at least SOME upset. “If my friend wishes to make mistakes with questionable individual, it is MY PLACE, as HER FRIEND, to accept and support her through it.” Yeah. Right. As if THAT was going to happen. No, Weiss would wait for the DOORS to close before confronting her bestie over this. JUST. LIKE. HER. FATHER. “Not that Mona respected ME enough to tell me herself.” Snide, Weiss. Snide. “But that’s by the by.” (No it wasn’t.) “There is no need to overreact.” (Already was.) “Now, depending on how true the rumors are, and whether there were, AHEM: Repeat instances. And what Mona has to say of them... THAT will decide how we proceed with our companionship.” With that, Weiss was quick to excuse herself. Publicity had always been a DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD. And the fewer words making it back to Schneznaya the BETTER. “Now, I must offer my sincerest apologies. But I have somewhere I need to be.” -- ALONE... The rumors had taken more of a toll on Weiss’s mind than she’d ever let show. Would she ever approach Mona about it? Mona had to have known that Weiss knew. They were both just PLAYING PRETEND. And it could not last. But... As Weiss retreated to her dorm room, double locking it for PRIVACY, fixing her make up before glancing in the mirror. “The Hell does she have that I don’t...?” Emotions hit and she bit the side of her gum before endeavoring to IMMEDIATELY remove the make up. She would not cry. She would NOT cry. And she it still wasn’t worth the risk.
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 28
2601. Do you think cell phones cause cancer? apparently everything causes cancer these days. i don’t know anyone personally who doesn’t have a cell phone, would that mean the chances of getting cancer at at its highest? Are cell phone users more likely to get into car accidents? while using the phone while driving, yes. Do cell phones really interfere with a plane's navigation equipment? apparently so. Are cell phones immune from computer viruses? i don’t think so? Can using a cell phone at a gas station spark a fire? apparently. geez, five questions within one question. cool.
2602. What makes a guy see a chick as less of a cute little girl and more of a woman? i guess if they look older? 2603. What is it about football that makes people want to watch it? the passion, the atmosphere and the game itself? i hate football though lmao. 2604. What is the best show on tv? tbh i think it’s the office.  2605. Are you more of a tape dispenser or a stereo speaker and why? i’m... not sure. 2606. What do you think is overrated? instagram models and most youtubers. What is underrated? people out there trying to make a difference in the world. 2607. Can spiders ump? huh? Did you interpret that as 'jump' or 'hump or 'bump' or other? jump. 2608. What's the matter with adults today? we’re too reliant on technology. 2609. Have you ever worked 'off the books'? no...? 2610. Have you ever worked 9-5? i have before. If not do you think you ever will? i don’t right now, but i’d love to have a normal working schedule like that. i hate working nights. 2611. Do men or woman make better bosses? it honestly just depends on the person. 2612. Do you believe that people should more up through a company or that the higher up positions should be filled by people hired from outseide the company? i think people should be offered to move up in their company since they’re more likely experienced with the ‘smaller’ things. 2613. Why is it that no one seems to care about their job? it’s just a grind, need to work to live, right? 2614. When I go into a store, why doesn't anyone know anything about what they are selling? that just means their training wasn’t in depth enough. 2615. Have you ever seen those people that get that blank, lost expression when they go into a store and kinda shuffle along like zombies? not really? Do you wonder how they got up, dressed themselves, and made it to the store in the first place? ... 2616. When did you/will you graduate college? i graduated in 2013. 2617. When will Eminem stop whining about his bad childhood and move on?? i haven’t heard him whine about that in a long time. 2618. I am drug free. Are you drug free? yes. 2619. I have piercings and am getting tattoos. Do you have either? i have my ears and nose pierced. no desire to get tatts. 2620. Can you REALLY say that your way is the right way? sometimes. Maybe there is a different way for everyone? sure. 2621. What do you think of the song 'Imagine'? it’s soothing and thought provoking. 2622. Can you think of any reason i might have written this, other than I am bored with too much time on my hands? no idea. 2623. What is the purpose of art? i guess to get our visual senses running. How about movies? Music? 2624. Do you think that anything has lost its value because it's become too 'commercial'? What? instagram. before it was just a way to share photos but now it’s a popularity contest. 