#firefighter theme
ekowkumasi · 8 months
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Children - Traditional Kids Kids' room - mid-sized traditional boy carpeted kids' room idea with blue walls
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prx2012 · 9 months
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Children in Raleigh Example of a mid-sized classic boy carpeted kids' room design with blue walls
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whatwooshkai · 2 months
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HOT TAKE: I think heatwave’s third alt mode should’ve been a firefighting plane. no I will not be taking questions
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toughpaperround · 2 months
What will Buddie choose for their 80's-themed karaoke song?
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So many men, so little time - 1983, Miquel Brown (lyrics)
Can't fight this feeling - 1984, REO Speedwagon (lyrics)
Alive and Kicking - 1985, Simple Minds (lyrics)
St. Elmo's Fire - 1985, John Parr (video)
Always on my mind - 1987, Pet Shop Boys
I feel the Earth Move - 1988, Martika
Right here waiting - 1989, Richard Marx (lyrics)
I will always love you - 1992, Whitney Houston
Miami Vice theme - Jan Hammer
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thecutestgrotto · 2 months
Hiiii, your dividers are super cute and I love how you nail every theme in them as well /gen, I was wondering if I could request something related to firefighters /firefighter themed? If not it's totally alright! Love your acc btw! And have a nice day ^^
Hi anon! Thank you for the kind words 💗💗
(I know most firehouses don’t actually have Dalmatians anymore but I couldn’t resist adding a little cartoon one)
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lazydreamartryn · 1 year
LOOK, I know we are already at the end of January, but hey at least you got the whole month of febreary now right? I ajusted the size of the first one so you guys can get the full thing.
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Im still working on the rest of it kids dont worry. But its.. its very hard because... ya know.. The Sun Ai is just so addictive, he takes all my time of drawing ;-;
@fizziepop I hope you like those?
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nymika-arts · 1 year
The episode feels like a bunch of scenes just shoved together with no purpose but to last the necessary 43 minutes.
you're watching a procedural drama my friend most episodes are just scenes put together to make up 43 minutes of air time
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aftgficrec · 2 years
Staff Recs - A Skulk of Foxes
This month’s recs feature fics with a whole lotta Foxes. -AFTG Fic Rec Fam
what’s yours is mine by bazookajo94 [Rated T, 15534 Words, Complete 2021]
Neil sees Kevin Day everyday at the train station, but Kevin Day never recognizes Neil.
When Kevin finally does notice Neil, he also immediately falls on the train tracks and succumbs to a coma of indeterminate length.
Then all of Kevin’s friends and family assume Neil is dating Kevin, and Neil doesn’t know how to tell them he hasn’t spoken to Kevin—or anybody at all, really—for almost seven years.
So Neil lets the Foxes think he’s dating Kevin. Just for a little while. Just until Kevin wakes up.
(tw: implied/referenced suicidal ideation, tw: scars)
reaching for the heights by loveroulettes [Rated M, 119203 Words, Incomplete, Updated Feb 2022]
"I'm not a hallucination."
The warmth of Neil supported that. So Andrew said the next most reasonable thing, "You're a pipe dream." An awful fantasy Andrew dreamed up through all the stupid misery in his life. He didn’t want to believe in the reality of him. Not when he was beautiful and close, trying to make Andrew believe that he was worth something.
The King's Men in Andrew's POV
(tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: violence, tw: dead animal, tw: alcohol, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced torture)
The Foxhole Force by Luna_Moon_26_20 [Rated T, 169200 Words, Incomplete, Updated July 2022]
Neil Josten did not expect to find trouble within the hour of arriving to Palmetto City, yet trouble seemed to find him in the version of some scary looking Ravens looking to recruit him to join their ranks.
Suddenly, Neil finds himself in the middle of a war between the Ravens and... and... who are those people again? And Neil is supposed to be their leader now? That was definitely not on Neil’s agenda.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Or otherwise known as the Power Ranger AU I just had to write because the idea got stuck in my head and how is the idea of the foxes being Power Rangers not appealing?
Come give this story a chance and, who knows? You might be hooked!
(tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: violence, tw: blood)
Make This Leap (Geronimo) by Firefly_shy [Rated T, 24021 Words, Incomplete, Updated July 2022]
At the request of his therapist, British-American Neil Hatford begins attending Palmetto High after being unsuccessfully home schooled by his retired FBI agent uncle. Neil just wants to quietly survive until graduation (or until he can run away), but he's going to have to make friends instead. Meanwhile, high school junior Andrew Minyard has a well-deserved reputation for violence, attends a bi-weekly book club, and lives to annoy his foster brother, Kevin Wymack.
Will Andrew ever finish his book report? Will Neil choose Exy or the Academic Team? Will Katelyn ever get Aaron's number? Will Nicky ever get a clue about anything?
Read more to find out.
(tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced child abuse)
The Game is True Columbia. by bazerella [Rated M, 102,729 Words, Incomplete, Updated July 2022]
Andrew decides it's time to move out of his childhood home and answers an ad on Craigslist. His new roommates are not at all what he expected and he's convinced all three of them share a single braincell.
Matt is a former boxer with teddy bear tendencies; Kevin is petty, proud and never seems to not have an opinion; and Neil is an underachiever with a bit of mystery surrounding him that Andrew can't help be intrigued by.
Somewhere along the way they form a bit of a dysfunctional family along with Andrew's twin brother Aaron.
(tw: alcohol)
In Reel and Rout by maydaykevin [Rated M, 91936 Words, Complete, 2022]
On the hunt for treasures large and small, Neil and his Foxes stumble across something far more extraordinary. Adventure ensues, paths are carved, and the sea takes as much as it gives.
(tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: scars, tw: blood/gore, tw: implied/referenced torture)
Crazy Rich Neil by bazookajo94 [Rated T, 11553 Words, Complete, AFTG Big Bang 2021]
When Andrew returns home for his brother’s wedding with a scarred man in tow, everyone and the world assumes that Neil won’t be able to survive the Foxes, notorious for their hazing of new people trying to join their special brand of family.
But as soon as Neil realizes that the Foxes don’t have a problem with him but actually with Andrew, one of their own, Neil decides it’s time to show everyone and the world who the real monster is:
one very crazy, very rich, very much-in-love-with-Andrew-Minyard, Neil Josten.
NB: fic art by @caraleadraws here and @pnkmoneel here
The Greatest Show by sirfatcat_mccatterson [Rated T, 23106 Words, Complete, AFTG Big Bang 2021]
Dan Wilds has always dreamt of fame and fortune. Exotic performances, daring feats, flashing lights. If the whole world is a stage, her life was to be the greatest show on earth. After some hard work, Dan and her family seem to have it all. And it was them against the world.
When a charismatic singer pulls her away from her family, she has to fight to get her life back, and hope that it's not too late to save what's left.
NB: fic art by @punchsomeoneforme-willyou here
The Sound by jemwrites [Rated M, 17796 Words, Complete, 2019]
The cottage looked unassuming and quaint, with a wooden ramp up to the front porch and rose bushes beneath the windows. A little sign was nailed above the door, reading The Foxhole. It seemed peaceful. Quiet
Its patrons, however, were neither of those things. Neil could already hear the raucous lot from where he was stood outside the door. Having never spoken to anyone outside of rare, whispered words to his uncle, or his cat, or his mother's grave, Neil knew this would be interesting.
A blond woman opened the door with a smile and glittering eyes. Neil's stomach rolled over itself. He hoped this wasn't a dumb decision.
(tw: violence, tw: derogatory language)
Maybe it was the Zombies by ennui_ephemera [Rated M, 45441 Words, Complete, AFTG Big Bang 2018]
“Turn it off. I can’t watch this any longer,” Matt said.
“We need to know what’s going on,” Andrew replied flatly.
“Andrew, we know what’s going on – the fucking world is ending. I don’t want to see it anymore.” Matt grabbed the remote off the couch beside Neil and flicked the TV off. Andrew didn’t move to stop him.
