#first thigns to do with new computer
edutechbits · 1 year
First Any Computer Supper First Speed
First Any Computer Supper First Speed
First Any Computer Supper First Speed Bought a new computer. Then the speed of the computer gradually decreased. However, the speed of the computer can be increased if several things are taken care of. Let’s find out some such ways: ↓ 1. Themes, animated wallpapers should never be installed on the PC. Theme slows down the computer a lot. 2. Always keep the recycle bin empty. Do not place any…
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jeremy-ken-anderson · 8 months
You Can Tell I'm Working
You can tell I'm learning new things in CS when I won't shut the fuck up about it.
SO the way spelling suggestions work is that you have a couple of ways a word can be wrong - conversion, insertion, and omission. A letter can be the wrang letter, it can have an exztra letter in the middle, or it can do like tumblr and have a letter omittd from it.
You take a big ol' set of these possibilities - first a 25x[number of letters in the word] list of all the altered-by-one-letter spellings (so "wrang" would produce "arang, brang, crang..." and then "waang, wbang, wcang...") and then that would be filtered by which of those outputs matched the list of words in our dictionary. Then you'd have a list of 26x[number of letters in the word + 1] potentially fixing single-letter omissions by trying all the letters in the alphabet in the spaces between each letter and at the start and end of the whole word ("awrang, bwrang..." "warang, wbrang...") and again, offering a filtered selection of which ones are actual words. Finally you'd have the comparatively tiny list of [number of letters in the word] words fixing insertion by removing a letter ("rang, wang, wrng, wrag, wran").
The thing is you'd want to keep these unfiltered lists, because if you have a typo like "thign" where the writer mistyped "thing," none of the above fixes would fix it immediately. To get the right correction you'd have to go two layers out: performing one of the above fixes and then performing one of the above fixes on your result from the first fix. Whether that's omission down to thig and then insertion to thing, or two conversions to thinn and then thing, the point is there are two runs through the engine to get the fix. This does make the operations cost - the length of your "list of fix words" to be filtered - ^n where n is the number of runs through the engine. Like, if it's a 5-letter word there are 286 items in the list of single-letter fixes (5 + 25*5 + 26*6) but for two-letter fixes (such as to fix "thign" to "thing") it's more than squared (meaning it's higher than 81,796). The computational workload rises fast. Luckily, for user convenience you only really want to keep going on this problem until it spits out 4-5 valid (that is, "is a real word") results. Beyond 8 word options the user isn't getting much value, because they're having to scroll through a big ol' list.
But because you might want to save the list for another run-through, it's not optimal (as it might seem at first) to just make the filtering process part of the list-building process. You'll want to keep "thig" so that it can become "thing" during the next round of fixes.
So it's, "Round 1, gather the big list. Turn in the filtered 1-letter fix list as our first options. If that's <8, Round 2, gather the big list for each of the unfiltered results from round 1. Turn in the filtered 2-letter fix list as our next options. If that plus the round 1 list is still <8, Round 3. But that will probably be 8 or more. Most letter arrangements, especially ones vaguely intended to be words by a writer, will reach 8+ real words in 2 mutations.
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john-ruzel-jimenez · 4 years
Yeah tell them.
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Oh hello there you -
Beautiful human being
( I hate humans they scare me no cap )
Im here to properly introduce myself do not worry i will make it short im lazy anyways.
First things first I hope you are doing great as much as I do and im doing fine thank you.
Thigns that I like
Well I like being alone having my own space makes me comfortable I don't really like crowdy places, they make me realize how truly lonely I am.
I love to dance and sing ( I only sing in the bathroom *sigh*) I dont usually talk so I love to express how I truly feel to Sing and to dance.
I also love video games makes me step away from reality an I pay every kind you name it I probably play it from mobile games to computer games. ( Hit me up if you wanna play or whatevah)
I love love kpop(UwU) and Anime i mean is there anything else to say they're amazing periodt.
I guess thats about it my fav new artist just release new music thanks for reading this plus listen to her music 💖this is my fav one so far in the album.
( btw i love this app how come i just came across this now omuuuu!)
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fadeintocase · 6 years
I’m not fucking around anymore day 5
5-25-18 - 5-26-18
Was tracking some stuff late and got a bit caught up in some things so i didn't get the opportunity to write one of these last night.
but! I did get to try out an app my friend @revolutionaryduelist reccomended me. It's called fabulous and so far it's living up to its name, but it may just be my optimism for self improvement... or someone else's seeping into mine.
But lets talk about self improvement apps, and the actual point of them.
Got my morning routine solid yesterday, but didn't exercise. Tried something new this morning, an app i'm going to get into a bit more later. I'm thinking of taking some of the pressure off to follow my old routine and try refreshing things a bit. Still keeping all the principles, but trying to find a new way to arrange them.
I got some work done, about as much as I was expecting, though it took longer to get to it.
My night routine, i got half through, fucked up, and got back to later after many a distraction. I am fallible. Lets see how today goes. I'm about to head out to the farmers market. But first!
Take some stuff off your mind
You'll often hear that phones and technology are distracting. You might be in the camp of "ok i'm gonna get this app and it's gonna fix my life" or the camp of "you can't just expect some pretty looking app to fix your life, you have to do the work."
Here's the thing though, building good habits is a lot of work? getting to a place where your perspective is different takes quite the journey sometimes. And this is a very fast moving and very cluttered reality we live in compared to the life before smartphones. Its hard to put your mental and physical energy into what you want to do if you're so concerned with keeping up with everything else.
But! You are the other half of this equation. If you are still submitting to bad habits and time-sinks, none of this will help. These are tools you need a mindset to use, not a crutch for a lack of one.