2625. Have you ever been promoted? no actually lol. fired? not really, more like ‘let go’. they didn’t need me anymore coz their business was failing. 2626. What do you call your private area? Does it have a nickname? vag. and no. 2627. What parts of your body are shaved? armpits, legs and down there. 2628. What is a peachclam? female genitals? 2629. What is the american dream? being successful in america. Is it the same as your dream? no, i don’t like there. 2630. Do you need to be right all the time? no. 2631. There was a sculpture that was supposed to be displayed for a week in the Rockafeller Center in NYC of a falling woman - designed as a memorial to those who jumped or fell to their death from the World Trade Center. It was complained about as grotesque, innopropriate and describe as 'not art' What do you think? 9/11 is still a very sensitive topic, i believe it could be considered art but the negative way it’ll make people feel overpowers its artistic message. It was taken down early because it was seen as 'offensive'. What do you think about that? that totally fair enough. The artist, Fischl, said in a statement. ``It was a sincere expression of deepest sympathy for the vulnerability of the human condition. Both specifically towards the victims of Sept. 11 and towards humanity in general.'' Are people just too sensitive? Or maybe people are NOT sensitive ENOUGH to the idea that others may have different views from them (or from the majority)? i can see it from both ways. She these different, opposing or offensive views be allowed to be expressed freely and openly? Why or why not? i think it’s best if it were in an art gallery instead. more like-minded people would visit it and appreciate it how the artist wanted it to be portrated. 2632. What letter's sound do you like the best? i’ve... never thought about that. 2633. What is one movie charater you identify with and why? none really. 2634. Do you act the same when you are alone as you do when people are watching? not really. 2635. Why is everyone so obssessed with superheros? i don’t knowww. 2636. What cliches do you hear over-used the most? meh. 2637. Do you handle inconvieniences well? not really. i’ll most likely complain. 2638. Are you a fan of Jackie Chan? yeah, he’s funny, talented, charming and does his own stunts lol. 2639. Is a promise a big deal? to me, yes. i don’t take them lightly. 2640. What is your place in the universe? right here. 2641. Once some scientists dug up a woolly mamoth, frozen in ice. It was still completely whole, not rotted or fosilized. The scientists decided to have a dinner party. It was a very posh affair. they served roast woolly mamoth steaks, the rarest meat in all the world. So, if you were invited, would you have eaten it? no. 2642. What are 3 things you DON'T want to know? when im gna die, any ‘truths’ in my family that would make me think differently of them and sob stories in general. 2643. It seems to me that a lot of people don't value their lives, or life in general very highly. Why do you suppose that is? it’s just the way the world works i guess. not everyone wants to eat healthy, work out, strive to be the best person they can be etc.  Are you like that? sometimes. 2644. Do you celebrate the harvest moon? no. 2645. Do you believe in out of body experiances? possibly. 2646. Why does so much depend upon a red wheel barrel glazed with rain water beside the white chickens? ok. 2647. Why do so many people get jobs that they dislike? because it’s all about earning money. 2648. Do you think that in THIS world, being creative is a handicap? no? Why or why not? being creative is a blessing and a way to express yourself. 2649. Do you ever get chills or shivers during movies? What movies? not really. 2650. Do you believe in the collective unconsiouss(that people are like onions..the outer layers are individualistic and the deeper you go the more similar we all are)? lol haven’t thought about it that deeply. 2651. Do you think that most people have the qualities you look for in friends/intimate relationships or do you feel alienated? the people i surround myself with are enough. i’m not really looking for new friends. 2652. Are you very critical: of others? yes. of yourself? yes. 2653. Is there such a thing as expecting too much? definitely. 2654. Would you rather take an hour lunch break or skip lunch and get out of work early? ski[ lunch and get off work early, always. 2655. Do you believe that happiness is equal to fakeness? shallowness? joy? something good that happens? an attitude you have inside no matter what happens? idk. 2656. Can you control your emotions? for the most part, yes. have you ever tried? yes. 2657. Imagine you are 34 weeks pregnant. You are healthy and you didn't have any major problems in your pregnancy. Would you consider flying from the UK to Germany, which takes one hour, without a bad feeling that something could go wrong or the baby decides to come out earlier? there would have to be a really good reason that i’m flying in the first place. i usually wouldn’t risk it. 2658. How long do you think it would take you to jog a mile? forever. i’m really unfit. 