#finduilas edit
brighter-arda · 9 months
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Day 4 of @finweanladiesweek
Later Generations
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arofili · 1 year
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@funwithfanon fest | favorite fanons | finduilas is gil-galad
Gil-galad was an Elven-king Of him the harpers sadly sing The last whose realm was fair and free Between the Mountains and the Sea...
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My Fin-Galad submission for Scribbles & Drabbles @fall-for-tolkien. Very intrigued by the coming works based on it!
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tilions · 2 years
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Finduilas Faelivrin · Princess of Nargothrond
colour palette challenge · #12 radio waves → requested by @yellow-feathered-faerie · I hope you like it <3
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serregon · 1 year
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Arda pride month 🌸 trans Finduilas Faelivrin
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outofangband · 2 years
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Finduilas Faelivrin, princess of Nargothrond 
x x x  x x x  x x x
I like Finduilas a lot. I wish we knew more about her. Her death is one of the more disturbing to me in the Narn. The sheer pointless hopelessness of it all...
The model for both the center and bottom middle is Tindi Mar! 
guess the hidden symbolism in a few of the squares!
also obligatory tag of @princess-faelivrin who has the best Finduilas content ever and also introduced me (and I think everyone else) to the Fin Galad concept which is beautiful! I know this isn’t your design but your art was definitely in my mind when I made this!
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miriel-therindes · 2 years
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...Faelivrin, which is the sheen of the sun upon the pools of Ivrin.
✧ @gatesofsummerexchange gift: Charithra Chandran as Finduilas Faelivrin for @arwenindomiel
I hope you like it!!  💖
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dialux · 2 years
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Finwëans: The Later Generations
The last of the daughters of the Sons of Finarfin, Finduilas was renowned among her people for her weavings and tapestries. She was golden as the light of the Sun itself, and so greatly admired for her beauty that Gwindor son of Guilin named her Faelivrin, which is the gleam of the sun on the pools of Ivrin. Finduilas loved Gwindor greatly, but her heart was torn and against her will her love was given also to Túrin son of Húrin Thalion; grieved by her own desires, Finduilas wept often and greatly, and was gifted by her people the epessë of Nyenyë, or weeping one. She did not survive the fall of Nargothrond.
High King of the Noldor from the beginning of the War of Wrath ere the end of the Second Age, Gil-galad ruled well and justly for the longest of all High Kings save for Finarfin. Against Aeglos the spear of Gil-galad none could stand; so great was Gil-galad’s wrath when he heard of his cousin Celebrimbor’s death at Sauron’s hands that his people swore he looked akin to his grandfather Fingolfin, who had died in single combat against Morgoth himself. It was by Gil-galad’s valor, vision, and daring that his army, though less than half the strength of Sauron’s forces, defended Eriador until the Númenórean fleet arrived to relieve them and turn the tide of battle. Many centuries later, Gil-galad fought alongside the remnants of Númenor’s forces in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men, beside Elendil; there was Gil-galad slain, though his death was so dearly bought by Sauron that it allowed Isildur son of Elendil to cut the Ruling Ring from the hand of Sauron.
The wisest and greatest of the Fëanorians can be said to be Celebrimbor, son of Curufin the crafty; cunning were his creations, and great indeed was his skill, surpassing even that of the Noldor of Aman in the Years of the Trees. Tall and dark of hair, Celebrimbor resembled his father in all things save his temper and his open heart. With Annatar of Eregion, Celebrimbor crafted the great Rings of Power during the Second Age; the Rings were meant to offer wisdom and knowledge to their bearers, but instead were turned to evil when Annatar revealed himself to be Sauron the Deceiver. Celebrimbor refused to tell the locations of the hidden rings of the Elves, but died at Sauron’s hand for his defiance.
As Maeglin grew to full stature he resembled in face and form rather his kindred of the Noldor, but in mood and mind he was the son of his father. His words were few save in matters that touched him near, and then his voice had a power to move those that heard him and to overthrow those that withstood him. He was tall and black-haired; his eyes were dark, yet bright and keen as the eyes of the Noldor, and his skin was white. Maeglin rose to great heights in the hidden mountain-city of Gondolin, for he was the only heir to his uncle Turgon, but was captured by Morgoth and tortured until he surrendered the location of the city. He died during the fall of Gondolin.