Near the end of Neil’s last year at Palmetto, an outbreak of a disease, nicknamed the Brazilian Fever, throws the world into anarchy when the diseased bodies that started piling up acquired a hunger for flesh. With so much on the line, Neil and the rest of the Foxes decide Palmetto isn’t safe anymore. While decked out in orange and Exy sticks, there’s zombies, violence, enemies dead and alive, and the underlying need for survival.
NB: Zombie Apocalypse Au art for this fic by @cats-are-assholes 
(tw: blood/gore, tw: gun violence, tw: alcohol, tw: vomit, tw: infant death, tw: fire)
the foxhole hotshots by stormwarnings [Rated T, 16722 Words, Complete, AFTG Reverse Big Bang 2021]
Neil had gotten used to quick turnarounds, what with the suddenness that inmate firefighting often had. He’d learned to go where he was directed, when he was directed. But this was a different kind of toughness, the looks on the rest of the crew’s faces as they loaded up their gear. It wasn’t grim, or determined; they knew what they were heading for, and they were ready for it.
They were excited for it.
He wondered, briefly, why he was here. This was everything he’d sworn never to do. He didn’t love fire, not like these people did, and he didn’t love the land, not like they did. But he glanced around and saw them all talking and laughing, and him on the outside, and he thought, that. They were all pretty asshole-ish people. But for some reason all of them, even Andrew-Minyard-his-maybe-psycho-roommate, wanted to be here. Wanted to do this together. Wanted to be part of this family.
Neil wanted that with a bone-deep ache, so much it hurt.
NB: art for this fic by @buriedinbaltimore can be found here 
You're the Sunflower by Stjosten [Rated M, 40365 Words, Complete 2020]
Neil and Stuart make a deal. Neil will stay at Stuart’s house for the rest of the summer and in August Neil can decide if he wants to stay or if he wants to go. His decision is already made. There isn’t anything here for him and he knows that if he stops running he will be as good as dead in a few months.
It’s unfortunate that this is the moment in his life when he finally meets a group of people that are willing to see past all of his never ending issues and give him a second chance at life. Even if they can manage to give him a thousand reasons to stay, he doesn’t think that it will be worth it in the end. He’s leaving and nothing is going to stop him, at least that’s what he keeps telling himself.
A summer trope filled story that takes place over three months.
(tw: panic attacks, tw: scars)
wingpeople by likearecord [Rated T, 11313 Words, Complete, 2021]
I mean, what else could Nicky have done when he spotted Andrew smiling at the hot guy making his coffee?
Not meddle?
Not get all the Foxes on board?
It's like you don't even know him.
take yourself home by moonix [Rated T, 18846 Words, Complete, 2020]
Despite his best efforts, Andrew finds himself a family.
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whatudottu · 1 year
Something that I have been secretly obsessing over for forever is the idea of a Ben 10 (or general Omnitrix wielder) that goes full superhero and goes and designs secret identities for EVERY transformation, seeing as how though perhaps the wielder themself is from a human perspective disguised behind the face of an alien, well- fairly certain that transformations have their own degree of recognisability themselves-
Find out more in the cut below-
I mean, from the perspective of a human Omnitrix wielder like Ben or many other characters from canon to original may focus on the visual aspect of recognition, so maybe species with more than one recognisable feature or a completely different set of recognition (vulpimancers may recognise scent and perhaps sound, pyronites may recognise - among sight - heat signature or temperature) are kinda looked over without actually putting their all into studying ‘what makes me recognisable’, but like- in all honesty this is just me rambling about what human masks would fit the Omnitrix translation to certain alien transformations without proving detrimental to any of their abilities.
What kind of mask would a lepidopterran wear, one that conserves confidentiality without detracting from mouth-based protectiles, what about piscciss volann with their biting? What about a mask with a beaded mouth covering, perhaps one with antennae (or lures) of it’s own? What kind of mask that a human can wear be safely used on a pyronite? Give em a flame retardant gas mask, one maybe with an open back just to maintain the flame headed aesthetic.
Can you even mask every transformation? Beyond the Omnitrix sample of arburian pelarota being the very few examples of the newly practically if not extinct species, can you mask a face that rests on the main body? Is recognition of Arburia dictacted in fact by the face of a pelarota or is it determined by shell and (apparently they have hair) fur patterns?