Bad apps
Social media is great. I get a lot of laughs from twitter and tumblr. I took them off my phone. If you're away from your laptop, you won't get distracted from your tasks by checking social media sites. your friends can IM you, you will be far from isolated, you still have the literal rest of the internet, and these gaps will only last as long as you're away from yout computer. That detachment will free up so much mental energy if you can get through the first week of checking your phone and shit not being there.
Stuff like youtube or netflix are great for leaving on background noise i can half tune into while working on non-music. Those i also took off my phone, so I don't get caught up watching 20 10-minute videos on youtube on the toilet, or 2-3 episodes of a show while in bed.
Productivity Apps.
So you gotta keep track of a lot of stuff to break your own programmed cycles and habits.
Pomodoros - Clocking Work : If you're a freelancer who has to work your own hours, you've probably tried out pomodoro before. If you haven't, it's a really simple productivity method. You sit down and work for 25 minutes, get up and break for 5, repeat 4 times and take a longer break on the 4th. The times are variable, and you can find what works better for you. I use it for longer, sit-down focused work. It ensures you're switching tasks just enough to keep your mind focused, but not enough to overwhelm you, and most encourage you to do something physical during breaks so you're not getting stiff. I use the app Flat Tomato as my pomodoro timer. Helps me track how much i've done each day, too!
Habitica - Checklists : This is a checklist app with an RPG interface. Really. It's pretty cool. You have habits, which are + or - points, dailies, which you have to do every day or else you loose health, or to-dos, which give you points when you complete them. You can group stuff into tags to sort if you have a lot of daily tasks. I have morning and night tags where i can just narrow down to my extensive list of thigns i check off. And the items, pets, and weapons and party system is just a cute quirk.
Fabulous - Self Improvment: Speaking of cute quirks and routines, this app here is all about it. So much so that i'm changing up my morning and night routines to see how following it better helps my situation. It's another element of novelty i need to keep clmimbing i suppose. This app is geared toward exactly what I want to do. To structure your routines and activity to make things efficient and less stressful, to do stuff that make you mentally and physically healthier. Not only that, it's chock full of "scientifically proven most effecient x" kinda stuff. Exercise routines, breath work, a lot of other suggestions. It's pretty much what i'm all about and I'll probably talking about this a lot. The interface is also adorable and calming. Thanks, Taz!
Calm - Meditation : This is a meditation app and my favorite personally? It has guided meditations. If that's too much for you, it has timers with bells. If that's not enough for you, it has a breath cycle timer to do instead of meditating. It also has bedtime stories and a lot of calming background noises. If you don't have some isolated woods to go out and meditate in, apps like this are a good option.
VGFIT Yoga : The best yoga app I've seen. Has some 15-20 minute yoga classes with different goals and levels of difficulty. I'm still on flexible beginner but I aint trying to be a gymnast so I'll stay where i'm comfortable.
Lifesum - Meal trackers: Making sure you're eating right is important. Apps like these have stuff to scan barcodes to track stuff easier too! I actually don't use these, because being meticulous about eating habits is somethin i like to keep full control over. you will never get me to eat breakfast, apps. Never. Bulletproof coffee or nothing.
I tried to mention apps that sync up with apple's Health API, which I like because i can track so much stuff about where i'm at.
I aint got videos you guys can go look up some apps instead.
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gabnoel-blog1 · 5 years
Know Thyself
Based on the results of your personality test and the recommended careers for you, answer the following:
 ‒ Do you agree or disagree with your test results? Why? 
I do not entirely agree with results of my test, I found myself to subscribe more to my first result “ENFJ” rather than ENFP-A/ENFP-T. However I do understand that I did change as a person, however ENFP-A seems like a more matured version of ENFJ after comparing the two. It shows that I have grown a more practical side but also more people oriented. 
‒ Do the recommended careers (based on the infographics) appeal to you? Why/why not? 
 “Campaigners have a  solid foothold in any human science or service, from psychology, counseling and teaching to politics, diplomacy and detective work.”
These career choices do appeal to me, because 1) I am currently taking up Psychology and Legal Management 2) I have thought about going into politics. I do have an interest in a profession that typically work with other people and in service to other people. “So long as they get to use their people skills, identify and achieve their own goals and inspire their colleagues and followers, Campaigners will be happy.”
‒ How will the knowledge of your personality type help you to become a successful business leader?
Knowing one’s personality helps us understand who we are, and what makes us who we are. Through we also understand the underlying reason as to why we do the things we do, and the goals we pursue and the how we choose to pursue them. Personality types help us understand things we find passion in and things we don’t, gives us a deeper analysis on our lives and how we live them. By knowing my personality type I understand that I am currently in the right course, something which I had doubts on in the past, but this just reaffirmed my choice of course. The results also provided for me my strenghts and weaknesses, thus showing me what I can improve on and what to capitalise on. 
– How does your introversion/extroversion level compare across these 2 tests? Do you agree with the results? Why/why not? 
My extroversion levels on the MBTI and Big 5 test were 64 and 63 respectively, relatively the same score which I guess would represent that my personality being more extroverted rather than introverted. According to the Big 5 test “Individuals who score high on Factor I one are outgoing and social. Individuals who score low tend to be shut ins.”,  I guess this would be a somewhat accurate analysis of who I am, I see myself as an outgoing person that would rather be out and surrounded by other people rather than at home by myself. Although I did notice that it was not as high as I expected, and after some reflection on the results I realized that even though I lean towards the extrensive side, I too appreciate moments to myself; and that I am not dependent on others to define or have a good time. 
– Based on the definition of each trait, how would you describe yourself?
Factor II was Emotional Stability, in this factor I scored in 66th percentile, a score which I believe is accurate to an extent seeing as it leans closer towards the positive areas (100). I believe that I am an emotionally stable person, who has a grasp over his feelings, and that I usually dont let my emotions get the better of me. I feel that in certain circumstances I am more proactive than reactive, the latter being the common response to different problems as seen in “social media warriors”, I see myself as someone composed amidst stress and outside factors. 
