#firm believer in dldr
🔥 on fanfiction as a whole, let's go
hmmmm i see this come up a lot but honestly i think "mass-banning any theoretically icky subject matter" would do ultimately more harm than good.
like take non-con, for probably one of the tamer examples. maybe the author of that fic really is just getting off on it. or maybe they're working through trauma. maybe they're attempting to address the issue seriously but their technical skills aren't quite there yet. maybe they're a teenager writing fucked up shit because life is so scary and this lets them conceptualize that fear (god knows I did). anyways at the end of the day the only way you as a reader can know the difference is demanding other people divulge their personal traumas to internet strangers which is, not cool dude.
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felidaefighter · 2 years
Not sure how I feel about somebody reblogging my one (1) singular Dark SBI fic I’ve written-- when almost everything else I write is fluff-- immediately after reblogging an essay on the “problems with the Dark SBI trope” ???
Granted, I am unable to read the full essay at this time, but reading the TLDR it seemed to be genuine so. Lil confusing/concerning there in my opinion
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kaiba-fangirl · 8 months
Hi, nonbinary bi in Florida here: that person who blocked you? Definitely doesn't speak for all of us. Firm believer in SALS, DLDR, and kinktomato here. Firm believer that FL is doing stupid shit. Hate incest fics, think they're gross, but I'll defend them to my dying breath because not doing so leads to shit like what my hell state is doing rn.
I know it's obviously not most. Probably not even a lot. Just sucks for everyone that they're not helping ya know 😔
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bettsfic · 6 years
Tagging is a must for some people's survival. Please don't be be a dick, I like you so much... I so don't want to have to stop...
i absolutely agree that tagging is established and necessary fic etiquette and i will personally never stop doing it. i’m just pointing out that i’ve seen pitchfork mobs flagging appropriately tagged fics on ao3 for the sheer fuckery of it and wanted to point out that the ToS have hard and firm guidelines on what they will take down and why, which goes unheard by the purity police who seem to think their personal taste is reason enough to delete a work from the archive.
don’t worry, i’m a firm believer in appropriate tagging and dldr.
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