Yet to none were Maeglin’s eyes more often drawn in those early days than to Idril the King’s daughter, who sat beside him; for she was golden as the Vanyar, her mother’s kindred, and she seemed to him as the sun from which all the King’s hall drew its light. Fairer than all the wonders of Gondolin was Idril, she that was called Celebrindal, the Silver-foot, whose hair was as the gold of Laurelin before the coming of Melkor. Though Turgon and many of Idril’s people died during the fall of Gondolin, Idril and her husband and son all survived the journey to the Havens of Sirion. There she took up the mantle of Queen of the Noldor, ruling over the refugees from both Nargothrond and Gondolin, until her cousin Gil-galad was of age to be crowned as High King, after which Idril and her husband Tuor sailed across the Belegaer in an attempt to plead mercy from the Valar. Celebrindal was the first of the Doomed Noldor to set foot once again upon Aman.
Of surpassing beauty was Eärendil, for a light was in his face as the light of heaven, and he had the beauty and the wisdom of the Eldar and the strength and hardihood of the Men of old; and the Sea spoke ever in his ear and heart, even as with Tuor his father. Past the sailing of his mother and father unto the Blessed Realm, bright Eärendil was then lord of the people that dwelt nigh to Sirion’s mouths; and he took to wife Elwing the fair, and she bore to him Elrond and Elros, who are called the Half-elven. Yet Eärendil could not rest, and his voyages about the shores of the Hither Lands eased not his unquiet. Long did he weep when his beloved wife flew to him, borne on wings gifted by Ulmo’s mercy; Eärendil saw now no hope left in the lands of Middle-earth, and he turned again in despair and came not home, but sought back once more to Valinor with Elwing at his side. There they sailed, led by the guiding light of the Silmaril, shining with the old Light of the Trees, and landed upon shore, where Eärendil then spoke of the horrors of the abandoned Beleriand to a host of Ainur; then did Manwe place upon Eärendil the gift of the Silmaril his wife had defended at such great cost, and the burden of arising hope to the world; and even when the host of the Valar was driven back at the release of winged dragons and dreadful monsters from the pits of Angband Eärendil came, shining with white flame, and about Vingilot were gathered all the great birds of heaven and Thorondor was their captain, and there was battle in the air all the day and through a dark night of doubt. Before the rising of the sun Eärendil slew Ancalagon the Black, the mightiest of the dragon-host, and cast him from the sky.
Of Eärendil’s sons, Elrond chose to remain with the Firstborn, and to him the life of the Firstborn was granted. But to Elros, who chose to be a king of Men, still a great span of years was allotted, many times that of the Men of Middle-earth; and all his line, the kings and lords of the royal house, had long life even according to the measure of the Númenóreans. But Elros lived five hundred years, and ruled the Númenóreans four hundred years and ten as Tar-Minyatur, greatest and most noble of the Kings of fair Westernesse.
Alone of his kin to remain in Middle-Earth following the defeat of Morgoth, Elrond Peredhel served as Gil-galad’s herald for many long centuries before founding the river-sanctuary of Imladris, called Rivendell in the Common Tongue. It was there that Elrond first saw Celebrían, named Melbereth by her father for her sweet voice and kind disposition, and loved her though he said no thing of it; they wedded in the early years of the Third Age, in the bliss and joy of the Last Alliance’s successful defeat of Sauron, and had three children: two twins, named Elladan and Elrohir, and a daughter they named Arwen Undómiel, proclaimed by many to be Lúthien’s heir come anew.
Centuries later, Celebrían was waylaid in the Redhorn Pass by a sudden assault of the Orcs and seized. She was pursued and rescued by Elladan and Elrohir, but not before she had suffered torment and had received a poisoned wound. She was brought back to Imladris, and though healed in body by Elrond, lost all delight in Middle-earth, and the next year went to the Havens and passed over the Sea. At the end of the Third Age, following the utter destruction of Mordor and the crowning of Aragorn King of Gondor, Elrond followed her along with their twin sons and dwelled in peace in Aman beside many of his kinsfolk.
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sulsulzukohere · 1 year
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More Silm sims! Finally added Eldalote and updated the rest of the family.
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actuallyfingolfin · 2 years
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finduilas faelivrin and celebrian and idril celebrindal for @finweanladiesweek day 4; later generations
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anghraine · 1 year
Shipping Poll (part 2d)
Following up from Jolene/the dramatic speaker in "Jolene" vs Mary Crawford/Fanny Price, we've got more ship-to-ship combat!
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middleearth-polls · 8 months
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arofili · 1 year
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@arospecfanworksweek day six | aegoromantic | finduilas faelivrin
I loved you in the morning, when you named me for the Sun. I loved you in the afternoon, when you asked me for my hand. I loved you in the evening, when you walked out of the shadow.