As for Agreeableness, the factor which I rated 2nd lowest in, with the results finding me in the 40th percentile, I was quite shocked at this result. Having read that those who rate lower in this factor are more “critical and aggresive”, I was shocked to have seen these results because in group works I seem to be a passive person, opting to be just a member as opposed to being a leader, I find it to be more comfortable to be just a member following instructions as compared to the task of a leader who is more hands-on and in control of most of the work. However I also realized that I am a critical person, be it in movies and music or in what others have to say. 
Conscientiousness is the factor is that I score lowest in, with a score in the 31st percentile, and the definition provided that those who score lower those who are impulsive and disorganized. Before this I hadn’t really thought about myself being a person who is careful nor impulsive, but having seen this result I thought back to my work habits and my work ethic in general, and disorganized for a lack of a better term fits the description. I tend to procrastinate for long hours, having to end up doing the work in the “clutch” hours, and that I had no specific plan of action or time table when doing my work and I just do it whenever I feel like I want to. I work sporadically, however in those moments where I find myself working I believe I am very efficient and that working when you want to actually shows that you believe in what you are doing as opposed to writing for the sake of it. 
Factor V was Intellect Imagination, a term that is often called Openness to Experience, in this I scored in the 52nd percentile. The definition stated that those who score low tend to be traditional and conventional. Seeing that my score fell in the more positive end of it, I interpret this as me being open to new things, open to different ideas and ideologies. I stray further away from the conventional thought and dwell deeper on things that differ from the traditional. Which I guess my interests in the different genres of film and music are a reflection of this, seeing that I look for things beyond what everyone loves and that I have different taste than that of most people.
 – In your view, are the results of your MBTI and Big 5 tests consistent? Why/why not?
Yes I believe that the results of both my MBTI and Big 5 tests were generally consistent, as evidenced by my 64 and 63 in each of the tests. Even though the factors and measurement were different, when interpreting it they kind of complimented each other. For example, in the Agreeableness factor of the Big 5 test, it found that I am more critical, when I believed myself to be more of a member rather than a leader in a group, but this result was complimented by the “assertiveness” portion of the MBTI test. In the MBTI test one of the strengths of my personality “The Campaigner” was curiosity, which also compliments the Intellect Imagination factor of the Big 5 test, my being curious shows my openness to experience and that I entertain unconventional ideas.
 – Does this test give you additional insights into your personality traits, in addition to those you discovered in your MBTI results? Why/why not?
This test did provide additional insights on my personality traits from the MBTI results, because it provided factors different those in the MBTI test, for example I did not know I was critical and aggressive, and this led to think back about my previous experiences. The same process happened when I got my results for the Conscientiousness factor, which found that I am impulsive and disorganized, something I had not really thought about until receiving the result.  
Is the definition of each characteristic in the R-I-A-S-E-C profile consistent with what you know about yourself? Why or why not?
R- Basically those who are Realistic like real work that deals with hands-on problems, which is something I guess i relate to, because I do not like working with paperwork, or typign numbers into a computer, I believe there are much more fulfilling thigns to do.
I- The Investigative deals with ideas and constant thinking, somehting I guess I do in practice, however seeing that i scored low here, I guess this does not really apply  to me.
A- Artistic. Personally, I am not an artistic person, I appreciate art but I can’t say it really strikes interest in me, and I am not a very creative person.
S- Social, something I believe would best describe me. I like work that involves people, and being around them. The site describe it as work that helps others learn and grow, and avoids machines, something i believe I fit. 
E- Enterprising. I am surprised I scored high in this area. I never saw myself as a business person or I never really saw myself looking to start a business, however I believe if the opportunity ever came up, i believe i would entertain such an idea.
C- Conventional. One who follows clear rules and procedures, though i understand the necessity of rules, I dont adhere to them because i find them restricting.
 • Do any of the suggested jobs fitting your R-I-A-S-E-C profile interest you? Why or why not? Which of the suggested jobs do you think you are capable of doing, based on the level of preparation prescribed in the O*Net profiler? 
Arbitrators and Judges. I guess I found these jobs interesting because they involved the application and practice of law, which I am currently studying right now. I guess this would use the application of the “Investigative” aspect, which is one set on facts and understanding situations. 
• Do you think you will have a fulfilling career if you take one of the suggested jobs for your profile? Why or why not? 
I believe so, since usually judges are usually lawyers before reaching such a high honour, so by practicing law, I guess that would be a possible opportunity.
• Do you agree with the comparison between your level of introversion/extroversion to your R-I-A-S-E-C profile? Why or why not?
To an extent yes because they compliment each other, however I do not see myself as an introverted person, but more extroverted so it was shocking for me to see hints of introversion. 
– What did you learn about yourself by doing the SelfStir assessment? 
That I possess the characteristics of someone who could start a business, something that never really came to mind, but did strike me. This was amusing to me since I never saw myself starting a business but this does interest me.
– What is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness? Did these traits surprise you? Or are you already aware of them? 
I guess my weakness is that I am not a very artistic person, something I was already aware of. 
– What do you think about other people’s rating of you? Are you surprised to learn about their impression of you? Or are you already aware of the image you project to the world?
My rater was someone I am familiar with so the results did not surprise me. We are aware of each others working abilities and styles, and so i guess this was an objective assesment of my work.
 – How important is a 360 assessment in the workplace?
A 360 assessment is important in a workplace because it provides an objective feedback for every individual. The person is not only assessed by himself but by others, this allows them to determine their strengths and weaknesses, some of them made known to them by other people, this could result in the person reaching their potential since they would know where to improve.
 – How can this assessment help you become an effective leader?
This assessment allowed me to understand myself better. The areas in which I have a grasp on, and those which I still need to learn and develop. I can apply these in future situations where I find myself in control of a certain group.
