#fine ill risk it
prototypelq · 4 months
Palworld fans, check out BUGSNAX, you won't regret it
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Say hi to the precious Bunger)))
It's a creature-catcher-puzzle game, set in a delightfully weird and funny style, which comes as a given, after all it's the product of an Octodad developer team! The bugsnax ecosystem is surprisingly deep, and it's very easy to see how much thought the developers put into each creature. Figuring out how to catch each one and how they interact with each other is the core loop and it is extremely fun! It also has a super cozy atmosphere and a funky vibe to it, which I really enjoyed.
Bugsnax is very very good, don't miss out on it if you like creature-collectors or biology-themed games.
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buckys-metal-arm · 2 months
"Rogue should be with Gambit!"
"Rogue should be with Magneto!"
Wrong. Rogue should be with ME.
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allthegothihopgirls · 2 months
constantly gaslighting myself into believing that my chronic migraines aren't even that bad. until i get one again and it's actively the worst experience of my life.
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lokh · 3 months
ok. washing the tablecloth I was using for the cloak has irreversibly changed the texture
the good news: i like it! it's less stiff now which improves the drape and the slight wrinkling even after ironing makes it seem weathered
the bad news: i may need to wash the hood thats already been sewn and french seamed -_-
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
I am now obsessed with the idea of mama bear Zdog and is all because of your amazing posts 😂 Do you have anything else you want to share about her?🥺
I have had this one idea in my head for like a week now.
I don't know if you've seen bluey, but there's an episode about bluey and bingo's (the main child characters) aunt coming to visit after years of not seeing them, and its not straight out said, but heavily implied that she can't have kids of her own, and it makes her so sad that she couldn't visit her sister or the kids because it hurt too much (this is the episode Onesies), this is sorta how I imagine the relationship between paz, zdog, and spider is reminiscent of that.
like I can imagine that entire episode just switching out the characters, and tweaking the timeline.
paz and zdog had been friends since they got sent to this hellhole, maybe even before that, but when paz got pregnant, it made something ache in zdog, and she put a lot of distance between them. she assured paz it wasn't her fault, but some wounds never heal, sometimes they ache, and it was better that they stay distant so zdog didn't do or say something stupid in her grief and anger.
but then spider is born and she's invited to see him. her stomach rolls at the prospect, but she just can't not go see the baby, its her best friends spawn, so she goes. she falls in love immediately.
she gets to hold this little, fresh out the oven, baby. part of her cracks, the pain in her chest blossoms as she comes to terms that she will never have this. but part of her is just content to have this chance.
after that she becomes the go to nanny, paz finding ways to need a nanny more often then she actually needs one, just so zdog gets time with the baby.
she's a natural mom, baby touch and all, she's even got a good mom instinct. she can get him to stop crying the second she picks him up, can get him to smile and laugh. she knows how to tell the difference between his cries, what the different ones mean and how to rectify the situation. paz swears she's a better mom then her.
that's what hurts the most. she's good at this, she's really good at this. more often then not, when she has to hand him back over, they deep within a game or he's asleep on her chest. she hates having to give him back, she knows she has to, she doesn't see him as hers but a little voice in the back of her head screams every time she has to let go of him.
he is her salvation and her destruction.
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teasmoke · 11 months
Gojo is literally so sweet and caring like he let Shoko play with his glasses, gave up his chair for Nobara, bought popsicles for his friends and dinners for his students, played with Riko in the beach so she can have one last day of fun like??? He is the type of person that will never say no to you, no one can convince me otherwise
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“explode someones head by pointing out that access to substances can sometimes be a form of harm reduction” <- SO TRUE BESTIE. I hate that in some (particularly internet) spaces, “harm reduction” has come to mean “temporary and non-ideal stage between addiction and sobriety”. what if…,,.. we understood substance use complexly….. and we actually cared more about addict safety than abolishing substance use….. god.
Ive straight up had people tell me "oh, [harm reduction method/strategy] isnt really harm reduction though, is it?" because what they mean is that they dont see it as being a clear, measurable "forward step" on a path to recovery (by which they mean sobriety).
Like. its called HARM REDUCTION. Because the intent is to REDUCE HARM, both current and potential. if doing a harmful behaviour means avoiding a more harmful one than thats harm reduction...its reducing harm....