2659. Word assciation: twilight: wolf. garden: gnome. warm: sun. stars: sky. crash: bandicoot. mold: bathrooms. gold: leaf. green: leaf. lush: garden. 2660. Picture a triangle: Quick! What color is it? orange. Picture a square. Quick! What color is it? blue. Picture a circle. Quick! What color is it? yellow. Why do you think you saw these shapes as these colors? idk lol. 2661. What things are endless? nothing. 2662. Are you ever subtle? i can be. 2663. Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens a certain number of times, and a very small number, really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood...some afternoon that's so deeply a part of your being that you can't conceive of your life without it? How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? How can you fully appreciate these moments, every moment, when it all seems limitless? ~Paul Bowles excerpt from The Sheltering Sky 2664. Do you never have an ordinary day? yes. 2665. Do you embrace every single thing you've never known? not everything. 2666. Has anyone ever mistaken you for a satanist? no lol. 2667. Can stress sometimes be good? if you work well under stress, then yeah. 2668. Write something random, just whatever flows out of your head without thinking. Forget punctuation just try to type as fast as you think: okay, this is getting boring.  2669. Are you a musical snob? yes. How about a film snob? no. 2670. When you were in school did you learn to think or repeat? think. 2671. Do you have everything you need to be happy? not yet. If not, what is missing? a direction. 2672. Would you take a very casualy dropped 'maybe I should just kill myself' as a warning ssign? yes, for sure. 2673. What does the word 'ironic' mean? Can you give an example of an ironic situation? no. 2674. What did you see today that was beautiful in an ordinary way? a plane flying through the sky. 2675. Have you ever been on the edge of the night? no? 2676. Do you feel oppressed in some way? no. 2677. Who do you think shot JFK? idk. Who do you think shot Martin Luthar King? idk. Why do you think they got shot? haters. 2679. Are you aware that although only about 14 percent of the american total population is black, that about 70 percent of the people in jail in america are black? Why do you think that is? a large part of it is racism, surely. a lot of the stuff in the media basically proves it. What conclusion can you draw based on this? whatever. 2678. Do you think that the culture you live in is completely open to all ideas and forms of expression? hell no. australia is one of the most narrow minded countries that’s very developed. tell me otherwise, please. 2680. What do you think of the character (muppet) on sesame street that has aids and should this kind of a theme be explored in children's television? it’s good. and yes, i feel like children should be educated on the different backgrounds and situations people in the world can be in. 2681. Are you dyslexic? no. 2682, Can you construct a bong out of: household objects? sure. an apple? sure. your cat? i dont have a cat. 2683. Starwars, star trek or star gate? none. 2684. Windows or mac? mac. 2685. Do you start conversations or wait for other people to start them? it depends who it is. 2686. How many phallac symbols can you think of? plenty. 2687. Would you but tickets to see the top ten american idols sing live? no. 2688. A bird may love a fish...but where would they live? on the shore. 2689. Are you a hologram or a misfit? none. 2690. How are you oriented sexually? straight. Do you agree with the people who say that everyone is bi-sexual even if they don't want to admit it? i think preferences are purely dependant on the person. you can’t label anyone but yourself. 2691. If you are the only human on the planet of the apes do you have sex with an ape? i don’t know. 2692. If you are making out with a sex someone and you reach down and find they have a fish tail instead of legs do you still fool around with them? no. 2693. Does superman wear kryptonite condoms? idk. 2694. Do you know exactly where you are? Do you know the meaning of it all? Do you know the distance to the sun? Do you know the echo that is love? *yawn* 2694. Do you believe you are: extraordinary? Blessed? Cursed? Won? lame lol. 2695. What are you doing this weekend? not sure yet. definitely going out on sunday night though.  2696. Do you believe that black people should get money to make up for their previous enslavement? the ones who have been freed, yes definitely. Do you believe that all oppressed people should get money to make up for their oppression? yes. 2697. What's a quagmire? that guy from family guy. 2698. Is philosophy a science or can everyone have their own philosophy? to each their own. 2699. Are you a big fish in a small pond? no. 2700. Would you like to read an entire novel written in stream of consciousness form? idk.