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the-keionbu · 7 years
Hi buddy, what do you think is the girls' favorite social media to share stuff on? Who is the Twitter oversharer? The instagram filter lover, and the Facebook troll(if any) among them, do you think?
But seriously I love this questions oh my goodness.
Yui is and avid Snapchatter. 
Yui has the attention span of a pea, so snapchat is perfect for her because she only needs to pay attention to things for a maximum 10 seconds. And beyond the consuming social media aspect, Yui’s life is one big ol snapchat, since the girl gets distracted super quickly. So over the course of the day, you’ll see the dog she passes on the way to class, a snap of Ritsu sleeping in class, closeups of Azusa shoving the phone away from her face, her lunch, JUST SO MUCH. 
Yui loves snapchat, because she loves that she can constantly share what is of the utmost importance of that particular moment for all her friends to see. And there’s little to no reading, just pictures. Like, Twitter is fast, but Yui doesn’t want to read that much. Snapchat just involves her putting pictures and a story together, which is perf
AND FILTERS. Yui also loves the filters, particularly putting filters on her friends (Mugi also loves doing snapfilters with Yui) (they always put the cat one on Azusa)
Mio’s a wannabe hipster and has made her lowkey photography profile on her Instagram. 
At first her nerd butt was putting her stuff on Tumblr like the rest of of plebs, where she would also put her lyrics/writings paired with her pics. And then Ritsu found her blog (bc Mio left her comp open) and after some (a lot of) teasing about her sappy pics and captions, the supportive part of Ritsu (bc she’s not a complete dick) was like “Mio just put em on instagram and not on dead social media you pleb” ((bc apparently unless you’re in fandom, most people think tumblr is dead, ty marketing class reserch))
So Mio stuck her photos on Insta. At first she slapped the terrible filters on them, but then again, Ritsu is like “don’ do that” and shows her what the ~cool~ instagrammers do
And Mio’s account ends up being pretty popular. Not millions, but around 700+, not including people she knows. 
Ritsu is a Viner. At first I was like “reddit??” because shitposting, but I just oculdn’t see Ritsu taking ample times out of her day to sit down on the computer and shitpost.
Vine is easy for her. Ritsu is constantly moving, talking, being a nuisence. And now she can capture it all in 7 second videos??? and show the world what a Top Class Friend she is??? amazing. Her and Yui have definitely gotten over 1mil plays on a few of her vines (mostly them torturing Mio, or Azusa. Mugi is the featured accomplice to many vines)
she also does some sic 7 sec drum beat or beatboxing (have i ever said that??? bc i hardcore headcanon ritsu as having mad beatboxing skill)
rip vine.......................
Mugi is moves from platform to platform, and mostly enjoys just looking at what her friends are posting. And then like, enthusiasically likes or comments supportinve loving things on them because mugi is literally The Best
but I’m at a toss up of she like Pinterest to see new food and thing creations and pictures (honestly, i really dont know pinterst). I dunno, I really don’t see Mugi as a huge social media addict. Like, canon, she texts her friends really cute texts with lots of emojis on things they’re thinking about (like in the movie with making Azusa’s song) so I really see her more as user rather than creator??
but her instagram is filled with candid friend shots (mugi is the best at getting candid group photos FI GHT ME ON THIS THEY ALL GIVE HER THEIR PHONES WHEN THEY WANT CANDID GROUP PICS)
o wait actually, WAIT WAIT FORGET PINTEREST. Mugi uses Twitter that none of the others know about where she puts short thigns that make her happy. Like when her friends are acting gay. or those nights she feels particularly alone and doesnt want to burden the girls, so she posts on her twitter YEAH YEHA, MUGI USES TWITTER
okay wait how funny would that be if Azusa was like a Yelper because i think that so hilarious and in character
THINK THINK THINK AOBU IT. Azusa hardcore planned out the girls’ London trip to a TEE. you don’t think for one second she went to a place that ONLY HAD THREE AND A HALF STARS??? AND ONLY 56 REVIEWS??? NO SHE HAS STANDARDS. 4.5 STARS AND MINIMUM 200 REVIEWS
and then andTHEN SHE REVIEWS. OH YOU KNOW SHE HARCORE REVIEWS. Azusa had no trouble telling the seniors, barely a WEEK after she met them, to stop being lazy-- SHE HAS NO PROBLEM CRITIQUING A BUSINESS SHE WENT TO ON ALL IT’S FLAWS (and goods)
im like actually giggling at Azusa being a yelping OH MY GODDDDDDD
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lairofsentinel · 7 years
Ok., I'm back.
I've been… drowning myself into Mass Effect Andromeda. And man, it's a painful experience. I don't have the minimun requirements, mostly in my graphic card. :( I have a nvidia gt520 of 1 gb. The minimun required is around gt 700 with 2 gb. I have to play in narrative difficult :(. It's not much of a challenge, but when the encounter is tough (meaning, a lot of objects around and a lot of enemies) my screen freezes sometimes :(. I cry so much for this. I want a new computer T_T.
Even playing it in the lowest quality I can't do it in a smooth way. I played all the mass effect series in the hardest mode T_T to enjoy the adrenaline, but I CANT NOW T_T. It's so sad that they can't make a game for low spec. computers, with the same tech that Mass Effect 2. I don't know, but that game looked marvellous and so easy to deal with in most computers… meh.
I'm playing MEA most of the time with 5 fps. Horrible, because I can't see many animations, and when chars speaks, they desynchronizes with the sound, so … you finished listening Jaarl but then, his animation goes sloooooowly in the middle. Sad, Sad. And man, Havarl is just madness… with all that vegetation. I can heard my computer swearing at me.
I hope some day I will buy a better computer, or upgrade this one to replay this game.
Spoilers Ahead
About the game and my impressions.
So far I've gone, I spent like 50 hours in this painful experience.