But in the dead of night I loved you not. Did my heart turn to another, against my will? Did my thoughts stray to the Doom of mortal flesh?
I know not. I love the thought of you, the thought of him: and yet never did we marry, in the golden years before the Flames. Never do I wish to whisper to him the secrets of my heart. I love our love: and yet I love you not, not in the way you wish I could.
definition | flag | picrew
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“Ever your desire is to appear lordly and generous as a king of old...But in desperate hours gentleness may be repaid with death.'
'So be it,' said Faramir.”  
-JRR Tolkien, The Return of the King, “The Siege of Gondor”
[ID: An edit comprised of six posters in shades of light brown. 1: A close-up one side of model Jeenu Mahadevan's face. He has brown skin, dark hair and eyes, and is looking to the right with a neutral expression. White text in the center reads "faramir" in all caps, and underneath in cursive, "captain of gondor" / 2: Light shining through an unseen doorway, making an arch shape on one tan wall of a room with a brown and white-tiled floor. A palm frond leans in one corner. Small white text inset into a thin frame reads "one of the kings of men born into a later time." There is a white line drawing of a stem of flowers in the center / 3: A vase of leafy branches sitting beside and a metal bowl on a shelf, framed by tan-tiled walls. Large text in all-caps reads "prince of ithilien," set into a frame surrounding more text, reading "son of the steward denethor & finduilas of dol-amroth," "younger brother of boromir, high warden of the white tower," "pupil of the wizard mithrandir," "husband to the lady éowyn, shield-maiden & princess of rohan," and "beloved of aragorn elessar & arwen undómiel his queen." All the names are in cursive / 4: Jeenu Mahdevan, half-reclining on one elbow. He is wearing a striped button-down shirt and is looking to the left. Same text as Image 1 / 5: Jeenu Mahadevan, holding one arm across his body and wearing a white shirt and black jacket. Only the lower half of his face is visible. Same text as Image 1 / 6: A citadel with tan walls, constructed in a traditional middle eastern style. A person is visible standing on a staircase. Text in the same layout as Image 2 reads "but touched with the wisdom & sadness of the eldar." The flower drawing is upside-down /End ID]
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tilions · 2 years
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» time makes us sentimental. perhaps, in the end, it is because of time that we will suffer.
finduilas faelivrin for @miriel-therindes
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There is an oft-repeated scene in the Silm when one of Our Heroes has died fighting a noble but hopeless battle that they chose, and someone, somehow buries them properly AND it is specifically mentioned in the text that the grave lay undisturbed until some far future date (usually the breaking of Beleriand).
This happens to Finrod, to Fingolfin (though his grave was only undisturbed until Gondolin fell), and Glorfindel. For other dead characters, this precise formula does not occur.
(Beren and Luthien die natural mortal deaths and no one knows where they are buried, Feanor spontaneously combusts and none of his sons' burials are ever mentioned, and Turgon dies & is presumably "buried" in the collapse of his tower. Hurin, Morwen, and Nienor aren't buried [edit: Morwen was buried]; Finduilas and Turin are buried but it is not specifically mentioned that their graves were undisturbed afterwards. Barahir is buried by Beren but it isn't specifically mentioned that his grave was inviolate. Aredhel's grave isn't mentioned, neither is Thingol's, Dior's, or Nimloth's. Aegnor, Angrod, Orodreth, and Gwindor die in battle against the enemy but in a battle that came to them (Bragollach and of Nargothrond respectively) and was one they had to fight, not a hopeless battle that they chose and their graves' aren't mentioned.)
You will notice that I have not mentioned Fingon, who was famously "beat[en] into the dust with their maces...they trod [his banner] into the mire of his blood," or any who died in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad and were dumped in a pile by Morgoth's forces to create the Hill of the Slain/Haudh-en-Ndengin/Hill of Tears/Haudh-en-Nirnaeth.
The Nirnaeth is, of course, the ultimate noble but hopeless battle, and Fingon especially typifies that. (Relatedly, Azahgal's body is successfully borne away by his troops, presumably for a long-lasting burial place.) The Hill of the Slain is meant to be a symbol of Morgoth's power and a place of dreadful carnage and disrespect for those who fell and should break my argument--
But in one sentence Tolkien turns all that around:
"But grass came there and grew again long and green upon that hill, alone in all the desert Morgoth made; and no creature of Morgoth trod thereafter upon the earth beneath which the swords of the Eldar and the Edain crumbled into rust"
--and the symbol of Morgoth's total victory becomes a sacred, untouched grave of heroes.
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