"“harm reduction” has come to mean “temporary and non-ideal stage between addiction and sobriety”" is such a good way of putting it
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girl-bateman · 20 days
Feeling a debilitating sense of dread and despair 🤨 Which probably means nothing😍👍
#girl help i cant get out of bed i feel so so awful for no reason at all#literally my soul is gone or something#i have no desires and no joys and no sense of being blessed#which is crazy bc i love life and im so blessed ! usually.#ig i should do something abt it tomorrow if it doesn't get better#alternatively get back into therapy bc tbh... after that horrible sex thing ive felt kinda off#like even after i was able to eat and sleep and function normally without the tremors and head jerks and whatnot#like its not dramatic anymore but i kinda feel drained of life and joy#moments of genuine happiness and fulfillment are ... ? idk. i did feel happy once this week and that was nice but it didnt last obviously#but like ! im not depressed in a depressed way. i take good care of myself and i read my books and eat food and hang out with friends#i just kinda dont recognise myself ig. i mean i know ill get my spark back but maybe i need some professional help#idk !! it kinda feels very silly tho#like ive been in and out of therapy for more than half of my life. and being one year therapy free was a big step for me !#so going back for this little ridiculous freakout feels like a setback#kinda like im making up things to be wrong with me just so that ill have someone to talk to ? or to have attention idk#it doesn't make sense bc i really was proud for getting bettter and i rly dont want to be in therapy anymore#but who knows 🤷‍♀️#there is also this slight risk. just clinically speaking by purely looking at symptoms of certain things. with no stake in the matter! lol#that there might be something bad and [lets not think too hard about it] that lies as a root cause of my little mental breakdown#like according to my sex having friends losing your virginity is awful but not THAT awful and not in THAT way#and my friend kinda said i scared her with how i was acting when i talked to her abt it. like my demeanour and body language and whatever#and i do trust her to know whats normal versus concerning when i dont have my own stable grip of reality#plus. if i was an outside party and applied my psych education on myself. i would say its not looking super good#but i cant really do that bc im not some random patient. im me myself and I 😩✋️ thank you#but whatever. itll be fine. tomorrow will be a better day ! yay !
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earl-grey-love · 1 month
I want to rewatch m.ad me..n but I'm worried I'll get fixated on that instead of obey and I don't wanna...
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atinystraykid · 3 months
Did I already tell you all that I’ve learned from my doctor that a part of my brain may be pathologically enlarged (the amygdala)? I guess this gives me the ultimate opportunity to make “big brain” jokes
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wutheringmights · 4 months
#my digestive issues are literally under the most control they have ever been in my life and they are still ruining my life#woke up fine today. went to a coffee shop. had to leave after an hour#i had so many plans for today and now i'm stuck at home because i can't be too far away from a bathroom#i didn't eat anything that would trigger this. my gut just hates me i guess#earlier this month i have a risk food but i thought i took enough precautions to be safe and it fucked me up for like#2 weeks straight#i wonder what its like for people to not have to wonder about bathroom access every time they leave the house#i wonder what its like to eat normal foods without calculating how sick its going to make you#i wonder what its like to not have entire plans tossed out the window for reasons beyond your control#fucking sucks man#i hate ibs#in exchange for my terrible gut i do have a fantastic immune system somehow but weirdly that means i never take time off work?#ok so i am so good at just managing my issues that i just power through whenever im sick.#it's not like i can afford to take time off whenever i feel sick anyway and besides once you have to take multiple AP tests in high school#while in the middle of an episode you grow a lot of tolerance for being functional while sick#but then. i just i could have excuses to take days off because i have a cold or something. get a rest every now and then#but what illnesses i get beyond digestion issues are so slight that i can just. power through. i am never ill enough to take time off#and i get so worried that one day I will need that PTO that I can't convince myself to use it for like mental health days and ugh#this is more of a personal problem than anything but still. i wish i got sick like a normal person
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louderfade · 6 months
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from Is deep brain stimulation a treatment option for anorexia nervosa?
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effervescent-fool · 9 months
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girlblocker · 1 year
i have to do an experiment for one of my psych classes that involves deception and i have to pretend to be interviewing one of my friends abt something but what im actually doing is trying to subtly reinforce her behavior when she speaks and im so scared... i dont like lying...
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
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fourth-quartet · 8 months
Got my covid booster today and now I'm trying to decide where to sleep
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