Got 100% viability of Eros, Havarl and Voeld, and now I've visited Aya to talk with people around and be bbf with Evfra, but senpai is so mistrustful haha.
Fist the first: who the fucking shit suggested to give us a fucking Mako?? I lose so much time trying to go somewhere with this shitty vehicle with crazy directions and being a total bullshit to climb a land a bit steep. Argh!!!. I’m so angry with this shit. More considering you can’t go, like in DAI, without the fucking horse and enjoy the view and the banter while walking. No, you have ice or radiation AND lag as fuck to worry about. Meh.
About companions?. Hey, I knew already who were going to be of my like: Jaal and Vetra. Vetra is just so… awww. The way she open her … thigns beside her jaw. Little precious badass Vetra. **Smooch**.
I don't get along much with the humans. Cora reminds me soooo much of Casandra and the disappointment of coding a straight char as a lesbian. She even has hard crushes on the Asari, but hey… no girls. When Asari are… you know, blue women.
Gil is weird. I don't know if I like him or not. Most of the time I don't get what he is talking about. But I truly love his interaction with Kallos. I think that, being in my Pathfinder's shoes, I would stress a lot more about those two, because this is not only theoretical disagreement. Man, Gil makes modifications in the core of the ship and then Kallos undoes that…. That's pretty dangerous!!! fuckers. Stop playing with our ship like kindergarten children!.
Liam is another char I don't know much what he talks about. He is specialist in crisis, and I thought it was something related to crisis in battlefield. I didn’t see any of that. Then I thought he was kind of psychologist working with the stress of the crew, which could make sense with all his suggestions to make the crew work in a smooth way… but man, he is more stressed than anyone else – well, probably not as much as Gil -
Peebe is a meh so far. I'm a bit tired of Asadi, I guess.  I wanted Liara's father. A Half-krogan Asadi would be much better.
Vetra, I love her. I'm waiting for Reyes to check, otherwise, I will go with Vetra. She got my real-life-heart already.
:( Jaal being straight is another disappointment. Well, not much. I mean, I usually don't like to romance Aliens. It feels weird to me. Like… I love Vetra but… gurl, I can't caress you, that exoskeleton of you is so turning off, lol. Plus, you may give me a deadly allergic reaction. Less tempting.
But well, Jaal should be bisexual. I mean, all aliens willing to go into a relationship with a human should be, because as I said before, if you are into aliens, what the fuck bothers you a gender that may not follow your species' rules?. Gender across species is completely useless, because culturally and socially, different species have different perceptions. But well, there you got your highly repulsion towards gay relationships. Mass effect has been always known by that. (cough cough, ME1, ME2, and barely fixed in ME3)
Jaal being so open and free with emotions could be a nice thing to see in a gay relationship. It would be fresh air.
Suvi makes me irk. This is completely biased of my part, I know, but man… I detest creationists. One thing is to believe in something, even though you respect science. Another thing is mixing both just to fit your beliefs (something that nowadays it's such a sensitive topic). Like creationists.  
They lack of real understandment of how science works and how evolutions works. And the worst of it is the fact that she is a scientist. Not that I never heard about scientists with beliefs. I know a bunch of them, but they do not go to say this thing of “God is who created everything. I explain him because everything is so perfect, and perfection can't exist without a creator”. Like.. no. First, what we know of the world is that clearly it's not perfect. (Check DeGrasse Taylor's video on youtube talking about the stupid design of the life. It's a gem.) The good things that we see today it did it ONLY through natural process: if you can survive, you sum points into the evolution scale. You can't survive?, die. Stop  spreading your failed genes. Simple as that. Nothing of “perfection” exists here. It's basically “natural eugenics”.
But well, probably some people would like her. I feel so lack of options when talking with Suvi that I can't deal with her. Like… c'mon, I've got this conversation thousand of times, and my arguments are not even here to choose!!. hahaha. So annoying I am.
Plus, Bioware is always so worried about the “butch lesbian” stereotype, but they give a fuck about the “mystical cherry lipstick lesbian” stereotype. PFFFFFT. Another lesbian char that disappoints me :( so far. Beside, extra negativity to her because she lags like hell when I talk to her… it seems her hair has a lot of rending and my computer hates her. Haha.
Drack is so lovely. I loved 2 krogans in ME series: Wrex and this one. Besides, I feel that Drack allows you to explore a nice bound that we don't see much in videogames: the grandpa/granddaughter relationship. I still don't know how his loyal mission goes, but.. he is so wise and… you can feel his years in the way he speaks, but also that gentleness that comes from a grandparent. I love him.
Man, about the ketts and the remmants. I don't know. I feel everything is reapers.
The ketts are like a cult to reapers, to that “superior one” that the Archor itself has to follow. It seems.
Remmants looks like ancient AI, in vaults UNDER the ground. This sounds to me “the seed we planted to harvest later”. Fucking reapers. There are also many suggestion all along the game related to “how weird people felt” once they were attacked by remmants. Like…. Indoctrination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (playing a prequel makes you play it so full of biases t.t)
Also, Angara are SO fucking similar to Prothean. I wonder if they are not protheans that evolved in another way in Havarl. They even have prothean's sculptures all over the planet… like.. please, bring Liara here, I need to talk to her about this!.
And you also saw that thing of “remembering past lives”. This is the object that Javik used to have in his room, when he asks you what you would do if you would see all the past times, the dead people alive, the old ancient skies, all again but then, returning to reality, you would be shocked by it, because all that is gone. That's exactly what that “family heirloom” does. I'm totally convinced angara ARE protheans. A different evolved branch though.
Also… did you see that fucked reaper in Eos?. The one that came up from the ground?. Fuck shit. I put s settlement in Eos, as the game forces you, but now I regret it. That fucking reaper asshole is orbiting around Eos, SCANNING it!!! WTF!!!!
But well, I will continue playing all these days ahead and keep sharing my thoughts about this.