0 notes
lovemesomesurveys · 7 years
5,000 Question Survey--Part twenty-eight
2601. Do you think cell phones cause cancer? There’s been studies done that show they can, I guess. A lot of things can. Anytime you go into a store or building of any kind, you’ll likely seen the sign that says there’s cancer causing chemicals. Certain foods. Certain products. Smoking. Genetics.
Are cell phone users more likely to get into car accidents? Don’t use you’re phone while driving! Do cell phones really interfere with a plane's navigation equipment? So they say. I don’t know. Are cell phones immune from computer viruses? They can get viruses. Can using a cell phone at a gas station spark a fire? I’ve heard that, but from what I gather it isn’t true. 2602. What makes a guy see a chick as less of a cute little girl and more of a woman? I don’t know? 2603. What is it about football that makes people want to watch it? I guess they get caught up in the competition of it all, and like to root for their favorite team. It also is a bonding thing for some people. 2604. What is the best show on tv? I couldn’t say what the best is. 2605. Are you more of a tape dispenser or a stereo speaker and why? Uh.
2606. What do you think is overrated? Nutella.
what is underrated? Oreos and coffee. Haha. I’m obsessed. 
2607. Can spiders ump? Ump?
Did you interpret that as 'jump' or 'hump or 'bump' or other? I immediately assumed you meant jump, which I was going to say but then I saw this part of the question. 2608. What's the matter with adults today? What’s the matter with people today. 2609. Have you ever worked 'off the books'? No. 2610. Have you ever worked 9-5? I have never had a job.
If not do you think you ever will? 2611. Do men or woman make better bosses? That is not how you determine that. It depends on the person and their qualifications. That can be anyone of any gender. 2612. Do you believe that people should more up through a company or that the higher up positions should be filled by people hired from outseide the company? People should be able to move up, yes. That’s usually the goal. 2613. Why is it that no one seems to care about their job? I don’t think that’s true? A lot of people do. A lot of people depend on it. 2614. When I go into a store, why doesn't anyone know anything about what they are selling? I haven’t come across that. 2615. Have you ever seen those people that get that blank, lost expression when they go into a store and kinda shuffle along like zombies? No.
Do you wonder how they got up, dressed themselves, and made it to the store in the first place? 2616. When did you/will you graduate college? I graduated May of 2015. 2617. When will Eminem stop whineing about his bad childhood and move on?? He hasn’t made music in awhile, so. 2618. I am drug free. Are you drug free? Yes. 2619. I have piercings and am getting tattoos. Do you have either? I have my earlobes pierced. 2620. Can you REALLY say that your way is the right way? No. Some things are right for me, but might not be for others. Other things aren’t even right for me, but I don’t know what to do.
maybe there is a different way for everyone? Mhm. 2621. What do you think of the song 'Imagine'? I like it. 2622. Can you think of any reason i might have written this, other than I am bored with too much time on my hands? That’s pretty much it. 2623. What is the purpose of art? To bring up some kind of emotion, maybe? Something pleasing to the eye. Something to make you think. I don’t know.
How about movies? To bring you entertainment.
Music? To bring entertainment, and something to relate to. 2624. Do you think that anything has lost it's value because it's become too 'commercial'? What? Yeah, but I can’t think of a specific thing at the moment. 2625. Have you ever been promoted? fired? I’ve never had a job, as I’ve stated.
2626. What do you call your private area? Does it have a nickname? It’s called a vagina. 2627. What parts of your body are shaved? My legs and my underarms. 2628. What is a peachclam? Uh... why do I feel like it’s something sexual or a name for a vagina? 2629. What is the american dream? To be happy and successful.