Well, perhaps in that case a superhero outfit is best for the situation!
What superhero mask doesn’t come it with it’s own superhero costume? Well perhaps you could outfit your arburian pelarota transformation with a cloth ‘mask’ that physically acts as the shirt, they do after all have ‘eyeless vision’, all in due part according to their sensory fur (how do you think they see when rolling rolling?). Why not pair our pyronite mask with a firefighter coat, make them seem like a heroic rescuer rather than a TF2 Pyro main, the chunkier and more Fire Force it looks the better. And what about another member or a near extinct species petrosapiens sporting layers of sound absorbing clothing, worn with perhaps a full head mask that also helps insulate from sound as a defense whilst keeping up an optimal level of anonymity.
Masks with bells, give them to aliens that recognise with sound. Masks with real flowers, give them to aliens that recognise with scent. Put a mask in the fridge or let it sit in the sun, give it to an alien that recognises temperature.
What degree does body shape affect alien recognition, how different do you want to make the body look, how does your superhero outfit work to perhaps benefit your transformation.
How do you mask an opticoid? Give them a lacy mask/shirt, they don’t give a shit about chest nudity! How do you costume a gourmand? Give them a jacket they can zip right open, maybe just straight up sleeves with extra material that MIMICS a jacket! How about a loboan? Give them a long-nosed eye mask, it doesn’t need to cover the mouth so long as it covers the top of the snout!
Ough I love masks so much-
#ben 10#what do i even tag this as...#eh *shrugs* this is just complete#rambling#honestly i was gonna use this post as an excuse to take a picture of all my non-covid masks#which is about *does a kinda literal head check* about 21 unique masks#which includes one of those dollar store masks who's only feature is the fake flower i decorate it with#but excludes the two masks that i painted for an art protect which- while functionally wearable- are a bit too precious to consider doing so#says me who owns amongst the 21 masks 3 genuine venetian masks one of which is the most elaborate mask i own#but anyway i found an old omnitrix wielder oc that had gone with the whole superhero id thing#but it was clearly when i was a fan of tokyo ghoul (aka one mask across all forms regardless of if it worked + casual outfit)#somewhat related i wonder what other alien cultures have as superhero designs because i guess that informs what 'disguised' means#does one who recognise scent used a perfume instead of a mask? does one cover themselves in icepacks to look colder?#and keep in mind- why the omnitrix wielder may be so attached to masks (aside from me being obsessed with them)#is that before and after transformation they gotta also protect themselves too#i guess this is like super reliant on picking the right outfit or getting the right transformation#but like if you can access the clothing programming of the omnitrix (which it clearly would have if ben gets unique clothes)#then you can have your very own human superhero outfit that only uses it's base component materials to act as source for alien outfits haha#ough i am thinking of firefighter hero heatblast (aka the theme and design that really inspired me to ramble)
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flyboytracy · 2 years
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necromancer-mango · 2 years
imagine if blaseball did music like homestuck in regard to every team having a song and reoccurring leimotifs
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 2 years
Sometimes I think about how Bionicle G2 came out in 2015, and then I remember that I was 13 at the time and have a minor existential panic as I realise that being 13 seems like ages ago but Bionicle G2 seems more recent, which gets worse when I realise that I only got into Bionicle G1 two years before it ended but it seemed longer because I was a lot younger and a year seemed longer because I hadn't been alive for that long at the time, and the chorus of Once in a Lifetime starts playing in my head as I start thinking about the fleeting nature of life, and I panic even more despite the fact that time still Feels Long to me.
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LOL just before arriving home I passed trees on fire 150m from my place.
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rotzaprachim · 2 years
I guess I’ll wait to the new season for as many Vibes As possible but repeating the need for Soc new girl au with Inej and her three male flat mates (Jesper Matthias Wylan!) getting into wacky hijinks
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srdcovka · 15 days
bobby should do that thing sue sylvester did on glee where he locks buck and eddie in an elevator saw trap style until they admit their feelings and get together
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vvizardz · 11 months
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Forever mad they took Knockout City away from me !!!! every day I miss my blorbo
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