I need to find Reyes before Vetra got me completely (I want to see if Reyes is worthy a shot, probably I won't replay this game until I have a proper computer because lag is super painful), and I have no idea when or where I will find him.
I'm still in the quest of bringing hope to the Angara and working most of the time in 100% viability in the planets I can land. I've just  been allowed to go into Aya because I saves Moshae.
I hate to work (in real life lol) and break my beautiful daydream of playing without stop.  Haha.
I will sleep so bad these days.
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nostalgiaispeace · 3 years
1. Do you like having your picture taken? No.
2. Have you ever done a photo shoot, professional or non? yes
3. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why? london because i’ve always wanted to go
4. Who would you take with you on this little adventure? my husband and daughter
5. What would you say is the most daring thing to do in a lifetime? deciding to become a parent.
6. Would you ever do that? i did it
7. Have you ever done crossword puzzles? yes
8. Ever actually completed one? yes
9. Pick up the closest book and write a sentence at random from it. no
10. Do the same with a lyric from either a cd or the radio. no
11. Have you ever tried to analyze your own dreams? no
12. Would you put up posters in your room? yes
13. Can you sing? yes
14. Do you ever sing to yourself while doing everyday tasks? Yes.
15. What’s your favorite color of post-it note? Pink.
16. How many cassette tapes do you own? none
17. How many cd’s do you own? a shit ton
18. Ever bought a cd for just one song? yeah
19. What would your perfect day consist of? reading outside on the porch with a pack of smokes and a cup of coffee
20. Have you ever lied to get off the phone or out of talking to someone online? probably
21. Have you ever written a survey? no
22. How about a song? If so share it. yes
23. Or maybe a poem? If so share it or one of them. yes
24. Is your vcr flashing 12:00 all the time? lol vcr
25. Do you read your horoscope? no
26. If so, do you base your day on it? -
27. Would you rather chew gum or use mouthwash and why? i’d rather just brush my teeth
28. Do you floss? yes
29. Are you addicted to napster like me? no
30. How many times a year about are you sick? a lot
31. Ever been in an airplane? yes
32. If so where were you flying to? many different places
33. What radio station to you listen to most? a rock one
34. What color are your shoes? -
35. Was fuzzy wuzzy a bear? yes
36. Do you know how to play dominos? no
37. Or do you think I just mean pizza by that? pizza
38. Speaking of pizza, what’s your favorite kind? (toppings and/or place to get it from) just cheese
39. What color are your eyes? Brown.
40. How many surveys have you filled out this lifetime? a lot
41. Describe your bedroom, include all details. i would rather not
42. Name one person your life is made better by. my daughter
44. How about someone else’s? Huh?
45. Can you do math with ease? no
46. What size is your computer screen? idk
47. If you could only talk to one person online who would that be? idk
48. Name your favorite type of music and why. lana del rey
49. Are you a vegetarian? No.
50. How about an aspiring actor/actress? no
51. What famous person dead or alive would you interview if you had the chance? marilyn monroe
52. Which movie can you watch and say the lines along with the actors? harry potter
53. Name one of your passions in life. reading
54. What’s your least favorite time of day? early mornings
55. Who’s your favorite member in a band, singer, guitarist, bassist, drummer, and why? the singer
56. Do you use hairspray or gel? no
57. Describe your favorite meal. pizza
58. What color is the inside of your head when you close your eyes? black
59. Ever listen to classical music? not really
60. Have you ever said lol in real life without thinking about it? probably
61. Do you find you use internet language when writing notes irl? no
62. What songs would be on your ideal cd? lana
63. Say one thing you’ve learned today. nothing new
64. What is the best present you’ve ever given someone else? idk
65. What is the best present someone else has ever given to you? my daughter
66. So hey, what’s your full name? Ashley
67. Describe yourself while drunk. a mess
68. How big are the windows in your house? normal size
69. Do you wear a watch? Nope.
70. What’s the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done with someone else? um nothing
71. What’s the largest age difference between you and someone you’ve dated? 5 years
72. How many mirrors do you have? 2
73. Write one sentence stating what you want people to say about you after you’ve passed on. she did her best
74. Have you ever sailed? Nope.
75. How fast can you run? not fast
76. What do you believe in? idk
77. How long does it take you to get ready to go out? not long
78. Do you shower daily? If not how often? yes
79. What one thing would you change in your life if you had the power to do so? my weight
80. Describe the ideal superpower and what you would do if you had it. invisibility
81. Are candles romantic or a fire hazard? both
82. Name something you’ve done in the last 24hrs no matter how big or small. slept
83. Do you wear necklaces, bracelets, anklets, earrings, rings? i haven’t worn any in a while
84. What colors are you wearing right now? mostly black
85. How often do you change the sheets on your bed? not often. i jsut wash them and put them back on
86. Have you ever gotten lost? yes
87. What’s on your computer desk? -
88. How many folders are on your desktop at the present moment? a lot
89. When your talking do you ever use your hands to do quotation marks in the air when saying certain words? yes
90. Which landmark would you climb if you could? idk
91. Do you own or have you read, or thought of reading any self-help books? i have
92. Ever seriously questioned your sanity? Yes. 93. Can you breakdance? no
94. What’s in your fridge right now? food
95. How many people do you live with? two
96. Have you or would you ever do anything more than kiss in a public area? No.
97. What is the strangest thing you’ve ever done? give birth
98. Name an instrument you’ve never played but would like to. Guitar.
99. Have you ever been on tv or the radio? yes
100. What is the worst thing anyone could ever do to you? well
101. Are you a fast typer? Yes.
102. How high have you counted before getting bored? idk
103. Describe how you sleep. (ie. your position and/or how you fall asleep) my side
104. Are you straight, bi, gay? I’m straight.
105. Do you ever do something else while on the computer? If so what? yes, watch tv
106. What is the most expensive item you own? my car
107. How about the least expensive? gum
109. What do you do online? tumblr
110. Name some stores you’ve bought clothes in before. walmart, target, hot topic, tj max