Is it the same as your dream? I would like to be happy and successful, yes. That can mean different things to different people, though. 2630. Do you need to be right all the time? No. 2631. There was a sculpture that was supposed to be displayed for a week in the Rockafeller Center in NYC of a falling woman - designed as a memorial to those who jumped or fell to their death from the World Trade Center. It was complained about as grotesque, innopropriate and describe as 'not art' What do you think? I don’t knowwww. It was taken down early because it was seen as 'offensive'. What do you think about that? The artist, Fischl, said in a statement. ``It was a sincere expression of deepest sympathy for the vulnerability of the human condition. Both specifically towards the victims of Sept. 11 and towards humanity in general.'' Are people just too sensative? Or maybe people are NOT sensative ENOUGH to the idea that others may have different views from them (or from the majority)? She these different, opposing or offensive views be allowed to be expressed freely and openly? Why or why not? 2632. What letter's sound do you like the best? W. 2633. What is one movie charater you identify with and why? All the awkward ones. 2634. Do you act the same when you are alone as you do when people are watching? There’s some differences. 2635. Why is everyone so obssessed with superheros? I don’t know. 2636. What cliches do you hear over-used the most? Hmm. I’m not coming up with good answers am I? 2637. Do you handle inconvieniences well? Well, I find them to be rather inconvenient. 2638. Are you a fan of Jackie Chan? No. Nothing against him, just not my kind of movies. 2639. Is a promise a big deal? Yes. 2640. What is your place in the universe? Heck if I know. 2641. Once some scientists dug up a woolly mamoth, frozen in ice. It was still completely whole, not rotted or fosilized. The scientists decided to have a dinner party. It was a very posh affair. they served roast woolly mamoth steaks, the rarest meat in all the world. So, if you were invited, would you have eaten it? Ew, no. 2642. What are 3 things you DON'T want to know? When and how I’ll die, what my future holds (unless something good happens...), and anything regarding the loss of loved ones. 2643. It seems to me that a lot of people don't value their lives, or life in general very highly. Why do you suppose that is? Not sure.
Are you like that? You could say that. 2644. Do you celebrate the harvest moon? No. 2645. Do you believe in out of body experiances? I don’t know. I’ve heard of instances that sound pretty convincing, but I really don’t know. 2646. Why does so much depend upon a red wheel barrel glazed with rain water beside the white chickens? What are you going on about?
2647. Why do so many people get jobs that they dislike? They might not have a choice. They have to take what they can to pay the bills. A sad reality for many. 2648. Do you think that in THIS world, being creative is a handicap? No... Why or why not? I’m not sure why being creative would be considered that way. 2649. Do you ever get chills or shivers during movies? What movies? Not usually. I don’t recall a time I have experienced that. 2650. Do you believe in the collective unconsiouss(that people are like onions..the outer layers are individualistic and the deeper you go the more similar we all are)? I think people are more alike than then they realize in a lot of ways.
2651. Do you think that most people have the qualities you look for in friends/intimate relationships or do you feel alienated? I wouldn’t know since I don’t go seeking out anyone. I’m not outgoing.
2652. Are you very critical: of others? Maybe somewhat.
have you ever tried? Yes. 2657. Imagine you are 34 weeks pregnant. You are healthy and you didn't have any major problems in your pregnancy. Would you consider flying from the UK to Germany, which takes one hour, whithout a bad feeling that something could go wrong or the baby decides to come out earlier? I would be nervous regardless because I’m afraid to fly, but I would still likely go. 2658. How long do you think it would take you to jog a mile? Forever. 2659. Word assciation: twilight: garden: warm: stars: crash: mold: gold: green: lush: 2660. Picture a triangle:
Quick! What color is it?
Teal. Picture a square. Quick! What color is it? Red. Picture a circle. Quick! What color is it? Purple. Why do you think you saw these shapes as these colors? *shrug* 2661. What things are endless? I think everything comes to an end at some point. 2662. Are you ever subtle? Yeah. 2663. “Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens a certain number of times, and a very small number, really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood...some afternoon that's so deeply a part of your being that you can't conceive of your life without it? How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? How can you fully appreciate these moments, every moment, when it all seems limitless?” ~Paul Bowles except from The Sheltering Sky.
Huh. 2664. Do you never have an ordinary day? It’s pretty rare. 2665. Do you embrace every single thing you've never known? I don’t know if I embrace every single thing. 2666. Has anyone ever mistaken you for a satanist? Uh, no. That has never been something people confused me for. 2667. Can stress sometimes be good? Sometimes. It keeps people on their toes, it helps them get things done. Keeps them alert. Too much of course can be very, very bad. 2668. Write something random, just whatever flows out of your head without thinking. Forget punctuation just try to type as fast as you think: “I think I should warm up a piece of pizza soon.”