111. Have you ever read a book and not understood it? If so which one? yes
112. Have you ever watched a movie and not understood it? If so which one? yes.
113. Do people pick up your slang language more than you pick up theirs? no
114. Are you easily influenced by other people, or current trends? no
115. What makes you unique in your own opinion? idk
116. Name your worst quality. lol
117. Name your best. idk
118. What would you like to do with your life? i just want to be content
119. Do you blowdry your hair? yes
120. How many clocks are in your house? a few
121. Are they all set on the same time? no
122. Have you ever intentionally set a clock ahead or behind the actual time? no
123. What do you think about when you first wake up in the morning? "what time is it”
124. Which browser do you use? firefox
125. Do you bite your nails? yes
126. Would you ever leave little notes to your gf/bf? sure
127. Ever been to a farm? Yes.
128. Tell me about your dream last night. ugh. my husband cheated on me because he said i’m a bad wife and mother. then he tried to take my daughter away from me
129. Ever seen a shooting star? no
130. Say one thing about yourself you’ve never told anyone. um no
131. Do your days fly by or seem to last forever? depends on the day
132. Have you ever stayed in a fancy high class rich hotel? no 133. Have you ever stayed in a rent-by-the-hour motel? No.
134. What in your opinion is the best advertising slogan out there? idk
135. When they start sending rockets to the moon for us civilians, will you be on the list to go? no
136. How are you feeling right now? tired
137. Have you ever written anything on your skin? yes
138. If so what? stuff to remember
139. Which website do you frequent most often? tumblr
140. What color are most of your clothes? Black.
141. Do you own any plants? Nope.
142. Are things as bad as they seem? sometimes
143. Describe the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you. so many things
144. Ever looked directly at the sun? no
145. Have you ever made a pin hole camera to watch the eclipse? yes
146. What’s your favorite cereal? lucky charms
147. Who do you miss? sami
148. Name something you just can’t forget no matter how hard you try. so many thigns
149. Describe the worst fight you’ve ever been in whether physical or verbal. lol
150. Say something else about yourself you’ve never told anyone before. no
0 notes
abbiedodsonmc-blog · 6 years
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Final shoot and evaluation
With my idea clearly decided upon I started my set design which was an important part of creating my final piece. For this I worked out that i would need an A2 foam board in order to paint onto. The aim was to use this as the background to lay my biscuits on. I Bought several foam boards as this allowed me to experiment and acted as a backup in case anything went wrong. I also purchases black, white, blue, yellow and red acrylic paint because Mondriaan  these were the colour that he stated be used when he set the delimitations for De Stijl. For this reason it was important that i stuck to these otherwise it would make my aim unclear. Another thign that Mondriaan stated whe  setting the Delimitations was that the lines should be straight and run horizontally and vertically. IN order to achieve straight lines i decide that i would use tape to achieve incredibly straight lines by putting it on the board and the painting between the tape. On the  first bit of foam board i decided to try this however i encountered two issues. Firstly the tap was incredibly hard to remove from the broad and secondly, when i did removed it caused the board it break and become deformed which was not aesthetically pleasing. I was unhappy with his result and felt it was rather distractive so decided to abandon the board and tape idea. As  way of getting round this issue i decided that the best way forward would be to use a ruler and pencil an draw on the lines straight onto the board. These would act as  guideline when i was painting. I started by painting on the primary colours onto the board basing them off a design i had seen on the internet. I decided that painting on the primary colour first would be the best move because it meant that if i went over the guidelines id draw in pencil that i wouldn't have any issues because i was going to go over that in black. IF i had done the black first and i had gone over i would have had to increase the wide of the black lines, and if i had gone over onto the black when  painting in the primary colours i would have had to re repaint the black so i decided that the most time efficient way would be to start by painting the primary colours. Even though the lines were not all perfectly straight when you looked at it up close, from a distance this was not so noticeable. If i were to do this part of the set preparation again i would use a harder material as my background so that i could use tape in order to achieve straight lines.
Having Finished painting the background i was now able to move onto the food preparation. My idea saw me paint on Stroopwafels which are typically Dutch which helped to tie my idea, because of Mondriaan being Dutch and the art movement De Stijl have started in Leiden. There were any other typically dtuch food s that i could have chosen to use however i felt that the Stoopwafel would be best because of the chequered pattern that its made up of. I had decided that i would be able to use this in order to create a mini De Stijl on each biscuit. In order to create the pattern on the biscuit i decide to used food colour. Having watched my sister use this method for painting on cakes when she does her cake decorating, i knew that using food colouring mixed with vodka would be the best way to apply the food colouring. Due to the food colouring coming small tubs in a jelly like substance it would have been almost impossible to neatly apply this to the biscuit, plus it wuld have looked lumpy and untidy. ITt was for this reason i decided to mix it with the vodka because the some vodka would soa into the bisutit and the rest would evaporate and leave the food colouring on the biscuit in a near manor. Adopting this technique also gave me more control over how and where i was applying the colouring. Once again I used a photograph as a guidline and then carefully painted on the mixture makifn sure to follow the lines on the stroopwafel. Using a spare Stroopwafel meant i could experiment and see what would wok and what wouldn't. It was from doing thsi that i found out that the black and red would work however the yellow and blue were either not showing up or nto giving a true representation of the colours that i wanted them too even though i tried with several different shades of blue and yellow. It was at this point i decided that i needed to use the acrylic paint i had bought.
 From my test shoot i decide that i liked the 4 bisciuts with the De  Stijl recreation painted on them in colour best against the white background. When setting up i needed to make sure to tuck the cables for the  lighting underneath the backdrop to prevent them being a health hazard and risking my or Sophie tripping over them when the lights were off. Another thing that i did to prevent any injuries was to make sure that any heavy lifting was done with two people, for example the wooden pallet that i used a base. In order to achive the top down shot i required for this photograph i used a top view tripod. This was a new technique for me as i normally shot from head on. I found that i prefered this was of shooting even thought it was harder to review my images as i was shooting. I feel it would have benefited me to have been working tethered so that i would review my images quickly as i went along. As for lighting i used a soft box and flash.The aim was to use high key lighting in order to give a clean look. When i was shooting i had to make sure to brush the biscuits off with a paint brush to make sure that there were not unwanted crumbs. This helped me to achieve a cleaner and neater looking photograph. I started off by setting my lights to 2.6 and having my camera settings set to 125 sec. and my aperture at f/11. however i this produced images that weren't correctly exposure because the white background was still slightly grey. For this reason i changed my aperture to f/8 in order to let more light in so that the white would be brighter. At this setting the whites were considerably whiter however the biscuit was not overexposed. Once i was happy with this i took  a variation of photos changing the ocus so that image a better chance of having a photo that was correctly focused. After doing this i decided that i could photograph each individual bisciut in case i wanted to Photoshop them all together  on a A4 document. This would have allowed me to have a more detailed image. Onoce i finished my shoot i tidied away the tripod and the lighting and went to load my photos onto my hard drive
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Firstly i opened up Lightroom on the school computers because lightroom doesn't work on my home computer. I then plugged my sd card and hard drive into the computer. I then made sure that i was exporting my images fro my SD card over to my Lightroom calaltlougue on my memory stick. I then created a folder called Master class final shoot, and then created 4 subfolders, Capture, Selects, Master and Output. I then changed the setting to make sure that the photos were exported into my capture subfolder. I then pressed import and waited. Once they had finished i was able to review my images and decide which ones i wanted to use. These were than exported to my Selects fold. From here i made used the raw editor to make small changes to the image with regards to exposure, highlights which i increased by 0.5, shadows which i decreased  because i didnt want the patterne on the biscuit to be too overpowering as it was distracting. 
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Once i was happy with the edit i exported it to my master folder so that i could edit in Photoshop. Between exporting the files i made sure to synchronize the folder so that the Lightroom version was up to dat and all the folders appeared in the right places. Once i had opened up my phone in photoshop i started by dulpicating the back ground layer so that i could destructively edit without risking destroying the image. I then selected the top two buisciuts usint the marquee and inversed the selection. After pressing deleet to remove the rest of the photo i use CTRL T to rotate the image slightly so they matched, I did this with two of the other biscuits as well as moving them slightily so that thy were all equally spaced. After i had done all this I saved the file as a TIFF and PJEG into the master folder so that they could be put onto tumblr.
I feel that my final my photograph shows aspects of cubism, however i feel that it complies more tot de delimitation of De Stijl laid down by Mondriaan. I feel this because imade sure to thoroughly used the primary colour as well as black and white and only these colours. The only aspect of it that did not comply to the delimitation came from me using the stroopwafel which was brown.On the other hand if i had painted the bisciut white, and colpied to the delimitation then i feel that the photograph would have been harder to interpret. I feel that by leaving the stroopwafel neutral, that it conveys a sense of vulnerability  and obscurity which almost acts as a parallel for the cubist art movement as a whole because which was so different to anything that had been done before that the work was vulnerable to being harshly critiqued and shunned. Furthurmore i feel that by me choosing to leave the stroopwafel unconvered i was able to convery a sense of simplicity. In addition to this i feel it represents how the stroopwafels form and design has been left untouched since its creation in Gouda in the late 18th/ early 19th  century. I would say that this piece of work was heavily influenced by De Stijl instead of cubims on the whole, however i think that it comes from dutch culture having been such a large part of my life and that instils a sense of curiosity and the need to develop my knowledge further.
As I have briefly stated, the aim of this piece of work was to help make people of the millennial generation more aware of a less well known art movement that was influenced by cubism because i felt that people were unaware of it. Having been blessed with a different, more cultured upbringing than most people receive, which has come from living in a foreign country for so long.  I feel that its important to use something that is so familiar to me as inspiration especially as it allows me to convey opinions and thoughts that i would  normally keep to myself. The idea of the piece was to clearly show Mondriaan’s De Stijl  however i wanted to show it in a way that broke the conventions of cubism. For this reason i chose to use circular biscuits, and to leave they circular instead of cutting them up into harsher shapes much like the ones used by Picasso in the analytical phase of cubism. I hoped that by breaking these ‘boundires’ of cubism, that a parallel could be drawn between my work and the cubism as an art movement which in itself was so ground breaking and different in comparison to the structured method that had been follow for hundreds of years. Another reason for choosing to use stroopwafels instead a a digestive was down to ts heritage. I felt that due to the stroopwafel having been ‘invented’ in Gouda, which was only 30 km from Leiden that the two could be closely linked in a a geographical sense. This also had some sentimental value and bared a  sense of relatability and familiarity for me as i lived within close proximity of both Gouda and Leiden. As i stated earlier, the stroopwafel also was the best option for geometric reasons. The pattern on both sides of the waffle conforms with the characteristics of De Stijl making it the perfect choice.
Over all i was very happy with my final result,  as i feel that the set up i adopted for my final shoot, communicates the ideas i wanted to better than my original set up did. on the contrary i feel that without a small amount oh knowledge with regards to the  history of De Stijl that some may struggle to grasp the concept of my work. Even though this may suggest that the piece was not successful, id hope that they would go away and out of curiosity, do some research in order to try understand. This in turn would make the work successful because my intention was to make people aware of the movement. like  If i were to repeat this assignment and do it again i would give myself longer in the studio to experiment with different angles and possibly use jells because i only shot from a top down perspective and using normal lighting.
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