--Deep thoughts with Steph.
2669. Are you a musical snob? No.
How about a film snob? Nope. 2670. When you were in school did you learn to think or repeat? A bit of both, I suppose. 2671. Do you have everything you need to be happy? No.
If not, what is missing? Sigh. 2672. Would you take a very casualy dropped 'maybe I should just kill myself' as a warning ssign? You should always take something like that as serious. 2673. What does the word 'ironic' mean? Can you give an exaple of an ironic situation? Like... the opposite of what you think or expect to happen. As Alanis Morrisette once said:
“It’s like rain on your wedding day
It’s a free ride when you’ve already paid
It’s the good advice that you just didn’t take
Who would’ve thought, it figures....”
2674. What did you see today that was beautiful in an ordinary way? Nothing. 2675. Have you ever been on the edge of the night? No. 2676. Do you feel oppressed in some way? No, not really. 2677. Who do you think shot JFK? Lee Harvey Oswald.
Who do you think shot Martin Luthar King? There’s speculation and conspiracies surrounding both assassinations. Why do you think they got shot? People didn’t agree with what they stood for. And for MLK, it was some sick racist piece of crap. 2679. Are you aware that although only about 14 percent of the american total population is black, that about 70 percent of the people in jail in america are black? Why do you think that is? What conclusion can you draw based on this?
Sometimes these surveys from this series feel like a homework assignment or paper topic.
2678. Do you think that the culture you live in is completely open to all ideas and forms of expression? Clearly that’s not the case. We have the right to express them, but not everyone is open to hearing or accepting some of it. 2680. What do you think of the character (muppet) on sesame street that has aids and should this kind of a theme be explored in children's television? Well, it’s a reality for some people. It should be talked about. 2681. Are you dyslexic? No. 2682, Can you construct a bong out of: household objects? an apple? your cat?
Never tried. 2683. Starwars, star trek or star gate? Star Wars. 2684. Windows or mac? MAC. 2685. Do you start conversations or wait for other people to start them? I’m not one to initiate conversation. 2686. How many phallac symbols can you think of? Nah. 2687. Would you but tickets to see the top ten american idols sing live? I never wanted to. 2688. A bird may love a fish...but where would they live? Hm... Well, the bird could at least land on something on or near the water and the fish could swim up and they could talk that way. lol. The fish can’t leave the water unless it’s in a bowl of water. 2689. Are you a hologram or a misfit? Uh. 2690. How are you oriented sexually? I’m straight.
Do you agree with the people who say that everyone is bi-sexual even if they don't want to admit it? I don’t agree with that. 2691. If you are the only human on the planet of the apes do you have sex with an ape? I’m not into beastiality. 2692. If you aare making out with a sex someone and you reach down and find they have a fish tail instead of legs do you still fool around with them? “With a sex someone...” what? Anyway, I would be really freaked out. I couldn’t just ignore that. I’d be like, “wtf???” 2693. Does superman wear kryptonite condoms? Sure. 2694. Do you know exactly where you are? I am here.
Do you know the meaning of it all? Nope.
Do you know the distance to the sun? No.
Do you know the echo that is love? Nopeee. 2694. Do you believe you are: extraordinary? Ha, no. I’m very ordinary.
Blessed? In some ways, yes.
Cursed? I wouldn’t say cursed. I’ve just been dealt a pretty crappy hand with some things.
Won? I don’t believe i am “won”, no. 2695. What are you doing this weekend? Nothing. 2696. Do you believe that black people should get money to make up for their previous enslavement? If they were personally enslaved. Also, I don’t think money would make up for that. How would you determine the amount? If they were enslaved they should get something no doubt, like they should be given access to resources and help to things that they need.
Do you believe that all oppressed people should get money to make up for their oppression? Again, I don’t know if money would make up for that. They should be given what they weren’t allowed to have before. Maybe money, but again how do you determine the amount? 2697. What's a quagmire? That pervy guy from Family Guy? 2698. Is philosophy a science or can everyone have their own philosophy? It is a science, but I think people can have their own philosophy about some things. 2699. Are you a big fish in a small pond? I feel like a small fish in a big pond. 2700. Would you like to read an entire novel written in stream of consiousness form? No.
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